Science 10 Curriculum Map

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GRADE LEVEL: Grade 10 SUBJECT: Science

The Learners demonstrate an understanding of:
 The relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and mountain ranges.

The Learners should be able to:

 Demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.
 Suggest ways by which he/she can contribute to government efforts in reducing damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.


The Learners should be The Learners should be FORMATIV PERFORMANC
1. Plate able to: able to:  Pre-Assessment E SUMMATIV E
Tectonics 40 hours E
 Picture Analysis
1. Describe the  Identify what composes  Lecture - Pretest  Disaster
1.1.1 distribution of active the internal structure of  Activity 1: Finding the - Diary - Preparedne
volcanoes volcanoes, earthquake the Earth. Center Activity - Reporting Laboratory ss Kit
1.1.2 epicenters, and major  Create a cross-word puzzle - Inquiry Worksheet  Laboratory
earthquake mountain belts. - Oral - Unit Test  Brochure
 Describe the types of  Activity 2: Let’s Mark
boundaries created Recitation -
1.1.3 Boundaries
mountain 2. Describe the because of lithospheric - Mini Lab Periodical
 Interactive Discussion
ranges different types of plate movements. Report Exam
 Activity 3: Head on
1.2 Plate boundaries; - K-W-L - Long
boundaries collision (3 parts)
 Make use of maps and - Exit Slip quiz
1.3  Activity 4: Going on a
Processes graphs in identifying the - Cubing
3. Explain the different connection of volcanoes Separate way
and - Graphic
processes that occur  Activity 5: Slide and Shake
landforms to earthquake-prone Organizer
along plate along the plate  Doodle It Activity - Diary
boundaries areas.  Activity 6: Drop it like its
boundaries; - Partner
1.4 Internal Hot Spot
structure of Quiz
 Compare and contrast  Diary Role Play
the Earth - Quiz
1.5 the different lines of  Create a Disaster - Post Test
Mechanism evidence that supports preparedness kit and
causes of
plate movement. present it to class
1.6 Evidence  Make a conclusion with
of plate 4. Describe the internal regards to the  Pre-test
movement structure of the Earth; plausibility of each  Labeling the layer
theory of plate  Discussion
movement based on  Activity 1: Amazing waves
5. Describe the evidences. graphic organizer
possible causes of plate  Inquiry Approach
movement; and  Design a brochure  Activity 2: Our Dynamic
selling a real estate safe Earth
from possible  Activity 3: Lets fit it
6. Enumerate the lines Earthquakes, tsunamis  Activity 4: Drifted
of evidence that and geologic activities. Supercontinent
support plate
movement  Reporting on Evidences
 Partner Quiz
 Activity 5: Split and
 Activity 6: How Fast does it
 Activity 7: Push me up and
 Brochure Making

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