Ca Form 19-10
Ca Form 19-10
Ca Form 19-10
ABC party: “Anything but clothes” theme party in which guests can come naked or
draped in non-traditional coverups, such as duct tape, boxes, newspaper…
ABC Sex: In a long-term relationship when a couple only has sex on anniversaries,
birthdays, and Christmas.
Ablutophilia: Fetish for baths or showers that usually centers around a naked
person lathering themselves up.
ABR: "Adult breast feeding." The abbreviation is mainly used in the fetish world
and infetish porn.
Accident: A pregnancy that was not planned by at least one member of a couple.
Acrophilia: A fetish for having sex in high places such as on mountains or rooftops.
Some members of the mile high club have this fetish.
Acousticophilia: A fetish involving sounds. This can include such things as being
aroused by music or a partner's moaning.
Actirasty: A fetish for sun exposure. This is often a fetish of tanorexics, fans of
outdoor sex, or those who only date really tan people.
Agalmatophilia: A fetish for a human-like doll, mannequin, or statue. This does not
include the use of sex dolls merely as surrogates for real partners. Similar to
Age Play: A type of fetishistic role-playing in which people pretend to be
substantially older or younger than they are. Includes fetishes like adolescentilism
and infantilism.
Agnosexual: A person who has yet to decide on how to categorize his sexuality.
Agonophiliac: A fetish for violence or fighting as foreplay. Men with this fetish are
often fans of pornographic scenes that feature wrestling or rough sex.
Agoraphilia: A fetish for sex in public places. People with this fetish are often
exhibitionists or people who get aroused by the thrill of potentially getting caught.
Agrexophilia: A fetish for having other people know about your sexual activities.
This can include people with agoraphilia, those who like to have loud sex,
exhibitionists, people who like to put their homemade sex tapes online, or those who
simply like to brag about their conquests.
Air Inflation: One of the most common types of inflation fetish. This usually
involves the fantasy of inflating a person with a bicycle pump to a comically large
size. Some practitioner of this fetish enjoy pumping air into their partner's anus to
create a bulging belly and a feeling of fullness, though this practice is not without
Airplane Blonde: A woman who dyes her hair blonde but who still has a “black
Allorgasmia: A fetish for fantasizing about someone other than your current
partner. A common fetish among married couples.
Alpha Male: A dominant male. A leader of a group of males who generally has first
choice when it comes to selecting potential mates from a group of females. In
younger males, dominance is often related to physical dominance or an aggressive
personality. In older men, dominance is expressed in terms of wealth, power, and
control. Synonyms: big dicker, stud
Alphmegamia: A fetish for older men. This is a common fetish among women as
mate selection for females is less impacted by the age of a potential mate than by
his status.
Altocalciphilia: A fetish for high heels. Common among those with a foot fetish.
Synonyms: retifism.
Alvinolagnia A fetish for stomachs. Likely linked to the importance of wide hips
when it comes to natural childbirth. Synonyms: partialism.
Amaurophilia: A fetish for not being seen during sex. This usually involves turning
off the lights or blindfolding a partner. Some peeping toms and fans of glory holes
have this fetish.
Anaclitism: An erotic fixation on the objects one was exposed to as an infant, such
as anal thermometers, bibs, bottles, pacifiers. Similar to: autonepiophilia,
Anal Beads: A class of sex toy consisting of balls of various size strung together on
a string or a flexible rod. Pleasure is not as much derived from the insertion of these
beads, as from their extraction. Despite how tempting it may be, anal beads should
not be ripped out with the same enthusiasm with which one yanks the cord of a
lawnmower. Synonyms: Chinese/Oriental love beads, string of pearls, siamese
Analingus: Oral sex performed on the anus. Synonyms: ass blow, blow some ass,
clean the kitchen, lick the fudge bowl, lick the jar/bowl clean, rim job, rimming, suck
asshole, sugar bowl pie, toss the salad,
Anal Sex: ass fuck, ass sex, brown holing, bugger, bum fuck, butt bang, butt fuck,
corn holing, digging a ditch, dipping a finger in the fudge, DNA (dick in ass), fishing
for mudfish, fourth base, fudge packing, going down the dirt road, Greeking, hump
the dump, lube the tube, making pound cake, packing fudge, pack the poop chute,
painal, plan B, popping it in the toaster, pumper in the dumper, pushing shit up hill,
ram job, ream, rectify, rump raid, saddle up, shit fuck, stir fudge, third way,
traveling the Hershey Highway, using the servant's entrance...
Anal/Ass Sphincter: Two muscles consisting of an outer and inner sphincter that
keep the anus closed. These are the muscles that must be relaxed during anal sex.
These are also the muscles that must be surgically repaired after extreme anal play.
Anchor Baby: The child born in the US to immigrant parents who hope the child's
American status will help win them citizenship. The term can also refer to a
pregnancy that anchors a couple together, or guarantees one of the parents a
substantial child support payment each month.
Angry Dragon: An absurd sex act in which you smack the back of your sex
partner’s head right after ejaculating in her mouth. This causes semen to erupt from
her nostrils while she roars like a irate, fire-breathing monster.
Angry Pirate: An absurd sex act in which you ejaculate in your sex partner’s eye
then kick her in the shin. This causes her to hobble around on one leg with one eye
covered while grunting and cursing like a sailor.
Animism: A belief that objects or animals have spirits and that humans can connect
with these spirits, often in sexual ways. Synonyms: objectiphile, objectum sexual
Anophelorastia: A fetish for ravaging a partner. People with this fetish are often
fans of extremely rough porn.
Aquaophilia: A fetish for water that goes far beyond enjoying sex on the beach or
in a hot tub.
Areola: The pigmented ring of skin surrounding the nipple’s raised center.
Arm Candy: A person who is dated for her superficial beauty as opposed to her
substance. Arm candy is most often a status symbol employed by older bachelors to
demonstrate their prowess.
Around the World: When the woman spins 360 degrees atop her partner while
maintaining penetration. Ideally this is performed in one motion.
ASLs: “Anus shaped lips,” or "ass sucking lips." Lips that resemble the puckered
skin of an asshole. Similar to DSLs.
1. arse, backend, backside, backyard, behind, booty, bottom, bum, bumper, buns,
butt, buttocks, caboose, can, candy apples, cheeks, culo, derriere, fanny, junk in the
trunk, heinie, hindquarters, moon, keister, posterior, rear, rear end, rump, stern,
seat, tail, tail end, tooshie, trunk, tush, yeasty buns...
Ass Bandit/Pirate: A man who coerces other men, particularly heterosexual men,
into having anal sex.
1. a hole, arsehole, back burner, backdoor, backdoor trumpet, balloon knot, black
hole, blind eye, brown eye, bungalow, bunghole, butt hole, button, chocolate
speedway/starfish, corn hole, dingus, dirt pipe/road, dugout, duster, fudge factory,
fudge tunnel, Grand Canyon, Hershey highway, hole a, leather Cheerio, man pussy,
nature's birth control, plan b, poop chute, pooper, port hole, pucker, round eye,
rusty bullet hole, servant's entrance, shit hole/pipe, shitter, skunk hole, slot B,
spunk bucket, starfish, stank tank, stink, stink hole, tailpipe, Whale Eye, windmill,
windward passage, zero, ...
Ass Job: When a man rubs his penis between a set of ass cheeks. Like titty fucking,
but with an ass and no penetration. Synonyms: cock dog, frottage, outercourse, the
Princeton Rub, The Cardinal George.
Ass Licker, Ass Muncher: 1. One who enjoys giving analingus. 2. A kiss ass.
Ass Quake: 1. A bouncing ass substantial enough to shake the floor. Often used to
praise a thick dancer's skills. 2. Vigorous sex that shakes the bed, the floor, and/or
the walls. Origins: Big Sean in the song, “Mercy”.
Ass State: An estate of ass. A piece of property paid for by sex appeal. Often refer's
to the home of a model, stripper, or porn star. Origins: Big Sean in the song,
Ass Tray: An ass large enough to serve as a tray for rolling weed or snorting lines
of cocaine. Origins: Big Sean in the song, “Mercy.”
Ass-to-Ass: When two people simultaneously penetrate each other’s asses, usually
with a double-sided dildo. Origins: The act was made famous when performed by
Jennifer Connelly’s character In Requiem for a Dream.
Ass-to-Mouth, ATM: When a phallus transitions directly from anal to oral sex.
Asstronaut, Arstronaut: The first person to have anal sex with an anal virgin.
Autagonistophilia: A fetish for having others spy on you, particularly while naked
or engaging in sexual acts. As opposed to exhibitionists who get off on exposing
themselves to unsuspecting victims, a person with this fetish creates situations in
which other people may see her naked, like sun bathing nude or changing in front
of an open window.
Autoandrophilia: A fetish for women who dress, behave, or look like men.
Autoerotic: Masturbation.
Auto-Fellatio: When a man performs oral sex on himself. This requires a large
penis, extreme flexibility, or a combination of both. Ron Jeremy notoriously
performed auto-fellatio in a few 1970s pornos.
Babe: An attractive woman. Also a cute pig that is clever enough to pass as
Backdoor Man: 1. A secret lover who sneaks in the backdoor to avoid detection. 2.
A man who prefers anal sex. 3. A gay man.
Backseat Driver: A top who tells the bottom what to do sexually while penetrating
the bottom from behind.
Ball Buster: A person who metaphorically pounds your balls with unnecessary
nagging, teasing, joking, or harassing.
Ball Busting: A fetishistic act in which a man enjoys being kicked, kneed, or
otherwise pounded in the balls. In its extreme form, some men get their balls busted
by hammers, high heels, or paddles. Some straight men with this fetish prefer to get
their balls busted by other straight men because it is more humiliating or because
they think men can deliver more force. Synonyms: tamakeri.
Ball Gag, Gag: A mouth gag in which a ball-like object is tied into a person's mouth
to prevent them from speaking or screaming. Many ball gags come with a hole in the
center to facilitate breathing. A common sex toy in BDSM play.
Ball Game: A sport in which men try to trick others into looking at their exposed
scrotum, which is often manipulated to appear in a variety of shapes. Common ball
game moves include, the bat wing and the goat. Origins: The movie Waiting.
Balling on a Budget: A high art in which a man seduces women without the aide of
a healthy bank account.
Balls Deep: Fully committed, as when a man penetrates an orifice as far as he can
go. Antonym: just the tip.
Balls Out: To fully commit and exert tremendous energy to complete a task.
Banana Hammock: Any type of flashy underpants that accentuate a man's bulge.
Synonyms: bikini briefs, Brazilian briefs, fruit cup, grape smuggler, jock strap, nut
huggers, plume smugglers, Speedo...
Banging the Bongos: Spanking a partner's butt cheeks like a set of bongos during
doggie style sex.
]Barely Legal: A sex partner who is just over the legal age of consent. Also, a
popular category in porn.
Barse: Perineum. The space between the genitals and the asshole.
Bathroom Denial: A type of denial play in which the dom refuses to let the sub
urinate and/or defecate. Urination denial is popular as a few sexual nerves can be
activated due to the pressure of a full bladder.
Bat Wing: When a man stretches his scrotum out to resemble a bat's wing. A
common move in the ball game.
Basket Weaving: When a man rearranges his genitals in attempt to make them fit
more comfortably in a snug garment.
Bastard: 1. A child that is born out of wedlock or who is abandoned by at least one
parent. 2. An offensive person.
BBW: “Big, beautiful woman.” Used in personal ads as a euphemism for fat.
BDSM: “Bondage, discipline, and sado-masochism.” A catchall term for fetish play.
Bear: A gay man who is large, hairy, and often as cuddly as a teddy bear.
Bedfellow, Bedmate: One who shares a bed, though not necessarily in a sexual
Bezness Boys: Male prostitutes in Maraco who hang around the beaches and
service Western tourists. Synonyms: gigolo, himbo, man whore, midnight cowboy.
Biastophilia: A sexual disorder in which arousal is derived from the thought or act
of assaulting another, often in a sexual manner.
Bisexual: A person who is sexually attracted to both sexes. Synonyms: gay guy,
happy shopper, playing for both sides/teams, switch hitter.
Bishop: A penis, particularly one belonging to a man who believes in the virtues of
Bitch Tits: A man’s chest that resembles that of an ugly woman’s. Often a result of
obesity, steroids, a hormonal imbalance, or Klinefelter's Syndrome. Synonymy: man
boobs, moobs.
Bleed: To menstruate.
Blue Balls: An irritable psychological state achieved when a man is aroused for an
extended period of time without reaching an orgasm. Despite what some adolescent
males believe, your balls do not actually turn blue.
Blue Waffle: A blue tinted and infected vagina, made popular by asshole friends
convincing their buddies to google the term.
Blumpkin: Fellatio performed while a man is defecating. Often used in fetish play
as a form of degradation.
Boi: Often used in both lesbian and bdsm culture to denote a boyish but female-
bodied person. Sometimes also refers to young gay men.
Bombshell, Blonde Bombshell: Before the term "sex symbol" was popularized,
bombshell referred to sexual icons of American pop culture in the mid to late 1900s.
Such women were often characterized as having hourglass figures, pronounced
curves, large breasts, and the early ones were typically blonde. Ex: Marilyn Monroe
is the quintessential Blonde Bombshell. Synonyms: Pin-up girl.
Bondage Babe: A woman dressed in fetish gear, including latex, fishnets, collars,
or PVC. Often refers to a woman who is more into fetish as a fashion than a lifestyle,
or a fetish model who only participates in fetishistic acts for pay.
Boner: Erection.
Booty Call: 1. Calling a fuck buddy for sex. Often occurs when the bars close and
you have not found anyone else willing to have sex with you. 2. Your fuck buddy.
Bosom: Boobs.
Bosom Buddy: Friends who are so close that it is as though they breast-fed from
the same woman. The phrase commonly refers to heterosexual male friends who are
often mistaken for a homosexual couple.
Bottom: 1. A sex partner who is submissive to a dominant partner or who is
penetrated by the top. 2. Ass.
Bottom Bitch/Girl: A pimp’s number one prostitute. Also, the one who lures other
women into the lifestyle.
Brazilian, Brazilian Bikini Wax: In general, any bikini wax in which hair is
removed from the asshole. Specifically, this usually refers to a bikini wax in which a
vertical stripe of short hair is left extending up from the vagina. Synonyms: landing
strip, paintbrush,
Breast Expansion: A growth fetish often related to fetishes for weight gain or
inflation. Enthusiasts enjoy watching breasts increase in size, often by means of
animation or by saline injections.
Breast Implants: Synonyms: boob job, breast augmentation, breast enhancement,
flotation devices, implants, stress balls...
Breast Man: A guy who's obsession with breasts goes far beyond that of the
average male.
Breeder: 1. Heterosexual. 2. A fertile sex partner, particularly one you would want
to have children with due to his/her superior genetics. 3. A person with many
Bros before Hoes: A colloquialism expressing the idea that the interests of your
guy friends should come before the needs of the woman you are currently having
sex with.
Brown Bagger, Brown Bag Special: A person who you would only have sex with
if she wore a bag over her head to hide her hideous face or to discourage her from
talking. Synonym: Butter face.
Brown Out: A state of drunkenness one level below a black out. One can only recall
the events of a brown out after someone else mentions them.
Bug Chasing: Actively trying to acquire the HIV virus by having sex with HIV
positive partners, usually for the thrill of such a taboo encounter.
Bugger: Anal sex or bestiality. In the UK the term is similar to sodomy in that it is
a catchall for deviant sex.
Bull Shit: So much metaphorical shit that it may as well have come from a bull.
Bum Chum: A gay friend, or gay fuck buddy.
Burlesque: An artful strip tease often set to music and involving elaborate
costumes, stage props, and feathers. Now burlesque shows are typically
conservative strip teases meant to appeal to other women who have an interest in
tattoos and rockabilly culture. Burlesque troops tend to enroll thick, and often
heavily tattooed women, who believe they are superior to strippers. Unlike strippers,
burlesque performers do not typically make a living off of performing.
Burping Fetish: A fetish for watching, hearing, and/or smelling a person burp.
Often related to fetishes for farting, feeding, or vore.
Butch: a lesbian who adopts the dress and mannerisms of a man. She often
assumes the more masculine role in a relationship.
Butt Bandit/Pirate: A gay man who coerces other men into having sex.
Synonyms: ass pirate, ass bandit.
Butt Plug: Usually a short, squatty sex toy inserted in an asshole to loosen up the
sphincter before anal sex.
Butt Fucker: Anyone who enjoys anal sex. Usually refers to a gay man.
Butt Slut: a promiscuous gay man or woman who prefers anal sex.
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Cad: A man who aggressively pursues his self interests, particularly when it comes
to sex, with little regard for others. Not the man a woman wants to date, but the
rogue she subconsciously wants to have sex with, particularly when she is ovulating.
Synonyms: alpha male, rogue, rake, rascal, scoundrel, scalawag
Cage Fetish: A fetish for being confined to a small space. This often manifests as a
sub being locked in a cage, box, or a closet. The caged sub is then teased, taunted,
tortured, and/or ignored by the dom.
Camel Toe: A vagina wedgy. Also, the impression of a woman’s vagina as seen
through tight pants. A common occurrence among large women who wear small
Candaulism: A fetish for showing off your partner, or images of him/her, to others.
The Cardinal George: Any form of outercourse or frottage. Origins: Named after
the Archbishop of Chicago, Francis Eugene George, who is outspoken in his
opposition to gay marriage.
Casting Couch: Couch or space where women are coaxed into having sex by being
promised a job, particularly a role in a movie or porno. A common device in
“amateur” porn where the director pretends he is testing a woman out for the job.
Catcher: The receiving partner during anal sex. Usually refers to the bottom in a
gay couple.
Cat String Theory: The idea that women are only interested in men they cannot
pin down or corner, in the same way a cat is only interested in playing with a string
so long as it is dangling just out of the animal's reach. Origins: Erik Von Markovik.
Castration: The removal of the testicles or ovaries, often to prevent fertility and/or
to reduce the effects the hormones produced by these glands have on behavior. In
humans, this often refers to cutting off the penis as well.
Castration Fetish: A body modification paraphilia for being castrated, for castrating
others, or for people who are castrated. Some people who have their sexual organs
removed still have a fully functional sex life when they go on hormone replacement
Cat O' Nine Tails: A multi-tailed whip, often used in fetish play.
Caverject: The brand name for an injectable drug used to stimulate an erection.
Used by some cock stars when they begin to have trouble performing during porn
Champagne Room: A private room in a strip club that can be rented out for
extended periods of time, and which often comes with a complimentary bottle of
champagne. Despite what a stripper tells you, and the inflated cost of renting such a
room, there is no sex in the champagne room, unless of course you are in a brothel
or a seedy strip club.
Charity: Engaging in sexual activity with someone who will get far more out of the
experience than you will.
Chastity Belt: A medieval device that forcibly guards a woman's virginity. These
usually resemble metal underwear locked around a woman's waist. Small slits in the
metal strips allow the woman to perform various bodily function, but these are not
large enough to admit a penis. Similar: see male chastity belt
Chesticles: Boobs.
Cherry: A woman’s virginity. More specifically, the hymen, which is often ruptured
during vaginal penetration. "Popping her cherry" refers to taking a female's virginity.
Chicks Before Dicks: The mindset that a woman’s female friends take priority over
the man she is dating at the time.
Chicken Hawk: An older gay man who preys on young and feminine men.
Choker: 1. A large penis. 2. A collar often worn in the BDSM scene to signify
ownership in much the same way a wedding ring does in the vanilla community.
These collars are often used on submissive partners during fetishistic acts.
Choreophilia: A fetish for dancing, or dry humping on the dance floor, to climax.
Chrematistophilia: A fetish for paying for sex, or for being robbed or blackmailed
by a sex partner.
Chubby Chaser: One who actively pursues obese sex partners because he
genuinely is attracted to them or because he believes they are easier to coax into
having sex. Synonyms: hogger, whaler, whalesman
Cinnamon Muff: A vagina covered in light red pubic hair. Synonyms: fire crotch.
Origins: Zach Galifianakis.
Cleveland Steamer: An absurd sex act in which you defecate on your partner’s
chest, then smear the feces by sliding your ass back and forth.
Clitoris, Clit: the bundle of nerve endings at the hood of the vagina that can
produce anorgasm when properly stimulated. Some men believe it to be a myth.
This is also the part of a woman’s anatomy that grows into a micro-penis when she
experiences an influx oftestosterone from steroids or
a hormone imbalance. Porn star, Vanessa Del Rio, was notorious for her enlarged
clitoris after she took steroids to build muscle. Synonyms: button, man in the canoe,
Cloaca: 1. An anatomical feature in some animals, that is the only opening for the
intestinal, urinary, and genital tracts. Basically an asshole, urethra, and vagina all
rolled into one. Common in amphibians, birds, reptiles, and monotremes. 2. An
outhouse. 3. A sewer.
Closet Freak: One who inhabits an alter-ego during sex that is in stark contrast to
her public persona. Synonyms: a lady in the street but a freak in the bed.
Cluster Fuck: 1. An orgy. 2. A disorganization of people and bodies. Often used to
describe traffic jams or a mess that must be sorted out.
Cock and Ball Torture, CBT, C & B Torture: A type of sadomasochistic play in
which a dominate partner inflicts various types of pain on a submissive partner, who
is typically restrained during the session. The type of torture is only limited by a
dominate partner's imagination and can involve any number of things: stomping,
flicking, pinching, burning, clothes pins, scratching, stretching, piercing, pulling,
shocking, flattening, nailing.
Cock-a-Thon: A gang bang with multiple dicks and one or few women.
Cock Block: 1. Preventing a couple from having sex. 2. The jealous and evil person
who performs such a nefarious act.
Cock Hungry: Possessing a powerful sexual appetite for sex with men, as opposed
to one specific man.
Cock Ring: A ring that is slipped over an erection to the base of the penis in order
to slow the loss of blood, thus maintaining an erection longer. These sex toys are
made out of a variety of materials, including metal and rubber.
Cocksman: A sexually accomplished male who wields his cock like a professional.
Cojones: Testicles.
Coke Dick: An inability to achieve or maintain an erection due to an abundance of
cocaine in the system. Similar: Whiskey Dick.
Commando: The act of not wearing underwear beneath your clothes. Usage: “All of
my boxers are crusted with semen so I am going commando today.”
Congenital Hypoplasia: When the penile glands are stuck to the pubic bone,
resulting in a micropenis.
Conjugal: Of or related to marriage. Most often used in the phrase, "conjugal visit,"
which refers to when a prisoner is allowed to have sex with his significant other.
Consensual: An activity that is done with the full agreement of all parties involved.
Often what separates sex acts from sex crimes.
Copesmate: A partner with whom you cope, or struggle. A lover with whom you
regularly fight.
Cornuto: A cuckold.
Cosplay: "Costume play." Often a type of role playing that fulfills sexual fantasies
revolving around animated characters.
Cougar: A woman who is beyond her physical prime, and who is often far more
sexually aggressive in order to compete with younger women for men. Cougars
often hunt younger men, or cubs, exclusively to fulfill their sexual desires as
opposed to searching for a marital partner.
Cowgirl: A standard sex position in which the woman rides atop the man who lies
flat on his back.
Crack Hustler: A pimp, an actual crack dealer, or one who sells both.
Creampie: How babies are made, which is probably why it is such a popular fetish.
When not specified as an oral or anal creampie, this refers to ejaculating inside a
Creeping: Cheating.
Crop Dusting: Farting while you pass a group of people. Often used as a tactic to
get a group to leave an area or table.
Crushing Fetish: A fetish for watching small insects or animals being crushed to
Cubs: Young, attractive men who are instructed in the ways of sex by cougars.
Cuckold: 1. A man whose wife or girlfriend has sex with other men. 2. A fetish in
which men enjoy watching their female partner having sex with other men,
particularly men who are more physically imposing. Synonyms: cornuto. Origins:
From the cuckoo bird, which changes mates frequently and lays eggs in other birds'
Cum Bubble: A bubble of semen that sometimes emerges from the nostrils, mouth,
vagina or ass after semen coats these orifices.
Cum Target: 1. A tattoo on a man or woman that serves no better purpose than a
target to aim at while ejaculating. 2. A promiscuous woman or gay man.
Cutting Fetish: Sexual pleasure is derived from inflicting cuts on oneself or a sex
partner. Related to: amputation/amputee fetish, blade play, blood fetish, body
modification fetish, goro, medical fetish, nollo, non-con, pain play, snuff, vore
Cyber Sex: Like phone sex except on the computer, often with a person who in no
way matches the cyber-identity he assumes.
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Dacryphilia: A fetish for witnessing others cry. Often a fetish of sadists who enjoy
dominating submissive partners to the point of tears.
Daddy: A dominant partner who is significantly older or who provides for the
submissive partner in a variety of ways.
Dandy: A gay man who is excessively stylish and perpetually worried about his
Deep Throating: When a penis is jammed down a person’s throat during fellatio.
Defecate: Synonyms: drop a bomb, drop a load, drop the kids off at the pool,
dump, make a deposit, pinch a loaf, poop, pop a squat, take a dump, take a shit,
Denial: Refers to a few types of denial play, including orgasm denial, bathroom
denial, sensory denial, food/water denial.
Devil's Threesome: A threesome involving two men and one woman. This is not
the type of threesome most men fantasize about, but it is what most settle for.
Devotee: A person with a a fetish for disabled people. The two most common
fetishes devotees have are abasiophilia and acrotomophilia.
Diaper Fetish: A common prop incorporated into age play or fetishes for
infantilism, scat, watersports, humiliation, dominance, helplessness... Some believe
this fetish develops early in life, when a child associates diapers with being loved
and coddled. Extreme diaper fetishists make themselves incontinent so that they
need to wear diapers constantly.
Dick: 1. Penis. 2. A man who behaves as if he does all his thinking with his penis.
Dickhead: 1. The head of a penis. 2. A man who thinks with his dick.
Dick Hole: 1. The hole at the head of the penis through which fluids flow. 2. An
orifice that may be penetrated by a dick.
Dick Lips: As opposed to someone who has dick-shaped lips, the word refers to
someone whose lips look ideal for being wrapped around a dick. Synonyms: DSLs.
Dick Slap: Slapping another person, usually in the cheek, with a dick. Often a
derogatory act done during rough fellatio. Can also be performed with a dildo.
Dick-Tinted Glasses: A mindset that makes you see the world in terms of penises.
Commonly worn by feminists who see phallic symbols in everything, construction
workers who can turn any tool into a dick joke, pubescent boys, and promiscuous
Dictator: A penis shaped like a potato that exercises total control over his
dominion. Origins: Will Ferrell.
Dildo: Any phallic object used to penetrate the body in order to achieve sexual
pleasure. Usually a sex toy made out of rubber, plastic, or glass. A dildo can be
a vibrator, but not all vibrators are dildos. Generally though, dildos do not vibrate.
Dime Piece: On a scale of 1-10, a woman who rates as a perfect 10 in terms of
physical beauty.
Dine In: To have sex with one’s live in partner. Usage: "I think I will just dine in
Dingle Berries: Particles of excrement that cling to ass hair after a fart or as a
result of inefficient ass wiping. Synonyms: barnacles, chuffnuts, klingons.
DINK: “Double income, no kids.” Describes fun couples who often party and who
are relatively wealthy due to their stable incomes and lack of children.
Dip Shit: one who is so dumb that it seems his brain was dipped in excrement.
Dirty Harry: A cock that is filthy and surrounded by a mane of pubic hair (and
possibly featuring a prominent mole), that is still sexually appealing dues to its overt
Dirty Sanchez: When a man pulls out from anal sex and wipes his dick on his
partner’s upper lip, giving her a thin, shit mustache.
Dirty Swirly: While penetrating someone from behind in the bathroom, you dip her
head in the toilet and flush.
Disco Stick: A dick on the dance floor, or one belonging to a man with rhythm.
Origins: Lady Gaga's song, "Love Game."
Dishabille: To be carelessly dressed, or partially undressed. The state of one's
clothes right before or after sex. Origins: From the French word meaning "to
Divorce: "From the Latin word meaning to rip out a man's genitals through his
wallet.”—Robin Williams.
DJ Diddles: When a person works a woman's clitoris like a turn table, constantly
searching for the perfect rhythm. Origins: Dane Cook.
DND: “Drug and disease free,” often used on dating profiles where the end game is
casual sex.
Doggy Style: A common sex act in which the man penetrates his partner from
Dogs in a Bathtub: When a man attempts to stuff his testicles in his partner’s
anus. So named as it is as difficult to keep nuts in an ass as it is to hold two dog in a
Dog Training: When a submissive partner is treated like a dog. A common form of
role playing in BDSM.
Dog Treat: Slathering peanut butter on your genitals then having your dog lick it
The Dolphin: An absurd sex act in which the man starts off penetrating the woman
from behind. Then, without any warning, he harpoons his dick into her ass, causing
her to make an "eek eek" sound, not unlike a dolphin's distress call. The woman will
then flop around in bed like a dolphin desperate to get back into the safety of the
Donkey Punch: An absurd sex act in which a man punches his partner in the back
of the head as he reaches climax in order to make her muscles tighten.
Donkey Show: The mythic show that occurs in seedy bars of developing countries
in which a woman is penetrated by a donkey.
Doorknob: 1 Slut. Everyone gets a turn. Synonyms: community bike. 2. A butt plug
shaped like a doorknob.
Double Coyote Ugly: When you chew off the arm that is trapped under a troll's
sleeping body in order to escape her layer, then you chew off your other arm to
keep the troll from identifying you as the one-armed man who fulfilled all of her troll
Double Sided Dildo: A double headed dildo meant for simultaneous insertion by
two people.
Double Bagger: A partner who is so promiscuous that you assume she has
an STD, or who would have your child if she gets pregnant, but who is still
attractive enough to risk having sex with. Synonym: two bagger.
Double Bagging: Wearing two condoms for extra protection against contracting
an STDor having an unplanned pregnancy with a promiscuous woman. Ironically,
the friction between the two condoms actually makes them more likely to break.
Double Bedder: 1. Having sex twice in one day with two different people. 2. A sex
partner so attractive that you want to have sex with her twice in the same night, or
with two mattresses beneath you to absorb the massive pounding you want to give
Double Blowjob: When two people perform fellatio on the same man.
Double Header: 1. Having sex with two people in one day. 2. A 69 with two men.
3. A woman who starts you off with felatio, has sex with you, then finishes you off
with her mouth. 4. Women two people perform fellatio on the same man.
Douche: Flushing out a vagina or ass with a solution meant to mask various odors
and tastes.
Douche Bag: An asshole who tries to mask his inner filthiness through superficial
means: flashy clothes, too much cologne, steroid muscles...
Douche Cannon/Nozzle: A penis. The only tool a douche bag knows how to
Down Low, DL: 1. Keeping an affair low key in order to avoid detection. 2. A
homosexual who is reserved when it comes to who he opens up to about being gay.
Downtown: Vagina.
Drag King: A woman who adopts a male persona, usually as part of a stage act.
Drag Queen: A man who adopts a female persona as a stage act. Drag queens
cover every area of the transgendered spectrum, from cross-dressers to
Dream of Cream: A wet dream.
Drilldo: A sex machine made by attaching a dildo to the end of a drill, creating a
sex toy that can spin at a dangerously fast rate.
Dry Humping: What two people do when they have yet to figure out how to have
sex. Synonyms: Outercourse.
DSLs: “Dick sucking lips.” Usually refers to plump, moist, red lips.
DTF: “Down to fuck.” A woman or man who is ready for sex. Origins: MTV’s Jersey
D Train: Penis.
Dudevorce: When two guys end their friendship, usually over a woman.
DUFF: “Designated ugly fat friend.” There is one in every group of female friends.
She joins the group of hot girls to meet men who would otherwise be inaccessible.
Her friends allow her in the group as she makes them look better by contrast and
she provides someone to make fun of behind her back. When approaching a group
with a DUFF, guys should always have a "janitor" available to take out the trash.
Dumb Ass/Fuck/Shit: If you do not know what these words mean, they refer to
Dust Under the Bed: Sex so good it spills onto the floor. Sex so thorough and
complete, you do not miss a thing.
Dutch: When both partners pay their part on a date. Usage: Asking a woman to go
dutch on a date is a great way to ensure there will never be a second date.
Dutch Oven: When you fart while in bed with a partner, then pull the covers over
both of you.
Dutch Rudder: While a man grips his own penis, another person moves the
masturbator's forearm, steering the dick ship toward climax cove.
Dutch Treat: When attempting a Dutch oven, you accidentally defecate in the bed.
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Eager Beaver: 1. A horny woman. 2. The appendage sticking off the shaft of
somevibrators, providing clitoral stimulation. Some are shaped like the tail of a
beaver or like rabbit ears. The name of vibrators with such a feature.
Earmuffs: When a woman’s thighs are wrapped around a man’s ears during
Earn One’s Redwings: The bloody badge of honor a man wears on his upper lip
after performing cunnilingus on a menstruating woman.
Ecstasy: 1. A state of rapture, often used to describe the moment one reaches
sexual climax. 2. The name of the recreational street drug MDMA, which induces a
euphoric state.
Ejaculate: Synonyms: big bang, blow your load, bust your nut, cream, cum, drop
your load, fire a shot, get off, get your rocks off, number three, nut, pop a nut,
shoot, shoot your wad, spill one's seed, squirt.
Electra Complex: A daughter's quasi-sexual competition with her mother for her
father's affection. The female version of the Oedipus complex. Origins: Carl Jung
Energizer Bunny: A person who keeps going and going during sex.
Enema: The process of filling the colon with water or some other fluid. This can be
done to relieve constipation, to clean out the cavity before anal sex, or simply for
the erotic enjoyment of the sensation.
Erection: When a penis becomes engorged with blood. Synonym: bone, boner,
bone-on, chubby, flagpole, hard, hard-on, morning wood, pants pusher, pitch a tent,
riser, rock python, salute, semi, steely dan, stiff, stiffy, throbber, wood, woody
Eskimo Brothers: Men united by the fraternal bond of having had sex with the
same woman.
Etch-A-Sketch: Drawing a smile on a woman’s face by twisting her nipples like the
knobs of an Etch-A-Sketch.
Eunoterpsia: The idea that pursuing sexual pleasure is the meaning of life.
European Steamboat: Immediately after an anal creampie, the top burries his face
in the bottom’s ass while the bottom farts out the cum, misting the top’s face in a
aerosol of his semen and fecal matter.
E-void: Ignoring someone's attempts to flirt via various electronic mediums: text,
email, facebook, twitter…
Excrement: Synonyms: alley apple, baby ruth, ca-ca, crap, dirt, doo-doo, dung,
feces, poop, poo-poo, shit, scat, turd
Exhibitionism: A fetish for being a public spectacle. This often manifests in
streaking, public sex, or flashing. A common trait among porn stars.
Eye Fucking: Staring at someone while imagining fucking them. This has nothing to
do with actually penetrating the eye socket.
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Face Job/Fucking: Thrusting a penis into a partner during fellatio as if the mouth
were a more accommodating orifice. This act often provokes an excess of saliva and
involuntary tears. It is commonly featured in hardcore porn scenes and involves
gagging, deep throating, and runny mascara.
Facial: When a man ejaculates on his partner’s face. Synonym: money shot.
Factory Equipped: A pre-op transsexual who still has all of his/her original parts.
Fag Hag: A woman who hangs out with attractive gay men as a means of boosting
her self-confidence. Synonym: fruit fly.
Fag Fucker: A man who has gay sex but who claims he is heterosexual.
Farticles: Poo particles that explode into the air during a fart.
Fascinus, fascinum: In ancient Roman religion, the embodiment of the dick deity
or a phallic charm/ amulet.
Fat Admirer/Fetish: A fetish for obesity. A broad category for several sub-
fetishes: padding, inflation, stuffing, gaining, immobility, feederism, feedism,
feeding fetish.
Fat Ass, Fatty: full blown fatty, heifer, hog, pig, plumper, whale
Fellatio: oral sex performed on a penis. Synonyms: BJ, blow, blowie, blow job,
blow the whistle, bob on the knob, bop, cock sucking, eat dick, gobble, go down on,
fluting, head, hummer, knob job, lay some lip, lick the lollypop, mouth fuck, munch,
oral sex, pipe job, play the skin flute, polish the knob, slob the knob, smoke a dick,
snake charming, suck dick, suck the sugar stick, suck fuck, swallow a sword, taking
the B train to J town, tonsil exam, zipper sex/dinner,...
Female Masking: A modern form of cross dressing in which men wear rubber
masks, and even synthetic skin suits beneath their feminine clothes, making them
look like living sex dolls.
Female Muscle Fetish: A fetish for muscular females. This often stems from a
sub's desire to be dominated and emasculated by a physically superior female.
Femme: Often refers to a gay man or lesbian who has an abundance of feminine
Fetish: Sexual arousal resulting from a fixation with a specific act or thing. Some
fetishes are so intense that a person has trouble reaching an orgasm unless he
engages in, or at least fantasizes about, his fetish.
FILO: “First in, last out.” A man, usually a husband, who is the only person a
woman has had sex with. Synonyms: one and only.
FINE: “Fucked up, insecure, neurotic, and emotional.” A person who places too
much value on being physically attractive.
Firecrotch: A person whose pubic hair is naturally red. Synonyms: redhead, ginger,
day walker.
Flash: Briefly exposing any area of the body in public that is traditionally concealed.
Flash the Headlights: When a woman briefly exposes her pale breasts, nipples and
all, in public, usually to get someone’s attention.
Flatulence: Synonyms: air biscuit, air blast, backfire, back talk, blowing heat, break
wind, butt burp, cheek flapper, chocolate thunder, crop dusting, cut one, cut the
cheese, dutch oven, fart, fire in the hole, fog horn, gas, gale force wind, let one go,
machine gun, pant ripper, pass gas, pocket thunder, poot, scud missile, silent but
deadly (SBD), skunk, stainer, tail shot, talk German, trouser trumpet, wet one,
Flapjacks: Small, flattened looking boobs. Despite the name, these are generally
not appetizing.
Fleshlight: A brand-name sex toy for men that looks like a flashlight, but which
contains an artificial vagina.
Flip Flop: To serve as both the dominant and submissive partner, the top and the
bottom, at different times during a relationship or a single sex session. Common
among the gay, lesbian, and BDSM community.
Floor Mattress: A mattress that sits on the floor with no bed-frame. Often a sign of
Fluffer: The mythic person on a porn set whose job it is to maintain the male
performer's erection between shots.
Fly Fisherman: A man who artfully seduces women without relying on any of the
lures that traditionally attract sex partners, such as wealth, good looks, or power.
Synonyms: pick up artist.
Food/Water Denial: A type of denial play in which the dom refuses the sub food or
Foot Fetish: Being sexually aroused by feet, to the point where you want to stick
feet in your mouth and rub your genitals on them.
Foot Job: Using feet to bring a man to climax. This usually involves sliding a penis
between the soles of a partner’s feet, or between the toes.
Foreplay: Any erotic act that precedes, and often prepares a partner for,
intercourse. May be performed to prolong the sexual experience, to lubricate the
genitals with saliva or vaginal fluid, to stimulate an erection, to get a partner in the
mood for more penetrative sex, or to get either partner as near the point of climax
as possible.
Foreskin: The excess skin on the shaft of the penis that covers the head, especially
when the penis is flaccid. This is what is removed during circumcision. Synonyms:
Formicophilia: A fetish for insects crawling on you and your genitals. Often
involves ants.
Franken Pussy: A vagina that has been surgically brought back to life, especially
after childbirth.
Franken Penis: A penis that has endured some form of major, physical trauma.
Origins: The title of a porno John Wayne Bobbitt made after Lorena Bobbitt cut off
his penis then threw it in a field.
French Horn: A sex act that mimics the paying of a French horn. As the couple
kisses, one partner fondles the other’s genitals with one hand while fisting her ass
with the other, changing the pitch of the sounds that emerge from this rear blow
Frictation: When two men rub penises together while facing each other. Synonyms:
cock rub, bumping dicks, frontism, the Ivy League rub, knocking cocks, Oxford style,
the Princeton Rub, sword fighting, tummy sticks
Friend's With Benefits, FWB: A friend you have sex with while attempting to
avoid a romantic relationship. Synonyms: fuck buddy.
Friend Zone: A place men are exiled when they do not have the balls to express
their attraction for a love interest soon enough. A relationship limbo where you
serve all the platonic functions of a significant other without receiving any of the
sexual benefits.
Frottage: Non-penetrative sex acts that often involve rubbing. Includes ass jobs,
the Cardinal George, cock dogging, foot jobs, hand jobs, Harvard Style,
outercourse,The Princeton Rub, titty fucking...
Frot: Usually refers to any non-penetrative sex act that involves two penises
rubbing together. Synonyms: cock rub, bumping dicks, frictation, frontism, the Ivy
League rub, knocking cocks, Oxford style, the Princeton Rub, sword fighting, tummy
Fuck: 1. To have sex 2. The most popular American curse word. 3. An idiot.
Variations: fucker, fuck bag, fuck brain, fuck face, fuck head, fuck nut, fuck tard,
fuck tart, fuck up, fuck wad,
Fuckable: A person you would have sex with but not date.
Fuck Buddy: What a woman is referred to behind her back when she agrees to
carry on a sexual relationship with a man who has no interest in dating her.
Fuck Butter: Personal lubricant or any body fluids that are produced during sex.
Fuck Hole: Any orifices that can accommodate a penis.
Fuck Slam: An absurd sex act in which the top partner sudden pulls the bottom
partner's legs out from under her while fucking her from behind, causing her to slam
down on her stomach.
Fucktarded: When you are fucked so hard that you become mentally handicapped
for a short period of time.
Fucktory: Brothel.
Full Blown Fatty, FBF: An obese person who would be considered fat by any
standard of measurement.
FUPA: “Fat upper pubic area.” The hump of fat that appears on some women below
their bellybutton but above their vagina.
Furry: One who has the fetish ursusagalmatophilia, in which people wear downy
costumes to either dry hump or have anonymous sex with other furries. Also
includes people who likes to have sex with stuffed animals. Synonyms: plushies.
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Gag: Any object used to obstruct a person's breathing or to prevent them from
talking, especially during sex. A common sex toy in BDSM play.
Gagging: Most often refers to a partner choking during fellatio and deep throating.
Gag Gift: 1. When a man unexpectedly forces his penis into his partner's throat
during fellatio. 2. An unexpectedly large penis.
Gag Reflex: The involuntary reaction by throat muscles to expel anything lodged in
the wind pipe. In terms of sex, this is often activated during rough fellatio.
Gaining: A fat fetish in which pleasure is derived from the idea of oneself, or
another, gaining weight. Related to: feederism, feeding, feedism, inflation,
immobility, padding,
Game Show Host: A man who has the ability to kiss women within moments of
meeting them. A smooth operator.
Gangbang: An orgy in which multiple men have sex with one woman.
Gape: When an anus remains dilated for a few moments after anal penetration.
Gay for Pay: A self-proclaimed heterosexual man who sleeps with men for money.
Used to describe some prostitutes and/or cock stars.
Gender Bender: Someone who plays with gender roles, and gender identity, often
embodying both male and female elements.
Gender Outlaw: One who refuses any and all attempt to be labeled a specific
gender. Origins: A book of the same name by Kate Bornstein.
Gerbiling, Gerbil-stuffing: The absurd urban legend that some men put gerbils in
their asses. Most common versions of this myth involve putting a tube into one's
asshole, coaxing a gerbil to crawl down that tube, then removing the tube, trapping
the gerbil inside. Just as practical as a woman stuffing a hedgehog in her vagina, or
Get Your Dick Wet, Get Wet: When a man has sex. Often used in reference to a
man having sex for the sport of it, as opposed to other emotional reasons.
GGG: "Good, giving, and game." The term was coined by Dan Savage, in attempt
to define what we should all strive to be for our sex partners. "Think 'good in bed,'
'giving equal time and equal pleasure,' and 'game for anything—within reason.'"
Ghetto Booty: A large butt, often acquired from eating too much fast food.
Gigolo: A male prostitute who deals primarily with female clientele. Synonyms:
chicken, Hessian, hustler, prick pusher/peddler.
Girlfriend Proof: Concealing anything in your apartment that may insight rage in
your girlfriend. This usually involves hiding porn and any evidence of infidelity.
Girlfriend Voice: The effeminate voice a man adopts when talking to his girlfriend.
Girl Next Door: An attractive, though seemingly innocent and virginal woman.
Girl-rilla: A muscular, beast of a woman. Origins: the first female UFC champion,
Ronda Rousey.
Girlvert: A woman who is just as obsessed with sex as most men. Origins: Porn
star, Ashley Blue.
Glass Bottom Boat: When one person positions himself under a glass coffee table
while his partner defecates on the glass. Variations: plating, hot lunch.
Glazed Donut: Ejaculating on a woman’s ass, creating what looks like a glazed
Glory Hole: A hole in the wall of a bathroom stall through which men stick their
dicks to receive anonymous fellatio, often while pretending the man on the other
side of the stall is a woman.
The Goat: The most difficult move in the ball showing game, as it requires total
commitment. A player drops his pants and bends over with his dick and balls tucked
back between his legs, thus exposing a fruit basket of delectables for the player who
walks in on this scene.
Gob Stoppers: Fake eyelashes worn by porn stars and promiscuous women that
prevent cum from getting in their eyes during facials. Synonyms: safety goggles.
Gokkun: A form of bukkake in which a person drinks one or more men’s semen,
usually from a container. A porn category. Origins: Japan.
Gold Digger: A person who chooses romantic partners for financial gain.
Golden Shower: Urinating on your partner. Synonym: yellow shower, traveling the
yellow river,
Gonzo: A type of porn that focuses just on the hardcore sex as opposed to the
extraneous fluff in a mainstream porno such as set design, costumes, or plot. These
scenes are often characterized by POV shots that make the viewer feel as though he
is in the scene, and closeups on the genitals. Origins: From Hunter S. Thompson's
style of journalism in which he would insert himself into a story.
Goo Fetish: A fetish for gooey substances, which often takes the form of tentacles.
Related to wet and messy fetishes, and sploshing. Synonyms: slime fetish
Gooch: Perineum.
Gorilla Mask: An absurd sex act in which a man blows his load on his partner’s
face, rips out a patch of her pubic hair, then tosses the hair on her sticky face, which
will inevitably have the expression of an angry ape.
Gray/Grey Fox: An older man who is still sexually desirable. Often a successful
man who dresses well, works out, and actively pursues younger women. The male
equivalent to a Cougar.
Great Personality: Physically ugly.
Greet and Meat: When you meet up for sex. A one night stand.
Grenade: The ugly friend in a group of women who will act as a cock block unless
someone mans up and charms her. Such a selfless and heroic act is referred to as
"jumping on the grenade."
Grindhouse: A seedy strip club. Origins: the 1943 film, Lady Burlesque.
Ground and Pound: Modeled after the MMA maneuver, this describes any sex act
in which the man drills his partner as hard and fast as he can. As in a MMA match,
this usually occurs at the climax of the event.
Group Grope: A gang of men fondling each other. Synonyms: circle jerk.
Growler: A hair vagina that has an angry countenance and despises visitors.
Synonyms: bear claw.
Grrl: a militant feminist or a lesbian who confuses her sexuality and preferences for
a liberated view point. Synonyms: feminazi, womyn.
Grundle: The perineum. The bridge of skin between your genitals and anus.
G-String: A thong with a thin piece of material strung between the ass cheeks.
Guilt Sex: Sex that results from a feeling of obligation, such as when a woman
sleeps with a man she is not attracted to after he pays to take her on vacation.
Gunt: The fat above a woman’s pubic area, just below her last roll of fat. So named
as it is neither her gut nor her cunt, but a hybrid of the two. Synonyms: FUPA.
Gun Fetish: A fetish for the power embodied by guns. In practice this fetish can
manifest as women posing with, firing, or performing sex acts with guns. In extreme
cases, it can involve a person aiming a gun at his sex partner during sex.
Guppy Face: The expectant look a partner makes while waiting for a facial.
Gurl: In the transgendered community, this term refers to MTF cross dressers.
Synonyms: T girl.
Guro: A fetish for blood and guts that often involves the fantasy of creating gashes
in another's skin for use as a sexual orifice. This is a popular fantasy depicted in
animated hentai films. Some people with guro fetish wish to be disemboweled
themselves. Similar to: amputation/amputee fetishes, nullo, body modification,
vore, snuff, non-con, pain play, cutting and medical play.
Guy with a Pie: A pre-op FTM transsexual who still has her vagina.
GWC: “Guy with camera.” A derogatory term used by models to describe creepy
men who use their oversized cameras as an excuse to get close to attractive
women. These men often describe themselves as photographers and offer to take
nude photos of models.
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Haematomania/Hematolagnia: A fetish for blood.
Hag Fag: A gay man who prefers to be in the company of straight women.
Half & Half: An encounter with a prostitute that incorporates both oral sex and
Hand Job, HJ: 1. Using one's hands to bring a partner to orgasm. Usually refers to
stroking a penis. 2. Masturbation. Synonyms: DJ diddles, hand relief, an old
fashion, tug job, taking the H train to J town.
Handlebars: Pigtails that can be gripped for support during fellatio or sex.
Hand to Gland Combat: Vigorous masturbation in which a man wrestles with his
Hanger Model: A waif thin fashion model, whose body is desexualized in order to
emphasize the clothes she is modeling as opposed to her feminine sexuality.
Happy Ending: 1. For women this refers to a romance story that ends in marriage
or a monogamous relationship. 2. For men this refers to a massage that ends with a
hand job.
Happy Trail: Pubic hair that extends from the belly button to the main mound of
pubic hair. Synonyms: Amazon trail, Oregon trail
Hard-On: Erection.
Hard Swap: When each member of an open relationship is free to have sex with
others without their partner being present.
Harem: A group of women or men a powerful person keeps at his disposal to
service his sexual needs on demand.
Harvard Style: The act of a man using another man’s lubricated thighs as a
masturbatory aide.
Hat Trick: 1. Ejaculating three times during sex. 2. Having sex with three different
partners on the same day.
Hedgehogging: An absurd sex act in which a woman stuffs a hedhog into her
vagina. Just as practical as the urban myth of "gerbiling." Origins: Dan Savage.
Hentai: Any illustrated work such as Japanimation, anime, or manga, that contains
sexually arousing or explicit content.
Hermaphrodite: A person who was born with both male and female genitalia.
Origins: The Greek god of love, Aphrodite, and the god of war, Hermes, had the
child Hermaphroditus. This male was then joined with a nymph who wished the two
would never be separated.
Hershey Highway: A spurt of diarrhea that occurs during anal sex. Enduring such
an episode is referred to as, “Traveling the Hershey Highway.”
Heteroflexible: A man who prefers women but who will have sex with men if the
opportunity presents itself.
Hiber-Dating: When a person loses contact with his friends and family for several
months, or years, because he is spending all of his free time with a new lover.
High Dive: When a man pulls out during penetration, then rams his dick back into
his partner. Generally considered a dick move.
Hiking the Appalachian Trail: Slipping away to a secret vacation with a mistress.
Origins: Coined by then Governor of South Carolina, Mark Sanford, as his cover
story for taking his mistress on a romantic getaway.
Hiroshima: An absurd sex act in which a woman lies on her back and uses her legs
to suspend her male sex partner in the air above her. While pretending he is a
plane, the man drops his load on the woman.
Hobosexual: A preference for poor or dirty sex partners. This occurs for any
number of reasons: to gain access to more physically attractive partners, for the
thrill of doing something wrong, or because of the perception that dirtier sex
partners will be game for freakier sex acts.
Hog Hunting, Hogging: Seeking out large sexual partners. Synonyms: chubby
chasing, pig sticking, whaling.
Hole in One: When a man puts his dick in his own asshole.
Holy Week: When a woman abstains from sex for a week because she is
Home Wrecker: A woman who seemingly goes after married men with little
concern for the impact it will have on his marriage.
Honey in the Hips: A lady's man. A smooth operator when it comes to seduction
and sex.
Hogging: Hunting for large women to have sex with. Synonym: whaling.
Hog Hound: A person who regularly seeks out fat sex partners. Synonym: whaler.
Homo: A homosexual.
Homosexuality: "God's way of insuring that the truly gifted aren't burdened with
children.”—Sam Austin.
Hooker: A street walker. Origins: The nickname of the prostitutes who followed
around General "Fighting Joe" Hooker and his troops during the Civil War.
Hoover: Someone who performs oral sex with the veracity with which a Hoover
vacuum cleans a rug. Synonyms: mighty mouth
Horizontal Mambo/Tango: Sex. Often refers to sex with a Latin lover or a partner
who has a good sense of rhythm.
Horse and Carriage: Dick and balls. So named as the dick is the driving force
delivering the balls' cargo.
Hot: Sexy.
Hot Dog in/down a Hallway: When either a vagina is excessively large, or a dick
is excessively small, making sex comparable to tossing a hot dog down a hallway.
Hot Lunch/Karl: An absurd sex act in which one partner defecates on the other’s
Hot Pocket: When one defecates on a sleeper sofa, then folds the mattress back
into the couch, leaving the turd to bake until its aroma fills the entire house.
Hot Sauce Surprise: When a phallus is covertly coated in hot sauce before
penetrating an unsuspecting orifice.
Houdini: An absurd sex act in which the magician starts out penetrating his partner
from behind. He then secretly allows an accomplice to take his place without the
bottom partner realizing it. The magician then positions himself in the bottom
partner’s field of vision and yells, “Tada!”
Hourglass Figure: A woman whose bust measurement is nearly identical to her hip
measurement, with a substantially smaller waist. Ex. 36-24-36.
Howdy: An abbreviation of, “How did he get her?” Refers to a man who dates a
woman above his league.
Humiliation: A type of fetish play in which the submissive partner is made to feel
ashamed or degraded. Can involve anything from penis humiliation to public
humiliation. Synonyms: degradation.
Hummer: Fellatio.
Hump: Sex.
Hung / Hung like a Horse: Having a penis large enough to belong to a beast of
burden. Synonyms: donkey rigged, timbered, well hung
Hung like a Zebra: The penis of a mulatto man who is half white and black.
HWP: “Height, weight proportionate.” Used in personal ads when listing your weight
makes you sound fat.
Hybristophilia: A fetish for crime and criminals, especially those criminals who gain
public attention. Every serial killer is flooded with love letters and marriage
proposalsfrom people with this fetish. Similar to phygephilia.
Hygrophilia: A fetish for body fluids, such as semen, tears, saliva, or sweat.
Hymen: The membrane that occludes the vagina. While the hymen can be ruptured
for the first time during sex, it can also be broken a number of other ways, such as
exercise, injury, or Tampon use.
Hyper Fetish: A fetish for having a specific body part that is absurdly large.
Variations include hyper breasts, hyper muscles, hyper testicles, hyper ass, hyper
penis. Of these, the most common are muscle, penis, and breast. This kink is often
depicted in animated, hentai porn. However, these fantasies can come to life with
body building, implants, and saline injections.
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Ice Cream Sandwich: When a white woman is penetrated vaginally and anally by
black men on either side of her.
Illegitimate Child: A child conceived out of wedlock, and often rejected by the
father. Synonyms: accident, bachelor’s son, bastard, love child, whoreson.
Indian Cockburn: Like an Indian sunburn, but performed on a dick. Occurs when a
person grips a dick with both hands and twists in opposing directions. Also used to
describe a painful hand-job.
Infantilism: A fetish for dressing, acting, and being treated like an infant. This
often requires practitioners to hire a dominatrix to serve as a "nanny."
Inflation Fetish: When sexual pleasure is derived from the fantasy, or reality, of
physically filling a sex partner up with various substances. Related to: air inflation,
cum inflation, fat fetish, feederism, feeding, feedism, gaining, immobility, padding,
Inter-coarse: Sex with a painful amount of friction. Often a result of sex on the
Inter-corpse: Sex with a partner who just lies there, detached and unanimated.
Internet Beauty: One who can maker herself look attractive online but not in
In Flagrante Delicto: In the act of sex. Origins: Latin for, "While the crime is
Italian Stallion: A handsome Italian man with a large penis. Synonyms: Casanova.
The Ivy League Rub: The act of rubbing dicks together. Synonyms: cock rub,
bumping dicks, frictation, frontism, frot, knocking cocks, Oxford style, the Princeton
Rub, sword fighting, tummy sticks…
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Jackal: An opportunistic man who has sex with anyone he can, often through
devious means. He often has sex with the friends of the hot girls his alpha friends
meet. Also, a man with no moral compass when it comes to sex.
Jackass: Idiot.
Jackhammer: Hard pounding sex that gets the job done through blunt force as
opposed to finesse.
Jack-in-the-Box: Penis, particularly one that springs out of pants when a sex
partner unzips him.
Jack Johnson: A hand job that is basically a fist fight between a large black dick
and small white hands.
Jail Bait: A temptress who is under the legal agent of consent. These seductresses
often say things like, “I won’t tell anyone,” “I’m mature/experienced for my age,”
“My parents will never find out.”
Jalapeño Finger Poppers: Pleasuring someone with your fingers directly after
handling jalapenos, causing various erogenous zones to experience a mild chemical
Jam Out With Your Clam Out: The female equivalent of "rock out with your cock
out." The battle cry for uninhibited partying that will most likely lead to sex.
Janitor: A wingman who has sex with the ugly friend in a group of women so that
his friend(s) can get the ugly girl’s attractive friend(s) alone. So named because a
janitor takes out the trash. Although the term sounds derogatory, the janitor serves
a vital function, much like real janitors.
Jersey Turnpike: An absurd sex act in which you stick a finger in your partner’s
ass, then stick that finger in your partner’s mouth. If you later forget to wash your
hands and put that finger anywhere near your face, the mistake is referred to as
“Taking the Newark Exit.”
JO: "Jerk off." Used in personal ads or porns. Usually indicates a desire to engage in
simultaneous masturbation.
Johnny Bench Called: An abbreviation of the statement, “Johnny Bench Called and
he want his catcher’s mitt back.” A way of saying a woman has an old, worn out
vagina, comparable to the catcher’s mitt of one of the greatest baseball catchers of
all time.
Joined at the Dick: Two heterosexual men who spend as much time together as a
romantic couple.
Jumping on the Grenade: When a wingman sacrifices his penis by having sex
with an ugly woman so that his friend(s) may have sex with the grenade’s attractive
friend(s). Synonyms: Disarming the Bomb.
Jump Start: to wake a partner or to get them in the mood for sex with foreplay.
Jungle Fever: A sexual appetite for a member of another race. Often refers to a
white person’s preference for African Americans.
Just the Tip: Gateway foreplay that leads to intercourse. This occurs when a
partner is hesitant about being penetrated, especially without a condom. The eager
male promises just to put the tip of his penis in, just for a moment, just to see how
it feels. Full penetration soon follows.
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Kentucky Fried Dicking: During a particularly sloppy blow job, the man dips his
saliva-coated penis in any number of dry food products, like bread crumbs or flour,
then sticks the treat back in his partner's mouth.
Key Party: A swinger party where each couple places a house key in a bowl then
picks one out randomly at the end of the night to determine who will go home with
Kicking the Tires: Premarital sex. Origins: From the practice of kicking the tires of
a used car before purchasing it.
Kigurumi: A fetish involving anime masks. This most often manifests as men
dressing up as female anime characters.
Kink: A preference for the unconventional, especially when it comes to sex. Origins:
From a kink in a rope, possibly related to the popular kink of bondage or whipping.
Kinky: Open to a variety of sex acts that many people may consider devious.
Kiss Ass: 1. A sycophant.
Knee Trembler: Vigorous sex while standing that leaves your legs shaking.
Koro: A psychological disorder in which a person believes his or her genitals are
shrinking and retracting into the body.
Kumquat: a sexy woman, usually of Asian descent. Origins: the Asian fruit of the
same name.
KY: Personal lubrication. From one of the first and most popular brands of lube.
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Labia Minora: The thin, inner folds of skin within the outer vaginal lips. Synonyms:
Lactation Fetish: A fetish for lactating breasts. Fans of this fetish often want to
nurse, be milked, or milk their partner. Often related to infantilism, pregnancy
fetish, hyper breasts, breast expansion, or wet and messy fetishes.
Lactoids: Breasts.
Lesbian: A woman who is sexually attracted to other women. Slurs: bull, bull dyke,
butch, beaver eater, carpet muncher, cunt licker, cunt lover, dike, dyke, diesel dyke,
gal boy, les, lesbo, lezzie, muff diver, rug eater,
Lesbophilia: A fetish among men who are aroused by girl-on-girl sex. This
sometimes refers to men who like to image themselves as lesbians.
Lecher: A man who is obsessed with having sex with women. Synonyms: alley cat,
bed presser, bum fiddler, Casanova, chimney sweep, cocksman, cocksmith, Don
Juan, fleece hunter, flesh monger, fox hunter, fuckster, lech, libertine, lothario,
sportsman, swordsman, tomcat, whore hound, womanizer, woodman
Lexis: The 69 sex position. From the Roman numerals for 69, LXIX.
Libertine: One who pursues carnal pleasures with little concern for the social or
moral constraints of his time. A freethinker. Examples: Marquis de Sade. Synonyms:
debauchee, rake, roue
Limp Biscuit: A game of circle jerk in which the players race to ejaculate on a
cracker in the center of the circle. The last man to finish must eat the soggy biscuit.
Lingerie: Sexually arousing underwear that accentuates the good and hides the bad
parts of a woman's physique, such as lifting her breasts and compressing her
Lip Crispies: A lesion of oral herpes.
Lipstick Lesbian: A woman who dates and marries men but who will kiss or have
sex with other attractive women for attention, to get off, or for money. Most all
female porn stars are lipstick lesbians. These women represent the heterosexual
fantasy of what lesbians are.
Load: Semen. The porn star Nick Manning became famous for saying his catch
phrase, "Dropping fucking loads," while delivering the money shot.
Lolicon: A trend in hentai porn that revolves around young Japanese girls. The
focus is more on the innocence of the character, or her lack of sexual development,
as opposed to her actual age. Loli characters are often depicted as having flat
chests, wide hips, and subtle curves.
Lollipop Stop: A truckstrop frequented by prostitutes, who are known as lot lizards.
London Bridge: A group sex act in which two men penetrate women from behind
while the women kiss each other.
Loose Change: A fuck buddy you call when no other options are available. Used
when you are down on your luck, like loose change or a pay phone.
The Lorena Bobbit: During anal sex, the receiving partner squeezes her ass
cheeks together in attempt to snap off the man’s penis.
Lot Lizard: 1. A prostitute who solicits customers at truck stops. 2. A woman who
flirts her way from group to group at a tailgate or other outdoor gathering in search
of free food, drugs, or alcohol.
LUG: “Lesbian until graduation.” A woman who sleeps with other women in college,
but then dates men. Similar to a hasbian.
Lunch Break, Lunch Meet/Meat, Luncher: A quickie during your lunch break.
Often occurs in a car with a co-worker. Synonyms: nooner, quick lube
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Mack: 1. To successfully flirt with one or more women. 2. A pimp. 3. The act of
pimping, in the metaphorical or literal sense.
Macro Fetish: A fetish for giant, though not necessarily obese, sex partners. Often
reserved for the realm of anime or fantasy. Can be related to vore, crushing, or
growth fetish. Related to micro fetish.
Mail Order Bride: Generally a woman from an impoverished country who agrees to
marry a foreigner with the express intention of economic betterment.
Mandy: Man candy. A man who is kept around for sexual or dating purposes,
primarily because of his physical beauty or sexual skills as opposed to his success,
personality, or wealth.
Mangina: Formed when a man tucks his dick and balls behind his legs. History: The
most famous mangina appeared in the film, The Silence of the Lambs, when the
cross-dressing serial killer, Buffalo Bill, dances nude in front of a mirror with a
mangina and says, “I’d fuck me.”
Manible: An animalistic man. One of the highest compliments a man can bestow on
another man. Often used to refer to athletes who are so manly, they behave like
wild animals.
Manscape: When a man grooms and trims his body hair. Also refers to a male body
that has been expertly landscaped.
Manwich: A devil's threesome with two men and one woman. Related to an ice
cream sandwich.
Marital Aid: 1. A vibrator. 2. An inoffensive term for any sex toy.
Master: The dominant partner in fetish play. Often used as a title the submissive
partner must use in reference to the dominant partner. Ex. Master Honey Badger.
-Male Masturbation:
A: adjust the antenna, aid and abet a known felon, answer the bone, apply the hand
brake, assault on a friendly weapon, audition your hand puppet
B: backstroke roulette, badger the witness, bait the hook, bash the bishop, baste
the ham, batting practice, battle the purple-headed yogurt slinger, beat off, beat the
bishop/bologna/meat/your date, be your own best friend, blow your horn/load,
bludgeon the beefsteak, bop bonzo, buff the banister/bananas, build upper body
strength, burp the baby/worm, butter the corn,
C: caulk the cracks in the bathroom tile, change the oil, charm the cobra/snake,
cheese off, check for testicular cancer/ticks, choke the chicken/turkey/Kojak, choke
the sheriff and wait for the posse to come, churn butter, clean out your account,
clean the pipes/rifle, clear the snorkel, combing the hair on your blind pig, commune
with nature, consult with your silent partner, corral your tadpole, couch hockey for
one, crank the shank/yank/love pump, crown the king, cuddle the kielbasa,
F: fiddle/finger the flesh flute, five against one, five knuckle shuffle, flog the dog/the
hog/your dong/the bishop/the dolphin, flute solo, free willy, frost the pastries...
G: get in touch with your manhood, give it a tug, go blind, Go Hans Solo on Darth
Vader's head, goose the gherkin,
grease the pipe/hog...
J: jack hammer, jackin' the beanstalk, jack off, jerk off, jerking the gherkin, jiggle
the jewels...
M: make the bald man cry/puke, make bread rise/a milkshake/chowder with sailor
Ned/stomach pancakes/nut butter/yogurt/soup, manhandle/mangle/manage the
midget, manipulate mandingo, massage your muscle, measure for condoms, milk
the cow/lizard/moose/monkey, much goo about nothing...
O: oil the glove, one-man show/rodeo/tug of war/band, one gun salute, one man...
P: pack your palm, paddle the pickle/prince, paint the pickle/ceiling, Pam Anderson
Polka, peel the banana, pet the lizard, play the piccolo/organ/skin flute/with dick/a
little five-on-one/a one stringed guitar/in a one-man show/peek-a-boo/it safe,
please the pisser, polish the rocket/sword, pocket pinball, pocket pool/pinball, polish
the sword/family jewels/the helmet/the rocket, pound off/the flounder/the pud/the
fence post, prime the pump, pull rank/the pole/taffy/your own leg/your own weight,
pump the python/the stump, punch the munchkin, putting Mr. Kleenex's kids
through college...
R: relish your hot dog, roll your own/the Bologna, roman helmet rumba, rope the
pony/pope, round up the tadpoles...
S: salute the general, sample the secret sauce, season the meat, self-induced penile
regurgitation, shake hands with the midget/your wife's best friend, shake the
sausage/snake, shine the pole/helmet/sword, shoot yourself in the foot/airplanes/for
the moon/putty at the moon, chuck your corn, slam the spam/salami/ham/salmon,
slap box the one-eyed champ/the cyclops, sling jelly, smack the salami, solo flight,
spank the frank/monkey, spread the Mayo, squeeze cream from the Twinkie/the
toothpaste/your cheese-dog, soldier's joy, start a crotch fire, stir the batter/yogurt,
stroke it/off, stroke the goat/dog/poke, strum the one-stringed guitar...
T: take a shake break/a few practice swings/a load off, tame the snake/hog/shrew,
taunt the cyclops, tease the weasel, tenderize the tube steak, thread the needle,
thump the pump, tickle elmo, tickle the pickle, toss off, toss the boss, tug the
tapioca tube, tug of war with the baby arm, tune the antenna, tussle with the
V: varnish the flagpole/banister, visit Rosie Palm and her five daughters...
W: wail away, walk the dog/willy the wonder worm, wallow in self-pity, wank, wank
the snake, wash the meat, wax the weasel, whack off, whip the pony, whip your
dripper/the stiff/up some cream, whitewash the fence, whittle the stick, whizzing
jizzim, wiggle the worm, wind the jack-in-the-box, work willy/up a nice lather,
wrestle the weasel, wring out the rope,
—Female Masturbation: beat the beaver, clap the clit, finger fuck, fluff the muff,
get in touch with your feminine side, grease the gash, paddle the pink canoe, pet
the poodle, rub one out, slam the clam, tickle the taco, two-finger tango, vagina
monologue, vibing out, waxing the turtle shell,
Mating Ritual: General behavior performed by most members of a species in
regards to mating. In non-human animals, this behavior is easily recognizable, such
as the male Bowerbird decorating his nest with blue objects to entice a female or
Albatrosses performing a dance with their partner.
Mating Strategy: Various tactics used to secure sex partners. These are usually
employed by less desirable members of a species to compensate for their
shortcomings, or to secure a mate who has a higher social value. Human Beta males
do such things as develop senses of humor, secure high paying jobs, or date women
who have children from another man. Beta females may employe such strategies as
being more sexually aggressive than their more attractive counterparts, playing hard
to get, or getting breast implants.
Mature: 1. What a woman mistakenly believes she and her sex partner are when
she dates a man who is significantly older. 2. Used in porn and personal ads as a
euphemism for old.
Meat Hound: One who has an insatiable appetite for man-meat. Synonyms: Cock
Meat Market: Any place where people go to show off their bodies and to shop for
sex partners.
Medusa: An ugly woman who has the magical ability to turn a man's dick to stone.
Origins: From the Greco-Roman oracle cult in which followers built up immunities to
snake venom and used the poison against their enemies.
Melolagnia: A fetish for music. When a person becomes sexually aroused by music.
Melon Dive: Leaping face first into boobs. Similar to motor boating except it is
often done without consent. A common move at strip clubs.
Melon Smuggler: A woman who wears outfits that mask the full splendor of her
large breasts.
Menglish: Coded language used by men to talk about sex and females in the
presence of women.
Menstruation: Synonyms: aunt flo, aunt rosie, all's not quiet on the waterfront,
bleed, blood week, cracking an egg, curse of eve, drip, flying the red flag, holy
week, monthlies, on the bun, on the rag, period, ragtime, red flag, riding the cotton
pony, stop sign, tail flowers, the curse, the plague, the visitor, woman's home
The Menthol: Performing oral sex while chewing strong breath mints or gum in
order to create a tingling sensation.
Micro Fetish: A fetish for being small, or for engaging in sex play with small
partners. This is often related to macro fetishes, as the person often enjoys
imagining that he is small in comparison to his giant object of worship. Practitioners
of this fetish often like to be smothered or crushed by various body parts of a larger
partner. Often related to vore and crushing.
Midnight Cowboy: A gigolo. Origins: The film by the same name is the only x-
rated movie to win the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Mighty Mouth: A master of the art of oral sex. Synonyms: hoover.
MILF: “Mom I’d Like to Fuck.” Also a popular category of porn that describes women
with voluptuous curves. Origins: Coined by the film American Pie.
Milking: The act of getting a man to ejaculate through hand stimulation. This can
refer to a hand job that mimics the milking of a cow, or the milking of the prostate
through anal stimulation.
The Milk Man's Kids: Offspring who do not resemble their alleged biological father.
Missionary Position: The most basic sex position. The woman lies on her back
while the man penetrates her from above. Synonyms: mish,
Mojo: Masculine charm and charisma. The power that gives men the ability to
Money Shot: When a man ejaculates, especially on his partner’s face. So named as
this is the one crucial shot in a porno. Synonyms: facial.
Monday Morning Rebound Syndrome: The regret that kicks in when you resume
your professional life after a weekend of experimenting with various sexual taboos.
Monkey Wrench: When a dick is pulled back between a man’s legs and sucked off.
Moose Knuckle: The lumpy bulge that appears when a man wears too tight of
pants. Brother of the camel toe.
Moped: An embarrassing sex partner. So named because, like a moped, such a
partner is fun to ride until your friends see you doing it.
Morning Wood: An erection a man has in the morning, usually as the body’s way
of preventing him from urinating in his sleep.
Morphophilia: A fetish for specific body shapes that deviate from the norm. This
could include a love of fat people, dwarfs, amputees...
Moses: A saint who does not mind having sex with, or performing cunnilingus on,
a woman who is menstruating. So named because the prophet parted the “Red
Mother Fucker: Someone who is dumb, desperate, or dirty enough to have sex
with his own mother.
Motorboat: Rubbing your face between a woman's boobs while imitating the noise
made by an outboard motor.
Mouth is Mightier than the Sword: A proverb that proclaims that a man's oral
skills, both in his ability to charm and perform cunnilingus, do more to please a
woman than a large penis.
Mpreg: "Male pregnancy". This fantasy is often reserved for the realms of hentai
Mr. Bluevein, Mr. Fantastic, Mr. Goodbar, Mr. Goodwrench, Mr. Winky: Penis.
MRS Degree: What a woman earns when she drops out of college to get married or
to have a child.
MTF, M2F: “Male-to-female.” A transsexual who was born a genetic male, but who
has or is transitioning into a female.
Muff: Vagina
Muff Diver: A lesbian.
Muffin Top: Fat that spills over a person’s pants, shorts, or skirt.
Multiple Body Parts: A fetish for sex partners with extra appendages, including
breasts, orifices, penises, or limbs. Having multiple breasts may make a sex object
seem hyper-female, just as multiple penises may make a male seem hyper
masculine. Related to monster fetishes.
Mysophilia: A fetish for dirt or filth. Often a fetish for smelling or tasting items
stained by human fluids. Such items could include underwear, soiled clothes, or a
used tampon.
Mystery Bus: The bus that seems to arrive at a bar when you are drunk, whisking
away all the ugly patrons and replacing them with attractive people.
Mystery Taxi: The taxi that arrives in the morning after a night of heavy drinking
and replaces the attractive person you brought home with the troll who is sleeping in
your bed.
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Nacho: Perineum. So named as it is "not your" dick and "not your" asshole.
Nacho Salad: Orgy. A delicious, messy indulgence that can only be fully enjoyed by
a group.
Narratophilia: A fetish for dirty talk, sex stories, or having conversations about
Nasophilia: A fetish for noses. This includes an attraction to a specific type of nose
or even a desire to penetrate a partner’s nostrils.
NBR: “No beers required.” A partner you would fuck without needing to be drunk.
Newcummer: A man who has recently come out publically about being gay.
New York Taco: A vagina that makes you nauseous while eating it due to a
combination of the alcohol it took to desire this particular taco, the head movement
required to ingest said taco, and the taste of fish that has been marinating in a
humid environment all night.
Nipples: The pigmented and raised circles of skin at the center of breasts.
Non-Con: "Non-consensual" BDSM play. This may refer to rape or sex play in which
either partner is aroused by the fantasy of a forced encounter.
Nooner: A quickie that occurs during the middle of the day. Also: lunch break,
Nookie: Sex.
Normophilia: A fetish for acts that do not violate laws, social norms, or religious
NSA: “No strings attached.” Used in personals ads to indicate the user is looking
forcasual sex.
Nubile: A young, attractive woman who has just reached sexual maturity.
Nuts: Testicles.
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Obscenity: What gives the judge, or the person deeming a thing obscene, an
Odontophilia: A fetish for teeth. This can manifest in a person liking to lick teeth,
to leave bite marks, or to extract teeth.
O Face: The awkward face made while reaching orgasm. Origins: The film, Office
An Old Fashion: A hand job.
Omelet: An absurd sex act in which you ejaculate in your partner's ear, then fold it
One Hole too Many: A person who ruins her sex appeal by talking.
On the Blocks: A woman who is on her period. Like a car on the blocks, she is out
of commission. Synonyms: Holy week,
One Night Stand: Having sex with a person without the encounter being extended
into a relationship.
Omega Male: A male who has so little power, or influence, that his selection of
potential mates is severely limited. Synonyms: loser.
Onion: A person who becomes increasingly less appealing, and possibly worse
smelling, the more layers of clothes she removes.
Oregon Trail: The trail of hair that leads to a dense, wet forest of pubes. A sure
sign a woman does not shave. A common feature of hippie women or butch lesbians.
Synonyms: Amazon trail.
Orgasm: The climactic sensation that occurs at the height of sexual arousal.
Orgasm Denial: A type of fetish play in which a dom teases the sub, but refuses to
let him reach orgasm. This can include the use of such devices as a cock cage.
Orgy: Group sex. Synonyms: bunch punch, club sandwich, crew screw, daisy chain,
fourgy, fuckathon, gang bang, group grope, nacho salad, run a train, team cream,
three way
Oviposition: A fetish for egg laying. An uncommon kink, sometimes found in the
furry community and usually only satisfied by means of fantasy or animation.
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Padding: A fat fetish in which pleasure is derived from layering or stuffing one's
clothes to simulate weight gain, either to oneself or a sexual partner. Related to: fat
fetish, feederism, feeding, feedism, gaining, inflation, immobility, stuffing,
Pansexual: Someone who is open to any gender or most any kink when it comes to
sex. Synonyms: trisexual
Pain Play: A broad range of BDSM activities in which sexual pleasure is derived
from inflicting or incurring pain.
Paint Brush: A wisp of pubic hair, usually on a woman. Similar to a landing strip,
but smaller.
Paraphilia: Any sexual fetish that is classified as a disorder because of its extreme
nature, because it is harmful, or because it violates a society's mores or laws.
Pareunia: Sex.
Partialism: A fetish for specific body parts. This includes such fetishes as
nasophilia, oculophilia, and podophilia.
Parting the Red Sea: Performing cunnilingus or having sex with a woman on her
period. The saint who performs such an act is called, Moses. Synonyms: earning
your red wings,
Pasadena Mudslide: An absurd sex act in which you defecate on your partner’s
chest while she performs oral sex on you in a reclining position. The excrement
becomes a mudslide if it is runny or when it mixes with the pool of body fluid
generated by oral sex.
Patty Cake: When the two guys in a devil’s threesome high-five to prove they are
not aroused by each other. Often occurs when the two males make eye contact.
PAWG: “Phat Ass White Girl.” A common porn category centered around thick white
women who are often paired with black partners.
Paying the Rent: A form of prostitution in which sex is exchanged for goods or
services, though the exchange is rarely explicit.
PDA: "Public display of affection." Most often a crime of drunks and couples in the
honeymoon phase of their relationship.
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich: An absurd sex act in which a person
defecates on a menstruating vagina.
Pearl Necklace: A piece of jewelry created when a man ejaculates on his partner’s
Pearl Tramp Stamp: When a man ejaculates on his partner’s lower back.
Pecker: Penis.
Pecker Head: One who acts as though he thinks with his dick. Synonym: dick
Pederast: A pedophile, particularly one who engages in anal sex with a boy.
Pedophile: One who engages in sexual acts with a child. Synonyms: pederast.
The Penguin: While preforming fellatio, the woman walks out of the room before
the act is complete, leaving the man with his pants around his ankles, waddling after
Penicorn: A mythical penis. Often refers to the dick of a man who exaggerates the
size or nobility of his dick. Also an idealized penis with a vibrating, clitoral stimulator
sticking off the shaft like a unicorn’s horn.
Penis: Synonyms:
B: baby arm, baby maker, baloney pony, bean tosser, beaver cleaver, beef
bayonet/hammer/stick, Big Ben, The Big Lebowski, Bilbo Baggings, bishop, black
jack, blind salamander, boa, bone, bossman, bratwurst, burrito, bush beater,
C: captain, Chewbacca, choker, chub, cock, Conan the Barbarian, corn dog, corn
holer, creamsicle, cream stick, Cupid's arrow, custard launcher, cyclops,
D: dagger, dick, dickie, dicktator, Dilinger, ding-a-ling, dingus, dink, dip stick, Dirty
Harry, disco stick, dong, Don Juan, Donkey Kong, donut puncher, D train,
F: family jewels, fiddle bow, fire hose, fishing rod, fish stick, foreman, frankfurter,
French bread, fuck pole/stick/rod, funny bone.
G: Gary Coleman's forearm, gearstick, gear shift, giggle stick, Goliath, gravy maker,
grower not a shower,
H: ham bone, Harry Johnson, Harry and the Hendersons, heat-seeking love missile,
hitching post, hose, hot beef injector, hot dog, hung, hung like a horse, hung like a
I: Igor, inchworm,
J: jack-in-the-box, jaw breaker, Jimmy, Jimmy John, Jimmy Johnson, jizz whistle,
Johnson, John Wang, joystick, junk,
L: lap daschund, light saber, licorice stick, lincoln long, little head/soldier, lollypop,
long john, love dart/gun/muscle/staff/stick/wand, louisville slugger,
N: nimrod, noodle,
R: the ramburglar, ram rod, raw meat, rod, rolling pin, rudder,
S: salami, sasquatch, sausage, scepter, semen truck, shaft, shamrock, shlong, short
arm, skin chimney/flute, skunk ape, slut stick, snake, Spartacus, staff, staff
sergeant, stick shift, St. Peter, summer sausage, sword,
T: tail pin, tally whacker, third leg, Titanic, tool, totem pole, trouser snake, tube
steak, tuna can, Twinkie,
U,V,W,X,Y,Z: wand, wang, wedding tackle, weenie, weenus, wee-wee, weiner, wet
willy, whacker, whistle, willy, Willy Wonka, Willy Wang, winky, yang, yogurt gun,
Penis Elbow: Any arm injury or soreness that results from masturbating or giving a
Penis Humiliation: A fetish for receiving derogatory comments about the size and
inadequacies of your penis.
Penis Puffer: One who sucks enough dicks as to be addicted to the act.
Penis Pump: A cylindrical pump that creates a vacuum to draw blood into the
member. Excessive use can cause serious vascular damage.
Personalities: Breasts.
Perversion: “Just another form of art. It's like painting or drawing or sculpting.
Except instead of paint, us perverts use sex as our medium.”—C.M. Stunich
Pervert, Perv: Someone with a fetish for deviant sexual behavior, as defined by the
cultural context.
Pescatarian Fag: A heterosexual man who eats a lot of fish tacos but who can
entice no women to gobble his sausage.
Pescatarian Porn: Pornography that contains only melons and fish tacos, but no
red meat. Such porn is usually easier to stomach than more hardcore, male
dominated porn.
Pheromone: Various chemicals animals secrete that influence the behavior of other
members of the same species. These are often involved in attracting mates.
Philanderer: A man who seeks out sexual affairs with no intention of getting
Picasso Ass: When a woman wears too tight of panties or shorts, resulting in four
distinct ass cheeks.
Pictophilia: A fetish for watching porn. Also, when one watches so much porn of
the same act or person, he develops a fetish for that act or person.
Pig Sticking: Seeking out obese women to have sex with. Synonyms: hog hunting,
Pile Driver: A sex act in which the bottom partner balances her body atop her neck
with her legs above her body. The man squats over her, angling himself down into
Pillow Princess: A woman who enjoys receiving cunnilingus from men or women,
but who does not reciprocate the act.
Pimp Check: Informing a fuck buddy who starts to get attached, or who mistakes
your situation for a relationship, that she has crossed a line.
Pink Taco: Like a fish taco, but without the fishy taste.
Pin the Tail On the Donkey: During a devil’s threesome, the woman kneels
doggy-style on the edge of the bed while wearing a blindfold or tucking her head
under the bed sheets. The men take turns fingering, licking, or fucking her. This
requires that the woman is more than comfortable with the idea of a threesome and
that she trusts that neither man will play the guessing game, “Sheathed or
Pirate Treasure: Feces that appears during anal sex, particularly when it contains
golden nuggets of corn.
Pitcher: The partner delivering the penis to home plate during anal sex between
two men. The top. The counterpart to a "catcher."
Pit Job: When a man masturbates himself in another person's armpit.
Play Action Fake: Any move that tricks a woman into thinking that the man has
climaxed in order for him to unsuspectingly ejaculate on her face. Often involves
Play Chopsticks: When two guys masturbate together, creating their own kind of
simple, yet beautiful duet.
Playing Hard to Get: A mating strategy in which a person artificially enhances her
perceived social value by pretending to be uninterested in a pursuer, thus forcing
the interested party to work for her affection. This ritual also allows the pursuer to
demonstrate his social value by overcoming this resistance.
Playing the Skin Flute: Giving a blowjob with particular grace, rhythm, and light
Plow: Sex.
Plumper: Fatty.
Plushies: Those who have ursusagalmatophilia: Synonyms: Furries
PNP: “Party n Play.” Used in personal ads to express a desire to do drugs, usually
methamphetamines, during sex.
Poke: Sex.
Popcorning: During a movie date, the man unsuspectingly pokes a hole in the
bottom of the popcorn bag or bucket. He inserts his dick into the hole and waits for
his date to discovery the buttery treat.
Popinjay: A braggart who excessively peacocks himself in an attempt to attract sex
Poppers: Alkyl nitrites inhaled as recreational drugs, often to relax the anal
sphincter prior to anal sex.
Popple: A young, attractive woman with a cute face who carries some extra weight,
but who is still young enough that her fat is not offensive or marked with cellulite.
Such women are prized because you can cuddle with them or roll them into a ball
and bounce them about roughly without injuring them physically or psychologically.
Origins: 1. The popular stuffed animal from the 1980s that could be rolled into a
plush ball.
Porn Storm: Pop-up windows that bombard a computer screen while the user is
searching for free porn.
Possum: A sex partner who just lies there, as if dead, during sex. Synonyms:
Postage Slot: A vagina that looks like a slit in the skin with none of the labia
minora showing.
Pound: Sex.
Psychrocism: A fetish for being cold, or being with a partner who is cold. Also a
fetish for cold objects such as snow, ice, or a frozen glass dildo.
Pregnancy Fetish: A common fetish for fertile woman who are visibly pregnant.
This fantasy often focuses on swollen breasts and bellies. Related to impregnation
Pregnant, Preggers, Prego: Synonyms: baby bound, belly up, in trouble, knocked
up, loaded, one in the oven, pea in the pod, preggers, preggy, preggo, swallowed a
watermelon seed, with child.
Premarital Sex: When religious people have sex before they are married a first
time. Quote: “It isn’t premarital sex if you have no intention of getting married.”—
Matt Barry
Prepuce: The skin surrounding and protecting the head of the penis or the clitoris.
Synonyms: foreskin.
Priapism: A painful medical condition in which the penis remains erect in the
absence of sexual arousal. Synonyms: permaboner.
The Princeton Rub: When two men rubs their penises together in a sexual
manner. Synonyms: cock rub, bumping dicks, frictation, frontism, frot, the Ivy
League rub, knocking cocks, Oxford style, the Princeton Rub, sword fighting, tummy
Prostitute: One who accepts money in exchange for sexual favors. Synonyms:
bachelor’s wife, call girl, company girl, courtesan, floosie, harlot, harpie, hooker,
hoose bag, hustler, lady of the night, lizard lot, mattress, painted lady, pavement
princess, sister of mercy, sporting girl, streetwalker, strumpet, tail, tart, vent renter,
whore, window tapper, working girl.
Pubes, Pubic hair: Secondary hair that grows around human sex organs.
Punch Drunk Love: Intense feelings of lust that interfere with your ability to think
Pug Noshing: Noisy and aggressive cunnilingus, comparable to the way a pug
attacks a food bowl.
Pull the Goalie: To stop using various forms of birth control, usually in attempt to
conceive a child.
Puma: A woman who is younger than a cougar, or who is not a MILF, but who still
preys on younger men.
Puppet Show: A hand job that involves the giver telling a dirty story. A handjob
given while watching a porno or while in a movie theater. A handjob performed while
the giver talks about nonsexual things, such as describing her day or chatting on the
phone with someone else.
Purple Mushroom: Created when an erect penis is pressed so hard into the inside
of a person’s cheek during fellatio, that the outer skin creates a purple protrusion.
Pushing Rope: Attempting to penetrate an orifice with a semi-erect or limp penis.
Origins, the TV show, Archer.
Pussy Magnet: 1. A man or object that naturally attracts positive, female attention.
2. Penis
Pussy Whipped: When a man’s actions are controlled by the prospect of sex with a
particular woman.
Pygophilia: A fetish for butts, specifically seeing, touching, or playing with a butt.
Jump to: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X-Y-Z
Quarterbacking: When defecating in a filthy toilet, one squats above the seat. So
named as the person holding such a pose looks like a quarterback waiting for the
Quatro Train: A foursome. Usage: riding the quarto train.
Queef: The noise that occurs when air that is trapped in the vagina rushes out,
often during sex or soon after.
Queen: A diva of a gay man who must have everything his way, and who is overly
dramatic. The gay equivalent to calling a woman a princess.
Queer: A homosexual.
Queer Goggles: When alcohol allows a person to act on his or her homosexual
desires without fear of the social stigmas that normally constrain such actions.
Similar: beer goggles.
Quickie: A sexual encounter that is short lived, often due to time constraints or to
avoid detection.
Quick Lube: A quickie, particularly during lunch time. Non romantic sex needed to
help one work more efficiently. Synonyms: nooner, lunch break
Quim: Vagina.
Jump to: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X-Y-Z
Racing Stripe: A line of pubic hair extending up from the top of the vagina.
Variations: brazilian, landing strip, paintbrush.
Rack: Breasts.
Rake: One who is considered immoral, particularly due to his sexual lifestyle.
Synonyms: Debauchee, libertine, rake, roue
Ram: Sex.
Randy: Horny.
Raw Jaw: A person who is known for performing oral sex. Synonyms: mighty
Ray-Bans: When testicles are draped over a person’s eyes to provide complete
protection from the sun and to make a fashion statement. Synonyms: Arabian
Rear Admiral: 1. An absurd sex act in which the man mounts his partner doggy
style, then yanks back her arms and pushes her face first around the floor as though
he is captaining a small vessel. 2. A gay man.
Reverse Cowgirl: A sex position in which the woman rides atop the man while
facing away from him.
Ring the (Back) Doorbell: When a man taps or gently presses the head of his
penis against his partner’s anal sphincter, either to see if she is open for anal sex,
or simply to help relax the anal muscles.
Road Head: Oral sex performed on the driver of a moving vehicle. Synonyms: meal
on wheels.
Robotism, Robot Fetish: A fetish for robots, particularly using robots in sex play.
This fetish may become more common with the rise of increasingly automated sex
Rod: Penis.
The Rodeo: When penetrating a partner from behind, the man does any number of
things that will cause his partner to try and buck him off. The man attempts to
maintain penetration with one hand around his partner’s waist and the other in the
air. The instigating event can be anything from the man claiming he has an STD to
his friends bursting in the room. Synonym: The Bronco.
Rod Rash: Chaffing on the shaft of the penis from overuse.
Rolling Dutch Oven: When a driver farts in a hot car and flips on the child safety
locks to prevent his passengers from rolling down the windows to escape the smell.
Roman Helmet: When a limp dick and balls is draped over a person’s face, creating
a war helmet.
The Rowdy Roddy Pipper: While penetrating his partner from behind, the man
puts his partner in a full nelson or any type of choke-hold.
Rubber: Condom.
Rubber Fuckie: A waterproof vibrator used during long baths. Some are actually
shaped like rubber duckies.
Rubenesque: The word chubby chasers use to describe the objects of their
Rufies, Rohypnol, R-2: The date rape drug some vile assclowns drop in women's
drinks, as such boys clearly have no redeeming qualities that would make a woman
want to willingly have sex with them.
Rump Raid: Anal sex.
Rusty Trombone: Licking a man’s asshole while simultaneously giving him a hand
Saline Balls: Fetish play in which the scrotum is infused with a saline solution from
an IV to make the testicles appear gigantic. The process takes around an hour, and
the inflation lasts for a few days until the solution is fully absorbed into the body.
The medical term is, scrotal inflation.
Salirophilia: A fetish for soiling the objects of one's desire. This often manifests in
a sex partner being coated in filth. Can be related to bukkake, urolagnia or
Salami: Penis.
Sandwich: When a woman is pressed between two men while being penetrated
anally and vaginally. Synonym: DP.
Santorum: The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-
product of anal sex. Origins: Dan Savage.
Sascrotch: The hairy crotch of a male or female that looks and smells as though it
resides in the swamp.
Sausage Party, Sausage Fest: A gathering in which there are far more men than
Scat: Shit.
Schlong: Penis.
Score: Sex.
Scissoring, Scissor Fight: When two women intertwine legs and rub their vaginas
Screw: Sex.
Scrotum, Srote: The pouch of skin covering the testicles. Synonyms: ball bag, ball
sack, nut sack, sack.
Seduction: The art of enticing someone to do what they secretly want to do—
namely sex.
Semen, Seminal Fluid: The pasty, white goop ejaculated from the penis,
containing spermatozoa. Synonyms: baby juice, bull gravy, buttermilk, cream, cum,
dick juice, dick milk, ejaculate, glue, gravy, honey, hot milk, jam, jelly, jism, jizz,
juice, load, love liquor, man oil, marrow, ointment, pudding, scum, seed, skeet,
slime, soap, sperm, splooge, spume, spunk, swimmers, tallow, wad, white honey,
Semen Sneeze: A sneeze that occurs during fellatio or after swallowing semen. A
true semen sneeze ejects semen from the nose or mouth.
Semi: A semi-erection.
Sex Synonyms:
A: action, ass,
B: ball, bag, bang, bash the beaver, beat cakes/cheeks, beat the rug, beef injection,
be intimate, belly ride, bisect the triangle, blanket drill, boing, boink, bone, bonk,
breed, bump nasties, bump, bumper cars, bump uglies, bury the bone/weasel, bush
patrol, butte the biscuit,
D: dance the mattress jig, dick diving, dicking, diddle, dip the wick, do it,
disappearing cane trick, do the deed, do the funky chicken, do the laundry, do the
F: feed the kitten, fiddle, fix her plumbing, flesh session, fog the windows, fornicate,
four-legged frolic, freak, fuck,
G: get a piece, get biblical, get into her pants, get it on, get laid, get lucky, get one's
noodle wet, get an oil change, get physical, get some, get some ass, get your dick
wet, get your pole polished, give it up, go all the way, go at it, go to bed with, go to
the bone yard, go to town, greet and meat, grind, grind one's tool,
H: hanky panky, have relations, hide the ferret/Nazi/salami, hit it, hit skins,
horizontal mambo, horizontal tango, hump,
I: intercourse,
P: park your yacht in hair harbor, peg, piece of ass, piece of tail, pin, plow, plug,
poke, polish your pole, pork, pound, pump,
S: sexual congress, sexual relation, score, screw, shack up, shag, sink the sausage,
slay, sleep with, slide into home, spelunking, squat jumps in the cucumber patch,
squatting on the hog, stable my stallion, stuff,
#: 1 +1 = 3
Sexercism: Having sex with a new partner in order to remove the demon of guilt
and the emotional baggage leftover from the horrible death of a previous
Sex Machine: 1. One who is as efficient as the energizer bunny when it comes to
sex. Origins: a James Brown song by the same name. 2. A mechanized sex
toy often used exclusively for penetration. Many of these machines are homemade.
Similar: drilldo
Sexomnia: Like sleepwalking, but instead of taking a stroll the sleeping person has
sex. Synonyms: Somnophilia.
Sexpert: A particularly annoying person who, for whatever reason, believes she is
an expert when it comes to sex.
Sextasy: 1. The state one achieves right after fulfilling a sexual fantasy. 2. Taking
the drugs, Viagra and ecstasy, simultaneously.
Shaft: Penis.
Shag: Sex.
Shark Fin: The impression of a woman’s vagina as seen through her swimming suit
or wet suit.
Shark Week: During a devil’s threesome, one man lies on a bed with his head at
the edge of the mattress. The woman then lies on him in the 69 position. The
second man mounts her from behind in a standing doggy-style position. This move
mimics the feeding frenzy and uninhibited orgy that occurs after sharks converge on
a whale carcass. It also brings the standing man dangerously close to having his
dick chomped by the bottom man. Anal sex will reduce the risk of the top man’s
balls slapping the bottom man’s forehead, but it increases the risk
of santorum dripping on the bottom man’s forehead.
Shirley Temple: When any type of clear soda is poured in a menstruating vagina
Shit: Feces. The second most popular American curse word after fuck.
Shit Dick: 1. A penis coated in santorum after anal sex. 2. A dirty fucker.
Shit Faced: So drunk that you could have shit on your face and would not notice.
Shit Head, Shit for Brains: Anyone who behaves as though his brain is composed
of fecal matter.
Shit Hole: 1. An asshole, in both senses of the word. Synonyms: shit ass, shit bag,
shit bagger, shit pipe, shit spitter, shit stain... 2. A low quality place or dwelling.
Shit House: Bathroom.
Shocker: Inserting your pointer and middle finger in a woman’s vagina while sliding
a pinky in her ass. Synonyms: two in the pink and one in the stink,
Siderodromophilia: A fetish for trains. Often involves having sex while on a train.
Sitophilia: A fetish for food. Often involves incorporating food into sexual foreplay.
Simba, The Lion King: When a man anoints a person's forehead with his semen,
then smears it across her face with his penis. Origins: In The Lion King when Rafiki
anoints Simba with the juice from his ball-shaped fruit.
Sin Hole: A vagina, particularly one belonging to a woman who believes premarital
sex or carnal pleasure is evil.
Sixty-Eight, 68: When one partner receives oral sex without returning the favor.
He owes her one.
Sixty-Nine, 69: A sex position that allows for both partners to simultaneously give
and receive oral sex. Synonyms: doubleheader, flip-flop, head over heels, loop de
Size Queen: One who is obsessed with penis size, to the point where this is a
main criteria for having sex with, or dating, a man. A popular label used in the
Skeet: Semen.
Skid Marks: Shit stains left on underwear, or on bed sheets during sex. Synonyms:
racing stripes.
Ski Poles: During a devil’s threesome, the woman simultaneously pumps both
men’s erections with her hands.
Skull Fuck: Used to describe rough or forced fellatio. Often used as a threat to use
an enemy’s corpse for sexual gratification.
Slime Fetish: A fetish for slimy substances, which often takes the form of tentacles.
Related to wet and messy fetishes, and sploshing. Synonyms: goo fetish
Slore: A slut/whore.
Slot B: Asshole.
Slump Buster: A sex partner whose primary purpose is to end an extended period
without sex.
Slut: The most popular American term for a promiscuous woman. Synonyms:
adultera, alley cat, bangster, bed bunny, bimbo, bitch, cum dumpster, cum guzzler,
cum slut, cum tart, eager beaver, floozie, hobby horse, ho, hoe, ho bag, hoozie,
hooze bag, hussy, loose, nympho, meat hound, sexpot, skank, slore, slot job, slut
bag, stray, tramp...
Slut Shaming: The counterproductive cultural practice of characterizing
promiscuous females as evil or morally corrupt in order to discourage women from
being as sexually forward as males.
Smegma: A mixture of shed skin sells, body oil, body fluids and various other funky
material that accumulates under the foreskin of an uncircumcised penis, and in the
folds of the labia minora. Origins: the Greek word for soap, smēgma. Synonyms:
dick cheese.
Snail Trail: The glistening trail of dried semen that often appears inside a man’s
underwear after he becomes aroused or ejaculates. The trail resembles the silvery
tracks left by a snail.
Sneezing Fetish: A fetish for watching others sneeze, usually while naked. This
may be related to the fact that sneezing is involuntary and can not be faked, as well
as the fact that sneezing triggers some of the same nerves as an orgasm. Often
related to tickling.
Snow Balling: Spitting semen from one mouth to another. May occur a number of
Snuff: A paraphilia that centers around the fantasy of killing or being killed. Related
to: amputation/amputee fetish, body modification fetish, goro, medical fetish, nollo,
non-con, pain play, vore, necrophilia
Sodomite: One who participates in sexual acts, particularly anal sex, that are
considered deviant by the surrounding culture. Synonyms: brown hatter, bugger,
bum fucker, butt fucker, corn holer, gut butcher, gut fucker, gut scratcher, gut
stuffer, shit stirrer, stern chaser, stuffer, turd burglar,
Solicitation: The act of selling or seeking sex for money. Synonyms: yard sale.
Sounding: The act of inserting something into the urethra to inflict a mixture or
pleasure and pain. Derived from the medical practice of removing blockage and
clearing up urination issues. Often performed by using medical grade sounding rods
made of steel. Sounding enthusiasts have branched out, using a variety of objects,
including such seemingly painful and harmful objects and toothbrushes or glass.
Synonyms: urethra play
Soup Kitchen: A hobo orgy, often performed in a confined space. Origins: The
movie,The Other Guys.
Space Docking: When an uncircumcised man wraps his foreskin around a partner’s
penis. So named as the connection resembles the docking of space stations.
The Sphinx: A bikini wax in which all pubic hair is removed. Synonyms: full bikini
The Spiderman: An absurd sex act in which a man ejaculates in his hand then
flings the semen at his partner.
Spider Webbing: When semen shoots from an ass after anal sex.
Spinner: A petitie woman who could easily be spun around a dick during sex. This
especially refers to small strippers who can twirl around the pole with ease. In porn,
women with this body type are often branded as "teens," no matter what age they
Spit Roast: A threesome sex act in which the bottom partner is being penetrated
from behind by one man while performing fellatio on another man. Synonyms: hog
Splooge: Semen.
Spunk: Semen.
Stag Party: A guys night or bachelor's party. These gatherings exclude wives and
girlfriends, but often includes strippers, prostitutes, and/or promiscuous women.
Stiffie: Erection.
Stinker: Asshole.
Straight: Heterosexual.
Stranger: When a man sits on his hand until it falls asleep, then uses the hand
tomasturbate so it feels like a stranger is touching him.
Stranger on the Rocks: Similar to the stranger, except a man numbs his hand in
ice water.
Starfish: Asshole.
Starfish Trooper: One who enjoys licking the assholes of those who have never
engaged in anal play. Usually refers to a gay man. Also, asstronaut
Street Taco: A cheap treat a man picks up on the street to satisfy his overwhelming
hunger. Street tacos can cause regret, vomiting, bacterial infections, and even
death. Similar: New York Fish Taco.
Stride of Pride: When a person is proud of who he had sex with the night before,
to the extend that he parades around in the disheveled clothes he wore out the
previous night. Similar: walk of shame.
Strumpet: Slut.
Stuff: Sex.
Stuffing: A fat fetish in which a person eats, or is made to eat, to the point of
physical pain. Related to: fat fetish, feederism, feeding, feedism, gaining, inflation,
immobility, padding,
Submissive, sub, subbie: One who derives sexual pleasure from yielding control
to a dominant partner.
Sugar Daddy: A wealthy man who financially provides for a much younger, and
considerably more attractive sex partner.
Sugar Baby: The benefactor of a sugar daddy. Synonyms: gold digger, prostitute,
Sugar Momma: An older woman who financially provides for her younger sexual
The Superman: An absurd sex act that begins when a girlfriend or wife chooses
sleep over sex. The man discretely ejaculates on his sleeping partner's back. When
she wakes in the morning, the bed sheet will be glued to her back like Superman's
Surfing: Having sex with an obese woman. So named because of the waves of
flesh, the feeling of being unbalanced, and the fear of being crushed.
Surfing the Crimson Tide: 1. When a woman is menstruating. 2. Having sex with
a woman who is menstruating.
Swan Sauce: A sweaty liquid of body fluid and dead skin that accumulates around
the vagina.
Sweater Meat: Breasts, particularly ones that are protruding from beneath a
Swimmer’s Ear: When so much semen gets in an ear, there is a legitimate concern
of developing an infection.
Swimming in the Red Sea: Sex with a woman on her period. Synonyms: Cherry
Switch Hitter: Bisexual. Usually a male bisexual as he has a “bat” to play with.
Swoop & Scoop: When a woman runs a hand down a man’s chest, then cups his
crotch, usually as a means of checking his penis size.
Sword: Penis.
Sword Fighting: 1. When two boys simulate a sword fight with their urine streams.
2. When two men rub their dicks together. Synonyms: cock rub, bumping dicks,
frictation, frontism, frot, the Ivy League rub, knocking cocks, Oxford style, the
Princeton Rub, tummy sticks
Sybarite: One devoted to the pursuit of pleasure. Synonyms: apolaustic, hedonist,
Tag: Sex.
Taint: Perineum. It ain’t your dick and it ain’t your asshole. Synonyms: Nacho.
Talent: A woman's physical beauty. Often used as a coded Menglish term when
men are describing the quality of attractive women at a party, bar, or strip club.
Talent Scouts: Men who stand on the fringes of social gatherings staring at women
without bothering to mingle or to conceal their intentions.
Tallywhacker: Penis
Tamakeri: Ball busting.
Tampon: Synonyms: man hole cover, mouth mattress, pleasure garden padlock,
red flag,
Tank-Top Bodybuilder: A man who only works out his vanity muscles on his upper
body and who has slender, feminine legs.
Tanorexia: A disease in which no matter how tan a person becomes, she thinks she
must be tanner to be attractive.
Tart: Slut.
Temptress: A woman who derives pleasure from getting men to engage in deviant
activities, like cheating.
Ten Pin: A woman who has an hourglass figure and who would score a perfect ten if
her beauty were judged in the Olympics.
Ten Pinter: Someone who you would only consider having sex with after ten pints
of beer.
Tentacle Fetish: A fetish for tentacles, often depicted in hentai or other forms of
animated erotica. Origins: Tentacle porn derived from a Japanese folktale and has
since become popularly depicted in hentai. In these henati scenes, characters often
suffer from "tentacle rape," in which tentacle-like-protrusions from a plant, animal,
or monster force themselves on a victim.
Tequila Golden Shower: When a person takes a shot of gold tequila which is
promptly chased by being showered in urine.
Testicles: Male gonads housed in the scrotum. Synonyms: ballocks, balls, bangers,
bird’s eggs, clangers, cojones, cullions, danglers, eggs, family jewels, glands,
goolies, jewels, love apples, marbles, nards, nuts, plums, pounders, rocks, seeds,
stones, swingers
Textrovert: One whose social skills, and ability to flirt, are limited to texting.
T-Girl: "Transexual girl." A genetic male who lives as a woman and who may have
many of the physical characteristics of a woman, such as breast implants, but who
still has a penis.
Thick: 1. Fat, but in an appealing way, at least to men who have a fetish for large
women. 2. A penis with a significant girth.
Thigh Gap Porn: Porn that features women who are either so skinny or muscular
that a gap forms above their thighs and below their vagina.
Three-Hole Par: A sex session that utilizes a woman's mouth, vagina, and anus.
Thunder Cunt: A woman who is so violent and threatening that it would not be
surprising if her vagina carried an electric charge.
Tickle Torture: A form of BDSM in which a submissive partner is tickled, often
while being bound.
Tickling Fetish: A fetish for being tickled or for tickling submissive partners.
Tickling often triggers some of the same muscles as orgasms. Also, some tickling
enthusiasts see the act as an expression of intimacy. Others simply enjoy torturing a
partner or seeing their partner cry from forced laughter.
Tinkering Under the Hood: Cunnilingus, with specific attention paid to working
under the clitoral hood in order to get the engine running properly.
Titanic: A large woman who goes down on a man their first time out.
Titty Fuck: When a dick vigorously slides up and down between a pair of boobs.
Often involves large boobs and lube.
Token Resistance: When a woman claims she cannot have sex with a man right
before she has sex with said man in order to preserve the illusion that she is not
Tongue Punch: An invasive act performed by the tongue that is often unwanted. It
can be used to describe abrasive kissing, cunnilingus, or rimming.
Tonsil Exam: Fellatio.
Toolbox: The tools a man uses to get under a woman's hood and attempt to rev her
engine. Specifically, the dick and balls.
Top: The person who penetrates the bottom partner. Also, the dominant partner in
a fetishistic relationship.
Top’s Disease: When a dominant partner believes the control and power he wields
during fetish play extends to other areas of his life. Often occurs when a top believes
a bottom is actually inferior, as opposed to just assuming a submissive role.
Top Heavy: When a woman's bust measurements exceed her hip measurements.
The Tortoise: Any sexual act performed on a person whose pubic area is as smooth
as a tortoise shell. As in Aesop’s fable, you get there before the hare (hair) does.
Top Surgery: When a transsexual changes their biological chest to match that of
their mental gender without changing their genitals. This includes when a M2F
trannsexual gets breast implants and a F2M transsexual gets a mastectomy.
Tossing a Salad: Analingus Licking an asshole. Origins: From the urban legend of
male prisoners using condiments during analingus to mask the taste, to enhance the
pleasure of the act, or to degrade the licker.
Tramp: Slut.
Tramp Stamp: A tattoo on the lower back of a woman that symbolizes her
willingness to act impulsively, such as getting a trendy tattoo or having a one night
Tranny: Most often used as a category of porn that includes M2F transsexuals. It is
generally considered a derogatory term, though some transsexuals embrace it.
Transformation Fetish, TF: A fetish for transforming or changing people into other
people, objects, or creatures. This sexual fantasy is often limited to depictions in
hentai and other forms of animated porn, though some body-modification
enthusiasts do try to physically transform themselves into non-human creatures.
Sub-genres of transformation fetish include: human-animal TF, object TF, gender
TF, cock TF, and combining TF.
Transition: The process of legally and medically transforming from one gender to
Transsexual: A person who feels that their mental gender and biological sex do not
match, and who has taken medical and/or legal steps to transition from one gender
to another.
Transvestite: A cross dresser, particularly a man who has a fetish for wearing
women's clothing. These men are often heterosexual.
Treasure Trail: The line of pubic hair extending down from the belly button to the
wider patch of pubic hair. If this appears on a woman, it is a sure sign that she does
not trim her pubic hair. Synonym: happy trail,
Trojan Horse: When a man covertly slips off his condom during intercourse in order
to secretly unleash his soldiers inside his partner.
Troll: Usually an ugly, short, fat person who is in no way sexually appealing.
Tropical Jungle: A wild pubic region that has gone untended for some time. A
tropical jungle tends to be overgrown, to emanate a swampy funk of decay, and to
be swarming with dangerous life forms.
Trout Pout: Lips obviously enhanced by collagen injection. Synonyms: ASLs, DSLs
Tuck Job: pushing your dick and balls back between your legs to form a mangina.
Professional tuck jobs by cross-dressers and transsexuals often involve a layer of
tight underpants.
Tummy Sticks: A kind of naked dry humping in which two men rub their erections
on each other. Origins: The film, Wedding Crashers. Synonyms: cock rub, bumping
dicks, frictation, frontism, frot, the Ivy League rub, knocking cocks, Oxford style, the
Princeton Rub, sword fighting...
Turd Burglar: 1. The person who slips into a public bathroom just as you are about
to unleash a noisy dump. This person then hangs out for way too long, seemingly
waiting to steal the turd you are forced to hold back until you are alone again. 2. A
gay man.
Turkish Water Boarding: A threesome sex position that is a mix between water-
boarding torture, Chinese water torture, and a Turkish bathhouse with a zany twist.
One man lies on the bed with his head near the headboard. His face is covered with
a pillow, bed sheet, or towel. The woman mounts the man in the cowgirl position.
The second man stands over the first man’s head with his back to the wall while
receiving fellatio sex from the woman. The torture part comes when body fluids drip
from the standing man onto the fabric covering the bottom man’s face.
Twat: Vagina.
Twisted Sister: A woman or transsexual who lures straight men home in order to
peg them in the ass with a strap-on or a hidden penis.
Two-Dick Mouth: A mouth large enough to comfortably accommodate two dicks
Two in the Pink and One in the Stink: Inserting two fingers in a vagina and one
in the asshole. Synonyms: The shocker.
Two Squeezes: A nonverbal signal between fetish players, often used by a gagged
partner, to signal that everything is alright.
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Ugly Duckling Syndrome: An attractive person who bloomed late in life and still
has the personality of an ugly person. Often used to describe an attractive person
who is uncommonly nice or who dates people far less attractive.
Umbrella: While fisting an orifice, the fist blossoms open like an umbrella's spines.
Under Boob: The underside of a perky set of boobs that is exposed despite the
nipples being covered.
Underwear Fetish: A fetish for underwear. This usually involves men who like to
smell, wear, or collect unwashed panties.
Unrequited Love: Love that is unreciprocated. Also, the only type of love that
Upper Decker: When you defecate in a toilet’s water-tank. Often a kind of ticking
shit-bomb planted as revenge during a party.
Up Skirt: The view up a woman’s skirt. Often refers to the illegal practice of
obtaining such a view without the woman’s consent.
Urethra: The tube that transports urine out of the bladder. Also, in men, the
pathway through which seminal fluid is ejaculated.
Urethra Play: The act of inserting objects into the urethra to inflict a mixture or
pleasure and pain. Synonyms: Sounding.
Urinate: To empty the bladder. Synonyms: bleed the liver, drain the lizard, drain
the radiator, drain the snake, leak, make water, number one, pass water, pee, pee-
pee, piddle, piss, shake the dew off the lily, see a man about a horse, spring a leak,
squeeze the lemon, syphon the python, take a leak, take a piss, tinkle, water the
horses, wee, wee-wee, whiz, wring out a kidney, wring your sock out
Urtication: A BDSM practice of using nettles to sting a partner's skin, causing them
to develop hives. The practice was once used to treat paralyzed body parts.
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Vacation Amnesia: 1. When you cannot recall what, or who, you did while on
vacation without your significant other. 2. Completely cutting off all communication
with a person you shared a romantic encounter with while on vacation.
Vacuum Beds/Cubes: A sex toy used in BDSM, bondage play, and by latex
fetishists. A person is vacuum-sealed in one of these latex beds or cubes, leaving
them breathing through a tube and completely unable to see, hear, or move.
Vagina: ace of spades, adam's cave, altar of love, axe wound, baby gap, baby
incubator, bacon strips, bear claw, bearded clam, beaver, blackberry, box, bush,
cabbage patch, cake, canal street, candle holder, catcher's mitt, cavern, cellar door,
clam burger, cleft, cock dock/holder/socket, cockpit, coochy, coonskin cap, cooter,
cooze, crack, cranny, crawl space, crease, crevice, crotch, crumpet, cunt, danglers,
dick storage unit, divine scar, downtown, dugout, eel skinner, fanny, female parts,
fish taco, flower, fly trap, foofoo, fort bushy, front butt, fur, fur burger/box/pie,
furrow, fuzz, kitty, gash, growler, gully hole, hair pie, hairy harmonica, ham wallet,
harbor of hope, holiest of holies, honey hole, honeypot, hooha, hot pocket, juice
box, kangaroo pouch, kitten, kitty, lady bits/parts, lotus blossom/patch, love
canal/pudding/tunnel, lower lips, mailbox, manhole, mark of the beast, meat
grinder, Medusa, Miss Nancy, muff, nanner, naughty/prick purse, panty hamster,
pink taco, pleasure pit, pocket, poon, poonany, poontang, postage slot, powder box,
pudding pot, pussy, quim, rabbit hole, sascrotch, sideways smile, sin hole, skin
chimney, slash, slit, slot, slurry/spunk bucket, snapper, snatch, sperm sponge, stab
wound, stench trench, taco, tamale, trim, tulip, tuna taco, tunnel of love, twat, vag,
vagine, va-j-j, vertical smile, whisker biscuit, whispering eye, wizard's sleeve, the y,
yoni/yawne, Yucatán Peninsula, zipper
Vagina Dentata: Latin for toothed vagina. Origins: From various folktales and
urban legends originally used to discourage men from forcing women to have sex or
from having sex with foreign women.
Vagitarian: One whose sexual urges are satisfied almost exclusively by performing
cunnilingus on others.
Vajabond: A man who wanders from vagina to vagina, never settling in one for too
Vajazzle: A bedazzled vagina that looks as though it has erupted with a sparkling
STD. It is not advisable to have sex with such a vagina as the rhinestones can cause
serious injury. Like most lingerie, such ornaments make the person wearing this
decor feel sexy, but they serve little practical purpose.
Van Dyke: A butch lesbian who drives a masculine vehicle or who is a professional
truck driver. Also, a lesbian or pre-op female-to-male transexual with facial hair.
Vasopressin: A hormone that, among other things, influences pair bonding and
mate guarding in some mammals.
V Card: Membership into the virgin club. One voids his v card the first time he has
Venereal Disease, VD: Any sexually transmitted disease. Synonyms: STD, STI,
Viagra: The first and most famous pill approved by the FDA for treating erectile
dysfunction. Synonyms: the little blue pill.
Vibrator: Any sex toy that stimulates a clitoris by vibrating. A vibrator can be a
dildo, but not all dildos vibrate. Synonyms: crotch rocket, love wand, magic wand,
magic stick, marital aid, Mr. Fantastic, rubber fuckie, steely dan, weed wacker,
Vicarphilia: A fetish for living vicariously through others. Often involves listening to
other people's sexcapades.
The Viennese Oyster: From her back, the flexible bottom partner crosses her feet
behind her head while the man penetrates her.
Vincilagnia: A fetish for being bound or tied up. Often involves a desire to feel at
the mercy of another. Synonyms: merinthophilia.
Voluptuous: An adjective that is used to describe a curvy woman with large breasts
and or a large ass. Often a euphemism for a fatty.
Vomit Fetish: Any fetish involving vomit. These include being vomited on, watching
others vomit, or forcing oneself to vomit. Synonyms: Emetophilia.
Vore, Voraphilia: A fetish for being eaten alive, or eating another person who is
still alive. A sexualized version of cannibalism.
Walk like Tarzan, Talk like Jane: A masculine homosexual man with a feminine
Walk of Shame: The walk home after sleeping at a sex partner's house. These
walkers are easy to spot as they are wearing the going-out clothes from the night
before. This walk most often occurs on college campuses and is made all the more
shameful by the fact that this person's sex partner was not considerate enough to
escort her home.
The Walrus: An absurd sex act in which a man ejaculates in his partner’s mouth,
then pinches her lips together, causing the semen to drip from the sides of the
mouth like the teeth of a walrus.
Wang: Penis.
Wank: Masturbate.
Water Sports: Any type of sex play that involves urine or enemas. Also a category
of porn.
Weed Wacker: A vibrator used on a hairy, overgrown vagina that has been
suffering from neglect.
Weenis: A tiny penis. Synonyms: pweenis
Weiner: Penis.
Western Grip: While masturbating, a man turns his hand around so that his thumb
faces his stomach, similar to the grip rodeo riders use.
Wet: Being sexually aroused. Specifically refers to when a woman's vaginal fluids
are flowing in advance of penetration.
Wet & Messy Fetish: A broad spectrum of fetishistic acts that involve making a sex
partner wet and messy with various substances. This includes bukkake, sploshing,
goo fetish, slime fetish...
Whale Tail: The waistband of a thong or G-string that sticks out above the rim of a
woman’s pants or skirt. Like a tramp stamp, a whale tail, is a telltale sign of a
promiscuous woman. The term is used heavily in the practice of whaling, as spotting
a whale tale is a sign of an easy target.
Whiskey Dick: Impotence resulting from drinking too much alcohol. Also the
excuse men use when they cannot get an erection with a sex partner they met while
White Honey: Semen.
Whore Exchange: The collection of women's clothes left behind from a string of
one-night-stands. Often these clothes are left by women rushing to leave or as an
excuse for them to return later. In either case these garments are then donated to
the whore exchange, which should consist of two boxes: small and medium. When a
woman does not want to make the walk of shame wearing the same clothes from
the previous night, she may search for a new outfit from the "whore exchange." If
the woman is bigger than a medium, a potato sack should be made available for
Wife: A legal prostitute who contractually agrees to sell her services to a single man
for an indefinite period of time. Synonyms: ball and chain, best friend, bride,
companion, consort, esposa, homewench, mate, monogamist, old lady, other half,
partner, spouse, wifey,
Wingman: A friend who helps you meet and seduce sex partners. Origins: A film
about fighter pilots coming to terms with their homosexuality: Top Gun.
Wizard's Sleeve: A vagina that droops like an oversized coat sleeve. Such a sleeve
may have a few tricks hiding up it, but none that you want to see. Origins: Borat.
Womyn: Woman, as spelled by militant feminists/lesbian who want to completely
disassociate themselves from men.
Woody: Erection.
Woody Allen: When a man with a dense patch of pubic hair balances a pair of
glasses on the shaft of his penis. Origins: The TV show, Guy Code.
Woofter: Homosexual.
Work Spouse: A person who you develop a friendship with at work, and who you
would likely date if you were both single. Real spouses often become jealous of all
the time their significant other shares with a work spouse.
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XDR: A cross-dresser.
The Y: Vagina.
Yeastiality: A fetish for bread. Often involves having sex with warm dough.
Yogurt: Semen.
Zebra: 1. A white woman wearing visible black underwear or a bikini. Also, a black
woman wearing visible white underwear or a bikini. 2. A person from Africa of mixed
race. 3. A white or black person who behaves like a member of another he race.
Synonyms: Oreo,
Zentai: A fetish in which participants wear Zentai suits—skintight suits made from
thin, stretchy fabric—in order to have anonymous sex with other Zentai enthusiasts,
or to participate in some anonymous dry humping.
Zepplins: Fake breasts that are so large and perky that they seem to be filled with
helium and capable of transporting their owner through the air. Also, "Flesh
Zero: Anus.
Zipper: Vagina.
Zipper Sex/Dinner: Fellatio with the penis sticking through a man's fly.
Zipper: Vagina.
Z-Job: An act performed by a gigolo. If you have to ask, you can't handle it.
Origins: The movie, Beerfest.
Zombie Mask: When a man ejaculates in his partner’s eyes, causing her to stumble
around the room with her hands out, moaning, temporarily blind, and pissed off.
Zoophilia: A fetish for acting, dressing, and being treated like an animal. May
involve walking on all fours, wearing a collar, and eating out of pet bowls.