How To Determine Air Flow
How To Determine Air Flow
How To Determine Air Flow
BS848: Part 1 is the Standard that fan manufacturers' use to determine the air performance
of all types of fans with the exception of those fans designed solely for air circulation. e.g.
ceiling fans and table fans.
The 1963 version offered 9 test methods, and consisted of 77 pages of A5 size.
The 1980 version introduced standardised airways, recognised 4 installation types with at
least 4 test methods for each installation. The publication had increased by just 2 pages in
length, but was now doubled to A4 size.
The 1997 version is better known as ISO5801. It represents basic agreement internationally
for air performance test methods, and is the result of almost thirty years of discussion,
comparative testing and detailed analyses by leading specialists from research organisations
and the fan industry throughout the world. The publication now extends to 232 A4 pages.
Clearly AIR is not conducive to being measured. We cannot see it. Its motion is three
dimensional and turbulent, and it would need a great many measurements of velocity and
direction to integrate a total volume flow, unless the air were first collected and then
straightened in a suitable test airway.
What we do have are test procedures for determining a fan's performance that will produce
repeatable results under laboratory conditions.
[When ducting is attached to the inlet, outlet, or both inlet and outlet, of a fan, its
performance is changed]
Fans are classified according to the four types of installation:
To illustrate the four classification types and show the standardised inlet and outlet ducts,
Figure 1 shows the determination of flow rate by use of inlet or outlet orifice.
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Type A - Free inlet and outlet.
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Figure 1/. Illustration of the four classification types of installation.
Site testing.
It has been stated that fan manufacturers’ are able to give a fan’s performance tested under
laboratory conditions.
Normally there are obstructions within the system that cause resistance to flow. Most
component manufacturers produce resistance to flow data and system designers are able to
estimate an overall resistance to flow and size a fan accordingly.
However, there will always be instances where the system does not operate to the design
specification and it is not uncommon to suggest that the fan is not doing what it ought. Some
designers will over specify the fan in order to overcome such deficiencies. This, whilst solving
any foreseeable problems, is very energy inefficient, and does not correct the problem at
source. Discrepancies may be due to any of the following:
It should be appreciated that the accuracy achieved on site will be substantially inferior than
that achieved under laboratory conditions, and where a site test forms the basis of a fan
acceptance test, the manufacturer should have the opportunity to inspect the system design
in order to:
(1). Agree the best locations for measurement,
(2). Have the opportunity to advise any changes to the system that will affect the overall
performance of the fan.
The volume flow rate in a system can be measured at the entrance to the system, at the exit
from the system, or somewhere within the system.
This could involve measuring the total volume flow rate or the flow rate in a portion of the
It is always possible to install a permanent measuring device within the system. This could be
integrated as part of a management system and can be relatively inexpensive when compared
to the total cost of the system.
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Wherever it is measured, it should be a prerequisite that the flow should be swirl-free;
checks should also be made to ensure that the fan and any associated components are
functioning properly; and that the fan operating speed is stable. i.e. The system is operating
at steady conditions (temperature).
BS848: Part 1: 1980 gives instructions for site testing and location of measurement planes.
The flow measurement plane should preferable be sited at the inlet to the fan. Bends,
contractions and other obstructions should be situated as far away from the measuring plane
as is practicable. It is allowed to introduce guide vanes in order to improve the flow
For the purposes of measuring the pressure rise across the fan, the static pressure should
be measured close to the fan inlet and outlet. Where it is not possible to measure close to
the fan, allowances have to be made for duct friction effects between the fan and the
measuring plane.
What has to be appreciated is that where irregular flow conditions are present, there will be
a component of velocity pressure present and may be recorded as well as the static pressure
and this will lead to erroneous readings.
The measuring planes for recording flow and pressure as laid out in BS848: Part 1: 1980 are
shown below.
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Figure 3 - Location of the flow measuring planes for site testing.
There is at present, waiting in the wings, a draft ISO/DIS 5802 standard entitled
'Industrial fans - Methods of performance testing in situ' and will be compulsive reading for
those testing on site.
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How to measure pressure.
It is not proposed to venture to fully into the fundamental principles as this has been
covered in previous seminars, except to say that the only pressure acting a point in a
stationary fluid is hydrostatic pressure which acts equally in all directions.
When the fluid is set in motion, there is an additional dynamic pressure due entirely to the
motion of the flow and the density of the fluid.
The algebraic sum of the static pressure and the velocity pressure is called the total
Pressure measurements are usually made relative to atmospheric pressure and are corrected
to ‘Standard Conditions’ such that comparisons between readings are possible.
The internationally agreed ‘Standard Conditions’ for air having a density of 1.2 kg/m³.
Practical methods of measuring volume flow rate.
A tube placed in a duct facing into the direction of the flow will measure the total pressure
in the duct. If frictional losses are neglected, the mean total pressure at any cross section
throughout the duct system is constant.
Static pressure can only be determined accurately by measuring it in a manner such that the
velocity pressure has no influence on the measurement at all. This is carried out by measuring
it through a small hole at the wall of the duct; or a series of holes positioned at right angles
to the flow in a surface lying parallel to the lines of flow. The pitot static tube is an example
of this. Figure 4 shows the principle of the pitot static tube. It will be seen that connecting
tubes to a manometer makes the measurement of pressure.
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Figure 4. Principle of the pitot static tube.
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Instruments for measuring pressure.
A disadvantage of the U tube is that the scale has to be constantly moved to line up with the
moving zero
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Alternatively with zero taken at the centre point the scale length is halved with subsequent
loss of resolution.
The disadvantages of the simple U tube manometer are overcome and other advantages
incorporated in single limb industrial manometers in which it is only necessary to read one
liquid level.
In one such design, one of the limbs of the U tube is replaced by a reservoir, thus
substantially increasing the surface area. A pressure applied to this reservoir causes the
level of fluid to move a small, calculable amount. The same volume of fluid displaced in the
glass limb produces a considerable change in the level. This nearly doubles the resolution
compared with the U tube manometer for vertical instruments and gives much greater
magnification when the limb is inclined.
The manometer fluid may be plain water, but problems can arise from algae growing in the
tube causing the density of the fluid to alter. Special blends of paraffin are often used and
these have several advantages: a free moving meniscus, no staining of the tube, and expanded
scales due to low relative densities. Where higher pressures are required, denser fluids are
used, of which mercury is often used. For very low pressures the manometer limb is inclined
to improve the resolution further.
More precision can be achieved with adjustable - range limbs and it is possible to achieve
from 0 - 125 Pa. to 0 - 5000 Pa. with only two limbs.
Several readings can be stored, with MIN, MAX and AVE functions. In
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some instances, duct area can be inputted to allow direct volume flow measurement
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How to measure volume flow rate.
There are several methods with which the flow rate can be measured.
BS1042 Part 1 : 1990 describes such devices as the venturi nozzle, the orifice plate, and the
conical inlet. The venturi nozzle and the orifice plate may be used at the inlet to or the
outlet from a system as well as between two sections of an airway. The conical inlet draws air
from a ‘free’ space at the entrance to a system.
With regard to measuring the volume flow rate of general purpose fans, the requirements of
BS1042 with regard to the lengths of straight duct upstream of the flow meter is reduced
and BS848 Part 1 : 1997 details these changes together with the associated uncertainty of
qm = a e [ p d² / 4 ] Ö 2 ru DP
qm = mass flow rate ( kg / s )
a = flow coefficient
e = expansibility factor
d = throat diameter
ru = upstream density ( kg / m³ )
DP = pressure difference ( Pa.)
It is not proposed to go into too much detail with these devices as both BS1042 and BS848
are complete documents and should be referred to.
A commonly used method of accurately establishing the volume flow rate in a duct is by
traversing the duct with a pitot - static tube connected to a precision manometer.
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A conveniently accessible part of the duct should be selected; preferably where there is a
straight parallel section of duct of at least 5 diameters downstream of any bend, obstruction
or abrupt change of section.
Velocity readings are required at the prescribed points as shown in figures 7 and 8.
The air velocity at the point of measurement can easily be calculated from the velocity
pressure reading according to the following formulae:
The standard formula for calculating velocity from velocity pressure is:
V = 1.291 Ö pv(m/s)
V = air velocity ( m / s )
pv = velocity pressure ( Pa.)
pa = atmospheric pressure ( Pa.)
ps = static pressure ( Pa.)
T = absolute temperature ( K ) (= t + 273)
t = airstream temperature ( °C )
When averaging the readings taken on a duct traverse it is strictly correct to average the air
velocities (which is equivalent to averaging the square roots of the velocity pressures). In
practice, however, no great error will be introduced by taking a simple average of the
velocity pressures when calculating the mean velocity providing the majority of the readings
do not vary by more than about ± 25% from the mean value.
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Figure 7. Measuring points for circular ducts. Log linear rule for traverse points on 3
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No. of points or Position relative to inner wall.
traverse lines
5 0.074, 0.288, 0.5, 0.712, 0.926
6 0.061, 0.235, 0.437, 0.563, 0.765, 0.939
7 0.053, 0.203, 0.366, 0.5, 0.634, 0.797, 0.947
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Anemometers are instruments, which measure air velocity. Two popular types are the
Rotating vane anemometer and the Thermal anemometer. The rotating vane type is basically a
mechanical device where a shrouded rotating vane rotates like a windmill, with delicate
clockwork gearing recording the number of revolutions of the vane on a multi - point dial.
These anemometers record the linear movement of air past the instrument in metres or feet
for as long as it is held in the air stream. By noting the time with a stop watch the velocity in
m/s or ft/min can be determined.
In more recent anemometers as each blade of the rotating vane passes a pick up, it is
‘counted’ electronically, the signal fed into electronic circuitry with its own time base and
displays the measured velocity directly and instantaneously without any need for external
The anemometer head is normally 100 mm diameter in size, but heads as small as 16 mm are
It can be used in larger ducts to traverse the duct to obtain mean duct velocity as with the
pitot - static tube.
Obviously the larger size head ( when compared to the pitot - static tube) interferes with
the airflow in smaller ducts with the result that it causes the local duct velocity to increase
to a significant effect. Figure 9 shows the typical increase in velocity reading when placed in
different sized ducts.
It is possible to have one anemometer head centrally located in its own test duct and be
independently calibrated for volume flow rate.
The Airflowä 100mm rotating vane anemometers can be fitted with an Aircone flow hood
which allows the volume flow rate through small grilles to be measured easily and accurately.
The volume flow rate can be measured using an ATP600 Airflow Measuring Hood for larger
sized grilles.
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200mmDIA. DUCT
300mmDIA. DUCT
400mmDIA. DUCT
500mmDIA. DUCT
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
DUCT AREA(sq.metres)
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A wet finger in the air will detect the direction of the wind because a drop in temperature is
felt on the surface facing the wind. Thermal anemometers act in a similar way, in that the
passage of air takes heat away from a heated element at a rate dependant upon the velocity.
This element is mounted at the end of a probe that can be inserted into the airstream.
Velocity readout is direct and instantaneous.
The method of heating the element ( which can be a small length of thin wire, a simple
thermocouple or a thermister ) and the read - out technique determine the quality of the
instrument. Because it is a thermal device, it is important to compensate for variations in
ambient temperature, pressure, and the composition of the gas / air being measured.
The probe is normally small similar to that of the pitot - static tube, and is particularly
appropriate for use at low velocities where a vane anemometer ( due to mechanical friction
effects ) or pitot - static tube would not be sensitive enough.
Its principal disadvantage is that they take only a point velocity reading and a traverse is
needed to obtain an average velocity reading.
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The Wilson flow grid consists of a row of parallel tubes with closed ends and forms what can
be described as an ‘open fence’ across the duct at right angles to the axis of flow. Some of
the tubes are perforated with small holes facing upstream ( sensing total pressure ), whilst
other tubes have holes on the downstream side to sense throat sub - static pressure. Both
sets of tubes are connected to separate manifolds which provide two average pressure
signals. The difference between the two signals constitutes an enhanced output signal.
The presence of the ‘grid’ in the duct creates a partial blockage in the cross - sectional area
of the duct resulting in an increase in local velocity between the tubes. The positive pressure
is derived from the total pressure sampled from the distribution of the forward facing holes.
The negative pressure is derived from a combination of the depressed static pressure
between the tube and the suction zone immediately behind the tubes.
The holes in the tubes are positioned such that an acceptable sampling system is utilised.
The output signal can be compared to the mean duct velocity pressure that would be present
in the duct without the ‘grid’ being present. This is commonly termed the magnification
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The output signal can also be plotted against the volume flow rate in the duct. This is possible
because each Wilson flow grid is manufactured to suit a given duct size.
It is possible to use a single ‘double’ tube in a duct section, but because there is no effective
manifold the reading can be slightly erratic. It should also be noted that the single tube type
only senses the flow rate in one plane which is not ideal.
Accuracy of readings.
Single point and multi-point measuring devices have been considered for the measurement of
volume flow rate.
Where there are obstructions upstream of the measuring section, typical lengths of straight
ducting between the obstruction and the measuring section in order to maintain a given
accuracy with repeatability of measurement are given below:
Tapered 2D 1D 3.5D 2D
Sudden 2D 1D 3.5D 2D
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I recently received a telephone call from an engineer in India. He had purchased a vane
anemometer and was querying what figure he should use for the ‘area’ in order for him to
calculate the inlet volume flow rate of a fan.
[1]/. Should he mount the anemometer within the duct section at plane ‘A’ and make an
allowance for any blockage caused by its presence?
Answer: Yes you should, but look you have an axial fan very close and the flow pattern
is inevitably going to have a swirl condition.
This could enhance the reading from the anemometer, or even reduce the reading, as
the flow pattern will be influential.
Thus, this is not an ideal situation.
[2]. How about a velocity traverse at the intake (at plane 'B')?
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Answer: Again the positioning is not ideal. You will get a velocity reading, but you must
take due account of the direction of the velocity.
[3]. Create a plenum chamber that will not interfere with the air pattern at the intake.
Carry out a traverse across the inlet to the plenum; compute an average velocity and multiply
it by the plenum face area.
[4]. There is a long length of straight ducting attached to the fan outlet. Carry out a
velocity traverse at plane ‘C’.
[6]. Utilise the inlet cone, by adding static pressure tapping points at plane ‘A’, measure the
static pressure and compute the volume flow rate using the following formula:
QV = 1.291 A a ÖpS
This method adopts Bernoulli's theorem that the drop in static pressure which takes place
when air accelerates in an air stream is equal to the rise in dynamic pressure which takes
place. This assumes no friction effect, (which in practice increases the numerical value of the
static pressure. There has been a lot of tests carried out on different types of entry and
reliable data exists for the entry coefficient.
The entry coefficient is defined as the factor which the square root of the static pressure
has to be multiplied by in order to obtain the equivalent square root of the velocity pressure.
Don’t forget. You are carrying this operation out in India and you must take due allowance of
the site temperature where necessary.
[ I know that this is a very simple case, but it does demonstrate where problems can occur.
If you are in any doubt, refer the problem to the fan manufacturer. Most are affiliated to
FMA and have BSI registration. They can be useful and trustworthy.]
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