Electricity Bill Duplicate Bill: Account No: 1973942840
Electricity Bill Duplicate Bill: Account No: 1973942840
Electricity Bill Duplicate Bill: Account No: 1973942840
Arrears Outstanding for the Financial Year (`) Slab Calculation Connection Details
Description Previous Current Total (`) Unit Rate Amount (`) Tariff Category DS
SOP Charges 0.00 0.00 0.00 320 4.500 1440.00 Flats in BS (DS) NA
F.S.A. 0.00 0.00 0.00 49 5.250 257.25 Supply Voltage(kV) 0.40KV
Surcharge 0.00 52.00 52.00 Total 1697.25 Sanctioned Load (kW) 6.00
E. Duty 0.00 0.00 0.00 Applicable Tariff on Read Date: MMC(`) 1173.33
M. Tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cons. Security (`) 3000.00
Fixed Charges 0.00 0.00 0.00 Meter Security (`) 2100.00
Excess Credit 0.00 -51.93 -51.93 Meter Ownership/MDI Meter NM/
Total Arrear 0.00 0.07 0.07 Meter Make/Meter Type Landis Gyr /3-PH-MTR
Details of Charges for Current Cycle Details of Amount Payable Last Payment Details
Description Amount (`) Description Amount (`) Amount(`) 1879.00
Fixed Charges 0.00 Current Cycle Charges 1233.36 Receipt No 197394298934
Energy Charges 1697.25 Arrears/Outstanding Dues 0.07 Receipt Date 03/12/2018
MMC/FC for Reconnection 0.00 Sundry Charges/Allowances 51.93/0.00 Mode of Payment DD
Amount to cover MMC 0.00 Provisional Adjustment/BR Adj. 0.00 Previous Consumption Pattern
Fuel Surcharge Adjustment 136.53 LPS Adjustment -51.93 Units Units
Bill month MDI Status
Reliability Charges 0.00 Other Non-Energy Charges 0.00 (KWH) (KVAH)
Excess Load Surcharge 0.00 Net Payable Amount Jan-2018 203 0 0 OK
1233.00 Mar-2018 160 0 0 OK
Capacitor Surcharge 0.00 On Or Before Due Date(`)
Meter Service Charges 64.00 Surcharge(`) 35.00 May-2018 243 0 0 OK
Line Service Charges 0.00 Gross Amount Payable After Jul-2018 616 0 0 OK
Due Date(`) 1268.00 Sep-2018 860 0 0 OK
Capacitor Service Charges 0.00
Solar Rebate / BS Rebate 0.00/0.00 Brief details of Sundry charges /allowances* Nov-2018 426 0 0 OK
W. Rbt. / Govt. Subsidy 0.00/738.00 In case of bill is not paid within 7 days of due date the supply
Transfer Adjustment from Over Payment shall be liable to be disconnected without any further notice.
Electricity Duty 36.90
Transfer Adjustment from Over Payment Date from which bill other than "OK" Reason:
Municipal Tax 36.68
Total Current Cycle is being issued:
Charges (`) 1233.36 NET PAYABLE AMOUNT AFTER
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