(Eric - Frankling) - Breathing For Peak Performance Functional Exercises For Dance, Yoga, and Pilates PDF
(Eric - Frankling) - Breathing For Peak Performance Functional Exercises For Dance, Yoga, and Pilates PDF
(Eric - Frankling) - Breathing For Peak Performance Functional Exercises For Dance, Yoga, and Pilates PDF
Functional Exercises for Dance,
Yoga, and Pilates
Eric Franklin
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Franklin, Eric N., author.
Title: Breathing for peak performance : functional exercises for dance, yoga,
and pilates / Eric Franklin.
Description: Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, 2019.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018028443 (print) | LCCN 2018035443 (ebook) | ISBN
9781492569688 (e-book) | ISBN 9781492569671 (print)
Subjects: LCSH: Breathing exercises. | Dance. | Hatha yoga. | Pilates method.
Classification: LCC RA782 (ebook) | LCC RA782 .F7299 2019 (print) | DDC
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018028443
ISBN: 978-1-4925-6967-1 (print)
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Introduction iv
1 Diaphragm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Rib Cage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3 Lungs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4 Muscles of Breathing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Introduction • v
adapt while your metabolism ramps up rapidly. If all the muscles and
joints involved in breathing are sufficiently flexible and responsive, it
is no problem. However, if you are stressed, tense, have bad posture, do
not move enough, have a breathing disorder, or received instruction that
impedes your breathing, it can be a challenge.
To improve breathing, you must first recognize and then remove the
habits that hinder efficient breathing. To begin, explore the following
behaviors that can make breathing less effective. They are best performed
in a standing position.
■■ Tension: Notice your breathing. Proceed to clench your fists and
curl your toes. Notice how your breathing becomes shallow. As soon as
you relax, your breathing becomes easier. Grip your shoulders, and notice
the effect on your breathing. Your goal is to reduce tension in your body
that is impeding your breathing.
■■ Poor Posture: Notice your breathing. Slouch your shoulders, and
notice how this posture affects your breathing. Shift your pelvis forward,
and lean back with your upper body. Notice that it is harder to breathe
under these circumstances. Good breathing requires good posture.
■■ Negative Thinking: Notice your breathing. Think, “I feel stressed!”
Notice how your breath responds. Think, “I feel calm and relaxed.” Notice
how your breath responds to these contrasting messages. You are going
to learn to use your thinking to support good breathing.
This evolution was a great improvement over gulping air, but it came
at a price. The negative pressure in the thorax not only appeared to suck
in air, it also pulled the belly organs upward, and much of the space that
could have been used for breathing was occupied. Primitive reptiles
solved the problem by stretching a sheet of connective tissue across the
bottom of the rib cage, pre-
venting the organs from
moving upward. This sheet
still exists as the modern
central tendon of the dia-
phragm (figure I.2).
Mam mals, who were
warm blooded, needed
a higher oxygen intake.
Their breathing had to
become more effective at
drawing oxygen into the
lungs with the purpose of
increasing their metabo-
lism. Having warm blood
was an advantage. They
did not need to live in a Figure I.2 The diaphragm, front view with
warm climate for the sun to central tendon.
Introduction • vii
heat the body until the muscles could start functioning; the body could
warm itself even in a cold environment.
Muscles were attached to the rim of the central tendon and stretched
down to the lower edge of the thorax, creating a muscular dome with a
tendinous roof. This diaphragm could now move downward and flatten
out, allowing for a large downward expansion in the lungs and greatly
increasing the capacity to absorb oxygen. In fact, resting mammals can
breathe with minimal movement
of the ribs. As you are reading
this book—unless you are run-
ning on a treadmill—you will
probably not notice much move-
ment of the rib cage. This kind
of breathing, called abdominal
breathing, probably explains
why mammals lack ribs below the
12th thoracic vertebra. As you
inhale, the organs below the dia-
phragm are pushed downward by
the descending diaphragm. The
abdominal wall moves outward
to accommodate their movement,
something that would not be pos-
sible with a bony wall of ribs (see
figure I.3). Figure I.3 The diaphragm, lateral view.
2 • Breathing for Peak Performance
When the diaphragm is at rest, the top of its central tendon lies in
front of vertebra T8 or T9 (T = thoracic). In deep inhalation it can move
as far down as T11. The ventral attachment of the diaphragm is to the
sternum, while the back of the diaphragm reaches all the way down to
the 12th rib as well as the lumbar vertebrae. This attachment pattern
causes the dorsal part of the diaphragm to be sloped steeply downward.
The two lungs sit on top of the right and left hemispheres of the dia-
phragm and flank the heart. The central tendon of the diaphragm blends
with the pericardium, a connective tissue sack that covers the heart. During
inhalation the heart is carried downward, and during expiration it is car-
ried upward, as if it were traveling in an elevator. This constant change in
position moves and stretches the heart and contributes to good circulation.
The dome of the diaphragm is higher on the right than the left. On the
right side the liver, which is large and dense, displaces the diaphragm
upward. On the left the stomach, which is smaller and hollow, is located
below the diaphragm. At the back, tucked under the ribs and contacting
the diaphragm is the spleen. Both kidneys are located just below the dia-
phragm. Like the heart, they are carried downward and upward by the
diaphragm’s movement. In total the kidneys move about 500 yards (457
m) a day, compelled by the diaphragm. Figure 1.2 shows the relationship
between the diaphragm and surrounding organs.
The organs located below the diaphragm do not move much when you
breathe lightly. During the initial phase of inhalation they are merely
compressed, like a sponge. At this moment the elastic resistance of the
organs helps to tone the diaphragm. During further inhalation they
move downward and also escape sideways. This is why your belly moves
forward and also laterally during inhalation. The location of the spine
limits backward movement of the diaphragm. However, the spine does
contribute to breathing by extending slightly during inhalation. The
pelvic floor also adjusts to the rhythms of your breath. It moves downward
during inhalation and upward during exhalation (figure 1.3).
Note that the expanding movements of the abdominal muscles and
pelvic floor during inhalation are not a relaxation that needs to be inhib-
ited at all costs. In fact, the tone in these muscles increases by about 20
percent to resist the downward fall of the organs. Holding the belly inward
during inhalation comes at the cost of inhibiting the natural abdominal
toning action that inhalation provides.
The aorta, vena cava, and esophagus run vertically between the thorax
and the abdomen, which means they have to pass through openings in
the diaphragm. The aorta passes just behind the diaphragm and in front
of the vertebral column. It enters the abdomen though a tendinous arch
called the median arcuate ligament. This position at the very back of the
Touching the Diaphragm
The diaphragm is attached to the bottom of the sternum at the xyphoid
process, the inner margins of the lowest six ribs, and the bodies of L1 and
L2 (see figure 1.3).
1. In a sitting or standing position, touch the areas where the diaphragm
attaches to the skeleton. Start at the xyphoid process (at the bottom
of the sternum). Imagine the diaphragm attached behind this point
and sloping upward from there.
2. Slide your fingers down the rib angle from the sternum, to the right
and the left. You are now feeling the inferior cartilaginous border of
the rib cage where the diaphragm attaches. The diaphragm attaches
to the inside of ribs 6 through 12.
3. Place your fingers between the iliac crest at the top and side of the
pelvis and the lowest rib. See if you can feel a rib just above the crest.
Since it’s a floating rib and not attached to the sternum, it is more
challenging to discover.
4. For a moment imagine the large expanse of the diaphragm, all the
way from the sternum to the 12th rib.
5. Finally, touch the general area of the first and second lumbar verte-
brae. Run your fingers up a few inches from the back of the pelvis
to provide yourself with a general sense of the location of these
6. Finish by placing your fingers just below the sternum again. Cough
or laugh to feel the strong contractions of the diaphragm and the
abdominal wall.
Imagining the Movement of the Diaphragm
As you inhale, the diaphragm moves downward. Imagine this action as you
inhale deeply. You may feel more like the diaphragm is moving upward.
This sensation arises by focusing on the action of the ribs, which in fact
do move upward while the diaphragm moves downward. To get started
with your embodiment of breath-
ing it is advisable to first focus on
one area at a time, then later start
combining the different actions into
a holistic ensemble.
1. Stand or sit comfortably. Re-
create the dome of the dia-
phragm with your hands, and
place them horizontally in
front of the diaphragm directly
above the xyphoid process.
2. Face your palms down, and
cup your hands into a dome
shape to mirror the design of
the diaphragm (figure 1.4).
3. To mirror the movement of the
Figure 1.4 Movement of the diaphragm,
diaphragm during inhalation,
starting position.
move your hands downward
as you inhale (figure 1.5).
4. To mirror the movement of the
diaphragm during exhalation,
move your hands upward as
you exhale.
5. To be more precise in your
imagery, you may decrease the
doming of your hands as they
move downward and increase
it as they move upward.
6. Breathe for 5 to 10 full breath
cycles while visualizing this
action and mirroring it with
your hands. Once you are
done, you may notice that you
feel calmer and your breathing Figure 1.5 Movement of the diaphragm,
has slowed down. inhaling.
Feeling the Movement of the Abdominal Wall
Allowing your abdominal muscles to move forward and sideways is not a
letting go or relaxing of these muscles; this relaxation needs to be inhibited
by pulling the navel inward. The abdominal muscles are performing an
eccentric (lengthening) muscle contraction, and their tone is increasing
by about 20 percent in an effort to contain the downward movement of
the organs. The organ pillar provides the natural training of the abdominal
muscles, and your muscles benefit from performing this eccentric con-
traction about 20,000 times a day. Abdominal breathing is your constant
abdominal workout. There is no need to add voluntary contraction to the
natural lengthening and shortening actions of the abdominal muscles. The
cues that revolve around gripping your abdominals are recent inventions.
Humans survived for hundreds of thousands of years without constantly
needing to hold in the abdominal wall. Stabilizing the spine must happen
while you keep breathing, or you will have nothing left to stabilize. The
abdominal muscles can multitask and provide support for the spine while
they still move for breathing.
1. Place your hands on your belly. As you inhale, notice how the abdomi-
nal wall is moving outward.
2. As you exhale, notice how the abdominal wall naturally moves back in
toward the spine. Feel and visualize the movement out and in during
several breathing cycles.
3. Now place your hands or the tips of your fingers on the sides of your
body between the lowest ribs and the iliac crest. Feel the abdominal
wall moving out during inhalation and in during exhalation. Breathe
for three or four cycles to feel this action.
4. To lengthen your exhalation, exhale on a sibilant sssss while imagining
and feeling the inward movement of the abdominal muscles. The sssss
will slow down your exhalation and lengthen the concentric contrac-
tion of the muscle. Perform only one exhalation on sssss, then allow
for a natural breathing cycle before repeating.
5. Once you are done, let your arms rest at your sides. Notice any
changes in your posture and the overall sense of your body.
Visualizing the Interaction of the Diaphragm and
Abdominal Muscles
As you inhale the diaphragm descends like a piston, displacing the organs
downward, forward, and to the sides. You will use your hands to visualize
the interaction between the movement of the diaphragm and the abdomi-
nal wall. You can do this exercise standing, sitting, or supine.
1. Model the dome of the diaphragm with your right (or left) hand, and
place the hand horizontally in front of the diaphragm just above the
xyphoid process.
2. Place your other hand in a vertical position in front your belly; this
hand will mirror the movement of the abdominal wall (figure 1.6).
Figure 1.6 Modeling the movement of the abdominal wall and diaphragm during
(a) inhalation and (b) exhalation.
Visualizing the Interaction of the Diaphragm and Abdominal
Muscles (continued)
3. The abdominal wall moves outward during inhalation and inward
during exhalation. Alternatively you can also hold a prop, such as a
piece of felt, to help you visualize the movements.
4. As you inhale, your diaphragm hand moves downward and your
abdominal hand moves forward.
5. As you exhale, your diaphragm hand moves upward and your abdomi-
nal hand moves inward. Repeat this action three or four times.
6. Now move your abdominal hand to the side of the body between your
iliac crest and the lowest ribs. Your abdominal hand will now mirror
the movement of the lateral body wall. As you inhale, the diaphragm
hand moves down and the abdominal hand moves laterally. As you
exhale, the diaphragm hand moves upward and the abdominal hand
moves inward. Repeat this action three or four times, switch hands,
and perform the same modeling of the abdominal wall and diaphragm
on the other side of the body wall.
7. Rest for a moment, and notice any changes in your posture and overall
sense of your body. Your abdominal muscles may actually feel more
alive and toned; breathing is the 24-hour workout for the abdominal
wall. When you allow the movement to occur in a functional way,
you actually increase the abdominal tone by emphasizing the full
movement of the abdominal muscles.
Visualizing the Movement of the Pelvic Floor
The pelvic floor moves downward on inhalation and upward on exhala-
tion. This movement reflects the downward and upward movement of
the organ column. Once again, the downward movement of the pelvic
floor is not a letting go; the muscle tone of the pelvic floor increases by
20 percent during its descent. The muscles of the pelvic floor are contract-
ing eccentrically, which is strengthening and should not be inhibited by
constantly holding the pelvic floor up. Here, too, the descending column
of organs acts as the dumbbell to train these muscles.
1. Stand in a comfortable position. Create an inverted dome with your
hands by placing your fingers on top of each other and facing your
palms upward.
2. Place your hands in front of the pelvis, just below the level of the
pubic symphysis.
3. Move your hands an inch or two downward during inhalation to
reflect the movement of the pelvic floor during inhalation.
4. Move your hands an inch or two upward to reflect the movement of
the pelvic floor during exhalation.
5. Repeat this action five or six times, rest your arms at your sides, and
notice any changes in your posture and the tone of your pelvic floor.
Visualizing the Interaction of the Pelvic Floor and
the Diaphragm
In this exercise you visualize the movement of the pelvic floor and dia-
phragm concurrently. Although both of these muscular domes move in
the same direction during breathing (downward on inhalation and upward
on exhalation), they perform the opposite actions during the movement.
During inhalation, the muscle fibers of the diaphragm shorten while the
muscles of the pelvic floor lengthen; and during exhalation, the muscle
fibers of the diaphragm lengthen while the muscles of the pelvic floor
shorten. In this exercise you will use your hands to model the similarity
in direction of the muscles—downward and upward—while being aware
that they are contracting in the opposite fashion.
1. Stand in a comfortable position. With one hand, model the diaphragm
by cupping your hand and placing it in front of the lower sternum,
palm facing downward. With the other hand, model the pelvic floor
by placing a hand in front
of the pelvis, just below the
pubic symphysis with the
palm facing upward. Both
hands are in the transverse
plane with the upper palm
down and the lower palm
up (figure 1.7).
2. As you inhale, both hands
move downward to mirror
the movement of the dia-
phragm and pelvic floor.
3. As you exhale, both hands
move upward to mirror the
movement of the pelvic
floor and diaphragm.
4. Breathe for five or six full
cycles while modeling the
movement with your hands,
then rest your arms at your
Figure 1.7 Synchronizing the movement
sides. Notice any changes in of the diaphragm and pelvic floor with
posture and your breathing hand modeling.
Shaking the Diaphragm to Increase Circulation
and Proprioception
The diaphragm needs the same skills as other muscles, namely, strength
and flexibility, as well as good circulation and the ability to relax on
occasion. You can improve these functions with a range of exercises. In
this exercise, you will improve circulation to the diaphragm and increase
sensory awareness through movement.
1. Stand in a comfortable position. Reach your right arm forward, then
shake and jiggle it. Imagine the muscles of your arm to be floppy
and flexible. Imagine the muscles of your arms to be loose cloth
fluttering in the wind.
2. Now let your right arm rest at your side, and notice how it feels in
comparison to your left arm. You may be aware of a greater sense of
relaxation and flexibility in your right arm. Stretch both arms forward
and upward, and compare their ease of movement and flexibility. You
may notice that the right arm feels more mobile and flexible. Repeat
this exercise with your left arm.
3. Now that you are aware of how jiggling the arm improves flexibility,
circulation, and sensation, do the same thing with the diaphragm.
The challenge here is that the muscles of the diaphragm are inside
the rib cage, whereas in the arm the muscles are on the outside of
the bones.
4. Shake and jiggle your rib cage. Make an aaaaa sound as you shake.
The sound will help you hear and sense whether your diaphragm is
moving in response to your jiggle.
5. Rest for a moment, and repeat the shaking and jiggling of the rib
cage. Try different sounds, such as ooooo or eeeee.
6. Now add some shaking of your arms and shoulders as you shake
your rib cage and diaphragm.
7. Rest your arms at your sides, and notice any changes in your posture
and breathing. You may notice that your breathing is deeper and fuller
and that your posture has improved.
Imagining the Diaphragm as a Trampoline
In the following exercise you will loosen the diaphragm while perform-
ing small jumps. It is a great way to release tension in the diaphragm and
increase its movement potential.
1. Stand in a comfortable position. Imagine your diaphragm to be a
flexible trampoline stretched out at the bottom of the rib cage. The
heart and lung are perched on top of this trampoline.
2. Perform small hops up and down, while making a ha sound every
time you land on your feet. Imagine the diaphragm moving in sync
with the sound.
3. Perform the jumping and ha sound while visualizing the trampoline
bouncing up and down for about 15 seconds.
Stretching Your Diaphragm
The diaphragm needs its own designated stretching and strengthening
routine, just like any other muscle. The diaphragm moves downward when
you inhale, expanding the lungs and creating a vacuum. This vacuum
causes air to rush into the lungs and oxygen to transfer through the thin
walls of the lungs into the bloodstream. (For more information on the
lungs, see chapter 2.)
What makes the diaphragm move downward? The diaphragm is a
muscle, and muscles can shorten and lengthen between the origin and
the insertion of the muscle. The origin is considered the fixed point, while
the insertion is the part that is moved by the muscle.
If you want to stretch the diaphragm, you need to increase the distance
between the origin and insertion, as in the following exercise. This exercise
stretches other muscles, such as the intercostals (between the ribs) and the
oblique abdominals, which in turn increases the benefit for the diaphragm.
1. Stand in a comfortable position. You will begin by stretching the left
side of the diaphragm. These fibers are mostly located between the
12th rib and the central tendon along the inside of the rib cage, which
is called the zone of opposition. Lift your left arm over your head, and
place your right hand on your lower ribs on the left side (figure 1.8).
2. As you exhale, laterally flex your spine to the right (figure 1.9). Two
factors are causing the diaphragm to lengthen as you perform this
movement—the fact that you are exhaling, and the increase in dis-
tance between the 12th rib and the top of the diaphragm.
Figure 1.8 Diaphragm stretch, start- Figure 1.9 Exhaling with lateral flexion
ing position. of the spine to stretch the diaphragm.
Stretching Your Diaphragm (continued)
3. Inhale as you return to the upright position. Repeat the movement for five
breath cycles. Exhale as you move to the right; inhale as you return to the
upright position.
4. Imagine the muscle fibers of the diaphragm lengthening underneath your
ribs. To increase the stretch, gently push down on the left lower ribs (7-12)
with your right hand.
5. Return your left arm to the side of the body and rest for a moment. Notice
any differences between the two sides of the body. The entire right side of
your body may feel more relaxed. Imagine breathing into your right lung,
then your left lung. Does it feel as if your right lung takes in much more
air than the left? That is because the right hemisphere got stretched and
is more flexible, allowing for more movement of the diaphragm and ribs.
6. Perform the same exercise on the other side. Lift your right arm up above
your head, place your left hand on the right side of the rib cage, and flex
your spine to the left while exhaling. Repeat the movement for five cycles
of breath. As you move to the left, exhale; as you return to the upright
position, inhale.
7. To finish the exercise, reach up with both arms and clasp your hands.
Laterally flex your spine to the right and left (figure 1.10). During lateral
flexion, exhale; when you return to center, inhale. Move to the right and
left four times.
8. Drop your arms down to your
sides, and rest in the standing posi-
tion for a moment. You may notice
that your posture has improved,
your lungs feel as though they are
lifting you upward like balloons,
and your sternum is higher. Work-
ing with your breath is good for
your posture and general sense of
9. Be aware of the stretch of the
diaphragm when you exercise.
Notice how movement of the
thorax and spine affect the
length of the fibers of the dia-
phragm. Use this awareness to
increase the stretching of your
Figure 1.10 Laterally flex to the right,
diaphragm, even when you are exhale in lateral flexion, and inhale as
focusing also on other aspects of you move to the center position.
the exercise.
Exhaling on SSSSS or Through a Straw to Lengthen
the Exhalation
When you focus on lengthening your exhalation, you can simultaneously
increase your capacity for inhalation and calm down. The exhalation is
the calming phase of the breath cycle, which is generally divided into
inhalation, exhalation, and a short pause. This exercise requires a straw.
1. Take a natural inhalation, and exhale on a sibilant ssssss.
2. Take a few natural breaths without the ssssss.
3. Once again, inhale and exhale on ssssss.
4. Notice whether your natural breathing has calmed down and become
5. Put a straw between your lips. Gently blow through the straw until
you have fully exhaled. Do not use any extra effort, and do not force
the exhalation.
6. Take a natural inhalation.
7. Repeat the exhalation through the straw and inhalation without the
straw for a few more cycles of breath.
8. Pause, remove the straw, and notice changes in your state of mind.
You may now feel calmer and more relaxed.
Strengthening Your Diaphragm
In this exercise, you will challenge the diaphragm by adding some abdomi-
nal movement. You should perform this exercise after you are proficient
at the previous version.
1. Lift your right arm over your head, and place your left hand on your
lower ribs on the right side. Laterally flex your spine to the left as
you exhale.
2. Remaining in this laterally flexed position, consciously breathe in
and out three times. Focus on the movement of the diaphragm and
abdominal wall. Every time you exhale, allow the lateral flexion to
slightly increase. It should happen naturally, just by feeling the weight
of your body.
3. Once you have done three cycles of breath, use the next inhalation
to initiate your movement back to the upright position. Focus on the
diaphragm on the inside of the rib cage, rather than the abdominal
muscles, doing the job.
4. Repeat this sequence on the other side. Lift your left arm up above
your head, place your right hand on the left side of the rib cage, and
flex your spine to the right while exhaling.
5. Remain in this laterally flexed position and consciously breathe in and
out three times for three full cycles. Every time you exhale, allow the
lateral flexion of your body to increase.
6. Use the inhalation to bring you back to the upright position. Focus
on the diaphragm on the inside of the rib cage.
7. Once you are done, rest in the standing position for a moment.
You may notice that your posture has improved and your spine has
lengthened naturally. Most likely your breathing is deeper and your
shoulders are relaxed.
8. To increase the challenge for your diaphragm, you can also perform
this exercise with a book in your hand or a 1-pound (0.45 kg) dumb-
Lengthening Your Diaphragm
In this exercise, you will use a metaphor to improve the length and strength
of your diaphragm. Imagery in the form of metaphors has a training effect
that is not unlike performing a physical exercise.
1. Stand in a comfortable position and follow your inhalations and
exhalations for three cycles.
2. As you exhale, imagine a floating balloon beneath your diaphragm.
Imagine this balloon assisting the upward movement of the dia-
phragm, allowing the muscle fibers to stretch more fully.
3. As you inhale, imagine a soft pillow resting on the top of diaphragm,
allowing it to move downward (figure 1.11).
4. Inhale and exhale five times with the balloon and pillow image.
5. Rest your mind, breathe naturally, and notice any changes in your
Figure 1.11 In this image, a balloon lifts the diaphragm on exhalation and a pillow
helps to move downward on inhalation
This Page Intentionally Left Blank
T he thoracic wall consists of 12 ribs, the thoracic spine, the sternum,
and an array of articulations, muscles, and ligaments. The interac-
tion of these parts is complex, and it is important for breathing, spinal
stability, and movement. The thoracic wall can flexibly expand due
to the articulation of its ribs with other parts of the body wall by true
joints. The shape and the orientation of the ribs (figure 2.1) contribute
to the expansion of the thorax.
The ribs attach posteriorly to the thoracic spine and anteriorly
to costal cartilages. All ribs connect to the spinal column, but only
the upper seven connect
via their cartilages to the
sternum; they are called
the true ribs. The remaining
pairs of ribs are called false
ribs. The costal cartilages of
ribs 7 to 10 connect with the
costal cartilages of the ribs
above them, whereas ribs
11 and 12 have no anterior
connection. This arrange-
ment allows the inferior part
of the rib cage to be more
flexible and adaptive to the
movement of the diaphragm
and organs. Figure 2.1 The rib cage, lateral view.
22 • Breathing for Peak Performance
The ribs are the most flexible bones in the body. They consist of a
curved and a slightly spiraled shaft. The part of the rib that connects to
the spine is characterized by a head, a neck, and a tubercle (figure 2.2).
You can metaphorically visualize the head, neck, and tubercle of the rib
as a foot in a slipper. The heel is the tubercle, the head is the ball of the
foot and the toes, and the arch of the foot is the neck of the rib.
There are usually
two articulations—the
cost over t ebr a l a nd
the costotransverse
joints—that connect
the ribs to the spine.
T he costover tebr a l
joint is formed by the
head of the rib con-
necting into a facet
formed by two vertebral
bodies, its own, and the
one above it. Ribs 1, 11,
and 12 articulate only Figure 2.2 Head, neck, and tubercle of rib compared
with their respective to a foot.
vertebrae. The costo-
transverse joints are formed by the tubercle of the rib connecting to a
corresponding facet on the transverse process of the associated vertebra.
During inhalation, the backs of the ribs rotate and slide down in their
respective joints while the shafts of the ribs rotate upward (figure 2.3).
The angle formed between the two joints determines the movement
of the individual rib. The costovertebral joints (CV) 9 through 12 are
shifted posteriorly, cre-
ating the more lateral
bucket-handle move-
ment (figure 2.4).
The first to seventh
ribs connect to the car-
tilage around the ster-
num, which connects
to the sternum itself,
called the chondro-
sternal joints. They are
synovial joints, which
have some ability to
rotate and slide during Figure 2.3 Rotation of the ribs during inhalation.
Rib Cage • 23
Figure 2.4 Rib cage, anterior view with costal cartilages and costosternal joints.
posterior wall, a movement like the lifting of a pump handle (figure 2.6a).
The middle part of each rib is inferior to its two ends. When this region of
the ribs is elevated, it expands the thoracic wall laterally.
This movement is like the lifting of a bucket handle (figure 2.6b). The
inferior two ribs are not attached to cartilage in front; they simply move
backward like the opening of a caliper (figure 2.6c).
Figure 2.6 Movement of the ribs is like lifting (a) a pump handle, (b) a bucket
handle, and (c) a caliper.
The first two ribs are flat, and they lie close to the horizontal plane
in an upright position. Their action is mostly of the pump handle type,
while the ribs in the middle of the thorax move more laterally. A slouched
posture tends to lower all ribs anteriorly and reduce their ability to
increase the volume within the thoracic wall.
Rib Cage • 25
Because the ribs have some ability to move forward, laterally, and
backward and the diaphragm moves downward on inhalation, the lungs
can be expanded in a three-dimensional fashion during inhalation (figure
2.7). During quiet breathing, the movement of the diaphragm dominates;
during deeper breathing, the movements of the rib cage become more
Figure 2.7 Three-dimensional expansion of the rib cage and downward movement
to the diaphragm during (a) exhalation and (b) inhalation.
Following are five exercises and imagery explorations for the rib cage.
Three-Dimensional Thoracic Movement
In this exercise, you will focus on the three-dimensional movement of the
rib cage during breathing.
1. Start this exercise in an upright sitting or a comfortable standing
position. Place your hands on the sternum; one hand is on top of
the other. As you take a deep breath, notice how the sternum moves
upward and forward. This is the pump-handle component of your
thoracic breathing.
2. Place one hand each on the sides of the middle section of your rib
cage. As you inhale, notice how these ribs move laterally. Imagine
them as the handles of a bucket that are moving up during inhalation
and down during exhalation.
3. Place your hands on the lowest ribs, just above the pelvis. As you take
a deep inhalation, feel how the lowest ribs move posteriorly. Imagine
ribs 11 and 12 widening and moving backward into your hands when
you inhale and forward again when you exhale.
4. Finally, imagine the combination of these three movements—to the
front, side, and back. As you inhale, imagine the movement forward
to the front, side, and back; as you exhale, imagine the reverse
5. During your sport or exercise practice, focus on using three-dimen-
sional breathing in your rib cage rather than focusing on only one
Imagery for Releasing Tension in the Rib Cage
Imagery that facilitates the flexibility of the ribs and the ease of their
movement will improve your breathing capacity. The best metaphors are
often the ones you discover yourself. This exercise provides two examples
to get you started.
1. Stand or sit in a comfortable position and imagine tiny balloons
attached to the shafts of your ribs.
2. As you inhale, these balloons help to lift your ribs upward (figure
2.8). As you exhale the balloons release their pull and the ribs float
back down.
Imagery for Releasing Tension in the Rib Cage (continued)
3. Imagine your rib cage as a soft cloth suspended from your first rib
(figure 2.9).
4. As you inhale, the cloth swings outward; as you exhale, it drops
back again.
Elastic Sternum and Rib Cartilages
The sternum and their adjoining joints and cartilages need to slide, move,
and twist as you breathe. In this exercise, you use imagery and touch to
facilitate these actions.
1. Sit upright or stand in a comfortable position. Place one hand on the
manubrium and the other on the body of the sternum.
2. As you flex and extend your spine, imagine the small and subtle
movement at the manubriosternal symphysis.
3. Touch the joints between the cartilage and bone on the left and right
side of your sternum. They may feel a bit tender.
4. As you inhale and exhale, imagine slight sliding and rotating move-
ment at these joints.
5. Imagine cartilage performing a slight spiraling action as the ribs rotate
up and down during breathing.
6. With your fingers on the cartilages, perform spinal flexion, exten-
sion, lateral flexion, and rotation, and feel how the cartilage adapts
to both movement and breathing.
7. Remove your touch, and notice changes in your posture and breath-
ing. Most likely your sternum will feel as if it is naturally more lifted
and it will be easier to breathe in the front-to-back dimension.
Down in Back, Up in Front
During inhalation, the ribs rotate posteriorly in their costovertebral and
costotransverse articulation. This means that the backs of the ribs are
moving down, while the fronts are moving up (see figure 2.3).
1. Sit upright or stand and visualize how your ribs connect to your spine.
2. As you inhale, visualize the movement of the ribs. They are rotating
posteriorly in their costovertebral and costotransverse joints; the
backs of the ribs are actually moving down.
3. Imagine this down-the-back feeling facilitating the up-in-front action
of the ribs. If you focus on the whole rib moving up on inhalation, it
will actually impede your breathing.
Tapping the Rib Cage
With the help of your hands or a pair of balls, you can loosen the rib cage
and create more elasticity in the intercostal muscles. For this example, use
orange Franklin Method balls or simply make loose fists with your hands.
1. Sit or stand in a comfortable position.
2. Tap the right side of your rib cage with your loose fists or two balls
(figure 2.10).
3. Flex to the side as you tap, rotate your spine as you tap, then flex
and extend your spine as you tap.
4. After a minute of tapping, rest for a moment. Compare the breathing
and rib motion of the right and left sides.
5. Repeat the tapping on the other side.
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L ocated in the chest cavity, the lungs are two large organs of respi-
ration and ventilation. They are responsible for aerating the blood.
Ventilation is the process of bringing air into the lungs, and respira-
tion is the process of gas exchange in the lungs. During the process of
respiration, oxygen passes into the bloodstream while carbon dioxide
is removed from the blood.
Breathing with lungs comes with a few challenges. The airways
must be kept sufficiently patent, the air must be 100 percent moistur-
ized, and the lungs require constant cleaning from dust and other par-
ticles. Because air pressure
is much lower than water
pressure, land animals have
a very large and thin surface
for gas exchange to facilitate
passage of oxygen into the
blood. If you were to spread
out the inner surface of the
lungs, the size of this surface
would approximate a tennis
The lungs are located
inside the rib cage and sit Figure 3.1 View of the diaphragm from
on top of the two hemi- above. The heart rests on the area occupied
spheres of the diaphragm by the central tendon, while the lungs sit on
(figure 3.1). Between them the right and left costal diaphragm.
34 • Breathing for Peak Performance
lie the heart and other structures within the mediastinum (the area
containing the heart and great vessels).
The lungs follow the move-
ment of the diaphragm and rib
cage due to the vacuum that
exists between the two struc-
tures. Each lung is encased in
a thin membranous sac called
the visceral pleura. The visceral
pleura is intimately connected
but continuous with the parietal
pleura (figure 3.2). The parietal
pleura lies along the inside of the
thoracic wall, the diaphragm, and
the mediastinum.
The v isceral and par ietal
pleura can slide on top of each
other due to a thin film of fluid
between them. No ligaments or Figure 3.2 Parietal and visceral pleura
muscles directly attach to the surrounding the lungs.
lung; doing so would damage the
lung and limit the amount of available movement.
During inhalation, the rib cage and diaphragm pull the parietal pleura
outward, which in turn tugs on the visceral pleura, making the lungs
expand and slide into the available space. The surface between the pari-
etal and visceral pleura can be considered the largest joint in the body,
permitting both the movements of breathing and any movement relating
to the adjustments of the thorax and spine.
A common misconception about breathing is that the lungs expand
similarly to the blowing up of a balloon during inhalation. The reverse
is true. The lungs are not expanded by pressure increasing on the inside
but by the vacuum that surrounds them.
To create a model of this mechanism, cover a glass with a flexible
membrane. Two balloons (the lungs) are stuck inside the glass with
their openings to the outside of the container. If you pull the membrane
downward, a negative pressure is created around the balloons, expanding
them outward as air rushes into the balloons (figure 3.3). It is important
to keep both the rib cage and diaphragm strong and flexible in order to
make sure the lungs can be stretched and moved on a regular basis to
remain pliant.
Lungs • 35
a b
Figure 3.5 Posture and the heart and lungs: (a) good posture and (b) slouched
Following are six exercises and imagery explorations for the lungs.
Lungs, Pleura, and Rib Cage
It may feel as though the filling of lungs with air is what expands them,
but the reverse is true. In fact, the lungs are pulled outward by the rib
cage and diaphragm creating a vacuum in the lungs, drawing the air in.
In this exercise, you will embody how the lungs are pulled into expansion
by the surrounding vacuum.
1. In a comfortable upright sitting or standing position, imagine the
lungs inside your rib cage sitting on the diaphragm.
2. As you inhale, imagine the diaphragm pulling the lungs downward
while the ribs pull the lungs forward, sideways, and to the back.
3. To embody how this works, try imagery such as the syringe or the
bellows. The bellows is widened to draw the air in by creating a slight
vacuum within it. In the case of the syringe, the sliding plunger repre-
sents the moving diaphragm. Pulling upward on the plunger to create
suction represents the inhale; pushing it down represents the exhale.
4. Exhalation is more passive, powered by the recoil of the lungs,
muscles, and associated fascia. Unless you are in the supine position,
the abdominal wall will actively assist in exhalation.
5. Inhale again, and imagine the sequence of events that expand the
lungs: The rib cage moves outward and pulls on the parietal pleura;
the parietal pleura pulls on the visceral pleura; and the visceral pleura
expands the lungs.
6. During exhalation, this sequence reverses: The lungs recoil, pulling
the pleura and rib cage inward.
Costodiaphragmatic Recess
Visualizing how and where the lungs move when you inhale helps improve
your breathing. The lungs expand outward during inhalation, but they also
slide into available space between folded layers of parietal pleura. One
of the largest of these layers lies between the lowest ribs and the back
of the diaphragm at the junction of the costal and diaphragmatic pleura.
This area is called the costodiaphragmatic recess.
1. In a comfortable upright sitting or standing position, place your
hands on the back and bottom of the rib cage, and visualize the area
between the ribs and the diaphragm.
2. As you inhale, imagine the lungs sliding into this area. They are open-
ing the space between two folds of parietal pleura—one covering the
diaphragm, the other covering the inside of the rib cage.
3. Compare the feeling to sliding your hands into a glove. As you exhale, the
lungs slide out of this area and the costal and diaphragmatic pleura close.
4. Inhale and exhale several times, and imagine the lungs sliding into the
costodiaphragmatic recess (figure 3.6). Use the metaphor of sliding your
hands into gloves to help you with embodying this anatomical function.
Figure 3.6 Lungs sliding into the costodiaphragmatic recess like hands into gloves.
Lungs as Sponges
The lungs can be compared to large sponges that can fill with air by
expanding and empty themselves of air by contracting. It is important to
practice exhaling as much air as possible to increase the elasticity of the
1. In a comfortable upright sitting or standing position, place your
fingertips on your right and left shoulders; the elbows are pointing
to the sides.
2. Exhale rapidly while moving your elbows and arms forward and flex-
ing your spine. Imagine the lungs as sponges, squeezing out their air.
3. As you inhale, slowly extend your spine and move your arms and
elbows back again. Imagine the lungs as sponges, filling with fresh air.
4. Match the movement with your natural breathing capacity; do not
overly force your exhalation or inhalation.
5. Repeat the sequence four or five times. Repeat the movement two or
three more times, but this time as you inhale, focus on the expansive
power of the thorax and diaphragm. As you exhale, focus on the
elastic recoil of the lungs.
Spiraling Lungs
As you inhale, the lungs not only expand but also rotate slightly outward.
This rotation occurs because of the movement of the ribs and the dia-
phragm. Imagining this action will free your lungs and lead to deeper and
fuller breathing.
1. In a comfortable upright sitting
or standing position place both
your hands on your right lung;
the left hand is on the lower
part, and the right hand is on
the upper part (figure 3.7).
As you inhale, imagine the
outward rotation of the lungs.
Support the action by slowly
sliding your hands laterally on
your rib cage.
2. As you exhale, imagine the
lungs rotating internally. Sup-
port the action by slowly sliding
your hands medially on your
rib cage.
3. Repeat the breathing imagery
and touch three times. Remove
your hands, and compare the
Figure 3.7 Supporting the lateral
breathing capacity of the two rotation of the lungs with your hands.
lungs. Inhale into the lung on
the side you practiced, then
inhale into the other lung. You may notice that the lung you practiced
with is more flexible and can breathe more fully than the other.
4. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
5. Finally, imagine both lungs at the same time. As you inhale, they
expand in all directions but also move laterally; the right lung moves
to the right, the left lung to the left. Imagine the movement as two
cogwheels moving in opposite directions.
Expanding the Tops of the Lungs
The tops of the lungs with
the pleura are higher up
than you may think. They
go beyond the first rib and
are behind the clavicle. Lig-
aments connect the pleura
to the first rib and the cervi-
cal spine (figure 3.8). These
connections keep the lungs
from being pulled down
during inhalation. In this
exercise, you aim to experi-
ence your breathing in this
area as well.
1. In an upright sitting or Figure 3.8 Ligaments connecting the pleura to
comfortable standing the first rib and cervical spine.
position place your
right hand on your left shoulder. Your thumb should be touching
your neck (figure 3.9).
2. Imagine the pleura below your touch. As you inhale deeply, imagine
the lungs reaching up into this area as they expand. The lungs are
moving up beyond the top rib.
3. As you exhale, imagine the lungs moving down again.
4. For several breath cycles, imagine the lungs expanding into this area
adjacent your neck.
5. Remove your hand, and rest your arms at your sides. Breathe into
both lungs, and notice any differences in breathing capacity. You may
also notice that the left shoulder has relaxed.
6. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
Supine Breathing Practice
The supine position facilitates breathing. Because gravity is not pulling
the organs downward as in the standing position, exhalation is facilitated.
In this exercise, you use this fact to lengthen your exhalation and create
deeper, calmer breathing. Lengthening your exhalation increases the
parasympathetic activity of the autonomic nervous system. This leads to
a state of relaxation and regeneration.
1. Lie comfortably on the floor in a supine position. You can stretch out
your legs or bend your knees to 90 degrees.
2. Visualize the important structures of breathing: the rib cage, the
lungs, the diaphragm, and the abdominal muscles.
3. Feel how gravity is acting on your rib cage and lungs. Allow the right
lung to rest in the right rib cage, the left lung in the left rib cage.
4. Imagine the diaphragm moving down as you inhale. Feel how the
abdominal wall moves outward (upward) during this phase.
5. Imagine the diaphragm moving upward as you exhale. Feel how the
abdominal wall moves inward (drops down) toward the spine during
6. Notice any other areas in your body where you may experience
breathing. Notice your pelvic floor and movement in your rib cage.
7. Imagine your rib cage to be very flexible for breathing. As you exhale,
imagine your rib cage dropping downward like a soft piece of cloth.
8. During exhalation, also imagine the lengthening of the muscle fibers
of the diaphragm.
9. Exhale on a sibilant sssss to lengthen your exhalation.
10. Take a few natural breaths, then repeat the sssss.
11. Notice whether your breathing has become slower, calmer, and freer.
12. Take your time to rise to a standing position, and aim to maintain
full and free breathing in your daily activities and exercise practice.
A ny muscle that attaches to the thorax can potentially assist with
breathing. Many of these muscles are involved in the movement of
the upper and lower extremities as well as stabilization of the spine and
thorax. These muscles only come into play during increased exertion
or forced breathing. If you take a deep breath as you are reading this
text, you are using some of these accessory muscles.
46 • Breathing for Peak Performance
of the diaphragm now serves to lift the six lower ribs. Intra-abdominal
pressure also pushes the lower ribs and rib cartilages outward, providing
circumferential expansion of the basal rib cage.
a b c
Figure 4.1 Abdominal muscles: (a) external obliques, (b) internal obliques, and (c)
transversus abdominis.
Muscles of Breathing • 47
a b
Figure 4.2 Transversus abdominis (TA) during (a) inspiration and (b) expiration.
a b
Integrating Stability, Movement, and Breathing
The following exercise can be quite challenging, especially if you have
been holding your breath whenever your balance or coordination has been
challenged. Practicing the following steps helps you to gain awareness of
more efficient breathing concurrent with stability and movement activity.
1. Start in a standing position. Place your fingertips below the ribs and
above the pelvic crest at the sides of the body. Notice how your fin-
gers are being pushed outward during inhalation and moving inward
again during exhalation.
2. Lift your right foot off the floor; you are now balancing on one leg.
Did the lifting of the foot cause you to grip your breathing? Are the
abdominal muscles still moving in response to breathing? Remember,
the TA especially can help with stability while allowing movement
for breathing.
3. To increase the challenge, you can shake the leg that is off the floor.
The shaking movement will challenge the stability muscles. The TA
will increase its tone as it aids the stabilizing of the lumbar spine and
pelvis. However, it still needs to move in response to breathing.
4. Repeat this exercise with the other leg.
5. Perform Pilates, yoga, or dance movement or your favorite exercise
with the aim of allowing unhindered breathing.
The Intercostals in Breathing and Movement
The intercostals comprise three layers of muscles that span the area
between two ribs. Even though the function of the intercostals is not fully
understood, most likely the external intercostals as well as the anterior
(sternal) fibers of the internal intercostals are muscles of inspiration. The
internal intercostals are muscles of forced expiration.
1. To begin, stand or sit upright. Place the tips of your thumbs between
two ribs at the right and left side of your thorax. Inhale and exhale,
and feel how the ribs above and below your touch lift upward and
move laterally.
2. Exhale forcefully, feeling the contraction of the internal intercostals
between the ribs.
3. With your thumbs remain-
ing between two ribs on
the right side, laterally flex
your spine to the left. Notice
how the ribs on the right are
moving apart (figure 4.5).
The intercostals are being
stretched on the right side;
on the left side, the ribs are
moving together. The move-
ment of the ribs is a result
of the lateral flexion of the
spine, which spreads the ribs
on the contralateral side and
brings them closer together
on the ipsilateral side.
4. Laterally flex the spine to the
right, and notice how the
ribs on the left are spreading
apart and the ribs on the Figure 4.5 Laterally flexing your spine
right are moving together. to the left with your fingers in the space
The intercostals are being between two ribs.
stretched on the left.
5. Now practice combining the movement function of the ribs with their
breathing function. Perform lateral flexion with the goal of sensing
the movement of the ribs in response to breathing as well as the
movement you are performing.
The Intercostals in Breathing and Movement Function (continued)
6. Move your fingers, and touch another space between two ribs. Per-
form lateral flexion to the right and left, and focus on the movement
and breathing activity of the ribs. The goal is to be aware of both
functions simultaneously.
7. Practice sensing the movement of the ribs while rotating the spine.
It is more challenging to feel, but it is good practice.
8. Remove your touch, rest your arms at your sides, and take a moment
to notice changes in your breathing and posture. Most likely the
movement of the ribs feels easier and your spine feels taller.
How the Scalenes Support Breathing
The scalene muscles are
located between the cervical
spine and the upper two ribs
(figure 4.6). They can lift the
upper two ribs, increasing the
inner thoracic volume. With-
out the upward pull of the
scalenes, the descent of the
diaphragm during inhalation
would reduce the potential
space for ventilating the lungs.
They are therefore active
whenever the diaphragm
contracts. The scalene muscles
also have the ability to laterally
flex the neck.
1. Gently place your finger- Figure 4.6 The scalene muscles.
tips on the sides of your
neck. Flex and extend your head and cervical spine. The sternoclei-
domastoid will be active by this movement and become prominently
palpable on the side of the neck. If you feel it just in front of your
fingertips, you are in the general location of the scalene muscles.
2. As you inhale, slide your fingers gently upward along the side of the
neck to assist these muscles in lifting the top ribs (figure 4.7).
How the Scalenes Support Breathing (continued)
3. As you exhale, slide your fingers downward again.
4. Repeat the upward slide during inhalation and downward slide during
exhalation three times. Notice whether you can breathe more fully
when assisting the scalenes with your imagery and touch.
5. To fully appreciate the correct anatomical function, it is sometimes
helpful to perform the incorrect function. During inhalation slide
your fingers down along the scalenes, and notice what happens to
your breathing.
6. Finish the exercise by sliding your fingers upward on inhalation while
also laterally flexing your neck to the right and left. The scalenes are
now involved in both breath and movement.
7. Remove your touch, and notice changes. Most likely your posture is
more erect and your breathing has deepened.
The Quadratus Lumborum in Breathing
The quadratus lumborum (QL) muscle attaches to the iliac crest, the first
to fourth transverse processes of the lumbar spine, and the lowest rib. It
can elevate the pelvis and laterally flex the spine. In breathing it serves to
anchor the lowest rib to the pelvis, assisting the descent of the diaphragm.
1. Place your hands on the
posterior lower rib cage.
Visualize the 12th rib below
your hands (figure 4.8).
2. As you inhale, slide your
ha nds down t he back
toward the pelvis to sup-
port the function of the QL
for breathing. Imagine the
12th rib being pulled down
toward the pelvis.
3. As you exhale, slide your
hands back up again.
4. Repeat the sliding and
imagery three times. Notice
whether the touch and
imagery deepens your inha-
lation and lengthens your Figure 4.8 Visualizing the quadratus lum-
exhalation. borum (QL) anchoring the 12th rib.
First and 12th Rib Movement
Creating awareness of the first and 12th ribs helps to increase the space
available in your thorax for breathing. As you inhale, the first rib circle
is being pulled upward by the scalenes; at the same time the 12th rib is
being anchored in the opposite direction by the QL. This pull in opposite
directions maximizes space in your thorax.
1. Place one hand close to your first rib circle. Place your fingers just
below the clavicles where they attach to the sternum.
2. Put your other hand on the
lower back in the general
area of the 12th rib (figure
3. As you inhale, imagine
the first rib circle floating
upward, while the 12th rib
is dropping down toward
the pelvis.
4. When you exhale, simply
relax your mind and your
5. Repeat the touch and
the imagery three or four
more times. Rest, noticing
changes in your breathing
such as a more relaxed and
lengthened exhalation.
Figure 4.9 Touching the first rib circle and
the 12th rib.
Ribs Coordinating With Diaphragm
The descent of the diaphragm is like a piston moving downward in its
shaft. When the piston stops moving down due to the resistance of the
abdominal muscles and the organs, the diaphragm assists in elevating
the ribs. Both the descent of the diaphragm and the lifting of the ribs
are concentric (shortening) muscle contractions of the diaphragm (figure
4.10). When you exhale the lowering of the ribs and the ascent of the
diaphragm are eccentric (lengthening) actions of the diaphragm.
1. Create a model for the diaphragm and rib movement using your
arms and hands. Your hands and lower arms are the dome of the
diaphragm; your upper arms are the ribs.
2. Place your hands on top of each other and in front of the lower part
of the sternum. Hold the elbows to the sides.
3. As you inhale, move your hands down to model the descent of the
diaphragm. Mid-breath the elbows and upper arms lift to model the
movement of the ribs.
4. As you exhale, perform the reverse. First the elbows and upper arms
move down (the ribs), then the hands move up (the diaphragm).
5. Practice inspiration and expiration with the hand model to appreciate
the coordination of diaphragm and ribs.
Using a Band to Train the Muscles of Breathing
Using a band, such as a Franklin Method medium-strength band, can be
an effective means to stretch and strengthen the muscles of breathing.
1. Start the exercise in a stand-
ing position with a fairly
wide stance. Place the band
around the middle of your
back near the thoracolum-
bar junction. Exhaling, flex
your spine while pushing
into the band as if it were a
hammock (figure 4.11).
2. Inhaling, return your back
into extension. Use the
band to push the back for-
ward and gain more stretch.
3. Repeat this action four
times, and return to the
starting position.
4. Now exhaling, laterally flex
your spine to the left by Figure 4.11 Using a band to train your
pushing the right side of breathing.
your rib cage into the band.
Your hands with the ends of the band move to the left.
5. Returning to the starting position, inhale.
6. Exhaling, laterally flex your spine to the right by pushing the left side
of your rib cage into the band. Your hands now move to the right.
7. Repeat the action four times. Remove the band, and rest. Notice any
changes in your breath and posture. Most likely your rib cage feels
relaxed and your posture has improved.
8. To increase the stability challenge, also perform the exercise while
standing on balls. This challenge will increase the tone of the core
muscles. Maintain your breathing rhythms, even now.
Stretching Your Diaphragm and Intercostals With
1. Balls are helpful to stretch the muscles of breathing. In this supine
exercise, use a Franklin Method water-filled mini roller to this effect.
You can also use a rolled towel or two soft balls placed next to each
other beneath your back.
2. Lie in the supine position and place the mini roller under your middle
thoracic spine (figure 4.12).
3. Place your hands behind your head for more support.
4. Extend your spine, and lower your head to the floor.
5. Imagine and feel the stretch of the diaphragm. The sternal and crural
parts of the diaphragm will be stretching especially. The anterior
intercostals will be stretching as well.
6. Inhale and exhale fully to increase the stretch and toning of the
7. Wiggle and move your spine while breathing fully. This action
stretches the fibers of the diaphragm in many directions.
8. Remove the ball and rest. Notice changes in your breathing. Your
spine may feel lengthened and your shoulders more relaxed as well.
Figure 4.12 Stretching the diaphragm and intercostals with a mini roller.
Jumping With Your Breath
Not all breathing exercises need to be of the quiet nature. In this exercise
you will practice the movement of the diaphragm and pelvic floor during
jumping. This exercise is an example of applying your knowledge of
breathing to a more challenging situation.
1. Focus on the movement of the diaphragm—down as you inhale, up
when you exhale.
2. Jump up and down. Whenever you land, exhale and visualize the
diaphragm rapidly moving upward (figure 4.13).
3. Inhale when you jump up.
4. Also, try the opposite: Inhale as you land, and exhale as you jump.
Mostly it will feel less comfortable and more challenging. When you
exhale on landing, the downward movement of the body is tempered
by the upward movement of the diaphragm, allowing for a smoother
and more stable landing.
Figure 4.13 Landing from a jump with exhalation; the diaphragm moves upward.
5. Now focus also on the pelvic floor. When you land from the jump,
the diaphragm moves up and the pelvic floor stretches.
6. Finally, you may add the abdominal wall to your focus. When you
land and exhale, the abdominal wall will rapidly move inward, nar-
rowing your waistline.
Daily Practice
Having a daily routine to create more optimal breathing is one of the
most important activities you can do to improve your movement skills and
health. Following is a selection of exercises from this book for your daily
practice. However, any exercise that you have found beneficial should be
added to your daily routine. Also practice breath awareness during your
daily life activities, exercises, and sports.
1. Visualizing the Diaphragm: Visualize the movement of your dia-
phragm. It moves downward during inhalation and upward during
exhalation. Do this visualization with hand modeling. This exercise is
effective whenever you feel you need to center yourself, calm down,
or make sure you are breathing efficiently. You can also combine the
awareness of the diaphragm with the movement of the abdominal
2. Shaking the Diaphragm to Increase Circulation and Proprioception:
This is a fabulous way to release tension in your diaphragm and your
whole body. Do not go a day without doing this exercise. Athletic
teams, gymnasts, and swimmers have added this exercise to their
daily routine and use it to limber up before competition.
3. Stretching Your Diaphragm: This is the best stretch for the muscles
of breathing. Over time it will improve your breathing capacity.
4. Tapping the Rib Cage: Tapping the origins of the diaphragm as well as
the rib cage and back helps to release tension and free your breathing
for greater efficiency. You can perform this exercise with loose fists
or with Franklin Method or any other soft balls.
About the Author
Eric Franklin is director and founder
of the Institute for Franklin Method in
Wetzikon, Switzerland. He has more
than 35 years of experience as a dancer
and choreographer, and he has shared
imagery techniques in his teaching
since 1986.
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