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Torque Index Values PDF

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ELSCO Torque Index TIGHTENING TORQUE VALUES FOR ILSCO MECHANICAL SCREW CONNECTORS ‘AWG. OR TIGHTENING TORQUE IN INCH POUNDS CIRCULAR EXTERNAL DRIVE MILL SIZE SCREW DRIVER WRENCH w 5 5 m % w % z w % é © 70 t & TH z 0 8 T 0 i 78 0 7 210 0 7 30 Bi a0 Hd 20 5 Be Ea 300 5 300 5 700 5 70 5 m0 0 a} 30 TIGHTENING TORQUE VALUES FOR ILSCO SOCKETHEAD SCREW CONNECTORS INTERNAL SOCKET SIZE lacross Frars| TIGHTENING TORQUE IN INCH POUNDS INCHES v8 & SAE 1007 a6 Ta TE 15 we 70 are Hy we 7 TE 300 a6 00 Plea eerence he inrtin sheet ine th your connector for pei torque values. {4730 Madison Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227-1426 Phone 513 §22-6200 Fax 513 871-4084 Web site wwnilsco.com 381 Canada 1050 Lakeshore Road East, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada LSEIE4 Phone 905 274-2341 Fax 905 274-8763, ELZSCO Torque Information Table | shows the recommended tightening torques for slicon bronze, stainless steel, galvanized steel and aluminum alloy hard- ware. The shaded parton represents torques presently recom- ‘mended by NEMA-CO1-1884 spectication. For optimum efficiency, it is necessary thatthe correct bolt, nut ‘and washer combination be used with the correct combination of ‘conductor materials, Table Il shows accoptable methods of joining different combinations of bus bar. Where diferent combinations of ‘metals are being jinod, a follow-up device such as a conical pres- TABLE | Sire washors uovaly recommend fone. or both bus mate TIGHTENING TORQUES Sisaro sot craw aluminum. bot bars are har ran arge fat ‘tashors vl suce regardless of he bolt materels. Nominal Torgue Values Other considerations which should be taken int unt wie = —_ iderations which should be taken into account when avanngen Bonen. nie Selecting harware re careson and vbraon. For example, Galvanized of Stainless Steel (Lubricated) ‘severe corrosion is anticipated, non-corrosive materials such as- Ls inah ibe. Piibe | incite ‘stainless steel or silicon bronze, should be selected in preference: 5 “0 = = to gavanized steal. vibration is antpate, the use o! ooking 2 20 | te ‘washers shoul be considered o ‘0 a | a ss eo a | i we 00 re |b METHODS OF JOINING BUS BARS TA Baris ‘Copper ‘ianinum | “Riaminon Set] and °8" Coppa Copper ‘Amina —| Aluminum Fla Baw Bis sock as uminmaioy | —{w)Sieos |) Seon J i) Steen |) Alina |) Atirn et Brow” | Brome Bion coh ee | @ystainiess | (@)Alumiaum | (2) Stainless | (2) Stainless | (2) Stainless 7 aid Steel Steel ‘Ste ‘Steel (0) Staniss . See! roster (9) sticon Spit orto Bronce SS Sane ted at Drawn Bis sch as ECTS Aurum | —@)Siizon |G) Stcon | ()Stican | — A) Auminam | — Gyan Bronze Bronze | Benze @)stariers | @Aurinum | @)Stainess | @Staiess | (2) Stariess Steal Sea! Stel Stel (0) Staniss (@ystean | (Corie! See Seon Prose Pates ‘washer (9) Conca | conics | Plated or Presse Precnre | Stress acher wacker | Sta | Paesor | Fated o Stanioss Staness Sie _ See | (Bini prada ace a mae Nore: Conse sat racommendsdttwaen akminum 9 tmnum and ‘Stmnum apne omens ures ar vtactve asus ar Hor Bar Connections The tang of a compression or a mechanical connector is a bus bar, which connects to anther bus bar If you remember the rule ‘about wire brushing and sing joint compound with bare (unplated) ‘luminum, you cannot go wrong, Plated parts should be cleaned with a solvent if they are dirty, but never abrade or otherwise dis- {rb the plating! Fig’ 3 shows atypical bar connection and the type of hardware used, ae | i Ci HH \ wa {etn see) onc ese chrome stainless Compression or Sterrawasner echanca yp Figure 3. Contact surfaces must be clean, Use a joint compound with bare aluminum. Conical pressure washer is usually recom ‘mended if one, or both, bus materials are sot drawn aluminum. 4730 Madison Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227-1426 Phone 513 833-6200 Fax 513 871-4084 Web site wwnilsco.com Canada 1050 Lakeshore Road East, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada LSEIES Phone 905 274-2347 Fax 905 274-8763, 382

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