Music Department Programme: S A C J S

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Junior School Our Music Programme Includes:

Christmas Concert & Carol Service

Performing Arts Festival including
Prize-Winners’ Concert

Open Day Concert

Music Department
Combined Class Musical Evenings

P6 End of Year Graduation Musical

Junior & Senior / 2011
Rock Band

Guitar Groups

Peripatetic Instrument Lessons

String Programme

Music Department
St. Andrew’s
Junior School Our programme in detail..

Christmas Concert & Carol Service

A whole school concert from P1 – P6 (including teachers!)
involving contemporary and traditional singing, dancing and
costume. K1 and K2 perform their nativity play.

Performing Arts Festival

An in-school festival involving music, dance and drama
competitions, judged by professional adjudicators, for children
from P2-P6. Children in K1, K2 & P1 have the opportunity to
take part in this Festival by performing in each section without
competing. A Prize-Winners’ Concert for all competition
winners and outstanding performers in each section is held in
the evening, with cups awarded for overall winners in the
music, dance and drama categories.

Open Day Concert

A whole school concert held at the end of the year as part of the
Junior School Open Day, when parents, family and friends are
invited into the school for the morning to meet other parents, to
chat to teachers and to view a variety of work and achievements
by the children.

Combined Class Musical Evenings

Held throughout the year, these are informal, relaxed evenings
providing children with the opportunity - alone or in groups - to
sing or play their instrument for their peers, families and

Music Department
St. Andrew’s
Junior School P6 Graduation Musical
A musical produced from audition through to finished
production complete with costume, lighting, sound and sets
involving all the children in P6. Performed as part of their
Graduation Night, following a ceremony and meal.

Junior & Senior Choirs

Each choir practices before school to provide maximum
opportunity for children to be involved. The Junior Choir is for
P2 – P4 and the Senior Choir for children in P5 – P6. The
Senior Choir will compete in a few competitions during the year
and both choirs will have opportunities to perform throughout
the year. Each choir will learn singing techniques at an
appropriate level and sing a variety of styles of music.

Rock Band
This will begin subject to enough children learning relevant
instruments e.g. guitar, bass guitar, drums and saxophone.

Guitar Groups
Run in conjunction with the instrument programme, guitar will
be taught every day in small groups at 8.20a.m. at an
appropriate level to the group at a reduced cost. These groups
will hopefully perform as part of the concerts and musical
events held throughout the year.

Music Department
St. Andrew’s
College Instrument Lessons
Junior School
Individual (Peripatetic) Instrument Lessons are offered in two
terms September to December and January to June. Fees are
payable in advance directly to the instrument teacher.

The following instruments are available :

 Guitar (groups of 4/5) P1 – P6
 Bass Guitar P1 – P6
 Drums K2 – P6
 Recorder (groups of 2) K2 – P6
 Flute * (groups of 2) P4 - P6
 Piano (beginner to grade 3) P1 – P6
 Saxophone (Alto Sax) * P4 & P6
* We strongly advise children to take at least a year of recorder lessons prior
to learning the flute or saxophone.

Children are withdrawn from class for a weekly 20 minute

lesson with a professional musician teacher on a rotational basis
i.e. a child will miss 20 minutes of History on Monday week 1,
but will miss 20 minutes of Art in week 2 etc. Lessons will be
scheduled daily between 9.00a.m. and 2.30p.m. (12.30p.m. on

A schedule of lessons will be drawn up by Mrs. Armitage

weekly and will be available to class and instrument teachers,
children and parents on the Thursday preceding the relevant
week. The schedule will be posted on the Junior School
noticeboard and on the website. Children in K2, P1 & P2 will
be collected from their classes by their instrument teacher.
Occasionally the schedule will change due to trips, tests etc.

Music Department
St. Andrew’s
Junior School All teachers will use a Practice Notebook which ensures
communication between teacher and parent. Children are
strongly encouraged to practice at least 4 times a week (ideally
every day for 10 minutes, more for higher grades) to ensure
good progress on their instrument. Parents are advised that
primary school children require support and encouragement
from home when learning an instrument.

If a child misses a lesson due to absence from school,

unfortunately due to time constraints, this lesson cannot be
made up. Attendance and progress will be recorded and
retained by the individual instrumental teacher on a weekly
basis. Two bi-annual progress reports will be sent out to
parents in December and May.

Buying an instrument outright can prove expensive, we

therefore recommend parents seek advice from their child’s
instrument teacher or Mrs. Armitage prior to purchasing an

St. Andrew’s College cannot take responsibility for individual

instruments, it is therefore the responsibility of the
parent/guardian to insure their child’s instrument in the case of
it being stolen/damaged/mislaid etc. All instruments must be

Children may study for music examinations if they wish

however this is optional as some children prefer to learn for
pleasure. Teachers will prepare each child for the Royal Irish
Academy of Music Examinations (RIAM) if required.

Music Department
St. Andrew’s
Junior School
Music Education
Plato once said that music “is a more potent instrument than any other for
education”. Recent research has found that music uses both sides of the
brain, a fact that makes it valuable in all areas of development. Music
affects the growth of a child’s brain academically, emotionally, physically
and spiritually.

Music is academic. A recent study from the University of California

found that music trains the brain for higher forms of thinking. Research
indicates that musical training permanently wires a young mind for
enhanced performance.

Music is physical. Music can be described as a sport. Learning to sing and

keep rhythm develops coordination. The air and wind power necessary to
blow a flute, trumpet or saxophone promotes a healthy body.

Music is emotional. Music is an art form. We are emotional beings and

every child requires an artistic outlet. Music may be your child’s vehicle of

Music is for life. Most people can’t play soccer, or football at 70 or 80

years of age but they can sing, and they can play piano or some other
instrument. Music is a gift you can give your child that will last their entire

Music study will help children grow and achieve success in many ways –
in society, in school, in developing intelligence and in life.

Without music life would be a mistake.


Music Department
St. Andrew’s
Junior School

Music Department
St. Andrew’s College Junior School
Pupil’s Name ______________________________
Class ______________________________
Level / Standard :  Beginner
 Some Experience No of Years ____

Exams Passed (if any)__________________________


Bass Guitar
Saxophone (Alto Sax)

Fees (cheques must be made payable to the relevant instrument teacher)

Individual Lessons : w/c 13/09/2010 – w/c Mon 06/12/2010

Term 12 x weeks at €15 per lesson TOTAL €180
Group Lessons :
Term 12 x weeks at €10 per lesson TOTAL €120

Signature : ____________________ Date : __________


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