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=prime Features ~U. |. rated leckage STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FRAME 5/16"{110) deep, 16 gauge (1.6) galvanized st |ADES 152] wide. 16 gouge (1.6) galvanized steel jotfom blade width may vary depending on damper height) BLADE AXLES & BEARINGS AXLES — 7/16"(11) Plated hex BEARINGS - Bronze oil impregnated LINKAGE Opposed blade - Plated steel concealed inside the jam Drive blade has a 1 [25} fo 6” (152) extendable shatt to mount operator SEALS. Exiruded slicone blade seals ond 8. side seals (Jomb Seal) MULTIPLE SECTIONS Maximum Multiple Sie is 144°w x 96"h (3658 x 2438), ‘MAXIMUM U. L. CLASSIFIED LEAKAGE CLASS I SIZES Single section assemblies — 36"w x 48"h (914 x 1219) MINIMUM SIZE Bw x 6"h (203 x 152), UNDERSIZED 1/4"(102) under ordered size unless specified Exact or Actual FINISH Mil OPERATOR Refer fo UL approved actuator chart (Specify extemal or intemal mounting) Damper Mounting Position Horizontal, Vertical OPTIONAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFIED MATERIAL - Avolobe in slanlss, Aluminum oo: requested LNKAGE- Mounted on face of Blades Toes sprecze aq Popol! JAMB SEAL - Stainless Steel a eater SLEEVE AND DUCTWORK CONNECTION - aivanized sett 20" (762) in length, Tronsons ovoloble n:round, Sval rectangular or euslom. Faciory con instal access door, etaning tnglesor flange connections ASS | @ 350° F (176°) Smoke Damper. MOTORIZED SMOKE DAMPER SMOKE DAMPER - MODEL 621 Meets NFPA 90A & ULSSSS, CLASSIFIED (U, ») “cussmenron LY wat re some A) ‘CLASSIFIED + Dampers 11" (279) high and uncer willbe single blade, and extend trom tne tame proportionately ACCESSORIES: smoke Detector “APPROVED ACTUATORS Inleator Setehes Honeywell] Siemens | Belmo onitoring Stations WL BTOa [GND 12 [FSNFZA US DATE ARCHITECT | [ENGINEER 24Voc GND 126.10 SSO TALI eer GHDZ 120 Vac GND 26.10 aaa [ood reser GSD GHD S710 RRO? 230 Vee GED a1 Ta Peumatic 351-3060 S126 © % fal @ EROVAC® Ssare-Ain Sones el Filtraire” =prime MOTORIZED SMOKE DAMPER 621 PERFORMANCE AIR PERFORMANCE 03 os 6 as o4 go z esiton 5 ou 2 oly ie hae et 2 dom B oes 04 003 q 002 oor 00 00 FREE AREA VELOCITY (fpm) 1000.2 CALCULATING PRESSURE LOSS: Based upon @ given flow rale (in CFM), the flowing pressure loss maybe determined trom the “ir performance graph, knowing the $9. of free area of the damper. Alternately, the free ores may be determined based upon a volumetric fow rate and a maximum pressure loss. Uilizing the “air performance" graph. In. W.C. Max. Pressure Loss Intake or Exhaust PM (Free Area Velocity From “Air Performance" Graph) CFM / __FPM Free Area Velocity = _Sq. Fi. Free Area FREE AREA CALCULATIONS IN SQ. FT. won z HECHT AEROVAC® AIR LEAKAGE Damperin closed postion PRESSURE LOSS inches (WG) > 23 45678910 20 30 405060 LEAKAGE PER SQ. FT. OF FACE AREA (cfm) x 48"somple was tested with blade and jamb seals U. L, CLASSIFIED DYNAMIC CLOSURE RATING (Our maximum recommended operating for this damper 1s 2000 fom @ 4"static pressure. This damper has been tested in accordance with the U.L. requirements for closure under installed "system in operation” conditions (Dynamic closure). Single sections 36"w x 48"h have been tested capable to close, mounted either vertical fr horizontal, at 3000 fpm. @ 8" static pressure. Filtraire” Ssare.Ain Sones el

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