Associated Features Supporting Diagnosis
Associated Features Supporting Diagnosis
Associated Features Supporting Diagnosis
, by intercourse or mechanical
stimulation); other genito-pelvic pain may be spontaneous as well as provoked. Genito-pelvic
pain can also be usefully characterized qualitatively (e.g., “burning,” “cutting,” “shooting,”
“throbbing”). The pain may persist for a period after intercourse is completed and may also occur
during a gynaecological examination.
Marked fear or anxiety about vulvovaginal or pelvic pain either in anticipation of, or
during, or as a result of vaginal penetration (Criterion A3) is commonly reported by women
who have regularly experienced pain during sexual intercourse. This “normal” reaction may lead
to avoidance of sexual/intimate situations. In other cases, this marked fear does not appear to be
closely related to the experience of pain but nonetheless leads to avoidance or intercourse and
vaginal penetration situations. Some have described this as similar to a phobic reaction except
that the phobic object may be vaginal penetration or the fear of pain.
Marked tensing or tightening of the pelvic floor muscles during attempted vaginal
penetration (Criterion A4) can vary from reflexive-like spasm of the pelvic floor in response to
attempted vaginal entry to “normal/voluntary” muscle guarding in response to the anticipated or
the repeated experience of pain or to fear or anxiety. In the case of “normal/guarding” reactions,
penetration may be possible under circumstances of relaxation. The characterization and
assessment of pelvic floor dysfunction is often best undertaken by a specialist gynaecologist or
by a pelvic floor physical therapist.
The prevalence of genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder is unknown. However, approximately
15% of women in North America report recurrent pain during intercourse. Difficulties having
intercourse appear to be a frequent referral to sexual dysfunction clinics and to specialist
Differential Diagnosis
Another Medical condition. In many instances, women with genito-pelvic pain/penetration
disorder will also be diagnosed with another medical condition (e.g., lichen sclerosus,
endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, vulvovaginal atrophy). In some cases, treating the
medical condition may alleviate the genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder. Much of the time,
this is not the case. There are no reliable tools or diagnostic methods to allow clinicians to know
whether the medical condition or genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder is primary. Often, the
associated medical conditions are difficult to diagnose and treat. For example, the increased
incidence of postmenopausal pain during intercourse may sometimes be attributable to vaginal
dryness or vulvovaginal atrophy associated with declining estrogen levels. The relationship,
however, between vulvovaginal atrophy/dryness, estrogen, and pain is not well understood.
Somatic symptom and related disorders. Some women with genito-pelvic pain/penetration
disorder may also be diagnosable with somatic symptom disorder. Since both genito-pelvic
pain/penetration disorder and the somatic symptom and related disorders are new diagnoses, it is
not yet clear whether they can be reliably differentiated. Some women diagnosed with genito-
pelvic pain/penetration disorder will also be diagnosed with a specific phobia.
Inadequate sexual stimuli. It is important that the clinician, in considering differential
diagnoses, assess the adequacy of sexual stimuli within the woman’s sexual experience. Sexual
situations in which there is inadequate foreplay or arousal may lead to difficulties in penetration,
pain, or avoidance. Erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation in the male partner may result
in difficulties with penetration. These conditions should be carefully assessed. In some
situations, a diagnosis of genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder may not be appropriate.
Comorbidity between genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder and other sexual difficulties
appears to be common. Comorbidity with relationship distress is also common. This is not
surprising, since in Western cultures the inability to have (pain-free) intercourse with a desired
partner and the avoidance of sexual opportunities may be either a contributing factor to or the
result of other sexual or relationship problems. Because pelvic floor symptoms are implicated in
the diagnosis of genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder, there is likely to be a higher prevalence
of other disorders related to the pelvic floor or reproductive organs (e.g., interstitial cystitis,
constipation, vaginal infection, endometriosis, irritable bowel syndrome).
Prevalensi gangguan nyeri/penetrasi genito-pelvis tidak diketahui. Namun, sekitar 15% wanita di
Amerika Utara melaporkan nyeri berulang saat hubungan seksual. Kesulitan melakukan
hubungan tampaknya menjadi rujukan yang sering ke klinik disfungsi seksual dan ke dokter
Diagnosis Banding
Kondisi medis lain. Dalam banyak kasus, wanita dengan gangguan nyeri/penetrasi genito-pelvis
juga akan didiagnosis dengan kondisi medis lain (mis., Lichen sclerosus, endometriosis, penyakit
radang panggul, atrofi vulvovaginal). Dalam beberapa kasus, mengobati kondisi medis dapat
mengurangi rasa sakit/gangguan penetrasi genito-pelvis. Sebagian besar waktu, ini tidak terjadi.
Tidak ada alat yang dapat diandalkan atau metode diagnostik untuk memungkinkan dokter
mengetahui apakah kondisi medis atau gangguan nyeri/penetrasi genito-pelvis adalah yang
utama. Seringkali, kondisi medis terkait sulit didiagnosis dan diobati. Sebagai contoh,
peningkatan insiden nyeri pascamenopause selama hubungan seksual kadang-kadang dapat
disebabkan oleh kekeringan pada vagina atau atrofi vulvovaginal yang terkait dengan penurunan
kadar estrogen. Namun, hubungan antara atrofi/kekeringan vulvovaginal, estrogen, dan nyeri
tidak dipahami dengan baik.
Gejala somatik dan penyakit yang berhubungan. Beberapa wanita dengan gangguan
penetrasi/nyeri genito-pelvis juga dapat didiagnosis dengan gangguan gejala somatik. Karena
gangguan nyeri/penetrasi genito-pelvis dan gejala somatik dan gangguan terkait adalah diagnosis
baru, belum jelas apakah keduanya dapat dibedakan secara andal. Beberapa wanita yang
didiagnosis dengan gangguan penetrasi/nyeri genito-pelvis juga akan didiagnosis dengan fobia
Komorbiditas antara nyeri genito-pelvis/gangguan penetrasi dan kesulitan seksual lainnya
tampaknya umum terjadi. Komorbiditas dengan tekanan hubungan juga sering terjadi. Ini tidak
mengherankan, karena dalam budaya Barat ketidakmampuan untuk melakukan hubungan (bebas
rasa sakit) dengan pasangan yang diinginkan dan menghindari peluang seksual dapat menjadi
faktor yang berkontribusi atau akibat dari masalah seksual atau hubungan lainnya. Karena gejala
dasar panggul terlibat dalam diagnosis gangguan nyeri/penetrasi genito-panggul, kemungkinan
ada prevalensi yang lebih tinggi dari gangguan lain yang terkait dengan dasar panggul atau organ
reproduksi (misalnya, sistitis interstitial, sembelit, infeksi vagina, endometriosis, sindrom iritasi
usus besar).