8 Church Part 1 - 2010 TBP
8 Church Part 1 - 2010 TBP
8 Church Part 1 - 2010 TBP
You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy In God’s own time, he sent Jesus into the world to
nation, a people of his own so that you may announce establish the Church which came about as a result of
the praises of him who called you out of darkness Jesus’ preaching and his suffering, death and
into his wonderful light. (1Pet 2:9) Resurrection. In Mt 16:17-19 Jesus explicitly speaks
of his plan to establish the Church: “You are Peter
The church is essentially both human and divine,
and upon this rock I will build my church and the
visible but endowed with invisible realities, zealous
gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.”
in action and dedicated to contemplation.
(Catechism of the Catholic Church 771)
The Catechism states that the Church was born on the
cross: “As Eve was formed from the sleeping Adam’s
This is the first of two articles on the Church. In this side, so the church was born from the pierced heart
article we will look at: of Christ hanging on the cross” (C 766).
• The Church as planned by God, founded by But the Apostles and disciples of Jesus need the
Jesus, and led by the Holy Spirit enlightenment of the Holy Spirit to awaken them to
• The Church as mystery what Jesus has done on the cross, and to help them
• Images of the Church realize that they are the New Israel who has now
• Membership and ministries in the Church entered into a new covenant relationship with Christ.
• Leadership and authority in the Church In Mt 28:19-20, Jesus commissions his Apostles to
go forth and make disciples and baptize them in the
In Part Two, we will look at the Four Marks of the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In Acts we
Church: one, holy, catholic and apostolic. see Peter and other disciples acting on Jesus’
command. His message is preached and people are
In English we use the word “church” to refer to a called to repent. Those who respond are baptized and
building where people gather to worship, or to a a community of disciples is born.
community of believers. The community of believers
may be a local parish or diocese, or a universal Today we refer to this process as the beginnings of
community all connected because of their faith in the Church. As we read the Acts of the Apostles,
Jesus as Lord and Savior. The word church sometimes called the “Gospel of the Holy Spirit,” we
originated from Hebrew and Greek words which can notice how much the Holy Spirit is present and active
be translated as “assembly” or “called forth.” in the early Church. Down through the 2,000 years of
Through Jesus and his message, God calls forth a her history, the Holy Spirit continues to guide the
community of believers who enter into a covenant Church despite the sinfulness of her members and
relationship with him and with each other. Within the despite attacks from without. “The Holy Spirit
context of Catholicism, “the word church means the maintains the stability, durability, and continuity of
people gathered by God into one community, guided the church both in favorable and unfavorable
by bishops who are successors of the Apostles and historical circumstances” (USC p. 115).
whose head is the Bishop of Rome, the Pope” (USC
p.113). Pause: How has the church changed during your lifetime?
What one change do you like the most? Is there a change
Planned by God, founded by Jesus, led and that you do not like?
sanctified by the Holy Spirit (C 758-769, USC 113-115)
The Catholic Church believes and teaches that God The Church as mystery (C 770-773, USC 112)
created the world so that we could share in the life When the bishops of the world gathered together in
and love that exists between the Father, Son and Holy Rome for Vatican Council II (1962-65), they
Spirit. produced sixteen documents, the most important of
God the Father prepared for the Church with the call which is the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church,
of Abraham (Gen 12:1-4) and the formation of the also called Lumen Gentium, or “Light of Nations.”
people of Israel (Ex 19 & 20). Israel, as a consecrated
people, foreshadows the Church.
The opening chapter of Lumen Gentium is called The This image of the Church especially stresses the
Mystery of the Church. The Church, like the Trinity, intimate connection between Christ and the Church—
is a mystery which human reason alone cannot something Paul experiences firsthand when he had
comprehend. The mystery of the Church lies in the his conversion moment on his journey to Damascus.
reality that she is one and, at the same time, both During his trip, Jesus appears to Paul and says:
visible and spiritual. It is easy to see the visible “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” (Acts 9:4).
dimensions of the Church—buildings, the pope, In persecuting the Church, Saul is also persecuting
bishops, priests, lay faithful, ministries, etc. But only Christ.
a person of faith can recognize the invisible or This image of the Church should help us to remember
spiritual dimension of the Church—the presence of that when we separate ourselves from the Church, we
the Trinity in her. are also separating ourselves from Christ who is the
Jesus proclaims that he will be with the Church at all Head and life of the Church (Eph 4:15). The Body of
times to the end of the world. Jesus sends the Holy Christ representation of the Church also reminds us
Spirit to guide and empower the Church to continue that every member of the Church is important to her
his mission. Without faith, we are unable to see this life and mission (1Cor 12:15-17). Everyone is endowed
presence of God in the Church. by the Holy Spirit with gifts needed for building up
of the Body of Christ.
Five images of the Church (C 781-786)
The Church as the Bride of Christ (C 796). In his
Because the Church, like Jesus her founder, is a letter to the Ephesians (5:21-33), Paul compares the
mystery where the human and divine meet, she relationship between Christ and the Church to that
cannot be defined; she can only be described or between husband and wife. “Husbands, love your
envisaged. Lumen Gentium (paras. 6,7,9) offers many wives just as Christ loves the Church and gave
beautiful scriptural images of the Church. We will himself up for her” (5:25). This spousal image of the
now look at some of these images that help us to gain Church also reflects the wonderful intimacy that
some insight into the mystery of the Church. exists between Christ and his Church. It is the Bride
of Christ image that the Church is traditionally
The Church as the people of God (C 791-786, USC
referred to as “she.”
p.116). The primary image used by the bishops at the
Second Vatican Council to describe the Church is The Church as the Temple of the Holy Spirit
“People of God” (Lumen Gentium, ch 2). This (C 797-798). Quoting St. Augustine, the Catechism
representation is deeply rooted in Scripture. In the states: “What the soul is to human body, the Holy
Old Testament, we find God calling and forming the Spirit is to the Body of Christ, which is the Church”
people of Israel into his own special people and (C 797). The Holy Spirit is the source of the Church’s
entering into a covenant relationship with them. The life, unity, gifts and special graces—given to the
people of Israel understood themselves to be the Church so that she may proclaim Jesus and his
people of God (Ex 6:7). message to the world. Just as one cannot separate the
Church from Christ, neither can one separate the
The first Christians who were Jews continued to see Holy Spirit from the Church. An early Church Father,
themselves as God’s “Chosen People” who had now St. Irenaeus states: “Indeed, it is to the church itself
entered into a new covenant relationship with him. that the ‘Gift of God’ has been entrusted…for where
Speaking to the first Christians, Peter says: “You are the Church is, there is also God’s Spirit; where
a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and God’s Spirit is, there is the Church and every grace”
God’s own people” (1Pt 2:9). This new people of God (C 797).
was to be universal in nature embracing all races and
cultures. One is not born into this people through The Church as the sacrament of God’s love and
physical birth but through faith and baptism. salvation. The Catechism states: “The Church in this
The Church as the Body of Christ (C 787-795, USC p. world is the sacrament of salvation, the sign and the
118). The “Body of Christ” image of the church is instrument of the communion between God and men”
drawn from the writings of St. Paul. In 1Cor 12:12, (C 780). A sacrament is defined as an “efficacious
27, Paul writes: “For just as the body is one and has symbol,” which means that it brings about what it
many members and all the members of the body points to and embodies the reality it represents. In
though many, are one body, so it is with Christ... Now this context, Jesus is often described as the sacrament
you are Christ’s body and individually parts of it.” of God’s love and salvation.
When people encountered Christ with the eyes of in the Eucharist, by works of charity and by living
faith, they were encountering the invisible God in a good Christian lives, the laity not only grow in
visible way and experiencing his love and saving holiness but they also help others to become holy,
grace. Since the Church is the Body of Christ, the thus sharing in the bishops’ role of sanctifying the
Bride of Christ and the Temple of the Holy Spirit, we Church.
too meet Christ in a visible and tangible way in the
Church. Thus the Church is the sacrament of God’s Prophetic role (C 904-907). The lay faithful share in
love and salvation in our world. Professor Thomas the prophetic ministry of Christ and the Church both
Groome of Boston College calls the Church “the by teaching and witness of life. The most effective
instrument that God uses to come looking for us and prophet or teacher is the one who witnesses to the
that which we use to go looking for God.” teachings of Christ in their daily life. St. Francis of
Assisi used to say: “preach the gospel always, if
Pause: Of the five images of the church mentioned above, necessary use words.”
which one appeals to you most? Which one best describes
the church as you experience it? Today, more and more lay people are engaged in the
prophetic or teaching ministry of the Church as
Directors of Religious Education, the R.C.I.A. (Rite
Membership and ministries in the Church (C 888- of Christian Initiation of Adults) and as catechists to
931, USC p. 134-135) children, teens and adults. This is a very exciting
development in our Church.
In the Catholic Church, we distinguish three
categories of membership: the hierarchy, the Within the prophetic ministry of the Church, bishops
consecrated life and the lay faithful. The hierarchy in union with the Pope, hold a special role. They are
refers to ordained ministers, bishops, priests and the official teachers of the Church, sometimes called
deacons. Consecrated religious include both ordained the Magisterium (from the Latin “to teach”). In the
and non-ordained persons (e.g., ordained Franciscans, earliest days of the Church, Paul and others warn
religious Franciscan brothers or sisters, and lay their people that false teachers will arise in their
Franciscans). Consecrated religious devote their midst (1Tim 4:1-4, Acts 20:26-27).
whole life to God in a special way. Most of them also
Kingly role (C 908-913). Jesus is called Christ the King
embrace what is called the Evangelical Counsels of
because he is the King of the universe and the source
poverty, (renouncing ownership of property), chastity
of all authority. During his life on earth, Jesus
(abstaining from sexual activity), and obedience
modeled for us a servant style of leadership. He said
(submission to a superior in community). All the
that the son of man came not to be served but to serve
above persons join together to respond to Jesus’
and give his life for others (Mk 10:41-45). Clergy and
Great Commission to make disciples of all nations.
laity alike exercise their baptismal kingly role in a
The three main roles or ministries of the hierarchy,
Christ-like way when they carry out their ministry
especially of the bishops assisted by their priests, are:
within the Church in a humble servant-like manner.
o To teach the truths of the Catholic faith faithfully
and fully; Pause: If you are or have been involved in a ministry in
the parish or outside the parish, what do you enjoy most
o To sanctify the members of the Church especially about your ministry? How can pastors get more people to
through the celebration of the sacraments; be involved?
o To govern the Church wisely as caring shepherds
of God’s people. Leadership and authority in the Body of Christ
These three roles of the clergy are similar to the (C 874-877, USC p. 119)
priestly, prophetic and kingly roles of Christ which In the Church, all members through baptism have
all the baptized are called to actively participate in. equal status: all are equally important and are called
to promote the message of Christ to those who do not
Priestly role (C 901). Through baptism every member
know him. In the New Testament, leadership and
of the Church shares in the priesthood of Christ (1Pet
authority are presented as a call to serve others. Once
2:9). While the priesthood of the laity differs in
when some of the Apostles are competing for the
essence from the priesthood of the ordained, they are
places of honor in the kingdom that Jesus is
nevertheless interrelated (Lumen Gentium, 10). Through
inaugurating, he tells them that in his kingdom,
participation in the prayer of the Church, especially
leaders and those in authority are not to lord it over
others. Rather, their leadership is to be a form of give his Church an infallible Bible, if he did not also
humble service to others (Lk 22:24-27, Mk 9:30-37). Jesus give her infallible teachers to protect her from
models this form of servant leadership when he teaching error when interpreting the Bible and
washes the feet of the apostles at the last supper teaching the core beliefs of the Church. The gift of
(Jn 13:1-15). infallibility which Christ gave to his Church is often
misunderstood. It does not mean that popes cannot
A hierarchical form of leadership (C 874-886). The
sin; obviously they can. It does not mean that they
Catholic Church has a hierarchical form of leadership
cannot err when speaking about non-Church matters.
as opposed to a democratic form where issues are
It does not mean that they cannot err in Church
decided by a vote. The dictionary defines hierarchy
matters when writing a book as a private member of
as a ruling body of clergy organized into orders and
the Church. The gift of infallibility only comes into
ranks, each subordinate to the other one above it.
play when the Pope is speaking “from the chair” that
The Pope, our universal shepherd. In our is, ex cathedra, or is speaking as universal shepherd
hierarchical form of leadership, the Pope, the in matters of faith and morals. The College of
successor of St. Peter, is our universal shepherd or Bishops, when speaking as a body in union with the
pastor. He has the final say when it comes to matters Pope, can also teach infallibly about matters of faith
of doctrine, morals and discipline. The development and morals. The Pope uses the gift of infallibility
of the papacy into what it is today, is a long and very rarely.
complex story. Gradually, the bishop of Rome, where
Pause: The Catholic Church has a hierarchical form of
tradition tells us Peter and Paul died, came to be
leadership and authority. Most, if not all Protestant
recognized as the head Bishop of the Church. churches have a democratic form of authority. In your
opinion which is the better?
By the fourth century, the Bishop of Rome was called
“Pope” (Papa). Sometimes the Pope’s ministry is
referred to as the Petrine Ministry (Peter). In this
role, the Pope is the symbol of unity in the universal Action suggestion
Church and his role is to protect the unity of the
Church and to work for reconciliation among all If you are actively engaged in your parish, help one
Christian churches. person to get involved in the activities of the church.
If you are not, consider taking that step.
Bishops – successors of the Apostles. When it comes
to the governing of the Church, bishops work very
closely with the Pope. In Catholic tradition, bishops Meditation
are recognized as successors of the Apostles. Bishops
are pastors of local churches called dioceses, which Look for a moment at the whole great panorama of
oversees the functioning of many parishes. The twenty centuries of the Church. It begins in the
whole body of bishops is referred to as the “College wounded side of Christ on Calvary, goes through the
of Bishops.” “tempering” of Pentecostal fires and comes onward
like a burning flood to pass through each era…
Priests and deacons are co-workers of the bishop in Fresh living water springs up in us and new flames
his role of teaching, sanctifying and governing the are lit. By virtue of the divine power received from
Church. Both of these ordained ministries have their her Founder the Church is an institution which
roots in the New Testament. endures; but even more than an institution, she is a
life that is passed on. She sets the seal of unity on all
Lay faithful play a leadership role in the Church by
the children of God whom she gathers together.
sharing with her their baptismal gifts and graces and (The Splendor of the Church, Henri De Lubac, S.J.)
by serving on various councils and committees within
the Church.