Reg Eng PDF
Reg Eng PDF
Reg Eng PDF
1. Filing of application
2. Random Number Generation (by TNEA Authority)
3. Certificates Verification at Designated TNEA Facilitation Centre.
4. Rank Publication (by TNEA Authority)
5. Payment of Initial Deposit
6. Exercising the choices of institutions and Branches
7. Publication of Tentative Allotment on a notified date (by TNEA Authority)
8. Confirmation of allotment option by the candidates
9. Final allotment of institution and branch (by TNEA Authority)
The candidates have to watch for various steps and dates and carefully act to have the complete
satisfaction. The first step is filing of an application. This note explains how to file your application on the
first part.
The information required to fill in, in the process of Registration, is given in the “Data Sheet”
available in the TNEA website. If you download this fill in completely first and then start entering in
the system, it would be easy and quick. You can do it at home easily. For those who require TFC
facilities for Registration, this Data sheet will also be made available at TFC. You have to necessarily
fill in that first and then only enter the data in the system.
Filing of Application
Now let us start with filing of application. In order to make things simple and systematic the
filing of an application is carried out in easy steps. Follow the steps carefully. You can visit TNEA website
by entering, or you can go to Anna university website by entering
and Click on “TNEA 2018”. You will have the following screen displayed.
Now click on “Click here to New User Registration for TNEA 2018”. You will get the following screen
displayed with “Registration” highlighted in orange colour (means current active operation).
1. Registration
The Registration consists of information to be provided under four heads
i) Registration Information
ii) Eligibility criteria information
iii) Personal Information
iv) Special Reservation Information
Fill in all the details appropriately using the dropdown menu. While entering the details keep the
following in mind:
You have to remember your User Id (e-mail address) and Password, because you have to use these
many times during the process of Application Registration, Payment, Choice entry and allotment.
(Better, you record it confidentially and safely somewhere)
Once you complete the above details, click on “Send Verification OTP”. Now you will get the following
You will get the OTP in your mobile as well as in your email. (Sometimes the OTP would have been
delivered to in your email Spam folder. So, please look into Spam mail also). Click on “OK” in the above
screen which will bring back the previous screen and enter the OTP at the space provided. Now you
click on “Register” button at the bottom of the page. This will show your entered details as shown
Read through the ‘User Registration Preview’ shown and if all the entries are correct, type “CONFIRM”
inside the box and click “OK” otherwise click “CANCEL”. If you click “CANCEL”, you can modify whatever
data you want to modify and then click “Register”. If you type “CONFIRM” and click “OK”, you will get
the following screen.
Now click on “OK”. You will receive ‘User Id’ in your registered mobile number and it will go to the Login
page. If you login then the screen will be as shown below:
You have to use your User Id (registered email id) and your Password already created to login. Further
the candidate has to use the security code shown ‘Captcha’ in addition to your User Id and Password to
Once you login, it will show you the screen for payment of fee with “Payment” highlighted in orange
(current active operation) and “Registration” in green (means completed operation) as shown in the
Now the system will show you the amount to be paid as per the details you have filled-up earlier
(Normal Application Registration fee - Rs. 500/-, for SC/ST/SCA candidates Rs.250/- and additional
Special Reservation fee of Rs. 100/- for each reservation you have selected). You can pay the fee through
Payment Gateway using your Credit Card/ Debit Card or Net-banking. The Payment screen will be as
shown below:
If you click on “Agree & Pay now”, you will get the payment gateway page as shown below:
If you select any one option to pay, you will get the Payment Gateway screen provided by the Gateway
service provider.
Follow the usual procedure for online payment. If it is accepted you will get the following screen and
you will get your Application Number and Transaction Id in you registered mobile number.
If you click on “Send Receipt” you will get the following screen.
If you click on “OK”, you will get the receipt in your registered email and you can get it printed. The
Receipt will be as shown below:
Now you will see the ‘Application Status Page’ as shown below.
Here the Registration and Payment have been successfully completed and they are shown in Green
colour in the Status bar and next process to be taken up “Personal” is shown in orange colour.
3. Personal Details.
You can click on “Proceed to Personal Page” to proceed further and the screen will appear as given
In this Screen candidates have to provide three group of information.
i) Personal information
Here, the complete information about the candidate, address, Date of birth etc. should be
given. (Whatever information you have already given will appear)
ii) Scholarship information
Candidates can opt for tuition fee concession, fee waiver etc. Such details are required
here in this section
iii) Civic Status information
Additional information like nativity, medium of instruction are required to be given here.
After entering these details, this can be saved by clicking on “Save” for further processing and you will
get the response as shown below:
If you click ‘OK’ it will go to the application status page. Now you can proceed to Personal information
Screen opened and you can edit the information, if required. If the information given is complete and
correct, it can be submitted. If you click on “submit”, you will get the following Screen.
Go through the information given, now if the details are correct, type the word “CONFIRM” in the space
provided and click on “OK”. The details are accepted and the status will be shown as below:
Now the completed function “Personal” in the status bar becomes green and “Academic” will become
orange. Now click on “Proceed to Academic Page”.
4. Academic Information
Here the complete details about the course, school studied, examination board, marks etc. are
to be given. Again, depending on your academic qualification given in your previous screen, the
screen will open with details to enter marks for academic subjects or vocational subjects. Let us
assume, you had earlier entered your qualification as HSC – Academic, then screen will open as
And now you enter your details of school studied and qualifying examination marks. If you are a
candidate of 2018 HSC Tamil Nadu Board, you need not enter the marks. It will be obtained
directly. If you save the information, it will facilitate changes of your information provided. To
save click on the “Save” button, then you will get a response as shown below:
If you click on “OK” it will go to the application status page. If you click on “Submit”, then you will get the
following screen.
Now, go through the preview of the academic screen, type “CONFIRM” and click on “OK”, otherwise
click on “Cancel” and make changse wherever necessary and then submit. To submit click on “Submit”
button, it will show the Preview Screen shown above and type “CONFIRM” and click on “OK”. You will
get the following screen.
Now you see in the activity status bar, the completed activities are shown in green and to do next is
shown in orange. Now you can proceed further to next step by clicking on “Proceed to view your
application” and see the complete Application information you have provided as shown below:
The system will come out and send a copy of your application to your email. If you login again you will
get the following screen.
On clicking “Download Application” on the Screen, you will get a copy of your application. You can have
hard copy of the application printed out, that has to be produced at the TNEA Facilitation Centre (TFC)
for verification along with the original Certificates needed as mentioned in the print out of the
application, copies of certificates and your Passport size photo affixed on the application. You will also
get the formats of Certificates of Special Reservations, whatever you have indicated. The Application
print out will be as shown below:
Vocational Applicant
If you are a Vocational candidate, then the screen for entry of the mark for vocational subjects
will be automatically shown as below. You have to enter the Related Subject marks, in the Related field
and Vocational Subject marks in the vocational field.
Further, the procedure for HSC-Vocational candidates for Save/Submit, getting Preview,
downloading and printing are the same as given for Academic Candidate. Print the application copy
received in your email and bring it for verification at the TFC along with required originals and photo
copies. Complete the entries correctly and submit to TFC on the scheduled date.
Good luck.