Satisfaction of The Consumers

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The Problem

Sanitary procedures are important in every business

even though it is small or large business, as long as the

health of everyone is concerned. Many business have

different sanitary procedures, the owner have been

permitted by the Barangay Official so that they can put up

a small business. Many industries have legal statutes with

which businesses within the industry must comply with.

Also, different safety and sanitary practices are expected

from business in some industries.

Businesses often follow the adage “The customers is

always right” because customers will always buy goods and

services from the business owner that meets their needs and

satisfaction. According to Solomon et. al. (2006), consumer

is the one who pays something to consume goods and services

that the businesses produced or offer. Attracting consumer

or customer is the primary goal of most public-facing

businesses, because it is the customer who creates demands

for goods and services.

These people also form part of the chain of the

distribution or distribution channel. Goods and services

pass until they reach the end consumers which include

wholesalers, retailers, distributors, and even the


The Republic Act No. 10611 also known as “Food safety

act of 2013”, this strengthens the food safety regulatory

system in the country to protect consumer health and

facilitate market access of local foods and products. This

act provides the following; The provisions relevant to

business sector refer to the Food Safety Requirements,

protection of consumer interests, application to trade

Principal responsibility of food business operation,

emergency measures, traceability, licensing, registration

of establishment, inspection of food business operators,

training, collection of fees, prohibited acts, penalty .

Food safety is a critical issue that must be implemented

and monitored in all aspects of food canteens. Consumers at

the School is at risk if the proper food safety measures

are not applied, thereby the shouldering a great

responsibility for food service management to oversee and

carry out food safety procedures in their establishments.

This study should be conducted to know and be aware on the

sanitary procedures to elude food poison on the school

canteen of Sipocot National High School on the month of

June to March School year 2019-2020. This study may also

tackles about the satisfaction level of the consumers on

the food, cleanliness and place in the school canteen, the

awareness level of the vendors on the sanitary procedures

implemented among school canteen.

Statement of the Problem

This research aimed to know the Satisfaction of

Consumers on the Sanitary Procedures Implemented among

Small Businesses and to answer the following questions:

1. What is the satisfaction level of the consumers in

terms of;

a. food sanitation

b. cooking sanitary practices

c. kitchen environment

2. What is the awareness level of the vendors on the

sanitary procedures on the following;

a. food sanitation

b. cooking sanitary practices

c. kitchen environment

3. Is there a significant relationship between the level of

the consumers on the sanitary procedures and the awareness

level of the vendors on the sanitary procedures implemented

among school canteen?


The assumption of this study is to know the possible

answer on the problem stated.

1. The consumers have different satisfaction level in

terms of the food sanitation, cooking sanitary

practices and kitchen environment.

2. The vendors have dissimilar awareness level on the

sanitary procedures in terms of the food sanitation,

cooking sanitary practices and kitchen environment.


1. There is no significant relationship between the

satisfaction level of the consumers and the awareness

level of the vendors on the sanitary procedures in

terms of the food sanitation, cooking sanitary

practices and kitchen environment.

The figure 1 shows the procedures or steps which are

going to use by the researchers to carry out their purpose

which is to know the satisfaction of the consumers on the

sanitary procedures implemented among small businesses.

The input obtained about the satisfaction level of the

consumers in terms of food sanitation, cooking sanitary

practices and kitchen environment, the awareness level of

the vendors on the following; food sanitation, cooking

sanitary practices and kitchen environment and the

significant relationship between the level of the consumers

on the sanitary procedures and the awareness level of the

vendors on the sanitary procedures implemented among school


The process will be A survey questionnaire will be

distributed to the respondents of Sipocot National High

School from grade 7 to grade 10 students who are picked


The output will be there is no significant relationship

between the satisfaction level of the consumers on the food

and the awareness level of the vendors on the sanitary

procedures in terms of the food sanitation, cooking

sanitary practices and kitchen environment.



The satisfaction Define or There is no

level of the study research significant
consumers in problem.
terms of food relationship
Review the between the
cooking sanitary literature. satisfaction
practices and Formulate level of the
kitchen assumption and consumers on
environment. hypothesis. the food and
Collection of the awareness
The awareness
level of the the data level of the
vendors on the through vendors on the
sanitary questionnaire sanitary
procedures on and analyze procedures in
the following;
data. terms of the
food sanitation, food
cooking sanitary Interpret and
practices and report.
environment. sanitary
practices and
The significant kitchen
relationship environment.
between the
level of the
consumers on the
procedures and
the awareness
level of the
vendors on the
among school


Figure 1

Conceptual Framework

The figure 2 shows the theories that are connected to

the paper of the researcher.

Social Cognition Theory (cited by Cherry 2011) “Most

human behavior is learned observationally through

modeling”, and the mental state of the individual along

with the physical and social environment, interact to

produce an observe behavior. There are three models of

observational learning (modeling) a live model, verbal

instruction model and a symbolic model. All three models

operate in some aspects of both food and safety training


Theory of Planned Behavior (cited by Ajzen 2010),

individuals behavior is determined by behavioral intentions

and these intentions are as follows; function of attitudes,

subjective norms and perceive behavioral control.

Researchers have demonstrated that Theory of Planned

Behavior is useful in explaining factors influencing food

handlers behaviors, such as hand hygiene (Clayton and

Griffith 2009) and general food handling practices (Seaman

and Eves 2008).

Theory of
(cited by
Social Health
Ajzen 2010)
Cognition Belief Model
Theory (cited Theory
by Cherry (cited by
2011) Janz and
Becker 2013)

Figure 2

Theoretical framework

Health Belief Model Theory (cited by Janz and Becker

2013) an individual will be have based on his/her

perception of his/her susceptibility to a serious or sever

threat and whether the benefits to be derived from

performing those actions. Therefore, if food handlers

perceive that their hand washing behavior, for example, can

put them or the customers at risk for food-borne illnesses

and the benefits will occur.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is to improve and give

knowledge to everyone about the Satisfaction Of Consumers

on the Sanitary Procedures Implemented Among Small


Students. This study is important to the students because

which improve the knowledge of every student about the

sanitary procedures of their canteen. Because of this

research, students will have broader knowledge about the

importance of the sanitation of food they eat from the


Teachers. This research is empirical to the teachers

because they also need a good sanitation and healthy

lifestyle. With the help of this research, most of the

teacher becomes aware about the Department of Education

(DepEd) in order to ensure consumption of nutritious and

safe foods in the school canteen.

Parents. The importance of this research to the parents is

that they will acknowledge the significance of the

sanitation of food preparation, proper hygiene of the

business owners and personal hygiene for the health of

their children.

Vendors. This study will help the vendors to be more aware

and give their best on preparing the foods for the safety,

wants, and needs of the customer.

Community. This study will be helpful to the community

because they will be aware of the sanitary procedures that

one small business or food businesses should maintain and

follow to secure the cleanliness and the health of the


Canteen Administrator. The canteen administrator will be

able to know that a canteen should have a sanitary

procedures implemented among the stall of every vendors.

Principal. This research is important to the principal

because it will help him to know if the vendors are aware

about the sanitation of the food that they are selling to

the consumers.

School. This study is important to the school to ensure the

safety of the consumers especially the students.

Researchers. This study is important to the researchers

because it conveys additional knowledge about Sanitary

Procedures implemented among Small Businesses. This paper

also shows the details which can help the researchers to

identify what does the sanitary procedures are.

Future researchers. This research will not only give these

days researchers importance but as well as the next

researcher which is to be more ready and practical for

their research that they are going to study with.

Scope and Delimitation

This research attempted to determine the

Satisfaction level of the Consumers on Sanitary Procedures

implemented among small businesses, the satisfaction level

of the consumers in terms of food sanitation, cooking

sanitary practices and kitchen environment, the awareness

level of the vendors on the following; food sanitation,

cooking sanitary practices and kitchen environment and the

significant relationship between the satisfaction level of

the consumers on the sanitary procedures and the awareness

level of the vendors on the sanitary procedures implemented

among school canteen.

The research will be conducted at Sipocot National

High School Senior High School in the month of June to

March in the school year 2019-2020. The researcher will be

conducted a survey for the students of Sipocot National

High School junior high school and the vendors of the

school canteen.

This study will have a solution for the problem

that is being stated including the significant relationship

between the satisfaction level of the consumers on the

sanitary procedures and the awareness level of the vendors

on the sanitary procedures implemented among school


Definition of Terms

The definition of terms in this research is

conceptually and operationally in which all the terms

defined as how the word is being used in the study and then

the literal definition of it from the dictionary.

Awareness. Knowing and understanding a lot about what is

happening in the world or around you. In this research it

refers to the level of awareness of the vendors on the

sanitary practices during the preparation of the food.

Cooking Sanitary Practices. Refers to the sanitation on how

the food is being made or produced by the producer. In this

study it refers on how the vendors ensure the cleanliness

and the safety of the food they serve.

Consumer. A person who purchases goods and services for

personal used. In this study the consumer refers to the

Junior High School student of Sipocot National High School

who buys such foods in the school canteen.

Food. The things that people and animals eat. In this paper

the word food refers on the foods that the vendors are


Kitchen environment. Is a place or part of a room used for

cooking where the foods are being, store and prepare.

Kitchen environment used in this study refers on how clean

is the place where the food is being prepared.

Partnership. A business who owned by two or more persons

agree to manage the business. In this study the partnership

refers to the business inside the campus canteen that has

two or more owners who manage the whole business.

Safety Regulatory System. A safety measurement on a company

to protect consumers health and facilitates market access

of local food and products. In this paper the Safety

Regulatory System refers to the safety rules of the Campus

on the sanitary procedures of the school canteen.

Sanitary Procedures. “Sanitation Standard Operating

Procedures” are written procedures that an establishment

develops and implement to prevent direct contamination or

adulteration of the product. In this research the sanitary

procedures refers to how does the business owner do their

sanitation inside the campus canteen.

Small Business. It is an independently owned and operated

company that is limited in size and in revenue depending on

the industry. According to this study, small business

refers to the school canteen which undergoes sanitary


Sole Proprietorship. A business owned by only one person.

In this research the sole proprietorship are the vendors

inside the school canteen of Sipocot National High School.



This chapter analyzes the related literature where

the researchers are connected to. Related literatures are

presented such that some of the other studies variable had

been discussed.

Importance of Food

Most of the High School students of SNHS are

concerned with the food they take daily without knowing the

sanitation of these foods. Ever since that a person has

been given a food, he/she doesn’t even had a time to read

the nutritional content indeed they just focused what’s

inside of it or what does it tastes like. This observation

calls the attention of many researchers to find what will

be the cause and effect of the practices. According to

Velasquez (2004), every man needs food not just to gain

energy but to fulfill the nutrients that are needed by the

body. Not just one type of food can fulfill the nutrients

therefore daily diet is important because it contains the

correct amount of nutrition that are needed by the body.

The Impact of Sanitation to Consumers

Brian Garry (2006) said that “owners and operators

have to think about cleaning as a cycle” it’s not enough

for a quick-service owner to think, ‘will I spent X amount

of money last month on a deep clean and that’s it’.

Jim Miller (2001) said that impact is only going to

become significant as consumers’ wallets tighten in this

economy and grow increasingly less forgiving about a

restaurants appearance. He said that “customers are not as

forgiving during these economic times”.

According to the study of Michael Kupneskie (2003),

cleanliness can be a key way to provide an exceptional

customer experience in any retail space, following the

simple steps can help the business shine and increase

customer satisfaction.

According to Vilnai-Yavetz and Gilboa (2010) that

the cleanliness is able can cause satisfaction as well.

They argued that cleanliness functions both as a hygiene

factor and a motivation at the same time. When cleanliness

is expected, the confirmation of expectations influences

perceptions or satisfaction neither positively nor


According to recent Procter and Gumble survey titled

“Cleaning in a down economy” 85 percent of surveyed

cleaning professional in industries such as food, service

and hospitality have adopted a “doing move with less”

approach to the sour economic conditions.

According to Marianne Bonner Business must comply

with a myriad of federal and state consumer protection

laws. These laws are designed to protect consumers from

unfair, deceptive or fraudulent practices by businesses.

Businesses that violate consumer protection laws may be

subject to lawsuits, financial penalties, and negative

publicity. Thus, business owners must understand which laws

apply to their company and which agencies enforce them.

According to World Health Organization (WHO) 1989,

food handling personnel play important role in ensuring

food safety throughout the chain of food production and


According to the late President Ferdinand Marcos the

Presidential Decree No. 856 Code on Sanitation; whereas the

health of the people being of paramount importance efforts

of public services should be directed towards the

protection and promotion of health: and whereas with the

advance in the field of sanitation. There arises the need

for updating and codifying are scattered sanitary laws to

ensure that they are in keeping with modern standards of

sanitation and provide a handy reference and guide for

their enforcement.


The synthesis of the study includes the comparison of every

literature and study that connects to the current paper of

the researcher.

The study of Velasquez, Brian Garry, Jim Miller,

Michael Kupneskie, Vilnai-Yavetz and Gilboa, Procter and

Gumble, discussed about the cleanliness of the area, food

and the tools/equipment that uses, and the satisfaction of

the consumer. According to President Ferdinand Marcos the

Presidential degree No.856, Marianne Bonner and World

Health Organization is to protect the consumers by

protection laws.

Therefore, their study is related to the research of

the researchers that proves to take the sanitary procedures

to maintain the cleanliness and safety of the consumers.


Research Methodology

This chapter shows the methods, techniques,

respondents, statistical treatment and the procedure of the

whole study.

Research Design

The researchers used a Descriptive Evaluative

Correlation Design. The descriptive design will be used for

the characterization of the consumers and vendors response.

The evaluative design will be used to determine the

satisfaction level of the consumer and to the level of

awareness of the vendors on the sanitary practices

implemented on the school canteen.

The correlation design will be used to determine

whether there is a significant relationship between the

satisfaction level of the consumer and to the level of

awareness of the vendors on the sanitary practices

implemented on the school canteen.


The subject of the study will be the Junior High

School students who buy foods from the school canteen.10

students from Grade 7 to Grade 10 and 10 vendors from the

school canteen of Sipocot National High School.

Sampling Method

To assure the reliability and validity of the

result of the study, the researcher used a convenient

sampling to gather data that will be collected using a

survey questionnaire at Sipocot National High School from

the month of June to March 2020.

Research Instrument

The researchers will be used a survey questionnaire

and it will be the main instrument of the research. It is

divided into two sections: Section 1 will be the

satisfaction level of the consumers in terms of food

sanitation, cooking sanitary practices and kitchen

environment and the section 2 will be the awareness level

of the vendors on the sanitary procedures on the following;

food sanitation, cooking sanitary practices and kitchen


Statistical Tool

The researchers will used a descriptive statistics

such as the weighted mean, ranking technique in describing

the responses of the respondents and t-Test in comparing

the means between the satisfaction level of the customer

and the level of awareness of the vendors on the sanitary


Survey Questionnaire

Name:___________________________ Date:___________


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