Early-Career Opportunities in Asia-Pacific (APAC) : What Progress Will You Make?
Early-Career Opportunities in Asia-Pacific (APAC) : What Progress Will You Make?
Early-Career Opportunities in Asia-Pacific (APAC) : What Progress Will You Make?
in Asia-Pacific (APAC)
Global Banking
Programs, Placements &
Internship Opportunities
vocal about their careers.”
Michael L. Corbat, Citigroup CEO
Global Citizenship
Application Process
Application Tips
What progress
will you make?
Citi is more than a global financial This is a place where the best come This brochure will give you an overview
services company. It’s an engine to get better. We’ve built a world- of the range of intern and graduate
famous, trusted brand over 200 years opportunities at Citi, with a particular
for enabling economic growth and
across corporate, investment, private, focus on our businesses in the Asia-
progress. Join us and you’ll have the commercial, and consumer banking. Pacific region. Since 1902, Citi has been
chance to get involved in progress in But it’s our unwavering focus on present in Asia, with operations across
all its shapes and forms, right across delivering opportunities for growth 16 markets. In Asia-Pacific, in 2016 Citi
the world. From the micro to the and development to our most talented reported $13.8 billion in revenues and
macro, from New Zealand to China, people that is best known within the net income of $3.4 billion. Revenues are
industry. Here, opportunities to progress split roughly 50/50 between Institutional
the work we do has a real positive are truly open to all. It all adds up to and Consumer, reflecting a balanced
impact. an exciting place to be for talented, product mix along with the geographic
ambitious people who want to build a balance.
truly remarkable career.
To find out more about our global roles
and to apply, visit oncampus.citi.com.
2 WELCOME | oncampus.citi.com
What area of business
ICG in APAC offers opportunities in
Corporate and Investment Banking,
Markets and Securities Services,
Actor Portrayal
3 OPPORTUNITIES | oncampus.citi.com
What opportunities
will you discover?
Programs, Placements, and Internship Opportunities
At Citi, we’re interested in connecting FULL-TIME MBA PROGRAM offering opportunities at other times
with the most talented and ambitious (MBA OR PHD – ASSOCIATE) of the year. You’ll be exposed to a
people, irrespective of what stage of mixture of training, social events, and
Our Full-Time Associate Program is
their studies they’ve reached. So here, professional experience. At the end of
designed for those in their last year
alongside the more traditional graduate the internship, we offer the best people a
of an MBA, JD or PhD program with
programs for Associates and Analysts, full-time role, starting after graduation.
significant work experiences. We’re
you’ll find internship opportunities that Internships are available for analysts
looking for candidates with wide-
enable you to learn more about us during (undergraduate and Master’s students)
ranging backgrounds and interests to
your studies – and challenge yourself at and associates (MBA/PhD students).
complement the diverse talents of our
the same time.
outstanding Associates. Our intensive
Here’s a quick look at the types of training program is run by some of PLACEMENTS
programs available in Asia-Pacific: the best minds in the business, and is Our placements are long term and can
combined with real-world experience range between 6 and 12 months. The
FULL-TIME UNDERGRADUATE/ and senior executive exposure. It’s the scope of work and training is similar to
MASTER’S PROGRAM (ANALYST) perfect launch pad for a successful that of our internship program, where
career at Citi. you will be exposed to a mixture of
Our Analysts are bright, accomplished,
training, social events, and professional
and highly motivated people with
SUMMER INTERNSHIPS experience. Placement opportunities and
outstanding communication skills and
length are driven by university course
a true passion for business. If you are One of the primary ways in which we
and accreditation requirements. Please
in your last year of undergraduate or identify the very best talent is through
check with your university on available
Master’s degree study, consider our Full- internships. These are paid programs
placement opportunities.
Time Analyst Program. The combination aimed at penultimate-year students
of in-depth training, mentorship (although if you’re in a different year, For a full list of available opportunities
opportunities, and interaction with clients don’t worry too much – we don’t like across the APAC region, please see our
and senior management will help launch to turn away exceptional candidates). website oncampus.citi.com
you on your career path as an Analyst. Internships generally run for 9—12 weeks
over the summer, with some countries
Actor Portrayal
and growth?
you to continue to challenge and
stretch yourself throughout your
entire career with us. After all, that’s
Learning & Development how you make progress.
But from now on, your learning will So, in one of our programs, high-quality, RECOGNITION
be less focused on the classroom. We award-winning training will give you a Join us as a student or graduate and
employ a holistic approach to graduate strong base. But we’ll also help you build you’ll take part in immersive and
development – one that combines your network – enabling you to learn carefully designed programs that lead
extensive on-the-job training with directly from some of our best people. our employees to become recognized as
structured classroom and virtual And on top of this, we’ll provide you with some of the best in the business. Some
learning. This also allows you to gain the support you need to learn on the of our recent awards include:
invaluable insights from a network of job from the day you join your desk –
talent throughout the organization. whatever your background. Citi is both
Consumer Bank of the Year, Asian Investor
complex and diverse, so the details of Asset Management Awards
each program will vary, but all programs
THE 70:20:10 MODEL Best Bank in Asia, Euromoney Awards for
and placements are centered on the
We base our learning and development Excellence Asia
70:20:10 approach.
on the 70:20:10 model. While training is
Best Transaction Bank, The Asset, Treasury,
an absolute necessity for developing a Trade and Risk Management Awards
base of knowledge, only 10% of what we Further information on individual
learn in the workplace directly comes Best Private Bank in Southeast Asia,
graduate programs can be found at WealthBriefing Asia Awards
from training. The rest comes from oncampus.citi.com
learning from others (20%) and primarily Best Foreign Commercial Bank,
learning on the job (70%). FinanceAsia Country Achievement Awards
Interested in opportunities
Asia Pacific
We have a physical presence in: outside APAC?
Learn about other opportunities at
Australia Japan South Korea oncampus.citi.com
Bangladesh Macau Sri Lanka
China Malaysia Taiwan NAM (North America)
Hong Kong New Zealand Thailand [email protected]
India Philippines Vietnam LATAM (Latin America)
Indonesia Singapore [email protected]
EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa)
For any APAC campus inquiries, please email [email protected]
[email protected]
7 LOCATIONS | oncampus.citi.com
Where will your first
step take you?
Our Application Process 1. Submit CV
Submit your
We’re not just looking for talent – we’re REGISTER application online
looking for the very best talent. So, to Before you apply for any program,
help you stand out from the crowd, register your details first. Once your
we’ve designed an application process application is stored, you’ll be able to
update it as many times as you wish
that’ll give you every chance to sell
before you make your final submission.
Actor Portrayal
Before you begin the application process, as early as September; we highly for teamwork and a tendency to take the
here are some hints and tips. recommend early application to our initiative. You’ll be the kind of person
summer programs. who questions the status quo, assumes
1. CREATE A GREAT APPLICATION responsibility, and shows a willingness to
We’re looking for a clear, well- 3. MEET US drive things forward. Above all, you have
presented snapshot of you and all your If you can make it to one of our on- to want to make a positive difference.
achievements so far, both academic and campus events, you’ll get an invaluable
extracurricular. It should present your insight into life at Citi, our different 5. CHECK THE WEBSITE
qualifications, skills, and attributes to us business areas, and your perfect role. It’s packed with information about
in a way that shows us how suitable you After all, the best way to get a feel for us and our business, the application
are for the role. But it should also give us an employer is to speak to someone who process, and our programs. Check the
an insight into what makes you unique. works there. FAQs section at careers.citigroup.com/
Don’t keep it to yourself. Get plenty of Careers/index/#/faq and research
Please visit oncampus.citi.com for our
people to check over it: friends, family, the business area you would ideally like
campus events details
career counsellors – and ideally anyone to work in. Ask yourself why you want
you know who already works in our to work there – we’ll want to hear that
industry. Accuracy is important, and a 4. DO OUR PERSONALITIES answer too.
simple automatic spellcheck is often not MATCH?
Timelines for certain countries such as
good enough. We look for people who relish early
Australia and India may differ. Please
responsibility and who tend to get bored
contact your local campus team for
2. DON’T BE LATE if they’re not being challenged. An
further information.
excellent academic record is important,
Our recruitment process is competitive
but so is your potential – your capacity You’ll find more detailed help and advice
and applications are reviewed on a
to learn, your ethical orientation, your at oncampus.citi.com
rolling basis, so apply early to ensure
engagement with Citi, and your ability
the greatest chance of success. APAC
to work in an inclusive and diverse
recruitment interviews may commence
environment. You should have an affinity
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