Registration Notice Summer 2019 Semester: List of Courses and Timetable
Registration Notice Summer 2019 Semester: List of Courses and Timetable
Registration Notice Summer 2019 Semester: List of Courses and Timetable
General Instructions
Online registration will be opened from 9:30am till the close of labs during the above period. For
manual registration, please observe office hours announced by the departments.
Maximum two courses are allowed to register in summer 2019 semester. The Lab if offered would be
part of it.
Registration in new course, if offered, is allowed to those who will be graduating by taking this course.
The other students are not allowed to register new course in summer semester.
Fee is payable by all students including those who are receiving study loan or on Government
Fee is payable immediately after registration. The deadline is June 21, 2019. The challan will appear on
your Flex account immediately after registration is completed.
The fee is payable in any Branch of Faysal Bank Ltd. on a Challan form generated from your own Flex
Account. In case of payment through Pay-order, bank clearance date shall be considered as the payment
date. Cheques are NOT acceptable. As per rules, late payment fine will be charged for fees received after
the due date.
Students are encouraged to pay fees in cash in bank. However, those who want to pay fee through
PO or DD are advised to deposit their fee in bank three working days before deadline. Otherwise
system will generate fine even if fee is paid on last date.
The online registration will automatically be disabled for the students who are on Academic Warning. They
must register manually through Advisor nominated by respective departments.
Fee is payable by all students who have requested to offer the course.
Drop of course is not allowed. Students must register courses if they need.
Withdrawal from courses is allowed under university rules till the last day of classes i.e. August 2,2019.
The student on Academic warning will do this with the written permission of their concerned advisor.
There is no loan or sponsorship for courses taken in summer semesters. Full fee is payable by
everyone in advance.
The University reserves the right to close any course where the number of registered student is
less than 10 or faculty is not available.
Registration Procedure:
The Registration would be online for all students of all departments.
Student on Academic Warnings shall register manually through faculty advisor
nominated by their respective department.
Cross Discipline Courses
A student may request to HOD of his/her department in writing for taking a cross
discipline course. The approved applications will be forwarded to the department
where the course is being offered. Upon approval of application by the HOD, the
course will be entered in Flex by the later department subject to the clearance of
prerequisites with intimation through email to student and office concerned.
Important Notes
Summer semester is normally for failures and repeaters. A student can take those courses only in
which he/she had registered it previously.
The minimum number of students required to offer a course is 10.
No student is allowed to bypass the university rules.
University rules regarding Attendance Policy and Warning System are also applicable in summer
semester. Attendance would be counted on the basis of lectures held multiplied by the duration of the
lectures. e.g. in a particular course total lectures held are 24. The duration of each lecture is
supposed 2 hours. The total lectures hour would be 48 and a student can be excused for 20%
i.e. 9.6 hours on genuine reasons. The number of absents will not be taken into consideration.
So, be careful in making the ration in term of hours.
The Attendance of students who are allowed to register late will be counted from the date of
registration and 20% waiver on genuine reasons of attendance will be calculated accordingly.
Suppose in a course total lectures held are 24. A student is registered in that course after 4
lectures. His/her 20% waiver will be calculated from 20 lectures ( i.e. from 5th lecture onward).
Students are advised to follow the above registration rules and schedule strictly.
Manager Academics/
Deputy Controller of Examinations