Professional Education Key Concepts
Professional Education Key Concepts
Professional Education Key Concepts
2. Accelerated Learning refers to the practice of 18. Aphasia is a loss of ability to produce and
allowing gifted students to move through the comprehend a language, due to injury to brain
curriculum at a faster rate than their classmates. areas specialized for these functions.
3. Accommodation is a process of creating a new 19. A Posteriori is a Latin phrase which means
scheme by modifying an existing scheme after “from behind hand”. It stipulates the idea that
an individual’s interaction with the environment. knowledge comes from experience.
4. Accreditation and Equivalency Test is 20. Appreciation involves all the previously cited
DepEd’s test that out-of-school youths and cognitive dimensions of reading, for it deals with
adults take to enable them to enroll in college if the psychological and aesthetic impact of the
they pass it. selection on the reader. Tasks: Emotional
response to the content, Identification with
5. Acculturation is the process of adapting to new characters or incidents, Reactions to the
culture through experience and interaction. This author’s use of language, Imagery
involves developing and understanding of the
systems of thought, beliefs, and emotions of the
21. Apperception is a process of relating new ideas
new culture as well as its system of
or mental states to a store of old ones.
6. Acquisition is the internationalization of rules 22. A Priori is a Latin phrase meaning “from before
and formulas, which are then used to hand”. This is the reasoning that knowledge
communicate in the second language. comes from a pure reason alone, and
knowledge is independent and even comes
7. Adolescenceis called transition period among before experience.
the stages of development where sex maturation
and rapid physical development occurs when 23. Assessment refers to all information gathered
occurs resulting to changes in ways of feeling, about students in the classroom by their
thinking, and acting. teachers, either formally testing them through
essays and homework, or informally through
8. Adopt-A-School Program is DepEd’s vehicle in observation.
mobilizing support from the private and non-
government sectors to support programs based 24. Assimilation is a process where the individual
on DepEd’s menu of assistance packages. acquires information or knowledge by which
experiences are integrated into existing
9. Aesthetics is concerned with beauty and schemes.
standards of values.
25. Associative Learning is the kind of thinking
10. Affective Domain refers to emotional and social that occurs where one object or idea triggers the
development goals. memory to link it to other objects or ideas.
11. Agnosticism is the doctrine that conclusive 26. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
knowledge of ultimate reality is an outright (ADHD) is disorder whose features can include
impossibility. marked over-activity, distractibility, and/or
12. Alternative Education envisions a Philippine
Society characterized by an increasingly 27. Attitudes are predispositions toward a person,
productive mixed economy, essentially an object, event, and other stimuli in the
nationalist and redistributive in character, and by environment.
a democratic government based on the broadest
possible sectoral representation at the local, 28. Attribution is the view of motivation that
regional, and national levels. emphasizes the way individuals come to
perceive and interpret the causes of their
13. Altruism is a doctrine that sounds reasonable successes and failures.
compared to the previous ones. It is contrary to
egoism. It draws the goodness of an act not out 29. Audiovisual aids are educational tools that help
of selfishness but out of others’ interests and in carrying out instruction for learning purposes.
30. Auditory Discriminationis a key component of
14. Analysis is the process of breaking down efficient language use, and is necessary to
materials into component parts to make them “break the code” for reading. It involves being
easy to understand. able to perceive the differences between speech
sounds, and to sequence these sounds into
15. Analytic rubric describes the quality of the meaningful words.
performance or product based on the identified
criteria for rating, where each criterion is rated 31. Auditory learners learn best through verbal
independently of the other criteria. lectures, discussions talking things through and
16. Anecdotal Record is prepared by the teacher listening to what others have to say. They
on significant incident or event that happened to interpret the underlying meanings of speech
the student in school. through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed
and other nuances.
17. Animism: Here the child believes that inanimate
32. Authentic Assessment is used to describe
objects have ‘lifelike” qualities and are capable evaluation procedures that take into account
each student’s unique and various needs for a foresee probable consequences of our acts, and
clarity and support to demonstrate what they are behave accordingly.
truly capable of doing.
51. Cognitive domains are concerned with the
33. Axiology sets values desirable to live by, any thinking and reasoning ability of students.
time or place; divides ethics into moral and
aesthetics. 52. Communication is the creation and exchange
of messages between two or more things.
34. Backward Curriculum is based on the idea that
the design process should begin with identifying 53. Computer Assisted Instruction is an
the desired results before proceeding to interactive instructional technique in which a
instructional planning. computer is used to present instructional
materials, monitor learning, and select additional
35. Behaviorism Theory states that behaviors instructional material in accordance with
which have pleasant result are repeated, and individual learner needs.
those with unpleasant results are avoided.
54. Concepts are ideas or abstract categories or
36. Benchmark is a standard for judging a classes of meaning, which serve as building
performance. blocks for thinking.
37. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body Smart): 55. Concept Attainment Model refers to the
Abilities to control one’s body movements and to inductive teaching strategy which is designed to
handle objects skillfully help students of all ages reinforce their
understanding of concepts and practice
38. Brainstorming is an instructional technique hypothesis.
used to create flow of new ideas during which
judgment of the ideas of others are forbidden. 56. Concept Mapping is a thinking technique that
begins with a central idea and proceeds to show
39. Buddhism believes that personal gratification is related ideas as these branch off from the
the root of sufferings in the world. center.
40. Buzz Session is a technique of curriculum 57. Concepts are categories formed as a result of
implementation that is fit to the objective of classifying factual data.
developing cooperative learning and social
interaction. 58. Concrete/Mechanical Intelligence is the
capacity to manipulate and to deal with things
41. Capitalism allows the economy to be in private such as art and music.
hands and operated for profit.
59. Concurrent Validity is determined by
42. Case Study is considered as the most correlating the sets of scores obtained from two
comprehensive and thorough technique of measures given concurrently to describe the
gathering information about a person with a present status of an individual.
serious problem
60. Conformity is fitting the individual to his
43. Catholicism is a religious denomination of early physical and social environment through passing
Filipinos characterized by merging and uniting practices proved effective by previous
different schools of thought. generations.
44. Chivalric Education touches on social etiquette 61. Confucianism teaches moral life through
particularly inculcating gallantry, protecting the devotion to family, loyalty to elders, love of
weak, women and children. learning, brotherhood, civil service, and
universal love and justice.
45. Civic/Citizenship Education focuses on the
study of basic concepts, beliefs and values 62. Connectionism is a Thorndike’s that assumes
underlying our democratic political community that human activities are based on the
and constitutional order-draws its content chiefly association or connection between stimulus and
from four disciplines: political science, response.
jurisprudence, history, and economics.
63. Consequence Mapping involves the visual
46. Classical Conditioning postulates that organization of concepts or summary of a lesson
conditioning consists of eliciting response by into hierarchical arrangement.
means of a previously neutral or inadequate
stimulus. 64. Contentrefers to the knowledge, skills, rules,
concepts, or creative processes that teachers
47. Classroom Management is the process of teach students.
organizing and conducting a classroom to
maximize learning. It involves the teacher’s 65. Constructivism is based on the premise that
action to create a learning environment that students actively construct knowledge rather
encourages positive social interaction, active than receive it from the teacher.
engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
66. Construct Validity is established by statistically
48. Centrationis characterized by a child focusing comparing psychological factors that affect the
to only one aspect of a stimulus/situation. scores in a test.
49. Cloze Procedure is a technique used for 67. Content refers to knowledge, skills, rules,
developing reading comprehension. concepts or creative processes that teachers
teach to students.
50. Cognition allows us to use previous
experiences, rather than trial-and-error, to
68. Content Validity is a characteristic of a good 87. Decision Making is the ability to observe,
test that pupils are assured of when a teacher interpret, classify, and analyze information.
constructs a table of specifications for test
construction purposes. 88. Declarative Knowledge refers to one’s memory
for concepts, facts or episodes.
69. Continuing motivation is the tendency to
return to and continue working without the 89. Deductive Strategy is an instructional approach
teacher’s control. that starts with a known principle and then
attention moves to the unknown.
70. Convergent Question is a type of question that
has a single correct answer. 90. Democratic Education is a type of education
that imbues the individual with a strong sense of
71. Cooperative Learning is a teaching strategy in commitment to the respect for and observance
which students work in small groups to help one of human rights (economic, civil and political,
another in learning academic content. and social and cultural rights), peace based on
justice and to upholding the interest of the
72. Correlated Curriculum articulates and majority of the Filipino people against the
establishes relationships between two or more interest of the Filipino people.
subjects on the basis of a topic or a theme.
91. Demonstration is the best method to use in
73. Cosmology explains the origin and nature of presenting a lesson which would need
the universe. sophisticated and expensive equipment and
technical know-how.
74. Counseling refers to helping individuals
towards overcoming obstacles for personal 92. Desist Approach is an approach to classroom
growth. management where the teacher enforces a set
of specific rules to control student behavior in
75. Course is a complete sequence of instruction the classroom.
that includes a major division of the subject
matter. 93. Developmentalism assumes that the
developmental directions coming from the child’s
76. Creative Thinking refers to a habit of thought natural, tendencies and characteristics are
cultivated by intuition (Johnson, 2003). optional, because they are a part of nature.
77. Critical/analytic reading involves analyzing 94. Development Education strives for quality of
facts and ideas their relationship; requires to pay economic, social and political development in all
close attention to the ideas presented by countries; fairness in relation between and within
stopping at times to better understand these countries; equitable and meaningful linkages
ideas. between developed and developing countries.
78. Criterion-referenced tests are tests where 95. Developmental reading is a reading program
scores are interpreted based on criterion like that considers the developmental stages of
knowledge or skills. Example: Teacher-made learner-reader’s growth; these stages imply that
tests. children learn to read in a series of interrelated,
cummulative stages where each one builds up
79. Critical Thinking is the ability to make and on the previous stage.
assess conclusions based on evidence (Walsh
& Paul, 1988). 96. Device is any means other than the subject
matter itself that is employed by the teacher in
80. Cultural Relativism refers to the practices presenting the subject matter to the learner.
considered immoral or taboo to a certain group
of people, yet moral to other societies. 97. Diagnostic Evaluation refers to the pre-
assessment of students’ knowledge and skills.
81. Culture refers to the complex whole which
includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, customs, 98. Differentiated Instruction means that
and other capabilities and habits acquired by classroom teachers make vigorous attempts to
man as a member of a society. meet students where they are in the learning
process and move them along as quickly and as
82. Culture Shock is known as the uneasy feeling far as possible in the context of a mixer-ability
of personal disorientation after experiencing an classroom.
unfamiliar way of lifestyle.
99. Difficulty Index indicates the proportion of
83. Curriculum is defined as the total learning students who answered the item correctly.
experiences of the children in school.
100. Directed Reading-Thinking Activity
84. Curriculum Guide is a document that identifies (DRTA) encourages students to think about their
the objectives and content that are to be reading by having them make their predictions,
included in a given grade level for a given confirm or reject them and revise their prediction
subject. as he story unfolds.
85. Debate is used to develop reasoning and 101. Direct Instruction refers to
speaking ability. academically, teacher-directed classrooms using
sequenced and structured materials.
86. Debriefing means assessing the effectiveness
of a classroom discussion by asking students 102. Direct Teaching Strategy is a teacher-
what they thought of the discussion. centered skill building instructional model where
the teacher is the major information provider.
103. Discipline means instructing the child in education for sustainable relationship, promotes
the ethical principles (right from wrong), why or care for the environment and builds a global
why not, and how to decide and act according to culture of ecological responsibility.
122. Environmental Influences refer to the
104. Disciplinismis also known as formal interaction between an individual’s inherited
discipline, asserts that mind is made up of traits, his surroundings and his nature.
certain formetries-memory, reason, will, and
judgment. 123. Episodic Knowledge refers to our
biographical memory reflecting not only what
105. Discovery Learning is used to develop happened, but also where and when it
students’ first-hand knowledge of physical or happened.
social phenomena.
124. Epistemology recognizes the
106. Discrimination refers to the process by significance of education; deals with approaches
which we learn not to respond to similar stimuli to effective teaching and learning.
in an identical manner.
125. Equilibration refers to the process of
107. Discussion is instructional strategy in balancing between previous knowledge
which students share ideas with each other and (assimilation) and changing behavior to account
engage in higher-level thinking. for new knowledge (accommodation).
108. Distance Education is a teaching 126. Essentialism emphasizes the authority
delivery that has the most use of educational of the teachers and the value of subject matter
technology. curriculum.
109. Divergent Question is an open-ended, 127. Ethics is a philosophical and practical
higher order thinking question, which requires science that deals with study of the morality of a
students to think creatively. human act or human conduct.
110. Double-Single Session is a standard
128. Ethical relativism is a concept wherein
curriculum where a class of 80 pupils was
divided into two, the first half held sessions in an acceptable norm in one community may be
the morning while the second half in the considered immoral in the other.
129. Evaluation is the process of interpreting
111. Down Time refers to the time in the the evidence and making judgments and
classroom when lessons are completed early, or decisions based on the evidence.
when students are waiting for upcoming events
such as moving to another class or going home. 130. Existentialists believe that human
beings are shaped entirely by their external
112. Dyscalculia involves difficulty with math environment.
skills and impacts with math computation.
131. Existential Intelligence is concerned
113. Dyspraxia (apraxia) is a difficulty with with ultimate issues, and is next to the possibility
motor planning and impacts upon a person’s considered by Howard Gardner as he argues
ability to coordinate appropriate body that it scores reasonably well on the criteria.
132. Expectations refer to the teacher’s
114. Dysgraphia involves difficulty with beliefs about what students are capable of
writing. doing.
120. Enculturation is the process of passing 137. Extinction refers to the process by
characteristics and cultural practices upon which conditioned responses are lost.
138. Extrinsic Motivation is based on
121. Environmental Education rethinks incentives which are artificial devices which are
human-earth relationships, fosters a vision of
employed to evoke attitude conducive to 155. Goalrefers to the broad statement about
learning. student learning.
139. Evaluation deals with judgment and 156. Graphic organizer is a mental map that
focuses on qualities of accuracy, acceptability, represents key skills like sequencing, comparing
desirability, worth. Tasks: Judgment for reality or and cons tasting, classifying and involving active
fantasy, Judgment of fact or opinion, Judgment thinking.
of adequacy and validity, Judgment of
appropriateness, Judgment of worth, desirability 157. Group Investigation is a cooperative
and acceptability learning strategy that places students in a group
to investigate a given topic.
140. Extrinsic Motivation comes from
outside the learner and involves the delivery of 158. Guidance involves personal help given
external rewards when a student completes a by someone designed to assist the person to
task. decide where he wants to go, what he wants to
do, or we can best accomplish a certain goal.
141. Face Validity is established by
examining the physical appearance of the 159. Guild Education develops and
instrument. prepares the children for commerce and
142. Facilitating is helping/making it easy for
students to learn together in a group, or to 160. Hawthorne Effect is the change in
achieve something together as a group. research subject’s behavior caused simply by
his/her awareness of being studied.
143. Factual Knowledge consists of
knowing the details and elements related to the 161. Hedonism is a doctrine that asserts that
specific facts and terminology of a discipline. pleasure is the only basis from which the moral
quality of an act can be derived. What is
144. Feedback is the response to efforts by pleasurable and comfortable is good.
the learner to communicate.
162. Heredity is the process by which the
145. Field Trip is most fit in contextualized new organism is endowed a certain potentials
learning. (inherited from the parents) for his later
146. Fluency is the ability to read effectively,
and it involves three components: reading rate, 163. Hinduism emphasizes a commitment to
word recognition and prosody. an ideal way of life called Dharma, characterized
by honesty, courage, service, faith, self-control,
147. Follow-up is the phase of the purity and non-violence.
questioning process where the teacher reacts to
the students’ responses to a question. 164. Histogram is a graphic presentation
used for numerical data.
148. Formal Education refers to the
hierarchically structured and chronologically 165. Holistic rubric describes the overall
graded learning organized and provided by the quality of the performance or product and uses
formal school system and for which certification only one rating for the entire work.
is required in order for the learner to progress
through the grades or move to the higher levels. 166. Human Dignity is the most and
important and long-term value of an individual’s
149. Formative Evaluation is designed to education.
inform teacher about their students’
performance, prior knowledge, and skills. This 167. Humanistic Education refers to the
information is then used to plan lesson or study of humanities for moral abundant life to
remediation to improve student performance. secure full and rich life.
172. Idealism is the philosophy that individual to satisfy his drives and motives
proclaims the spiritual nature of a man and without the need for reward and punishment.
stresses that human spirit, soul and mind are the
most important elements in life. 188. Instructional Models are the overall
approaches to instruction that are designed to
173. Idea Reading is rapid reading the main accomplish particular instructional goals.
189. Instructional Technology refers to the
174. Immersion is transmitted when children aspects of educational technology that are
learn how to open a coconut and other common primarily concerned with instruction as
chores in a coconut farm. contrasted to design and operation of
educational institutions.
175. Imitation is a more organized aspect of
early education where boys and girls in the clan 190. Instructional Time is the amount of
under the direction of the elders went through allocated time available for learning.
different stages of preparation to achieve full
tribal membership. 191. Integrative Approach is fit in
developing the ability of students to look at a
176. Individual Differencesrefer to the idea problem from various perspectives.
that no two individuals are exactly alike, as such
the teacher should make it a point to take this 192. Integrated Curriculum is type of a
into consideration to meet the needs of every curriculum recognizes the necessity for learners
learner under her tutelage. to see the big picture rather than piecemeal
177. Individualized Instruction is teaching
method which can be best be taught by the use 193. Intelligent Quotient Theoryis mainly
of computers. interested in the concept of intelligence which is
seen as determining people’s ability to learn, to
178. Individualistic Humanism is education achieve academically, and to take on lead roles
that develops individual personality. in society.
184. Inquiry Method is teaching strategy 200. Journal involves the description of the
that is designed to teach students how to event or learning experiences, value and
investigate questions through the systematic outcomes, and insight gained.
gathering of facts.
201. Juvenile deliquency may refer to either
185. Insight refers to the ability to foresee violent or non violent crime committed by
things and is based on the react in advance. persons under the age of eighteen and are still
considered minor.
186. Insight Learning Theory posits that
learning could occur by ‘sudden comprehension’ 202. Laboratory is a learning event that
as opposed to gradual understanding; this could involves practicing science skills and using
occur without reinforcement, and once it occurs, scientific equipment.
no review, training, or investigations are
necessary. 203. Law is defined as an ordinance of
reason promulgated for the common good by
187. Intrinsic Motivation refers to the the one who has charge of the society.
inherent or internal stimulus of the individual to
learn. It is based on the natural desire of the 204. Law of Association is a process of
relating two or more experiences to each other.
of the faculties of memory, imagination,
205. Law of Belongingness means that the reasoning, problem-solving, and the ability to
strength of connection is increased if the paired think in a coherent and critical way.
of stimuli possess similarities.
220. Learning to Live Together implies an
206. Law of Effect states “any act which in a education taking two complimentary paths: on
given situation produces satisfaction becomes one level, discovery of others and on another,
associated with that situation, and when the experience of shared purposes throughout life.
situation reoccurs the act is more likely to
reoccur than before”. 221. Lesson Plan is the term applied to the
statement of objectives to be realized and the
207. Law of Exercise states that any methods to be used in the attainment of such
connection is strengthened in proportion to the objectives within the specified time.
number of times it occurs and in proportion to
the number of times it occurs and in proportion 222. Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart):
to the average vigor and duration of the Sensitivity to the sounds, rhythms, and
connection. meanings of words; sensitivity to the different
functions of language.
208. Law of Frequency means the often the
response is repeated the greater is its tendency 223. Literal Comprehension focuses on
for its use when the right one occurs. ideas and information which are explicitly stated
in the selection. Purposes for reading and
209. Law of Multiple Response is where teacher’s questions designed to elicit responses
different reactions/responses are elicited by the at this level may range from simple to complex.
same stimuli.
224. Localization Law is the legal basis that
210. Law of Readiness states that when an guides the hiring of new teachers in the public
organism, both human and animal, is ready to schools.
form connections to do so is satisfying and not
to do so is annoying. 225. Logic is the art of reasoning; formal
structure of truth.
237. Mobile Teaching is an alternative 253. Nominalism is a theory that states that
learning delivery system where an itinerant there are no universal essences in reality.
teacher with the use of modules, teaches a
small group of pupils for a week then moves to 254. Non formal Education is a type of
another community the next week. education which refers to any school-based
educational activities undertaken by DepEd and
238. Mock Trial is the strategy that helps other agencies aimed at attaining specific
students develop concepts of justice, learn key learning objectives for illiterates and out-of-
aspects of curriculum procedure, analyze school youths and adults.
issues, interpret facts, and evaluate decisions.
255. Non-Standardized testsare
239. Mode is another measure of central constructed by classroom teachers and measure
tendency that is the most frequently occurring specific objectives. Examples: Unit Tests,
score in the distribution. Quarterly tests
240. Monastic Education aimed at the 256. Norm-referenced tests describe the
salvation of the individual souls. performance of an examinee in terms of the
relative position in a group. Example:
241. Morality is that quality of human acts by Standardized tests.
which some of them are called good or right
while others evil or wrong. The quality is 257. Notetaking is the practice of recording
determined by the by the kind of human act that information captured from a source, such as an
is performed. oral discussion or a lecture or from a printed
page. Notes are frequently written in notebooks.
242. Moral Training is primarily for building It is still the primary source of sorting,
character that will prepare people to live in a organizing, and processing a material or a
righteous life. lecture.
243. Motivation is the process that can 258. Objectives are the aims or expected
arouse and initiate behavior, give direction and outcomes of the lesson.
purpose to behavior, continue to allow behavior
to persist, and lead to choosing or preferring a 259. Ontology deals with the meaning of
particular behavior. existing and tries to resolve the question of
whether existence is identical with space, time,
244. Multicultural Education emphasizes nature, sprit or God.
oneself and others through the exploration of
concepts or cultural diversity, similarities, 260. Operant Conditioning is the theory
prejudices, and cultural understanding. developed by B.F. Skinner which refers to
learning facilitated through reinforcement and
245. Multiculturalism is the educational learning that is based upon a pleasure-pain view
program that recognizes cultural diversity of the of human behavior.
United States and promotes the equality of all
cultural traditions. 261. Panel Discussion is the teaching
technique used when four to six speakers led by
246. Multimedia Instruction is the a chairperson together discuss an important
integration of more than one medium in a topic before an audience.
presentation or module of instruction.
262. Peace Education affirms personal and
247. Multiple Intelligence Theory allows global responsibilities for the promotion of
one to assess the talents and skills of the whole peace, cooperation, disarmament, justice, non-
individual rather than just his/her verbal or violent resolution of conflict, respect of human
mathematical skills. rights, and environmental care.
248. Musical Intelligence (Music Smart): 263. Peer Teaching is a technique that
Abilities to produce and appreciate rhythm, makes students teach and learn at the same
pitch, and timbre; appreciation of the forms of time.
musical expressiveness
264. Peer Tutoring is used where the
249. Nationalist Education is a type of teacher requests the older, brighter, and more
education in which thrust is the development on cooperative member of the class to tutor other
the part of the student, a strong sense of classmates. The tutees receive individualized
commitment to and identification with the instruction.
interest of the Filipinos as a nation and as
people. 265. Performance is the translation of what
has been learned into behavior.
250. Naturalism advocates education should
be in accordance with the nature of the child. 266. Performance Assessment task
requires students to demonstrate their level of
251. Naturalist Intelligence (Nature Smart): competence or knowledge by creating a product
Abilities to recognize plants and animals, to or a response.
267. Perennialism believes that when 282. Probing Question requires student
students are immersed in the study of profound thinking to go beyond superficial, first-answer, or
and everlasting /enduring (perennial) ideas, they single-word processes.
will appreciate learning for its own sake and
become true intellectuals 283. Problem-based Learning is a
pedagogical strategy for posing significant,
268. Philosophy is a systematic and logical contextualized real world situations, and
examination of life to frame a system of general providing strategies, guidance, and instructions
ideas of which the sum total of human to learners as the develop content knowledge
experience may be evaluated. and problem-solving skills.
270. Positive Reinforcers are events that 286. Program Instruction is an instruction in
are presented after a response has been which learners’ progress at their own rate using
performed and that increase the behavior or workbooks, textbooks, or electromechanical
activity they follow. devices that provide information in discrete
steps, test learning at each step.
271. Post Modernity is a phenomenon or
trend that best explains the social patterns which 287. Progressivism believes that all learning
presently characterize post-industrial countries. should center on the child’s interests and needs.
The school should be a pleasant place for
272. Posttest is the summative evaluation learning. Its emphasis is on the child as the
aimed at determining student achievement for learner and not on the subject matter, on
grading purposes. activities and experience than on textbook.
281. Principle of Self-organization is used 296. Rationalism claims that human reason
when students need to explore and discover is the sole source and determiners whether a
distinctive qualities abilities and interests, benefit thing or an action is acceptable or not.
from the feedback of authentic assessment,
review their own efforts in the light of clear and 297. Reading is basically an active dialogue
specific standards, and participate in student- between the author and the reader and is an
centered activities. important tool for learning in all subjects.
298. Realism is a philosophical doctrine than garner a single fact or a series of isolated
which states that universals exist outside the facts.
315. Schema is an outline of organized
299. Reinforcer is any event that increases network of knowledge about a single concept or
the frequency of the preceding event. subject.
designed to measure broad objectives; and, are
330. Socialization is the process by which administered using uniform procedures.
the individual acquires the social and cultural
heritage of his society. 346. Status refers to the position a person
occupies in a society by virtue of his age, birth,
331. Social Learning Theory(of Albert sex, marriage, occupation, achievement.
Bandura) explains that human learning is done
selectively by observing and placing into 347. Study reading is done to get full
memory the behaviors of others. understanding of the main ideas and their
relationship; may involve using some other kinds
332. Social Movement is known as “an of reading and/or taking down notes.
organized attempt to promote or resist a change
in the society of which it is a part. 348. Subject-Centered Curriculum regards
learning primarily as cognitive development and
333. Social Reconstructionism believes the acquisition of knowledge and information.
that man can make control, change and reform Thus, the content is taught in isolation with no
his society through democratic practices for attempt at integration.
public interest.
349. Subjectivism is a doctrine which
334. Social Stratification is the system or determines the moral quality of an act in view of
process of assigning men their respective ranks the subject, the self, or the person performing it.
in a society based on income or wealth,
education, occupation and lifestyle. 350. Subject Matter refers to the substance
of teaching.
335. Sociodrama is a strategy used to
engender sensitivity to the feelings of individuals 351. Summative Assessment refers to the
involved in a dispute, argument, or other human assessment of learning after the instruction.
relations dilemma by having students enact the
roles of the parties that are involved. 352. Synectics refer to how students
formulate analogies in analyzing learning
336. Socratic method is questioning and situations for new ideas and solutions.
interacting sequence designed to draw
information out of the students rather than 353. Synthesis is the ability to put
pouring it into them. component parts together in a new different
337. Society is a group of individuals with
well-defined limits which persist in time, thus 354. Table of Specification (TOS) is a two-
enabling them to develop a set of common dimensional matrix that assists a teacher in
ideas, attitudes, interact and of techniques for determining the total number of items to
living and fitting together. construct for a long test, like periodic test.
338. Sociocultural Theory is a view of
355. Taoism advocates simplicity, frugality,
knowledge construction which states that
and the joys of being close to nature and being
information stored in memory of people consists
in harmony with the whole universe.
of networks of organized and interconnected
ideas, relationships, and procedures.
356. Task refers to the activities that
teachers ask students to perform to enable the
339. Sociology is the systematic study of the
students to meet the lesson objective.
development, structure, interaction, and
collective behavior of organized groups of
357. Taxonomy is classification system that
human beings.
enables educators to precisely organize learning
objective in an effort to achieve specific
340. Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart) :
Capacities to perceive the visual-spatial world
accurately and to perform transformations on
358. Teaching is an art of creating learning
one’s initial perceptions
in a spontaneous manner by combining
individual pieces of education and experience
341. Spiral Curriculum is a curriculum
into new whole that is specifically made for the
design that provides for periodic revisiting of the
circumstances they see in their situation; is a
key topics over a period of years, presenting
science that uses specific methods and skills
them in greater each time.
that will help achieve its goals (Gagne, 1970).
342. Split-personality refers to the trait of
359. Teaching Approach refers to the
practicing conflicting values and different venues
teacher’s viewpoint toward the process of
and with different social groups.
343. SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, 360. Teaching Method refers to the regular
Review)is a comprehension method originally ways or orderly procedures employed by the
created as a study skill strategy for college teachers and the principles needed to
students. accomplish the aims of learning situations.
344. Standard Deviation indicates how 361. Teaching Models refer to the
spread out the scores are, but it is expressed in prescriptive teaching strategies designed to
the same units as the original scores. accomplish particular instructional goals.
345. Standardized tests are constructed by 362. Teaching Strategy refers to the general
test experts and used over a period of years; are design of how the teacher will attack her lesson.
363. Teaching Style refers to the expressive questions during discussion will create a
aspect of teaching, the way teachers teach, coherent framework for understanding text.
which includes their mannerisms complemented
by their choices of teaching behaviors and 378. Understanding by Design (UbD) is the
strategies (Kellough, 2003). teaching method that gives more stress on the
why rather than on the what. This is in line with
364. Teaching Technique refers to the act, the current curricular reform that addresses
style or manner of performance of the teacher in emphasis on understanding of the knowledge
carrying out the procedures or acts of teaching. acquired. This was developed by Jay McTighe
and Grant Wiggins.
365. Team Teaching is tapping the expertise
of two or more teachers in planning, teaching, 379. Utilitarianism maximizes the
and evaluating student’s learning. usefulness of every individual to the goals of
general worth to others or to state.
366. Technology (1) refers to the systematic
application of scientific or other organized body 380. Validity is one important criterion of a
of knowledge to practical tasks; (2) It refers to good assessment instrument which means it
the physical equipment, facilities, (hardware) should measure what it intends to measure.
and the programs or modular materials that
result from the application of technological 381. Values are bedrock beliefs that give
process. direction to a person’s life. These are
convictions so deeply rooted that they prompt
367. Technology of Education is individuals to prize them, cherish them, and act
synonymous to educational technology whose consistently in ways that are congruent with
thrust is tied with the learning process, and them (Savage and Armstrong, 1982).
whose important aspect is the software part of
technology, that is , the design of teaching and 382. Value Clarification refers to the cluster
learning situations that enhance and facilitate of instructional strategies that involves students
learning in general. working collaboratively to clarify set of values.
368. Teleology tries to elucidate whether or 383. Venn Diagram is a graphic organizer in
not there is a purpose in the universe. which two or more overlapping circles help
develop the thinking skill of comparing and
369. Tests are used as tools for measuring contrasting.
the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of learners.
They may vary according to function, content, 384. Visual Aids refer to any device used to
form, administration procedures, scoring system, aid in the communication of idea.
and interpretation.
385. Visual Learners must see their
370. Thematic Approach is a teaching teacher’s actions and facial expression to fully
approach that organizes subject matter around understand the content of the lesson.
unifying themes.
386. Visual Perception is critical to the
371. Theoretical Education is learning reading and writing processes as it addresses
higher forms of learning skills such as religion, the ability to notice important details and assign
values, music, literary and social knowledge. meaning to what is seen.
372. Thinking is the ability to analyze, 387. Wait Time refers to the pauses between
criticize, and reach conclusions based on sound the teacher’s pauses questions, the students’
reference or judgment(Arends, 2004). response, and other teacher’s reaction.
373. Think-Pair Strategy is done when the 388. With-it-ness is one of the
teacher poses a question or issue regarding the characteristics of an effective classroom
lesson in which the students will spend time manager. One sign of this is awareness of
thinking for the answer. Each student talks about what’s happening in all parts of the classroom.
the answer to a partner and shares each other’s /doc_a2013
ideas. Each pair will be given the chance to
report to class what they have discussed.