11-Nov Bible Believers Bulletin

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Bible Believers’


Vol. 40 No. 11
“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth” (John 17:17) November 2016

By Brian Donovan spit, anoints the man’s eyes with it,
Whenever the Lord Jesus Christ and then tells him, “Go, wash in the
performed a physical healing during pool of Siloam” (vss. 6–7). Now
His three-and-one-half-year earthly anyone knows that all that work and
ministry, He gave us great illustrations the numerous steps were not neces-
of our own spiritual salvation, espe- sary for the Lord to bring sight to blind
cially when a blind man was healed. eyes. He could have simply spoken
The scriptures show that when we the words, and the sight could have
were lost sinners, we were not only been given. So He has reasons for
“without God,” “having no hope” taking the steps; one of those may
(Eph. 2:12), and “children of wrath” be to show men Who the Maker of
(Eph. 2:3), but we walked around in the cornea, retina, and optic nerve re-
a blind condition (2 Cor. 4:4). So one ally is. Since man is made of dirt, this
of the best types of our salvation is baby came into the world with a defect
found whenever the Lord gave sight in the dirt from which he was made,
to the blind. and the Lord took dirt and created the
One case is found in John chapter missing and defective parts.
9, when the Lord gives sight to a man In another case of healing a blind
who was born blind. The man endured man in Mark 8:22–26, the Lord again
all of his youth as a blind person, and takes some extra steps to perform the
we are told that it was so “that the miracle in order to teach some les-
works of God should be manifest in sons. In that passage, the man’s sight
him” (John 9:3). The Lord watched as comes only partially back at first, and
parents cried over their newborn babe he sees “men as trees, walking.”
being unable to see anything, and this It was not until he first experienced
was done to bring glory to Himself. that partial vision that his eyes were
When the Lord Jesus heals the restored whole.
man, He makes clay with His own It should be obvious to the reader
that the Lord intended the man to see
this and the main reason for taking the
In This Bulletin extra step. The spiritual lesson is that
Men As Trees...................................1 men are like trees. When you begin
Growing Old Gracefully....................2 to look at trees, you will see that they
“Shall Not The Judge Of All The have some things in common with
  Earth Do Right?”.........................20 men. They both are made up mostly
When Duty Called..........................24 Continued on 12

Growing Old
By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
“Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my
strength faileth . . . . Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God,
forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation,
and thy power to every one that is to come” (Psa. 71:9, 18).
I am going to write about something that, admittedly, I know little. I am
not known for doing anything “gracefully,” much less growing old gracefully.
One of the strangest pictures in the Bible of the Lord Jesus Christ is in
Revelation: “His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as
snow” (Rev. 1:14). That same picture is given over in Daniel 7:9, where He
is called “the Ancient of days.” The picture is that of an old, aged Christ:
Someone who has plenty of experience in life from growing old.
God used elderly folk in the Bible. Moses wasn’t “called to preach” until
he was eighty years old (Acts 7:22–23, 30; Exod. 7:7). Caleb was still ac-
tive at 85 (Josh. 14:10–11).
The progression of life is: the teachable teens, the tireless twenties, the
thriving thirties, the forceful forties, the failing fifties, the sickly sixties, the
senile seventies, and the aching eighties. Then, for most people, it’s death,
the sod, and God.

“When as a child I laughed and wept,

 Time crept.
When as a youth I waxed more bold,
 Time strolled.
When I became a full grown man,
 Time ran.
When older still I daily grew,
 Time flew.
Soon I shall find, in passing on,
 Time gone.
O Christ! wilt Thou have saved me then?
      “Time’s Paces” by Henry Twells

What is an “old man”? In the military, he’s a commanding officer. In the

infantry, we called the Captain of a rifle company “the old man.” In the Navy,
that is what the Captain of a ship is called. You will sometimes hear me call
Bob Jones Sr. “old man Bob.” I am not being disrespectful. Having come
out of the infantry, I looked at him as like I looked to a Captain.
Some sayings about old age are: “You are as young as your hope and as
Continued on 3

Growing Old Gracefully

Continued from 2
old as your despair.” “Some folks are dead at forty and buried at seventy.”
At 94 years old, I look back on what I used to be able to do and say, “Oh,
to be seventy again!”
The first thing I want to say about growing old is that there are dangers
associated with it. There are dangers associated with childhood. It’s a
miracle any child reaches his tenth birthday, given the childhood diseases
he can contract and the accidents he can have. When I was a boy, I would
come home for supper, and my momma would ask me, “Where have you
been?” I would always say, “Out playing.” “Out playing” sometimes meant
racing street cars down a hill on my bicycle. It’s a miracle I wasn’t hit and
killed. There is no way a momma or daddy can keep an eye on a kid 24
hours a day, seven days a week. If a kid makes it through childhood, God
has been taking care of him.
One of the dangers of youth is taking dares to prove you’re a man. I have
scars all over my head where I let my buddies drop bricks and rocks on my
head for money. I grew up in the Depression, and money was hard to come
by in those days. Somebody would dare me to do something, and I would
ask, “How much will you give me if I do?” I mean, I wasn’t stupid; I wasn’t
going to do it just to do it. If I were offered enough to take the risk, though,
I would go through with it. It’s a miracle I didn’t get my skull bashed in.
There are dangers in character and habit formation. Your character and
habits are formed in your teenage years. That’s usually where a person
slips. A teenager wants to belong to a crowd; he wants to have friends. A
boy or girl will do just about anything to “fit in.” I was still reaping things in
my seventies that I had sown before I was twenty.
There are dangers of manhood, like getting in debt. Most divorces are
over disputes between a husband and wife over money. And of course,
there are car accidents and wars. There are all kinds of dangers you face
as an adult.

“Men told me, Lord, it was a vale of tears

Where Thou hadst placed me, wickedness and woe
My twain companions whereso I might go;
That I through ten and three-score weary years
Should stumble on, beset by pains and fears,
Fierce conflict round me, passions hot within,
Enjoyment brief and fatal but in sin.
When all was ended then should I demand
Full compensation from Thine austere hand;
For, ‘tis Thy pleasure, all temptation past,
To be not just but generous at last.

“Lord, here am I, my three-score years and ten

Continued on 4

Growing Old Gracefully

Continued from 3
All counted to the full; I’ve fought Thy fight,
Crossed Thy dark valleys, scaled Thy rocks’ harsh height,
Borne all Thy burdens Thou dost lay on men
With hand unsparing, three-score years and ten.
Before Thee now I make my claim, O Lord!
What shall I pray Thee as a meet reward?

“I ask for nothing. Let the balance fall!

All that I am or know or may confess
But swells the weight of mine indebtedness;
Burdens and sorrows stand transfigured all;
Thy hand’s rude buffet turns to a caress,
For Love, with all the rest, Thou gavest me here,
Lo! I have dwelt with Thee, Lord. let me die.
I could do no more through all Eternity.”
      “Men Told Me, Lord” by David Starr Jordan

There are dangers of old age. One of them is poor memory. As you get
older, your memory fails you. In his later years, Bob Jones Sr.’s mind would
fail him to the point where he would get out of the hospital there on campus
(without anybody catching him!) and be found standing on the sidewalk with
his bags packed, ready to go preach a meeting somewhere. I talked to him
one time when he was in that condition, and he said to me with a dazed
look on his face, “This isn’t my school. I built a school once. You ought to
come to my school.” Of course, he wasn’t in his right mind then, but he told
a lot of truth there.
I finally had to stop teaching and preaching due to a failing memory. Of
course, my eyes were going too, due to macular degeneration, but when
you can’t read your notes or remember what you want to say, it’s time to
hang it up. I learned from Bob Jones Sr. that you can’t depend on the ability
to “ad lib.” He had preached his sermons so many times that he didn’t use
notes. But when his memory was going, I heard him repeat the same illus-
tration three times in the same sermon. I hadn’t arrived quite at that point
when I quit, but it was getting there. I learned long ago to write everything
I wanted to say down in my notes, but what are you going to do when you
can’t read your notes or remember what you said or wanted to say?
There is a danger in old age of feeling unwanted. I am here to tell you,
Christian, that if no one else wants you, the Lord wants you. If He didn’t
want you down here, He would take you home. That Bible says, “Precious
in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints” (Psa. 116:15).
Another danger of old age is being too weak to help. Like one elderly
person said, “I’m still kicking, but I’m not raising much dust.” Paul had
infirmities that made him weak. He chose to glory in his infirmities (2 Cor.
Continued on 5

Growing Old Gracefully

Continued from 4
12:5) because that is when the Lord perfected His strength in him (2 Cor.
In the last years of Clarence Larkin’s life, when he was working on The
Greatest Book on Dispensational Truth, he was in pain every day. But he
worked on that book through his pain and got it done, and it became the
foundational work for every Premillennial expositor in America. People like
Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye have made millions of dollars copying Clar-
ence Larkin.
The Apostle John was ninety years old when the Lord gave him the Rev-
elation on the isle of Patmos; he was a slave laborer in the salt mines there.
I have seen “Fightin’” Bob Shuler, pastor of Trinity Methodist Church in Los
Angeles, preach right after he had a heart attack and the doctors told him
not to travel. He got in a plane and traveled from Los Angeles to Greenville,
Continued on 6

Chick Publication Tracts

CK 293 CK 059

CK 017 CK 92

$ 25
per pack of 25 of the SAME TITLE
These three tracts all present the Lord Jesus Christ coming to save sin-
ners. They are especially well received by young people of all ages. Use
this time of year as an open door for evangelism.
(Plus postage—see page 18)

Growing Old Gracefully

Continued from 5
South Carolina to peach at Bob Jones University. He was still partially para-
lyzed on his left side. But those sermons he preached in that condition were
so powerful that I could still repeat a couple of them verbatim after fifty years.
There’s a fear of loneliness as you get older. All your friends and loved
ones your age start passing away. I think I am the only one left at the Bible
Baptist Church of the “Big Parade” (World War II vets). All my “comrades in
arms” have passed away. My buddies in the ministry—Bob Jones Sr., Alex
Dunlap, Bob Gray, Carl Lackey, Herbert Noe, Oliver B. Greene, Lester Roloff,
Hugh Pyle, Glen Schunk, et al.—have gone home to be with the Lord. I feel
like those servants in Job 1—“and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.”
But for all the dangers and fears of old age, there are some great oppor-
tunities. You have real time to pray because you no longer have as much
cluttering your life as you did when you were younger. Bob Jones Sr. told
me that when he talked to Billy Sunday, he could never tell half the time
whether Billy was talking to him or talking to God; Billy would switch back
and forth in a conversation.
When I graduated from Bob Jones University, I got my unofficial “ordina-
tion” from Pappy Reveal, founder of the Evansville Rescue Mission in Indi-
ana. I had just stepped out of the Rodeheaver Auditorium with my diploma
in hand when I heard a voice say, “Come here, young man.” It came from
a car parked by the curb. Pappy was a little fellow and a cripple. I went
over to the car, and he said, “Kneel.” Well, I was raised in a military family
where you followed orders, so I knelt down. He reached his hand out of the
window of that car and laid it on my head, and prayed for me. That fellow
could pray. He would go to the Lord and say, “Lord, I have to have $10,000
tomorrow by 10:00, and I’m trusting you to give it to me. And Lord, if you
don’t, your name is going to be mud.” The Lord gave him the money. Old
Pappy Reveal was in his eighties.
Another advantage to old age is that you can have real fellowship with
God. You have less distractions and less attractions. You get to the point
where the things you wanted when you were younger, you don’t need any-
more. It’s a blessing to walk through Kmart or Walmart and say, “Thank
God I don’t need that, and I don’t need that, etc.”
Old age is a time you can get closer to God. A child asked his grand-
mother, one time, why she spent so much time reading her Bible. She said,
“I’m boning up on my finals.” She was getting ready to meet the Lord.
When you get up in years, you have unusual opportunities to witness.
You may live by yourself and be all alone, but there is still something you
can do for Jesus Christ.

“Is your place a small place?

Tend it with care!
He set you there.
Continued on 7

Growing Old Gracefully

Continued from 6

“Is your place a large place?

Guard it with care!
He set you there.

“Whate’er your place is, it is

Not yours alone, but His
That set you there.”
       “Your Place” by John Oxenham

One of Billy Sunday’s converts, Lucius Eddy, when he was 81 years old,
led a hundred men to Christ. Back in my eighties, I found where the “fishing
holes” were: they were in the prisons. For about ten years or more, I was
able to lead hundreds of men to Christ in the prisons on summer “junkets.”
A pastor friend of mine in Jacksonville, Florida knew a woman in her sev-
enties who would go around to hospitals and give the poorer male patients
free shaves. She would ask those men, “Can I give you a shave in the name
of the Lord Jesus?” And she would witness to them as she gave them a
shave. That pastor said, “I watched that woman lead two men to Christ in
forty minutes.” An older woman can get away with things younger women
and younger men can’t. She reminds folks of their mother or grandmother.
A cab driver was driving an elderly gentleman home one night when he
got a call from dispatch to pick up three young men. Since the pickup was
right on the way, he decided to take care of both fares at once. He put one
young fellow up front and the other two in the back seat with the old man.
Well, those young men were headed for a wild night out on the town,
and as young men are wont to do, they began to brag and boast about
their plans for the night. As they were being especially lurid as to what
they planned, one of those young fellows turned to that old man and said,
Continued on 8

Brian Donovan David Walker
History Of The King James Bible—1 A Little Push
History Of The King James Bible—2 Not Done Yet
A Life Of Faith Vince Massa
David’s Turn Around A Great Soldier
Zach Colvin
Our Light Affliction All of September’s sermons on one MP3
Bro. Colvin’s Personal Testimony *Now with special music!
Chris Jeffery
The Principle of Prayer DC 1609 at

Growing Old Gracefully

Continued from 7
“What about you, pop? You want to come with us and paint the town red?”
Now that “senior citizen” was a Christian. Up to that point, he had kept his
mouth shut and stared out the window. But when that younger guy asked
him that, that elderly Christian man turned to those three young fellows and
said, “Gentlemen, I fear God.” With that, he turned and looked back out the
window. Talk about a wet blanket, man! That was a simple witness, but it
cut to the hearts of those three fellows.
Now here are some rules for long living. These aren’t things like eat
right, get plenty of rest, drink at least eight glasses of water a day, etc.
These are principles in God’s word for a long life. The first is found in the
Ten Commandments.
“Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon
the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee” (Exod. 20:12).
Paul calls that “the first commandment with promise” (Eph. 6:2). That
is, it is the first of the ten with a promise attached to it: if you honor your
parents, God will give you a long life. Of course, that is subject to the will
and purpose of God. There is no doubt that Jesus honored His earthly par-
ents (Luke 2:51), but He died at thirty-three-and-a-half years old. But that
was because it was the Father’s will that Jesus die for sinners. All things
being equal, if you observe what the Scriptures say about a long life, you
will live longer than those who don’t.
Bob Jones Sr. said he read a book once on how to live to be a hundred.
One of the things that writer of that book said to do was, every morning, fill
a tub with cold water, and before you eat breakfast, get in it. Dr. Bob said,
“You may have your idea of what a brave man is, but my idea of a brave
man is one who will fill that tub up with ice-cold water and then stand and
look at it before he gets in.”
You can “prolong thy days upon the earth” when you keep the com-
mandments in that Book directed at you (Deut. 4:40; Prov. 3:1–2). God
will give you “length of days” when you live by the wisdom in that Book
(Prov. 3:13–16, 4:7–10). The fear of God will add years to your life (Prov.
9:10–11). Do you want a long life? Then pray about it (Psa. 21:4). I mean,
“ye have not, because ye ask not” (James 4:2).
Here are some statistics about old age. The average age where sexual
activity stops among men is 68. For the female, it’s 81. The average life
span of an English-speaking male is 69 years old; between both sexes,
the average age of an American is 73. If you engage in sex perversion as
a male, you cut your life down to 41–47 years old.
If I were to say something about how to live a long life, I would say go
on working. Theodore Taylor of Yorkshire, England died at 102. At 99, he
was still doing public speaking against the opium traffic, and he was still
working at a factory when he was 100. Of course, it helped that he was a
non-smoker and a “teetotaler” (didn’t drink alcohol). Michelangelo was still
Continued on 9

Growing Old Gracefully

Continued from 8
painting the Sistine Chapel at 89. John Wesley was still preaching at 88.
Ben Franklin wrote his biography at eighty. Ignacy Jan Paderewski, the Pol-
ish pianist, was still performing concerts at eighty. Alfred Lord Tennyson, the
poet laureate of England, was still writing poems at 83. Booth Tarkington
wrote sixteen novels after he was sixty. Titian was still painting at 88, the
year he died. Verdi was still composing music at 76.
The American fitness personality Jack LaLanne lived to be 96. At 60, he
swam from Alcatraz to the shore handcuffed. At 61, he swam the length of
the Long Beach Harbor towing thirteen boats behind him. At 62, he swam
the length of the Golden Gate Bridge pulling a 2,000-pound boat. At 70,
he towed seventy boats 1.5 miles—handcuffed. He was still working out
daily up to the day before he died of pneumonia. And if he had gone to the
doctor when his family told him to, he probably would have lived longer.
Work as long as you can. Keep exercising as long as you can. If you
retire, keep a daily “constitutional” of walking. Find something to do that
will give your life purpose. That will help you live longer. Keep moving till
you can’t move.
I would also say that as you get older, don’t lose your sense of humor. It
will help keep you alive. In All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Re-
marque has one of his characters say, “We have to use humor to keep from
going crazy. We joke about things because if we didn’t, we’d lose our minds.”
I saw a cartoon once of an eighty-year-old fellow at the death bed of his
ninety-year-old buddy. That dying fellow said to his friend, “Come here.”
The eighty-year-old came toward the bed. “Closer.” He stepped closer.
“Closer.” He got right up against the dying man so he could hear what he
had to say. The fellow in bed reached out and touched his buddy and said,
“Last tag!” That’s being in a good humor, brother.
Now the last thing I want to say is that no matter how old you get, you
will die. “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judg-
ment” (Heb. 9:27).
In comparison to eternity, life here on earth, no matter how old you may
live to be, is short. “For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that ap-
peareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away” (James 4:14).
“Life is short; death is sure.
Sin the curse; Christ the cure.”
The reality is, most Christians get saved before they are ten years old.
But the older you get, the less likely you are to trust Christ. You won’t find
many people who got saved after they were sixty years old. The reason for
that is, the older you get, the more you watch other people and see their
failures and shortcomings. That makes you feel better about yourself and
feeds your self-righteous nature. “Well, they say they’re Christians, and
look how they live. I’m better than that, so I must be all right.”
That’s false security. You can’t count on the inconsistencies of others to
Continued on 10

Growing Old Gracefully

Continued from 9
get you to Heaven. God doesn’t judge on a “curve.”
The old saying is: “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” That’s because
old people become set in their ways. That’s why it is so hard for an elderly
person to stop trusting his own righteousness and trust only the righteous-
ness of Christ. That’s why the admonition from the wisest man who ever
lived, outside of Jesus Christ, was:
“Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil
days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have
no pleasure in them” (Eccl. 12:1).
Now I hope, as you grow older, that you can claim the victory. Jacob’s
testimony before Pharaoh at 130 years of age was: “few and evil have
the days of the years of my life been” (Gen. 47:9). What a testimony to
give to a heathen King. But that was from a life of conniving and deceit and
living for self. Contrast that with the testimony of the Apostle Paul:
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the
faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which
the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day . . . .” (2 Tim. 4:7–8).
I hope you, in your twilight years, can give a testimony like this:

“Thank God for life, with all its endless store

Of great experiences, of hill and dale,
Of cloud and sunshine, tempest, snow, and hail.

“Thank God for straining sinews, panting breast,

No less for weary slumber, peaceful rest;

“Thank God for home and parents, children, friends,

For sweet companionship that never ends:

“Thank God for all the splendor of the earth,

For nature teeming with prolific birth.

“Thank God for sea and sky, for changing hours.

For trees and singing birds and fragrant flowers.

“And so in looking back at eight-three

My final word to you, my friends, shall be:

Thank God for life; and when the gift’s withdrawn,

Thank God for twilight bell, and coming dawn.”
   “At Eighty-Three” by Thomas Durky Landelsky

The Bookstore
has developed a
basic Christmas
tract for holiday
Illustrated with Dr. Ruckman’s
artwork, this tract presents
Christ as Saviour, coming King,
and Judge.
TR-25C (English)
TR-25S (Spanish)
(Plus postage — see page 18)

Bro. Donovan’s
Meeting Schedule
November 4–6
  Bible Believers Baptist Church
  128 Goodman St.
  Munfordville, KY 42765
  Pastor Sean Riggs
  (270) 524-5678
A reminder and an encour-
December 9–11 agement to keep constant
  Anchor Baptist Church
  10440 Crain Hgwy. in prayers, this little booklet
  Faulkner, MD 20632 is useful for individual or
  Pastor Bob Joseph congregational use. There
  (540) 663-0192
are over ninety blank pages
January 20–22 with headings to record your
  Bible Believers Baptist Church
  3857 Hartley Road prayers and answers to those
  Jacksonville, FL 32256 prayers.

  Pastor David Peacock
  (904) 334-5783 Stitch Bound
76 pages
February 10–12 NV-1446

  Open Door Baptist Church
  7688 Market Ave. N.
  Canton, OH 44721
Spiral Bound
152 pages $ 50
  Pastor Bob Butterfield NV-1446SB
  (330) 494-9774 (Plus postage—see page 18)

Continued from 1 get to a certain age, they quit taking in
of water. They both have trunks with carbon dioxide and actually become
branches growing off them. They both less useful and should be cut down.
decline in their ability to perform their The Bible begins with man in a
functions with age. They both come garden, and he was commanded not
and go by the millions with hardly to eat of a certain tree (Gen. 2). When
anyone noticing them. he disobeyed, the Lord removed “the
Trees have a number of beneficial tree of life,” and both mankind and
purposes in their relationship to man. the trees are now cursed. From the
Men breathe in oxygen and exhale time Adam partook of that vine tree
carbon dioxide, while trees breathe until now, men are born to die. But
in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen thanks to the Lord, He stepped in and
(no doubt a pure accident of evolu- fixed it all by putting His only begot-
tion). Trees cleanse the atmosphere ten Son “on a tree” to take the curse
of pollutants, cool waters under their away (Gal. 3:13). The Book ends with
shade, reduce erosion using their root “the tree of life” back in place “for
systems, as well as providing mankind the healing of the nations” (Rev.
a beautiful landscape. Trees point 22:2).
man to a Creator and will, one day, The Bible has a lot to say about
at the restoration of the earth, “clap “men as trees.” In Psalm 1:3, the
their hands” (Isa. 55:12) at the return blessed man is likened to “a tree
of the Saviour, when He sets up His planted by the rivers of water, that
millennial kingdom. bringeth forth his fruit in his sea-
The Bible speaks of at least 31 son.” In Psalm 37:35, the wicked man
kinds of trees from Genesis to Rev- is likened to “a green bay tree.” In
elation. They include the box, myrtle, Ezekiel 31:3, Satan, as “the Assyr-
pine, mulberry, fig, apple, olive, pome- ian” is likened to “a cedar in Leba-
granate, juniper, sycamore, fir, and non.” That helps explain why men
others. The “greenies” are always want to cut down a tree at Xmass and
worried about saving the trees, when bring it into the house and decorate it.
they don’t have a clue about what they It also helps explain why the heathen
are talking. Up until very recently, “sci- carve totem poles, make wooden
ence” estimated there were about 400 steeples, and “knock on wood” as a
billion trees on earth, but in 2015, an superstition. In Daniel 4, Nebuchad-
article appeared in the LA Times titled, nezzar is lifted up in pride, and as a
“We Finally Know How Many Trees.” result, he is cut down like a tree to the
It reported there are over three trillion stump of his roots. The Lord was not
trees on earth.! wasting any time or effort when He al-
Every time one of these tree hug- lowed the blind man in Mark 8 to first
gers interferes with the Lord’s set up, “see men as trees, walking” before
He stirs up a little brush fire and burns He fully restored his physical sight.
a couple of million trees in one shot. One way in which trees are like
Many of the forest fires out west can men is found in the palm tree in that
be directly traced to greenies trying to it is Flexible. There are over 2,500
save the old-growth forests. As trees Continued on 13

Continued from 12 but no man “does his own thing.” You
varieties of the palm tree on this earth, will be obedient to the flesh or to the
and almost every part of the palm tree Spirit. It is your choice, but you will
is useful. Their trunks are used to build yield somewhere. In Daniel 3, the
huts and small bridges; their seeds three Hebrew children are delivered
are fed to pigs; their fronds are used from “the burning fiery furnace”
for making brooms and rattan furni- because they “yielded their bodies,
ture. Shoe polish, wax, dental floss, that they might not serve” any other
rope, and hats are all made from the god but the true God (Dan. 3:28). The
palm. From the palm tree, man feeds submission of the Christian to the
on coconuts, dates, betel nuts, and leading of the Holy Spirit will prevent
acai fruit. The first mention of the palm a breaking. It will sometimes require
in the Bible is in Exodus 15:27, where sacrifice, but in the end, the success-
the seventy palms of Elim provide ful child of God will become like the
shade at an oasis for Israel coming out palm and be flexible.
of Egypt and into the desert of Sinai. Another way in which trees are like
Another great example of the flex- men is that some trees are Faithful.
ibility of the palm tree was demon- The cedar tree, in the Bible, provides
strated throughout southern Florida the example of faithfulness. The ce-
in August of 1992, when Hurricane dars were there for the building of
Andrew’s 165-mile-per-hour winds King David’s house (2 Sam. 5:11) and
toppled millions of trees. When the Solomon’s house (1 Kings 7:1–2), as
devastation was finished, the bulk well as the temple of the Lord (1 Kings
of the trees that survived were the 6:9, 15–16, 20).
royal palms. Even though they grow Cedars are known for their long life
to heights reaching 100 feet, the and durability, with their insect and
palms bent with the winds and even disease-resistant wood. A forest of
sacrificed their fronds to survive. The cedars in Lebanon was protected by
flexibility of the palm bending to the Queen Victoria of England back in the
wind is the reason so many survived. 1800’s by building a protective border
Though their root system is not spread around them; the same trees are still
out nor very deep, they survived due around today. A yellow cedar in Alaska
to their flexibility in bending to the was found to have 1,834 tree rings,
wind. and many are known to live between
In the scripture, the wind is likened 1,500–2,000 years. Cedars will grow
to the Holy Spirit (John 3:8); and the in elevations over 3,000 feet, where
Christian, like a tree, must bend to most trees cannot survive. They do
the Holy Spirit’s way to survive, often not grow very tall, usually not over
sacrificing some things to His control forty to fifty feet, but are strong, faith-
in order to please the Lord. The lost ful trees. Cedar chests are valued
world looks at yielding as a sign of for their resistance to wood borers,
weakness, but every man must yield insects, and wood rot.
to someone or something. In Romans The Christian should desire to be
chapter 6, Paul shows that everyone like this tree in his faithfulness and
either yields to sin or to righteousness, Continued on 14

Continued from 13 nut, apple, almond, pomegranate,
durability. The Lord gives a parable and vine trees. Fruit trees are useful
in Luke 19 where He commends a to man for both nutritional and me-
servant for being “faithful in a very dicinal value. The trees that are fruitful
little” (Luke 19:17). In 1 Corinthians require pruning and maintenance to
4:2, the Apostle Paul tells us that “it fight disease and insects. The right
is required in stewards, that a man amount of sun and water, along with
be found faithful.” Timothy is told sprays of oil, are needed to continue
to take what he has been given and fruit bearing. Good pruning prevents
commit the same “to faithful men, the crop from becoming too heavy
who shall be able to teach oth- and breaking the branches, while too
ers also.” When the Lord calls you much pruning will result in an under-
home, will you be found faithful like sized crop.
the cedar? The Lord Jesus says He is “the
A third way that trees are like men vine” and we “are the branches”
is found in the Fruitful tree. The Bible (John 15:5). Once a disciple begins to
mentions the fig, olive, hazel, chest- Continued on 15

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Continued from 14 be full of “love, joy, peace, longsuf-
bear fruit, the Lord “purgeth it, that fering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
it may bring forth more fruit” (John meekness, temperance” to bring
15:2). As a nation, Israel is likened forth fruit to our worthy Saviour.
to the fig tree (Jer. 24; Matt. 24), and Some trees are Forceful. The oak,
when she did not produce fruit, He in the Bible, is the example of being
sets her aside (Matt. 21:17–19) and strong, yet the references are not
gives the vineyard to others (Matt. good. The first mention of the oak is in
21:41–43). The Lord expects fruit, or Genesis 35:4, when Jacob hides the
in His view, the tree is merely cumber- false gods and trinkets of his wives
ing the ground (Luke 13:6–9). which he had picked up during his
A fruit tree that does not ever bear twenty-year stay with “Laban the Syr-
fruit is useless. The blessed man of ian” (Gen. 25:20, 31:20, 24).
Psalm 1 is “like a tree planted by Oaks spread their branches further
the rivers of water, that bringeth out than they grow up, sometimes up
forth his fruit in his season.” The to 100 feet out from the trunk. They
barren fig tree is a picture of man in are used by the heathen for their
his self-righteous condition with only shady groves in idol worship “under
leaves (Gen. 3:7) and, in Judges 9, every thick oak” (Ezek. 6:13). The
shown to be nothing more than a self- oak’s leaves contain tannic acid, and
serving tree. As lost sinners, we only its acorns are toxic to sheep.
had rotten fruit that brought shame The young prophet gets himself
(Rom. 6:21). in trouble when he hesitates and sits
The blind man said he saw “men under an oak (1 Kings 13:14). At the
as trees, walking.” When the Lord second coming of Christ, He will take
looks down at you, does He see a vengeance on the “oaks of Bashan”
fruitful tree? Galatians 5:22–23 tells (Isa. 2:13; Zech. 11:2).
us there are nine “fruit of the Spirit.” The oak often looks healthy on the
We should be discipling ourselves to Continued on 16

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Continued from 15
outside while being eaten out from oak. The carpenter in Isaiah 44 (vss.
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crashing to the ground. order to make a god and an image
The oak’s strength is connected to worship. The Lord mentions taking
to pride, as it refuses to bend to the vengeance on the “oaks of Bashan”
wind in its strength. The oak pictures when He returns, not on the dogwood.
the proud soul that refuses to bow Men are “as trees, walking.”
the head and humble himself. Rather Some men are flexible like the palm
than give its strength to the Lord, the tree and bend to the Holy Spirit. Some
oak holds its head high in the face of men are faithful and durable like the
the wind and laughs at the flimsy reed cedar tree and live out a long life for
which bows at the slightest breeze of the Lord. Some men are fruitful like
wind. But there finally comes the day the vine tree and continue to bear fruit,
when the wind brings it crashing to even as the pruning of the Lord takes
the ground. place. Some men are forceful like the
Roman Catholic legend says the oak and use their God-given strength
cross of Jesus Christ on Calvary was for themselves as they refuse to bow
probably a dogwood, but the Bible the head when the Lord speaks.
points to it being made from the

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“Shall Not The Judge Of

All The Earth Do Right?”
By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
“That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous
with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be
far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” (Gen. 18:25).
The above text is Abraham preaching to his Creator. His message is es-
sentially, “Far be it from you, Lord, to do wrong.” Now would anybody reading
this article care to answer Abraham’s question: “Shall not the Judge of all
the earth do right?”
You say, “Of course He’ll do right.” Every time? Under every circumstance?
The atheist doesn’t think so. One of the basic arguments of atheism is how
could God be good and let all the awful things go on that take place all over
this world. Either God is not good (in which case He would be the Devil), or He
does not exist. The atheist argues the latter, but in actuality believes the former.
If God is “the Judge of all the earth” (and He certainly would be if He
were really God), then He certainly should “do right.” Bob Jones Sr. said
the two greatest words in the English language are do right. Well, would God
“do wrong”? Would you care to challenge Him of wrongdoing like the atheist?
“Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” The obvious answer is if
there is any “Judge of all the earth”—i.e., if there is any “God”—He would
have to do right, or He wouldn’t be God. If He did wrong, He would be a sinner
just like you or me.
For a minute, let’s look at the question from the atheist’s viewpoint. Have
you ever studied history? Have you read about some of the things God let
happen? Did He do right when He let such things happen?
Was He right in letting Hitler kill six million of His chosen people? Was He
right for letting 2,209 people die in the Johnstown flood? Was He right for
letting the Spanish flu sweep across the earth between 1918 and 1920, kill-
ing anywhere from 50-100 million people? Was He right for letting firestorms
sweep through Hamburg when the Allies bombed it, killing 42,600 civilians
and wounding 37,000 more? Could He have stopped these things? Should
He have?
You see, you need to think. “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do
right?” The philosophers never could successfully answer the question. Let’s
see just how straight you are; let’s see if you are as stupid as some jackass
educated far beyond his intelligence.
Was God right to drown out the whole earth except for eight people (Gen.
6–8)? What’s your answer? I know the answer of the evolutionist and the hu-
manist: God didn’t do it; He had no hand in it.
Did God do right when He burned Sodom and Gomorrah to the ground for
the sex perversion going on in them? Was He right for burning the old men
and women in their seventies and eighties, the cripples and the handicapped,
Continued on 21

“Shall Not The Judge Of

All The Earth Do Right?”
Continued from 20
and (undoubtedly) the children and the babies? Was that the right thing to do?
Are you sure you aren’t an atheist or agnostic in the way you look at things?
You say, “I don’t know whether He was right or not.” Well, if you can’t answer
the question, then you had better get rid of the God of that Bible, because the
God of the Bible not only did those things, He said He was right for doing them.
Did God “do right” by having Zedekiah’s eyes put out after watching his
own sons murdered (Jer. 39:6–7)? Was He right for letting the Babylonians
come into Jerusalem and rape the women, hang the men up by their thumbs,
and enslave the children (Lam. 5:11–13)? God saw all that; He allowed it to
happen. Did He “do right”?
But it is more than God just “allowing” it to happen. Job said He caused
it: “What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not
receive evil?” (Job 2:10).
“Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” What do you think? Did
God “do right” in His treatment of Job? God said He didn’t. He told Satan,
“thou movedst me against him, to destroy him without cause” (Job 2:3).
Do you call that good judgment? What’s the matter? Getting a little con-
fused? That Book will put anybody clean out of the ring. It will chew him up
and spit him out, especially the ones with IQs of 140 or more.
Job had done nothing wrong to deserve anything he got, yet he got it “in
the neck.” He had ten funerals in one day; his wife cussed him out; he was
stricken with an incurable disease. God was the author of all that. He was the
one who brought Job to Satan’s attention; He was the one who gave the Devil
permission to do what he did to Job. Well, did God “do right” when He did
those things?
“Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” How about Christ’s death?
Would you let a sinless man be tortured to death if you could stop it? Come
now, don’t be squeamish. Don’t play musical chairs or round and round the
mulberry bush. Is it right to let your Son be tortured to death when He was
The sex perverts and the “emergents” (neo-Liberals) don’t hesitate to
answer the question. God was either a cosmic child abuser, or He wasn’t
responsible for it. I trust you have more sense than that.
“Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” Is He right to let a sinner
go to the Lake of Fire and burn forever when He could get him out? In Luke
16:24–25, the rich man in Hell asked for a drop of water and never got it. Was
God right for doing that?
You say, “That’s just a parable.” That’s the standard way of avoiding the
question: throw the Book out. The Book is too powerful for you, and you can’t
deal with it. It is more powerful than all 23 million volumes in the Library of
Continued on 22

“Shall Not The Judge Of

All The Earth Do Right?”
Continued from 21
Congress put together. It takes the egotistical intellectuals and deposits all of
them in “File 13.”
“Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” Will He be right when
He says to hundreds of millions of lost sinners, “Depart from me, ye cursed,
into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matt. 25:41),
and “depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity” (Luke 13:27)? Will it be
right that “the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and
they have no rest day or night” (Rev. 14:11)?
Would God actually do that? Well, not if He were the god of modern Ameri-
ca, no. If you are talking about the god preached over “TBN” and the Christian
FM radio stations, no, he wouldn’t. But if you are talking about the God of the
Book (AV 1611), He certainly will, and it will be right. In fact, God wouldn’t do
wrong to keep you or any other sinner out of the Lake of Fire.
You say, “But ‘God is love’ (1 John 4:8).” Yes, He is, but He is also holy and
just, and His holiness takes precedence over His love. His first consideration
is not some sentimental emotion for you; it is what is right, what is true. Your
opinion isn’t worthy of consideration, so He doesn’t consider it.
God did right in wiping out the civilization of Noah’s day. It was completely
corrupt and would have taken the whole world to Hell (Gen. 6:5). Left to itself,
it would have multiplied billions of God-hating, violent, murderous lost sinners.
God did right in wiping out Sodom and Gomorrah—even the children and
babies. Do you know what those little boys and girls had to look forward to?
Being sexually molested by a bunch of homosexuals and Lesbians, and being
taught that abominable “lifestyle” was natural and that they were “born that
way.” They would have grown up to perpetuate the cycle of perversion in the
next generation until their abominable acts became worse than previous gen-
erations (exactly as you are seeing it play out in the United States right now).
Those sex perverts in Sodom were ready to kill a man because he wouldn’t
let them rape his house guests(Gen. 19). That’s why God warned those Jews
that when they entered the land of Canaan to wipe out those heathen nations
that were practicing the same abominations as Sodom and Gomorrah: kill
them or they’ll kill you (see also Judg. 19).
God did right in letting Nebuchadnezzar come in and burn Jerusalem to
the ground. God had given those Jews warning after warning over a period of
more than 200 years to get right or He would let them be taken into captivity.
Except for brief periods of revival, they worshiped false gods, murdered, com-
mitted sodomy, and broke the covenant God made with them and to which
they agreed (Exod. 19:8).
God did right in turning Satan loose on Job. Although Job had done nothing
to deserve anything that happened to him, there was a spirit of self-righteous-
Continued on 23

“Shall Not The Judge Of

All The Earth Do Right?”
Continued from 22
ness in Job that could only be brought to the surface by adversity (see Job
27:6, 13:15). God wanted to get all the dross out of Job so he would be pure
gold (Job 23:10).
God did right in letting His Son be tortured for your sins (Isa. 53:10). He
was not a “child abuser.” He left it up to His Son’s own free will, but warned
Him of the consequences. He also gave Him a promise of resurrection and
eternal life if He chose to be the sacrifice for our sins (see our comments on
Tit. 1:2 in the Bible Believer’s Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles). Thank
God Jesus chose in our favor; otherwise there would be no way out of Hell
and no way into God’s presence. God let Jesus go through all the horrors of
Calvary not just as the only payment He would accept for our sins, but to give
Him several billion willing worshipers in Eternity to bow at His feet and praise
Him (Isa. 53:11–12).
God said, “Be ye holy; for I am holy” (1 Pet. 1:16). God never does wrong.
Do you know how He does the things I just gave you and gets away with it?
Because He is holy and we are not.
God’s mercy may sometimes delay what God’s holiness demands (Eccl.
8:11), but God’s mercy won’t last forever to a man who turns down the way
God has provided for a sinner to access God’s grace. God’s mercy towards
us as lost sinners was manifested at Calvary, and if you want God to have
eternal mercy on your soul, you will have to go where He says to go to get it.
Of course, if you don’t, you will think God is doing something wrong in con-
demning you to Hell, but He’s not. He is doing the only thing that’s proper in
view of His nature (holiness) and what you did—rejected what His Son did on
Calvary to get you out of Hell.
The sin that damns a man to Hell is not anything he does. According to John
16:9, the sin that lands a sinner in the Lake of Fire is something he doesn’t do.
The Holy Spirit has come to convict the sinner of not believing on Christ;
not of any sin a sinner commits.
We (and I include myself here) are dealing with a holy God who doesn’t
think the way we think. His ways and thoughts are above us.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my
ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your
thoughts” (Isa. 55:8–9).
“Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” You bet your life He will.
He’ll do right every time and never “miss a lick.” He will “do right” no matter
who says what, who does what, who preaches what, who teaches what, or
who practices what. Such things are immaterial and irrelevant when dealing
with the One who identifies Himself with absolute holiness (Isa. 57:15).

When Duty Called

By Robert Militello
“He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them: he enlargeth the
nations, and straiteneth them again” (Job 12:23).
On the first Sunday in December 75 years ago, at about 1 p.m. Washing-
ton, D.C. time, President Roosevelt received the news many hoped would
never come. Our Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was attacked by
Japanese planes. War came to America just as folks were welcoming the
Christmas season.
That Sunday night, mothers of young sons across our nation went to God
in prayer. Our president had promised them that their sons would not go to
war. So much for the promises of man. It is the Lord who has the last word.
It was time for America to be straitened (made narrow).
“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under
the heaven” (Eccl. 3:1).
Militarily, we were not well prepared. Although a draft of men had begun
the previous year, the United States was caught flat-footed. Almost overnight,
we had to shift from a peacetime economy to a wartime economy. The call to
defend our nation went out to millions of young men who came up through
the Great Depression. Tough times can mold character and make men out
of boys.
In 1998, a book entitled The Great Generation chronicled the experience
of many who fought and lived to tell about what it was like. Tom Brokaw, the
author of the book, wrote, “It is, I believe, the greatest generation any society
has ever produced.” He also said that those men and women fought not for
fame and recognition, but because it was “the right thing to do.”
Thanks be to God who raised up men and women ready to do their duty
and defend our country. It is now 75 years later, and the Pearl Harbor survi-
vors are less then 2,000, as of this writing. They will all be gone soon, bless
their memory. But what about this generation enjoying the material comforts
of America and hardly giving a thought to how suddenly things can change?
“Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day
may bring forth” (Prov. 27:1).
Also, what about those who profess to be in Christ and whose bodies are
temples of the Holy Spirit? Have they not been called to battle? Will many
be able to say like Paul, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my
course, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim. 4:7)?
Perhaps the bravest of Christian soldiers today are not in America, but on
foreign fields, fighting for the truth of the gospel. They labor in lands where
the inhabitants struggle for the necessities of life and know nothing of “self-
ies” and “cafè mochas” at Starbucks. Do we give thanks to God for these
While America recovers from a brutal election season, the Thanksgiving
holiday should remind Christians of their obligation to share God’s bounty
with those in want. The Church has more to give this sorry world than what
Continued on 25

When Duty Called

Continued from 24
America can offer materially. Jesus Christ saves, not America; and He saves
permanently. Thank God for those who not only understand this, but put their
hands to the plow and do something about it.
One of the members of America’s greatest generation, who went off to war
in 1943 and came home alive, was destined to become one of the greatest
soulwinners of our time. As a cartoonist, and not as a preacher, evangelist,
or missionary, Jack T. Chick did more to put out the gospel of salvation in
foreign lands than any Bible society had done previously. Chick tracks in 108
languages are circulating around the globe. His publishing company has put
out over 750 million tracts, comics, videos, books, and poster.
The devil knows who this man is, even though millions of lost Americans
don’t. He is hated by Jesuits and every bishop of the Roman Church. He is
maligned by every Christian who bristles at the belief that the King James
text is pure. His effectiveness for the cause of Christ and His world is testi-
fied to by all the attempts made by Chick’s enemies to destroy him and his
publishing company. At 92, Bro. Chick is still giving heartburn to prominent
Christian “leaders” and pastors whose understanding of sound doctrine is
no better than a superstitious nun in a Catholic convent.
During the election season, our nation had to be reminded repeatedly that
we are at war with radical Islam. Christians are called to a war against evil
and darkness. Laodicean believers prefer churches where the pulpits do
not major in “war talk.” Christian FM radio plays a major role in undermining
the militancy that should make a believer a soldier.
Sardis was a dying church in Revelation 3:1–6.
“Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their
garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy”
(Rev. 3:4).
There aren’t many left like Peter S. Ruckman and Jack T. Chick. Are we
praying for the Lord to raise up laborers to harvest souls in foreign lands?
Dr. Ruckman’s legacy was more than a masterful defense of the integrity of
the King James text. The Bible Baptist Mission Board at the Bible Baptist
Church is a powerful testimony to his love for souls outside our borders.
There’s a war going on for souls around our planet, but you wouldn’t know
that by listening to the salesmen running megachurches.
This will be the first Thanksgiving without Dr. Ruckman at the table. His
last sermon at Bible Baptist was on February 8, 2015, although he continued
to teach the Sunday school class until August 16th. Dr. Ruckman’s text was
Proverbs 24:10–12. Like 2 Timothy and 2 Peter, there’s something about a
farewell message that crystallizes what was in the heart of the messenger
like nothing else.
Jack Chick and Peter Ruckman shared the same passion. There was
nothing vague about the Christian soldier’s duty in their mind. Getting “the
word of truth” (Eph. 1:13) out to as many as possible before the Church
Continued on 26

When Duty Called

Continued from 25
leaves was “the order of the day.”
“If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those
that are ready to be slain; If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth
not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy
soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man accord-
ing to his works?” (Prov. 24:11–12).
Just write “Judgment Seat of Christ” in your Bible after verse 12, because
the message couldn’t be any clearer.
Paul told us in 2 Timothy 3:1 that the end of the Church Age would be
socially chaotic. He used the word “perilous” to describe those days. Did
he know then that the Twentieth Century would be the bloodiest in the his-
tory of man? Besides the wars and international turmoil, the enemies of the
gospel have proliferated like never before. The Nineteenth Century saw the
rise of three cults more dedicated to recruiting followers than the Lord’s own
church: Mormons, Adventists, and Jehovah’s Witnesses. Yes, these religious
devils proselytize with a zeal that surpasses, by far, the average Christian.
Clearly, the devil did not fall asleep in these last days. These are the days of
adversity foretold in the scripture.
“If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small” (Prov.
Those men that Tom Brokaw called “The Great Generation” did not faint.
Jack Chick, Dr. Ruckman, and some others put on their flak jackets and went
to war. Thanks be to God for the men He raised up that ran to the battle and
not away from it.
Of the many cogent and instructive notes found at the bottom of many
pages in the Ruckman Reference Bible, the note on the first part of Proverbs
29:18 is “right on” for any believer serious about pleasing God. The verse
says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Dr. Ruckman’s note
“A Christian must maintain three visions: the vision of the risen Christ
(Acts 9:3–10), New Jerusalem (Rev. 21–22), and the ‘harvest fields’ (Matt.
9:37–38). A Christian that loses ‘the vision’ of unsaved people in Hell (Matt.
13:49–50; Luke 16:22–31; Rev. 14:9–11, 20:11–15) is absolutely good for
nothing (see note on Prov. 24:10).”
If you have a Ruckman Reference Bible, turn to his note on Proverbs 24:10
and match it with the note I quoted above.
The men I will always miss are those who weren’t afraid of offending some-
one when it came to telling the truth (Psa. 119:165). Like political correctness,
spiritual correctness in America’s pulpits has put the Body of Christ on life
support. It is because the Lord is so longsuffering that the Church has been
allowed to stay on earth this long. A good portion of God’s “army” in America
ought to give thanks they are not at the Judgment Seat of Christ right now.
That may not be the case next Thanksgiving; we don’t know.
Continued on 27

When Duty Called

Continued from 26
“America’s Greatest Generation” was characterized by plain-spoken indi-
viduals who had little patience for anyone not considered a “plain shooter.”
“All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing
froward or perverse in them” (Prov. 8:8).
Our Lord Jesus Christ was in every respect a “man’s man,” besides being
God in human flesh. He did not speak “legalese,” and He had little use for
lawyers: “Woe unto you, lawyers!” (Luke 11:52). His enemies, the religious
crowd, were themselves afraid to speak to the people plainly; they recognized
in Jesus a genuine threat to their power over the people. Like today’s press
corps in America desiring to demonize any politician who does not embrace
the liberal, Democratic agenda, the Pharisees and Sadducees sought to
provoke the Lord to say things which could be used against Him.
“And as he said these things unto them, the scribes and the Phari-
sees began to urge him vehemently, and to provoke him to speak of
many things: Laying wait for him, and seeking to catch something out
of his mouth, that they might accuse him” (Luke 11:53–54).
Heroes, today, are men who go off to war, leaving the comforts of America
to fight the powers of darkness in foreign lands. Thanks be to God for them.
Not all men who received a call from the Holy Spirit to win souls in other
lands were willing to obey. Fear can come on suddenly when one is urged
to move forward into the combat zone.
My dad, who saw combat in Germany in World War II, had to get past that
fear when orders were given to move up to the front line. He told me about
how the noise of artillery and the sound of tanks and mechanized vehicles
got louder and louder as the men neared the front. He was part of the 2nd
Armored Division—“Hell on Wheels”—U.S. Seventh Army. Their orders were
to smash through stubborn German units offering fanatical resistance in
defense of the “Fatherland.”
On November 7th, the voters will select a new Commander-in-Chief,
and a few weeks later, we will sit down and enjoy the bounty of America on
Thanksgiving Day. I will do my duty as a citizen and a Christian, and vote
with the understanding that, ultimately, the Lord alone will decide who gets
to live in the White House. In 1964, I turned eighteen and voted for the
Republican senator from Arizona: Barry Goldwater. He impressed me as a
plain-speaking patriot. He lost, however, to Lyndon Johnson, who listened
to Cardinal Spellman of New York and sent thousands of U.S. soldier’s to
die in the jungles of Vietnam.
Voting is a privilege and a duty, so I vote in congressional elections, pri-
maries, and local elections. I believe in picking up the phone and calling my
elected representatives to give them a piece of my mind when called for. As
a Christian, I count it a blessing to live in a land where I can protest loudly
against those getting a paycheck from taxpayers, while making themselves
invisible except during election season. Our God will hold us accountable for
Continued on 28

When Duty Called

Continued from 27
the proper use of the privileges and blessings He has given us. Good men
have died to secure our blessings, but the One who gave the most (2 Cor.
8:9; 1 Pet. 3:18) will get little more than lip service on Thanksgiving Day. “The
Greatest Generation” is just about gone.
If you are saved, you don’t vote in a Commander-in-Chief; you already
have one. The Father has appointed His Son Captain of our salvation (Heb.
2:10). Our Captain is not dismayed by the sounds of war. He expects us to
put aside our fears when given an order to move up to the front and enter
the combat zone.
Dr. Ruckman trained young men for hand-to-hand combat while serving
as a second lieutenant in the U.S. army. After conversion, he would serve
the Captain of his salvation by training men for the ministry and for spiritual
combat on foreign soil. He had a military mindset: “an order is an order.”
Christians today in America will not sit under a pastor who has that mindset.
It frightens them so much that they put away the old hymns and replace
the songs of Christian soldiers marching to war with melodies I call “lounge
music.” Whom will that fit for war?
“And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies,
gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and
against his army?” (Rev. 19:19).
That is the last time “war” appears in the scripture. “War” or “wars”
shows up a total of 240 times in God’s word (in 233 verses). There was war
in Heaven before Adam and Eve were placed in the garden (Luke 10:18).
Six-thousand-plus years of human history has been marked by war, war,
and more war.
When a soul is saved, the Holy Spirit sends it off to war against the world,
the flesh, and the devil. We live in an atmosphere of constant war—good vs.
evil. The presidential election this month is a reflection of a cultural war that
has been raging in America since the Sixties. Traditional values are under
intensive assault by those calling themselves “progressives.” My dad, before
he died, asked me countless times, “What is happening in America?” I told
him the fear of God is vanishing in our nation, and we are losing our soul
and sense of decency.
Nevertheless, this Thanksgiving will again be one of genuine, humble
gratitude for the thousands of preachers and pastors who believe God’s word
and have not withdrawn from the battle. The Lord has a faithful remnant here;
He will have men equipped for spiritual combat until the rapture. After that,
144,000 young Jewish males will take to the field, ready to make war for the
Lamb (Rev. 14:1–5). Won’t those men be on fire for Jesus?
Medals and ribbons await those who have left the staging area (America)
and set out to foreign lands to win souls to Christ. There will be a lot of “fruit
salad” on display at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Ribbons appearing on the
chest of a soldier’s uniform jacket were labeled “fruit salad.” Each ribbon
Continued on 29

When Duty Called

Continued from 28
signified a distinct accomplishment. If our War Department (now called the
Department of Defense) thought it proper to acknowledge the honorable
service rendered by those called to serve their nation, you can bet the Lord
will do the same, and more, for His soldiers.
May it please the Lord to help us stand against the increasing spiritual
darkness threatening old-fashioned values. God grant that those who love
our nation see clearly that honesty, decency, and the fear of God impress
our Creator more than all the pious platitudes coming out of the mouths of
politicians in Washington, D.C.
“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when
the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn” (Prov. 29:2).


  1.  There is no final authority but God.
  2.  Since God is a Spirit, there is no final authority that can be seen, heard, read,
felt, or handled.
  3.  Since all books are material, there is no book on this earth that is the final
and absolute authority on what is right and what is wrong, what constitutes truth and
what constitutes error. 
  4. There WAS a series of writings one time which, IF they had all been put into a
BOOK as soon as they were written the first time, WOULD HAVE constituted an infal-
lible and final authority by which to judge truth and error. 
  5.  However, this series of writings was lost, and the God who inspired them was
unable to preserve their content through Bible-believing Christians at Antioch
(Syria), where the first Bible teachers were (Acts 13:1), and where the first missionary
trip originated (Acts 13:1-52), and where the word “Christian” originated (Acts 11:26). 
  6.  So God chose to ALMOST preserve them through Gnostics and philosophers
from Alexandria, Egypt, even though God called His Son OUT of Egypt (Matthew 2),
Jacob OUT of Egypt (Genesis 49), Israel OUT of Egypt (Exodus 15), and Joseph’s
bones OUT of Egypt (Exodus 13). 
  7.  So there are two streams of Bibles. The most accurate—though, of course, there
is no final, absolute authority for determining truth and error; it is a matter of “pref-
erence”—are the Egyptian translations from Alexandria, Egypt, which are “almost the
originals,” although not quite. 
  8.  The most inaccurate translations were those that brought about the German
Reformation (Luther, Zwingli, Boehler, Zinzendorf, Spener, et al.) and the worldwide
missionary movement of the English-speaking people: the Bible that Sunday, Torrey,
Moody, Finney, Spurgeon, Whitefield, Wesley, and Chapman used. 
  9.  But we can “tolerate” these if those who believe in them will “tolerate” US. After
all, since there is NO ABSOLUTE AND FINAL AUTHORITY that anyone can read,
teach, preach, or handle, the whole thing is a matter of “PREFERENCE.” You may
prefer what you prefer, and we will prefer what we prefer. Let us live in peace, and if we
cannot agree on anything or everything, let us all agree on one thing: THERE IS NO

This is the Creed of the Alexandrian Cult.


What’s New at the Bookstore?

September Sermons at Bible Baptist (2016)........................................ DC-1609 $16.95
September Blowout Sermons and Music...........................................DC-S1600 $20.95
A Scientific Investigation of the Old Testament (Robert Dick Wilson)... RC-1125 $13.95
The Revelation of the Seventy Weeks (Donovan).................................... DN-01  $5.50
CHART (8½x11 inches)
Christ Crucifixion Time Chart (Jack Mundey)..................................... GN-CCTC  $4.00
What A Shame!......................................................................CK-1162  $4.25 Pack of 25
Bridge to Babylon (Rome, Ecumenism & The Bible).......................... DV-36030 $24.95

Christmas Ordering Information

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As always, we will do our best to maintain affordable shipping rates.

This tract presents the Lord Jesus

Christ coming to save sinners. It is
especially for Thanksgiving. Don’t

miss this once a
year witnessing
$ 25
CK-1025 per pack of 25
(Plus postage—see page 18)

RADIO LOG TV & Satellite

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