Skenario 4 Blok 10

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Skenario 4

Prescription for the child

Febby, 6 y.o, came to RSGM UNIMUS complaining his swollen gum toothace. He admitted
that these complaints since 5 days ago until now. After an objective examination, intra oral
conditions were : 64 profunds caries with abses. The dentist gave him medical prescription antibiotic
and analgesic in pulvers because the patient can’t take them in tablet.


1. Prescription : written request from a doctor or dentist to a pharmacist to make and delivery
medicine to px.
2. Pulvers : medical or drugs in form powder, powdered medicine preparation.

Step 2

1. What is the function of prescription ?

2. What is the part of presription ?
3. What is the requirenment prescriptio ?
4. What the procedure of write a prescription ?
5. What is the classification of prescription ?
6. How the precription good and rasional and irrasional?
7. How to preseve and destory prescription drug ?
8. What is the definition dose drug ?
9. How many kinds of dose drug ?
10. How calculate medicine dose for infarm and children based on adult dose ?

Step 3

1. What is the function of prescription ?

- Minimize drugs error
- Medical records
- Can give drug to px
- Facilitate phycisians in pharmacy
- Legal document
- Make a doctor more easy
- In treatment can help a pharmacy
- Doctor free choose good drugs
2. What is the part of presription ?
- Inscriptio : name, SIP, address, no telp clinic or dr/drg
- Invocatio : R/ mark on the left of each prescriptio writing.
- Prescriptio : name a drug, dose, preparation of drug
- Signatura : procedure of use, signature of doctor
- Subscreptio : BSO commont
- Pro : px identity, ( name, age and addres, gender)
3. What is the requirenment written of prescriptio?
- Must be written clearly
- Preserved with capital letters
- The number of drugs withe the roman medicine
- Should not be written with decimal sayin
- Write should be tint blue or black
- In 1 time, not tindasan
- Also concider the economic level px
- ( mg, g, ml, cc )
- The name drug not be chemical formula
4. What is the classification of prescription ?
- Standart prepcition : recipe compesision has been standart in can be in pharmakope
- Magistralis recipe : make a doctor, medication prepared bye the doctor himself.
- Medicinal prepcreption : name og dagang or generic, finished drug or paten
- Generic recipe : a generic drug
- Specialitis formula : by industri
- Officinalis prescriptio : the medicine has been listed in official book
5. How the precription good and rasional and irrasional?
- If a dose of drugs, name of drugs and px is right
- In acuretae determinan of dose form
- rasional : 4T 1W : tepat dosis, tepat px, tepat pemberian, tepat pemakaian dan 1W :
tepat waspada.
6. How to preseve and destory prescription ?
- Resep di simpan setelah 3 tahun untuk memusnahkan nya dgn dibakar sesuai keputusan
bagian pengurus apotek dan dokter nya.
7. What is the definition dose drug ?
- Takaran drug from dr/drg to px, and px give a pharmacist, and pharmacist make a drug
and give back to px.
- Dose and in use once
8. How many kinds of dose drug ?
- Terapeutik Dose ( dose between maksimal dose and minimal dose) , toksis dose ( can be
menyebabkan keracunan) , letal dose ( dosis yg bisa menyebabkan kematian);
- Lazim dose and loading dose ( dosis awal terapi) , maintain dose : ( dosis pd saat
perawatan )
- Maksimal dose and minimal dose
9. How calculate medicine dose for infarm and children based on adult dose ?
- Formula clark ( dose child based in weight)
- Formula young ( to child under 8yo ) based in age
- Formula dilling ( to child above 8yo) based in age
- Formula Fried ( to baby under 1yo ) based in age
- Formula thermik

Step 4

Step 5

1. What is the requirenment prescriptio ?

2. Bagiamana penggunaan obat rasional ?
3. How calculate medicine dose for infarm and children based on adult dose ?
- Seoarang anak LK usia 6 tahun, bb ( 20 kg ) datang dgn keluhan gusi bengkak dan terasa
sakit sejak 3 hari yg lalu, drg yg memeriksa meresepkan obat amoxiciliin dan
paracetamol tuliskan perhitungan dosis dan resep obat pada kasus sk tsb.

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