Iot Based Garbage Management System For Smart City Using Raspberry Pi
Iot Based Garbage Management System For Smart City Using Raspberry Pi
Iot Based Garbage Management System For Smart City Using Raspberry Pi
Abstract— In many places, we can see that the the data it has stored. The board has an Ethernet
municipal waste bins are overflowing because of it is interface and it run as the simple data web server.
not collected and cleaned before it fill and overflow. The coordinator will collect the data from ZigBee
The consequences for this overflowing waste bin is wireless communication protocol and allows the user
very severe. It can lead to land pollution, air pollution, to monitor the whole data from the web browser.
which will lead to spread of deseases to humans and Thus the cleaning authority can collect the garbage
animals around it. Thus there should be a alert system on time.
that can monitor the bin and can give the condition or
level of filling of the waste bin to the municipality Keywords—Wireless sensor network, Embedded
using wireless sensor network. So that the bin can be linux board, Raspberry Pi (Rpi), Zigbee , Level
cleaned on time and the environment can be kept safe. sensor.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
quantities of data timely and is available for users will be placed. According to the size of the waste
to view at the instant. It is the core of the whole bin the range of the Ultrasonic sensor will change.
system. Considering all the parameters, including size
,things on it, the specifications of the ultrasonic
b) End device sensor node sensors can be implemented.
Sensor node we use here is to sense the level and odor
of the waste bin. It finds both the proseses of the whole f) Load cell
system. It is designed using Arduino UNO board
based on microcontroller Atmega 328. It consists The Load cells are placed at the 4 corners of the
power supply unit, ZigBee protocol based radio waste bin in the bottom. The load cell can be u sed
transceiver, level sensor(ultrasonic) and gas sensors as a secondary sensor. If there is any problem in the
(CO2,H2S,NH3,Methane etc). Also there is data ultrasonic sensor, it will not send the output to the
logger used for the temporary storage attached to it. It municipality. In this situation we can use this as a
will sense the garbage bin parameters typically each backup plan. The load cells are god for the keeping
time one-minute intervals and send back the of the sensor which we can use it as the secondary
acknowledgement to the coordinator node via the storage.
ZigBee wireless communication protocol.
c)ZigBee g) Gas sensors
The ZigBee is the wireless transmission of data
which uses low amount of data for the transmission. It The Gas sensors here is used to detect the odor of the
defines the layers of network layer, physical layer, garbage bin. Sometimes even before filling of the
and controlling layer are used for the media access, garbage in the bad smell from the garbage bin will get
while ZigBee protocol is used to work on the ruin the place. To avoid this situation we fix the gas
network layer and the application layer. sensor. The gas sensor detect the level of gas in the
garbage box, and then it will compare the odor of the
d) Database and web server
In our proposed system we designed the database gas with the threshold value feed on the system. If there
based on MySQL which is installed on Raspberry Pi. is any deviation as the value is more than the threshold
MySQL is one good choice of database in the web value, then that message will be sent to the municipality
applications. MySQL which uses oracle is the through the communication sensor. Thus the
Relational DataBase Management System (RDBMS). municipality can rush to the place and clean up the
It is also an open source software. Database stores the garbage bin and save the place from the bad smell that
parameters and informations send by a sensor node may ruin the place.
in it with time. It also sends the information to the
web page also for monitoring the system 3. WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
e) Ultrasonic
We use the public waste bin for the system to
apply. Here we are using alert system to aware the
The Ultrasonic sensors here we use are to detect the
municipal corporation to remove the waste from the
level of the waste bin. There is three ultrasonic
waste bin because of two reasons. One is the waste
sensors will be placed at each angle of 120 degrees
from each other so that the whole area of the waste bin is full and the other one is the odor from the bin
bin can be covered. The waste bin have a protecting is too much. By this alert the municipal cooperation
box at the top center where the ultrasonic sensors
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
can take quick action and remove the waste from the
waste bin.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
a) Embedded systems
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
The right answers which are produced after the education to village student and it will bring
dead line should be considered as a wrong answer them from imaginary to real environment.
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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue