Cosmo News - July 7, 2019
Cosmo News - July 7, 2019
Cosmo News - July 7, 2019
Empowering, Caring
and Exemplary Church
of Servant Leaders.
(Church Vision Statement)
July 7, 2019
We invite you to Those who have submitted their pledges so far (as of July 6):
Abis, Georgette Natividad, Corazon Raterta, James
he need for daily guidance become a medical doctor. But, ply of manna each day. For today, claim God’s
is one of the believer’s upon hearing the stirring chal- Twice during the Hebrews’ promises for your life in even
greatest concerns. How lenge by evangelist Howell Har- years of wandering, the became the small decisions you will be
easily our lives can go astray ris, Williams dedicated his life to faint because of lack of water. called upon to make this day.
without the assurance of divine God and the Christian ministry. At the command of God, Mo- Begin to praise Him – “Songs
leadership. Today’s featured William Williams, like Harris, ses struck a large rock with his of praises, songs of praises I
text is one of the great hymns decided to take all of Wales as wooden staff. Out of it flowed will ever give to Thee, I will ever
of the church on this subject. It his parish and for the next 43 a pure, crystalline stream that give to Thee.”
is a product of the revival move- years travelled 100,000 miles preserved their lives. God also
ment that swept through Wales on horseback, preaching and continued to guide them with a (from Amazing Grace, 366 Inspiring
during the 18th century. This re- singing the gospel in his native pillar of cloud by day and the pil- Hymn Stories for Daily Devotions by
Kenneth W. Osbeck)
vival was led by a 24-year-old tongue. He became known as lar of fire by night.
Welsh preacher, Howell Harris, the “sweet singer of Wales.”
who stirred the land with his The vivid, symbolic imagery
fervent evangelistic preaching of this text is drawn wholly from
and his use of congregational the Bible. The general setting is PRAYER.
singing. the march of the Israelites from Every Wednesday night
One of the lives touched Egypt to Canaan. Although the
by Harris’ ministry was 20-year- Israelites’ sin and unbelief kept
@ 7:00PM, join us in our
old William Williams. Young them from the destination for 40 Midweek Prayer Meeting
Williams, the son of a wealthy years, God provided for their at the AVR Chapel.
Welsh farmer, was preparing to physical needs with a new sup-
Stewardship Section
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” [1 Peter 4:10]
UCCP Cosmopolitan Church recognizes with great appreciation their responses to the call of tithes and offering:
June 30, 2019 Cuneta, Leonides II Maquiling, Mary Ann Navarro, Abelardo Jr Rebolledo, Dan/Coralie
Daradar, Rican Maramba, Janeth Navarro, Norma Redor, Nathaniel
Abarquez, Ma. Vianca Demetrial, Mr & MRs Maranan, Aery Nerecina, Shirley Respall Family
Abarquez, Mr/Mrs Rommel Derotas, Andrei Nicolo Maranan, Akie Nicholas, Retson Ritson, Karla
Abis, Georgette Duran, Leorda Mata, Alice Opelac, Gladyz Ritzon, Hazel Fe
Adalin, Reynaldo Ejercito, Ethel Mata, CJ Orquia, Rebecca Sanchez, Alicia
Ahiban, Zaldy/ Chary Espina, Sefamar Mata, Nicole Patrimonio, Ophelia Sanchez, Jean
Antonio, Florante/Gracia Expino, Ruth Matienzo, Julito Paulsen, Betsy Pearl Sanchez, Jeffrey
Antonio, Francheska Ganzalino, Christian Merlino, Hannah Pelias, Elianah Gem Sarmiento, Leticia
Antonio, Kal El Ganzalino, Matthe Morales, Rey/ Babes Poculan, Christer/Charity Sibonga, Dionisio
Balois, Erman/MIchelle Gaviola, Judy Mumar, Elsam/Rebecca Poculan, Jemimah Sibonga, Rose
Bergona, Irene Gubilan, James Natividad, Arnel/Mildred Poculan, Joshua Soria
Buhain, Jhon Eirene Joshua Natividad, Corazon Privado, Norma Umali, Kay Kay
Buico, Alexandra Laurente, Ophelia Natividad, Ken Quebral. Keith Vargas, Ruth
Campos, Efecy Magsino, Cely Navarette, Julita Rebecca Winter Babar
...and to the many who prefer to keep their responses in silence. Thank you!
In case of names omitted and other corrections to effect on the list, please see any of the Pastors.