3-Axis Accelerometer: (Order Code 3D-BTA)
3-Axis Accelerometer: (Order Code 3D-BTA)
3-Axis Accelerometer: (Order Code 3D-BTA)
pendulum. The pendulum is swinging through a wide angle, so the angle of the
3-Axis Accelerometer accelerometer is changing significantly. A simple, one-dimensional accelerometer
would not have done this job as well. In this case, only the net acceleration is
(Order Code 3D-BTA) graphed. (See the April 1995 issue of The Physics Teacher for a discussion of the
acceleration of a pendulum.)
Collecting Data with the 3-Axis Accelerometer Specifications
This sensor can be used with the following interfaces to collect data. Power: 30 mA @ 5 VDC
Vernier LabQuest® 2 or original LabQuest® as a standalone device or with a For each axis
computer Range: ±49 m/s2 (±5 g)
Vernier LabQuest® Mini with a computer Accuracy: ±0.5 m/s2 (±0.05 g)
Vernier LabPro® with a computer or TI graphing calculator Frequency Response: 0–100 Hz
Vernier SensorDAQ™ Resolution
CBL 2™ 13-bit (with SensorDAQ): 0.018 m/s2
TI-Nspire™ Lab Cradle 12-bit Resolution (with
LabQuest 2, LabQuest,
Here is the general procedure to follow when using the 3-Axis Accelerometer: LabQuest Mini, LabPro,
1. Connect the 3-Axis Accelerometer to the interface. or TI-Nspire™ Lab Cradle): 0.037 m/s2
2. Start the data-collection software. 10-bit (with CBL 2™): 0.15 m/s2
3. The software will identify the 3-Axis Accelerometer and load a default Stored calibration information
data-collection setup. You are now ready to collect data. slope: 30.46 m/s2/V
intercept: –72.62 m/s2
Data-Collection Software
This sensor can be used with an interface and the following data-collection software. How the Accelerometer Works
Logger Pro 3 This computer program is used with LabQuest 2, LabQuest, The 3-Axis Accelerometer contains three acceleration-sensing integrated circuits
LabQuest Mini, LabPro, or three Go!Links. (IC’s), along with the associated electronics. It is functionally equivalent to three of
Logger Lite This computer program is used with LabQuest 2, LabQuest, our Low-g Accelerometers (LGA-BTA) mounted in a small block at orthogonal
LabQuest Mini, LabPro, or Go!Link. angles. Each of the accelerometers measures acceleration along one line and
LabQuest App This program is used when LabQuest 2or LabQuest is used as a produces a signal on one of the three outputs. These three axes and three outputs are
standalone device. labeled X, Y, and Z. The IC sensors are similar to those originally designed to
control the release of air bags in an automobile. This IC is micro-machined with very
DataQuest™ Software for TI-Nspire™ This calculator application for the thin “fingers” carved in silicon. These fingers flex when accelerated. They are
TI-Nspire can be used with the EasyLink or TI-Nspire Lab Cradle. arranged and connected like the plates of a capacitor. As the fingers flex, the
EasyData App This calculator application for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus can capacitance changes, and a circuit included in the IC monitors the capacitance,
be used with CBL 2™, LabPro, and Vernier EasyLink. We recommend version converting it into a voltage. An op-amp circuit amplifies and filters the signal from
2.0 or newer, which can be downloaded from the Vernier website, the IC. The net result is that the voltage varies in a linear way with acceleration.
www.vernier.com/easy/easydata.html, and then transferred to the calculator. See Each of the outputs is labeled with X, Y, or Z. This corresponds with the directions
the Vernier website, www.vernier.com/calc/software/index.html for more shown on the label on the sensor. Accelerations are normally measured in either
information on the App and Program Transfer Guidebook. meters per second per second (m/s2) or g’s. One g is the acceleration due to gravity
DataMate program Use DataMate with LabPro or CBL 2™ and TI-73, TI-83, at the Earth’s surface, or 9.8 m/s2. This accelerometer will measure accelerations in
TI-84, TI-86, TI-89, and Voyage 200 calculators. See the LabPro and CBL 2™ the range of –5 g (–49 m/s2) to +5 g (+49 m/s2) in each direction.
Guidebooks for instructions on transferring DataMate to the calculator. This is a range of accelerations which a human body could experience without
LabVIEW National Instruments LabVIEW™ software is a graphical damage. Many collisions will produce much larger accelerations. In fact, dropping
programming language sold by National Instruments. It is used with SensorDAQ the Accelerometer on a hard surface from even a few centimeters can produce
and can be used with a number of other Vernier interfaces. See accelerations of a hundred g’s. The 3-Axis Accelerometer will not be damaged by
www.vernier.com/labview for more information. accelerations up to 1000 g’s.
When properly calibrated, when the arrow representing an axis points upward, that
NOTE: Vernier products are designed for educational use. Our products are not
designed nor recommended for any industrial, medical, or commercial process such channel reads +9.8 m/s2. When an axis arrow points down, that channel should read
–9.8 m/s2. When an axis arrow is held horizontally, that channel will read zero. In
as life support, patient diagnosis, control of a manufacturing process, or industrial
most cases, data-collection software can be used to create a New Column to
testing of any kind.
calculate the square root of the sum of the squares of the accelerations. It will be
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equal to 9.8 m/s2 when the 3-Axis Accelerometer has no acceleration, and zero when Most accelerometers, including this one, sense gravity as well as acceleration. This can
it is in free fall. The orientation of the 3-Axis Accelerometer does not matter. To make results more difficult to understand, but it provides an easy calibration method.
understand how this works, try holding the 3-Axis Accelerometer in your hand and Calibration may be done using the acceleration due to gravity. To calibrate the sensor
very slowly rotate it about all three axes. The graph below shows the result. The for measuring acceleration in the horizontal direction, position the Accelerometer with
graph has all three components of acceleration and the net acceleration (the square the arrows pointing down for the first calibration point. Define this as –9.8 m/s2 or
root of the sum of the squares of the accelerations). The bottom graph is the net –1 g. Rotate the Accelerometer so the arrows point up and use the reading for the
acceleration. Notice that it stays near 9.8 m/s2 throughout all of this rotation. second calibration point. Define this as +9.8 m/s2 or +1 g. The Accelerometer will then
read 0 with no acceleration when held horizontally. Repeat this procedure for each
axis. If you want to calibrate for measuring acceleration in the vertical direction, follow
the procedure above, but define the first calibration point as 0 g or 0 m/s2 and the
second point as 2 g or 19.6 m/s2.
Suggested Experiments
Since the 3-Axis Accelerometer is equivalent to three Low-g Accelerometers, you
can also do any experiment that uses only one or two axes. Examples include:
Measure the acceleration of dynamics carts as they roll down inclines or have
force applied to them.
Rotating the 3-Axis Accelerometer Measure acceleration vs. time on elevators, remote-controlled cars, bicycles, or
The 3-Axis Accelerometer is designed to measure small accelerations with minimal automobiles.
electronic noise. The noise is typically on the order of 0.5 m/s2 peak to peak. The Use the accelerometer to measure the tilt of an object. Since each channel of the
offset voltage (voltage output at 0 m/s2) will drift somewhat with temperature. accelerometer senses the vertical component of gravity, its reading will change as
Vernier produces three other accelerometers: its orientation is changed from horizontal to vertical. You can measure angles to
25-g Accelerometer (ACC-BTA). Use for collision experiments or for centripetal the nearest degree.
acceleration experiments with larger accelerations. The 3-Axis Accelerometer can also be used to collect data in more complex
Low-g Accelerometer (LGA-BTA). This is a, one-dimensional version of the experimental settings such as:
3-Axis Accelerometer. Amusement park rides such as roller coasters, swings, swinging ships, and
Wireless Dynamics System Sensor (WDSS). A 3-axis accelerometer, altimeter, Tilt-a-Whirl.
and force sensor in one unit that communicates wirelessly with your computer. Bungee jumps done by dolls or humans.
Place the accelerometer and interface in a padded box and toss it in the air.
This sensor is equipped with circuitry that supports auto-ID. When used with Compare the three individual accelerations to the net acceleration.
LabQuest 2, LabQuest, LabQuest Mini, LabPro, Go! Link, SensorDAQ, TI-Nspire™
Lab Cradle, EasyLink, or CBL 2™, the data-collection software identifies the sensor
and uses pre-defined parameters to configure an experiment appropriate to the
recognized sensor.
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In the graph above, the box was tossed in the air but not rotated. Notice that the rest, zero for one in free fall, and greater than 9.8 N/kg for one making a corner. This
x-and z-axis accelerations before the toss are zero whereas the y-axis acceleration is normal force interpretation works even for a one-axis accelerometer being
9.8 m/s2. During the toss all three accelerations and the net acceleration go to 0 m/s2. accelerated in a horizontal direction. The reading is non-zero as the test mass inside
In the graph below, the interface and accelerometer were tossed in the air and spun. the device has to have a force applied to accelerate it. That's just a normal force that
During the toss the x-, y-, and z-axis accelerations all change. Notice that the net happens to be horizontal.
acceleration does not quite go to zero due to centripetal acceleration. When discussing the accelerometer reading, we can call it the Normal Force per Unit
Mass, with units of N/kg.
Q: I thought the Accelerometer measured acceleration!
A: Here we are being very careful to not call something an acceleration when it is
not a kinematic acceleration. For example, an "acceleration" of 9.8 m/s2 for an object
that remains at rest is clearly a problematic interpretation, yet that’s what the
accelerometer reads.
You can correct the Accelerometer reading to get a true acceleration by adding the
component of the gravitational acceleration field along the direction of the sensor
arrow. For example, if the axis of the accelerometer is pointing upward, then the
gravitational component is –9.8 m/s2. The Accelerometer reads 9.8 m/s2 when the
arrow is upward and the device is at rest. By adding –9.8 m/s2, we get zero, which is
the correct acceleration. If the arrow is horizontal, then the reading is zero, but the
gravitational component is zero, and we still have zero for the true acceleration. If an
Accelerometer is zeroed to remove the influence of gravity, the zeroing is later
wrong if the Accelerometer is rotated.
3-Axis Accelerometer tossed and rotated in the air. Q: What about g-force measurements?
Frequent Questions on Accelerometer Measurements A: We avoid the term g-force because the quantity doesn’t have units of force.
Since the accelerometer is sensitive to both acceleration and the Earth’s gravitational Instead, g-factor can be used as a simplified label for Normal Force per Unit Mass in
field, interpreting accelerometer measurements is complex. A useful model for axis labels and discussions.
understanding accelerometer measurements is a spring-based scale with a reference You can see that the g-factor is then 1 for an object sitting at rest on a table, zero in
mass (or object) attached to the scale. If the scale is pointing upward (the usual free fall, etc. The g-factor is dimensionless. If the Normal Force is a vector, then so is
orientation for such a device) the weight of the mass causes the spring to compress, the g-factor. g-factor is completely optional–it is just a shortcut to avoid a long name.
and you get a non-zero reading. If you were to turn the scale upside down, the spring
will be extended, instead of compressed, and we get a reading of the opposite sign. If Warranty
you turn the scale so it points sideways, and keep it motionless, then the spring will
Vernier warrants this product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship
just be at its relaxed length, and the reading will be zero. If you accelerated the scale
for a period of five years from the date of shipment to the customer. This warranty
toward the mass, then the spring would compress; away, and the spring would stretch.
does not cover damage to the product caused by abuse or improper use.
In each case the scale is reading a value corresponding to the normal force on the
mass. This reading can be made relative by dividing out the mass, giving units of
N/kg, which is the same as m/s2. Vernier Software & Technology
The accelerometer measurements can be interpreted in exactly this way. 13979 S.W. Millikan Way Beaverton, OR 97005-2886
Toll Free (888) 837-6437 (503) 277-2299 FAX (503) 277-2440
Q: What does an accelerometer measure? [email protected] www.vernier.com
Rev. 3/4/2014
A: Normal force per unit mass. Logger Pro, Logger Lite, Vernier LabQuest 2, Vernier LabQuest, Vernier LabQuest Mini, Vernier LabPro, Vernier
EasyLink and other marks shown are our trademarks or registered trademarks in the United States.
Note that it’s not the net force per unit mass (which would be acceleration), but it is TI-Nspire, CBL 2 and CBL, TI-GRAPH LINK, and TI Connect are trademarks of Texas Instruments.
the normal force per unit mass. This unusual quantity corresponds with what a rider All other marks not owned by us that appear herein are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be
affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by us.
on a roller coaster feels during the turns. This interpretation is useful even for the
scalar total acceleration value, which is 9.8 N/kg for a three-axis accelerometer at Printed on recycled paper.
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