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Analysis of Variance: Glossary

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Analysis of Variance

B M King, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA

ã 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

decided in advance to set the probability of a type I error

(rejection of a true null hypothesis) at 0.05. This means
Alpha – The probability of a type I error (rejection of a that when testing for a difference between two population
true null hypothesis). means, in 20 replications of the same study (drawing
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) – A statistical test independent random samples of the same size each
used to compare the means of three or more time) you would expect the results of one of the t tests
populations. to be statistically significant even if there is no difference
Factor – An independent (treatment) variable. between the population means. Although for any one test,
F ratio – s2bet/s2w; between-groups variance alpha (probability of a type I error) is 0.05, with 21
estimate divided by the within-groups variance independent tests the probability of making at least one
estimate. type I error is p ¼ 1 – (0.95)21 ¼ 1 – 0.34 ¼ 0.66. Thus, if
Grand mean – The mean of all scores in all the you found a statistically significant difference for one or
treatment conditions. two of your 21 tests, there is a high probability that the
Interaction effect – In analysis of variance, the joint result(s) was due to a type I error rather than to a true
effect of two or more independent variables that difference between groups.
cannot be predicted from the main effects. You need a test that allows you to make multiple
Level(s) – Different values of an independent comparisons among means while holding alpha steady at
variable (factor). a preselected level. To this end, Ronald Fisher (1890–
Main effect – In analysis of variance, the mean 1962) developed analysis of variance (ANOVA) in the
differences among the levels of one factor averaged 1920s. An interesting feature of ANOVA is that although
across the levels of the other factor. it is a test for differences among population means, it can
Omega-squared – o ^ 2bet; a measure of effect size for be conducted without calculating the value of any of the
analysis of variance. sample means.
Orthogonal comparisons – Comparisons that are
unique and do not overlap.
Planned comparisons – Statistical tests used in The Logic of ANOVA
place of ANOVA when the researcher knows in
advance which comparisons are of interest. When testing for differences among population means,
Post hoc comparisons – Statistical tests performed variation in scores can be due to two things: chance and
after obtaining a significant value of F that indicates treatment effect. As the scores in any one sample are
which means are significantly different. drawn randomly from the same population, the scores
Sum of squares (SS) – Sum of the squared can differ from one another, and from the sample mean,
deviations from the mean. only due to chance. Scores in different samples, as well as
Type I error – Rejection of a true null hypothesis. sample means, can differ from one another due to chance,
but also because the experimental treatment has an effect.
If there is no treatment effect, scores in different groups
will differ only because of chance. Thus, when the null
Imagine that you are superintendent of a school district hypothesis (there is no treatment effect) is true, the varia-
and you wish to compare the mathematics competency of tion of scores around the sample means within each sample
students enrolled in seven high schools. You randomly (X – X ) and the variation of sample means from the
select 30 seniors from each school and give them a math- grand mean (X – X ; the grand mean, X , is the mean of
ematics achievement test. Your null hypothesis is that the all scores) will both be a reflection of variation in scores
mean mathematics achievement scores in the seven popu- due to chance factors.
lations (the seven high schools) are equal, that is, there is For any study of two or more samples, the amount
no difference in scores among the schools. How should by which a score differs from the grand mean (X – X )
you analyze the results? If you had decided to test for can be partitioned into two parts: the amount by which the
differences between all pairs of means with use of a t test, score differs from its own sample mean (X – X ) and the
you would have to conduct 21 tests. Suppose that you had amount by which the sample mean differs from the grand

Analysis of Variance 33

mean (X – X ). The partition of X – X is represented by should be about 1.0. When the null hypothesis is false, s2bet will
the following equation: exceed sw , and the greater the treatment effect, the more is
the amount by which s2bet will exceed sw2. Due to sampling
X  X ¼ ðX  X Þ þ ðX  X Þ ½1 variation, we expect the value of the F ratio to be different
As the name suggests, in ANOVA we are going to work with every replication of a study (employing new ran-
with variance estimates. Variance estimates are calculated domly drawn samples of the same size). However, if we
by dividing the sum of the squared deviations from the set alpha ¼ 0.05 and obtain a value of F that would have
mean (often called sum of squares, and abbreviated SS) by occurred by chance less than 5% of the time (if the null
the degrees of freedom (df ). We can calculate the sum of hypothesis were true) we reject the null hypothesis and
squares total (SStotal) for two or more samples by calculat- conclude that there is a treatment effect (i.e., the treatment-
ing the deviation from the grand mean for every P score, effect reliably exceeds effects due to chance).
squaring each deviation score, and then summing ( ) all
the squared deviations from the grand mean:
Computation of F: An Example
SStotal ¼ ðX  X Þ
Let us look at an example. Suppose that we wish to compare
Look again at eqn [1]. You can see that we could also two new methods for teaching mathematics with the stan-
calculate SStotal by squaring (X  X ) þ (X  X ): dard method. We randomly draw a sample of ten subjects for
each method and use each method for 1 year, at the end of
scores allX
scores X
ðX  X Þ2 ¼ ðX  X Þ2 þ n ðX  X Þ2 ½2 which we administer a mathematics achievement test to
each subject. The hypothetical results are as follows:
Standard method (X) Method 2 (Y) Method 3 (Z)
n ¼ the number of scores in a particular group 68 85 62
k ¼ the number of samples 70 90 76
75 80 74
When P we square (a þ b) there is a middle term, here 65 78 70
2(X – X ) (X – X ), but in this case it is always zero. What 55 82 58
has been accomplished is the partitioning of the total sum 80 86 78
scores 72 92 74
of squares into two parts: (1) (X – X )2, called 78 76 80
SSwithin (or SSerror), a reflection only of chance factors 60 94 65
X k 74
when drawing samples, and (2) n (X – X )2, called X = 697 Y = 847 Z = 712
SSbetween, a reflection of both chance factors and treatment X = 69.7 Y = 84.7 Z = 71.2
effect (when the population means are different). Thus, X = 2256/30 = 75.2
SStotal ¼ SSwithin þ SSbetween
We now calculate SStotal, SSw, and SSbet:
We can now divide the separate sums of squares by SStotal ¼ ð68  75:2Þ2 þ ð70  75:2Þ2 þ    ð65  75:2Þ2
their respective degrees of freedom to obtain variance þ ð75  75:2Þ2 ¼ 2722:8
estimates. The degrees of freedom for SStotal is the total
number of scores minus one: ntotal – 1. For SSwithin (abbre- SSw ¼ ð68  69:7Þ2 þ ð85  84:7Þ2 þ ð62  71:2Þ2
viated SSw), the degrees of freedom is calculated by add- þ ð70  69:7Þ2 þ ð90  84:7Þ2 þ ð76  71:2Þ2
ing n-1 for each sample: ntotal – k. For SSbetween   
(abbreviated SSbet), degrees of freedom is the number of   
samples minus one: k – 1.   
The end result is two variance estimates. One is
þ ð74  69:7Þ2 þ ð84  84:7Þ2 þ ð75  71:2Þ2
the within-groups variance estimate, sw2 (¼ SSw/dfw),
which is an estimate of the variance due to chance. It is ¼ 1357:8
sometimes called mean square within or mean square SSbet ¼ 10ð69:7  75:2Þ2
error. The other is the between-groups variance estimate, þ 10ð84:7  75:2Þ2
s2bet (¼ SSbet/dfbet), which is an estimate of the variance due þ 10ð71:2  75:2Þ2
to chance plus any treatment effect. When there is
¼ 1365
no treatment effect, both are estimates of the same
thing. Thus, when the null hypothesis is true (i.e., there is There are formulas to calculate SStotal, SSbet, and SSw
no treatment effect), the ratio s2bet/sw2, called the F ratio, that are easier to use than using deviations from means,
34 Statistics

but they do not provide you with a basic understanding of and the Scheffé test. Duncan’s test is the least conservative
ANOVA (see King and Minium, 2008). (It is these for- with regard to type I error and the Scheffé test is the most
mulas that allow you to compute F without ever having conservative. An explanation of these tests is beyond the
calculated a single mean.) It is customary to place the scope of this article, but most textbooks will provide a full
results in a summary table, often called an ANOVA table: explanation of one or more of them. However, before you
can use any of them you must first have obtained a
Source SS df s2 F significant value of F. In our example, all four post hoc
Between groups 1365 2 682.5 13.571 tests would reveal that teaching method 2 is superior to
Within groups 1357.8 27 50.29
the other two methods, which did not significantly differ
Total 2722.8 29
from one another.
Be sure to place between groups first, above within There are some underlying assumptions associated
groups, to set up the proper ratio. As a check on your with the use of ANOVA. The first is that the populations
work, SSbet plus SSw should equal SStotal, and dfbet plus dfw from which the samples are drawn are normally distributed.
should equal dftotal (sw plus s2bet do not equal s2total). Moderate departure from the normal bell-shaped curve
In order to determine if our obtained value of F is does not greatly affect the outcome, especially with large-
statistically significant, we must use a table for the F sized samples (Glass et al., 1972). However, results are much
distribution, found in any introductory statistics textbook. less accurate when populations of scores are very skewed
The table gives critical values of F. When our obtained or multimodal (Tomarken and Serlin, 1986), which is fre-
value of F is equal to or greater than the critical value, it quently the case in the behavioral sciences (Micceri, 1989).
indicates that our result is statistically significant (i.e., has In this case, you should consider using the Kruskal–Wallis
a low probability of occurring by chance). The F distribu- test, an assumption-freer (nonparametric) test for the
tion varies as a function of dfbet and dfw. Critical values of F independent-groups design (see King and Minium, 2008).
are found at the intersection of df for the numerator (2 in This is especially true when using small samples. A second
our example) and df for the denominator (27 in our assumption is that of homogeneity of variance, that is, the
example), and in this case the critical values are 3.35 for variances in the populations from which samples are drawn
alpha ¼ 0.05 and 5.49 for alpha ¼ 0.01. Thus, in our are the same. However, this is a major problem only when
example, the probability of a type I error was less than variances differ considerably, and is less of a problem if you
0.01, that is, the result is statistically significant. In addi- use samples that are of the same size (Milligan et al., 1987;
tion to your F statistic and p-value, you should also pro- Tomarken and Serlin, 1986).
vide a measure of effect size when reporting results. One
commonly used measure for independent-groups ANOVA
is omega-squared (o ^ 2bet) (see King and Minium, 2008). It The Repeated-Measures Design
gives us a population-based, rather than a sample-based,
estimate of how much of the proportion of the variance in ANOVA can also be used with the repeated-measures design
the dependent variable was attributed to the different levels (e.g., testing the same subjects under two or more condi-
of treatment. tions). The major difference from the independent-groups
design is that SSw is partitioned into two parts: (1) SSsubjects,
which is a reflection of the variability in scores resulting from
Interpreting a Significant F Value individual differences, and (2) SSresidual, a reflection of the
variability in scores due to chance. Although three variance
Independent-groups ANOVA can be used with two sam- estimates can be calculated (s2subjects, s2bet, and s2resid), nor-
ples, in which case F is the square of the t-statistic that mally we are interested only in the F ratio s2bet/s2resid to
compares the two sample means. A statistically significant determine if there is a statistically significant difference
result indicates that one population mean is either less among groups. (We are usually not interested in whether
than or greater than the other. What does it mean when or not individuals differ.)
we obtain a statistically significant value of F for three or
more samples? In this case it tells us only that there is a
difference among the populations. It does not tell us the Two-Way ANOVA
manner in which they differ. For three groups, all three
population means could be different from one another, or In the previous example, we examined the effects of three
one could be greater than the other two, etc. To deter- different teaching methods on mathematics achievement
mine which means are significantly different from others, scores using an independent-groups design. There was
we normally use post hoc (a posteriori) comparisons. Some of only one treatment variable – teaching method. However,
the most commonly used tests are Duncan’s multiple- ANOVA allows us to study two or more treatment variables
range test, the Newman–Keuls test, Tukey’s HSD test, (called factors) simultaneously. Suppose, for example, that
Analysis of Variance 35

we were also interested in whether the amount of time 100 Method 2

devoted to teaching mathematics affected achievement
scores. Rather than conducting two separate studies, we
can study both factors (teaching method and time spent

Mathematics achievement scores

teaching) simultaneously using a two-factor ANOVA 90
design. If we study all three teaching methods (referred
to as levels of the factor teaching method) and two differ-
ent durations of time spent teaching (two levels; e.g., 45
min per day vs. 90 min), we have a 3  2 design. Let us 80
suppose that we select eight students randomly for each of
the six independent conditions (standard teaching
Standard method
method for 45 min per day, standard teaching method
for 90 min per day, etc.) and after 1 year we obtain the Method 3
following mathematics achievement scores:

Teaching method

45 min 90 min
time per Standard
Time spent teaching
day method Method 2 Method 3
Figure 1 Hypothetical scores in a 3  2 factorial study of the
60 73 62 effects of teaching method and time spent teaching on
80 87 74 mathematics achievement scores.
68 76 63
72 84 73
45 min 64 83 64 X 45 ¼ 72.67
better understand this, let us first look at the results of our
76 77 72
69 81 67 study in graph form (Figure 1).
71 79 69 In our hypothetical study, if an increase in time spent
X ¼ 70 X ¼ 80 X ¼ 68 teaching mathematics had an equal effect for all three
65 92 63 teaching methods, the three lines would be parallel.
81 106 77 A sizable gap between the lines indicates a possible main
68 103 70 effect for teaching method. In our graph, we see evidence
78 95 68 for a main effect, but the difference between method
70 97 70
2 and the other two teaching methods depends on the
90 min 76 101 72 X 90 ¼ 80.67
72 99 67 amount of time it is used in the classroom. Method
74 99 73 2 results in moderately better mathematics achievement
X ¼ 73 X ¼ 99 X ¼ 70 scores when used for 45 min per day, but dramatically
X std ¼ 71.5 X 2 ¼ 89.5 X 3 ¼ 69 X ¼ 76.67 better scores when students are taught mathematics by
this method for 90 min per day. If there had been a main
effect for teaching method (method 2 better than the
The six combinations of rows and columns are called other two) without an interaction effect, the differences
cells. The six cell means, two row means, three column between method 2 and the others would have been the
means, and the grand mean are provided. In two-way same for both levels of the other factor (teaching time per
ANOVA we want to know if there is a main effect for day). A significant interaction effect tells us that before we
any of the factors, or, in other words, if there are differ- can interpret the effects of a factor, we must examine that
ences in the means of the levels of one factor averaged factor at each level of the other factor. This will, of course,
across the levels of the other factor. In our example, there involve examining cell means. Three-factor experimental
are two possible main effects and the essential questions designs (e.g., teaching method  time spent teaching 
can be phrased as: (1) Is there an overall influence of gender) and even higher-order designs are possible, but
teaching method (for both the 45-min and 90-min condi- interpretation of interaction effects becomes more difficult.
tions), and (2) is there an overall influence of time devoted When calculating two-way ANOVA, SStotal is parti-
to teaching (across all three teaching methods)? tioned into four parts. SSwc (within cell) is the equivalent
There is an equally, if not more, important question of SSw (within groups) in the one-factor design. SSbet is
that we can examine with a factorial design: Is there an split into three parts: SSrows, SScolumns, and SSrowscolumns.
interaction effect – are the differences among the levels of To see how to calculate two-way ANOVA, see King and
one factor the same for all levels of the other factor? To Minium (2008). In our example, we obtain a significant
36 Statistics

effect for rows (F ¼ 30.78, df ¼ 1/42, p < 0.001), columns significance for special comparisons. Comparisons, which
(F ¼ 80.21, df ¼ 2/42, p < 0.001), and rows  columns the experiment was designed to make, may, of course, be
interaction (F ¼ 14.59, df ¼ 2/42, p < 0.001). As at least made without hesitation (Fisher, 1949: 57).
one of our main effects was statistically significant, we
may now conduct a post hoc test to see which levels differed
from the others (e.g., method 2 vs. the other two). Bibliography

Planned Comparisons Fisher, R. A. (1949). The Design of Experiments, 5th edn. London:
Oliver and Boyd.
Glass, G. V., Peckham, P. D., and Sanders, J. R. (1972).
When conducting any statistical test one wants the test to Consequences of failure to meet assumptions underlying the fixed
have considerable power, that is, a high probability of effects analysis of variance and covariance. Review of Research in
Education 42, 237–288.
rejecting a false null hypothesis. Post hoc tests allow us to King, B. M. and Minium, E. W. (2008). Statistical Reasoning in the
make all possible pair-wise comparisons, but to protect us Behavioral Sciences, 5th edn. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
from making type I errors, the differences between means Micceri, T. (1989). The unicorn, the normal curve, and other improbable
creatures. Psychological Bulletin 105, 156–166.
must be large enough to be declared statistically signifi- Milligan, G. W., Wong, D. S., and Thompson, P. A. (1987). Robustness
cant. If one’s study is exploratory in nature, then ANOVA properties of nonorthogonal analysis of variance. Psychological
is a very good statistical test. However, if one knows in Bulletin 101, 464–470.
Rosnow, R. L. and Rosenthal, R. (1989). Statistical procedures and the
advance of conducting a study which comparisons are justification of knowledge in psychological science. American
important to him or her, one should use planned (a priori) Psychologist 44, 1276–1284.
comparisons in place of ANOVA and post hoc comparisons Tomarken, A. J. and Serlin, R. C. (1986). Comparison of ANOVA
alternatives under variance heterogeneity and specific noncentrality
(Rosnow and Rosenthal, 1989; Wilkinson et al., 1999; Winer structures. Psychological Bulletin 99, 90–99.
et al., 1991). To do so, one should conduct independent- Wilkinson, L. and The Task Force on Statistical Inference (1999).
groups t tests using s2w (calculated from all groups), but to Statistical methods in psychology journals. Guidelines and
explanations. American Psychologist 54, 594–604.
protect against type I errors, all the comparisons must be Winer, B. J., Brown, D. R., and Michels, K. M. (1991). Statistical
orthogonal (unique, with no overlap). When comparing k Principles in Experimental Design, 3rd edn. New York: McGraw Hill.
groups, there are only k–1 orthogonal comparisons. In our
example, we might be interested in the two comparisons
standard method versus (method 2 þ method 3) and
method 2 versus method 3. Unlike post hoc comparisons, Further Reading
one does not need a significant overall F in order to use
planned comparisons. Even Ronald Fisher recognized the Aron, A., Aron, E. N., and Coups, E. J. (2009). Statistics for Psychology,
5th edn. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
value of planned comparisons: Gravetter, F. J. and Wallnau, L. B. (2008). Essentials of Statistics for the
Behavioral Sciences, 6th edn. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.
When the [F ] test does not demonstrate significant differ- King, B. M. and Minium, E. W. (2008). Statistical Reasoning in the
entiation, much caution should be used before claiming Behavioral Sciences, 5th edn. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

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