Mock Final Exam

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Session:___________ Name:_________________________________


Mock Final Exam

This examination is CLOSED book, closed notes, and closed mouth.

Do all your work on the test paper and the space provided for the answer,
do no write on the back.

Time allotted for the test is 120 minutes.

This exam does not have any labor intensive problem requiring iterations
or the use of lengthy formulas.

This exam requires you to think about the physical meaning of the
properties learned throughout the course.

The number of questions is 24. The points for each question and/or item
within a question range from 2 to 5.

Relax and start working with confidence in your engineering judgment, I

know that you can do it and will do well in this test.

Good luck to ALL of you, and have a great Summer

1. Name at least 4 types of chemical species, belonging to different

homologous series, which make up the reservoir fluids (3 points)
Session:___________ Name:_________________________________

2. A cylinder contains one pound of C2 and two pounds of C4. Indicate the
weight percent and the mole percent for each component ?– You can do
this symbolically. (5 points)

3. Sketch (on the diagram below) a pressure-volume phase diagram for a

pure hydrocarbon. Show three isotherms; one for T <Tc, one for T = Tc,
and one for T> Tc. Label carefully and completely. (5 points)
Session:___________ Name:_________________________________

4. Sketch (on the diagram below) a pressure-composition phase diagram for

a 2 component hydrocarbon mixture. Label carefully and completely. (5
Session:___________ Name:_________________________________

5. Sketch (on the diagram given below) the expected behavior of gas
viscosity versus pressure at two different temperatures (100 and 200 oF)
Label carefully and completely. (3 points)
Session:___________ Name:_________________________________

6. The following table needs to be completed with the “most likely” answer
among the following key words. These key words could be used more
than once, and you do not need to use all the key words provided. (5

Key words
a. Black oil
b. Condensate
c. Volatile Oil
d. C7+
e. Differential vaporization test
f. None of the above
g. I have no clue
h. Formation volume factor
i. Solution gas oil ratio
j. Oil Viscosity
k. Gas hydrates

Reservoir Fluid Properties - Concepts

Statement or question Answer from a to k key words

A property that takes into account

the volumetric shrinkage of a fluid
from reservoir to surface is the…

What fluids have a ratio of the

volume at reservoir P and T and the
volume at standard P and T greater
than 2.5?

The trend of this property as T

increases is to decrease. The
property is …

They need water and natural gas to

This property is measured as
Session:___________ Name:_________________________________

7. What is the physical meaning of the z-factor? (3 points)

8. Given the following list of statements you must associate the most likely
answer from the list provided (5 points)

a. 1250 b. 0.72 c. None of the above

d. 20 e. 1.4 f. 40 oAPI
g. 0.35 h. 12 oAPI i. 33 moles
j. 0.01 cp k. 400 l. 25 cp

Statement Answer
from a
to l
The viscosity of Aggie A dead oil is
The specific gravity of Brazos B volatile oil is
The mole fraction of C7+ in a black oil is generally greater than
An oil suitable for thermal flooding oil recovery has a gravity of
The solution gas oil ratio of a black oil is about
Session:___________ Name:_________________________________

9. Define equilibrium ratio for component ‘j’ and indicate the calculations
where these equilibrium ratios are used. (4 points)

10. Your boss wants you to analyze the following lab report. Discuss or
criticize the results and report all of the inconsistencies that you may
observe. You do not need to evaluate a flash, just analyze the given
numbers to justify your answers. There are at least 4 violations. (5 pts)

Separator Results: Lab Utcrap

Compound Feed Liquid Gas composition

Composition Composition
Mole % Mole % Mole %
C1 25 5.14 95.85
n-C5 25 31.16 0.01
n-C6 25 31.72 1.01
n-C8 25 31.98 3.13

ng: 50%
Session:___________ Name:_________________________________

11. Show the typical shapes of the changes in the following black oil
properties on the graphs below as reservoir pressure declines at constant
reservoir temperature. ALSO - put the correct units on the properties on
the y-axis and put typical numerical values on the x-axis. These properties
are: Bo, Rs, oil density, and oil viscosity. (4 points)
Session:___________ Name:_________________________________

12. There are five different laboratory procedures for which the data in a
reservoir fluid study (PVT study) are obtained.

(a) Which of the procedures provide the data used to calculate oil
formation volume factors and solution gas-oil ratios for reservoir
pressures above the bubble point? (2 points)

(b) Which of the procedures provide the data used to calculate oil
formation volume factors and solution gas-oil ratios for reservoir
pressures below the bubble point? (3 points)

13. What data (other than pressure and temperature) are required to enter in
the correlations for gas properties? Assume that the composition of the
gas is not available (3 points)

14. What data (other than pressure and temperature) are required to enter in
the correlations for oil properties? Assume that the composition of the oil is
not available (3 points)
Session:___________ Name:_________________________________

15. What data (other than pressure and temperature) are required to enter in
the correlations for brine properties? (2 points)

16. Define the coefficient of isothermal compressibility (3 points)

17. How is "optimum separator pressure" determined using a black oil

laboratory fluid study? (3 points)

18. An oil field brine has a total dissolved solids content of 250,000 ppm. What
is the value of dissolved solids content in weight %? (3 points)

19. What is the effect of increasing amounts of heavier hydrocarbons in the

gas on hydrate formation pressure? (3 points)
Session:___________ Name:_________________________________

20. What properties of the components of a mixture are required to use in an

equation of state to calculate gas-liquid equilibria? (4 points)

21. Fill in the units involved in n g 1 , nl 1 , n g 2 and nl 2 . (4 points)



nl1 nl2
Session:___________ Name:_________________________________

The following questions test your ability to read and to interpret trends from
graphs and your knowledge from Chapter 17 (Gas Hydrates).

22. What is the maximum permissible expansion of a 0.7 specific gravity gas
trough a choke such that hydrates will not form? The initial pressure and
temperature are 2500 psia and150 oF respectively. Indicate the final
pressure and temperature? (5 points)
Session:___________ Name:_________________________________

23. Respond to the following questions by observing (reading, analyzing, or

staring at) the following plots.

T = 50 F
T = 60 F
Pressure / psi





80 85 90 95 100
Composition (N2 + CO2 + C1 ) / mol%

a. Increasing the mole fraction of C1 in a gas mixture will _____

____ the hydrate formation pressure. (2 points)

b. Hydrate formation pressure will ____________ as temperature

decreases (2 points)

c. The hydrate formation pressure for a mixture of 90% C 1 and 10%

C2 at 55oF is approximately ___________ psia (3 points)
Session:___________ Name:_________________________________

24. The following plots indicate the hydrate formation P and T for a natural gas
with and without inhibitors. Indicate the following.

Methanol 20 wt%

4000 Methanol 5 wt%

Methanol 0 wt%
Pressure /psi




20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Temperature /F

a. Hydrate formation temperature without inhibitor at 1000 psia. (2


b. Hydrate formation pressure without inhibitor at 70 oF (2 points)

c. Percent of methanol inhibitor required to lower the hydrate

formation temperature 15 degrees at P=3000 psia. (2 points)

d. Percent of methanol inhibitor required to increase the hydrate

formation pressure by 500 psia at T=50 oF. (2 points)
Session:___________ Name:_________________________________

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