An Agent Based Traffic Regulation System For The Roadside Air Quality Control
An Agent Based Traffic Regulation System For The Roadside Air Quality Control
An Agent Based Traffic Regulation System For The Roadside Air Quality Control
Received November 16, 2016, accepted January 6, 2017, date of publication July 11, 2017, date of current version July 31, 2017.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2725984
ABSTRACT This paper describes an on-road air quality monitoring and control approach by proposing
an agent-based system for modeling the urban road network infrastructure, establishing the real-time and
predicted air pollution indexes in different road segments and generating recommendations and regulation
proposals for road users. This can help by reducing vehicle emissions in the most polluted road sections,
optimizing the pollution levels while maximizing the vehicle flow. For this, we use data sets gathered from a
set of air quality monitoring stations, embedded low-cost e-participatory pollution sensors, contextual data,
and the road network available data. These data are used in the air quality indexes calculation and then
the generation of a dynamic traffic network. This network is represented by a weighted graph in which the
edges weights evolve according to the pollution indexes. In this paper, we propose to combine the benefits of
agent technology with both machine learning and big data tools. An artificial neural networks model and the
Dijkstra algorithm are used for air quality prediction and the least polluted path finding in the road network.
All data processing tasks are performed over a Hadoop-based framework: HBase and MapReduce.
INDEX TERMS Air quality management, crowd-sourcing, Dijkstra algorithm, mobile sensors, pollution
prediction, traffic regulation.
2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.
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A. El Fazziki et al.: Agent Based Traffic Regulation System for the Roadside Air Quality Control
the existing techniques for air quality and traffic congestion 5) The use of Dijkstra algorithm in the shortest path (least
management have not been very effective because of the polluted path) finding [9], [10]. This algorithm has
lack of autonomy, adaptation, and collaboration between the been widely used in route management systems, with
relevant entities. This issue needs the use of an integrated variations to improve its performance [9].
system for traffic management and air quality control, which 6) We tested and deployed the system by simulating the
aims to jointly optimize traffic and air quality. Therefore, data collecting by a small number of users to validate
an effective intelligent transport system taking into account our proposal.
air quality is of great importance for society. The rest of this paper is illustrated over a few sections
In this work, we are particularly interested in traffic regu- starting with a brief literature review followed by an overview
lation and generating recommendations to take into account of the proposed system and the traffic regulation process
in order to improve air quality. The proposed system must be details in section 3. Section 4 is devoted to the use of ANN
able to establish air quality indices in urban areas, to generate for air quality prediction. The MapReduce based data analysis
relevant information to users and propose recommendations process is described in Section 5. In section 6 we present the
about the best paths to take. This is done based on pollutant used method for path finding in a road network. Section 7 is
data collected from users embedded devices that provide dedicated to the multi-agent system description. In section 8,
properties related to road infrastructure and air quality to the a case study and the experimental results are presented, fol-
system. It must take into account the constraints of geograph- lowed by a conclusion and perspectives in section 9.
ical distribution and dynamics of the problem seen the fact
that air quality levels change over time and the exact number II. RELATED WORKS
of users which demand recommendations and then the num- In the past few years, many researches were centered around
ber of vehicles to redirect to alternative paths is unknown. the use of static air quality monitoring stations along with
Therefore, the system must be adapted to user needs, taking crowdsourcing and participatory sensing. Such solutions lend
into account all these factors while ensuring a great per- themselves not only to monitoring the state of the physical
formance in handling the large amounts of data (pollutants, world but can also help raising peoples awareness of issues
weather, etc.) gathered from different data sources (users related to air quality and pollution [2]. One of the main
devices, monitoring stations, weather data records, etc.) that projects which proposed such a solution is the MESSAGE
will continually increase over time. For this, we propose (Mobile Environmental Sensing System Across Grid Envi-
the use of an approach based on agent technology [6], [7], ronments) project [11]. It aims to develop fixed and portable
crowd-sourcing, and Big Data analysis tools in order to mea- devices for high-density measurement of concentrations of
sure, monitor and control the quality of air with a higher carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides in urban areas. They
spatiotemporal resolution and to involve users in track- have very recently reported their development and deploy-
ing their exposure to pollution through custom embedded ment experience [12] in the Cambridge area, and demon-
tools. strated that the use of low-cost fixed and portable devices
Moreover, due to large amounts of data, the processing deployed in high densities can give a much more accurate
task has become a great challenge. To address this problem picture of the spatial and temporal structure of air quality
we suggest the use of Hadoop framework to ensure a great in the urban environment. In [13] authors introduced a low-
flexibility and speed in performing the needed prediction and cost mobile sensors based participatory air quality monitoring
analysis algorithms applicable to large scale data. Our main system. this work presents the design and implementation of
contributions in this work are: GasMobile a small and portable measurement tool suited to
1) Offer a low-cost component used by users who want to be used by a large number of people.
contribute to the monitoring of air quality by partici- In recent years, many works have been interested in using
pating in the data collection task. This presupposes the artificial intelligence and machine learning methodologies
development of a monitoring sensor unit to use onboard to address problems related to quantitative and qualitative
vehicles or by users, an application for data loading and measures more effectively. They can allow solving complex
transfer, and a server for data hosting. issues related to air quality management, traffic regulation
2) A component for extracting and loading meteoro- and transportation systems by integrating intelligent compo-
logical and pollution data from fixed monitoring nents [14] Multi-agent based systems have been considered
stations. as an efficient tool for large-scale system such as intelligent
3) Predicting the level of pollution near roads using the traffic and air quality management [15]. They were known
available data and ANN that have a strong ability to by the ability to model complex systems where a set of
predict fuzzy data and efficiency in the modeling of autonomous entities interact to produce global solutions [16].
dynamic systems. Many works propose the use of the MAS technology in traffic
4) Calculate the real-time and predicted air quality control and management systems, such as [9] which proposes
indexes, based on Murena method [8], and generating an integrated approach for modeling transport infrastructure
a spatio-temporal map for the distribution of pollution and optimizing traffic in urban areas in order to reduce
level in the study area. carbon-dioxide emissions. Authors in [14] have proposed
TABLE 1. Breakpoints for the proposed API (µg/m3 for all pollutants and mg/m3 for CO)(Murena 2004 [8]).
particular segment. As we are interested in the air quality opti- order to optimize the weight calculation function. In this work
mizing by traffic regulation, we use the on-road calculated we modify the Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm to obtain the
API values and the segment lengths [9]. three selected shortest paths in order to provide the decision
By using this weighted network the system can pro- making and risk evaluation to the users.
cess user queries, generates recommendations and calcu-
late potential roads according to the Dijkstra shortest path In order to provide an adequate solution in terms of robustness
algorithm. For a particular source node, the algorithm finds and agility, we use a multi-agent framework to represent the
the path with the lowest cost between that node and any on-road air quality management system. The objective is to
other node. The used function for calculating the shortest path propose an architecture that consists of a set of autonomous
will depend on the road segment length and the calculated agents able to set their own goals and actions and interact and
API for each path segment. Thus, the value of the path collaborate with each other through a communication pro-
can be provided by the following formula (Equation(2) and tocol [26]. The agents can be categorized into three groups:
Equation(3)): 1). A data integration agent group which continuously mon-
X itorsing and collectsing air pollution data, meteorological
Pi = Xi × Wi (2) data, etc, 2). The agents in the data processing group analyze
i=0 the pollution data provided to generate recommendations for
Wi = (C1 × Ai + C2 × Li )/(C1 + C2 ) (3) road users, and 3). While the interface group agents which are
responsible for contextual data gathering.
Where, Xi is a configurable weight and Wi is the weight of A two-level hierarchical MAS can also be adopted. The
the edge number i and n is the potential number of edges to data processing group is cognitive agents that give instruc-
browse. Ai and Li are successively the current API and length tions while the worker agents in UI and data integration
of the edge i. C1 and C2 are two coefficients related to each groups are reactive agents that carry out the tasks assigned.
cost parameter. They are controlled by decision makers in Figure 8 illustrates the multi-agent system structure. In the
development process we chose to use the Prometheus • Network agent: This agent is responsible of the road
methodology to design and implement the multi-agent sys- paths network generation and path finding in this
tem. Our choice is motivated by the efficiency of message weighted network by searching for the shortest possible
communication and lightweight nature of the framework. route between two road nodes. The path is represented
Prometheus methodology [27] has been developed to support by a set of segments to browse from a source node to the
the complete software development life-cycle from problem destination node.
description to implementation. It offers an environment for • Managing agent: Responsible for the reliability of the
analyzing, designing, and developing heterogeneous multi- whole system, and manages the operation of the indi-
agent systems. This methodology consists of three phases: vidual agents, especially the station agents, model, data
System Specification, architectural design and the detailed provider and network generation.
design. The Prometheus Development tool is extended with • User’s Data agent: This agent uses the mobile app to
the ability to generate skeleton code in the JACK agent- gather data concerning traffic, meteorological and
oriented programming language [28] using a PDT code road conditions using users device sensors readings
generator extension which maintains also synchronization (e.g. Accelerometer, GPS).
between the generated code and the design when either of • Analytics agent: The purpose of the OLAP agent is to
them changes. convert the amount of monitoring data into valuable
The derived multi-agent system is composed of seven main information by applying quick and effective analysis and
agents: create recommendations for users using various views
• Data integration agents: These agents represent all mon- and representations of data. It provides all the basic
itoring stations and mobile sensors distributed in the functionality of an OLAP system and also the missing
study area and provide the required functionality during intelligence in traditional OLAP systems. The aim is
the data extraction, transformation and loading process. performing OLAP analysis on behalf of an agent or a
A data integration agent is also responsible for data user and reporting its result back to the requesting entity
validation, accuracy, the type conversion, etc. It prepares and all other entities that should be informed [29].
all input data required for the good functioning of the
model agent. It sets up a register of emissions for the VII. CASE STUDY
region in order to make regional modeling and prepare A. THE STUDY AREA
the needed domain data and meteorological parameters. The study area used for the testing scenario in this work
Collaboration between these agents will allow a better is located in Marrakech-City. This study area suffers from
understanding of the spatiotemporal evolution of surface the effects of pollutants produced by vehicle exhaust sys-
air quality. tems. This study is based on a set of sensors that provide
• Model agent: The Model agent performs the determinis- information and measures of the air pollutant concentration.
tic modeling. It brings together a set of equations repre- It focused on air quality indexes related to the following
senting the transport and chemistry of gaseous species, pollutants: Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen dioxides (NO2),
allowing the quantification of the evolution of a set of Carbon Monoxide (CO), Particulate Matter, and Ozone (O2).
pollutants, according to time on road segments, taking The map used for the testing scenario in this paper was cut in
into account all parameters. This agent is responsible order to reduce the simulation time. The area considered in
for the generation of the air qualitys prediction using the simulations is represented in Figure 9.
ANN, which is capable of modeling highly nonlinear
relationships while taking into account the data distribu- B. AIR QUALITY PREDICTION
tion factors. This agent uses the predicted and real time We use a three-layer perceptron ANN model and data con-
data in order to calculate API values which are then used cerning the study area described above to predict pollutants
to generate the weighted network. All resulting data are level. In this case study we generate prediction of the
stored into an HBase. Ozone concentration; A six neurons in the input layer are
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