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What Influencer Marketing Is

At its most basic, Influencer Marketing is like a hybrid

of old and new marketing tools, taking the idea of the
celebrity endorsement and placing it into a modern
day content-driven marketing campaign.

Marketers received $6.85 in earned media value for

every $1 spent on influencer marketing – AdWeek
What works in Influencer Marketing

Carefully consider your Develop a schedule

approach in influencer
• Be organized, put together a strategy, • Does the influencer prefer monthly/
plan and budget, spend time on quarterly/biannual calls or newsletters?
research • Integrate with your PR schedule,
• Be patient and be human – people product release schedule, etc.
talking to people, not companies • Send emails on behalf of key
talking to companies executives. Plan travel schedules for
exec and arrange face-to-face meetings
Influencer Marketing Stats
Use generated
content is

90% 50%
of consumers trust
more trusted by
peer recommendations
internet users than
traditional media

Consumers are

71% 81%
of U.S. consumers trust
more likely to make a
advice and information
purchase based on
from blogs
social media referrals
Consumers want value
Sixty-four percent of influencers say their
audience respects that they provide value
about topics they are in interested in, while 59
percent state their audience enjoys how they
interact with them, listen and respond online.

Conversion can increase

when brands share content through
influencers in their industry.
One Simple Rule: Influencer Marketing is
Marketing to Influencers

Influencer Marketing tells us that our time is better

spent in marketing directly to influential people
whose likes and dislikes we already know — are well
aligned with our own

Influencer Marketing generates as much as 11X banner ad ROI

Influencer Marketing isn’t just about
finding someone with an audience
and offering them money

You should use influencer marketing because

It’s more authentic It’s more cost effective It’s an easy way It provides access
than an ad than other to build trust to a large audience
marketing channels

It’s a way to create You can effectively win It provides sharable content
real-time engagement over a new target audience for exponential results
of influencers say
their audience
loves that they
are themselves:
open, honest,
funny and willing
to call it like
they see it.
Top 4 Challenges in Influencer Marketing

Identifying the Finding the right Measuring the performance Keeping track of
right influencers engagement tactics of the campaigns influencers’ activity
5-step Action Plan

1 2 3 4 5
Define Discover Monitor Take action Measure

Influencer Influence is Listen to your Start building Keep track of the

marketing subjective, so specific relationships relationships
begins with you’ll need to influencers and through simple you’re building
identifying your search for track their actions like and how they’re
target customer people who content. Ask the following and converting into
and produce and questions—what sharing their concrete events
understanding share content topics do they links, get to like visits,
who impacts that impacts write about, know them, build introductions,
how they’re your business or what are they trust, then plan mentions and
discovering, your customer’s sharing, what actions that will eventually leads.
evaluating and decision-making. questions are enable you to
deciding to buy their audience work together.
merchandise. members
Which of the following forms of advertising is most
effective at influencing you to make a purchase?

78% 14% 5% 3%

Friend Recommendation TV Commercials Print Ads Banner/Display Ads

Influencer Marketing Case Studies
– the most important YouTuber in the
world – teamed up with the makers
of a horror film set in the French
catacombs under Paris, creating a
series of videos in which he
underwent challenges in the
catacombs. It was pitch-perfect
content for PewDiePie’s 27 million
subscribers, and received nearly
double the views as the movie’s
trailer. Everybody won.

Influencer: PewDiePiew
Subscribers: 27 milion
Brand: As Above, So Below (film)
Walmart found that Meghan McCarthy –
a famous vine – was among one of the
top Millennial influencers and partnered
with her to integrate their promotion
into her daily conversations. Posting on
Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and
YouTube, Meghan put her stamp of
approval and explained exactly why her
audience should care about the
promotion. Her posts garnered
hundreds of follow up posts and tweets,
the partnership with Meghan made an
impact like no TV commercial campaign
ever would.

Influencer: Meghan McCarthy

Followers: 643,287
Brand: Walmart
is known for his crazy, off the beaten
path recipes. So when Ken’s Salad
teamed up with FoodBeast to create
a new recipe, the goal was clear: Go
viral. FoodBeast created the “Ranch
Taco Salad Code”, a one of a kind
recipe to create a savory treat using
Ken’s Salad Dressing. Pulling in over
6,000 shares on Facebook, this
creation sparked a flurry of
comments and likes and landed
hundreds of thousands of eyeballs
on Ken’s Dressing.

Influencer: FoodBeast
Followers: 1,223,133
Brand: Ken’s Salad Dressing
Influencer Marketing Hub is the leading
resource for Social Media Influencers,
Influencer Marketing Platforms and Influencer
Marketing Agency Case Studies

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