Debate Proposition
Debate Proposition
Debate Proposition
Republic Act No. 9262 states that “The State also recognizes the need to protect the family and its
members particularly women and children, from violence and threats to their personal safety and security.”.
Proximity-wise, since the father is working onboard, it is the responsibility of the mother to provide protection
for the family and its members.
The most affected subject is the children and the care given to them. On a study by T. Yur and S. Nas
in 2012, among 15 wives of seafarers from both engine and deck department, 9 quit their job for their children,
4 do not have children, and 2 have not quit their jobs because their husbands started working on land. These 9
seafarer wives “indicated that they have to quit their jobs in order to dedicate all their time to the children so
that they are not affected by their fathers being away.” Children would have a support system through the
mother ensuring that “they are not deprived of their mothers when their fathers are away.”
Quality time with children ensures proper development. Pare and Dillaway, 2005, mentioned that
according to Berry, 1993; Hays, 1996; Lorber, 1995; Macdonald, 1998; O’Reilly, 1996, “children require one
primary caregiver that is the biological or social mother.”. There is an “umbilical connection” between the
mother and the child, therefore, she is the most suited guardian for the formative development of the child.
This would not be possible if most of her time will be allotted for outside job.
On a study by Pew Research Center in 2014, 60% says that it is best for
children when a parent is at home. Norway’s Cash for Care Program found out that
there is a significant increase in the child’s grade-point average when one of their
parents focused on staying at home to guide their child rather than work outside.
In addition, RA 209 Chapter 3 Art. 220 Para. 1 states that it is the duty of
the parent to “keep them in their company to support, educate and instruct them
by right percept…”. Also, on Para. 2, it indicates “give them love, and affection,
advice and counsel, companionship and understanding.” Companionship refer to
being with them psychologically, physically, and emotionally.
To sum up, seafarers’ wives should be stay home mothers because not only the family benefits on the
upbringing of the children, but also the society.