Influence of Different Vehicles On The PH of Calcium Hydroxide Pastes
Influence of Different Vehicles On The PH of Calcium Hydroxide Pastes
Influence of Different Vehicles On The PH of Calcium Hydroxide Pastes
indicated that the CMCP increased the antimicrobial effect restorative cement (Fuyi II, GC Corp., Tokyo, Japan). The
of the Ca(OH)2 paste. Sjögren et al. (12) demonstrated in temporary pastes were retained in the root canal for periods
vivo that Ca(OH)2 dressings efficiently eliminate bacteria of 7, 14 and 21 days.
which may survive biomechanical instrumentation, and that Patients were randomly divided into six groups each
reliable and predictable results can be achieved by dressing containing 30 teeth. The paste fillings were prepared from
the canal with Ca(OH)2 for 7 days. However, few studies Ca(OH)2 powder and the same vehicles employed in the
have investigated the conservation of pH in Ca(OH)2 in in vitro study (distilled water, 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate,
vivo. The aim of the present study was to determine the 99.5% PG, 4% carticaine chlorhydrate, 11.8% CMCP and
influence of vehicles on the pH of Ca(OH)2 pastes after 11.8% CMCP- 99.5% PG).
usage in patients and in vitro. At each time point, 10 pastes from each group were
removed with K-files and collected in separate Eppendorf
Materials and Methods tubes previously weighed on a precision scale (Acculab
In vitro study LA-Series Analytical Balances, Newtown, Canada). The
Ca(OH)2 pastes were prepared by adding to Ca(OH)2 tubes with the pastes were re-weighed and the difference
powder (Anedra Lab., Buenos Aires, Argentina) the between the initial and final weights was calculated. In this
following vehicles: distilled water, 0.2% chlorhexidine way the weight of the extracted paste from the root canal
gluconate (ICN Biomedicals Inc, Ohio, USA), 99.5% PG was obtained. Then the pastes were dissolved with distilled
(Anedra Lab., Buenos Aires, Argentina), 4% carticaine water to a final Ca(OH)2 concentration of 0.1 M, according
chlorhydrate (anesthetic solution; Totalcaina Forte, to the following formula: volume of distilled water added
Microsules-Bernabó S.A., Lab., Buenos Aires, Argentina), (ml) = weight of the paste (g) / 0.0741 (mMW of Ca(OH)2)
11.8% CMCP (Farmadental Lab., Buenos Aires, Argentina) × Ca(OH)2 concentration (0.1 M). The solutions were
and 11.8% CMCP-99.5% PG. The concentrations of the used to obtain pH measurements.
vehicles were evaluated quantitatively (13).
Using these pastes, aqueous solutions of Ca(OH)2 to a pH measurement
final concentration of 0.1 M were prepared in order to The pH was determined with a digital pH meter
measure pH. These solutions were stored at 37°C in sterile (Broadley-James Irvine, California, USA) for small
tubes. The pH was measured at 0, 1, 7, 14 and 21 days in volumes (sensitivity: 0.01 pH units), calibrated to pH 7 and
triplicate. 4 with standard buffer solutions before use. The pH was
determined by placing the refillable calomel electrode in
Clinical study a 15-µl sample on a slide for 10 seconds. The electrode
A total of 180 maxillary incisors with pulp necrosis and was washed with distilled water and wiped dry between
radiographically visible chronic periapical lesions were readings.
selected. Patients of both sexes aged from 20 to 50 years
and who attended the Endodontics Department of the Statistics
Faculty of Odontology of the National University of To determine the relationship between the vehicles and
Tucumán were considered. Informed consent was obtained the storage periods, two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
from all the subjects who participated. was applied. Where interference between the tested factors
After isolation with a rubber dam, carious tissue was was registered, the one-way ANOVA test was performed.
removed from the teeth with a carver and a slow-speed Dunnett’s T3 multiple range test was used to determine
handpiece. The pulp tissue remaining in the canal was differences among the vehicles and among the storage
removed with K-files. The working length of the roots was periods. Differences at P < 0.05 were considered statistically
determined by inserting a 15 K-file and radiographically significant.
monitoring the process. The canals were instrumented Differences between between clinical and in vitro pH
with a step back technique (14) up to a 45 or 50 master determinations were statistically analyzed using Student’s
apical file. After using each instrument, the canals were t-test.
irrigated with 2 ml of 1% sodium hypochlorite. All teeth
were cleaned and shaped to receive a temporary paste Results
filling. Teeth were filled using the last K-file employed in Figure 1 shows the in vitro results. All the samples
the canal preparation, aided by absorbent paper points maintained their pH throughout the tested time intervals.
and vertical pluggers (15). The access cavities were closed Statistical analysis showed interaction between the factors,
with Cavit (Espe, Seefeld, Germany) and glass ionomer so the one-way ANOVA test for the pastes and the storage
periods was applied separately. No significant difference pastes prepared with CMCP-PG, PG and anesthetic solution
in pH was found for the different time intervals. However, in vitro showed significantly higher pH values than in the
significant differences in pH were observed among the clinical study. However, no significant differences in pastes
pastes tested. Dunnett’s T3 multiple range test showed no with distilled water, chlorhexidine and CMCP were
significant differences among the Ca(OH)2 pastes with recorded.
distilled water, chlorhexidine, PG and anesthetic solution,
but statistically significant differences were observed Discussion
between these pastes and those containing CMCP and Since the introduction of Ca(OH)2 for use in dentistry
CMCP-PG. by Herman in 1920, this medicament has been reported
The pH values recorded for the six pastes tested in the to promote healing in many clinical situations. The
clinical study are shown in Fig. 2. Results obtained by two- properties of Ca(OH)2 have been investigated by many
way ANOVA showed no interactions between pastes and authors, and clinical applications of this substance have
storage periods. No statistically significant difference in been reported (1-4). Calcium release and an alkaline pH
pH was observed among the different time intervals, but are extremely important for the biological and
statistically significant differences were observed among microbiological performance of the material for dental use
the different pastes tested. Dunnett’s T3 test revealed that (16).
the paste containing distilled water was significantly In this study, no difference in the pH of each of the
different from the other pastes at all storage periods. The Ca(OH)2 pastes was observed over time; the tested pastes
highest pH values corresponded to the paste with distilled maintained their alkalinity even in an Eppendorf tube (in
water, followed by the pastes prepared with chlorhexidine, vitro study) as in the clinical study. In vitro, pastes with
CMCP, PG, CMCP-PG and anesthetic solution. There chlorhexidine, PG and anesthetic solution showed a similar
was no significant difference between the pastes containing pH to those containing distilled water; however, in the
CMCP, PG, CMCP-PG and anesthetic solution. However, clinical experiment the pH of the paste containing distilled
the Ca(OH) 2 paste containing chlorhexidine was water was significantly different from the other pastes.
significantly different from the pastes containing distilled The pH value of the paste containing distilled water in
water, PG, CMCP-PG and anesthetic solution. patients was higher than in the in vitro study; however, no
Figure 3 shows a comparison of the in vitro and clinical significant differences were observed at any time point.
results at 7, 14 and 21 days. The pH values remained Of the remaining pastes, the pH values in the clinical
constant throughout the time intervals both in the in vitro study were lower than in the in vitro study, and the values
and clinical studies. After all the storage periods Ca(OH)2 for the pastes containing PG, anesthetic solution and
13,0 13,0
12,0 12,0
0 Days
1 Day
Fig. 1 Mean and standard error of pH values of 0.1 M Ca(OH)2 Fig. 2 Mean and standard error of pH values of 0.1 M Ca(OH)2
solutions prepared from Ca(OH)2 pastes added to solutions prepared from Ca(OH)2 pastes added to
different vehicles, evaluated over time in the in vitro different vehicles, evaluated over time in the clinical
experiment. experiment.
* * * in patients
in a ratio of 1/1 (13), and maintained in the root canal as
11 a paste over the designated time period. The 0.1 M solution
10,8 was prepared immediately before measurement of the pH.
As reported by Safavi and Nakayama (10), the dissociation
of electrolytes in solution can be estimated by measuring
11,2 * * in patients can influence the pH of the paste and the velocity of OH-
11 ion diffusion through the dentinal tubules (9,17). Esberard
et al. (18) indicated that Ca(OH)2 in a CMCP vehicle
diffuses more rapidly than Ca(OH)2 in an aqueous vehicle
in the cervical and middle regions of the teeth. In the in
* * * in patients
of the inflamed tissues. It is also possible that the buffering
10,8 effect of the dentin would only occur in the paste-tissue
10,6 interface.
Controversial data on the diffusion of OH- ions and pH
Fig. 3 Comparison between the in vitro and the clinical pH root canal. Esberard et al. (18) measured pH in external
values of 0.1 M Ca(OH)2 solutions prepared from cavities and reported that non-setting Ca(OH)2 pastes
Ca(OH)2 pastes added to different vehicles, evaluated maintained a high pH for at least 120 days. Çalt et al. (17)
over time periods of a) 7 days, b) 14 days and c) 21 demonstrated that non-setting Ca(OH)2 pastes released Ca2+
days. through root dentin, but did not increase the pH of the
media, indicating that OH- ions did not diffuse out the 136-140
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In the present study, vehicles used to prepare the Ca(OH)2 changes in root dentin over a 4-week period
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