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Jack C.

Richards· David Bohlke

Student's Book

Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town,
Singapore, Sao Paulo, Delhi, Mexico City

Cambridge University Press

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First published 2011

FAHASA reprint edition 2013

Printed in Vietnam by FAHASA printing factory

ISBN 978-1-107-64435-9 Student's Book 1A with Self-study CD-ROM FAHASA reprint edition
ISBN 978-1-107-66776-1 Student's Book I B with Self-study CD-ROM FAHASA reprint edition
ISBN 978-1-107-61852-7 Workbook l A FA HA SA reprint edition
ISBN 978-1-107-62353-8 Workbook IB FAHASA reprint edition

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Authors' acknowledgments
Ma ny peo ple co ntrib uted to th e developm ent of Four Corners. The authors and publisher w ould li ke t o
partic ul arl y thank the fo ll ow ing reviewers :

Nele Noe, Academy for Educational Development, Qatar Star College-Cy-Fair, Cypress, TX, USA; Alice Ya-fen Chou , National
Independent Secondary School for Girls, Doha, Qatar; Yu an-hsun Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tai pei, Taiwan;
Chuang, Soo Chow University, Taipei, Taiwan; Ce lso Frade and Gregory Hadley, Niigata University of International and Information
Sonia Maria Baccari de Godoy, Associar;ao Alumni, Sao Paul o, Studies, Department of Information Culture, Niigata-shi, japan ;
Brazil; Pabl o Stucchi, Antonio Raimondi School and Institute Raym ond Dreyer, Northern Essex Community College, Lawrence,
Sa n Ignacio de Loyo la, Lima, Peru; Ka ri Mill er, Binational Center, MA, USA; Mary Ke ter Terzian Megale, One Way Li nguas-Suzano,
Qu ito, Ecuador; Alex K. Oliveira, Boston University, Bos ton, MA, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Jaso n Mose r, Osaka Shoin Joshi University,
USA; Elisabeth Blom , Casa Thomas Jefferson , Brasil ia, Brazi l; Kashiba-s hi, Japan; Bonn ie Cheese man, Pasadena Community
Henry Gran t, CCBEU - Campinas, Ca mpinas, Braz il; Mari a do College and UCLA American Language Center, Los An ge les, CA,
Ro sario, CCBEU - Fra nca, Franca, Brazi l; An e Cibele Palm a, CCBEU USA; Sim on Banha, Phil Young's English School, Curit iba, Brazil;
Inter Americana, Curitiba, Brazil; Ele n Flavia Penques da Costa, Oh Jun II, Pukyong National University, Busan , Ko rea; Carmen
Centro de Cu ltura ldiomas - Taubate, Tau bate, Brazil; ln ara Lucia Gehrke, Quatrum English Schools, Porto Al egre, Brazi l; Atsuko K.
Castillo Couto, CEL LEP - Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Geysa de Yamazaki, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Saita ma, Japan; Wen
Azevedo Mo reira, Centro Cultural Brasil Estados Unidos (CCBEU hsiang Su, Shi Chien University, Kaohsiung Campus, Kaohsiung,
Belem), Bele m, Brazil ; So ni a Patrici a Cardo so, Centro de ldiomas Taiwan; Ri chmond Stroupe, Soka University, World Language Center,
Un iversidad Manuela Beltran, Barri o Ced rito s, Co lombia; Geraldi ne Hachio ji, Tokyo, Japan; Lynn e Kim, Sun Moon University (Institute
ltiago Losad a, Centro Universitario Grupo Sol (Musali), Mexico City, for Language Education), Cheo n An City, Ch ung Nam, Korea; Hiroko
Mexico; Ni ck Hilmers, DePaul University, Chicago, IL, USA; Monica Ni shi kage, Taisho University, Tokyo, Japan; Diana Pena Munoz
L. Montem ayor Menchaca, EDIMSA, Mete pec, Mexico; An ge la and Zai ra Kuri, The Anglo, Mexico City, Mexico; Alistair Campbell,
Whitby, Ed u-ldiomas Language School, Cholul a, Puebl a, Mexico; Tokyo University of Technology, Tokyo, japan; So ng-w on Kim, TTI
Mary Segovia, El Monte Rosemead Adult School, Ro sem ead, CA, (Teacher's Training Institute), Seo ul , Ko rea; Nan cy Al arcon, UNAM
USA; Dr. Deborah Aldred, ELS Language Centers, Middle East Region , FES Zaragoza Language Center, Mexico City, Mexico; Laura Emilia
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; Le slie Lott, Embassy CES, Ft . Fierro Lopez, Universidad Aut6noma de Baja California, Mexicali ,
Lauderdale, FL, USA; M. Marth a Lenge lin g, Escuela de ldiomas, Mexi co; Maria del Rocio Domi nge uz Gao na, Universidad Aut6nom a
Guanajuato, Mexico; Pablo Frias, Escuela de ldiomas UNAPEC, Santo de Baja California, Tijuan a, Mexico; Saul Santos Garcia, Un iversidad
Domi ngo, Do minican Repu bl ic; Tracy Vand erh oe k, ESL Language Aut6noma de Nayarit, Nayarit, Mexico; Christ ian Melendez,
Center, Toronto, Canada; Kri s Vi cca and Mi chae l Mccolli st er, Feng Universidad Catolica de El Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador;
Ch ia Univers ity, Taic hun g, Tai wan; Fl avia Patricia do Nascim ento lrasema Mora Pablo, Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato,
Martins, Fi rst ldiomas, Sorocaba, Brazil ; An d rea Taylor, Florida Mexico; Alb erto Pet o, Universidad de Oxaca, Tehu antepe c, Mexico;
State Unive rsity in Panama, Pa nama, Panama; Carlos Li zarraga Carolin a Rodri guez Beltan, Universidad Manuela Beltran , Centro
Gonzalez, Groupo Educative Angloamericano, Mexico City, Mexico; Colombo Americana, and Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Bogota,
Dr. Martin End ley, Hanyang University, Seou l, Korea; Mauro Lu iz Colombi a; Nidia Mil ena Mol ina Rodri guez, Universidad Manuela
Pinheiro, IBEU Ceara, Ceara, Brazil; An a Lu cia da Costa Maia de Beltran and Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogota, Co lombia;
Almeida, IBEU Copacabana, Co pacabana, Brazil; An a Lu cia Alm eida, Yolim a Perez Arias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota,
Eli sa Bo rges, IBEU Rio, Rio de Janei ro , Braz il; Maristel a Silva, ICBEU Colombia; Hector Vazqu ez Garcia, Universidad Nacional Aut6noma
Manaus, Manaus, Brazi l; Magaly Mendes Lemos, ICBEU Sao Jose de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexi co; Pilar Barrera, Universidad Tecn ica
dos Campos, Sao Jose dos Ca mpos, Brazil; Au gusto Pelli grini Fil ho, de Ambato, Ambato, Ecuador; Deborah Hul ston , University of
ICBEU Sao Luis, Sao Lui s, Brazil ; Le onardo Merca do, ICPNA, Lim a, Regina, Regina, Canada; Reb ecca J. Sh elton, Valparaiso University,
Peru; Lucia Ra ngel Lugo, Institute Tecnologico de San Luis Potosi, Interlink Language Center, Valparaiso, IN , USA; Tae Lee, Yonsei
San Luis Potosi, Mexico; Ma ria Guadalupe Hern and ez Lozada, University, Seodaemun -gu, Seoul, Ko rea; Claud ia Thereza
Institute Tecnologico de Tlalnepantla, Tl aln epantl a de Baz, Mexico; Nascim ento Mendes, York Language Institute, Rio de Jane iro, Brazil;
Greg Ja nkunis, International Education Service, Tokyo, Japan; Jamila Jenny Hakam, ELT Consultant, Muscat, Om an; Stephanie
Karen St ewart, International House Veracruz, Veracru z, Mexico; Smith , ELT Consultant, Au st in, TX, USA.
Geo rge Tru scott, Kinki University, Osaka, Japan; Bo -Kyun g Lee,
Hankuk Un iversity of Foreign Studies, Seo ul, Ko rea; Andy Burki, Th e auth ors would also like t o th ank t he Four Co rn ers editorial ,
Korea University, International Foreign Language School, Seoul , produ ction, and new media tea ms, as w ell as th e Cambridge
Korea; Jin se o Noh , Kwangwoon Un iversity, Seoul, Ko rea; Nadezhda University Press staff and advisors arou nd t he w orld for their
Nazarenko, Lone Sta r College, Housto n, TX, USA; Caro lyn Ho, Lone co nt ribu t ions and ti reless co mmi t ment to q uality.

Scope and sequence
Grammar Vocabulary

Welcome Unit Pages 2- 3 Students can ...

Classroom language Pag e 4 "' introd uce themselves and others
v say he llo and good-bye
Pages 5- 14
New fri ends Students can . .. The verb be Names and titl es
A What's your name? "' ask for and say names Possessive adjectives Int eresting job s
B How do you spell it? "' spell names Subject prono uns
C Are you a student? "' talk about where people are from and Yes I no questions
what they do with be
D Names and jobs r;;- discus s people's names and jobs

Pages 15- 24
People and places Students can ... Plural subject pronouns Nationalitie s
A Where are you from? "' as k for and say people's nationalities Qu estions with be Family members
B What's your email address? "' as k for and give phone numbers and Who and How old Numbe rs 0- 101
email add resses with be
C Family "' identify family members and give their ages
D Family and friends "' give information about fam ily and fr iends

Pages 25- 34
What's that? Students can ... Demonst ratives Everyday item s
A is this your notebook? "' ask about and identify everyday items Articles a and an Clothes and color s
B What's this calle d in English? "' ask wh at someth ing is called in Eng lish Plurals
C Clothing "' ta lk about clothes and possessions Possessive pronouns
D Favorite things "' describe favorite possessions Whose
'sand s'

Pages 35- 44
Daily life Students can ... Simple present Ways of gettin g
A Getting around "' describe how people get around st atements around
B What time is it? "' ask for and tell the time Simple present yes I no Days of the wee k and
C My routine "' as k and answer questions about routines questions routin es
D My weekend "' desc ribe th e things they do on weekends

Free time Students can . .. Adverbs of frequen cy Online acti vities
A Online habits "' tal k about thei r online hab its Simple present Wh- Le isure acti vities and
B How much is it? "' ac cept and decline help questions with do places
C What do you do for fun? "' ask and answer questions about leisure
D Online fun "' discuss how they use technology
Pages 55- 64
Work and play Students can ... Simple present Wh - Jobs
A What does she do? "' ident ify and tal k about jobs questions with does Abilities
B Can I speak to . .. ? "' ask for someone on the telephone Can for ability
"' have som eone wait And, but, and or
C Can you sing? "' describ e the ir talents and abilities
D Work and study "' t al k about st udy and work programs

Functional Listening and Reading and Speaking
language Pronunciation Writing
Interactions: • Introductions
Saying hello • Greetings
Saying good-bye

Interactions: Listening: Reading: • Class introductions and greetings

As ki ng for spelling Spelling names "Famous Names" • Keep talking: Name circle
Pronunciation: An article • Class name list
Contractions Writing: • Guessing game about famous people
My name • Keep talking: "Find the differences" activity about
jobs and cities
• Quiz about celebrities

Interactions: Listening: Reading: • True and false information about people

Asking for someone's Directory Assistance "People in My Life" • Keep talking: Interviews with new identities
phone number calls Photo captions • Class survey for new contact information
Asking for someone's Information forms Writing: • Information exchange about family members
ema il address People I know My friends • Keep talking: Family trees
Pronunciation: • Presentation about friends
Word stress

Interactions: Listening: Reading: • Questions and answers about personal items

Asking what Things around the "What's your favorite • Keep talking: Things in the closet
someth ing is classroom item of clothing? " • Memory game about everyday items
Favorite things Awebpage • Personal items and their owners
Pronunciation: Writing: • Keep talking: "Find the differences" activity about
Plurals My favorite thing clothing colors
• Presentation of favorite things

Interactions: Listening: Reading: • Survey about getting to school and work

Asking the time Times of different "What's your favorite • Keep talking: Transportation facts
events day of the week?" • Interview about the times of specific events
Angela 's routine A message board • Interview about routines
Pronunciation: Writing: • Keep talking: "Find someone who" activity
Reduction of to About my weekend about routines
• Survey about busy weekends

Interactions: Listening: Reading: • Comparison of online habits

Declining help Shopping " Fun Online Activities" • Keep talking: Interview about online habits
Accepting help Favorite websites An article • Role play of a shopping situation
Pronunciation: Writing: • Interview about leisure activities
Stress in numbers Let's chat • Keep talking: Interviews about fun activities
• Discussion about favorite websites

Interactions: Listening: Reading: • "Find someone who " activity about jobs
Aski ng for someone on Telephone calls "Overseas • Keep talking: Memory game about jobs
the phone Ads for overseas Opportunities" • Role play of a phone call
Having someone wait programs A magazine article • Interview about abilities
Pronunciation: Writing: • Keep talking: Board game about abilities
Can and can't My abilities • Discussion about study and work programs

Introducing yourself
A Listen and practice.
Simon: Hello. I'm Simon .
Chen: Hi, Simon . My name is Chen.
Nice to meet you .
Simon: Nice to meet you, too.

B Pair work Introduce yourselves.

Introducing someone else

A Listen and practice.
Simon: Chen, this is my friend Sofia.
Sofia: Hi, Chen . Nice to meet you.
Chen: Nice to meet you, too, Sofia.

B Group work Introduce your partner

from Exercise 1 to another classmate.

Hi and bye
A 11111))) Listen and practice.

Simon: Hi, Chen! Simon: See you later, Chen!

Chen: Good morning, Simon! How are you? Chen: Bye, Simon!
Simon: I'm fine, thanks. And you?
Chen: Fine, thank you.

B 11111))) Listen to the expressions. Then practice the conversation again with the
new expressions.

Saying hello Saying good-bye

Hi . Bye.

Hello . Good-bye.

Good morning. See you.

Good afternoon. See you later.

Good evening. See you tomorrow.

C Class activity Say hello to your classmates and ask how they are.
Then say good-bye.

Ic introduce myself and others. I

I •
say hello and good-bye.
Classroom language ~

Pair work Group work Class activity


(J 0' (J M - ...... 0 1

CJ ·0



t-- ---1

Compare answers. Cover the picture. Go to page 12 .

What's your name? My name is Marisa.

Ask and answer questions. Interview your partner. Role-play the situat ion.



• Names and titles • Asking for spelling • Interesting jobs • Reading: .. Famous
• The verb be; • Subject pronouns: Names"
possessive yes I no questions • Writing: My name
adjectives with be

Popular names in the United States

1. Jacob
2. Michael
3. Ethan
4 . Joshua
5. Daniel

1. Emma
2 . Isabella
3. Emily
4. Madison
5. Ava

Source: www.ssa.gov/OACT/ babynam es/

A Check (./) the popular names.

B Say ten popular names in your country.

Whats your name?
1 Language in context First day of class
Listen to Ms. Peters meet her students on the first day of class.
Un derl ine the names.

Hello. everyone. I'm your teacher. Hi. What's your name?

Ms. Peters. My first name is Linda.

2 Vocabulary Names and titles

A ''' Listen and repeat.
first name middle name last I fa mi ly name Miss Gomez = a single woman
~ ~ / Mrs. Chow = a married woman
Jennifer Ann Wilson Ms. Peters = a single or married woman
ful l name Mr. Adams = a single or married man

B Pair work Complete the sentences with your own information . Then
co mpare answers.
My first name is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ My full name is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
My family name is _ _ _ _ _ _ __ My teacher's name is _ _ _ _ _ __

. "'~-~, .. ~·::·~,,,_.~

Grammar .. ossessi~e adjec~i~~s ~ .

your name? My name is Maria.
What is
his name? His name is Ricardo.
her name? Her name is Yoko.

your names? Our names are Maria and Jason.

What are
their names? Their names are Ricardo and Yoko.

A Circle the correct words. Then compare with a partner.

1. Maria is a student. His I ~last name is Gomez.
2. Ms. Peters is I are our teacher. Her I Their first name is Linda.
3. My name is Jason. What's our I your name ?
4. Anna and Bruce is I are students. Her I Their teacher is Miss Brown.
5. Th eir first names is I are Yoko and Ricardo.
6. Hello, everyone. I'm Miss Diaz. What are your I his names?

B Complete the conversation with the correct words.

Then practice in a group.
A: Hello. Welcome to English class.
What is your name, please?
B: name is Pam.
A: And what's last name, Pam?
B: My last name _ __ _ _ Nelson .
A: OK. And is your name?
C: Ji-ah . farnily name is Lee.

Speaking My name is ...

A Class activity Meet your classmates. Say your first
and last name.
A: Hello. My name is Oscar Martinez. What 's your name?
B: Hi. My name is Susana Harris.
A: It's nice to meet you.
B: Nice to meet you, too.

B Share your information.

A: What's his name?
B: His name is Oscar Martinez. What's her name?
A: Sorry, I don 't know.

Keep talking!
Go to page 125 for more practice.

Ic ask for and say names.

How do you spell it?
The alphabet
A Listen and repeat.

B Pair work Say a letter. Your partner points to it. Take turns.

2 Interactions
A Listen and practice.

Donald: Hello. My name is Donald Wang.

Clerk: How do you spell your first name?
Donald: D-0-N-A-L-D.
Clerk: And how do you spell your
last name?
Donald: W-A-N-G.

Asking for spelling

How do you spell your first name?

How do you spell your last name?

B Pair work Practice the conversation again with these names.

John Evans Cindy Douglas Antonia Lopez Richard Wu
A: Hello. My name is john Evans.
B: Hello, john. How do you spell your first name?
A: j-0-H-N.
B: And how do you spell ... ?


Listening Spell it!

A Listen to four people spell their names. Check (./) the correct answers.
1. [lf Steven 2. 0 Dina 3. 0 Kelly 4. 0 Bryan
0 Stephen 0 Dena 0 Kerry 0 Brian

B Listen to the conversations. Write the names.

My name is

George _ _ _ __

_ _ _ _ _ Watkins
1. 2.

Mr. Mrs.

First name
10:00 English Class

1. Last name
3. 4.

File fdlt View,.._.. Todt Help

~ ·)·x~_i., S-dlF.-tl"~
~ Go

Welcome, students!
First name : Pa ul Ms. _ _ _ _ _ __
Middle na me:

Last name:

5. 6.

Speaking A class list

Class activity Ask your classmates for their names. Make a list.
A: What's your first name?
B: Tyler. First names Last names
A: How do you spell it? Tyler Larsen
B: T-Y-L-E-R. Lindsey Fisher
A: And what's your last name? Marcela Perez
B: Larsen. Evan Howley
Dmitri Be nos
le spell names.
Are you a student?
1 Vocabulary Interesting jobs
A Listen and repeat.

Gael Garcia Bernal is an actor. Jeon Do-yeon is an actress. Alex Hornest is an artist.
He's from Mexico. She's from South Korea. He's from Brazil.

Brooklyn Decker is a model. Lang Lang is a musician. Diana Krall is a singer.

She's from the United States. He's from China. She's from Canada.

B Pair work Name other people for each job.

A: jet Li is an actor.
B: Yes. And Cate Blanchett is an actress.

2 Conversation My friend the musician

Listen and practice.
Sandy: Hey, Jacob!
Jacob: Oh, hi, Sandy. How's it going?
Sandy: Good, thanks. This is my friend Kevin .
Jacob: Hi. Nice to meet you.
Kevin: Nice to meet yo u, Jacob.
Jacob: Are you a student here?
Kevin: No, I'm not. I'm a musician.
Sandy: Kevin is from England.
Jacob: Oh? Are you from London?
Kevin: No, I'm not. I'm from Liverpool.


Grammar .-»)
I'm a musician. Am I in your class?
Yes, you are. No, you're not. I No, you aren't.
You're a student. Are you from London?
Yes, I am. No, I'm not.
Kevin is from Liverpool. Is he a singer?
He's from Liverpool. Yes, he is. No, he's not. I No, he isn't.
Sandy is a student. Is she from Canada?
She's a student. Yes, she is. No, she's not. I No, she isn't.
Liverpool is in England. Is your name John?
It's in England. Yes, it is. No, it's not. I No, it isn't.

Contractions I'm = I am you're =you are he's = he is she's = she is it's= it is

A Match the questions and the answers. Then practice with a partner.
1. Is your first name Jacob? _d_ a. No, I'm not. I'm from London.
2. Are you from Liverpool? _ _ b. Yes, he is. He's a singer, too.
3. Is she from the United States? c. No, she's not. She's an artist.
4 . Is she a musician? ct. Yes, it is. And my last name is King.
5 . Is Will Smith an actor? e. No, it's not. It's in Venezuela.
6. Is Caracas in Peru? f. Yes, she is. She's from California.

B Complete the conversations with the correct words. Then practice with a partner.
1. A: le your first name Don? 3. A: your teacher from England?
B: No, not. It's Jeff. B: No, she
2. A: you from Mexico? 4. A: you a model?
B: Yes, I . I'm from Mexico City. B: No, not. I'm a singer.

~ Pronunciation Contractions
-4 Listen and repeat. Notice the reduction of contractions.
I am-I'm he is - he's it is - it's are not - aren't

you are - you're she is - she's is not - isn't

Speaking Ten questions

Group work Think of a famous person with a job from Exercise 1. Your group asks
ten questions and guesses the name. Take turns.
A: Is the person a man?
B: No, she's not.
C: Is she an actress?

Keep talking!
Student A go to page 126 and Student B go to page 128 for more practice.

I c talk about where people are from and what they do.
Names and jobs
1 Reading
A Look at the pictures. What are their names?

B Read the article. Are they all singers?

Famous Names
Actor Tom Cruise uses his Zhang Ziyi is an actress
middle name as his last from China, Zhang isn't
name. His full name is her first name. It's her
Thomas Cruise Mapother. family name. In China,
Tom is short for Thomas, family names come first.

Shakira is a singer from Jay-Z is a hip-hop singer

Colombia. She uses only from the United States.
her first name. Her full Jay-Z is his nickname. His
name is Shakira Isabel real name is Shawn Corey
Mebarak Ripoll. Carter.

Kaka is a soccer player Madonna is not a
from Brazil. His full name nickname for this singer.

:. ' '
.· ..
is Ricardo lzecson dos
Santos Leite. Kaka is his
It's her first name. Her full
name is Madonna Louise
Veronica Ciccone.

C Read the article again. Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1. Tom Cruise uses his middle name as his last name.
2. Shakira uses only her ______ name.
3, Ricardo lzecson dos Santos Leite's is Kaka.
4. Ziyi is not Zhang Ziyi 's name.
5, ]ay-Z's name is Shawn Corey Carter.
6. Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone is Madonna's _ _ _ _ __ name.

D Pair work Tell your partner about another famous person's name.
"Rain is a sin3er, actor, and model from South Korea. Rain is his nickname.
His real name is }eon3 }i-hoon."


Writing My name
A Write sentences about your name. Use the model to help you.

My Name
My full name is Anthony Steven Johnson. My
nickname is Big Tony. Tony is short for Anthony. My
middle name is Steven, and my last name is Johnson.

B Group work Tell your group about your name.

Speaking Celebrity quiz

A Pair work Ask and answer the questions about celebrities.
1. He's an actor from Hong Kong. His initials are J. C.
What's his name?
" His name is Jackie Chan."
2. She's an actress from Spain. Her last name is Cruz.
What's her first name?
3. He's a soccer player from England. His first name is David.
What's his last name?
4. She's an actress and singer. Her nickname is J-Lo.
What's her name?
5. He's an actor from Australia. His first name is Russell.
What's his last name?
6. She's an actress from the United States. Her last name is
Jolie? What's her first name?

B Pair work Create a quiz. Write three sentences

about a celebrity.

He 's a tennis player.

He 's from Switzerland.
His first name is Roger.

C Group work Say your sentences to another pair.

They guess the celebrity. Take turns.
A: He's a tennis player.
B: Is he Rafael Nadal? •
Ao No, he isn't. He's from Switzerland. ~ ~~

I c discuss people's names and jobs.

1 Quick pair review
Lesson A Do you remember? What are your classmates' last names? Answer
with the information you remember. You have two minutes.
A: Her last name is Fernandes.
B: Yes, it is. And his first name is Oscar. What's his last name?
A: It's Medina.

Lesson B Test your partner! Say your full name. Can your partner write it
correctly? Check his or her answer. You have two minutes.

First name Middle name Last I Family name

Lesson C Brainstorm! Make a list of interesting jobs. How many do you know?
You have one minute.

Lesson D Guess! Describe your favorite celebrity, but don't say his or her
name! Can your partner guess the name? Take turns. You have two minutes.
A: He's a sin3er and a musician. He's from En3land. He's in Coldplay.
B: Is he Chris Martin?
A: Yes!

Z In the real world

What is your favorite movie? Go online and find information in English about five
actors or actresses in t he movie. Then write about them.
• What are their names?
• Where are they from?

Actors in "Star Wars"

My favorite movie is "Star Wars."
Harrison Ford is an actor in the movie.
He 's from the United States ...



• Nationalities • Asking for • Family members • Reading: "People
• Plural subject someone's phone • Who and How old in My Life"
pronouns; number with be • Writing: My
questions with be • Asking for friends
someone's email


A Write the names of the countries .

B Say the names of five other countries in English.

Where are you from?
1 Vocabulary Nationalities
A Complete the chart with the correct nationalities. Then listen and check your answers.
Mexican American South Korean Chilean Greek Colombian
Spanish Canadian Brazilian Saudi Peruvian Japanese
British Chinese Turkish Thai Ecuadorian ./Australian

Country Nationality Nationality


· Ctiina

B Pair work Say a famous name. Your partner says his or her nationality.
Take turns.
A: Bill Cates.
B: He's from the United States. He's American.

Language in context New neighbors

Listen to Brad and Emily Hill talk about their new neighbors. What are their names?


Brad: Who are they? Brad: Where are they from?

Emily: Oh, they're our new neighbors, Emily: They're from Brazil.
Carlos and Claudia. Brad: What city are they from?
Brad: Are they musicians? Emily: They're from Manaus.
Emily: Yes, they are.


Grammar Plural subject pronouns; questi~ ns with be

Where are you and Sakura from? Where are Carlos and Claudia from?
We're from Japan. They're from Brazi I.
What city are you from? What city are they from?
We're from Osaka . They're from Manaus.
Are you Japanese? Are they Brazilian?
Yes, we are. Yes, they are.
No, we're not. I No, we aren't . No, they're not. I No, they aren't.

Contractions we're = we are they're = they are

Complete the conversations with the correct words.

Then practice with a partner.
1. A: Where are you from?
B: We're from Mexico.
A: Oh? city are you from? Are you from
Mexico City?
B: No, we _ _ _ _ _ not. _ _ _ _ _ from Monterrey.
2. A: Jim and Carly American?
B: No, they . They _ _ _ _ _ Canadian.
A: What city in Canada are from?
B: They from Toronto.

Pronunciation Word stress

A Listen and repeat. Notice the stressed syllables in the nationalities .

• •• ••• ••
Greek British Brazilian Chinese

B Listen . Underline the stressed syllable in each nationality.

Japanese Australian Spanish Thai

5 Speaking That's not correct!

A Write three false sentences about people,
countries, or nationalities.
1. Toronto and Vancouver are in Greece.
B Group work Share your sentences. 2. Venus and Serena Williams are Ecuadorian .
You r group corrects them . Take turns.
3. Nicole Kidman and Russell Crowe are British.
A: Toronto and Vancouver are in Greece.
B: No, they aren't. They're in Canada.

Keep talking!
Go to page 127 for more practice.

Ic ask for and say people's nationalities.

What's your email address?
1 Numbers 0 to 10; phone numbers; email addresses
A .. Listen and repeat.

B Listen and repeat. Notice that people sometimes say "oh" for "zero" in
phone numbers.
281-363-2301 = "two-eight-one, three-six-three, two-three-zero-one"
602-374-41 88 = "six-oh-two, three-seven-four, four-one-eight-eight"

C Listen and repeat. Notice the way people say email addresses.
[email protected] = "susan -eight-K-at-C-U-P-dot-org"
jun_akita@ email.com = "jun-underscore-akita-at-email-dot-com"

2 Interactions
A Listen and practice.

Stacy: Hey, Emma. What's your

phone number?
Emma: It's 309-403-8708.
Stacy: What's your email address ?
Emma: It's [email protected].
Stacy: Thanks!

B Listen to the expressions . Then practice the conversation again with the
new expressions.

Asking for someone's phone number Asking for someone's email address

What 's your phone number? What 's your email address?
What 's your number? What's your email?

C Pair work Practice the conversation again with the information below.
978-887-8045 [email protected]
604-608-4864 [email protected]


Listening What name, please?

A Listen to four people call Directory Assistance for phone numbers.
Check (./) the correct answers.
1. Carlos Moreno 0 333-822-1607 [lJ 323-822-1607
2. Lucy Chang 0 662-651-0410 0 662-615-0410
3. Michael Ashcroft 0 866-279-9400 0 866-279-9500
4 . Beatriz J. Lago 0 341 -360-7450 0 341-360-4570

B l)) Listen to three people give their names, phone numbers, and email addresses.
Complete the forms.

ENGLISH City Library
Fi rst name: -~M~'~'ch=a=e~I__ First name: _ _ _ _ __ First name: _ _ _ _ __
Middle name: -~J~o~hn~_ Middle initial: --~P.~
. __ Family name: _ _ _ __ _
Last name: ------ Last name: - - - - - - City: ---~D~a/~/a~s_ __
Phone: _ _ __ _ _ __ Phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Email: _ _ _ _ __ __ Email: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Email: _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Speaking A new number and email address

A Write a new phone number and email address.
My new phone number: _ _ _ _ _ __ My new email address : _ _ _ _ _ __

B Class activity Ask five classmates for their names, new phone numbers, and
new email addresses. Complete the chart with their answers.
Name Phone number Email address

C Share your information.

A: What's her name and phone number?
B: Her name is Fatima. Her phone number is 212-691-3239.
A: What's her email address?
B: Her email is . . .

Ic ask for and give phone numbers and email addresses.

1 Vocabulary Family members
A Listen and repeat.

Sarah Mills

Jack Olson


B Pair work Ask and answer the questions about the family in Part A.
1. Are Sarah and Roger Mills single? 3. Are Sarah and Roger grandparents?
2. Are Michael and Helen brother and sister? 4. Are Wendy and Jack parents?

Conversation Who's that?

Listen and practice.
Lance: Who's that?
Jack: That's my sister. Her name is Wendy.
Lance: How old is she?
Jack: She's seven .
Lance: Is she your only sister?
Jack: Yeah.
Lance: And who are they?
Jack: They're my gran dparents.
Lance: Wow. They look young.
And who's he?
Jack: That's me!


Grammar .. 1 Who and How old with be

Who's that? Who are they? Numbers 11-101
That's my sister. They're my grandparents. 11 eleven
How old is she? How old are they? 12 twelve
13 thirteen
She's seven (years old). They're 70 and 66.
14 fourteen
15 fifteen
A Read the answers. Write the questions. Then practice with 16 sixteen
a partner. 17 seventeen
A: Who's that? 18 eighteen
B: Oh, that's my brother Ignacio. 19 nineteen
20 twenty
A: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
21 twenty-one
B: He's ten years old.
22 twenty-two
A: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
23 twenty-three
B: They're my sisters Lucia, Antonia, and Carmen.
24 twenty-four
A: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
25 twenty-five
B: They're 19, 16, and 11.
26 twenty-six
A: And ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27 twenty-seven
B: That's my grandfather. 28 twenty-eight
A: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29 twenty-nine
B: He's 62. 30 thirty
40 forty
B Pair work Ask and answer questions about the family
50 fifty
in Exercise 1.
60 sixty
A: Who's that? 70 seventy
B: That 's Jack Olson. 80 eighty
90 ninety
100 one hundred
101 one hundred (and) one
S p eaking My family
A Complete the chart with information about t hree people in your family.

Family member Name How old ... ? Where . .. from?


B Pair work Tell your partner about your family. Ask and answer questions for
more information.
A: Keiko is my wandmother. She's 73.
B: Where is she from?

Keep t alk ing!

Go to page 129 for more practice.

Ic identify family members and give their ages.

Family and friends
1 Reading
A Look at the people in Isabel's photos. Who are they? Guess.

B Read the photo descriptions. Who are Isabel's family members? Who are her friends ?

People in My Life

I'm with my friends Fernando and Amy. This is my brother Carlos and my sister
Fernando is on the left. He's from Bogota, Julia. Carlos is 18 years old and a good
Colombia. Amy is on the right. She's from soccer player. Julia is only ten. She's a
Perth , Australia. I'm in the middle. good tennis player.

This is my grandmother. Her name is Olivia, Here's my e-pal Dong-sun. His family name
but her nickname is Nana. She's an artist, is Choi. He's from Pusan , South Korea. He's
and she's 92 years old! 18 years old. His sister is in the photo, too.

C Read the photo descriptions again. Correct the false sentences.

1. Isabel and Amy are ~ster3':' Isabel and Amy are friends.
2. Carlos isn't a good soccer player.
3 . Olivia is 90 years old.
4 . Isabel and Dong-sun are classmates .

D Pair work Ask and answer the questions about Isabel's family and friends.
• Who are Fernando and Amy ? • How old is Julia?
• What's Olivia's nickname? • What city is Dong-sun from?


Listening People I know

A Listen to Gina show some photos to her friend. Who are the people?
Check (./) the correct answers.

1. D friend 2. D classmate 3. D father 4. D teacher

0 brother D sister D grandfather D mother

B Listen again. Answer the questions.

1. How old is Mark? ------~------
2. What city is Dominique from? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. What's the man's name? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
4. Is Ms. Parker American? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

J Writing and speaking My friends

A Complete the chart with information about three friends. Then find photos or draw
pictures of them.
Friend 1 Friend 2 Friend 3
Other information

B Write sentences about your friends in the pictures. Use the model and your answers
in Part A to help you .

My Friends
My best friend is Samantha. She's 26 years old.
She 's American. She's a teacher.
Jill is my friend, too. She 's . ..

C Group work Share your pictures and sentences. Ask and

answer questions for more information .
A: This is my friend Samantha. She's 26 years old.
B: What's her last name?

I c give information about family and friends.

1 Quick pair review
Lesson A Guess! Say five countries. Can your partner name the nationalities?
Take turns. You have two minutes.
A: South Korea .
B: South Korean.

Lesson B Test your partner! Write three phone numbers and say them to
you r partner. Can your partner write them correctly? Check his or her answers. You
have two minutes.

My phone numbers My partner's phone numbers

Lesson C Brainstorm! Make a list of family words. How many do you know?
You have one minute.

Lesson D Find out! Are any of your friends or family members from the same
citi es? You have two minutes.
A: My father is from Mexico City, and my mother is from Guadalajara.
B: My wandmother is from Guadalajara, too!

In the real world

Go online and find information in English about a country from another part of the
world . Then write about it.
• What are five cities in the country?
• What are the names and ages of two famous people from the country?

French Cities and People

Paris, Bordeaux, Cannes, Lyon, and Dijon
are five cities in France. Marion Cotillard is
a famous actress from France . She 's .. .



• Everyday Items • Asking what • Clothes and colors • Reading: "What' s
• Demonstratives; something Is • Possessive your favorite Item
articles a and an; pronouns; Whose; of clothing?"
plurals 'sand s' • Writing: My
favorite thing


Year: _ _ __

A Label the pictures with the correct years.

1./1969 1978 - 1986 1994]

B Can you name five th ings in the pictures ?

Is this your notebook?
1 Vocabulary Everyday items
A Listen and repeat.

D a bag D a book D a cell phone D a dictionary

D an eraser D a key D a laptop D a notebook

/ II
D a pen D sunglasses D an umbrella D a watch

B Pair work Check (./) the things in your classroom . Then compare answers.

Language in context What are those?

Listen to four people talk about everyday items. Circle the items in
the conversations.

Pete: Hey, Ling. What's that? Susie: Are these your sunglasses?
Ling: Oh, it's my~ Kyle: No, they're not.
Pete: It's nice. What are those? Susie: Is this your notebook?
Ling: They're my English books. Kyle: Yes, it is. Thanks.


What's th is? What 's that? I What are these? What are those?

~ a
It's my dictionary. They're my English books.
Is t his your dictionary? Are these your English books?
Is t hat your dictionary? Are those your English books?
Yes, it is. No, it's not. Yes, they are. No, they're not.

Articles a and an Plurals

a+ consonant sound a bag a book 7 two books
an + vowel sound an eraser a w atch 7 two watches
a dictionary 7 two dictionaries
Note: Sunglasses and glasses are always plural.

A Complete the conversations with the correct words. Then practice with a partner.

A: What.-'=s'--'t=h=
is" ------ ? A: What _ _ _ _ _ ? A: What _ _ __ _ ? A: What _ _ _ _ _ ?
B: It's a watch. B: B: B: - - - - - - -

B Pair work Ask and answer questions about everyday items in your classroom .

Pronunciation Plurals Same syllables Extra syllables

Listen and repeat. Notice that some words eraser I erasers actress I actress-es
have an extra syllable in their plural forms . key I keys address I address-es
laptop I laptops watch I watch -es

Speaking In my bag
Pair work Ask and answer 10 questions about the everyday items in your bags
an d in the classroom.
A: Is this your En3/ish book?
B: No, it 's not. It 's my dictionary. What are those?
A: They're my keys .

Keep talking!
Go to page 130 for more practice.
Ic ask about and identify everyday items.
What's this called in English?
1 Listening Around the classroom
A Listen to Bo and Marta ask about new words in English. Number the pictures
from 1 to 5.

D an alarm clock D a map D a marker D a poster Wa remote control

B What things in Part A are in your classroom?

Z Interactions
A Listen and practice.

Alex: Excuse me. What's this

called in English?
Lucy: It's a key chain.
Alex: A key chain? How do you
spell that?
Lucy: K-E-Y C-H-A-1-N.
Alex: Thanks.

B Listen to the expressions. Then practice the conversation again with the
new expressions.

What's this called in English?
What's the word for this in English?
How do you say this in English?

C Pair work Practice the conversation again with the things in Exercise 1.
A: Excuse me. What's this called in En3lish?
B: It's a map.
A: How do you spell that?


Speaking More everyday items

A Listen and repeat.

1. a camera
2. a flash
. drive
3. a hairbrush
4. a newspaper
5. a magazine
6. a comb
7. a coin
8. a wallet

B Pair work Cover the words. What is each thing called? Answer with
the information you remember.
A: What's this called?
B: I think it's a ...

C Pair work Ask and answer questions about other things in the picture.
A: What's the word for this in En3/ish?
B: It's a student l.D.
A: What's this called?
B: Hmm ... I don't know. Let's ask the teacher.

Ic ask what something is called in English.

1 Vocabulary Clothes and colors
A Listen and repeat.

Clothes Colors
Ana Greg







B Pair work Describe a classmate's clothes, but don't say his or her name!
Your partner guesses the name. Take turns.
A: His shoes are brown. His T-shirt is red and 3reen. His pants are 3ray.
B: Is it David?

2 Conversation Whose bag is it?

Listen and practice.
Greg: Excuse me. I thi nk that's my bag.
Laura: This bag?
Greg: Yes. I think it's mine.
Laura: It is? Oh, yes. This bag is black and yellow.
Mine is black and green . I'm very sorry.
Greg: That's OK. Is that bag yours?
Laura: Yes, thank you.
Greg: You're welcome.


Grammar -. Possessive pronouns; Whose; 's and s'

It's my bag. - It's mine. Whose bag is this?
It's your jacket. - It's yours. It's Greg's (bag).
It's his coat. - It's his. Whose bag is that?
They're her shoes. - They're hers. It's the student's (bag).
They're our clothes. - They're ours. Whose bags are those?
It's their bag. - It's theirs. They're the students' (bags).

A Circle the correct words . Then practice with a partner.

1. Whose clothes are these? They're your I our/@.
2. Are these Greg's black shoes? Yes, they're his I hers I theirs.
3. Is this pink scarf Ana's? No, it's not his I hers I theirs.
4. Are these bags Greg and Ana's? Yes, they're his I hers I theirs.
5. Whose red socks are these? Are they yours? Yes, they're my I mine I yours.
6. Is that my sister's skirt? No, it's not mine I yours I hers.

B Pair work Ask and answer questions about the clothing in Exercise 1.
A: Whose jeans are these?
B: They're Ana's. Whose T-shirt is this?
A: It's . ..

Speaking Yes, it's mine.

Class activity Put three of your things on a table. Then take three other things
and find their owners.
A: Whose scarf is this?
B: I think it's Mary's.
A: /s this your scarf, Mary?
C: Yes, it's mine.

Keep talking!
Student A go to page 131 and Student B go to page 132 for more practice.

I c n talk about clothes and possessions.

Favorite things
1 Reading ~ 1

A Look at the pictures. What clothes and colors are they?

B Read the webpage. What countries are the people from?

What's your avorit item of lothin ?

This cap is my favorite. It's These boots are my favorite. Here's a photo of my favorite
from my baseball team. Our I think they're from the 1970s. pants. They're cal led salwar.
team colors are blue and They're red . Red is my These are men's pants, and
white. favorite color! they're from India.
- Joe, the U.S. - Ariela, Venezuela - Sad1~ Canada

This dress is my favorite item Here's my favorite item of This scarf is my favorite item
of clothing. It's called a clothing. It's an old shirt. It's of clothing. It's from Thailand.
hanbok in Korean. It's my from London in the 1980s. The blue color is nice.
- Bin-woo, South Korea - Ian, the U. K. - Mariko, Japan

C Read the webpage again. Answer the questions.

1. What's Joe's favorite thing? His favorite thing is a baseball cap.
2. What is Ariela's favorite color? ____________________
3. What are Sadi's pants called? _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __
4. What's Bin-woo's favorite item of clothing? ___________ _ ___ _
5. Where is Ian's shirt from? _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6. Where is Mariko's scarf from? ____________________

D Pair work What's your favorite item of clothing? Tell your partner.
"My favorite item of clothin3 is my blue sweatshirt."

Listening It's my favorite.

Listen to four people talk about their favorite things . Check (./) the things
they describe.


a. [lJ b. 0

3. 4.

b. 0 a. 0 b. 0

Writing and speaking My favorite thing

A Draw a picture of your favorite thing. Then answer the questions.
• What is it? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

·. • Where is it from? - - - - - - - - - - -
• How old is it? _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
• What color is it? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

B Write about your favorite thing. Use the model and your answers
in Part A to help you.

My Favorite Thing
My favorite thing is my bag. It 's from Cuzco, Peru. I
think it 's three or four years old. It's purple, white, and
yellow. I love it!

C Group work Share your drawings and your writing. Ask and answer questions
for more information.

A: Here's a picture of my favorite thin3 .

B: What is it?
A: It's my ba3.
C: Where is it from?
A: It's from Peru.

Ic describe my favorite possessions.

1 Quick pair review
Lesson A Brainstorm! Make a list of everyday items and the plural forms
of the words. How many do you know? You have two minutes.

Lesson B Test your partner! Ask your partner what the things are. You
have two minutes.
Student A

Student B

Lesson C Do you remember? Look at your partner's clothes. Then close

your eyes and describe them. Take turns. You have two minutes.
" Your shirt is 3reen, and your jeans are blue. I think your socks are white."

Lesson D Find out! What is one thing both you and your partner have in your
bags or desks? Find the thing and answer the questions. You have two minutes.
• What color is it?
• How old is it?
• Where is it from?

2 In the real world

What's in style? Find a picture of clothes in a magazine. Then write about them.
• What clothes are in the picture?
• What colors are the clothes?

Clothes in "Style Today "

The woman 's sweater in the picture is
blue. Her pants are brown, and her shoes
are black. Her bag is ...



• Ways of getting • Asking the time • Days of the week • Reading: "What's
around and routines your favorite day
• Simple present • Simple present of the week?"
statements yes I no questions • Writing: About my


A Name the things you see in the picture. Use That's a / an ... and Those are . . . .

B Say the colors of six things in the picture.

Getting around
1 Vocabulary Ways of getting around
A Listen and repeat.

drive a car ride a bicycle I bike ride a motorcycle take a taxi I cab

take the bus take the subway take the train walk

B Listen to five ways of getting around. Number them from 1 to 5.

D a bicycle W a bus D a car D a motorcycle D a train
Language in context Going to work and school
A Listen to Mariela describe how she and her family get to work and school.
Underline the ways they get around .

• • • I have a car. I drive to work. I My husband doesn't drive to work. I My kids walk to school.
I don't take the train . _ He has a bi ke, so he rides his bike. They don't take the bus.

B What about you? Check (./) the ways you get around.
0 I drive. 0 I take the bus. 0 I ride a bike. 0 I walk.


Grammar .. 1 Simple present statements

Regular verbs Irregular verbs
I drive to work. I don't take the train . I I you I we I they he I she I it
You take a taxi. You don't take the subway. I have a car. She has a car.
He rides a bike. He doesn't drive to work. You don't have She doesn't have
She drives. She doesn't walk. a bike. a bike.
We take the train. We don't take a taxi. We go to work. He goes to work.
They walk to school. They don't take the bus. They don't go He doesn't go
to school. to school.

Contractions don't = do not doesn't = does not

A Complete the sentences with the simple present forms of the verbs. Then compare
with a partner.
1. take (take) the bus to school. I don't walk (not I walk).
2. Jonathan (have) a car. He (drive) to work.
3. My parents (take) the train to work. They (go) to the city.
4 . My neighbor (ride) a motorcycle to work.
5. Mei-Ii (not I take) the bus. She (walk).
6 . We (not I have) bicycles, and we (not I drive).
B Pair work Make five sentences about how your family members and friends get
to school or work. Tell your partner.
A: My sister works in a bi3 city. She takes the bus to work.
B: My best friend works in a bi3 city, too. He doesn't take the bus. He drives.

Speaking I take the bus.

A Write how you get to school or work in the chart. Add extra information, such as a
bus number or a train number.

Me Name: Name: Name: --===--1

--===-- -===-
To school

To work

Extra information

B Group work Find out how three of your classmates get to school or work.
Complete the chart with their information.
A: I take the bus to school. It's the number 16 bus. How about you?
B: I take the bus, too. I take the number 8 bus.

C Group work Tell another group how your classmates get to school or work.
"Daniel takes the number 8 bus to school."

Keep talking!
Go to page 133 for more practice.
I c n describe how people get around.
What time is it?
1 Telling time
A Listen and repeat.

It's twelve o'clock. It's noon.

It's twelve p.m.
It's midnight. It's twelve-oh-five .
It's twelve a.m. It's five after twe lve.

It's twelve-fifteen. It's twelve-thirty. It's twelve-forty. It's twelve forty-five .

It's a quarter after twelve. It's half past twelve. It's twenty to one. It's a quarter to one.

B Pair work Say the times in two ways.

9:45 7:30 6:03 1:15 11:40 a.m. =midnight to noon

p.m. =noon to midnight

2 Interactions
A Listen and practice.

Joe: What time is it? Keisha: What's the time?

Mike: It's 9:15. What time is the bus? Emily: It's 9:35. What time is our class?
Joe: Nine-twenty. We're early. Keisha: It's at 9:30. We're late!

What time is it?
What's the time?

B Pair work Practice the conversations again with the times below.
4: 15 I 4:45 6:20 I 1 :00 10:05 I lO:oo 5:45 I 5:3o


Pronunciation Reduction of to
A Listen and repeat. Notice how to is pronounced as /ta/.
/ta/ /ta/ /ta/
It's ten t o five. It's five t o two. It's a quarter t o one.

B Listen to the conversations. Then practice them. Reduce to to /ta/.

A: Is it five to one? A: Is it ten to ei3ht? A: Is it a quarter to three?

B: No, it's ten to one. B: No, it's a quarter to ei3ht. B: No, it's twenty to three.

Listening Am I late?
A ») Listen to five conversations about time. Write the time of each thing.
1. the movie 2 . Rod's class 3. the train 4. the bus 5. Susan's class
B Listen again. Are the people early or late? Circle the correct answers.
1. @/ late 2. early I late 3. early I late 4. early I late 5. early I late

Speaking What time is ... ?

A Pair work Interview your partner. Take notes.
What time is your ... ?

favorite class lunch break favorite TV show

A: What time is your favorite class?

B: It's at 7:30 a.m. What time is yours?
A: Mine is at B: oo p.m. It's this class!

B Pair work Tell another classmate about your partner's answers.

"Ji-sun3's favorite class is at 7: 30 a.m."

Ic ask for and tell the time.

My routine
Vocabulary Days of the week and routines
A Listen and repeat.

Weekdays The weekend

Monday Tuesday W<.'dnesday


Thursday Friday Sa tmday j Sunday

B Listen and repeat.

get up drink coffee eat breakfast read the news go to school

exercise cook dinner study watch TV go to bed

C Pair work What is your routine on weekdays? on weekends? Tell your partner.
"/ 3et up and eat breakfast on weekdays. I 30 to school. I study ... "

2 Conversation Monday morning

Listen and practice.
Tom: It's Monday morning . . . again!
Liz: Do you get up early on weekdays?
Tom: Yes, I do. I get up at 5:30 a.m.
Liz: Wow! That is early!
Tom: And I study all morning and afternoon .
Liz: Do you study in the evenings, too?
Tom : No, I don't. I cook dinner, exercise, and go to
bed late, after midnight.
Liz: That's not good. What about on weekends?
Tom : On weekends, I sleep!

-,.........,.,.- ' ' .,.,....,,.., ~-·~-~~~-"" '' -••<::.~.,.-~ r • "

Grammar .. 11) Simple present yes I no questio11s

Do you go to school on Mondays? Do you and your friends watch TV?
Yes, I do. No, I don't. Yes, we do. No, we don't.
Does Liz exercise? Do your friends study?
Yes, she does. No, she doesn't. Yes, they do. No, they don't.

A Write yes I no questions with the information below. Then compare

with a partner.
1. (you I get up I 7:00) Do you get up at 7:00?
2. (you I read the news I every day)
3. (your teacher I drink coffee I in class)
4. (your parents I watch TV I in the evening)
5. (your friend I exercise I on weekends)
6. (you and your friends I study I after midnight)

B Pair work Ask and answer the questions in Part A.

Answer with your own information . Time expressions

A: Do you 3et up at 7: 00? on Sunday(s)

B: No, I don't. I 3et up at 6: oo on weekdays on Sunday afternoon (s)
on weekdays
and 9: 30 on weekends.
on the weekend
on weekends
4 S pea k ing Routines in the morning(s)
in the afternoon(s)
A Pair work Interview your partner. Check (./) his or her answers. in the evening(s)
at noon I midnight
Do you ... ? Yes No
at night
cook dinner on weekends 0 0 before 7:00
drink coffee after 7:00 p.m . 0 0 after midnight
every day
exercise every day 0 0
go to bed late on weekdays 0 0
get up early on weekdays 0 0
read the news in the evening 0 0
A: Do you cook dinner on weekends?
B: No, I don't. I cook on weekdays!

B Pair work Tell another classmate about your

partner's routines.
A: Does Rita cook dinner on weekends?
B: No, she doesn't. She cooks on weekdays!

Kee p talkin g!
Go to page 134 for more practice.

Ic ask and answer questions about routines.

My weekend
1 Reading
A Look at the message board question . What's your favorite day of the week? Why?

B Read the message board. Whose favorite day is on the weekend?

This week's uestion:

What's your favorite day of the week?

My favorite day of the week is Saturday. I study from Monday to

Friday. On Saturday, I get up late.

Not Saturday or Sunday. I work from noon to 4:00 on those days. In

trish06 the even ing, I study. My favorite day is Wednesday, because I don't
work on Wednesdays.

Monday. I watch my favorite TV show every Monday. It has my

Jason Fan
favorite actor. The show is called "Life w ith Jason." It's on at 8:00.

Monday?! No wayl Saturday, Saturday, Saturday! We don't go to

schoo l on Saturdays.

Sunday! I get up late, read the news, and have coffee. Then my son
and daughter cook breakfast for my wife and me.

I have two favorite days - Tuesday and Thursday. I have an art class
after work on those days, and my teacher is very nice.

C Read the message board again. What's each person's favorite day? Why?
Co mplete the chart.
Favorite day{s} Why?
1. busyguy Saturday gets up/ate
2. trish06
3. Jason Fan
4. Ricardo
5. SuperDad 4 5
6. mic hiko3

D Class activity What's your class's favorite day? Vote and discuss your answer.

Listening Angela's routine

A Listen to Angela talk about her routine on weekends. Circle the activities
she does.

Saturdays Sundays
~ watch TV get up late exercise

go to class go to bed late study cook

B Listen again. Write one more thing Angela does on Saturdays and on Sundays.

On Saturdays: On Sundays: -------~

J Writing About my weekend

A Complete the chart with information about your weekend routine. Include two
activities you do and two activities you don't do.

Saturdays Sundays
Activities I do: Activities I do:

• •
• •
Activities I don't do: Activities I don 't do:

• •
My Weekend Routine
• •
On Saturdays, I get up
B Write about your weekend routine. Use the model late and watch TV. I don 't
and your answers in Part A to help you. study, and I don 't go to
work. On Sundays, ...
C Group work Share your writing. Ask and answer questions
for more information.

Speaking Are you busy?

A Add two questions about routines to the survey. Then circle your answers .

1. Do you study English every weekend? Yes No Yes No

2. Do you go to work on the weekend? Yes No Yes No
3. Do you get up before 7 :00 on the weekend ? Yes No Yes No

4. Do you exercise on the weekend? Yes No Yes No

5. Yes No Yes No
6. Yes No Yes No

B Pair work Interview your partner. Circle his or her answers. Is your partner busy?

I ca describe the things I do on weekends.

Quick pair review
Lesson A Brainstorm! Make a list of ways of getting around. How many do
you know? You have one minute.

Lesson B Test your partner! Say four different times. Can your partner write
t hem correctly? Check his or her answers . You have two minutes.

Lesson C Guess! Say a time and a day. Can your partner guess your routine at
t hat time? Take turns. You have two minutes.
A: Two o'clock on Monday.
B: Do you exercise at 2 :00 on Monday?
A: No.
B: Do you study?
A: Yes.

Lesson D Find out! What are three things both you and your partner do on
wee kends? You have two minutes.
A: I exercise on Saturday mornin3s. How about you?
B: No, I don't. I 30 to bed late on Saturdays. How about you?
A: Yes, I do!

In the real world

Wh at time is it around t he world? Go online and find the local time in these cities.
----- ------------,
Be iji ng Cairo Los Angeles Rio de Janeiro Tokyo
Buen os Aires London Mexico City Sydney Toronto I

What time is it now?

It is nine o'clock in the evening in Beijing
no w. In Buenos Aires, it 's . ..



• Online activities • Declining help • Leisure activities • Reading: An article
•Adverbs of • Accepting help and places • Writing: An online
frequency • Simple present chat
Wh- questions
with do


A Look at the pictures. Make two sentences about each one.

B When do you have free time? Write the times.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

p.m .

Online habits
1 Vocabulary Online activities
A Listen and repeat.
..,11!1!11!1111'1'.,., ~.....,,.,.....,

Instant MessageJ In box (2) P

Song title:
Dance Tonight
Hi! ~

D chat with friends D check email D download music D play games

Web Item: Dress

Color: Black
Phone Size: 10
Price: $59.99

"She's so cute!" - Sue

"Beautiful photo I

D post comments

0 search the Internet

B Pair work Check (./) the things you do online. Then tell your partner.

D shop online
Jimmy's Fifth Birthday

0 upload videos

" / download music, post comments, and play 3ames. How about you?"

Language in context Habits survey

A Read the survey about online habits. Circle the online activities.

1. Do you ever~?
~ ies, I often sr;._ ~, _:: :ine.
D Yes, I sometimes shop online.
D No, I never shop online.
2. Do you ever download music?
D Yes, I often download music.
!!1 Yes, I sometimes download music.
D No, I never download music.
3. Do you ever post comments on biogs?
D Yes, I often post comments.
0 Yes, I sometimes post comments.
!!1 No, I never post comments.

B What about you? Do you do the online activities in the survey?


J Grammar ..-)~ Adverbs of frequency

always 100% Do you ever shop on line?
Yes, I sometimes shop on line. I
shop online. Yes, I sometimes do.
No, I never shop online. I
hardly ever
No, I never do.
never 0%

A Rewrite the conversations with the adverbs of frequency. Then practice

with a partner.
1. A: Do you download movies? (ever) Do you ever download movies?
B: Yes, I download movies . (often)
2 . A: Do you check email in class? (ever)
B: No, I check email in class . (never)
3. A: Do you play games online? (ever)
B: Yes, I do. (usually)
4 . A: Do you post comments online? (ever)
B: No, I do that. (hardly ever)

B Pair work Ask and answer the questions in Part A. Answer with your
own information.
A: Do you ever download movies?
B: Yes, I sometimes do.

4 Speaking Often, sometimes, or never?

A Complete the chart with information about your online habits. Use the ideas
in Exercise 1 and your own ideas.

I often . .. I sometimes ... I never ...

• • •
• • •
B Group work Compare your online habits.
A: I often play 3ames online.
B: Oh ? I never do that.
C: I sometimes do.

Keep talking!
Go to page 135 for more practice.

Ic talk about my online habits.

• How much is it?

1 Prices
A Listen and repeat.
$79.00 seventy-nine dollars
$79.95 seventy-nine dollars and ninety-five cents
OR seventy-nine ninety-five
$379.95 three hundred seventy-nine dollars and ninety-five cents
OR three seventy-nine ninety-five

B Listen and practice.

A: How much is this? A: How much are these? A: How much is that watch?
B: It's $54.89. B: They're $234. 99. B: It's only $109.25.

C Pair work Practice the conversations again. Say the prices in a different way.

2 Interactions
A Listen and practice.

Salesperson: Hello. Salesperson: Can I help you?

Margaret: Hi. Renato: Yes, please. How much is
Salesperson: Can I help you? this camera?
Margaret: No, thanks. I'm just looking. Salesperson: It's $169.50.
Renato: Thanks.

B Listen to the expressions. Then practice the conversations again with the
new expressions.

Declining help Accepting help

No, thanks. I'm just looking. Yes, please.

No. I'm fine, thanks. Yes, thanks.


Pronunciation Thirteen or thirty?

A Listen and repeat. Notice the difference in Last syllable First syllable
stress in the numbers.
13 thirteen 30 thirty
B Listen to four conversations about prices. 14 fourte en 40 forty
Circle the correct prices. 15 fifteen 50 fifty
16 sixteen 60 sixty
i.@/ $40 3. $17 I $70 17 seventeen 70 seventy
2. $16 I $60 4. $19 I $90 18 eighteen 80 eighty
19 nineteen 90 ninety
C Pair work Say a number from the chart.
Your partner points to it. Take turns.

4 Listening Can I help you?

A Listen to four conversations in a store. Check (./) the words you hear.
1. ~ camera 2. 0 shirts 3. 0 bag 4. 0 scarf
0 cell phone 0 skirt 0 bags 0 shorts
0 laptop 0 T-shirt 0 belt 0 skirt

B Listen to a salesperson offer help to four customers . Do the customers accept

or decline help? Circle the correct answers.
1. ~/decline 2 . accept I decline 3. accept I decline 4 . accept I decline

5 Speaking Role play

Class activity Role-play the situation. Then change roles.
Group A: You are salespeople. Offer help to the customers. Answer questions
about prices.
Group B: You are customers. Decline help three times. Then accept help three times,
and ask for the prices of three items.

$168 .95 $23 .99 $877 .50

$40 .89 $219 .00 $9 .25

A: Can I help you? A: Can I help you?

B: No, thanks. I'm just lookin3 . B: Yes, please. How much .. . ?

I c n accept and decline help.

What do you do for fun?
1 Vocabulary Leisure activities and places
A Listen and repeat.
'\ ~
, .I
'\ ~I
"" ~_ J ,
eat out go dancing go shopping

hang out play soccer watch movies

B Listen and repeat.

at a club at a restaurant at home at the mall in I at the park

C Pair work Do you do the activities in Part A? Where? Tell your partner.
A: I watch movies at home. Do you?
B: Yes, I do. I watch movies at the mall, too.

2 Conversation In our free time

Listen and practice.
Annie: What do you do for fun, Chad?
Chad: Oh, I hang out with friends.
Annie: Yeah? Where do you hang out?
Chad: At the mall. We sometimes watch a movie
or go shopping. What about you?
Annie: I play soccer in the park.
Chad: Sounds fun . Who do you play with?
Annie: My brother and his friends. Actually, we
need another player. Are you interested?
Chad: Yeah!


Grammar .. ~) Simple present Wh- questions with do

What do you do for fun? Who do you play soccer with?
I hang out. My brother and his friends.
Where do you hang out? When do you usually play soccer?
At the mall. We usually play on weekends.
How do you get there? Why do you play soccer?
We take the bus. Because it's my favorite sport.

A Read the answers. Write Wh- questions. Then practice with a partner.
1. How do you get to class? I take the bus to class.
2. I eat out on Friday night.
3 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~- I play sports with my brother.
4 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~- I go shopping at the mall.
5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~- My friends and I watch movies on Saturday.
6. ~~~~~~~~~~~~- I sometimes study with my friends .

B Pair work Ask and answer the questions in Part A. Answer with you r own information .
A: How do you 3et to class?
B: I usually walk, but I sometimes take the subway.

4 Speaking Tell me more!

A Pair work Interview your partner. Take notes.

Questions Name: -=====================-~~__J

1. When do you usually check your email?

2 . What time do you go to bed on Sundays?

3 . When do you chat with friends?

4. Who do you eat out with? Where do you go?

5. Where do you go shopping? How do you get there?

6 . What do you do for fun on weekends? Why?

B Pair work Tell another classmate about your partner's answers. Are any of your
partners' answers the same?
A: Celia usually checks her email at ni3ht.
B: Luis checks his email at ni3ht, too.

5 Keep talking!
Go to page 136 for more practice.

Ic ask and answer questions about leisure activities.

Online fun
1 Reading
A Look at the pictures in the article. What do you see?
B Read the article. What's the best title? Check (./) the correct answer.
0 New Websites 0 Chat Online 0 Fun Online Activities

What do you want? A Where is your best friend Do you have pictures
new video game? A new from elementary school or movies on your cell
phone? What don't you now? Does your friend phone or camera? Post
want? Your old jeans? live in your city? Search them! Upload your
Your old schoolbooks? his or her name, and find favorite photos and
Buy and sell things online! your friend. videos for friends .

Tour a museum fror:n your Where do you want to Do you want a new
home! Go to the Egyptian go? Search the address album, your favorite
Museum in Cairo, and city, and find a map. song, or a new ringtone
Barcelona's Picasso Get directions to stores, for your cell phone?
Museum, or Kyoto's parks, or a new Download it.
National Museum. restaurant.

C Read the article again. Where do the headings go? Write them in the article.
Map it! Take a Tour Share Photos and Videos
Get Music ./Buy and Sell Find an Old Friend

D Pair work What activities do you do online? Tell your partner.

"/ hardly ever sell thin3s online, but I sometimes buy clothes online."


2 Listening Four websites

A Listen to Allison and James talk about the pictures on four websites.
Number the pictures from 1 to 4.

B 1111 Listen again. Correct the false sentences.
1. Allison looks at >otideo~ of Lorena Ochoa. 3. James buys clothes on the website.

2. The Museum of Modern Art is in Paris. 4 . James often uploads videos.

Writing Let's chat!

A Choose a topic for a "chat": free time, online activities, or school. Create a user
name. Then write a question about your topic.

B Group work Pass your question to the classmate on your right. Read and
answer your classmate's question. Continue to pass, read, and answer all of the
questions in your group.

techgirl: What do you do in your

free time?
jae-min: I watch TV and play video games. My
favorite video game is Soccer Star.
jramirez: I hardly ever play video games .
I usually watch TV at night.
My favorite show is ...

C Class activity Tell the class about your chat.

Speaking My favorite website

A Group work Add a question about online habits to the list. Then ask and
answer the questions.
• What's your favorite website? • What news websites do you read ?
• What other websites do you usually go to ? • What biogs do you read?
• Where do you upload your photos and videos? •
B Class activity Share your information. Which websites are popular?

Ic discuss how I use technology.

1 Quick pair review
Lesson A Brainstorm! Make a list of online activities. How many
do you know? You have one minute.

Lesson B Test your partner! Write three prices and say them to your
partner. Can your partner write them correctly? Check his or her answers. You
have two minutes.

My prices My partner's prices

Lesson C Find out! What are three activities both you and your partner do for
fun? You have two minutes.
A: I play soccer for fun . Do you?
B: No, I don't play soccer. Do you 30 shoppin3 for fun?
A: Yes, sometimes.

Lesson D Do you remember? Complete the sentences with the correct

words. You have one minute.

./Buy Find Share Take I

1. - --=B__,,uo;.. y_ _ and sell online. 3. - - - - - - an old friend.
2. photos and videos. 4. a tour.

Z In the real world

How much are they? Find two different prices for each of these items. Then write
about them.

a belt jeans a small camera

a downloaded song a laptop an umbrella

Different Prices
A black belt is $29.99 at Style Shop.
It 's $20.00 at Kelly 's Accessories.
A downloaded song is ...


•Jobs • AsklnlJ for • Abilities • Readln9: "Overseas
• Simple present someone on • Can for ability: Opportunities"
Wh- questions the phone and, but, and or • Wrltln9: My
with does • Havln9 someone abilities


A Where do the people usually work? Match the people and the places.
B Do you know any of the jobs in the pictures? Do you know any other jobs?

What does she do?
1 Vocabulary Jobs
A Match the jobs and the people. Then listen and check your answers.

a. accountant c. doctor e. flight attendant g. pilot i. receptionist .l'k. waite ~

b. cook I chef d . electrician f. nurse h. police officer j. taxi driver I. waitress

B Pair work Point to people in the pictures, and ask what their jobs are. Your
partner says the jobs. Take turns .
A: What's his job?
B: He's a waiter.

2 Language in context At work

A Read two job profiles. What are their jobs?

Lucia Ortega works in a hospital Henry Jenkins works in an office. He's an

from 11 :00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. accountant. What company does Henry work for?
What does Lucia do? She's a nurse. He works for Al Accountants.

B What about you? Do you have a job? What is it?


J Grammar .. Wh- guesti'o~s with does

What does Lucia do? Where does Henry work?
She's a nurse. He works in an office.
When does she work? What company does Henry work for?
She works from 11 :00 to 7:00. He works for Al Accountants.

A Complete the conversations with the correct words. Then practice with a partner.

1. A: What does your brother do ? 2. A: does Sue ?

B: Oh, Tom's a doctor. B: On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
A: Really? does he _ ___ ? A: And company does she
B: He works in a hospital. ____ for?
B: She works for Town Bank.

B Pair work Write questions about Mr. Miller, Lisa, and Nicole.
Then ask and answer them.
im . ~

? What _ _ __ _ _ _ __ ? Where _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
What does Mr. Miller do
Where _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? When ? What company ?
A: What does Mr. Miller do?
B: He's an En3/ish teacher.

4 Speaking People's jobs

Class activity Add two jobs to the chart. Then find classmates who know people
with those jobs. Ask for more information.
Job Classmate Person Extra information

pol ice officer
taxi driver

A: Do you know a chef? A: Where does he work?

B: Yes. My friend Marco is a chef. B: He works at Speedy Sushi.

5 Keep t a lking!
Go to page 137 for more practice.
Ic identify and talk about jobs.
Can I speak to • • • ?•

1 Interactions
A Look at the pictures. Where does Ed work?

B Listen and practice.

Ed: Good morning, Ace Accountants. Ed: just a minute, please . ... Oh, I'm
Ashley: Hello. Can I speak to Laura Reed? sorry. Ms. Reed is in a meeting.
Ed: Who is this, please? Ashley: All right. Thank you.
Ashley: It's Ashley Tillman.

C Listen to the expressions. Then practice the conversation again with the
new expressions.

Asking for someone on the phone Having someone wait

Can I speak to . . . ? just a minute, please.

Could I please speak to ... ? Hold on, please.
Is . . . there? One moment, please.

D Pair work Practice the conversation again with the names below.

Gabriela Garcia Anthony Davis Kumiko Takahashi Roberto Santos

A: Good mornin3, Ace Accountants.
B: Hello. Can I speak to Gabriela Garcia?
A: Who is this, please?


Listening A busy woman

A Listen to Kevin call Star Computers on five different days. Where is
Ellen Astor each day? Number the pictures from 1 to 5.

at lunch in a meeting on another line

on vacation with a customer

B Listen again. How does Kevin ask to speak to Ellen Astor? Number the questions
from 1 to 5.
Is Ms. Astor there? __ Can I speak to Ellen Astor?
__ Could I please speak to . . . ? __ Could I speak to Ms. Astor, please?
_ 1_ Can I please speak to Ellen Astor?

J Speaking Role play

Pair work Role-play the situation. Then change roles.
Student A: You are a receptionist at Sun Travel. Answer the phone. Tell the caller to
wait, and then say why the person can't talk.
Student B: Call Sun Travel. Imagine someone you know works there. Ask to speak to
the person.
A: Hello, Sun Travel.
B: Hi. Can I please speak to Jackie Miller?
A: Of course. just a minute, please . ...
I'm sorry. Jackie's with a customer.
B: Oh, OK. Thanks.
Ic ask for someone on the telephone.
have someone wait.
Can you sing?
1 Vocabulary Abilities
A Listen and repeat.

dance draw fix computers paint

play the guitar sing speak French swim

B Pair work What things do you sometimes do? Tell your partner.

2 Conversation Top talent?

Listen and practice.
Host: Welcome to Top Talent. What's your
name, please?
Pamela: Hello. My name is Pamela Wells.
Host: Tell us, can you sing, Pamela?
Pamela: No, I can't sing at all .
Host: Well, can you play an instrument?
the guitar? the piano?
Pamela: No, I can't.
Host: You can't sing, and you can't play
an instrument. What can you do,
Pamela: I can dance!
Host: Great! Let's see.


Grammar .. but, and or

Can you sing?
You Yes, I can. No, I can't.
He can dance very well. What can Pamela do?
She can't sing at all. She can dance, and she can swim .
We She can dance, but she can't sing.
They She can't sing or play an instrument.

A Read the answers. Write the questions. Then practice with a partner.
1. Can Jenny swim? No, Jenny can't swim.
2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Billy can fix computers.
3. Yes, Tom and Jill can sing very well.
4 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No, I can 't play an instrument.
5. Jay and I can dance and speak French.
6. No, Sally can't paint at all.

B Pair work Make six sentences about Frank with and, but, or or. Tell your partner.

Frank's Abilities
./draw x sing ./swim
x paint x dance ./ play the guitar "Frank can draw, but .. ."

Pronunciation Can and can't

A Listen and repeat. Notice the pronunciation of can /kan/ and can't /ka2nt/.
I can draw. I can't paint. I can draw, but I can't paint.

B Listen to the conversations. Do you hear can or can' t? Circle the

co rrect answers.

1. can/~ 2. can I can't 3. can I can't 4. can I can't

Speaking Can you paint?

A Pair work Add two abilities to the chart. Then interview your partner. Check (./)
th e things he or she can do.

Can you ... ?

0 paint 0 upload a video 0 sing in English 0 ride a bicycle

0 draw 0 dance 0 play an instrument 0

0 swim 0 drive 0 f ix a car 0
B Pair work Tell another classmate about your partner's abilities . Can your partner
do something that you can't? What is it ?

Keep talking!
Go to page 138 for more practice. Ic describe my talents and abilities.
Work and study
1 Reading
A Look at the pictures. Where do they work? Guess.

B Read the article. Where are Jin-hee, Ramiro, and Aisha now?

Be an Intern
You work for a short time in a company or an organization. You
sometimes get a small salary as an intern.
Jin-hee is from South Korea and has an internship with a publishing
company in New York City The company makes French books.
Jin-hee answers the phone and makes photocopies .

Study and Work

In this program , you can study and work. You usually study in the
morning and work in the afternoon or evening.
Ramiro is from Mexico. He's in Australia now. He studi es computer
science part-time and works part-time . He takes classes in the
morning and fixes computers in the evening. He works 20 hours
a week.

Some organizations need extra help . Volunteers usually don 't get
a salary for their work.
Aisha is from Egypt. She's on a volunteer program in Nigeria at
a school for children. She teaches classes, and she helps the
children with their schoolwork. She works fu ll-ti me from Monday
to Friday.

C Read the article again. Answer the questions.

1. Do people get a salary as an intern? They sometimes get a small salary.
2. What does Jin-hee do as an intern? _______________________
3. In study and work programs, when do people usually work? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. What does Ramiro study? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __
5. Do volunteers usually get a salary for their work? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6. What does Aisha do as a volunteer? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

D Pair work Do peo ple come to your country from other countries to study or
work? What do they do? Discuss your ideas.

2 Listening Exciting opportunities

A Listen to two students discuss three advertisements. Number them from 1 to 3.

Are you interested in Are you 18 to _ __ _ Can you cook? Come to

animals? Can you swim? years old? Can you speak Rome. Study Italian in
_ _ __ with turtles Chinese, _ _ __ the morning, and work
in Costa Rica. Work Japanese, or English? Be in a restaurant in the
_ ___ to Saturday, an intern at a theme evening . See the city
6:00 a.m. to p.m. _ _ _ _ in Hong Kong! in your time!
For more information , send _ _ _ _ salary.
an email to Email us at Contact us at
[email protected] [email protected]/intern study&[email protected]

0~~~~~!2'""' -0 []""'---!~~~~~~
B Listen again. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

J Writing My abilities
A Make lists of things you can and can't do well. Then write a paragraph about your
abilities. Use the model and your lists to help you .

My Abilities
I can play sports. I can play basketball and
tennis very well. My favorite sport is soccer, but I
can 't play it very well. I can 't play golf at all!

B Pair work Share your paragraphs . Ask and answer questions for more information.

4 Speaking How well can you ... ?

Group work Discuss the overseas opportunities in Exercise 1, Exercise 2, or your
own ideas.
• What abilities do you need in each program?
• How well can you do each thing? (very well? well? not well? not at all?)
• Are any of the programs right for you?

I c talk about study and work programs.

1 Quick pair review
Lesson A Guess! Describe a job, but don't say what it is. Can your partner
guess it? Take turns . You have two minutes.
A: This person drives a car.
B: /s he a police officer?
A: No. The car is yellow in New York City.
B: /s he a taxi driver?
A: Yes.

Lesson B Brainstorm! Make a list of ways to ask for someone on the phone
and have someone wait. You have two minutes.

Lesson C Find out! What are two things both you and your partner can do?
What are two things you can 't do? You have two minutes.
A: Can you cook?
B: Not really. Can you?
A: No, I can ' t!

Lesson D Do you remember? Are the sentences true or false? Write T (true)
or F (false). You have two minutes.
1. Volunteers usually get a salary. _f__
2. Volunteers always work part-time. _ _
3 . Interns work for companies or organizations. _ _
4. Interns never get a salary. _ _

2 In the real world

Go online and find information in English about an overseas program.
The n write about it.
• What is the name of the program?
• Where is the program?
• What kind of program is it ?
• What do people do in the program?

The Peace Corps

The Peace Corps is an overseas program.
Americans volunteer in many countries.
They help build things and teach people.

Keep talking!
Name circle
A Group work Stand in a circle. Go around the circle and say your first names.
Repeat your classmates' names before you say your own name.

My name is Eduardo. His name is Eduardo.

My name is Ming-mei.

B Group work Go around the circle again. Repeat your classmates' full names.
A: My name is Eduardo Sanchez.
B: His name is Eduardo Sanchez. My name is Min3 -mei Lee.
C: His name is Eduardo Sanchez. Her name is Min3-mei Lee. My name ...

Keep talking! 125


Entertainment awards
Student A
Pair work You and your partner have pictures of the same people, but some of the
jobs and cities are different. Ask questions to find the differences. Circle them.

Maria Lopez
Los Angeles


Lucy Chen
Hong Kong

A: Is Antonio Loren a model in your picture?

B: Yes, he is.
A: OK. That's the same. Is he from Rome?
B: No, he's from Milan. That's different.

126 eep talking!


Around the world Name:

A Create a "new" identity. Write your new name and
the country and city you are from. City:

Chicago, l!J.S. •

Los Angeles, U.S.•

•New York, U.S.
.Cairo, Egv.pt •oelhi, India

• Bangkok, ithailand

•Nairobi, Kenya

Lima, Peru•

•Sao Paulo, Brazil

Buenos Aires, Argentina

(ape Town, South Africa

B Group work Interview four classmates. Complete the cards with their
"new" identities.

Name: Name:
Country: Country:
City: City:

Name: Name:
Country: Country:
City: City:

A: Hi. What's your name?

B: Hi. My name is Sophie Manet.
A: Where are you from, Sophie?
B: I'm from France.
A: Oh, you're French. What city are you from?
B: /'m from Paris.

Keep talking! 127


Entertainment awards
Student B
Pair work You and you r partner have pictures of the same people, but some of the
jobs and cities are different. Ask questions to fin d the differences. Circle them .

. . -"1r::u\ations,


Lucy Chen
Hong Kong

A: Is Antonio Loren a model in your picture?

B: Yes, he is.
A: OK. That's the same. Is he from Rome?
B: No, he's from Milan. That's different.

128 eep talking!


Family tree
A Draw your family tree. Include your family members, their names, and their ages.

~ ------
My father My mother
Cesar, 70 Emilia, 68

My brother Me My wife
Cesar, 47 Roberto, 43 Claudia, 39
Our daughter V;f Our son
Isabel, 10 ..4 - ~ ~1v_

My Family Tree

B Pair work Tell your partner about your family tree, but don't show it! Your
partner draws it on another sheet of paper. Take turns.
A: My 3randfather is Geor3e. He's 72 years old. My 3randmother is Anna.
B: How do you spell "Anna"?
A: A-N-N-A.
B: OK, thanks.
A: She's 68. Their kids are ...

C Pair work Compare your drawing with your partner's family tree. Are they
the same?

Keep talking! 129


Cleaning the closet

Pair work Look at Dean and Lucy's closet. What things are in their closet?

A: What's that?
B: It's a dictionary. What's that?
A: It's a cell phone. Hey, what are these?

130 eep talking!


What color?
Student A
A Pair work You and your partner have pictures of the same people, but
some of their clothes are different colors. Describe the clothing to find the
differences. Circle them.

A: In my picture, Alice's coat is blue and white.

B: That's the same in mine. And her pants are gray.
A: In my picture, her pants are green. That's different.

B Pair work Cover the picture. What is the same? Answer with the information
you remember.
A: Alice's coat is blue and white.
B: Yes. And Ben's pants are ...

Keep talking! 131


What color?
Student B
A Pair work You and your partner have pictures of the same people, but
some of their clothes are different colors. Describe the clothing to find the
differences. Circle them.

A: In my picture, Alice's coat is blue and white.

B: That's the same in mine. And her pants are sray.
A: In my picture, her pants are sreen. That's different.

B Pair work Cover the picture. What is the same? Answer with the information
you remember.
A: Alice's coat is blue and white.
B: Yes. And Ben's pants are ...

132 eep talking!


Car. train. bus. o r bicycle?

A Look at the ways peop le get to work in Los Angeles .

How people in Los Angeles get to work

65% drive alone

15% drive with others
10% take the bus
4% walk
1% ride a bicycle
5% othe r

Source: www.fhw a.dot.gov/ctpp/jtw/jtw4.htm

Note: % = percent

B Pair work Guess the ways people get to work in New York City. Complete the
chart with the numbers. Then check your answers on the bottom of page 134.

1% 6% 6% 8% 8% 14 % 25% 32 %

How people in New York City get to work

% drive alone
% drive w ith others
% take th e bu s
% wa lk
% take the subway
% ta ke t he t rain
% t ake a taxi
% other

So urce: www.fhwa.dot.gov/ctpp/ jtw/j tw4 .htm

C Group work Guess the ways people get to work where you live. Rank them
from 1 to 8.
_ _ _ drive alone _ _ _ ride a bicycle _ _ _ take the bus _ _ _ walk
_ _ _ drive with others _ _ _ take a taxi _ _ _ take the train or subway _ _ _ other
A: I think number 1 is "take the train or subway."
B: I a3ree. I think number 2 is "drive alone."

Keep talking 133


A Class activity Find classmates who do each thing. Write their names.
Find someone who ... Name Find someone who ... Name
gets up before 6: 00 sleeps a lot on weekends

studies in the morning walks to class

takes a shower at night has a red cell phone

has coffee at home studies on the bus

reads every day takes a bath in the morning

goes to bed early drives a sports car

watches TV after midnight doesn't have a dictionary

take a shower take a bath drive a sports car

A: Do you 3et up before 6: 00, Donna?
B: No, I don't. I 3et up at 6: 30.
A: How about you, Michael? Do you 3et up before 6:00?
C: Yes, I do.

B Share your information.

A: Michael 3ets up before 6: 00.
B: And An3ela 3ets up before 6: 00. David studies in the mornin3.

J;i410 %9 '!XEl E d)jEl % 1 ' U!EJl ;i41 ;))jEl %8 'AEMqns ;i41 ;))jEl % ZE ')jlEM %8 'snq ;i41 ;))jEl %171
'sJ;i410 4l!M ;)/\!JP %9 ';iuo1e ;)/\!JP %SZ :(EEL ;il!ed) 8 lJEd 'v uoss;i1 vl!Un jllLI!'>llEl d;J;J)I Ol SJ;JMSUV

134 eep talking!


On the computer
A Add two more questions about online activities to the chart.

0oyouever....? Name: -=========::::;====;:_J

read people's biogs
buy books online
use online dictionaries
search the Internet in English
check the weather online

get directions online

check movie times online

Buenos Aires ...~

Plaza de Col6n Z
Mayo Park g.
~ Port B
A ; Made The Girl from Berlin
-- BelgranoAv~llaflor PG· 1hr. 50 min.
4:00 6:00 7:15 8:30 10:40

check the weather get directions check movie times

B Pair work Interview your partner. Complete the chart with his or
her answers. Use adverbs of frequency.
A: Naoko, do you ever read people's blo3s?
B: Oh, yes. I often do. Do you?
A: I hardly ever do.
B: Do you ever ... ?

C Pair work Tell another classmate about your partner's answers.

A: Naoko often reads people's blo3s.
B: Sasha never does.

Keep talking!

Follow-up questions
A Add t wo follow -up questions about each topic to the charts.

Sports and games Questions Name: -----=--~--

Do you ever play sports?

What do you play?

Who do you play with?

Shopping Questions

Cf!n ~n
Do you ever go shopping?

Where do you shop?

What do you buy there?

Getting around Questions
Do you ever take the bus?
~ Why do you take the bus?

When do you take it?

B Class activity Find a classmate who does each activity. Then ask the follow-up
questi ons. Take notes .
A: Do you ever play sports, Samantha.
B: Yes, I sometimes do.
A: What do you play?
B: I play tennis.
C Share y our information . What answers are popular in your class?

Keep talking!

.lob details
A Look at the picture for two minutes. Try to remember the people's names, jobs, and
other information.

Mei -Ii I

B Pair work Cover the picture. Ask the questions and answer with the information
you remember.
• What does Pam do? • What does Tommy do?
• Where does she work? • Where does Mei-Ii work?
• Who does she work with? • What does she do?
• What does Paul do? • What company does Mitch work for?
• How does Jane get to work? • What does Carla do?
A: What does Pam do?
B: I think she's a waitress.
A: Yes, I think so, too. Where does she work?

C Pair work Ask and answer two more questions about the picture.

Keep talking 137


Start to finish
Group work Play the game. Put a small object on Start. Toss a coin.

Move 1 space. Move 2 spaces.

Heads Tails

Read the question . Can you do what it says? Take turns.

Yes. ~ Move ahead. No. f- Move back.

Can you spell your Can you whistle? Can you name the days
first name backward? of the week in English?
Monday, ...
? )I


1 space 2 spaces • •
2 spaces
-- ~
1 space • • 2 spaces 1 space •

Can you answer Can you read music? Can you name eight Can you name nine
this question? nationalities? colors?

What time is it?

• 2 spaces 1 space • • 1 space 3 spaces • • 1 space 1 space • • 3 spaces 1 space •

Can you shoot a What can you Can you sing karaoke Can you name eight
basketball? doonline? in English? countries in
Name two things. alphabetical order?

Australia, Brazil,
Canada ...

Can you count from Can you text with Can you answer Can you talk about your
1 to 20 in English? two thumbs? this question? family for one minute?

What's your morning


• 2 spaces 1 space • • 2 spaces 1 space • • 2 spaces 2 spaces • • 3 spaces 1 space •

Can you name six things Can you answer Can you name seven
in the classroom? this question? ways of getting around?
What do you usually
do on Saturday night?

• 3 spaces 3 spaces • • 1 spaces 2 spaces • • 1 spaces 2 spaces •

138 eep talking!

Irregular verbs
Base form Simple past Base form Simple past
be was, were lose lost
become became make made
build built meet met
buy bought pay paid
can could read read
choose chose ride rode
come came run ran
do did say said
draw drew see saw
drink drank sell sold
drive drove send sent

eat ate sing sang

fall fell sit sat
feel felt sleep slept

fly flew speak spoke

get got spend spent

give gave stand stood
go went swim swam
hang hung take took
have had teach taught
hear heard think thought
hold held wear wore
know knew win won
leave left write wrote

Irregular verbs 152

Illustration credits
Peter Ellis: 7, 16, 26, 106, 144, 153; Tom Garrett: 25, 31, 35, 55, 65, 89, Garry Parsons: 36, 46 (bottom), 53, 86, 96, 116, 120 (top), 125, 134, 145;
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