Creating A Lich
Creating A Lich
Creating A Lich
“Lich” is an acquired template that can be added to any giant, humanoid or monstrous
humanoid (referred to hereafter as the aspirant), provided it can perform the incantation, as
described below. Certain other creatures (such as mind flayers) can also become liches.
Aspirants who complete the incantation begin at the first rank. To advance in rank, a lich must
complete a ritual of transformation (described below).
A lich has all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Size and Type: The aspirant's type changes to Undead (Augmented [base creature's type]).
Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.
Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit Dice to d12s. Lich lords and greater also gain
bonus HP using their Charisma modifier in place of their Constitution modifier.
Armor Class: A lich has a +5 natural armor bonus or the aspirant’s natural armor bonus,
whichever is better. Magisters and greater gain a profane bonus to AC equal to their rank.
Archliches and greater gain a deflection bonus to AC equal to their Charisma modifier.
Attack: A lich has a touch attack that it can use once per round. If the aspirant can use
weapons, the lich retains this ability. An aspirant with natural weapons retains those natural
weapons. A lich fighting without weapons uses either its touch attack or its primary natural
weapon (if it has any). A lich armed with a weapon uses its touch or a weapon, as it desires.
Full Attack: A lich fighting without weapons uses either its touch attack (see above) or its
natural weapons (if it has any). If armed with a weapon, it usually uses the weapon as its
primary attack along with a touch as a natural secondary attack, provided it has a way to
make that attack (either a free hand or a natural weapon that it can use as a secondary
Damage: A lich without natural weapons has a touch attack that uses negative energy to deal
1d8 points of damage per rank plus its Charisma modifier to living creatures; a Will save (DC
10 + 1/2 lich’s caster level + lich’s spellcasting modifier) halves the damage. A lich with
natural weapons can use its touch attack or its natural weaponry, as it prefers. If it chooses
the latter, it deals 1d8 points of extra damage per rank plus its Charisma modifier on one
natural weapon attack.
Special Attacks: A lich retains all the aspirant’s special attacks. Save DCs are equal to 10 +
1/2 lich’s caster level + lich’s spellcasting modifier unless otherwise noted.
Special Qualities: A lich retains all the base creature’s special qualities and gains those
described below.
Turn Resistance (Ex): A lich has turn resistance equal to its rank plus its Charisma modifier.
Damage Reduction (Su): A lich’s undead body is tough, giving the creature damage reduction
according to the table below. Its natural weapons are treated as magic and evil for the
purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Lich lords and greater treat their natural weapons
as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction
Immunities (Ex): Liches have immunity to cold, electricity, polymorph (though they can use
polymorph effects on themselves), and mind-affecting attacks.
Phylactery (Su): If slain, a lich's soul returns to its phylactery. Once within the phylactery for
three days, the spirit may return to life by possessing any corpse within 100 feet x its
spellcasting modifier. The corpse, once possessed, has the same statistics as the lich did
before its destruction.
Abilities: The Aspirant's ability scores increase according to the table below. Being undead, a
lich has no Constitution score.
Organization: Solitary
Ritual of Transformation
Effective level: 9th
Skill Check: Craft (alchemy) DC 30, 3 successes, Knowledge (arcana) DC 30, 3 successes,
Knowledge (religion) DC 30, 3 successes
Failure: Death
Components: V, S, M, F, B
Casting Time: One night
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
This incantation kills the caster and sends his or her soul into the prepared phylactery. Three
days later, the caster rises again with the lich template applied. This ritual turns the caster
into a neonate; further rituals are necessary to progress to a higher rank.
Failure: Death to the caster. He or she may not be resurrected save by a greater god with the
Life and Death SDA. (The Gift of Life SDA alone is insufficient).
Material Component: Transformation potion. This must be created by the aspirant himself and
requires the spells finger of death or slay living and create greater undead, the Brew Potion
feat, and the expenditure of 20,000 gp and 800 xp.
Focus: Phylactery. This must be created by the aspirant himself and requires the spells astral
projection and magic jar or soul bind, the Craft Wondrous Items feat and the expenditure of
100,000 gp and 4,000 xp.
Backlash: In addition to the temporary death of the caster, the newly created lich is nauseated
(despite the usual undead immunity) for a week after the transformation.
Ritual of Transcendence
Effective level: 9th
Skill Check: Craft (alchemy) DC (20 + 10*new rank), 3 successes, Knowledge (arcana) DC
(20 + 10*new rank), 3 successes, Knowledge (religion) DC (20 + 10*new rank), 3 successes
Failure: Double backlash damage
Components: V, S, F, B, XP
Casting Time: One night
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
This incantation may only be cast during a rare astronomical event that occurs only once
every 169 years. The caster must cast this spell under an open sky and as high above sea
level as possible. For every 100 feet beneath 5000 feet above sea level, the caster takes a -1
penalty to the skill checks involved in casting the incantation. If the incantation is successful,
the caster rises one rank, from neonate to alumnus or alumnus to magister, for example.
Focus: Phylactery.
Backlash: (10*new rank) d6 damage. This wave of power also destroys all items the lich may
be carrying or wearing, save his phylactery. He does not benefit from such items when making
the skill checks.
XP: 10,000*new rank
Coldfire (Su)
The lich controls the dark power of coldfire.
Prerequisites: Alumnus or greater.
Benefit: The lich's touch attack deals 3d6 points of cold damage in addition to its normal
damage. Any fire or cold damage the lich deals to living targets is treated as either fire or
cold, whichever the target is more vulnerable to.
DC Type of Knowledge
10 How to distinguish between a zombie and a ghoul.
20 The life and unlife of a powerful or legendary undead creature.
30 The powers of an obscure type of undead, such as a deathbringer or famine spirit.
A lich may also find out the True Name of a particularly noteworthy undead creature; this
require a check against a DC of 10 + twice the being's HD.
Malevolence (Su)
The lich’s true form is an incorporeal spirit of fiery black energy.
Benefit: A malfunction in the transformation ritual has perverted the lich’s undead existence.
His phylactery and body were both destroyed and he exists as an incorporeal being of negative
The lich must possess a living being to continue to survive. Once per round it can attempt to
possess a living humanoid creature. This ability is similar to a magic jar spell. (caster level of
the lich's hit dice), except that it does not require a receptacle and the creature can inhabit
the host body indefinitely. To use this ability the lich moves into he target's space, which does
not provoke attacks or opportunity. The target can resist with a successful Will save (DC
15+lichs charisma modifier)/ A creature that successfully saves is immune to that same liches
possession for 24 hours. If the save fails, the creature dies, its spirit leaves its body, and the
lich's spirit animates the body as per the magic jar spell. Creatures slain in this manner can
only be brought back with a miracle or wish/
A possessed body ages at three times the normal rate. If the host dies due to age, is reduced
to 0 hit points, or the lich gains a level, the lich is forced out of the host. (which causes the
body to combust) and must possess a new body within 1 hour or be destroyed.
Any other circumstances that force the lich out of its host render the host useless and force
the lich to seek out a new one.
While incorporeal the lich is vulnerable to dispel evil; instead of driving the lich to another
plane it destroys it if it fails its resistance check and saving throw against the caster's touch