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Hola Mi Querida Amiga María Victoria

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Etapa 1: Tecnología y sus efectos sobre el medio ambiente (1ª semana)

a. Haga los ejercicios indicados y publique las respuestas cuando esté completado en el foro.
- Escribir sobre el avance tecnológico y el efecto sobre el ecosistema.

For a long time, industrial and technological needs have been satisfied with no regard
to environmental damage. Although I think we all can agree that, through technology
and its implications have improved our lifestyle it also have damaged in many ways
our planet.

There are many ways to mitigate the damage, establishing higher taxes to enterprises
that use these non-renewable materials, granting privileges for enterprises that favour
renewable materials for their articles, using less contaminating ways for our daily
transportation, even the food we eat contributes to the big picture.

It is great anyone and everyone can save our planet.

Etapa 2: Tecnología y calentamiento global (2ª semana)

a. Haga los ejercicios indicados y publique las respuestas y el texto escrito en el foro.
Segundo. Escriba un párrafo respondiendo a esta pregunta: ¿Qué cree que ocurrirá si
continúan las tendencias actuales de desarrollo de tecnología y consumismo? Puedes usar
el siguiente vocabulario para el texto:


¿Qué cree que ocurrirá si continúan las tendencias actuales de desarrollo de tecnología y

According to everyday news it is certain that everyone has the means to know that consumerism
and the way technology is developing doesn’t get along most of time with the well-being of our
environment. Non-renewable materials and the gas emissions that magnify the greenhouse effect
that cause the global warming are sign of that. Natural resources scarcity is more evident every
day and people if people don’t change their habits it is only going to get worse. It seems like
common sense would tell us to watch our consumption rates and for those who want to mitigate
the damage, keep watch of our current trends, consumerism and technological innovation may
not always be friendly with our environment but we can, and if we set ourselves for a green-
friendly mindset, we can take a new route and make a greater difference.
Etapa 3: ¿Qué se puede hacer? 2.1 (3ra semana)

a. Haz los ejercicios indicados y publica las respuestas en el foro.

segundo. Escriba su consejo sobre cómo podemos contribuir a la mejora de la
crisis ambiental actual. Usa el siguiente vocabulario para el texto:

To avoid a great environmental crisis, we need quick changes, according to
experts, consumers are the most important factor to this. The biggest changes
could be those of our daily routine, so we can avoid making a bigger problema of
the global warming.

1. Using public transportation:

Walking, transportation via bycicle, or using public trasnportation would reduce

CO2 emmisions, taking a train or buying an electric car could be good options

Making video-conferences instead of travelling would help, too.

2. Save energy:

Dry your wet clothes with sunlight instead of using electrical driers. Turn off and
disconnect your electrical devices that are not in use. Also, you could adopt
renewable energy source, such as solar water heaters.

3. Try eating less meat.

Red meat production takes a higher Green House effect gas emissions, fruits and
vegetable are far more environmental friendly.
Etapa 4: Escribir una carta (4ª semana)

De acuerdo con los ejercicios de redacción anteriores, diseñará una carta formal
dirigida al Secretario Ejecutivo de la ONU (200 palabras) que incluye los siguientes


Cartagena, Bolívar Marzo 25 de 2019

Antonio Gutiérrez
UN Head Secretary

With worry I write to you, Head Secretary, and call to the international community to
bring to your attention the damage that non-renewable industrial articles, such as
plastics, represent to all of living creatures. Plastics and other technological innovative
products are a serious threat to every living creature’s wellbeing and life due to its long
lasting impact in the global environment and the food chain. If things keep going at the
rate they are, I visualize very disastrous consequences such as mass extinction of many
species, both animal and flora, and of our lifestyle as we know it.

I would like to propose the following measures to the UN in order to mitigate the
damage caused by these articles:

- Ban non-renewable materials from comercial purporse.

- Establishing either higher taxes or penalty fees for any enterprise who employ non-
renewable materials.
- Offer privileges to enterprises that priorize usage of renewable and environmental-
friendly material.

Also, I would like to extend this invitation to non-member countries, as this is a problem
we all need to solve together.

Thank you very much for your attention.


Aminta Wilchez Balasnoa

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