PTS - 18.00.01 HSE Management System HSEMS PDF
PTS - 18.00.01 HSE Management System HSEMS PDF
PTS - 18.00.01 HSE Management System HSEMS PDF
PTS 18.00.01
March 2019
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PETRONAS Technical Standards (PTS) has been developed based on the accumulated knowledge,
experience and best practices of the PETRONAS group supplementing National and International
standards where appropriate. The key objective of PTS is to ensure standard technical practice across
the PETRONAS group.
Compliance to PTS is compulsory for PETRONAS-operated facilities and Joint Ventures (JVs) where
PETRONAS has more than fifty percent (50%) shareholding and/or operational control, and includes all
phases of work activities.
Contractors/manufacturers/suppliers who use PTS are solely responsible in ensuring the quality of work,
goods and services meet the required design and engineering standards. In the case where specific
requirements are not covered in the PTS, it is the responsibility of the
contractors/manufacturers/suppliers to propose other proven or internationally established standards
or practices of the same level of quality and integrity as reflected in the PTS.
In issuing and making the PTS available, PETRONAS is not making any warranty on the accuracy or
completeness of the information contained in PTS. The contractors/manufacturers/suppliers shall
ensure accuracy and completeness of the PTS used for the intended design and engineering requirement
and shall inform the Owner for any conflicting requirement with other international codes and technical
standards before start of any work.
PETRONAS is the sole copyright holder of PTS. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, recording or
otherwise) or be disclosed by users to any company or person whomsoever, without the prior written
consent of PETRONAS.
The PTS shall be used exclusively for the authorised purpose. The users shall arrange for PTS to be kept
in safe custody and shall ensure its secrecy is maintained and provide satisfactory information to
PETRONAS that this requirement is met.
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As part of the recent transformation exercise, the PTS numbering system has been revised to 6-digit
numbers and drawings, forms and requisition to 7-digit numbers. All newly revised PTS will adopt this
new numbering system, and where required make reference to other PTS in its revised numbering to
ensure consistency. Users are requested to refer to PTS 00.01.01 (PTS Index) for mapping between old
and revised PTS numbers for clarity. For further inquiries, contact PTS administrator at
[email protected].
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by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright
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Table of Contents
PART I INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................6
1.1 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 GLOSSARY OF TERMS .......................................................................................................... 6
1.3 SUMMARY OF CHANGES ................................................................................................... 16
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7. ASSURANCE ................................................................................................................ 45
7.1 ASSURANCE PLAN ............................................................................................................. 45
7.2 ASSESSOR COMPETENCY .................................................................................................. 46
7.3 CONTRACTOR ASSURANCES ............................................................................................. 46
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This document describes the requirements that shall be used by PETRONAS Group of
Companies, which comprise of holdings company, business/operating units, project
organisations including joint-venture companies where PETRONAS has operational control, to
establish, implement and maintain a HSE Management System (HSE MS).
Refer to PTS Requirements, General Definition of Terms, Abbreviations & Reading Guide PTS
00.01.03 for General Definition of Terms & Abbreviations.
No Term Definition
An accident is an incident which has resulted in
actual injury or illness and/or damage/loss to
1. Accident
assets, the environment, reputation, or third
The ultimate responsibility for an area of
authority defined by the individual’s Job
Description, and will include authority
delegated to a subordinate albeit temporary or
2. Accountability permanent. He/She is answerable for specified
health, safety and environmental
responsibilities particularly connected with
tasks, objectives and targets within their area of
authority. Accountability cannot be delegated.
Work to be carried out as part of a process
3. Activity characterised by a set of specific inputs and
tasks that produce a set of outputs to meet
customer requirements.
Level of risk, objectively assessed, at which the
As Low As Reasonably Practicable time, effort, difficulty and cost of further
(ALARP) reduction measures becomes unreasonably
disproportionate to the additional risk
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owner. PETRONAS Technical Standards are Company’s internal standards and meant for authorised users only.
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No Term Definition
reduction obtained from the incremental
No Term Definition
HSE Risk Management. It identifies the risk and
gaps in current operations for continuous
improvements and improving BES data for
PETRONAS operations group-wide
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No Term Definition
The surroundings and conditions in which an
20. Environment organisation operates or which it may affect,
including Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
(BES) therein.
A study to identify, predict, evaluate and
communicate information about the impacts of
Environmental Impact Assessment a proposed project on the environment including
(EIA) the surrounding community, and to detail out
the mitigating measures prior to project
approval and implementation.
An operational unit consisting of buildings,
containers, or equipment e.g. complex or cluster of
off-shore platforms serviced from the same hub,
22. Facility
gas processing plant, refinery, distribution
terminals, pipelines, depots, warehouses,
workshops, laboratories.
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No Term Definition
A person(s) with the role to provide specialist
HSE Advisor/ Management HSE advice on HSE matters, in enabling the
28. effective implementation of arrangements
Representative (MR)
specified in the HSE MS, including benchmarking
to international and industry standards.
A demonstration of how the Organisation’s
HSE objectives are being met in a methodical
and accessible reference document. A
29. HSE Case completed HSE Case will provide a reference
document to all information relevant to the
safety and health of the operations personnel,
environment and resources on an installation.
HSE critical activities are activities or measures
that have been identified in the Hazard and
Effects Management Process (HEMP) as vital to
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owner. PETRONAS Technical Standards are Company’s internal standards and meant for authorised users only.
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No Term Definition
Basic standards of treatment to which all people
35. Human Rights are entitled, regardless of nationality, gender,
race, economic status or religion.
Human Rights Due Diligence Procedure to assess and manage human rights
(HRDD) risks.
An event or chain of events which has caused or
could have caused injury, illness and/or damage
37. Incident (loss) to assets, the environment, reputation, or
third parties. An incident involves the release or
near release of a hazard.
Physical harm or damage to a person resulting
38. Injury from traumatic contact between the body of
the person and an outside agency, or from
exposure to environmental factors.
A short document which sets out an employee’s
authority and responsibilities in the job, who he
39. Job Description reports to, and who reports to him; what his
duties are and the qualifications necessary to
perform those duties.
Understanding of the task, job or work through a
40. Knowledge learning experience or study of the “process”
and related subject matter.
An occurrence including, in particular, a major
emission, fire or explosion resulting from
uncontrolled development in the course of an
industry activity, which leads to serious danger
41. Major Accident to persons, whether immediate or delayed or
inside or outside, and installation, or the
environment, and involving one or more
hazardous substances. (Occupational Safety
and Health [Control of Industrial Major
Accident Hazards] Regulations, 1996).
Set of interrelated or interacting elements of an
42. Management System (MS) organisation to establish policies and objectives
and processes to achieve those objectives.
Defines the limit of safe operation permitted
for a particular asset if control and/or
Manual of Permitted Operations mitigation measures are reduced and/or
(MOPO) removed with the objective of maintaining a
tolerable level of risk. Considers combinations of
hazards and hazardous events.
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No Term Definition
The operation, tests, inspections, and
maintenance to assure that SCEs has been
44. Mechanical Integrity designed, constructed, installed, operated and
maintained in a way which minimizes the risk of
releasing highly hazardous chemicals and
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owner. PETRONAS Technical Standards are Company’s internal standards and meant for authorised users only.
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No Term Definition
i. reduce the likelihood that the first hazardous
event or 'top event' will develop into further
consequences and
ii. provide lifesaving capabilities should the 'top
event' develop further.
59. Social Risk Assessment (SRA) A procedure to identify and manage social risk
and develop social baseline.
A prescribed set of rules, conditions or
requirements Standard is an all-inclusive term
60. Standards denoting specifications, recommended
practices, procedures, guidelines philosophies,
and handbooks.
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owner. PETRONAS Technical Standards are Company’s internal standards and meant for authorised users only.
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No Term Definition
The broad goals, arising from the HSE policy,
that an organisation sets itself to achieve, and
which should be quantified wherever
practicable. In PETRONAS terminology this
61. Strategic Objectives means objectives. Goals that the
organisation wishes to achieve over the long-
term provides a basis for judging progress and
achievements. Strategies provide the
framework for plans to achieve the
objectives used as a screen for possible plans.
The measurable standards set by PETRONAS
management committee to which an activity
62. Targets or system element is to perform. Essentially,
these are the agreed plans and measurements
used to assess the Organisation’s performance
against the strategic objectives.
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No Abbreviation Description
1. BU Business Unit
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No Changes Description
1. Figure 1: Relationship between PDCA + PETRONAS
1 New
2. Appendix 4: Examples of Compliance Evidence for
Relevant Sub-elements
1. PART I Introduction
i. 1.1 Scope
ii. 1.2.2 Specific of Terms (Updated)
i. 1. Leadership and Commitment (1.1-1.4)
ii. 2. Policy and Strategic Objectives (2.1,2.3)
iii. 3. Organisation Responsibilities, Resources,
Standards and Documents
2 Amendments
iv. 4. Hazards and Effects Management Process
v. 5. Planning and Procedures (5.1,5.2,5.4)
vi. 6.Implementation and Monitoring
vii. 7. Assurance (7.1)
viii. 8. Management Review (8.1)
3. Updated Appendix 2 (mapping with latest ISO)
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A management system describes the way an organisation is managed with respect to its stated
objectives. It does this by concentrating on critical activities, ensuring that they are properly
controlled and those measurements are made and reported so as to enable monitoring of
overall performance and identification of areas for improvement. Management systems provide
continuity, consistent and structured approach in identifying improvement opportunities, and
can be used to demonstrate that controls supported by procedures and documentation are in
place. The introduction of such systems is required in some areas by legislators. In PETRONAS,
the changing face of the business, including the increasing use of contractors for non-core
business activities requires more, rather than less, formalisation of the business processes.
The benefits and stability afforded by management systems are self-evident, particularly in
helping to identify gaps in the existing management structure. However, for management
systems to be successful, it is essential to avoid rigidity, bureaucracy, over-complexity, and the
suppression of innovative thinking.
The focus must be maintained on the critical issues. Most management systems are founded on
the concept of 'plan,' 'do,' 'check,' and 'act/feedback' (PDCA).
Figure 1 shows how the framework introduced in this management system incorporate the
PDCA concept as aligned to ‘International Organization for Standardization (ISO)’, which can help
new and existing users understand interrelations between PDCA and PETRONAS HSE MS.
NOTE: The numbers given in brackets refer to the element/sub-elements of this HSE MS
PETRONAS HSE Management System was established within the context of the PDCA continual
improvement loop. It comprises of 8 main elements covering:
i. Leadership and Commitment
ii. Policy and Strategic Objectives
iii. Organisation, Responsibilities, Resources, Standards and Documents
iv. Hazard and Effect Management Process (HEMP)
v. Planning & Procedures
vi. Implementation & Monitoring
vii. Assurance and
viii. Management Review
The MCF supports the PETRONAS HSE Policy Statement and provides clear and prescriptive
requirements related to management of the 10 focus areas of significant HSE risks, including
technical and operational integrity of facilities and equipment. They are:
i. Capability
ii. Health
iii. Environment
iv. Safety & Transportation
v. Process Safety & Asset Integrity
vi. Management of Change
vii. Safe Operations
viii. Contractor HSE Management
ix. Design & Engineering
x. Incident Management & Emergency Response
The implementation of the 10 focus areas is managed through the elements of PETRONAS HSE
management system, as depicted in Figure 2.
i. Leadership and Commitment
ii. Policy and Strategic Objectives
iii. Organisation, Responsibilities, Resources, Standards and Documentation
iv. Hazards and Effects Management Process (HEMP)
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Effective implementation and sustenance of this Management System will ensure compliance
to the requirements of the MCF and, consequently the delivery of improved and sustainable HSE
performance and culture.
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This element sets the expectations on leadership and commitment to strengthen and sustain a
HSE culture that drives sustainable HSE performance.
1.1.1 Top Management and Leaders at all levels of the Organisation shall demonstrate, visible HSE
leadership in leading and driving a culture in which all employees share a unified commitment
to HSE.
a) Prioritising HSE matters high on the agenda of meetings, from BOARD and downwards.
ii. Ensure the effectiveness and continual improvement of HSE Management System through
a formal review process.
1.1.3 Leaders at all levels shall continuously communicate with employees and contractors with clear
HSE messages through daily job briefings, toolbox meetings and other meetings.
1.2.1 Top Management shall demonstrate understanding of HSE risks associated with specific
business activities and how they are managed by:
ii. Being proactive in target setting by integrating PETRONAS HSE targets and risk mitigation
into business activities including leading (proactive) and lagging (reactive) KPIs and cascade
to all employees & contractors.
iii. Prioritising and providing sufficient resources to manage the risks to ALARP
iii. Jointly develop and discuss HSE plans and targets and indicators with their managers,
employees and contractors for continual improvement
iv. Align KPIs and targets and ensure that performance is evaluated against leading (proactive)
and lagging (reactive) indicators at appropriate levels. Employees shall have HSE targets and
indicators in their performance appraisals
ix. Take actions against concerns and grievances raised by employees/contractor arising from
incidents, audits, visits, etc.
x. Take overall responsibility and accountability in safeguarding the health, safety and
wellbeing of employees, contractors, as well as effectiveness of the HSE MS.
1.3.2 Leaders at all level shall ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations and PETRONAS HSE
i. Assigning responsibility and accountability to manage HSE risks and hold individuals
accountable for their HSE behaviours and performance.
ii. Recognising positive behaviour and take actions against at risk and non-compliance
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iii. Providing and receiving feedback on HSE behaviours and performance, and celebrate
iv. Including HSE behaviours and performance in decisions for performance rewards,
employees’ development and employees’ promotions.
vii. Protecting employees from reprisals when reporting grievances, incidents, hazards and
viii. Ensuring compliance with PETRONAS HSE requirements by reporting HSE incidents, near
misses and issues.
i. Making deliberate effort and driving programmes to nurture and elevate the maturity of
HSE culture towards generative.
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The Organisation shall have a written HSE Policy in line with the PETRONAS HSE Policy Statement
as a minimum. In setting strategic objectives and developing HSE Plan, the Organisation
management shall consider the overall risk levels of its business activities taking into
consideration the legal requirements, technological change, emerging issues and key
stakeholders expectations.
2.1.1 The Organisation (with management and operational control) HSE Policy and associated policies
shall be available to relevant parties and shall:
i. Be consistent with the PETRONAS HSE Policy Statement and include commitment to take
reasonable and practicable steps to prevent and eliminate the risk of injuries, occupational
illnesses and damage to properties as well as conservation of the environment.
ii. Be relevant and take into consideration the current and future nature and scale of the
activities, products and services of the Organisation.
v. Be approved and signed by the Top Management of the respective Organisation and be kept
2.1.2 The Top Management of the Organisation shall be the custodian of the HSE Policy and be
responsible for its review. At least once a year the HSE Policy shall be reviewed taking into
account the continued relevance of its intent, scope and adequacy as part of the formal HSE
Management System Review.
2.1.3 Contractor HSE policies shall be consistent with the Organisation policies.
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2.2.1 The HSE Policy shall be communicated to all employees and key stakeholders e.g. contractors,
visitors, suppliers etc.
2.2.2 The HSE Policy shall be readily available to the public in a language and format that is easily
2.2.3 All employees and contractors shall be informed of the HSE Policies and their personal role in
meeting the requirements of the policies.
2.2.4 Records shall be maintained to demonstrate that employees and contractors have received this
2.2.5 Any changes in HSE Policy shall be communicated to all employees and contractors.
2.3.1 Each Organisation shall establish and maintain documented HSE objectives, at each relevant
function and level within the Organisation.
2.3.2 Strategic objectives shall be in line with the PETRONAS HSE Policy Statement, Corporate
Commitments (e.g. PETRONAS Carbon Commitments and Human Rights), the Organisation’s HSE
Policies, risk profile and business activities taking into consideration the legal requirements,
technological change, emerging issues and result of consultation with employees for the
purpose of:
i. Providing assurance that the HSE MS is established and effectively implemented at site.
2.3.3 The strategic objectives shall provide a framework for setting and reviewing HSE Plan and targets
to ensure continual improvement.
2.3.4 The strategic objectives shall be communicated, monitored and updated, as appropriate.
2.4.1 Within its Business Planning Cycle, the Organisation shall prepare HSE targets and plans annually
in line with the Organisation’s HSE Policy and strategic objectives. The targets and plans shall
clearly identify accountable parties and milestones and shall be linked to the Business Plan.
2.4.2 HSE Plans shall cover activities such as exploration, new developments, existing operations,
modifications, acquisitions, abandonment programmes, research and development, product
development, etc.
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2.4.3 HSE Plans shall take into account present and anticipated future legislative and regulatory
requirements, intolerable risks, technological options, financial, operational and business
requirements and expectations of stakeholders.
2.4.4 The Organisation HSE targets and plans shall be communicated to employees.
2.5.1 Detailed HSE Programmes and Activities shall be developed to support the annual HSE Plan. The
programmes shall establish clear milestone and schedule with respective accountable parties
assigned. HSE Programmes shall be developed to support the mitigation measures arising from
the risk assessment.
2.5.2 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) shall be established for all HSE programmes.
2.5.3 KPI shall be monitored, tracked, analysed and reported to ensure effective and timely
implementation of the programmes.
2.5.4 All HSE programmes and activities shall be cascaded to relevant departments, communicated
and promoted through various platforms to engage all employees and contractors in enhancing
HSE culture.
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This element addresses the organisation of people, resources and documentation for sound and
sustainable HSE performance. The Organisation and resources shall be adequate for its purpose.
Responsibilities at all levels shall be clearly described, communicated, understood and
demonstrated. Employees including contractors at each level of the organization shall assume
responsibility for those aspects of the HSE MS over which they have control. Employees
development shall follow a structured competency assessment and training systems.
3.1.2 The application of the HSE MS to a local operation or plant shall be the responsibility of the local
line management, in accordance with the asset management hierarchy.
3.1.3 All HSE Critical Activities shall be identified and recorded in the HSE MS (See 3.8 Documentation
and Control) and HSE Case(s) (See 4.5 Statutory HSE Risk Assessment Requirement).
Responsibilities shall be assigned for every HSE critical activity and inputs and outputs necessary
for its control recorded. Performance standards and mechanisms for verification shall also be in
3.1.4 Employee’s (the organisation and contractors) competencies for HSE critical activities shall be
defined and responsibilities and requirements associated with the control of the activities
understood by the employee.
3.1.5 The Top Management is accountable to establish a governance structure, which shall show who
is responsible for:
3.1.6 The Organisation’s Top Management is accountable to establish and maintain a governance for
the effective implementation of the HSE MCF as part of the business management system. This
includes defining roles, responsibilities and authorities to implement and comply with the HSE
MCF and the relevant regulations and laws.
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i. who meet the relevant regulatory and professional requirements to provide professional
HSE advice
ii. who have sufficient knowledge of the organisation and its activities, and of HSE issues.
3.2.2 HSE Advisors/MR is a role and may be performed by any appointed personnel within the
Organisation irrespective of their designation.
3.2.3 HSE Advisors/MR shall have sufficient authority to ensure HSE MS requirements are established,
implemented and maintained in all locations and spheres of operation within the organisation.
3.2.4 HSE Advisors/MR shall monitor and communicate information on HSE issues and best practice
from internal and external sources.
3.2.5 HSE Advisors/MR shall collate HSE performance reports and maintain HSE performance data for
internal use & external reporting to local authorities.
3.2.6 HSE Advisors/MR shall also regularly report on the performance of the HSE MS to Top
Management for review, as a basis for improvement.
3.2.7 HSE Advisors/MR shall provide input to Top Management for the review and co-ordinate the
preparation and verification of the annual HSE Report, wherever applicable.
3.2.8 HSE Advisors/MR shall maintain a schedule of HSE assurance/inspections and participate in the
review of findings from all assurance/inspections/incident investigations.
3.2.9 The Organisation shall appoint HSE Advisors/MR in its management team for the purpose of
influencing policies, strategies and operations of the Organisation. HSE Advisor/MR shall have
direct access to Top Management of the Organisation.
3.3.1 Top Management shall provide sufficient resources to ensure the effective operation of the HSE
MS and effective management of risks. This shall include provision of resources for:
ii. on-going verification that HSE Critical Systems function in accordance with the design intent
and objectives.
3.3.2 Establish recruitment, selection and placement processes to ensure that personnel are qualified,
competent, and physically and mentally fit for their assigned tasks.
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3.3.3 Ensure current resource levels are sufficient to meet the requirements for staffing all HSE critical
roles and shall be regularly reviewed. Procedures shall ensure that any changes in resource level
do not increase HSE risk e.g. leave rotations shall ensure resource does not drop to a level that
will compromise HSE Critical Activities and shall comply with the requirement in 5.3
Management of Change.
3.4.1 All HSE critical activities shall have defined competency levels recorded in the hazard
register/safety/CIMAH report.
3.4.2 All personnel who perform HSE critical activities require appropriate experience, qualifications
and training to ensure they are competent to undertake these important risk control measures.
3.4.3 An HSE competency assurance process shall be in place for all HSE critical employees (the
organisation and contractors). This process shall be documented and the record of
competencies to be maintained.
3.4.4 The competency requirements of all HSE critical activities shall be periodically reviewed and
improved. The competence of employees shall be reassessed and shortfalls addressed.
3.5.1 Contractor HSE Management shall be based on the principle of only contractors’ employees who
are competent and equipment which meets the Organisation specification, are allowed at the
Organisation’s operations. Incompetent personnel and sub-standard equipment are considered
hazards and thus are not acceptable.
3.5.2 HSE risks shall be formally assessed for every contract prior to the invitation to tender. This shall
include, but not limited to the following:
ii. The organisation’s activities and operations that impact the contractors’ employees and
iii. The contractors’ activities and operations that impact other interested parties in the
3.5.3 A person, with relevant competency and experience, within the Organisation shall be identified
for every contract as being responsible for all activities in the contracting process and the
execution of the contract.
3.5.4 Contractor HSE competence shall be assessed against the HSE risks in every contract prior to
contract award.
3.5.5 Contractor mobilisation shall be conditional upon receipt of an acceptable HSE Plan based on
the level of HSE risks and suitable interface arrangements to ensure compliance with the
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Organisation’s HSE MS. All high-risk contracts shall have a documented demonstration as to how
the risks from hazards and effects are reduced to ALARP. This can be in the form of a HSE Case
for major contracts or a HSE Plan.
3.5.6 Contracts shall specify an assurance schedule, action to be taken in case of non-compliance with
standards, terms and conditions defining merits and demerits for HSE performance and the
requirement for at least an annual formal review of HSE MS for contracts running for long
3.5.7 The Organisation shall demonstrate that the HSE MS of contractors are subject to continuous
improvement in the course of execution phase.
3.5.8 Evaluation of Contractor HSE performance shall be conducted as per contract requirement.
3.5.9 The Organisation shall ensure clear deliverables and performance standards are agreed to, and
system are put in place to assure HSE and technical compliance for the purpose of monitoring
of contractor performance throughout the contract period.
3.5.10 The Organisation shall ensure that outsourced functions and processes are controlled. The
Organisation shall ensure that its outsourcing arrangements are consistent with legal
requirements and other requirements and with achieving the intended outcomes of the HSE MS.
The type and degree of control to be applied to these functions and processes shall be defined
within the HSE MS
i. Establish a formal platform and mechanism for internal and external HSE communication
that encourages two-way communication, consultation and participation on HSE issues for
continual improvement. In establishing the platform and mechanism, the Organisation shall
consider the following:
ii. Provide timely access to clear, understandable and relevant information about its HSE MS.
iii. Determine and remove obstacles or barriers to participation and minimise those that cannot
be removed.
3.6.3 Composition and arrangements of HSE committee shall comply with the regulatory or
Organisation’s requirements, whichever more stringent.
3.6.4 Procedures shall also be in place for the management of external communications. At minimum
the procedure shall include identification of the relevant stakeholder, effectiveness of
engagement conducted and proactive mitigation to address potential risk.
3.6.5 Stakeholder feedback shall be established through the Contractor’s and the Organisation’s
Grievance Mechanism.
3.6.6 All employees and contractors shall be aware of key HSE information, expectations and process
for raising concerns through the Contractor’s and the Organisation’s Grievance Mechanism.
3.6.7 All employees and contractors shall be made aware of the relevant workplace hazards and risks,
their HSE responsibilities and their rights in relations to Stop Work Authority, among others,
during their induction. Records of the HSE induction process shall be maintained.
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3.6.8 All employees shall also be made aware of their contribution to the effectiveness of the HSE MS,
including the benefits of improved HSE performance. Employees shall also be informed of the
implications and potential consequences of not conforming to HSE requirements.
3.6.9 Methods shall be in place to motivate employees to be more aware of HSE controls and to
elevate the maturity of HSE Culture. This can include:
i. direct and personal interest shown by a supervisor in his subordinate’s work through
recognition or feedback.
ii. HSE performance boards sited in prominent locations e.g. notice board, website within
intranet with regular update that provides focus to the HSE effort.
iii. establish and enforce consequence management based on appropriate HSE indicators.
3.7.1 The Organisation shall develop procedures to identify the relevant legal, standards and other
requirement applicable to their operations in a HSE Legal Register. This includes tracking of new
requirements, changes and deviation, and Evaluation of Compliance.
3.7.3 All action plans identified to meet new, changes and deviation to the legal, standards and other
requirements shall be endorsed by the Top Management.
3.7.4 The HSE Legal Register shall be kept and maintained to demonstrate compliance.
3.7.5 Communication process shall be established to disseminate the information and changes to the
employees, contractors and relevant third parties.
3.8.1 A system shall be in place for the management and control of documents in paper and/or
electronic format. This shall include formal administration, custodianship and review frequency
requirement for technical correctness and communication of correct use. The appropriate
approving authorities for review and approval shall be established.
3.8.2 The Organisation shall establish, maintain and continually improve an HSE MS manual in
accordance with the requirement of this document. The manual’s scope shall include the
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activities, products and services within the Organisation’s control that can impact the HSE
3.8.3 The function of the manual is to describe or reference the processes, documents and standards
used to manage HSE and assist employees and contractors in understanding how the
Organisation will meet the objectives of the HSE Policy.
3.8.4 Manual shall be accessible to employees and contractors in the most effective format.
3.8.5 All the documents required for the maintenance of HSE MS shall be identified and controlled to
ensure relevancy. This shall include the HSE Legal Register, Hazard Register, procedures/working
instructions/documents referred in the HSE Manual.
3.8.6 The Management of Change (MOC) process shall be applied for document and data changes, as
well as communication of the changes. Obsolete documentation shall be identified and removed
from circulation.
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Hazards & Effects Management Process describes the identification of HSE hazards and
evaluation of HSE risks, for all activities, products and services, and development of control and
recovery measures to reduce HSE risks to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).
There are four steps in the HEMP process namely: ‘identify’, ‘assess’, ‘control’ and ‘recover’.
An HSE risk assessment shall be conducted for all activities within the control and influence of
the Organisation which include:
ii. design and development, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of facilities and
iii. manufacturing, storage, transport, use and disposal of new and existing product.
The Organisation shall also determine and assess the other risks and opportunities related to
the establishment, implementation, operation and maintenance of its HSE MS, which include:
ii. The processes and actions needed to identify, assess, and implement the controls for the
HSE risks, as per plan.
4.1.1 The HSE MS shall include procedures for the systematic identification of the HSE hazards, effects
and aspects’ that may either affect, or arise from, the activities and services of the Organisation.
These shall cover routine, non-routine, start-up, shutdown and emergency operating conditions
and activities, social factors, leadership and the culture involving all personnel inclusive of
contractors working at the Organisation facilities.
4.1.2 Procedures for HEMP shall be based on established PTS and shall include a process for updating
the hazard, effects and aspect/impact inventories/registers as a result of plant facility changes,
process and technology changes or findings from e.g. job hazard analyses, inspections,
assurances or incident analyses and completion of corrective action undertaken to address the
risks. This procedure shall be linked to the Management of Change procedure.
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4.1.3 The scope of the identification step shall include those activities that the Organisation can have
control of and over which it can be expected to have an influence. It shall cover the whole
lifecycle of an activity.
4.1.4 Identification of HSE hazards shall take into account the hazards identified through assessments
such as, but not limited to CHRA, QRA, CIMAH, Safety Report, Fire Risk Assessment, HAZOP,
HAZID, EAI, EIA, PHA, Social Risk Assessment (SRA), Social Impact Assessment (SIA), Human
Rights Due Diligence (HRDD), Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Risk Assessment (BESRA),
Product Risk Assessment and PASR. The identification of hazards shall include potential human
failures on situation influencing human performance.
4.1.5 A comprehensive inventory or register of HSE hazards shall be maintained in the Organisation.
4.2.1 The Organisation shall develop and maintain procedures to assess the HSE risks and significance
of the identified ‘hazard, effects and aspects’ for all operations and assets, compliant with
PETRONAS Technical Standards.
4.2.2 All hazards, effects and aspects/impacts identified in the HEMP process shall be ranked based
on the risk matrix.
4.2.3 A qualitative assessment of risk is adequate for most situations but when the risk level is
intolerable a quantitative risk assessment (QRA) may be required.
4.2.4 In all cases identified risk reduction measures shall be undertaken to bring the risk to a level
deemed 'as low as reasonably practicable' (ALARP).
4.2.5 Risk assessment and significance evaluation methodology taking into account the severity of the
consequence, frequency of the activities and probability of the incident occurrence as per
respective risk assessment matrix.
4.2.6 A complete review of the assessments (hazard register and aspect tables/registers) shall be
conducted at minimum once in every five (5) years. The Organisation shall acknowledge that
risk is dynamic and shall be monitored continuously with proactive actions taken when risk level
has changed. This is to prevent escalation of risk to cause incidents.
4.2.7 Assessments shall be conducted by a team comprising competent personnel and the personnel
directly involved with the risk.
4.3.1 HEMP procedure shall describe the process of establishing control measures based on the risk
assessment. Hierarchy of controls (elimination, substitution, isolation, engineering,
administrative & Personal Protective Equipment) shall be applied to reduce the risk.
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4.3.2 Control measures identified through risk assessment shall be implemented to bring the risk level
to ALARP. This shall be maintained to ensure its integrity and continual improvement to further
lower the risk.
4.3.3 The control measures established shall be commensurate with the risks where the
responsibilities and accountabilities for their implementation are clearly defined.
4.3.4 Performance against each controls indicator shall be monitored and measured routinely. The
results shall be trended and reviewed.
4.3.5 Control measures shall be reviewed and updated and included in HSE Plans whenever there are
changes in the situation, in light of incidents and/or based on industry best practice.
4.4.1 HEMP procedure shall describe the process of establishing recovery measures based on the risk
assessment. Recovery measures such as early warning system, medical response, emergency
response, oil spill response, fire-fighting equipment shall be evaluated and applied to minimise
the consequence of the event.
4.4.2 In the operations phase established recovery measures must be maintained to ensure its
integrity and continual improvement to further lower the risk.
4.4.3 The recovery measures established shall be commensurate with the risks where the
responsibilities and accountabilities for their implementation are clearly defined.
4.4.4 Performance against each recovery measures indicator shall be monitored and measured
routinely. The results shall be trended and reviewed.
4.4.5 Recovery measures shall be reviewed and updated whenever there are changes or in light of
incidents, post mortem of drills/exercises and industry best practice and included in HSE Plans.
4.5.1 The Organisation shall identify Statutory Risk Assessment Document and document those critical
operations and installations, which require a fully documented demonstration that risks have
been reduced to a level as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) to comply with relevant
regulatory requirements e.g. HSE Case, CIMAH, CHRA & EIA.
4.5.2 The Statutory Risk Assessment Document should also accurately reflect current practice at the
location or site and be reviewed as per regulatory requirements.
4.5.3 The Statutory Risk Assessment Document should demonstrate that controls are in place reduce
risks to ALARP.
4.5.4 The Statutory Risk Assessment Document shall detail activities that must be discontinued or
restricted in given circumstances. These circumstances might be when HSE critical equipment is
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not available, during adverse weather or when particular non-routine hazardous activities are
being carried out. The Statutory Risk Assessment Document shall be endorsed by the Asset or
Process Owner and by those managing the asset or operation.
4.5.5 Retention period of documents shall be defined according to requirement stated specifically by
the relevant authority.
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This element addresses the planning of work activities, including the risk reduction measures
(selected through the evaluation and risk management process). This includes planning for
existing operations, managing changes and developing emergency response measures.
Adequate standards and procedures shall be in place and understood at the appropriate
organisational levels. Preparation, review and distribution of all key reference documentation
shall be adequately controlled.
5.1.1 The Organisation shall establish and maintain procedures which ensure:
ii. That there is a signed statement of fitness to demonstrate that existing operating facilities,
new facilities and modifications to existing facilities are designed constructed and
commissioned in accordance with PETRONAS’ and external standards, codes and
regulations; wherever applicable as required under local regulatory or PETRONAS
a) Certificate of fitness for DOSH registered machineries, equipment and pressure vessels.
e) International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) for offshore facilities
5.1.2 Authority for approval of deviations from the design intent and/or the existing standards and
codes shall be defined in the Organisation’s Management of Change procedure (See 5.3
Management of Change).
5.1.3 Validation process or original design and subsequent changes shall be defined in the
Organisation’s Management of Change procedure.
5.1.4 The documentation necessary (including the HSE Case/CIMAH) to support operation,
maintenance and inspection is complete prior to facilities start-up.
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5.1.5 Those activities and equipment critical in the safeguarding of asset integrity shall be identified
and documented in the HSE MS (typically in the HSE Case/CIMAH, Operating Manual and
Maintenance Plan).
5.1.6 The technical and operational integrity of asset (facilities and equipment critical in the
safeguarding of asset integrity during the life cycle) shall be maintained, performance tested,
and inspected.
5.1.7 A clear maintenance and inspection philosophy and strategy shall be established in order to
develop a comprehensive plan covering both reactive and preventive maintenance.
5.1.8 That the design of new facilities shall be in line with the Hazard and Effects Management Process.
(See 4.0 Hazards & Effects Management Process)
5.1.9 Human factors consideration shall be taken into account during the design, construction,
operations, maintenance and decommissioning of any facilities and plants including
modification works.
5.1.10 Human factors implementation at different sites shall be driven by the needs of each site and
shall be tailored made for each site.
5.1.11 Human factor performance data shall be analysed to identify the human factors issues with
appropriate intervention plans developed, covering the use of different human factors tools
described in the related human factors PTS.
5.2.1 All HSE Critical Activities arising from risk assessment and the supporting tasks (arising from
HEMP 4.0) shall have written procedures or work instructions where the absence of such written
procedures could result in infringement of the HSE Policy, or breaches of legal, regulatory,
and/or other requirements, or performance criteria.
5.2.2 The appropriate standards and procedures shall be readily accessible to employees, suppliers
and contractors and be written in a way that users will understand. Asset/Area Owner shall
ensure that relevant HSE procedures and requirements or their assets/area are communicated
to suppliers and contractors.
5.2.3 PTS or equivalent the Organisation’s standards shall be consistently applied and any deviation
shall be assessed, reviewed and approved by the Organisation’s management according to
Management of Change procedure.
5.2.4 The HSE MS shall include documented and maintained procedures to monitor the
implementation of the HSE MS which include, but not limited to:
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ii. HSE performance including lagging (reactive) KPIs e.g. incidents, deviations, breaches of
standards and leading (proactive) KPIs e.g. assurances, management HSE visits, Unsafe Act
Unsafe Condition (UAUC), etc.
iii. periodic evaluation of compliance with relevant HSE legislation and regulations including
product regulations shall be maintained.
iv. data handling and interpretation including the calibration of critical HSE monitoring
5.3.1 The Organisation shall maintain written procedures for planning and implementing all changes
(i.e. not only equipment changes but also organisational, people and procedures), both
permanent and temporary, to assess HSE impact and avoid adverse HSE consequences.
5.3.2 The Organisation’s Management of Change procedures shall document the assessment, review
and approval processes, and define the responsibilities and competencies of those involved.
5.3.3 Assessment and documentation of the HSE impact for implementing the change shall be defined
in the Management of Change procedure.
5.4.1 The Organisation shall develop and maintain emergency plans conforming to regulatory
requirements to manage the response operation and associated external issues.
5.4.2 A process shall be in place to identify and document credible emergency scenarios including
medical (e.g. mass casualty, haze, pandemics (including Avian Flu, SARS, etc.) operational (e.g.
toxic release, LOPC, fire), environmental emergencies (e.g. oil spill), and natural disaster (e.g.
flood, landslide, tsunami, hurricane, haze, drought) that can have impact on People,
Environment, Asset and Reputation (PEAR). The identification of credible scenarios may be
based on a risk management process. Emergency/crisis plans shall be developed and maintained
to ensure effective responses to emergency/crisis situations and to prevent escalation.
5.4.3 There shall be a comprehensive tiered Emergency Response Plans, Oil Spill Response Plans,
Business Unit Crisis Management Plans, Country Contingency Plans and integration with
external agencies as appropriate. This shall be compliant with local legislation and PTS
requirement. The plan shall include (but not limited to):
i. Emergency/crisis organisation structures and its roles and responsibilities of key personnel,
e.g. Duty Manager, Emergency Response Team (ERT), Oil Spill Response Team (OSRT),
Emergency Management Team (EMT), Country Contingency Team (CCT), Business Crisis
Management Team (BCMT).
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5.4.4 All emergency/crisis plans shall be periodically reviewed at least once in 3 years or as and when
necessary and tested as per PETRONAS requirements.
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This element addresses how activities are to be performed and monitored, and how corrective
action is to be taken when necessary. In principle:
i. HSE performance objectives & targets shall be set to ensure progression towards the long-
term goals of no harm to people, asset, reputation and no damage to the environment.
ii. Performance indicators shall be established, monitored and results reported in a way that
can be verified.
iii. All HSE incidents and near misses with significant actual or potential consequences shall be
thoroughly investigated and reported.
6.1.1 Activities and tasks shall be conducted according to the procedures and work instructions of the
Organisation (See 5.2 Procedures and Work Instructions). The management of the Organisation
shall ensure that there are systems in place to verify that the tasks and activities are carried out
in accordance with these procedures and work instructions.
6.1.2 HSE critical activities with their performance indicators shall be specified, documented and
aligned to PETRONAS’ monitoring and performance standards.
6.1.3 Each critical activity shall be assigned to an accountable party who shall monitor and regularly
report the performance of their activity(s) using the indicators. Performance monitoring of the
critical activities shall cover different levels of accountable parties.
6.1.4 Performance monitoring shall cover both leading (proactive) and lagging (reactive)
6.1.5 Proactive measures of performance shall be put in place to measure the implementation of the
HSE MS and the evaluation of stakeholder concerns. Proactive measures such as ‘unsafe act
auditing', 'site inspections', and ‘self-assessments' shall be used to monitor performance and
identify shortcomings.
6.1.6 The Organisation shall regularly measure, record, track and report HSE performance against
objectives & targets set in the HSE Plan (See 2.4 HSE Plan) and in maintaining control (See 4.3
Control Measures & 4.4 Recovery Measure).
6.1.7 The Organisation shall ensure HSE performance data are transparent within the Organisation.
6.1.8 Where monitoring equipment is required for performance measurement and monitoring, the
Organisation shall establish and maintain procedures and retain records for the calibration and
maintenance of such equipment; this also includes monitoring done by third party.
6.1.9 Management shall ensure that HSE performance of individual Employee at all levels are
measured against HSE Objectives and targets, and reviewed periodically.
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6.2.1 The Organisation shall establish and maintain procedures for the identification, maintenance
and disposition of HSE records. These shall include, but not limited to:
x. Inspection and maintenance reports of HSE critical equipment i.e. equipment providing a
control and recovery function.
xviii. Occupational Health and Medical Record required by authorities and Organisation.
6.2.2 HSE records shall be legible, identifiable; traceable to the activities involved with retention times
defined. They shall be stored and maintained to prevent loss and unintended use. Where there
are contractual, legislative and regulatory requirements for record keeping, such requirements,
including those relating to duration for the records to be retained, shall be complied with.
6.2.3 Records supporting the performance data provided to the PETRONAS Group on an annual basis
shall be kept in an auditable form.
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6.2.4 Records shall be maintained, as appropriate to the system and to the organisation, to
demonstrate conformance to the HSE Management System, Group requirements and
international standards and are used in HSE improvement planning.
6.3.1 The Organisation shall maintain procedures for defining responsibility and authority for:
ii. identify root causes and taking action to mitigate any consequences arising from such non-
6.3.2 Any corrective or preventive action taken to eliminate the causes of actual and potential non-
conformances shall be appropriate to the magnitude of problems and commensurate with the
HSE risks encountered.
6.3.3 The Organisation shall implement and record any changes in the documented procedures
resulting from corrective and preventive action.
6.4.1 The Organisation shall maintain procedures for the reporting and investigation of hazardous
situations and incidents, which are compliant with the regulatory, Organisation and Group
policies and procedures and applicable international standards.
6.4.2 The Organisation shall foster a culture of openness in reporting all incidents.
6.4.3 Employees shall be aware of the incident reporting procedures and participate in incident
6.4.4 Training shall be provided in incident investigation to appropriate employees throughout the
6.4.5 Incidents shall be investigated and analysed in a timely manner, with accountabilities assigned,
and progress on recommended actions monitored until close out.
6.4.6 Any corrective or preventive action taken to eliminate the causes of potential incidents shall be
appropriate to the magnitude of problems and commensurate with the HSE risks encountered,
in accordance to hierarchy of controls and the Management of Change.
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6.4.7 The Organisation shall implement and record any changes in the documented procedures
pertaining to corrective and preventive action arising from incident.
6.4.8 HSE Hazard and Effect Register shall be reviewed following the incident findings and
6.4.9 Lessons learnt from accidents and incidents shall be disseminated to employees. The
Organisation shall implement learnings from lessons learnt wherever appropriate.
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An assurance programme shall be in place to review and verify effectiveness of the management
system. It shall include audits by assessors independent of the process or facility audited.
The Organisation shall retain documented information as evidence of the implementation of the
assurance programme and the assurance results.
7.1.1 The Organisation shall establish and maintain an assurance programme and procedure for HSE
assurances to be carried out in accordance with PETRONAS Assurance Standard, international
standards and regulatory requirements.
7.1.2 A rolling (e.g. five year) assurance plan shall be established including HSE audits of all facilities
and operations on a fixed time scale appropriate to the facility and the risks associated with the
activity or the operation.
i. First Line HSE Assurance (self-assurance programme undertaken by the Organisation i.e.
Functional Assessment and Management System assessment).
ii. Second Line HSE Assurance (assurance programme undertaken at the Organisation by
PETORNAS Corporate Assurance Providers under Integrated Assurance Unit).
iii. Third Line HSE Assurance (Internal Audit programme undertaken at the respective
Organisation by Internal Audit function which reports to Board Audit Committee).
iv. External audits (audit conducted on the Organisation by external parties, e.g. Insurer,
certification bodies, shareholders.
7.1.4 A detailed annual assurance plan shall be in place and cover all business activities including
operations and projects that have been contracted out.
7.1.5 Only competent and appointed personnel shall be part of the assurance team. (See 7.2 Assessor
7.1.6 The Organisation shall develop and maintain a system to ensure that audit findings are recorded,
prioritised, corrective actions identified, action parties are assigned and targeted completion
dates are identified, findings tracked to final close-out and communicated to relevant employees
and other interested parties.
7.1.7 Best practices and key lessons learnt shall be captured and shared across the Organisation as
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7.1.8 A periodic management review shall be conducted covering audit findings/trends and tracking
of action plans. (See 8.0 Management Review).
7.2.1 HSE Assurance procedures shall specify the requirements of audit teams in terms of competency
and experience in subject or area of the audit.
7.2.2 An Organisation audit focal point or department responsible for the HSE MS assurance process
shall co-ordinate the appointment of competent HSE assessors.
7.2.3 A competency assurance system shall be in place to include the specific requirement on assessor
competency and relevant HSE assessor training and development.
7.2.4 Employees from different functions and departments of the Organisation shall form part of the
HSE Assurance team.
7.3.1 The Organisation shall ensure that contractors participate in the Organisation-led joint HSE MS
assurances of the jobs contracted to them.
7.3.2 The Organisation shall ensure that contractors establish an HSE Assurance process and schedule,
which includes external audits carried out by external auditors. Records of audits/assurances
findings and corrective actions shall be retained as per sub-element 6.2 Records.
7.3.3 An HSE inspection/audit programme for all contracts shall be in place monitoring the effective
implementation of the HSE MS and interfaces between the contractor and Organisation.
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Management shall regularly review the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the system.
8.1.1 A formal process shall be in place for Top/Senior Management to review the suitability,
adequacy and effectiveness of the MS in managing HSE risks and ensuring continuous
improvement in HSE performance.
vi. the provision of adequate resources and competent personnel to achieve HSE targets
objectives and strategies.
ix. verification of closure of corrective actions resulting from HSE reviews, assurance/audits,
self-assessments, inspections and incident investigations.
8.1.3 HSE performance shall be trended and analysed to facilitate decision making.
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8.1.4 The outcome from management reviews shall be consistent with the Organisation’s
commitment to continual improvement and shall include any decisions and actions related to
possible changes affecting:
i. HSE performance
iii. Resources
8.1.5 Management Reviews of the MS shall take place annually at minimum, preferably within the
Business Plan cycle.
8.1.6 The Management Review shall be the basis for setting proactive HSE Objectives, Plan,
Programmes and Targets.
8.1.7 Results of Management Reviews and identified remedial actions shall be documented,
communicated to employees and other interested parties and monitored until conclusion.
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6 Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.1.1 General 2.3 Strategic HSE Objectives
2.4 HSE Plan
4.0 Hazards and Effects Management Process
4.1 Identification of Hazards and Effects
6.1.2 Hazard identification and assessment of risks and opportunities 4.0 Hazards and Effects Management Process
4.1 Identification of Hazards and Effects
4.2 Assessment
6.1.3 Determination of legal requirements and other requirements 2.3 Strategic HSE Objectives
3.7 Legal and Other Governing Bodies’ Requirements
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8.1.2 Eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks 4.0 Hazards and Effect Management Process
4.3 Control Measures
5.3 Management of Change
8.1.3 Management of change 1.2 Proactive in Managing HSE Risk
3.7 Legal & Other Governing Bodies’ Requirements
5.3 Management of Change
6.3 Non-compliance, Corrective and Preventive Action
6.4 Incident Reporting and Follow Up
8.1.4 Procurement 3.5 Contractor HSE Management
7.3 Contractor Assurances
8.2 Emergency preparedness and response 4.4 Recovery Measures
5.0 Planning and Procedure
5.4 Emergency Preparedness and Response/Crisis Management
9 Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and performance evaluation
9.1.1 General 6 Implementation and Monitoring
6.1 Performance Monitoring
8.1 Management Review
9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance 3.7 Legal and Other Governing Bodies’ Requirements
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PETRONAS HSE MS (MCF) US OSHA PSM Regulations CCPS Risk Based Process Safety
Elements Description Sub- Description Element Description Description
1 Leadership and 1.1 Visible HSE Leadership Process safety culture
Commitment 1.2 Proactive in Managing HSE Risk Stakeholder outreach
1.3 Accountability & Informed
1.4 InvolvementInvolvement
Drive HSE Culture
2 Policy and Strategic 2.1 Content Stakeholder outreach
Objectives 2.2 Dissemination Workforce Involvement
2.3 Strategic HSE Objectives Measurement and Metrics
2.4 HSE Plan
2.5 HSE Program and Activities
3 Organisation, 3.1 Roles and Responsibilities Workforce Involvement
Responsibilities, (Organisational structure and
Resources, Standards responsibilities)
and Documents 3.2 HSE Advisors/ Management
3.3 Representative(s)
3.4 Competence 2 Training Process Safety Competency
• MCF 1.1 Competence Ensuring competency of personnel through Training and Performance
Assurance training requirement, plans and Assurance
implementation – training on hazards, safe
work practices and emergency operations
3.5 Contractors 3 Contractors Management Contractors management
• MCF 8.1 Contractor HSE Management of contractor through proper
Management selection, effective hazards communication,
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PETRONAS HSE MS (MCF) US OSHA PSM Regulations CCPS Risk Based Process Safety
safe work practices and performance
monitoring and evaluation
3.6 Communications 1 Employee Participations Workforce Involvement
Participation and involvement of employees
in development and implementation of
safety programs, including communicating
and sharing of PSM information
3.7 Legal and other Standards, Codes, Regulations and
requirements Laws
• MCF 9.0 Design, Engineering
and Construction
• MCF 9.1 Technical Standards
• MCF 9.2 Process Safety
Requisites (PSR)
3.8 Documentation and Control Process Knowledge
• MCF 5.1 Process Safety Management
Information (PSI)
4 Hazards and Effects 4.1 Identification of Hazards and 6 Process Hazard Analysis Hazard Identification and Risk
Management Process Effects Identification, assessment and mitigation Analysis
• MCF 5.4 Process Hazard of process hazards Operational Readiness
Analysis (PHA)
• MCF 5.5 Pre-Activity Safety 8 Pre-Startup Safety Review
Review (PASR) Readiness review to ensure all
• MCF 5.8 Proprietary and outstanding actions are closed-out and
Licensed Technology hazards are addressed and mitigated
Assessment (PLTA) before commencement of activities
4.2 Assessment 11 Trade Secret
4.3 Control Measure Assessment of inherent risks from
4.4 Recovery Measures technologies which have limited
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PETRONAS HSE MS (MCF) US OSHA PSM Regulations CCPS Risk Based Process Safety
5 Planning and 5.1 Asset Integrity and reliability 9 Mechanical Integrity Asset Integrity and reliability
Procedures • MCF 5.6 Mechanical Integrity Prevention of equipment/system failure
through reliability and integrity
• MCF 5.7 Design Integrity (DI)
• MCF 9.2 Process Safety management programs
Requisites (PSR) 13 Emergency Response & Preparedness
Establishment and implementation of
emergency action plans to respond and
mitigate process safety events
5.2 Procedure and Work 4 Hot Work Permit Operating Procedures Safe
Instructions Achieving high level of human reliability Work Practices Conduct of
• MCF 4.0 Safety and through PTW system and procedures for Operations
• MCF 5.2 Operating
prevention of fire incident in operation
Procedures and maintenance
• MCF 9.1 Technical Standards 7 Operating Procedure
• MCF 7.0 Safe operations Documentation of work methods or tasks
• MCF 2.1 Fitness to work
to ensure the facilities are operated safely
• MCF 2.6 Management of
fatigue and within safety limits
5.3 Management of Change 5 Process Safety Information Management of Change
• MCF 6.1 Management of Management of information relating to
the plant/facility and technology related
to the process
10 Management of Change
Evaluation of hazards arising from changes
to the plant/facility, organization and
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PETRONAS HSE MS (MCF) US OSHA PSM Regulations CCPS Risk Based Process Safety
5.4 Contingency and Emergency 13 Emergency Response & Preparedness Emergency Management
Planning Expectations Establishment and implementation of
• MCF 10.3 Emergency emergency action plans to respond and
Preparedness and Response
mitigate process safety events
6 Implementation and 6.1 Performance Monitoring Measurement and Metrics
6.2 Records Process Knowledge
• MCF 7.5 Operations Logs Management
6.3 Non Compliance and
Corrective and Preventive
6.4 Incident Reporting and 12 Incident Investigation Incident investigation
Follow Up Identification of basic and root causes of
• MCF 10.1 Incident process safety incidents and the
Investigation and Reporting
corrective and preventive actions to
prevent recurrence
7 Assurance 7.1 Assurance Plan 14 Compliance Audit Auditing
Assessment of compliance level to process
safety standards and requirements
through audits
7.2 Assessor Competency 14 Compliance Audit
Assessment of compliance level to process
safety standards and requirements
through audits
7.3 Contractor Assurances 14 Compliance Audit
Assessment of compliance level to process
safety standards and requirements
through audits
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PETRONAS HSE MS (MCF) US OSHA PSM Regulations CCPS Risk Based Process Safety
8 Management Review 8.1 Management Review Management review and
continuous improvement
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