Grade 7
Grade 7
Grade 7
S.Y. 2017-2018
Grade - 7
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Science 7
15. Which of the following material was separated by 24. Which statement is NOT TRUE 777
regarding pure
filtration using the equipment shown below? substances? Pure substances ____
A. A solution of A. are homogeneous.
copper sulfate and B. are made up of only one kind of matter.
water C. have definite boiling and melting points.
B. A solution of D. can be further broken down into simpler
sodium chloride substances.
and water
C. A mixture of alcohol 25. Your chemistry teacher asked you to test
and water Substance Y using a litmus paper. You have
D. A mixture of mud and water noted that the blue litmus paper turned to red.
This observation indicates that the substance is
16. Why is Copper Sulfate a compound? It A. metallic C. acidic
A. is composed of two elements united B. neutral D. basic
B. cannot be decomposed into two elements. 26. The pH of human saliva is 6.5. How would you
C. can be separated by chemical process. describe the solution?
D. can still be identified as elements. A. basic C. slightly acidic
B. acidic D. slightly basic
17. What kind of solution contains less solute than it
has the capacity to dissolve? 27. What do you call the process in which an acid and
A. diluted C. unsaturated a base react to form a salt?
B. saturated D. supersaturated A. Naturalization
B. Distillation
18. Which of the following best describes matter? It C. Neutralization
A. has weight. D. Desalination
B. is a form of energy.
C. occupies space. 28. When chlorine gas reacts with sodium metal, what
D. has a definite shape. type of substance is formed?
A. A mixture C. An element
19. Which of the following statements is TRUE for both B. An alloy D. A compound
elements and compounds?
A. They are homogeneous. 29. Which property of copper makes it good material
B. They are the simplest form of matter. for cooking pans?
C. They are commonly found free in nature. A. malleable and strong
D. They can be broken down into simpler B. a good conductor of heat
substances. C. good insulator of electricity
D. light and resistant to corrosion
20. Copper, aluminum and gold are metals. Which is
incorrectly describes a metal? 30. Oxygen, hydrogen, and water are substances.
A. Metals are ductile. Which of these substances are elements?
B. Metals are malleable. A. oxygen only
C. Metals are good insulators. B. water only
D. Metals are good conductors of heat. C. oxygen and hydrogen only
D. oxygen, hydrogen and water
21. Sulfur, carbon and the noble gases are nonmetals.
Which of the following best distinguishes a 31. Calcium chloride is a compound of the two
nonmetal from a metal? Its elements calcium and chlorine. Which of the
A. homogeneity. C. boiling point. following statements describe the first
B. brittleness. D. ductility. sentence?
A. Calcium chloride is listed in the periodic
22. Which of the following solution changes red litmus table.
paper to blue? B. The symbol for calcium chloride includes
A. Vinegar C. kalamansi juice Ca and Cl.
B. Sprite or Seven-up D. detergent solution C. Chlorine may still be broken down into a
simpler form
23. Some cough syrups need to be shaken before use. D. Calcium and chlorine belong to the same
What kind of mixture is such cough syrup? group in the periodic table
A. solution C. colloid
B. suspension D. homogeneous 32. Gold is to element while _____ is to compound.
A. Ethanol C. rubbing alcohol
B. aluminum D. battery acid solution
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Science 7
For items 57-58
The class of Ms. Fajardo is performing an experiment 58. What happens to the volume of water as the mass
on the relationship between the mass and the volume of washer increases?
of washers when placed in the graduated cylinder with A. increases C. undetermined
water. They used displacement method to determine B. decreases D. remains the same
the volume of the washers. The following data were
obtained: 59. Which way would you use to turn salty water into
pure water? Why?
Mass of 1 washer = 5 g
Volume of 1 washer = 2 cc
Initial volume of graduated cylinder with water = 25 cc
1 5 27
2 10 29
3 15 31
4 20 33
A. Distilling, because it separates the salt and
5 25 35 water through boiling.
B. Filtering, because it separates the salt from
the water.
C. Boiling because it separates the salt and
57. If the class adds one more washer in the graduated water leaving the salt behind in the dish.
cylinder making it six, what would be the total D. Chromatography, because it separates the
mass of the washers and the volume of water? salt in the chromatography paper.
A. 30 g 35 cc C. 35 g 37 cc
B. 30 g 37 cc D. 35 g 39 cc 60. What is the special property in gold that enable
the goldsmith to make jewelry out of it? Why?
A. Conductivity, because it will be easily to
make design out of electricity.
B. Hardness, because it will last longer.
C. Brittleness, because gold is soft in nature
and there are lots of designs can be made.
D. Malleability, because gold is a metal and it
can be hammered and takes the shape of a
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