Computer Concepts and Hardware
Computer Concepts and Hardware
Computer Concepts and Hardware
and Concepts
• Computer Virus
➢A virus has the potential to cause unexpected or damaging effects,
such as harming the system software by corrupting or destroying
data. This should be prevented with the use of a virus
protection program or some sort of PC protection. This will limit the
chances of you getting a serious problem on your system.
• Physical Damage
➢Computers can also fail if there is a physical problem with the
computer, for instance if someone breaks it or bangs into it.
Computers are delicate machines and a knock can cause them to fail.
Be careful of them and try and prevent banging them or spilling
liquids on them.
Why Computer Sometimes Fail?
• Voltage Spike
➢ This is a momentary change in the supply of electric power. Even a small power
glitch can damage a computer and corrupt data. If the screen goes blank during a
thunderstorm, it’s likely that a voltage spike is responsible.
• Environment
➢ A dusty environment will clog a computer and block cooling vents causing a
computer to overheat. Even home computers if not properly cleaned can succumb
to problems caused by too much dust.
• User Error
➢ Actions such as not powering down properly, skipping scan disks or continual button
pushing while a computer is processing can damage a computer's hardware,
particularly drives and processors. Always follow the correct guidance in using a
computer machine.
Types of Computers
• Input - The process of entering data and instructions into the computer system
• Process - Performing arithmetic operations (add, subtract , multiply, divide,
etc.) or logical operations(comparisons like equal to, less than, greater than,
etc.) on data to convert them into useful information.
• Output - The process of producing useful information or results for the user such
as a printed report or visual display
• Storage - Saving data and instructions to make them readily available for initial
or additional processing whenever required
• Control - Directing the manner and sequence in which all of the above
operations are performed
Basic Organization of a Computer System
Information Processing Cycle
Accepts Perform
data Operations
(Input) (Process)
Store the
and display
the result
Most computers today communicate with other
computers such as sending or retrieving data via the
internet, accessing information located in a share
company database, or exchanging email messages.
As a result, communication is becoming an
essential element of the information processing
Functions of a Computer
The storage unit of a computer system holds (or stores) the following:
▪ Computers have its dominant use in the
education field which can significantly
enhance performance in learning.
▪ Even distance learning is made productive
and effective through internet and video-
based classes.
▪ Researchers have massive usage of these
computers in their work from the starting to
till the end of their scholarly work.
Uses of Computer in Different Areas
Financial Institutions
▪ Computers are being used by the financial
institutions like banks for different
▪ The foremost important thing is to store
information about different account
holders in a database to be available at any
time. Keeping the records of the cash flow,
giving the information regarding your
Uses of Computer in Different Areas
Transportation System
▪ With internet on computers we can know
the details of the buses or trains or the
flight available to our desired destination.
▪ The timings and even the updates on the
delay can also be known through these
▪ We can book our tickets through online.
Staff of the transport system will keep a
track of the passengers, trains or flight
details, departure and arrival timings by
using computers.
Uses of Computer in Different Areas
▪ Every single information shared can be
recorded by using computer.
▪ Official deals and the issues were made even
through online.
▪ We use email system to exchange the
▪ It has wide uses in marketing, stock exchanges
and bank.
▪ Even the departmental stores can’t run
effectively without computer.
Uses of Computer in Different Areas
▪ Electronic shopping through online shopping
added favor to purchaser and merchants.
▪ Electronic banking is now at your hand where
every bank has online support for transaction
of monetary issues.
▪ You can easily transfer your money anywhere
even from your home.
Uses of Computer in Different Areas
▪ Computers are the main tools which help in
developing missiles and other equipment in the
defense system.
▪ Computer builds the links between the soldiers
and commanders through the satellite.
▪ Construction of weapons and controlling their
function is not possible without the aid of
▪ The list of the criminals and the records of the
cops are maintained regularly in the system.
Uses of Computer in Different Areas
▪ Computers aid in designing buildings,
magazines, prints, newspapers, books and
many others.
▪ The construction layouts are designed
beautifully on system using different tools
and software’s.
Uses of Computer in Different Areas
▪ Shipping Industry
▪ Computers have really changed the way ships used to operate
and increased their safety, reliability and efficiency making
marine life much easier.
▪ Modern day navigation equipment such as GPS and other
devices help a navigating officer to exactly follow the route
despite darkness, bad weather or poor visibility.
▪ Cargo operations which require precise balancing of the cargo
on board whether it is bulk cargo or liquid oil cargo is
necessary to ensure safety and stability of the ship even in
trying weather conditions.
▪ Training & Simulation is very necessary and these days
computers are used for these purposes.
Uses of Computer in Different Areas
Pass Time
▪ Computers are now the major
entertainers and the primary pass time
▪ We can use computers for playing
games, watching movies, listening to
music, drawing pictures.
Computer Hardware
• Also called as mainboard, is the printed circuit
board found in computers.
• It holds many of the essential electronic
components of the system such us the cpu,
memory, video cards, network interface cards,
And hard drives.
• It also provides connector for other
• Central Processing Unit (CPU) - It is the brain of
the computer that performs the calculations.
Online References
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