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Tirunelveli 627 012

Tamil Nadu, India

Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy [Ph.D]

REVISED GUIDELINES (with effect from July 1, 2016)

Amended on 31.05 .2018 .
(In accordance with the provisions to the regulations of the
University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure
for Award of Ph.D Degree) Regulation, 2009)

List of Amendments made in the Research Board Meeting
held on 21.12.2016.

1.3.2 (b)
Annexure - I – 24, 25, 26
Annexure – I - for Foreign Students

List of Amendments made in the Research Board Meeting

held on 10.05.2017.

1.8.2 2.1
4.7.1 6

List of Amendments made in the Research Board Meeting

held on29.11.2017.



List of Amendments made in the Research Board Meeting

held on 30.04.2018.


Ph.D Regulations from 01-07-2016

Table of Contents

1. Preamble

1.1. Admission Categories Full-time / Part-time

1.2. Minimum Qualifications

1.3. Admission Procedure

1.3.1. Entrance Test and Interview

1.3.2. Application for Ph.D. Registration

1.4. Period of Research & Extension

1.5. Residential Requirements

1.6. Doctoral Committee

1.7. Programme Structure

1.8. Monitoring the Progress of the Scholar

1.9. Conversion from Full-Time to Part –Time and Vice Versa

1.10. Cancellation of Ph.D. Registration

2.1. Approval of Research Supervisor

2.2. Registration under a Supervisor

3. Research under an Approved Supervisor

3.1. Supervisor in a Research Centre

3.2. Supervisor in a Non-Research Centre

3.3. Subject of Award

3.4. Pre Ph.D. Presentation

4. Submission of Synopsis and Thesis

4.1. Title

4.2. Submission of Synopsis and Thesis

4.3. The act of Plagiarism

4.4. Evaluation

4.5. Evaluation Rules

4.6. Viva-Voce Examination

5. Provisional Certificate and the Degree

6. Research Centre Recognition /Renewal

7. General

Annexure – I Fees details

Annexure – II Guidelines for preparation of synopsis

Annexure – III Guidelines for preparation of thesis

The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is awarded to a candidate who, as per these
regulations, has submitted a thesis, on the basis of original research either in any particular
discipline or involving more than one discipline that makes a contribution to the advancement
of knowledge, which is approved by duly constituted Board of Examiners as required. The
Ph.D guidelines are based on the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and
Procedure for Award of Ph.D Degree) Regulation, 2009 and the PhD degree awarded by
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University is in compliance with the UGC (Minimum Standards
and Procedure for Award of Ph.D Degree) Regulation, 2009.

1.1 Admission Categories

Ph. D Registration shall be of two modes only, namely (i) Full Time and (ii) Part Time.

1.1.1 Full-time
Any candidate with the minimum qualification prescribed by the UGC shall pursue
research under a recognized supervisor of the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University in
University Departments or in the research centres of affiliated colleges approved by the
University as a full time scholar.
If a scholar doing research under a Supervisor from a non-research centre avails of
FDP (Faculty Development Programme) in the course of the research period, the scholar (FDP)
shall pursue his/her research only in a University Department/research centre recognized by the
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University under a co-supervisor of the respective University
Department or Research centre.
The Research Scholars working in a project funded by Major Funding Agencies
recognized by Central State Government will be permitted to do the Research Programme as
full-time scholar in the Non- Research Centre with the condition he/she will have Co-
Supervisor from Research Centre approved by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.
The Foreign students who seek admission to Ph.D. programme have to submit the following
1. Copy of the Passport
2. Copy of the Student VISA at the time of joining.
3. Copy of the Birth Certificate
4. All other relevant documents as per the requirements mentioned in 1.1.1.

1.1.2 Part-time
Any teacher with the minimum qualifications prescribed by the UGC and working as
a permanent / temporary teacher in the University Departments / University Colleges or
Colleges affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University and any candidate working in a
recognized academic / non-academic institutionwith the minimum qualification prescribed by
the UGCshall pursue his/her research in part-time mode under the supervision of a Supervisor
approved by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University in a Research Centre or under an approved
Supervisor in a non-research centre with the co-supervisor of a University Department /
Research Centre / with the consent letter from the HOD / Principal, recognized by the
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University within its jurisdiction.
Service certificate and No Objection Certificate from the employer should be submitted from
those institutions functioning within theUniversity Jurisdictionby the candidates of the above
category annually, without fail till the submission of the thesis. The Part Time scholars should
be from within the University Jurisdiction.

1.2Minimum Qualifications for admission of Ph.D Programme

For admission to the PhD programme under the above-specified categories, a
candidate has to fulfil the following minimum qualifications:
Full- time/Part-time - Pass in Master’s Degree with 55% marks for General and OBC
Category; 50% for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/differently abled or equivalent
grade atthe Post-graduate level as prescribed by theUGC norms (Master’s degree shall be in the
same or allied subject after the completion of the Under Graduate degree).Candidates who have
passed Master’s Degree through Open University system is not eligible; however, candidates
who have secured their Master’s Degree under (11+1) / (10+2) + 3+2 pattern of courses of
study are eligible andCandidates who have 10+3+2+2 pattern of courses of study shall be
eligible for Ph.D programme.

Candidates who have cleared the M.Phil. Course work with at least 55% marks in
aggregate or its equivalent grade 'B' in the UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent grade in a point
scale wherever grading system is followed) and have successfully completed the M.Phil.
Degree shall be eligible to proceed to do research work leading to the Ph.D. Degree in the same
Institution in an integrated programme. A relaxation of 5% of marks, from 55% to 50%, or an
equivalent relaxation of grade, may be allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC(non-creamy
layer)/differently-abled and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the UGC from
time to time.

Ph.D admissions for specific applicants such as senior government officials, Judicial
officers, academicians, NGOs, Legislators and others who do not possess the minimum
percentage of marks in the P.G degree shall be considered for Ph.D admissions, if they comply
the following conditions :
(a) They should not claim any teaching position in any higher education institution.
(b) They should submit an undertaking to the effect that the Ph.D degree obtained
under this category shall not be utilized for any monetary benefit.
(c) The topic of Ph.D programme shall be of social relevance.

1.3Admission Procedure
(a) Advertisement for PhD qualifying examination will be given in Newspapers /
University Website twice a year and the admission will be in January and July of every
calendar year.
(b) Admissions will be restricted to the number of vacancies available and the willingness
of the supervisor.

1.3.1Entrance Test and Interview

a) Entrance Test:Candidates seeking admission for Full – time, Part-time will be

admitted through a common entrance test for each discipline, followed by an interview.
Both the entrance test and the interview shall be organised by the University Research
Section in the University premises. The results are valid for one year.

b) The Entrance Examination will comprise will comprise 50 multiple choice questions with
4 options (A, B, C & D) for 50 (50 x 1 = 50) marks with a maximum time limit of 90
minutes and as per the syllabus approved by department and the same shall be notified in
the Website of the University at the time of advertisement.

c) The Interview will be conducted by forming an interview committee following the

entrance examination.

d) For the candidates of any particular discipline, the interview board shall consists of
respective Dean/nominee of the Vice-Chancellor, Head of the Department and a
representative from an approved research centre from an affiliated college in that
discipline nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.

e) At the time of interview, the candidates are expected to discuss their research
f) The question papers for the entrance test shall be set by the Head of the Department and
a senior faculty member nominated by the Vice-Chancellor. In the case non availability
of a discipline within the University Departments, the questions papers will be set by
external experts.

g) UGC NET/UGC/CSIR (JRF) examination / SET/ GATE qualified candidates and

Teacher Fellowship holders are exempted from the Entrance Test and Interview.

h) Separate Application forms shall be submitted by the candidate for Entrance

Examination and PhD Registration.

1. Entrance Examination will be conducted in the subjects of Master Degree obtained by

the candidate.

2. Pass Percentage in the entrance examination (combined marks of both written

examination and interview) shall be as given below:

General 55%


(i) Admission to Ph.D programme for students who apply under a Fellowship or as a
project fellow in Major Research Projects shall be as a special case and process of
admission shall be completed within one month from the date of application in such

(j) The final list of selected candidates after the entrance examination for the PhD
programme shall be declared after getting the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

1.3.2 Application for PhD Registration

a) The candidates desirous of registering for Ph.D. Programme shall apply in the prescribed
application form downloaded from the University website, fill-in all the necessary
details and submit through proper channel wherever applicable, before the due date as
indicated in the notification issued from time to time. After passing the qualifying
examination or if exempted as per the norms of the Ph.D programme. Normally the
University shall issue notification for Ph.D. admission twice in a year.

b) Ph.D admission shall be done in two sessions (i.e) January and July session. For that
Registration shall be done during September and April itself through online. However
fellowship candidates, the registration shall be done as a special case.

Course Work to be decided by the concerned Doctoral Committee by choosing approved
courses by SCAA and the Mark sheet will be issued by the Controller of Examination

c) The candidates may choose their Supervisors and Research Centres and mention the
relevant details in the application for PhD Registration.

d) Research Fees shall be notified by the Research Section.

1.4Period of Research and Extension

From the date of commencement (as notified by the Research Section) of the Ph.D
programme, the minimum and the maximum period prescribed for completion of Ph.D.

Programmes are as follows:

Category Minimumperiodof Maximum period

the of
Programme the programme
Full-time 2 years for candidates with 6 years

3 years for other candidates 6 years

Part-time 3 years for candidates with 6 years

4 years for other candidates 6 years

1.4.1 Extension:

The request for extension beyond the maximum period should be madethrough the
Supervisor. Such request for extension shall be decided by the ViceChancellor for deserving

1.4.2 Exemption for Maternity Period

When a request for extension of maximum research period is received with prescribed
extension fee from Women candidates, a maximum of 6 months extension shall be allowed for
the maternity period after getting medical certificate.

1.5 Residential Requirements
1.5.1. Full Time

The candidate under this category has to work under an approved Supervisor and
shall be available during working hours for curricular, co-curricular and related activities in a
University Department/ Research center. This is also applicable to every USRF / JRF / SRF /
Fellow in a Research project or with stipend from any other funding agency or a non-
stipendiary fellow for the minimum period specified.

All full-time scholars should sign in all working days in the attendance register
maintained by the respective department/research center.

1.5.2 Part-time
The candidate should work under Supervisor and interact with the Supervisor
periodically till the submission of Synopsis and Thesis.

1.6 Doctoral Committee

 Doctoral Committee should have 2 members.
 There shall be a Doctoral Committee for every scholar to monitor the progress of
research work.
 For every scholar, the Supervisor shall furnish a panel of four experts with Doctoral
qualification in the field of proposed research after getting concurrence from them. Of
which two experts from the same department of the College / other related department
of the same college / University Departments (category -1) and two experts from other
affiliated colleges ofthis University or nearby Universities / experts from nearby R&D
Departments /nearby national laboratories (category-2) from which each one will be
selected from the above two categories by the Director – Research. Every Doctoral
Committee meeting should be convened by Supervisor, Joint Supervisor (if any) and
two subject Experts. Every member of the Doctoral Committee should be a Ph.D.,
degree holder and also a full time faculty member of any educational /research
 The Supervisor of the scholar shall be the convener of the Doctoral Committee.
 The Joint Supervisor, if applicable, shall also be a member.

The Doctoral Committee shall meet four times during the Ph.D. programme to decide the

(i) To approve the research proposal and prescribe the course work within two weeks from
the date of registration;

(ii) To assess and monitor the quantum of work done and confirm the provisional
registration by the candidate after one year from the date of registration;

(iii) To approve the Pre-PhD presentation, approval and synopsis& Thesis and panel of
examiners for adjudication of the thesis;

(iv) To consolidate and approve the adjudication reports for conduct of Ph.D. Viva Voce

The minutes of the Doctoral Committee shall be forwarded by the Head of the
University Department / Head of the Department duly forwarded by the Principal /Director of
the Institute to the Director, Research. However, the meetings of Doctoral Committee should
be informed to the Director (Research) with a copy to the Head of the Department / Principal /
Director of the Institute well in advance.

The Director (Research) shall permit, if deemed fit reasons, Change of Doctoral
Committee member for the scholar based on the request of the supervisor under extraordinary
circumstances such as

i. In the case of change of Supervisor

ii. Topic of research changed before confirmation of the Provisional Registration
iii. Doctoral Committee member is away from the place of work for more than 2
iv. Doctoral Committee member passed away
v. Member not responding to attend further Doctoral Committee meetings(after the
First Doctoral Committee meeting).
vi. In all the above cases or any other compelling reasons, the Vice-Chancellor shall
nominate an alternate Doctoral Committee member from the panel furnished by
the Supervisor.
1.6 Programme Structure

 Every member of the Doctoral Committee should be a Ph.D., degree holder and
also a full time faculty member of any educational /research institutions.

 The Doctoral Committee of a scholar shall meet within two weeks from the date of
communication of his/her provisional registration to prescribe the course works.
1. Candidates with PG qualification should earn 16 credits as per UGC Regulations in the
following option:
4 Course works of 4 credits each
3 Course works of 4 credits each and 1 mini project of 4 credits
2. Candidates with M.Phil. qualification should earn 8 credits as per UGC regulations in the
following options

2 Course works of 4 credits each

1 Course work of 4 credits and 1 mini project of 4 credits.
The above course work should be recommended by the Doctoral Committee. The courses shall
be selected

(a) from the P.G. / M.Phil. programmes offered by the University


(b)From the courses as prescribed by the Doctoral Committee and approved by the concerned
BOS duly forwarded by the research supervisor and the HOD / Head of the Research Centre.
For such courses, the research supervisor has to conduct the classes as per the University norms
and should not be shown as additional work load.

(c)The candidate will be allowed to continue Ph.D. research based on the recommendation of
the second Doctoral Committee Meeting.
 Only course works registered after the first Doctoral Committee meeting shall be
counted towards this requirement. Any course work already passed by the scholar prior
to provisional registration shall not be counted for this purpose.
 The scholar shall attend classes along with PG/M.Phil students and will be evaluated in
the same relative grading scale of the course work.
 The scholars can also opt for a maximum of one online course through SUYAM portal
/ Course Era portal as one of their Course work, which shall be decided by the Doctoral
Committee and the Ph.D. Supervisor shall act as the Course Instructor. No change in
the course works prescribed shall be made without the approval of the Doctoral

 The prescribed course works shall normally be completed within two years from the
date of provisional registration for both Full-time and Part-time scholars. If the scholar
fails to complete the confirmation of provisional registration beyond three years after
his/her registration for the Ph.D. programme, the registration of the scholar shall stand
 Regularly offered PG electives shall not be taken as Special Elective and the scholar
shall wait to undertake such course work when it is offered to the PG students in the
 If any course work, specific to the area of research has to be newly designed, then such
course work shall be formulated as a Special Elective to be covered in not less than 45
contact periods of instruction and the course work syllabus shall be designed by the
Supervisor, recommended by the Doctoral Committee and shall be approved in the
Board of Study of the Concerned Faculty and Academic Council. These course works
shall be of PG level. A scholar shall be permitted to undertake only one such Special
Elective. If any approved Elective not offered to PG students and attended by less than
five research scholars, such course work shall be considered only as Special Elective.
 In the case of Special Elective, details of contact classes shall be maintained in the
attendance register. The evaluation pattern for internal assessment will be similar to
that of PG courses and end semester examination shall be conducted. However, for
awarding grades, the absolute grading scale shall be followed.
 Passing minimum for Course Work examination (including mini project) shall be 55%
or relevant CGPA. The scholar who fails to secure 55% or relevant CGPAof the total
marks, he/she shall undertake one more course work relevant to the area of research
offered under any approved PG programme of the University with the recommendation
of the Doctoral Committee or rewrite the examination from any one of the course
works (other than the Special Elective) undertaken, to improve the relevant CGPA.
Mini Project carried out by a Ph.D. scholar as part of his/her course work, shall have
 the following components:
o Objective and methodology of the problem
o Literature survey
o Preliminary results of the research work
 Format of the mini project shall be the same as like that of a thesis.
 Total number of pages shall be between 50 and 80 pages.

 The Doctoral Committee shall value the mini project and submit the marks to the
Controller of Examinations and the same marks would be incorporated in the mark

sheet along with the marks of the other course work examinations. The mark detail for
coursework examination is given below.

Exam Internal Passi External Passing Total Passing

ng Minimu
Mini Max
Mini m
mum imu

Theory 25 Nil 75 30 55% 100%

Mini Nil Nil 100 55 55% 100%


With regard to selection of Course works offered at the Research Centres of Autonomous
colleges, the Principal of the concerned Research Centre will conduct the Exam and submit the
marks to the Controller of Examinations - COE of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,
Tirunelveli; The COE of MS University will issue the Statement of marks. Those candidates
who would like to do all the four course works at a time in one semester shall be allowed to
complete 4 course works in the same semester itself.
On the successful completion of the prescribed course works and Mini Project, copy of the
mark sheet for the course works issued by COE and the report of the mini project research and
performance assessment sheet and evidence for seminar presentation shall be detailed in the
minutes of the Doctoral Committee and forwarded to the Director (Research) for confirmation
of provisional registration and to proceed further with his/her research work within a month.

1.7 Monitoring the progress of the scholar

Commencing from the date of provisional registration till the submission of thesis, all
research scholars shall submit the progress report form in the prescribed format duly signed by
the Supervisor and Head of the Department of the Supervisor at least three weeks before the
end of every semester.
One Seminar presentation shall be given by the scholar before the confirmation of the
provisional registration and another presentation prior to the submission of synopsis. Both
Seminars shall be open to faculty members and research scholars.
After the confirmation of provisional registration, the progress made by the research scholars
shall be reviewed by the Doctoral Committee once a year.
Full-time research scholars shall sign the attendance register in the Department of the
Supervisor on all working days. They are eligible for a total of 15 days leave every semester
and a maximum of 30 days in a calendar year and 45 days On Duty per year (as recommended

by the Doctoral Committee) which they shall avail after obtaining permission from the
Supervisor and Head of the Department. However, those scholars who are availing financial
assistance from funding agency shall be governed by the rules of the respective agency.

1.9 Conversion from Full-Time to Part-Time and Vice-Versa

A candidate will be permitted only once during the period of research to convert from
Full-time to Part-time and vice-versa and in such cases, the following rules will be applied to
count the period of research.

From 'Full Time to Part Time' candidates:

i. Appointment order with pay details

ii. Selection committee Minutes
iii. Service Certificate
iv. No Objection Certificate
The entire period spent as full-time will be considered for Part-time Conversion.
From 'Part Time to Full Time' candidates:
Relieving order from the Working Institution of the candidate.
60% of the Part-time period will be considered for conversion.

If a candidate registered in Part-time category is selected under a Scholarship/

Fellowship programme/ scheme, including Faculty Development Programme of UGC, he/she
shall be permitted to continue the research as a Full-time research scholar in the
department/research centre where the guide works.

1.10 Cancellation of Ph.D Registration

Cancellation may be done in two modes:

1. Guide & Co-Guide (if applicable) shall submit a letter for cancellation of the Ph.D.
registration of the candidate along with the request of the candidate.
The candidate shall submit a letter for cancellation of the Ph.D. registration duly forwarded
by the Guide& Co-Guide (if applicable)
2. Guide & Co-Guide (if applicable) shall submit a request for the cancellation to the
University. If the Scholar is not showing satisfactory performance for one year, the
Supervisor may intimate to the research section about the non-performing candidate to take
appropriate action. The Research Section in turn would send a Show Cause Notice with a
period of 30 days to the candidate concerned. If the candidates respond to the Show Cause

Notice and willing to continue the programme, he / she will be permitted to continue the
same with the consent of the Guide & Co-Guide (if applicable).
If there is no response within one month of period candidate and Guide & Co-Guide (if
applicable) supervisor will be intimated about cancellation.
If controversy of any kind arises between the Supervisor/Co-Supervisor and the Ph.D
scholar, which could not be settled through mutual agreement, that should be referred
to the Research Board of the University.
A Research Board appointed by the Vice-Chancellor will decide on cases of dispute
with regard to the cancellation of PhD registration or change of Supervisor, depending upon
the merit of the case

If there is any dispute between the Guide and the candidate at the end of the
programme and if the existing Guide of the candidate is to be replaced with another person,
then, that person would be appointed only as the 'convener' of the Ph.D. programme. If such
appointed 'Convener' wants to be designated as the 'Guide' to the candidate, then, the scholar
concerned should work with him/her at least for a minimum period of 6 months before the
submission of Ph.D. thesis by the candidate.

2.1 Approval of Research Supervisor

(a)Any full - time Faculty member who is having Ph.D. degree from a recognized
University working in a University Department / Research Centre / Affiliated Colleges
/ Self Finance stream / Self Finance Colleges affiliated to this University shall be
recognized as a Research Supervisor as per his/her P.G. and Ph.D. discipline.

(b)The applicant should produce Service Certificate certified by the Principal of the
Concerned College by clearly stating the nature of employment along with other
required documents mentioned in the Guideship Application Form and payment of
required fee. The application for Guideship will be considered with Provisional
Certificate of Ph.D degree for the candidate awaiting the immediate next convocation
in that academic year.

(c)Any regular Professor of the University/College with at least five research

publications in refereed journals and any regular Associate/Assistant Professor of the
university/ college with a Ph.D. degree with at least two research publications in
refereed journals at the time of submitting his / her application, will be recognized as
Research Supervisor.

(d)The applicant who is working in Self Finance Stream / Colleges should have at least
one year of service. There is no mandate of selection of Co – Guide for scholars
registering under the faculty members working in Self Finance stream / Colleges.
(e)The processing fee for Guide ship approval is Rs.2000/- only.

2.2 Registration under a Supervisor

2.2.1 A research supervisor / co-supervisor who is a Professor, at any given point of time
cannot guide more than 8 Ph.D. scholar. An Associate Professor as research supervisor
can guide up to a maximum of 6 Ph.D. scholars and an Assistant Professor as research
supervisor can guide up to a maximum of 4 Ph.D. scholars including co-guidance. Associate
Professor with 4 years of experience with API scores equal to the API scores needed for the
post of Professor, would be permitted 8 number of vacancies based on the recommendation
of the Subject Expert. Specialpermission will be granted by the Vice Chancellor for 4 more
scholars (2+2 under supervisor / co-supervisor category) based on the merit of the case.

Faculty shall apply for the approval of Guideshipand candidates can register under them till
their retirement.

a) Guide ship shall be obtained after retirement if working in MSU affiliated Colleges
(including Self Finance Colleges) / Research Centres / R & D institutions of MSU jurisdiction
Scientists/Professors/Associate Professors from reputed National/International Laboratories/
retired Professors from IIT’s/ University Departments/National Institutes working in University
Departments/Approved Research Centres of this University until 64 years (based on the
research accomplishments) in order to promote research in this region and due to address the
shortage of Supervisors. A committee constituted by the Vice-Chancellor shall assess the
research accomplishments of such faculty members and recommend for the guide ship.
However, it may be further extended upto 70 years as being followed in IITs, National
Research Organizations and Central Institutions. Case wise Age Limit extension shall be
granted based on the recommendations from Deans Committee / Research Committee / Expert
Committee and approval from the Vice-Chancellor. If approval is permitted, registration of
scholars shall be done before the age of 68 years in the case of Supervisors sanctioned with age
limit extension upto 70 years.

2.2.2There shall be no compulsion on the Supervisors to hold the full complement of research
scholars all the time.

A retired faculty member/ scientist of a University Department/ affiliated college/

approved research centre affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University will be
allowed to continue as a PhD Supervisor on the following conditions:

a) When he/she is a Principal Investigator of a major research project funded by
government agencies like UGC/CSIR/ICAR etc., and the period of the project is a
minimum of two years and the major research project is to start within 6 months
from the date of retirement of the Supervisor. Further, the proposed Ph.D.
candidate should work as stipendiary research fellow in the concerned project of
the particularSupervisor.

b) When the Supervisor is an Emeritus Fellow / Emeritus Professor of a recognized

National agency like UGC/CSIR/ICAR etc., PhD candidates shall be allowed to
register under such supervisor provided the candidates receive monthly stipend
from the funding agency of the project.

c) Number of Ph.D. vacancies shall be restricted to 6 for the Guides who obtains
guide ship after retirement based on his/her re-employment with any research
centre, having additional facility as required for taking up the new Ph.D. vacancies
considered and such Guides should have already been an established research
experts in their relevant field through their previous works/publications done before

3 Research under an Approved Supervisor

3.1Supervisor in a Research Centre

Each candidate should work under the supervision of a recognized Supervisor working in a
University Department / approved Research Centre of the University in the field of candidate
discipline. All communications to the University regarding Ph.D research should be sent
through the Supervisor.

3.2 Supervisor in a Non-Research Centre

A part-time candidate, who intends to do PhD under a Supervisor working in a Department
of a College which is not a recognized research center, has to register under a Co-supervisor in
a recognized research center of the respective discipline.

Whenever there is a Co-supervisor, all communications to the University regarding PhD

research should be routed through the Supervisor and the co-Supervisor.

3.3 Subject of Award

Normally a candidate will be allowed to register based on the PG qualification and
the PhD degree shall be awarded in that discipline.

Inter-disciplinary:A candidate will be allowed to do PhD under inter-disciplinary category
whenever necessary by giving justification while applying for the PhD programme.

3.3 Pre-PhD Presentation

The Pre-presentation is a requirement to enrich the scholar and to fine tune his research
presentation. This presentation shall be conducted before the submission of synopsis at the
Research Centre concerned in the presence of Doctoral Committee members, Faculty
members, Research Scholars. The Pre-PhD shall be conducted after notifying the same by the
Supervisor at least 7 days before the date of presentation. The scholar is expected to present the
first draft of the research work or can explain the findings/problems faced. The gathering may
suggest ideas/references to be consulted/suggestions to improve the work and so on. The
minutes of the Pre-PhD presentations along with signature of participants shall be forwarded
by the Supervisor/Co-Supervisor to the University.

4.Submission of Synopsis and Thesis

A candidate may give an outline of the title / topic of the research or specifies the
broad area of his/her research at the time of registration for PhD programme. The Ph.D.
scholar may be allowed to submit the Synopsis / Thesis (after getting request from the
individual duly forwarded by his/her Guide) if there is minor correction in the title as follows:-

1. Punctuation Markings
2. Article (A, An, The) changes
3. Singular and Plural changes
4. Preposition changes
5. Addition / Deletion of one or all the above without changing the ultimate
meaning of the title which has been approved by the Doctoral Committee.

4.2 Submission of Synopsis and Thesis

 The scholar shall be permitted to submit the Synopsis and Thesis only after
completion of the minimum duration of the programme applicable to the scholar.
However, a scholar shall be permitted to submit the Synopsis and Thesis six
months prior to the completion of his/her minimum duration, provided the
scholar should have published five research papers in UGC refereed journals in
the field of specialization as first author or second author, if the Supervisor is

first author, based on his/her research work and specifically recommended by the
Doctoral Committee.
 The scholar should have published at least two research papers, in a UGC
refereed journal after joining the programme as first author or second author, if
the Supervisor is first author or one patent granted based on his/her research
work and candidate should submit relevant evidences for publication in UGC
referred journals.
 Candidates should submit the extracts of the journal publications in UGC
referred journal at the time of thesis submission. The journal publications should
include the following details
1. Details of the research scholars like Name, Register Number, Name of the
Research Centre and place.
2. Details of the Supervisors like Name, Designation, Department, College and
3. Details of the affiliating University Like Manonmaniam Sundaranar
University, Abishekapatti, Tirunelveli-627012, TamilNadu, India.

 The Supervisor should submit the panel of Examiners (in the prescribed format) with
the approval of Doctoral Committee in a sealed cover through the scholar at the time
of submission of Thesis.
 The Thesis shall report, in an organized and scholarly fashion, an account of original
research work of the scholar leading to the discovery of new facts or techniques or
correlation of facts already known and demonstrating a quality contribution to the
advancement of knowledge as well as the scholar’s ability to undertake sustained
 Thesis shall be prepared in accordance with the format and specification prescribed.
One copy of thesis in PDF format and three copies of soft binding shall be submitted.
The Thesis shall include a Certificate from the scholar, Supervisor and Joint
Supervisor, if applicable, as prescribed, to the effect that the Thesis is a record of
original research work carried out by the scholar and the work reported in the thesis is
not copied from other sources/ not submitted elsewhere for a degree or diploma.
(Thesis submission form can be downloaded from the website) .
 Soft copy of the thesis in PDF format shall be submitted in CD to the University.

 Fees shall be paid by the scholars for every year during the notified period till the
submission of the Thesis. Any other fees as applicable shall be paid as notified from
time to time.
4.3 The act of plagiarism
 Compulsorily URKUND software should be followed in order to check
Plagiarismand permissible range upto 25% with respect to Results and Discussion
part of the Thesis for the Science Subjects and Analysis and conclusion part for the
Arts subjects (Should produce the certificate from the Supervisor and Joint
Supervisor(If applicable) on submission).
 In the case of scholars who have committed the act of plagiarism in the Thesis/journal
publication, his/her Thesis/degree shall be forfeited and his/her research registration
shall be cancelled and also he/she shall be debarred register for any other programme
in the University.
 For the abetment of above such action, the recognition of his/her Supervision shall be
withdrawn for a period of five years and he/she shall be debarred from guiding the
scholars for any research programme in the University till such period.
 If any scholar has committed an act of self-plagiarism in the publications and
ascertained by the Committee constituted by the Vice-Chancellor, such work shall not
be allowed in his/her thesis and the scholar shall be fined up to Rs.50000 with a
warning to the Supervisor. The Synopsis of such scholar shall be accepted only based
on a new publication in a referred journal (as applicable). If plagiarism is detected in
the publications of any other scholar under the same supervisor, the recognition of
his/her Supervisor ship shall be withdrawn for a period of five years and he/she shall
be debarred from guiding the scholars for any research programme in the University
till such period.
4.4 Evaluation
Appointment of Examiners
The panel of ten examiners who are experts in the field of research of the
scholar, five from India other than Tamil Nadu and Pudhucherry (Zone wise) and
five within Tamil Nadu and Pudhucherry except Manonmaniam Sundaranar
University jurisdiction, along with their publications details during the last five years
and their acceptance letter in the prescribed format. In the case of Tamil discipline
alone, Pudhucherry is considered as external. No two experts shall be from the same
Institution. The Vice-Chancellor will choose one examiner from outside the state and
one Examiner from within the state from the panel.

 Panel of Examiners from 5 Zones of India:
 Out of 5 zones of India, Panel of Examiners should be from at least 3 zones in
any case two examiners should not be in the same institutions. As far as
possible the supervisors are advised to send one examiner from each zone.
 E-mail consent to be the Ph.D. adjudicators from the panel members shall also
be taken as acceptance, specific undertaking is not required.
 If there is inordinate delay in the acceptance of Examiner ship or submission
of report by any of the examiners of one category, the Vice-Chancellor can
choose the examiner from the other category.

4.5 Evaluation Rules

 Degree will be awarded to the candidate only if both the examiners recommend
the award and on successful completion of the Viva-voce examination by the
candidate. Such a thesis belongs to the category RECOMMENDED FOR THE
AWARD. Further, the examiners will be requested to categorize the thesis either
 If any examiner recommends Revision/Re-Submission of the thesis, the candidate
should submit the revised/Re-Submission of thesis within six months .The
revised thesis will be sent for evaluation to the same examiner, if he/she has
specified so or to another examiner on the basis of his/her direction. If one
examiner or both examiners suggest a few minor corrections and not insist on
resubmission, the Research Supervisor will be responsible to verify and certify
that the corrections suggested by one or more examiners have been carried out in
the copies of thesis submitted before the viva voce. Such a thesis shall belong to
 If a PhD thesis is commended by one examiner and rejected by the other
examiner, the PhD thesis will be evaluated by a third examiner (different from
earlier two examiners) approved by the Vice-Chancellor from the examiners
available in the panel submitted earlier. The adjudication result will be declared
by taking into account the report of the examiner who had approved the thesis and
that of the newly appointed third examiner.
 Remuneration for Evaluation of Thesis - Rs.2000/-.

4.6 Viva-Voce Examination

 If the thesis is recommended for the award of the degree by the two examiners, a
public viva - voce will be conducted on a working day, after proper announcement,
with 15 days’ notice to the candidate as well as the public.The Convener of the
Viva Voce Board will be the Guide / Supervisor. The External Examiner will be
the member of the Viva Voce Board. The Research Supervisor is responsible for
the conduct of Doctoral Committee and other Examinations like Pre -
Ph.Dpresentation and Viva - Voce Examination. The reports of the examiners will
be made available to the Examiner of viva-voce board, Doctoral Committee
members (2 members, Supervisor (Convener) and the co-Supervisor (if any). It is
duty of the Convener to consolidate the results of the Viva-Voce Examination.
 If a candidate fails to defend his/her thesis in the viva-voce examination, the
candidate may be permitted to reappear for the viva-voce after a period of three
months. No further chance will be given to the candidate on any account.
5. Provisional Certificate and the Degree
The candidate will be issued provisional certificate after successful
completion of the viva-voce examination and on approval of the same by the Vice-
Chancellor and subsequently to be ratified by the Syndicate. For official purpose, the
date of Viva-voce is to be treated as the date of award of the Ph.D Degree. The degree
will be formally awarded in the ensuing Convocation.
6. Research Centre Recognition /Renewal
 The Head of the Department in an institution is the Head of the Research
Centre, provided he/she has Ph.D degree and other requirements of
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. In a case, if the Head of the
Department does not have Ph.D degree and fulfil other requirement of the
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University then a faculty member with Ph.D.
qualification and academic accomplishments as recommended by the Principal
shall be the Head of the Research Centre which should be communicated to
The Director, Centre for Research, M.S. University.
 All the University Departments are research centres of the University. A
Department of a College affiliated to the Manonmaniam Sundaranar
University will be recognized as a Research Centre by the Syndicate, if it
fulfils the following conditions:
o Submission of detailed proposal with fee of Rs. 20,000/-.

o At least one PG course should be offered in the department.
o Two approved Ph.D Supervisors should be there to supervise PhD
candidates in the department.
 Sufficient infrastructure facilities like books, journals, lab facilities etc. should be
available in that department. The commission has to ensure whether at least out of
two one Guide has 3 years of continuous service left for his/her retirement.
 An Inspection Commission consisting of a Convener and a subject expert appointed
by the Vice-Chancellor will be sent once in three years, without any prior notice, to
all the approved Research Centers of the University.
 The Inspection Commission shall assess the facilities and expertise available in a
particular center and recommend in its report to the University the PhD programmes
to be approved in a particular subject and allied subjects.
 The inspection committee is to ensure the adherence of norms stipulated for research
centres viz., infrastructure and institutional facilities available. A sum of Rs.20,000
shall be collected from the approved Research Centres as Renewal fee.
 The Departments/Research Centres in the colleges affiliated to Manonmaniam
Sundaranar University shall only be recognized as Research Centres and not any
other research centre /institution which is not affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar

Every candidate has to pay the prescribed research fees every year without
fail. If the candidate fails to pay the research fees within the month of registration,
he/she has to pay the prescribed fine for default payment. The University reserves the
right to cancel the PhD registration of a candidate who does not pay the fees within
the stipulated time.
 Each payment should be made through “Demand Draft” drawn in favour of “The
Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University” payable at “Tirunelveli” or
 Challan in the Indian Bank A/c.No.6596950914. The Demand Draft or challan
(IB) should be sent to “Director, Centre forResearch, Manonmaniam Sundaranar
University, Tirunelveli – 627 012” along with a covering letter duly forwarded by
the Supervisor.
 All communications by the scholar to the University should be sent only through
the Supervisor (and Co-supervisor, wherever applicable).

 All applications, either for PhD registration or for PhD Guideship shall be
addressed to the “Director, Centre for Research, Manonmaniam Sundaranar
 The Director, Centre for Research shall process the applications and place the
Research Section note through the Registrar for Vice- Chancellor’s administrative
approval and after wards, Syndicate’s approval, wherever required as per
statute. All orders of Ph.D., Registration and Supervisor ship and other
administrative orders, shall be communicated by the Director Research. Orders
related to sanctioning of Research Centre and award of Ph.D., degree shall be
communicated by the Registrar. All other types of communications shall be sent
by the Director, Centre for Research.
The Director, Centre for Research is authorized to approve and communicate the
matters pertaining to :
a) Change of Research Center
b) Change of Supervisor
c) Change of Title
d) Releasing the result of Pre PhD Examination
e) Fixing Observer for the conduct of Viva-Voce Examination.
f) Inclusion of Co-Guide
g) Cancellation of Co-Guide.
h) Permissible Extensions as per regulations.

 Following successful completion of the Evaluation process and the

announcement of the award of PhD, the Director, and Centre for Research
shall forward a soft copy of the Thesis to the UGC.
 Any act of plagiarism, if found will be viewed seriously by the University and
the penal action will include cancellation of Supervision of the concerned
Supervisor and cancellation of the degree awarded to the candidate.
 Items not covered under the above said regulations will be dealt with by the
ViceChancellor or a Committee duly appointed by the Vice-Chancellor.

(For candidates to be admitted on or after 01-07-2016)
Each payment should be made through “Demand Draft” drawn in favour of “The
Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University” payable at“Tirunelveli” or through Indian
Bank Challan A/c.No.6596950914.

S.N Item Within India

In Rs
1 Qualifying Examination for Ph.D. 1000
Registration Fee 1,500
3 Full Time (University Fee + Library)+
Center fee
Research Fee per year for Arts
Research Fee per year For Science
(11,000 +1,000)+ (3,300)
4 Part-Time (University Fee + Library+
Research Centre) fee
Research Fee per year for Arts
Research Fee per year For Science (13,000 +1,000)+ (3,900)
[If the scholar select University
department as the Research
Centre,then the Research Centre fee
should be paid along with the
Research Fee]
5 Research Fee for Physically NIL
Challenged Candidates up to the
minimum period and Viva-Voce Fees

6 Fine for default payment of research 500

fee (for each default Payment)

7 As prescribed by Research
Board at the time of
Extension Fee recommending extension
8 Part-I (course work) Examination
fee 1000 per paper
Change of address and other
official Communications required by
Candidates 100
10 Guideship Application Processing
Fee 2000

11 Change Of Supervisor/Research 1000
12 Conversion from Full Time to Part 1000
13 Pre PhD Presentation 1,000
14 Cancellation of PhD Registration Nil
15 Issuing of duplicate Certificates 500
16 Fees for Doctoral Committee Meeting 5000 for each meeting

17 Fee for Viva – Voce Examination 10,000

For Full Time, Part Time Internal /
External candidates.
18 UGC Compliance
Certificate(ordinary) 2000
Takkal Scheme 5000
19 Thesis Submission Fee 10,000
20 Change of Discipline 5,000

For Foreign Students:

A student from any developed countries should pay $3000 per annum and students
from SAARC countries should pay $300 per annum and no other fee shall be paid by them for
the Ph.D Programme.

 Exemption of Research fees to the Physically Challenged candidates for the minimum
period stipulated for Ph.D. Programme.
 Exemption of Viva-Voce Examination fee to the Physically Challenged candidates.

Note: University reserves the right to revise the fee at any time. The above fee structure is
applicable only to those who register for Ph.D from 01.07.2016.



Synopsis should outline the research problem, the methodology used for tackling it
and the summary of the findings. The size of Synopsis should not exceed 15 pages oftyped
matter reckoned from the first page to the last page including the List of Publications. The
sequence in which the Synopsis should be arranged is as follows withReferences and List of
Publications in separate pages:

1. Cover Page and Title page (as shown at the end of specification)
2. Text divided into suitable Headings (numbered consecutively)
3. References (not more than 15)
4. List of Publications (those published/accepted for publication in
Journals and papers presented in Conferences/Symposia). Mention Impact
Factor of the Journal (if applicable).

Standard A4 size (297mm x 210mm) bond paper may be used for preparing the
copies. The Synopsis should have the following page margins:
Top edge: 30 to 35 mm
Bottom edge: 25 to30 mm
Left side: 35 to 40 mm
Right side: 20 to 25 mm

The Synopsis should be prepared on good quality white paper preferably not
lower than 80GSM. One and a half line spacing should be used for typing the general text.
The general text shall be typed in Font Style Times New Roman and Font Size 13. One or
two Tables/Figures may be included at appropriate places in the text and they should
conform to the margin specifications. All page numbers (Arabic numbers) should be
typed without punctuation on the upper right hand corner 20 mm from top with the last
digit in line with the right hand margin. Synopsis should be bound with black calico cloth
and using flexible cover of thick white art paper. The cover should be printed in black
letters and the text for printing should be identical to what has been prescribed for the title
page structure is applicable only to those who register for Ph.D from 01.07.2016.


1. Journal Article : with Single Author

Waldron, S 2008, ‘Generalized Welch bound equality sequences are tight frames’, IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 49, no. 9, pp. 2307-2309.

2. Journal Article : with Two Authors

Conley, TG &Galeson, DW 1998, ‘Nativity and wealth in mid-nineteenth century
cities’, Journal of Economic History, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 468-493.

3. Journal Article : with more than two Authors

Alishahi, K, Marvasti, F, Aref, VA & Pad, P 2009, ‘Bounds on the sum capacity of
synchronous binary CDMA channels’, Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 55, no. 8, 3577-

4. Books
Holt, DH 1997, Management Principles and Practices, Prentice-Hall, Sydney.
5. E-book
Aghion,P&Durlauf, S (eds.) 2005, Handbook of Economic Growth, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Available from: Elsevier books. [4 November 2004].

6. Conference Proceeding Paper with editors

Riley, D 1992, ‘Industrial relations in Australian education’, in Contemporary Australasian
industrial relations: proceedings of the sixth AIRAANZ conference, ed. D.

Blackmur, AIRAANZ, Sydney, pp. 124-140.

7. Conference Proceeding Paper without editors
Fan, W, Gordon, MD & Pathak, R 2000, ‘Personalization of search engine services for
effective retrieval and knowledge management’, Proceedings of the twenty-first international
conference on information systems, pp. 20-34.

8. Website
Australian Securities Exchange 2009, Market Information. Available from:
http://www.asx.com.au/professionals/market_information/index.html [5 July 2009].
9. Patent
Cookson, AH 1985, Particle trap for compressed gas insulated transmission systems, US
Patent 4554399.

10. Thesis: Unpublished
Hos, JP 2005, Mechano chemically synthesized nano materials for intermediate temperature
solid oxide fuel cell membranes. Ph.D. thesis, University of Western Australia.

11. Newspaper: Print

Ionesco, J 2001, 'Federal election: new Chip in politics', The Advertiser 23 October,



Submitted by


in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the

awardof degree of







The scholars are expected to read carefully the Guidelines given in the sequel and
meticulously follow them in the preparation of the Thesis. Non-compliance with any of these
instructions may lead to the rejection of the Thesis submitted.

The manual is intended to provide broad guidelines to the research scholars in the preparation
of the Thesis. In general, the Thesis shall report, in an organized and scholarly fashion, an
account of original research work of the research scholar leading to the discovery of new facts
or techniques or correlation of facts already known. Thesis shall demonstrate a quality as to
make a definite contribution to the advancement of knowledge and the research scholar's
ability to undertake sustained research and present the findings in an appropriate manner with
actual accomplishments of the work.

Number of pages of PhD. Thesis should be between 100 and 400.
Minimum, excluding reference and Annexure is 100
Maximum, including reference and Annexure is 400
Double line spacing in MS Word with 12 font size in Times New Roman

It should be reckoned from the first page of Chapter 1 to the last page of the thesis excluding
reference section.


The sequence in which the Thesis material should be arranged and bound is as follows:

1. Cover Page
2. Title page
3. Certificate
4. Abstract not exceeding 4 pages
5. 1 page Acknowledgement
6. Table of Contents
7. List of Tables
8. List of Figures
9. List of Symbols and Abbreviations
10. Chapters

11. Appendices
12. References
13. List of Publications
14. Bio - Data
The Tables and Figures should be included subsequently after referring them in the text of the
Thesis. The thesis should be printed on single side only


Standard A4 Size bond paper may be used for preparing the copies.

The final Thesis (at the time of submission) should have the following page margins:
Top edge: 30 to
35 mm
Bottom edge: 25 to
30 mm
Left side: 35 to
40 mm
Right side: 20 to
25 mm
The Thesis should be prepared on good quality white paper preferably not lower than 80GSM.
Tables and Figures should conform to the margin specifications. Large size Figures should be
photographically or otherwise reduced to the appropriate size before insertion.

In the preparation of the manuscript, care should be taken to ensure that all textual
matter is typewritten to the extent possible in the same format as may be required for the final
Thesis. Hence some of the information required for the final typing of the Thesis is also
included in this section.

The headings of all items from 2 to 14 listed in section 3 should be typed in capital
letters without punctuation and centred 50 mm below the top of the page. The text should
commence 4 spaces below this heading. The page numbering for all items from 1 to 8 should
be done using lower case Roman numerals and the pages thereafter should be numbered using
Arabic numerals.

5.1 Cover Page & Title Page

A specimen copy of the Cover page and Title page forthe Thesis is given above.

5.2 Certificate

The Certificate shall be typed in double line spacing using Font Style Times New
Roman and Font Size 13 as per the format. The certificate shall carry the Supervisor’s
signature and shall be followed by the Supervisor’s name, academic designation (not any other
responsibilities of administrative nature), department and full address of the institution
wherethe Supervisor has guided the research scholar. The term ‘SCHOLAR” must be typed in
capital letters in the left side duly signed. The term ‘SUPERVISOR’ must be typed in capital
letters between the Supervisor’s name and academic designation with signature. Signature of
the Joint Supervisor (if applicable) with the details specified as above should be included
below the Supervisor in the right hand side.

5.3 Abstract

Abstract should be an essay type of narration not exceeding four pagesoutlining the
research problem, methodology used for tackling it and a summary of the findings. This shall
be typed in one and a half line spacing using Font Style Times New Roman and Font Size 13.

5.4 Acknowledgement

It should be brief and should not exceed one page when typedin one and a half line
spacing. The scholar’s signature shall be made at the bottom right end above his/her name
typed in capitals.

5.5 Table of Contents

The Table of contents should list all captions following it as wellas any caption which
precedes it. The title page, Certificate and Acknowledgment will not find a place among the
items listed in the Table of Contents but the page numbers of which are in lower case Roman
letters. One and a half line spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head.
Arrangement of the Table Contents for the Thesis is given.

5.6 List of Tables

The list should use exactly the same captions as they appear abovethe Tables in the
text. One and a half line spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head.

5.7 List of Figures

The list should use exactly the same captions as they appear belowthe Figures in the
text. One and a half line spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head.

List of Symbols and Abbreviations - One and a half line spacing should be adopted for
typing the matter under this head. Standard symbols, abbreviations, etc. should be used.

5.8 Chapters- The chapters may be broadly divided into 3 parts (i) Introduction chapter, (ii)
Chapters developing the main theme of the Thesis and (iii) Results, Discussion and
Conclusion. The main text shall be divided into several chapters and each chapter may be
further divided into several divisions and sub-divisions.

 Each chapter should be given an appropriate title.

 Tables and Figures in a chapter should be placed in the immediate vicinity of the
reference where they are cited.

 Footnotes should be used sparingly. They should be typed single space and
placed directly underneath in the very same page which refers to the material
they annotate.

5.9 Appendices- Appendices are provided to give supplementary information, which ifincluded
in the main text may serve as a distraction and cloud the central theme under discussion.

 Appendices should be numbered using Arabic numerals, e.g. Appendix 1,

Appendix 2, etc.

 Appendices, Tables and references appearing in appendices should be numbered

and referred at appropriate places just as in the case of chapters.

 Appendices shall carry the title of the work reported and the same title shall be
included in the Table of Contents page.

5.10 List of References- Any works of other researchers, if used either directly or
indirectly, the origin of the material thus referred to as appropriate places in the Thesis should
be indicated. The author’s publications during the period of research should not be included in
the references and can be separately mentioned. A paper, a monograph or a book may be
designated by the name of the first author followed by the year of publication, placed inside
brackets at the appropriate places in the Thesis.

5.11 Photographs in the photographic paper / A4 size paper shall be included after
reference if relevant to the work.

5.12 Bio- Data of the scholar should be included not exceeding two pages.

The citation may assume any one of the following forms.

5.12.1 Journal Article : with Single Author
Waldron, S 2008, ‘Generalized Welch bound equality sequences are tight frames’, IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 49, no. 9, pp. 2307-2309.

5.12.2 Journal Article : with Two Authors

Conley, TG &Galeson, DW 1998, ‘Nativity and wealth in mid-nineteenth century cities’,
Journal of Economic History, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 468-493.

5.12.3 Journal Article : with more than two Authors

Alishahi, K, Marvasti, F, Aref, VA & Pad, P 2009, ‘Bounds on the sum capacity of
synchronous binary CDMA channels’, Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 55, no. 8, pp.

5.12.4 Books
Holt, DH 1997, Management Principles and Practices, Prentice-Hall, Sydney.
5.12.5 E-book
Aghion, P &Durlauf, S (eds.) 2005, Handbook of Economic Growth, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Available from: Elsevier books. [4 November 2004].

5.12.6 Conference Proceeding Paper with editors

Riley, D 1992, ‘Industrial relations in Australian education’, in Contemporary Australasian
industrial relations: proceedings of the sixth AIRAANZ conference, ed. D. Blackmur,
AIRAANZ, Sydney, pp. 124-140.

5.12.7 Conference Proceeding Paper without editors

Fan, W, Gordon, MD & Pathak, R 2000, ‘Personalization of search engine services for
effective retrieval and knowledge management’, Proceedings of the twenty-first international
conference on information systems, pp. 20-34.

5.12.8 Website
Australian Securities Exchange 2009, Market Information. Available from:
<http://www.asx.com.au/professionals/market_information/index.htm>. [5 July 2009].
5.12.9 Thesis: Unpublished
Hos, JP 2005, Mechano chemically synthesized nano materials for intermediate temperature
solid oxide fuel cell membranes. Ph.D. thesis, University of Western Australia.

5.12.10 Newspaper Print

Ionesco, J 2001, 'Federal election: new Chip in politics', The Advertiser 23 October, p. 10.
5.13 List of Publications- The list of publications (those already published/accepted
forpublication in Journals and papers presented in Conferences/Symposia) made by research
scholar during the period of research shall be reported in the Table of Contents. Mention UGC
refereedJournal publications. Every publication in the journal / conference / seminar /
workshop etc., should have the affiliation of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University with full
address (Manonmaniam Sundaranar University , Abishekapatti, Tirunelveli 627 012, Tamil
Nadu, India).

5.14 Tables and Figures– “Table “means tabulated numerical data in the body of
theThesis as well as in the appendices. All other non-verbal material used in the body of the
Thesis and appendices such as charts, graphs, maps, photographs and diagrams may be
designated as Figures.

 A Table or Figure including caption should be accommodated within the

prescribed margin limits and appear on the page following the page where their
first reference is made.

 Tables and Figures on half page or less in length may appear on the same page
along with the text. However, they should be separated from the text both above
and below by triple spacing.

 All Tables and Figures should be prepared on the same paper or material used
for the preparation of the rest of the Thesis.

 Two or more small Tables or Figures may be grouped if necessary in a single


 Wherever possible, the photograph(s) shall be reproduced on a full sheet of

photographic paper or standard A4 size paper.

 More than one photograph can be included in a page.

 Samples of Fabric, Leather, etc., if absolutely necessary may be attached evenly in

a page and fixed/pasted suitably and should be treated as Figures


 Thesis (3 copies) side pinning/stitching, covered with wrapper printed on 300 gsm
white art card with adhesive binding. The cover should be printed in black letters
and the text for printing should be identical to what has been prescribed for the
title page.

* Size of the Thesis
Number of pages of PhD. Thesis should be between 100 and 400.
Minimum, excluding references and Annexure is 100
Maximum, including references and Annexure is 400

• The sequence in which the Thesis material should be arranged and bound is as
1. Cover Page
2. Title page
3. Certificate
4. Abstract not exceeding 4 pages
5. 1 page Acknowledgement
6. Table of Contents
7. List of Tables
8. List of Figures
9. List of Symbols and Abbreviations
10. Chapters
11. Appendices
12. References
13. List of Publications
14. Specimen Bio – Data
* The page dimension should be as follows:
a. Standard A4 size
Top edge: 30 to
35 mm
Bottom edge: 25 to
30 mm

Left side: 35 to
40 mm
Right side: 20 to
25 mm
Thesis (3 copies) side pinning/stitching, covered with wrapper printed on 300 gsm white art
card with adhesive binding. The cover should be printed in black letters and the text for
printing should be identical to what has been prescribed for the title page Size
The general text shall be typed in Font Style Times New Roman and Font Size 12’’’’’.
In the Discipline of Mathematics the general text shall be typed in Latex with Font Size 12


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