G Sizing
G Sizing
G Sizing
Centre Environments
Heiko Thimm
Institute of Business Information Technology
University of Applied Sciences Kiel
24149 Kiel
[email protected]
Dynamic data centres are regarded as promising approach to achieve a high degree of resource
utilization. In such data centres, applications are dynamically allocated to servers under
consideration of the actual resource demand and the actual load states of the servers. However,
as a result of this flexible deployment model, it is difficult to size the initial servers and other
hardware equipment. We present considerations for this specific problem and a corresponding
sizing method that is based on a heuristic algorithm. For a given set of applications, our
algorithm determines the number of required servers, the subset of applications to be allocated
to each server, and the corresponding runtime characteristics of each server. The maximum load
that needs to be considered for each of these servers is optimized from a global data centre
perspective. This is achieved through a smart rule based orchestration of the individual
applications’ load profiles.
1 Introduction
IT infrastructure component from a hardware sizing point of view. Normally, the corresponding
hosts on which these backend servers are being deployed belong to the most expensive data
centre components. Therefore, whenever an existing application landscape is modified, e.g.
extended by new applications, a corresponding sizing project needs to be completed. Such
sizing projects usually follow the general approach to determine the required performance
capacity of the hosts mainly based on workload assumptions. It is common business practise for
traditional data centre environments to derive the required performance capacity from the
expected peak load of the application(s). The resulting performance capacity usually includes a
safety charge to compensate the fuzziness of this sizing method.
It is well known that this sizing practise results into poor server utilization, a fact that conflicts
with the recent trend of increasingly shrinking corporate IT budgets. In the search for solutions
to this problem of underutilized hosts, new technologies such as virtualization and capacity
management techniques have been developed. These new technologies enable the
implementation of data centres which are not based anymore on a persistent 1:1-allocation of
applications to hosts. Under the notion of dynamic data centres we broadly subsume this new
type of data centre. In dynamic data centres, applications may be dynamically allocated to hosts
that belong to a pool of shared servers. This approach enables very flexible deployment options
under consideration of the applications’ actual resource demand and the actual server
performance capacity at runtime. Therefore, available capacity management solutions for
dynamic data centres monitor the system load and gather corresponding load data. Through an
analysis of this load data, it is possible to obtain insights that are helpful to achieve a high
degree of server utilization by dynamic resource allocation actions.
In our opinion, specialized sizing methods for dynamic data centres are required that already in
the hardware planning phase take the “built-in” deployment dynamics of dynamic data centres
into consideration. We could not find existing work that is geared at such sizing methods. In our
research, we focus on this gap of knowledge. We strive on the investigation of effective sizing
approaches and, in the long run, on the development of corresponding sizing tools for dynamic
data centres. In this paper, we present our initial considerations for this research agenda that are
largely based on our experience with sizing traditional data centre servers. In addition to that,
we propose a sizing method that makes use of a heuristic algorithm. First, this algorithm obtains
a base allocation of applications to hosts by grouping applications with similar characteristics
together. An own dedicated host is allocated to each of these groups of applications and also to
those applications that definitely need to be deployed on a dedicated server. Each host’s runtime
properties are determined from the characteristics of the applications being allocated to the host.
Then, in a next step, performed are optimization operations across the host-specific application
sets. These operations re-orchestrate the sets of applications to make use of complementary load
patterns among the applications. The performance capacity being required for a server may be
minimized through such operations. In the near future, we will study the effectiveness of our
algorithm through a simulation study.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents main aspects of traditional
hardware server sizing for enterprise applications. Section 3 contains key characteristics of
dynamic data centres from a sizing point of view. In Section 4.1, we first discuss considerations
for the problem of server sizing for dynamic data centres. Then, in Section 4.2, we present
various methods to predict the required performance capacity that are specialized to the
different deployment modes found in dynamic data centres. Section 4.3 contains an informal
description of our sizing method. Related work is discussed in Section 5 and our conclusions
are given in Section 6.
Observations about traditional sizing practice. In several years of experience in sizing many
different enterprise applications such as SAP R/3, Siebel CRM, and Oracle Applications, we
observed that, in principle, sizing methods are usually composed of three steps.
First, the load profile of the targeted production system is determined. Typically, this is done
through an assessment of the various activities to be performed by the system such as user
activities, background jobs, and the system’s own bookkeeping activities. In rare cases only, the
load profile is derived through performance tests with a real system because of the large amount
of efforts required for such experiments. Given the load profile, the peak load of the production
system is determined and further considered in the next step.
In the second step, the performance capacity required by the hardware server on which the
application will be deployed is predicted from the peak workload of the system. This predicted
performance capacity is expressed either in application specific terms such as the number of
SAPS in case of SAP R/3 [LoMa03] or in other terms, that are related to standard performance
benchmarks. In case of OLTP applications, it is often referred to TPC-C which is the OLTP
benchmark of the Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC).
In the third step, the performance relevant server configuration is obtained from the
performance capacity resulting from the previous step. Usually system engineers make use of
hardware specific performance specification data and corresponding configuration
recommendations. For example, such a guideline may describe that for a specific application the
RAM size should be 2 GB per CPU of a particular CPU type.
Sizing risk. Traditional sizing methods as described above may be regarded as “fuzzy methods”
because they mainly work with assumptions. By the concept of sizing risk we address this
“fuzzy nature” of these methods. We use the notion of sizing risk to express the probability that
the server may be overloaded at some point in time in the future during the production usage
phase. In overload situations, the actual performance capacity of a server is lower than the
performance capacity needed to satisfy the given application specific service levels such as
response time for interactive users. It is possible to lower the sizing risk by extensive studies of
the future deployment characteristics so that very accurate sizing assumptions are made
available. However, such extensive studies are usually limited by cost and time constraints,
respectively. In practice, often it is dealt with the sizing risk by the consideration of a safety
charge that is added to the required performance capacity. It is assumed that this extra safety
charge will compensate load generating activities ignored by the sizing method otherwise.
Obviously, also the consideration of a safety charge is limited by given cost constraints.
Types of traditional sizing projects. It is possible to classify sizing projects into different types
depending on the broader project context.
By initial sizing project, we refer to the case where the targeted application is deployed for the
first time at all within the organization (hence the term initial). That is, there does not exist any
experience in the deployment of the new application so that the sizing assumptions are
relatively wage. As a consequence, a relatively high sizing risk needs to be considered for this
type of sizing projects. For risk mitigation, it has been recommended to complete performance
experiments with a corresponding test system.
In some cases, it is possible to leverage pre-existing deployment experience in initial sizing
projects. For example, consider a hardware platform switch for an existing application
landscape. Due to more accurate sizing assumptions, usually, such sizing projects need to deal
with only a minor sizing risk as compared to sizing projects without pre-existing deployment
In so-called upgrade sizing projects, it is necessary to determine the additional performance
capacity needed by an application system already running in production mode. Typical causes
for such projects include an increase of the number of application users, the implementation of
functional extensions, and release upgrades. Such projects are typically a subject of capacity
management for which dedicated tools are available. For example, such tools allow to monitor,
simulate, and analyse the work load based on actual load data and to predict the extra
performance capacity needed. Henceforth, usually only a low sizing risk is to be considered in
upgrade sizing projects.
Discussion. As a result of the above described sizing practice, traditional data centres suffer
from a low degree of server utilization. For the decision makers this situation presents a
dilemma because they only have a choice between a high sizing risk and a low degree of server
utilization. Increasingly more attention to this problem has been paid for the last several years
due to the cost pressure that IT departments need to deal with. In the search for solutions to this
problem, approaches have been developed that different technology providers call “dynamic
IT”, “dynamic infrastructure”, “adaptive infrastructure”, “dynamic data centre”, or “adaptive
computing”. These initiatives share all the same idea to enable a flexible dynamic resource
management and some self-management capabilities in order to provide a cost-effective and
adaptable IT infrastructure. In this work, we broadly subsume these approaches under the notion
of dynamic data centre. In the next section, we describe the general principles of dynamic data
centres from a sizing point of view.
In traditional data centres, enterprise applications are deployed typically on exclusive hosts.
That is, the hardware servers are considered as exclusive computing resources for only a single
application. They are not regarded as shared resources that may run multiple enterprise
applications at the same time in a shared mode as it has been the case in mainframe computing
environments. The consideration of an exclusive host usually leads to an installation procedure
where the application software is combined with the server in a relatively radical way. For
example, often the IP address of the host is hard-coded in the configuration files of an
application. As a consequence, a separation of the application software from the server at a later
point in time is very hard to accomplish. Thus, usually it requires a lot of efforts to move such
an application from one server to a different one.
Through the use of virtualization techniques, dynamic data centres are capable to work without
such a persistent assignment of application software to underlying hardware servers. The ser-
vers are presented to the applications as pooled resources that may be deployed flexibly by the
applications according to different deployment models. This enables to allocate applications to a
given server only for a certain period of time and to re-allocate the application later to a
different server. Furthermore, some applications may even be forced into a planned downtime
mode. For example, during a high load phase, the application may be deployed on a server with
a high performance capacity. From this server, the application may be moved to a less powerful
server for a different time period where the application load is only low.
This flexibility allows for dynamic data centres to allocate applications to available hardware
servers dynamically (hence the term dynamic data centre) under consideration of the actual
resource demands of the applications and the actual load states of the servers. In several
initiatives (e.g. [GSWK05]) concepts are investigated for a central management instance that is
capable to automatically schedule and manage such dynamic re-allocation actions.
The re-allocation of applications, however, leads to some negative effects such as extra costs, an
increasing risk for system failures, and application down time. Therefore, re-allocation actions
should not occur with a too high frequency.
From a hardware server sizing view it is necessary to differ between different kinds of resource
sharing models that may occur in dynamic data centres. In the following we present three
different models.
Exclusive resource sharing deployment mode. If applications are deployed according to this
mode, only one application may run on a given host at a time. That is, the complete
performance capacity of the host is available for exclusive usage by only one application at a
given point in time. However, it may occur that the application is moved to another server or
put on hold in order to allow another application to be (exclusively) deployed on the same
Non-exclusive resource sharing deployment mode. In the non-exclusive sharing mode, the
data centre servers are shared by multiple applications at a time. Each of these applications
consumes a certain share of the servers total performance capacity.
Mixed resource sharing deployment mode. This type of deployment mode presents a
combination of the previously two mentioned modes. For some periods of time, the server is
deployed exclusively by only a single application, while during other periods of time multiple
applications are deployed in parallel. Note that this may include the case where an application
that has been deployed exclusively on a server from some point in time on will be accompanied
(at the same server) by further applications. That is, at this mentioned point in time, it is
switched from an exclusive deployment mode into a non-exclusive deployment mode.
It is envisioned that dynamic data centres may be capable to allocate and re-allocate
applications to computing resources autonomously without any participation of human system
administrators, in the future. However, in today’s available solutions, the allocation task is still
controlled by the data centre personal. These solutions mainly build on the existence of load
data gathered in the production usage phase. This load data is analyzed and the results are used
to derive allocation plans.
For the task of sizing initial data centre servers, however, such load data obviously is not
available. Among other reasons, this has lead to the fact that today it is still searched for an
effective approach for sizing initial servers for dynamic data centre environments. The inherent
property of such environments, that the allocation of applications to servers are dynamically
changing over the time, presents one of the crucial problems for this effort.
Our research strives on the investigation of such sizing approaches and on the development of
corresponding sizing tools in the long run. As starting point for the development of a first
approach, we identified the general considerations presented in Section 4.1. Given this basis, we
devised a set of methods to predict the required performance capacity and a first heuristic sizing
method presented in Section 4.2 and 4.3, respectively.
Optimization towards a high server utilization. It needs to be addressed that dynamic data
centres are designed specifically to allow for a high utilization of the computing resources.
Therefore, it is required to reflect the different deployment modes of Section 3. For example,
consider a given number of applications that are to be deployed on a single server in non-
exclusive mode. The demanded performance capacity should not be obtained by simply adding
together the peak loads of the individual applications’ load profiles. In reality, the resulting total
peak load will only occur in the very rare worst case situation where all individual applications’
peak loads occur at the same point in time in parallel. Usually, relatively simple optimizations,
e.g. by orchestrating the individual load profiles on a common time scale in an interlocking
mode will lead to better sizing results. In order to achieve this optimization, it is necessary to
explore thoroughly the expected load patterns of all applications.
Frequency of re-allocation operations. It is no question that the dynamic allocation of
applications to servers also provides some drawbacks which has also been described in
[GSWK05]. Each time when an application is re-allocated from one server to another one or put
on hold, respectively, some performance capacity is bound to these extra operations. The extra
load of these operations may lead to distortions and, possibly, even into an instable state of the
data centre. Furthermore, each dynamic re-allocation involves the risk of application service
failures, even if the same operation was completed successfully many times in the past1. In
order to prevent these drawbacks, it is necessary to limit the re-allocation frequency. A thorough
analysis of the available re-allocation options is necessary which will include a careful
prediction of the short term and long term effects of the re-allocation operations. For sizing
projects this calls for a starting allocation that does not need to be revised through re-allocation
operations in an early stage (i.e. shortly after production start).
Cross application specific aspects. As presented in Section 2, for sizing projects, a sizing risk
needs to be considered. For traditional data centres, this sizing risk may be viewed separately
for each single server. Due to the fact that in dynamic data centres applications are flexibly
deployed on different servers, it is recommended to also look at the data centre as a whole from
a risk investigation point of view. That is, for dynamic data centres, the sizing risk needs to
include the single-server specific risks but also the cross-servers specific risks. For example,
consider the fact that if a server is not sized properly, a high re-allocation frequency is likely to
occur. For reasons described above, such a high re-allocation frequency will affect the
inappropriately sized server, but the other servers, too.
Consider in this context one of the system administrators’ golden rule “Never change a running
4.2 Predicting the Required Performance Capacity Based on Load Schedules
The required performance capacity usually presents the key constraint for sizing IT
infrastructure components. For dynamic data centres, it is necessary to predict this required
performance capacity for multiple interdependent servers. In the following, we present straight-
forward prediction methods for each of the deployment modes described in Section 3. In our
description, by A , we denote the set of applications that are to be deployed on a single host
S j ( A, t ) , we refer to the aggregated total load profile resulting from a particular orchestration j
of individual application load profiles. Considered in an individual orchestration are the load
profiles of the applications in A for the time interval t with t =[t s , te ] . In the following, we
j =1,..., m alternative schedules S j ( A, t ) that may be orchestrated with respect to A for time
SCHED( A, t ) that takes as input the set of corresponding applications A and the time interval
define a function OPT− SCHED S A, t ( ) that finds within the set of alternative schedules S A , t
( )
• L max_app A k , t : function that computes the peak load of application A k wrt. t
( )
• L glob_ max_app A , t : function that finds the max. peak load among the set of applications
A and wrt. t
( )
• L max_sched S j ( A, t ) : function that computes the max. peak load of schedule S j ( A, t )
( )
• L glob_ max_sched S A,t : function that computes the max. total peak load wrt. set of schedules
S A, t
• P(L) : function that computes the performance capacity required to satisfy load L
The three prediction methods described below share a common initial step where a time interval
t =[t s , te ] is determined. The size of interval t is defined so that the load profiles of all
Exclusive sharing deployment mode. Recall that in this mode, the set of applications given by
A are deployed on the same server but the server is running only one of these applications at a
time. It is possible to predict the required performance capacity for the given server in two
steps. First, with respect to the i =1,..., m applications, the maximum peak load is obtained by
L glob_ max_app ( A, t ) . For this maximum peak load, the corresponding required performance
( ( ))
capacity is determined through P L glob_ max_app A , t .
Non-exclusive sharing deployment mode. In this mode, the server is shared by several
applications at a time. The different long term load profiles of the applications may be
orchestrated together so that the peak load of the resulting schedule will be minimal. Based on
this general idea, we propose a prediction method that consists of the following steps. First, the
set of alternative schedules S A , t is obtained by SCHED( A, t ) . Then, the schedule opt
S A, t is
found that leads to the lowest peak load through OPT− SCHED S A, t ( ) . In turn, the maximum
peak load of schedule opt
S A, t is determined by L glob _ max_ sched (
S A, t ) and the corresponding
required performance capacity is obtained by P L glob_ max_sched ( S A, t )) .
to A e x and the prediction method for the non-exclusive deployment mode is applied to A ne .
From the resulting two numbers that each express required performance capacity, the larger
value is to be considered as the final performance capacity necessary for the deployment of all
mixed-mode applications.
4.3 Towards an Algorithm for Initial Sizing Projects for Dynamic Data Centres
Based on the above described considerations, we devised a first pragmatic sizing approach for
dynamic data centres. To present this approach, the definitions given in Section 4.2 are
extended as follows:
• α : set of all applications to be deployed with α = U α ei ∪ α se ∪ α ne ∪ α m and α ei the
i =1
i =1,..., l applications that need to be deployed definitely in exclusive mode, α se the set
applications that may be deployed non-exclusively, and α m the set of applications that
may be deployed in mixed-mode
• B : base allocation with B = Hei , α ei , Hse , α se , Hne , α ne , Hm , α m } and H ei , α ei
the i =1,..., l hosts H ei on which the i =1,..., l applications α ei are deployed in exclusive
• opt
Sα se , t ∈ Sα se , t ,opt Sα ne , t ∈ Sα ne , t ,opt Sα m , t ∈ Sα m , t : single schedules - computed by
Our approach, that takes the interdependencies between the applications into account, consists
of the following steps:
1. The short and long term deployment characteristics of all applications given by α are
explored and described in a sizing information repository which will include per
application the corresponding load profile, deployment constraints, and service level
2. From the sizing information repository, the base allocation B is determined under
consideration of all relevant constraints.
For steps 2 and 3, we developed a first version for a heuristic algorithm that looks as follows:
load load
time time
Figure 1: Load profile of an application to be considered for strict exclusive deployment (left side) and special
exclusive deployment (right side).
2. {
Obtain base allocation B'= Hei , α ei , Hse , α se , Hne , α ne , Hm , α m } being an initial
allocation according to the following rules. R2.1: Consider a separate dedicated host
H ei for each of the i =1,..., l applications that are to be deployed in (strict) exclusive
mode. R2.2: Consider a single common host H se for all applications together that are
to be deployed in the special exclusive mode. R2.3: Choose a single common host H ne
for all those applications together that may be deployed non-exclusively. R2.4: Choose
a single common sever H m for all those applications together that may be deployed in
3. Select a time interval t , s.t. the load profiles of all applications given by α se , α ne ,
schedules opt
S se , t ∈ S se , t ,opt Sne , t ∈ Sne , t ,opt Sm , t ∈ Sm , t through the optimization
(2) L glob _ max_ sched (SCHED ((α ne ∪ Ak ), t )) ≤ L glob _ max_ sched (SCHED (α ne , t ))
It is possible that several alternative transfer operations Ti exist, i.e. i =1,..., q . For
these cases, we propose to select that Ti among the q different alternatives where the
resulting peak load reduction of schedule Sm , t in relation to the peak load of the
application Ak reaches the maximum value. That is, that Ti is chosen where Ak ∈α m
yields the maximum value among all the alternatives for:
L glob _ max_ sched (SCHED (α m , t )) − L glob _ max_ sched (SCHED ((α m − Ak ), t ))
L max_ app A k , t )
Note that after a transfer operation is completed, update operations are required for the
application sets that have been modified. That is, it is necessary to re-compute the sets
of alternative schedules and the schedule that leads to the minimal peak load for α m
load profile of schedule Sm , t load profile of schedule
Sm , t
load before transfer operation load after transfer operation
max. peak load
load of reduction
schedule being
time time
opt opt
load profile of schedule Sne , t load profile of schedule Sne , t
load before transfer operation load
after transfer operation
max. peak max. peak
load of load of
schedule schedule
“gap of schedule”
time time
Figure 2: Optimization by transfer operations. The left side shows the global load schedule Sm , t (upper corner)
and Sne , t (lower corner), respectively, prior to a transfer operation. The transfer operation will move application
opt opt
A2 into the gap of the global schedule Sne , t . As a result, the maximum global load of Sm , t will be reduced
while the maximum load of Sne , t will remain unchanged.
6. Predict the required performance capacity of all servers given by the base allocation B
through the methods presented in Section 4.2. For the i =1,..., l servers H ei use the
prediction method of the exclusive sharing deployment model. For the servers H se and
H m , respectively, use the method of the mixed-mode deployment model. For the
5 Related Work
The problem of how to deal from a resource management point of view with the dynamics of a
set of applications has been addressed previously. In the AutoGlobe Project of the Technical
University Munich [GSWK05], concepts for the static and dynamic allocation of computing
services are studied. This project aims at an adaptive computing infrastructure that includes
advanced self-management services. In the AutoGlobe approach, a static allocation
optimization is proposed that makes use of aggregated historic load data. Similar to our
approach, in this optimization it is attempted to allocate services with complementary resource
requirements on a common server. However, most research on the problem of resource
allocation that can be found in the literature is focused on dynamic allocation techniques, e.g. to
deal with overload situations or system errors. In the AutoGlobe Project, a fuzzy controller is
proposed that handles such situations by corrective actions that are deduced through a rule
based approach under consideration of the actual load situation. Online load measurements for
dynamic resource allocation are also considered in [ChGS02]. The load measurements are
combined with different prediction and resource allocation techniques in order to dynamically
vary the resource shares in shared data centres to the changing workloads of applications. A so
called predictive controller and various prediction algorithms for dynamic resource allocation in
enterprise data centres are proposed in [XZSW06].
In [ThiKl96] an adaptation mechanism is proposed for distributed Multimedia Database
Systems that may dynamically adapt concurrent multimedia presentations to fluctuating
network bandwidth. This mechanism makes use of the simplex method to globally optimize the
adaptations so that the maximum presentation Quality of Service (QoS) is achieved under
consideration of the individual user QoS. The difference of our project to these research projects
is that we look at the allocation issue for multiple interdependent servers from a sizing
Our work is also related to system configuration and performance modelling research. In
[AbRW01], a systematic method to find a satisfactory hardware and software configuration of a
distributed message converter system is presented. Using layered queuing network models, a
solution is described that distributes different jobs to different hosts and also configures the
processes on the hosts. In addition to this general task that is related to the initial sizing task in
our work, we also need to consider the aspect of dynamic resource allocations which was not
necessary in this project. A mathematically based method for configuring distributed workflow
management systems is proposed in [GWWK00]. This method is targeted at meeting the
application’s demands in terms of performance and availability while aiming to minimize the
total system costs. Similar to our work, it is considered that it may be necessary to adapt the
configuration over time due to changes of the workflows. The mathematical core of the
proposed method consists of Markov-chain models that are derived from the application’s
workflow specifications. From these models the overall system’s performance is derived. In
contrast, we predict the required system performance mainly from the load profiles of the
applications. The proposal for a large-scale network parameter configuration method presented
in [YeTK02] shares with our approach that efficient parameter state space search techniques are
required in order to optimize the allocation of applications to servers. In this related work and
also in [XLRX04], finding an optimal configuration is formulated as a black-box optimization
problem. For our long term research goal, which is the development of innovative sizing tools
for dynamic data centres, we will also evaluate if techniques may be applied to our sizing
problem that have been originally developed for configuring mechanical and electronic products
6 Conclusions
In this paper, we have presented the current status of our research on effective sizing methods
for dynamic data centres. We are investigating such approaches in order to develop effective
and reliable sizing tools for such data centres in the long run. For the near future, we expect a
growing demand for such sizing tools because dynamic data centres are becoming more and
more popular.
We presented the main result of our current work status, which is a method for effective initial
server sizing. This method leads to a set of hosts with specific deployment characteristics and a
corresponding set of applications that fit to these characteristics. The maximum load that may
occur at each of these servers is optimized from a global data centre perspective. Due to the fact
that our method makes use of a heuristic algorithm there is no guarantee that our method will
yield the global optimum.
In a next step, we will evaluate our algorithm through a simulation study. Based on the
simulation results, we will further develop and refine our sizing method. This will include more
concrete definitions for the rule-based selection of proper deployment modes. These definitions
will also address the concept of service levels qualities. Through the simulation study, we also
expect to get insights about the proper dimension of the time interval considered in our
algorithm. Our future work will also include a concrete specification of the scheduling functions
applied in our algorithm and the functions for the various search tasks such as the identification
of gaps in load schedules. We expect that for these issues standard algorithms are readily
available or may be adapted to our specific purpose. Furthermore, in our future research, we
will extend our sizing method to allow users to guide and to influence the sizing proposal
generation. This will include the concept of costs, e.g. for performance capacity. This will also
include lower and upper bounds for the number of servers per application class and the
performance capacity of the servers. For example, one may use this option to guide the sizing
proposal generation towards specific needs and preferences, respectively, defined for the data
centre equipment. Moreover, we want to allow that users may influence the destination server
that is considered in transfer operations.
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[ChGS02] Chandra, A., Gong, W., Shenoy, P.: Dynamic Resource Allocation for Shared
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[GWWK00] Gillmann, M., Weissenfels, J., Weikum, G., Kraiss, A.: Performance and
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[YeTK02] Ye, T., Kaur, H., Kalyanaramann, S.: Large-scale network parameter
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Institute, 2002, currently also under review in IEEE Transactions on Networking
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Die Gestaltung und Verwaltung komplexer Systeme erfordert geeignete Abstraktionen. In den
Ingenieurwissenschaften ist dies seit langem bekannt. Aber auch in der
Betriebswirtschaftslehre werden vielfältige Modelle von Unternehmen eingesetzt, um
Gestaltungs- bzw. Veränderungsentscheidungen zu unterstützen. In der Wirtschaftsinformatik
kommt Modellen insofern eine besondere Bedeutung zu, als sie nicht nur eine Grundlage für
den Entwurf betrieblicher Informationssysteme darstellen, sondern darüber hinaus ein
Medium schaffen, um eine zielgerichtete Zusammenarbeit zwischen IT-Experten,
Domänenexperten und Anwendern zu unterstützen. Modelle der Unternehmensstrategie, der
Geschäfts- und Produktionsprozesse sowie des unterstützenden Informationssystems sind
damit wesentliche Voraussetzung für ein effektives IT-Management sowie für die Planung
und Realisierung innovativer Formen des IT-Einsatzes.
Der Track ist darauf gerichtet, die zentrale Rolle der Modellierung zu verdeutlichen und ihren
angemessenen Einsatz in der Praxis zu fördern. Dazu sollen nicht nur Modellierungskonzepte
berücksichtig werden, sondern auch kritische Erfolgsfaktoren für deren wirtschaftliche
Anwendung in der Praxis.
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Appelrath, Universität Oldenburg
Prof. Dr. Jörg Becker, Universität Münster
Prof. Dr. Werner Esswein, Technische Universität Dresden
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Frank, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Prof. Dr. Norbert Gronau, Universität Potsdam
Prof. Dr. Dimitris Karagiannis, Universität Wien
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Knolmayer, Universität Bern
Prof. Dr. Susanne Leist, Universität Regensburg
Prof. Dr. Heinrich C. Mayr, Universität Klagenfurt
Prof. Dr. Markus Nüttgens, Universität Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Erich Ortner, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Prof. Dr. Michael Rebstock, Fachhochschule Darmstadt
Prof. Dr. Elmar J. Sinz, Universität Bamberg
Prof. Dr. Klaus Turowski, Universität Augsburg
Prof. Dr. Robert Winter, Universität St. Gallen