Insect Ecology Integrated Pest Management PDF
Insect Ecology Integrated Pest Management PDF
Insect Ecology Integrated Pest Management PDF
Insect Ecology & Integrated Pest
11 PEST 55-59
Lecture 1
Principles of Applied Entomology
The field of entomology may be divided into 2 major aspects.
Fundamental Entomology deals with the basic or academic aspects of the Science
of Entomology. It includes morphology, anatomy, physiology and taxonomy of the
insects. In this case we study the subject for gaining knowledge on Entomology
irrespective of whether it is useful or harmful.
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b) Storage pests
Insects feed on stored products and cause economic loss. (eg) Rice wewil, Pulse
c) Pest attacking cattle and domestic animals
Cattle are affected by pests like Horse fly, Fleshfly, Flese and Lice. They suck
blood and sometimes eat the flash.
d) House hold and disease carrying insects
House hold pests include cockroach, ants, etc,. Disease carrying insects are
mosquitoes, houseflies, bed bugs, fleas etc.
B. Beneficial insects
a) Productive insects
Silk worm:- The silk worm filament secreted from the salivary gland of the larva
helps us in producing silk.
Honey bee:- Provides us with honey and many other byproducts like bees wax and
royal jelly.
Lac insects:- The secretion from the body of these scale insects is called lac. Useful
in making vanishes and polishes.
Insects useful as drugs, food, ornaments etc,
As medicine eg. Sting of honey bees- remedy for rhenmatism and arthritis
Eanthoridin - extracted from blister beetle –useful as hair tonic.
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Pollinators: Many cross pollinated plants depend on insects for pollination and fruit
Eg Honey bees, aid in pollination of sunflower crop.
Weed killers: Insects which feed on weeds, kill them thereby killers. Eg Parthenium
beetle eats on parthenium. Cochneal insect feeds in Opuntia dillenii.
Soil builders: soil insects such as ants, beetles, larval of cutworms, cri kets, collun
bola, make tunrels in soil and facilitate aeration in soil. They become good
manure after death and enrish soil.
Scavengers: Insects which feed on dead and decaying matter are called scavengers.
They important for maintaining hygine in the surroundings.
Eg Carrion bettles, Rove beetles feed on deade animals and plants.
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Honey bees and their usefulness are known to man from prehistoric times. Mention
of bees are found in vedas, Ramayan and Quran. The modern bee keeping became
possible after the discovery of movable frame hive in 1851 by Rerd.
L.L.Langshoth. In India beekeeping was introduced in 1882 in Bengal. Rerd.
Newton introduced beekeeping to south India in 1911. But still India is much
behind USA, Canada, Europe, Australia and Newzealand in beekeeping.
Bee species
Apis dorsata:-
1. They construct single comb in open (About 6ft long and 3ft deep)
2. They shift the place of the colony often.
3. Rock bees are ferocious and difficult to rear.
4. They produce about 36 Kg honey /comb/year.
5. The bees are the largest among the bee described.
Apis florea
1. They also construct comb in open of the size of palm in branches of bushes,
hedges, buildings, caves, empty cases etc.
2. They produce about 1/2Kg honey/year/hive.
3. They are not rearable as they frequently change their palce.
4. The size of the bees is smallest among 4 Apis Sp. Described. (smaller than Indian
5. They distributed only in plains and not in hills above 450M.
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Every honey bee colony comprises of a single queen, a few hundred drones and
several thousand worker castes of honey bees. Queen is a fertile, functional female,
worker is a sterile female and the drone is a male insect.
Duties of a queen
1. The only individual which lays eggs in a colony .(Mother of all bees).
2. Lays upto 2000/day in Apis mellifera.
3. Five to Ten days after emergence, she mates with drones in one or more nuptial
4. When her spermatheea is filled with sperms, she will start laying eggs and will not
mate any more.
5. She lives for 3 years.
6. The secretion from mandibular gland of the queen is called queen’s substance.
7. The queen substance if present in sufficient quantity performs following functions.
a) Prevent swarming and absconding of colonies.
b) Prevent development of ovary in workers.
c) Colony cohesion is maintained.
8. The queen can lay either fertilized or sterile eggs depending on the requirement.
Duties of a drone
1. Their important duty is to fertilize the queen.
2. They also help in maintenance of hive temperature.
3. They cannot collect nectar / pollen and they do not possess a sting.
Duties of a worker
1. Their adult life span of around 6 weeks can be divided into
a) First three weeks- house hold duty.
b) Rest of the life- out door duty.
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Outdoor duties
1. Collecting nectar, pollen, propolis and water.
2. Ripening honey in honey stomach.
Bee behaviour
a) Swarming: Swarming is a natural method of colony multiplication in which a part
of the colony migrates to a new site to make a new colony. Swarming occurs when
a colony builts up a considerable strength or when the queen’s substance secreted
by queen falls below a certain level. Swarming is a potent instinct in bees for
dispersal and perpetuation of the species.
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4. When the queen cells are sealed after pupation the old queen along with 1/3 rd or
half colony strength moves out of the hive.
5. They first settle in a nearby bush and hang in a perdant cluster.
6. The scout bees go in search of appropriate place for colonization and later the entire
colony moves to the suitable site.
7. The first swarm which comes of the parent colony with the old queen is called
primary swarm.
8. The new queen which emerges kills all other stages of queen present inside the
queen cell.
9. Sometimes the new queen is not allowed to destroy stages of other queens.
10. In this case the new queen leaves the hive along with a group of workers. This is
called after swarm or cast.
When a old queen is unable to lay sufficient eggs, she will be replaced or
superseded by supersedure queen. Or when she runs out of spermathezoa in her
supermatheca, and lays many unfertilized eggs from which only drones emerge.
In this case, one or 2 queen cells are constructed in the middle of the comb and not
at the bottom. At a given time both new and old queens are seen simultaneously.
Later the old queen disappears.
Emergency queen
In the event of death of the queen the eggs (less than 2½ days old) in
worker cells are selected and the cell extended like a queen cell. It is fed with
abundant royal jelly and covered into queen. In this case many queen cells are built
in the middle of the comb. The first queen which comes out of the emergency
queen cells kills other stages of queen inside the cells and then go for mating. After
mating they laying fertile eggs.
Laying workers
In the event of loss of a queen and in the event of absence of worker eggs
less than 2½ days old the chance of producing new queen is lost. In this case, the
worker status laying eggs. Since the worker cannot mate, they lay unfertilized
eggs. From these eggs only drones emerge. Moreover, a worker lays more than
one egg per cell and there is competition among the larva, stuited drones are
Colony odour: Every colony has a specific odour. This is brought about by scent
fanning of secretion of vasanov gland present in last abdominal segment of worker
bees recognise colony odour and return to same hives.
Hive temperature maintenance: Brought about by fanning of wings in hot weather
to reduce temperature. In cold weather they sit on the brood and prevent heat loss.
Division of labour: Each and every caste of bees have their own role to play as
described earlier.
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Queen controls colony with her queen’s substance Guarding the hive:- The
workers perform this duty by sitting at hive entrance and preventing and stinging
Royal fidelity or Blossom faithfulness
Bees restrict themselves to a single source of pollen and hectar until it is available.
Only if the pollen and nectar from a plant species is exhausted they more to the
next plant species.
Communication in bees
Bees communicate using various phenomones, including the queen’s substance,
vasanov gland secretion, alarm pheromone emitted from sting and secretion of
tarsal gland. In addition the bees also communicate by performing certain dances.
When scout bees return to the box after foraging they communicate to the
other forages present in the box about the direction and distance of the food source
from the hive by performing dances. The important types of dances are noticed.
1. Round dance is used to indicate a short distance (Less than 50m in case of
A.mellifera). The bee runs in circles, first in one direction and then in opposite
direction, (clockwise and anticlockwise).
This is used to indicate long distance.(more than 50m in case of A.mellifera). Here
the bee makes two half circles in opposite directions with a straight run in between.
During the straight run, the bee shakes (wags) its abdomen from side to side, the
number of wags per unit time inversely proportional to the distance of the food (more
the wags, less the distance.). The direction of food source is conveyed by the angle
that the dancing bee makes between its straight run and top of the hive which is the
same as between the direction of the food and direction of the sun. The bees, can
know the position of the sun even if it is cloudy.
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Wag tail dance to communicate the direction and distance of food source
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v. Honey extraction
- Bee escape board - Kept between brood and super chamber
- Bees bushed away using brush
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- Pollen and nectar available only during certain period
Honey flow season (surplus food source) x Dearth period (Scarcity of food)
- Extremes in climate like summer, winter and monsoon - Need specific
management tactics
Summer management
- Bees have to survive intense heat and dearth period
- Provide sufficient shade (under trees or artificial structure)
- To increase RH and reduce heat - Sprinkle water twice a day on gunny bag or
rice straw put on hive
- Increase ventilation by introducing a splinter between brood and super chamber
- Provide sugar syrup, pollen supplement/substitute and water
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Winter management
- Maintain strong and disease free colonies
- Provide new queen to the hives
- Winter packing in cooler areas (Hilly areas)
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Refers to collection of nectar and pollen by bees.
Nectar foragers
- Collect nectar from flowers using lapping torigue
- Passes the nectar to hive bees
- Hive bees repeatedly pass the nectar between preoral cavity and tongue - to
ripen honey
- Later drops into cell
Pollen foragers
- Collects pollen by passing flower to flower. Pollen sticking to body removed -
Using pollen comb
- Packed using pollen press into corbicula
- A single bee carries 10-30 mg pollen (25% of bee’s wt)
- Dislodge by middle log into cell
- Mix with honey and store
Floral fidelity
A bee visits same species of plant for pollen/nectar collection until exhausted. Bees travel
2-3 km distance to collect pollen/nectar.
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Self pollination
Transfer to sligma of same plant
No external agents are involved
Cross pollination
Transfer pollen from one plant to stigma of another plant
External agents are involved
b. Water (Hydrophily)
Water carries pollen from one plant to other
B. Biotic agents
Bird, bat and insects are important biotic agents
Among insects honey bees play major role
Honey bees and flowering plants have coevolved
In insect pollinated plants, flowers are large, brightly colour, distinct fragrance,
presence of nectar and sticky pollen
True honeybees (Apis spp.) - Most valuable pollinators of commercial crop
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Vegetable and
Fruits and nuts Oil seed crops Forage seed crops
vegetable seed crops
Almond Cabbage Sunflower Lucerve
Apple Cauliflower Niger Clover
Apricot Carrot Rape seed
Peach Coriander Mustard
Strawberry Cucumber, Melon Safflower
Citrus Onion, Pumpkin Gingelly
Litchi Radish, Turnip
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2. Cucurbitaceous vegetables
- Monoecious - Staminate and pistillate flowers in same plant
- 30-100% increase in fruit set due to bee pollination
3. Alfalfa or Lucerne
- Tubular flower - has 5 petals joined at base
- One large standard petal
- 2 smaller petals on sides
- 2 keel petals holding staminal column
- When bee sits on keel petal, staminal column strikes against standard petal and
pollen shatters
- This is called TRIPPING
- Only if bee sits to trips the flowers seed set occurs
4. Corinader
- Yield increase upto 187% noted when pollinated by bees
5. Cardamom
- Important commercial crop depending on bee pollination. Yield increase upto
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6. Gingelly
- Another oilseed crop, bee pollination causes 25% increase in yield
7. Apple
- Only if pollinated by bees - feed set occurs
- Fruit is formed around seeds only
- If improper seed set - Fruit shape is lopsided (market value decreases)
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1. Honey
2. Bees Wax
3. Royal Jelly
4. Bee Venom
5. Propolis
6. Pollen
1. Honey
- A sweet, viscous fluid - Produced by honey bees
- Collected as nectar from nectaries at base of flower
- Also collected from extra floral nectaries (nectar secreted by parts other than
- Collected also from fruit juice, cane juice
Lrvulose 41.0
Dextrose 35.0
Sucrose 1.9
Dextrins 1.5
Minerals 2.0
Water 17.0
Undetermined (Enzymes, Vitamins, Pigments, etc.) 1.6
Carotene, Chlorophyll, Xanthophyll
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Minerals include
Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper,
Sulphur, Silica, Iron.
Vit B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), Nicolinic acid, Vit.K, Folic acid, Ascorbic acid,
Pantothenic acid.
Colour of honey
1. Depends on the nectar of flower (plant species)
2. Darker honey has stronger flower
3. Lighter honey has more pleasant smell
Fermentation of honey
- Honey containing high moisture can ferment
- Sugar tolerant yeast present in honey cause fermentation
- Fermentation more at 11-21oC
- Fermentation lends to formation of alcohol and carbondioxide
- Alcohol later converted into acetic acid
- Fermented honey sour in taste due to acidity
- Heating honey to 64oC for 30 min destroys yeast and prevents fermentation
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These effects may happen as a result of the direct exposure of bee fauna to
pesticides or through indirect contact with their residues. Direct exposure occurs from
treatment of bee hives with pesticides for disinfestation purpose or honey bees visiting
the fields at the time of spray. While the indirect exposure occurs from spray drift
from nearby fields or bee foraging in sprayed crops. Honeybees may also come in
contact with spray fluid spilled inadvertently or thrown in the watercourses.
General aggressiveness.
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Paralysed or stupefied bees crawling on nearby objects of the colony and also on
blades of the grass.
Causes of poisoning
Bee poisoning mainly occurs when pesticides are applied to crop during bloom. It
may also be caused by drift of toxic chemicals onto non-target areas or bees
contacting residues of pesticides on plants for pollen and nectar and also bees
drinking or contacting contaminated water in watercourses or spillage. If the chemical
is highly poisonous the bees may get killed in or near the field. However, if the
chemical has delayed action the bees may reach their hives but die near the entrance.
Some of workers may even enter the hive and store nectar and pollen inside and thus,
result in exposure of the nurse bees to the contaminated pollen, carried by the foragers
and stored in the comb. The resultant cumulative effect of the contaminated pollen
may lead to depletion of brood, death of young ones, nurse bees and other workers.
Hence, not only the population of colony decreases substantially but also results in
contamination of bee products.
Factors of bee poisoning
Many factors involving pesticides affect the potential for honey bee poisoning.
The important factors are described below.
Plant growth stage: Severe bee poisoning most often results from spraying
insecticides directly on flowering plants, either the crop itself or flowering
weeds within its margins.
Relative toxicity of chemical: Pesticides vary in their toxicity to honeybees.
Among the pesticides, most fungicides and herbicides are relatively less toxic to
honeybees. Insecticides are most toxic. Honeybees are most vulnerable to broad-
spectrum insecticides. Insecticides that are highly toxic can not be applied to
blooming crop when bees are present without causing serious to colonies.
Insecticide like dimethoate, malathion, methyl parathion etc. carbaryl come
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under this category. However, insecticides like endosulfan are less toxic (Table
Choice of formulation: different formulations even of same pesticide, often
vary considerably in their toxicity to bee. Dust formulations are typically more
hazardous than sprays because the are picked up on bee hairs. A wettable
powder such as Sevin 80 S, would usually remain toxic in the field for a longer
time than Sevin XLR Plus, an emulsifiable concentrate. Granular insecticides
are less hazardous to bee. However, microencapsulated materials such as
Penncap-M are particularly dangerous to use around bees because, the capsules
have a tendency to adhere to bees due to their size and electrostatic charge.
Residual action: Residual activity of an insecticide is an important factor in
determining its safety to pollinators. An insecticide that degrades rapidly can
generally be applied with minimum risk when bees are not foraging.
Drift: Drift of spray application can cause significant bee poisoning, particularly
when drift reaches colonies adjacent flowering weeds. In general sprays should
not be applied when wind speed exceeds 10 km/hr.
Temperature: Temperature can have a substantial effect on bee poisoning
hazard. If temperatures following treatment are unusually low, insecticide
residues can remain toxic to bee many times longer than if normal temperature
Distance from treated fields: the most severally damaged colonies are usually
closest to fields where insecticides are being applied. However, during periods
of pollen or nectar shortage, hives within 6 – 7 km of the treated areas can be
Time of application: evening application of a short residual insecticide can
greatly reduce any potential for bee damage.
Minimizing pesticide hazards to bees / management practices
Proper understanding of above-mentioned principles can go a long way in
reducing pesticide hazards to honey bees. The basic principle, of course, is that
honey bees should not get exposed to the toxic effects of insecticides as far as
possible. Reducing pesticide injury to honeybees requires communication and
cooperation between beekeepers and farmers. Since both mutually benefit from
honeybees, the beekeeper in terms of its products and the farmer in terms of
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If ever disinfestation of beehives becomes necessary he / she should use only the
recommended chemicals, safe to the bees, for the purpose.
During bloom if the crops in the surrounding areas are being sprayed with the
insecticides, it is always advisable to confine the bee within the hives. If it is
apprehended that the spray programme will continue for a longer period, it is
better to move the hives away to the safe location free from the drift in advance.
Apiarists and farmers should have close cooperation so that beneficial activity of
bee is not jeopardized by the irrational use of pesticides by the latter.
Feeding of colonies with sugar syrup following pesticide application to reduce bee
foraging may help substantially in reducing the exposure of bees to pesticides
Bee repellent like Methyl salicylate and MGK 874 (2 – hydroxyethl – N octyl
sulphide) also reduces bee foraging
Addition of (adjuvant) Sylgard 309 silicone surfactant reduced honey bee mortality
for some insecticides
Carbolic acid and creosite reduced activity of bees on cotton for few hours
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It is in the mutual interests of both that the farmer should intimate the spray
programme in advance to the bee keeper.
If there is a choice for insecticides, the use should be restricted to the chemicals in the
less hazardous groups.
The spray operation in the evening is always preferable as it not only gives better
deposit and distribution (because of invert current) but also bee activity subsides.
Examine fields and field margins before spraying to determine if bees are foraging on
flowering weeds. Where feasible eliminate weeds by mowing or tillage.
Give careful consideration to position of bee colonies relative to wind speed and
direction. Changing spray nozzles or reducing pressure can increase droplet size
and reduce spray drift.
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Fenthion G
Phorate G
Aldicarb G
Carbofuran G
Phosalone EC
Fluvalinate EC
Menazon EC
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I. Role of pollinators
Pollination refers to the transfer of anther to stigma in flowering plants for sexual
Insects aid in cross pollination in fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, cotton, tobacco,
sunflower and many other crops.
Insect pollination helps in uniform seed set, improvement in quality and increase
in crop yield.
1.Honeybees as pollinators
Mustard - 43%
Sunflower - 32 - 48%
Cotton - 17 - 19%
Lucerne - 112%
Onion - 93%
Apple - 44%
Cardamom - 21-37%
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(i) Caprifig
(ii) Smyrnafig
wasp lays eggs in caprifig, larvae develops in galls in the base of the flowers
mates with female even when the is inside gall
Mated wasp emerges out of flower (caprifig) with lot of pollen dusted around its
The fig wasp enters smyrna fig with lot of pollen and deposits it on the stigma
But it cannot oviposit in the ovary of symrna fig which is deep seated
It again moves to capri fig for egg laying. In this process smyrna fig is pollinated
Caprifig will be planted next to smyrna fig to aid in pollination
Aid in increasing oil palm bunch weight by 35% and oil content by 20%
7. Other pollinators
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Insect which help in controlling weeds by feeding on them are called weed
This insect was introduced into India in 1925. Within 5-10 years it controlled
the weed.
The larvae tunnel and feed inside the petioles. Ten pairs of adults and progeny
controls plant growth in 0.58 m2.
Adults and grubs feed on leaves and flowers. 2 beetles controls and destroys
one plant in 45 days.
Insects which feed on dead and decaying plant and animal matter are called
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Insects which live in soil, male tunnels. During this process, the soil
disintegrates, and soil aeration is facilitated. Subsoil is brought to the surface.
Excreta of insects also enrich the soil.
eg. Beetles, ants, cutworms, larvae of flies, crickets, termites, wasps etc.,
These flies have short life cycle, easy to culture and multiply - They have
large chromosomes and easily recognizable heritable variations.
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• Source of nuisance
• Transmits many diseases in human beings such as diarrhoea, dysentry, cholera,
typhoid, enteric fevers, tuberculosis, leprosy, anthrax, trachoma, gonorrhoea and
many helmithic diseases.
2. Mosquitoes
Culex sp., Anopheles sp., and Aedes sp. Culicidae : Diptera
Biology : Egg, larval and pupal stages spent in water, marshy lands, stagnant
ponds etc.,
Adults cause problem to humans and animals.
Damage : Their bile causes itching and irritation (Females only bite and suck
Diseases transmitted
Management of mosquitoes
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• Frequents the eye with buzzing sound and feeds on eye secretions
• Transmits diseases like Conjunctivitis and Ophthalmia
5. Human lice
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7. Cockroaches
Observing cleanliness
Sealing pipelines and drains leading to basement
Spraying room with malathion / chlorpyriphos 0.5% without contaminating food
Combined application of dichlorvos 0.5% (quick knock down) and persistent
insecticide (Chlorpyriphos)
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Dusting corner and floors with malathion / carbaryl 5% dust at night (care not
to contaminate food)
9. Bed bugs
Cimex hemipterus (Tropical) Cimicidae:Hemiptera
Cimex lectularius (Temperate)
Nymphs and adults suck blood and inject toxic saliva during night- (irritating, painful,
itching) (Does not transmit any diseases)
10. Silverfish
Ants, termites, book lice, wood boring, beetles, carpet beetles, cloth moth.
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Both male and female flies such blood from horses, dogs, man and cattle
Causes weakening and reduction of milk
Transmits anthrox in animals
• Both sexes suck blood from neck region from cattle, goats, horses, gods and sheep
• Transmits anthrax
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• Eggs laid on body of animal - while licking gets into intestine - larva develops
inside intestine
• Maggots injure tongue, stomach and intestine
• Animal dies if not treated
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w During monsoon, hair close to loof may be cut to prevent egg laying
w Treating animal with 1% trichlorphon or 0.05% rotenone every 45 days when
warbles appear on skin
Management of blowflies
w Applying linseed oil all over the body could kill lice
w Malathion 5% dust or 0.5% suspension spray/dip of animal
Bevicola caprae (on goat) B. ovis (on sheep); B. bovis (on cattle)
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Delousing birds not only removes the lice but also poultry tick and fleas.
Repeated application of powdered sulphur in vegetable oil
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The term ecology is derived from the Greek term “oikos” meaning “house”
combined with “logy” meaning “the science of” or “the study of”. Thus literally
ecology is the study of earth’s household comprising of the plants, animals,
microorganisms and people that live together as interdependent components. The term
ecology was coined by a German biologist Ernst Haekel (1869).
Definition of Ecology
Ecology can be defined as the science of plants and animals in relation to their
Webster’s dictionary defines ecology as “totality of pattern of relation between
organisms and their environment.”
Eugene P. Odum defined ecology as “the study of organisms at home”
Insect Ecology may be defined as the understanding of physiology and
behaviour of insects as affected by their environment.
iii. Community in the ecological sense includes all the populations of a given
area. Community can also be defined as interacting ‘web’ of populations
where individuals in a population feed upon and in turn are fed upon by
individuals of other populations (Fig. 1)
iv. Ecosystem
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v. Biosphere is the term used for all of the earth’s ecosystems functioning
together on the global scale.
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Balance of Nature
i) Biotic potential
Insect pests with high reproductive rate and low survival rate are called r
strategists named after the statistical parameter r, the symbol for growth rate
coefficient. Such pests succeed because of sheer numbers. E.g. Aphids.
Birth rate or natality is measured as the total number of eggs laid per female
per unit time. Factors determining birth rate are fecundity, fertility and sex ratio.
Death rate or mortality denotes the number of insects dying over a period.
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A single moth of Earias vitella (Bhendi fruit borer) lays about 200 eggs per
female. Life cycle is completed in 1 month
If a single moth can produce this much, they will cover 24.32 above earth
surface in 1 year. But in reality only a fraction of progeny completes life cycle due to
environmental resistance.
Ecosystem comprises of biological communities and non-living environment.
e.g. Agro ecosystem, pond ecosystem, etc.). Bioresources refers to the biodiversity
of various organisms living in that ecosystem.
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e.g. The different pests of cotton, its natural enemies, hyperparasitoids, microbes, etc.
are referred to the bioresources in cotton ecosystem.
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Attributes of a population
vi. Age distribution: the population of individuals of different ages in the group.
vii. Genetic characteristics : adaptiveness, reproductive fitness, persistence.
viii. Population growth form: the way in which population changes / grows as a
result of natality, mortality, and dispersal.
Population dynamics.
Density Density
Time Time
Fig. 1a. J- shaped growth form Fig. 1b. S - shaped growth form.
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In the S-shaped growth pattern (Fig 2) the rate of increase of density decreases
as the population increases and levels off at an upper asymptote level K, called the
carrying capacity, or maximum sustainable density. Their reproductive rate is less and
survival rate is more. So they are K strategists. This pattern has more stability since
the population regulates itself.(eg Hymenopterans).
The population growth rate or change is worked out using the formula,
Nt = N0e(b-d)t - Et + It
Where Nt = number at the end of a short time period
N0 = number at the beginning of a short time period
e = base of natural logarithm = 2.7183
b= birth rate
d= death rate
t= time period
E= emigration
I = immigration.
Life table: Life tables are tabular statements showing the number of insects dying
over a period of time and accounting for their deaths.
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Biotic factors
1) Competition : For at least part of the lifetime the members of an insect species are
likely to be competing with one another or with members of another species for
limited resources like food, mates, suitable site for oviposition or pupation. Such
competition operates whenever the population is increasing and the resources are
a) Intraspecific competition: When members of population of the same
species compete for resources we call it intraspecific competition. Examples are as
� For example when flour beetles Tribolium castaneum and Tribolium confusum
were grown in the same jar of flour, one species eliminates the other. Under
high temperature and RH conditions T. castaneum eliminates T.confusum and
vice versa under low temperature and RH conditions.
� Accidental introduction of oriental fruit fly Dacus dorsalis into Hawai
eliminated Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata.
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� Major insect predators are birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and
Interactions between predator and prey are different from the parasite host relationship
in that the predator and prey maintain equilibrium more dynamically than the parasite and its host.
The parasites I n general when the rate of parasitism is high, cause death and result in elimination
of hosts. But the predator never eliminates the prey completely.
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Physical factors
- Temperature, light, wind, soil conditions influence development, longevity,
reproduction and fecundity of insects
- Population density fluctuates depending on weather
- Extreme weather causes mortality of pests
- Insects are poikilothermic - do not have mechanism to regulate body temperature
- Body temperature depends on environmental conditions
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- Moisture required for metabolic reactions and transportation of salts in insects
- War layer of cuticle prevents water loss
- Other adaptations - Morphological, physiological prevent moisture loss in insects
- Moisture scarcity leads to dehydration and death of insects - but very rare
- Excessive moisture can be harmful in following ways
i. Affects normal development and activity of insects
ii. Encourages disease causing pathogens on insects
- White halo fungus Verticillium lecanii on coffee green scale Coccus viridis
requires high RH for multiplication and spread
- High RH induces BPH in rice and aphids in other crops
- Termites prefer high humidity 90-95% RH
- Low RH in rainfed groundnut crop induces leaf mines incidence
The following properties of light influence insect life
i. Intensity and illumination
ii. Quality or wavelength
iii. Duration or Photo period
The response of organisms to environmental rhythms of light and darkness
Photo period
Each daily cycle inclusive of a period of illumination followed by a period of
- Photo period influences induction of diapause (a resting stage) in most of the
insects e.g. Long day during embryonic development causes adult to lay
diapausing eggs in Bombyx mori.
- Seasonal dimorphism occurs in aphids due to change in photo period
- Short day - Sexual forms
- Long day - Asexual - Parthenogenetic forms
- Some insects are active in night - Nocturnal
Some are active during the day - diurnal
Some active during dawn and dusk - Crepuscular
- Fruit flies lays eggs in dark
- Lepidopterans like cotton bollworm, Red hairy caterpillar (RHC) oviposit in dark
- Rainfall is essential for adult emergence of cutworms and RHC
- Heavy rain washes aphids, diamond back moth (DBM)
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- Interferes with feeding, mating, oviposition
- Wind aids in dispersal of insects
- Aphids, mites (Eriophyid mites also) disperse through wind
- Helicoverpa flies upto 90 km with the aid of winds
Mountains, lakes, sea, etc. act as physical barrier for spread of insects
Soil Type
Wire worm, multiplies in clay soil with poor drainage
White grubs and cut worm - multiply in loose soil with good drainage
Water Current
Standing water aids in multiplication of mosquitoes
Running water is preferred by Odonata and Caddis flies
Insects heterotrophic - cannot synthesize their own food
- depend on plants for food
The quantity and quality of food/nutrition plays important role in survival, longevity,
distribution, reproduction and speed of development
a. Quantity of food
- Short supply of food causes intranspecific and interspecific competition
- Also affects parasitoids and predators of insects hosts whose food is of short
b. Quality of food
- This depends on nutritional availability of plants
- Crop varieties/species differ in nutritional status which affects insects
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This refers to adverse effect of the host plant on biology (survival, dept, reprdn.) of
insects and their progeny due to
- Presence of toxic substance in plant
- Absence of essential substances
- Presence of enzymes which affect digestion of insects
DIMBOA in corn leaves affects European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis
Gossypol in cotton affects H. armigera and S. litura
Ability of host plant to withstand insect population sufficient to damage susceptible
- No adverse effect on insect infestation
- Tolerance by plant vigour, regrowth of damaged tissues, etc.
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PEST - Derived from French word ‘Peste’ and Latin term ‘Pestis’ meaning
plague or contagious disease
- Pest is any animal which is noxious, destructive or troublesome to man or his
- A pest is any organism which occurs in large numbers and conflict with man’s
welfare, convenience and profit
- A pest is an organism which harms man or his property significantly or is likely to
do so (Woods, 1976)
- Insects are pests when they are sufficiently numerous to cause economic damage
(Debacli, 1964)
- Pests are organisms which impose burdens on human population by causing
(i) Injury to crop plants, forests and ornamentals
(ii) Annoyance, injury and death to humans and domesticated animals
(iii) Destruction or value depreciation of stored products.
- Pests include insects, nematodes, mites, snails, slugs, etc. and vertebrates like rats,
birds, etc.
Depending upon the importance, pests may be agricultural forest, household,
medical, aesthetic and veterinary pests.
Based on occurrence following are pest categories
Regular pest: Frequently occurs on crop - Close association e.g. Rice slem borer,
Brinjal fruit borer
Occasional pest: Infrequently occurs, no close association e.g. Caseworm on rice,
Mango stem borer
Seasonal pest: Occurs during a particular season every year e.g. Red hairy caterpillar
on groundnut, Mango hoppers
Persistent pests: Occurs on the crop throughout the year and is difficult to control
e.g. Chilli thrips, mealy bug on guava
Sporadic pests: Pest occurs in isolated localities during some period. e.g. Coconut
slug caterpillar
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Activity of human beings which upsets the biotic balance of ecosystem is the
prime cause for pest outbreak. The following are some human interventions - Reason
fro outbreak
i. Deforestation an bringing under cultivation
- Pest feeding on forest trees are forced to feed on cropped
- Biomass/unit area more in forests than agricultural land
- Weather factors also altered - Affects insect development
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Tremendous increase in pest population brought about by insecticides despite
good initial reduction in pest population at the time of treatment.
Deltamethrin, Quinalphos, Phorate - Resurgence of BPH in rice
Synthetic pyrethroids - Whitefly in cotton
Carbofuran - Leaf folder in rice
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Pest Monitoring
Monitoring phytophagous insects and their natural enemies is a fundamental tool
in IPM - for taking management decision
Monitoring - estimation of changes in insect distribution and abundance
- information about insects, life history
- influence of biotic and abiotic factors on pest population
Pest Surveillance
Refers to the constant watch on the population dynamics of pests, its incidence
and damage on each crop at fixed intervals to forewarn the farmers to take up
timely crop protection measures.
Pest Forecasting
Forecasting of pest incidence or outbreak based on information obtained from
pest surveillance.
- Predicting pest outbreak which needs control measure
- Suitable stage at which control measure gives maximum protection
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Conducted to study the abundance of a pest species
Sampling Techniques
Absolute sampling - To count all the pests occurring in a plot
Relative sampling - To measure pest in terms of some values which can be compared
over time and space e.g. Light trap catch, Pheromone trap
Methods of sampling
a. In situ counts - Visual observation on number of insects on plant canopy
(either entire plot or randomly selected plot)
b. Knock down - Collecting insects from an area by removing from crop and
(Sudden trap) counting (Jarring)
c. Netting - Use of sweep net for hoppers, odonates, grasshopper
d. Norcotised collection - Quick moving insects anaesthesised and counter
e. Trapping - Light trap - Phototropic insects
Pheromone trap - Species specific
Sticky trap - Sucking insects
Bait trap - Sorghum shootfly - Fishmeal trap
Emergence trap - For soil insects
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f. Crop samples
Plant parts removed and pest counted e.g. Bollworms
Stage of Sampling
- Usually most injurious stage counted
- Sometimes egg masses counted - Practical considerations
- Hoppers - Nymphs and adult counted
Sample Size
- Differs with nature of pest and crop
- Parger sample size gives accurate results
Decision Making
- Population or damage assessed from the crop
- Compared with ETL and EIL
- When pest level crosses ETL, control measure has to be taken to prevent pest from
reducing EIL.
EIL = (or)
EIL = Economic injury level in insects/production (or) insects/ha
C = Cost of management activity per unit of production (Rs./ha)
V = Market value per unit of yield or product (Rs./tonne)
I = Crop injury per insect (Per cent defoliation/insect)
D = Damage or yield loss per unit of injury (Tonne loss/% defoliation)
K = Proportionate reduction in injury from pesticide use
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Tertiary factors
Weather, soil factors, biotic factors and human social environment
These tertiary factors cause change in secondary factors thereby affect the ETL and
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v. Biological methods
1. Protection and encouragement of NE
2. Introduction, artificial increase and colonizing specific parasitoids and
3. Pathogens on insects like virus, bacteria, fungi and protozoa
4. Use of botanicals like neem, pongam, etc.
vii.Behavioural methods
1. Pheromones
2. Allelochemics
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Definition : Manipulation of cultural practices to the disadvantage of pests.
I. Farm level pratices
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Advantages Disadvantages
1. No extra skill 1. No complete control
2. No costly inputs 2. Prophylactic nature
3. No special equipments 3. Timing decides success
4. Minimal cost
5. Good component in IPM
6. Ecologically sound
Modification of physical factors in the environment to minimise (or) prevent
pest problems. Use of physical forces like temperature, moisture, etc. in managing the
insect pests.
A. Manipulation of temperature
1. Sun drying the seeds to kill the eggs of stored product pests.
2. Hot water treatment (50 - 55oC for 15 min) against rice white tip nematode.
3. Flame throwers against locusts.
4. Burning torch against hairy caterpillars.
5. Cold storage of fruits and vegetables to kill fruitflies (1 - 2oC for 12 - 20 days).
B. Manipulation of moisture
1. Alternate drying and wetting rice fields against BPH.
2. Drying seeds (below 10% moisture level) affects insect development.
3. Flooding the field for the control of cutworms.
C. Manipulation of light
1. Treating the grains for storage using IR light to kill all stages of insects (eg.)
Infra-red seed treatment unit (Fig.1).
2. Providing light in storage go downs as the lighting reduces the fertility of
Indian meal moth, Plodia.
3. Light trapping.
D. Manipulation of air
1. Increasing the CO2 concentration in controlled atmosphere of stored grains to
cause asphyxiation in stored product pests.
E. Use of irradiation
Gamma irradiation from Co60 is used to sterilize the insects in laboratory
which compete with the fertile males for mating when released in natural condition.
(eg.) cattle screw worm fly, Cochliomyia hominivorax control in Curacao Island by
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In H2SO4 10 N
Use of mechanical devices or manual forces for destruction or exclusion of
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Mechanical force
1. Entoletter : Centrifugal force - breaks infested kernels - kill insect stages -
whole grains unaffected - storage pests.
2. Hopper dozer : Kill nymphs of locusts by hording into trenches and filled with
3. Tillage implements : Soil borne insects, red hairy caterpillar.
4. Mechnical traps : Rat traps of various shapes like box trap, back break trap,
wonder trap, Tanjore bow trap.
B. Mechanical exclusion
Mechanical barriers prevent access of pests to hosts.
1. Wrapping the fruits : Covering with polythene bag against pomegrante fruit
2. Banding : Banding with grease or polythene sheets - Mango mealybug.
3. Netting : Mosquitoes, vector control in green house.
4. Trenching : Trapping marching larvae of red hairy catepiller.
5. Sand barrier : Protecting stored grains with a layer of sand on the top.
6. Water barrier : Ant pans for ant control.
7. Tin barrier : Coconut trees protected with tin band to prevent rat damage.
8. Electric fencing : Low voltage electric fences against rats.
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1. Light traps : Most adult insects are attracted towards light in night. This
principle is used to attract the insect and trapped in a mechanical device.
a) Incandescent light trap : They produce radiation by heating a tungsten
filament. The spectrum of lamp include a small amount of ultraviolet,
considerable visible especially rich in yellow and red. (eg.) Simple
incandescent light trap (Fig. 2), portable incandescent electric (Fig.3). Place a
pan of kerosenated water below the light source.
b) Mercury vapour lamp light trap : They produce primarily ultraviolet, blue and
green radiation with little red. (eg.) Robinson trap (Fig.4). This trap is the
basic model designed by Robinson in 1952. This is currently used towards a
wide range of Noctuids and other nocturnal flying insects. A mercury lamp
(125 W) is fixed at the top of a funnel shaped (or) trapezoid galvanized iron
cone terminating in a collection jar containing dichlorvos soaked in cotton as
insecticide to kill the insect.
c) Black light trap : Black light (Fig.5) is popular name for ultraviolet radiant
energy with the range of wavelengths from 320-380 nm. Some commercial
type like Pest-O-Flash, Keet-O-Flash are available in market. Flying insects
are usually attracted and when they come in contact with electric grids, they
become elctrocuted and killed.
3. Yellow sticky trap : Cotton whitefly, aphids, thrips prefer yellow colour.
Yellow colour is painted on tin boxes and sticky material like castor oil /
vaseline is smeared on the surface (Fig.9). These insects are attracted to
yellow colour and trapped on the sticky material.
4. Bait trap : Attractants placed in traps are used to attract the insect and kill
them. (eg.) Fishmeal trap: This trap is used against sorghum shootfly.
Moistened fish meal is kept in polythene bag or plastic container inside the tin
along with cotton soaked with insecticide (DDVP) to kill the attracted flies
5. Pitfall trap helps to trap insects moving about on the soil surface, such as
ground beetles, collembola, spiders. These can be made by sinking glass jars
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(or) metal cans into the soil. It consists of a plastic funnel, opening into a
plastic beaker containing kerosene supported inside a plastic jar (Fig. 12).
6. Probe trap : Probe trap is used by keeping them under grain surface to trap
stored product insect (Fig.13).
7. Emergence trap : The adults of many insects which pupate in the soil can be
trapped by using suitable covers over the ground. A wooden frame covered
with wire mesh covering and shaped like a house roof is placed on soil
surface. Emerging insects are collected in a plastic beaker fixed at the top of
the frame (Fig.14).
8. Indicator device for pulse beetle detection : A new cup shaped indicator device has
been recently designed to predict timely occurrence of pulse beetle Callosobruchus
spp. This will help the farmers to know the correct time of emergence of pulse beetle.
This will help them in timely sun drying which can bill all the eggs.
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Date : 14-6-2002
Time : 1hr.
Marks : 20
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Answer any six 6x1=6
Answer any five 5 x 2 = 10
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Definition: Preventing the entry and establishment of foreign plant and animal pest in
a country or area and eradication or suppression of the pests established in a limited
area through compulsory legislation or enactment
Isolation to prevent spreading of infection
Plant Quarantine
Legal restriction of movement of plant materials between countries and between
states within the country to prevent or limit introduction and spread of pests and
diseases in areas where they do not exist.
1905 - ‘Federal Insect Pest Act’ - first Quarantine act against SanJose scale
1912 - ‘US Plant Quarantine Act’
1914 - ‘Destructive Insects and Pests Act’ of India (DIPA)
1919 - ‘Madras Agricultural Pests and Diseases Act’
1968 - ‘The Insecticides Act’
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Technical limitations
- Rules not relaxable. No compromise with principles of Plant Quarantine.
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Types of Resistance
Ecological Resistance or Pseudo resistance
Apparent resistance resulting from transitory characters in potentially susceptible host
plants due to environmental conditions.
Pseudoresistance may be classified into 3 categories
a. Host evasion
Host may pass through the most susceptible stage quickly or at a time when insects
are less or evade injury by early maturing. This pertains to the whole population of
host plant.
b. Induced Resistance
Increase in resistance temporarily as a result of some changed conditions of plants or
environment such as change in the amount of water or nutrient status of soil
c. Escape
Absence of infestation or injury to host plant due to transitory process like incomplete
infestation. This pertains to few individuals of host.
Genetic Resistance
A. Based on number of genes
- Monogenic resistance: Controlled by single gene
Easy to incorporate into plants by breeding
Easy to break also
- Oligogenic resistance: Controlled by few genes
- Polygenic resistance: Controlled by many genes
- Major gene resistance: Controlled by one or few major genes (vertical resistance)
- Minor gene resistance: Controlled by many minor genes. The cumulative effect
of minor genes is called adult resistance or mature resistance or field resistance.
Also called horizontal resistance
B. Based on biotype reaction
- Vertical resistance: Effective against specific biotypes (specific resistance)
- Horizontal resistance: Effective against all the known biotypes
(Non specific resistance)
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D. Miscellaneous categories
- Cross resistance: Variety with resistance incorporated against a primary pest,
confers resistance to another insect.
- Multiple resistance: Resistance incorporated in a variety against different
environmental stresses like insects, diseases, nematodes, heat, drought, cold, etc.
E. Based on evolutionary concept
- Sympatric resistance: Acquired by coevolution of plant and insect (gene for gene)
Governed by major genes
- Allopatric resistance: Not by co-evolution of plant and insect.
Governed by many genes
Mechanisms of Resistance
The three important mechanisms of resistance are
- Antixenosis (Non preference)
- Antibiosis
- Tolerance
Antixenosis: Host plant characters responsible for non-preference of the insects for
shelter, oviposition, feeding, etc. It denotes presence of morphological or
chemcial factor which alter insect behaviour resulting in poor establishment of the
insect. e.g.
Trichomes in cotton - resistant to whitefly
Wax bloom on carucifer leaves - deter feeding by DBM
Plant shape and colour also play a role in non preference
Open panicle of sorghum - Supports less Helicoverpa
Adverse effect of the host plant on the biology (survival, development and
reproduction) of the insects and their progeny due to the biochemical and biophysical
factors present in it.
Manifested by larval death, abnormal larval growth, etc.
Antibiosis may be due to
- Presence of toxic substances
- Absence of sufficient amount of essential nutrients
- Nutrient imbalance/improper utilization of nutrients
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c. Tolerance
Ability to grow and yield despite pest attack. It is generally attributable to plant
vigour, regrowth of damaged tissue, to produce additional branches, compensation by
growth of neighbouring plants.
- HPR is a very important component of IPM
- Selection and growing of a resistant variety minimise cost on all other pest
management activities
Compatibility of HPR in IPM
a. Compatability with chemical control
- HPR enhances efficacy of insecticides
- Higher mortality of leaf hoppers and plant hoppers in resistant variety compared
to susceptible variety
- Lower concentration of insecticide is sufficient to control insects on resistant
b. Compatibility with biological control
- Resistant varieties reduce pest numbers - thus shifting pest: Predatory (or
parasitoid) ratio favourable for biological control. e.g. Predatory activity of mirid
bug Cyrtorhinus lividipennis on BPH was more on a resistant rice variety IR 36
than susceptible variety IR 8
- Insects feeding on resistant varieties are more susceptible to virus disease (NPV)
c. Compatibility with cultural method
- Cultural practices can help in better utilization of resistant varieties. e.g. Use of
short duration, pest resistant plants effective against cotton boll weevil in USA.
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Disadvantages of HPR
Time consuming: Requires from 3-10 years by traditional breeding programmes to
develop a res. variety.
Biotype development: A biotype is a new population capable of damaging and
surviving on plants previously resistant to other population of same species.
Genetic limiation: Absence of resistance genes among available germination
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Biological control
The study and utilization of parasitoids, predators and pathogens for the
regulation of pest population densities.
Biological control can also be defined as the utilization of natural enemies to
reduce the damage caused by noxious organisms to tolerable levels.
Biological control is often shortened to biocontrol.
Antient times - In China Pharoah’s ant Monomorium pharaonis was used to control
stored grain pest. Red ant Oecophylla spp. used to control foliage
feeding caterpillar.
Year 1762 - ‘Mynah’ bird imported from India to Mauritius to control locust.
1770 - Bamboo runways between citrus trees for ants to control
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2. Importation or Introduction
Importing or introducing NE into a new locality (mainly to control introduced
3. Augmentation
Propagation (mass culturing) and release of NE to increase its population.
Two types,
(i) Inoculative release: Control expected from the progeny and subsequent
generations only.
(ii) Inundative release: NE mass cultured and released to suppress pest directly
e.g. Trichogramma sp. egg parasitoid, Chrysoperla carnia predator
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- It is a branch of biological control
- Defined as control of pests by use of microorganisms like viruses, bacteria,
protozoa, fungi, rickettsia and nematodes.
Viruses coming under family Baculoviridae cause disease in lepidoptera
larvae. Two types of viruses are common.
NPV (Nucleopolyhedro virus) e.g. HaNPV, SlNPV
GV (Granulovirus) e.g. CiGV
Lepidopteran larva become sluggish, pinkish in colour, lose appetite, body
becomes fragile and rupture to release polyhedra (virus occlusion bodies). Dead larva
hang from top of plant with prolegs attached (Tree top disease or “Wipfelkrankeit”)
Spore forming (Facultative - Crystalliferous)
2 types of bacteria Spore forming (Obligate)
Non spore forming
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ii. White muscardine fungus - Beaveria bassiana against lepidopteran larvae iii.
White halo fungus - Verticillium lecanii on coffee green scale.
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Toxicity of a given chemical to an organism can be measured using various
parameters as listed below.
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KD50 and KT50 are used for evaluating synthetic pyrethroids against insects.
ED50 and EC50 are defined as the dose or concentration of the chemical (IGR)
required to affect 50% of population and produce desired symptoms in them.
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Other terms : Acute oral, Acute dermal, Acute inhalation toxicity, etc.
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Groups of pesticides : The pesticides are generally classified into various groups
based on pest organism against which the compounds are used, their chemical nature,
mode of entry and mode of action.
1. Based on organisms
a) Insecticides : Chemicals used to kill or control insects (eg.) endosulfan,
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II.Organic pesticides
Organic compounds (constituted by C, H, O and N mainly)
Hydrocarbon oil (or) Petroleum oil – eg. Coal tar oil, kerosine etc.,
Animal origin insecticides – eg. Nereistoxin extracted from marine annelids –
commercially available as cartap, padan.
Plant origin insecticides : Nicotine from tobacco plants, pyrethrum from
Chrysanthemum flowers, Rotenoids from roots of Derris and Lonchocarpus
Neem – azadirachtin, Pongamia glabra, Garlic etc.,
Synthetic organic compounds : These organic chemicals are synthetically produced in
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Eg. Dichlorvos, Monocrotophos, Phospamidon, Methyl parathion, Fenthion,
Dimethoate, Malathion, Acephate, Chlorpyriphos
iv. Carbamates: (Derivatives of carbamic acid)
Eg. Carbaryl, Carbofuran, Carbosulfan
v. Synthetic pyrethroids ; (Synthetic analogues of pyrethrum)
Eg. Allethrin, Cypermethrin, Fenvalerate
vi. Miscellaneous compounds
Neonicotinoids (Analogues of nicotine) eg. Imidacloprid Spinosyns
(Isolated from actinomycetes) eg. Spinosad Avermectins (Isolated
from bacteria) eg. Avermectin, Vertimec Fumigants : Eg. Aluminium
phosphide, Hydrogen cyanide, EDCT
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An act to regulate the import, manufacture, sale, transport, distribution and use of
insecticides with a view to prevent risk to human beings on animals and for matters connected
Compulsory registration of the product at the Central level and licenses for manufacture,
formulation and sale at state level.
Inter – departmental / ministerial / organizational co-ordination is achieved by a high level
advisory board “Central Insecticides Board” with 24 members (to be raised to 29 by an
amendment) drawn from various fields having expert knowledge of the subject.
“Registration Committee” to look after the registration aspects of all Insecticides.
Establishment of enforcement machinery like Insecticide Analysts and Insecticide Inspectors
by the Central or State Government.
Establishment of Central Laboratory
Power to prohibit the import, manufacture, and sale of pesticides and also confiscate the
stocks. The offences are punishable and size and other penalties are prescribed.
Both the Central and State Governments are empowered to make rules, prescribe forms and
The risk to human beings or animals involved in the use of insecticides and the safety
measures necessary to prevent such risk.
The manufacture, sale, storage, transport, distribution of insecticides with a view to ensure
safety to human beings and animals.
Board members
Totally 24 members – others from various other fields such as BIS, Animal
husbandry, Pharmacology, Fisheries, Wild life etc.,
Role of RC
To register insecticides after scrutinizing them with regard to efficacy and safety.
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Registration of Insecticides
When applied for registration, the RC allots a registration number within a period of 12
When pesticide registered for first time in India, provisional registration for two years given
initially. After data generation full registration allowed.
CIL carrys out the analysis relating to insecticide registration and other matters.
Insecticide Inspectors
There are nine chapters in the insecticide rule, 1971 relating to the functions of CIB,
RC, CIL, grant of licenses, packing, labelling, first aid, antidate protective clothings etc.,
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Pheromones are exocrine in origin (i.e. secreted outside the body). Hence they
were earlier called as ectohormones. In 1959, German chemists Karlson and
Butenandt isolated and identified the first pheromone, a sex attractant from silkworm
moths. They coined the term pheromone. Since this first report, hundreds of
pheromones have been identified in many organisms. The advancement made in
analytical chemistry aided pheromone research.
Sex pheromones
Aggregation pheromones
Alarm pheromones
Trail pheromones
Releaser pheromones act through olfactory (smell) sensilla and directly act on
the central nervous system of the recipient and modify their behaviour. They can be
successfully used in pest management programmes.
1) Sex pheromones are released by one sex only and trigger behaviour
patterns in the other sex that facilitate in mating. They are most commonly released
by females but may be released by males also. In over 150 species of insects, females
have been found to release sex pheromones and about 50 species males produce.
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Aphrodisiacs are substances that aid in courtship of the insects after the two sexes are
brought together. In many cases males produce aphrodisiacs.
Major differences between male and female produced pheromones are listed
Properies Female sex pheromone Male sex pheromone
1. Range Acts at a long range. Attracts Acts at a short distance
males from long distance
2 Role of other Play less role Visual and auduitory stimuli
stimuli play major role
3. Action elicited Atrracts and excites males to Lowers females resistance to
in the other sex copulate mating
4. Importance in More important Less important
Pheromone reception:
In general pheromones have a large number of carbon atoms (10-20) and high
molecular weight (180 – 300 daltons). Narrow specificity and high potency are two
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attributes which depend on long chain carbon atoms and high molecular weight. But since
pheromones are volatile their molecular weights cannot be very high as they cannot be
carried by wind.
Butenandt and his coworkers in 1959 isolated 12mg of pheromone from the abdomen
of half a million virgin females of silkworm. They named the pheromene as Bombykol.
The chemical name is 10,12 – hexadeca dienol. It is a primary alcohol.
The following are some of the female sex pheromones identified in insects
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Sterile insect release method is a genetic control method. This is also called
Autocidal control since insects are used against members of their own species.
E.F. Knipling in 1937 in South East USA used the SIRM technique to control
the screw wormfly (Cochliomyia nominivorax) a serious livestock pest.
The sterile to fertile male ratio, called S:F ratio is important, as the reduction
in reproductive potential of natural population depends on S:F ratio.
The mating with the sterile males will produce inviable or sterile eggs.
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SIRM technique can also be used after insecticide application which will be
more effective.
Methods of sterilizatoin
1. Chemosterilants: Any chemical which interfere with the reproductive capacity of
an insect.
a. Alkylating agents
They inhibit nucleic acid synthesis
inhibit gonad development
produce mutagenic effect
(e.g.) TEPA, Chloro ethylamine
b. Antimetabolites
Chemicals having structural similarity to biologically active substances. They
interfere with nucleic acid synthesis. e.g. 5-Fluororacil, Amithopterin
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Radiation dose required for different species and stages for sterilization
(expressed as rads - radiation absorbed dose).
Insect Stage Dose
Housefly 2-3 day pupae 3000 rads
Screw worm 5 day pupae 2500 rads
1 day adult 5000 rads
Bonus effect: The bonus effect of this method is that the sterilized males mate with
normal females and reduce their reproductive capacity.
Limitations of SIRM
1. Not effective against insects which are prolific breeders
2. Sterilizing and mutagenic effect of chemosterilants and irradiation cause problem in
higher animals and man (Carcinogenic and mutagenic)
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Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs) are compounds which interfere with the
growth, development and metamorphosis of insects. IGRs include synthetic analogues
of insect hormones such as ecdysoids and juvenoids and non-hormonal compounds
such as precocenes (Anti JH) and chitin synthesis inhibitors.
Natural hormones of insects which play a role in growth and development are
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d) Chitin Synthesis inhibitors: Benzoyl phenyl ureas have been found to have the
ability of inhibiting chitin synthesis in vivo by blocking the activity of the enzyme
chitin synthetase. Two important compounds in this category are Diflubenzuron
(Dimilin) and Penfluron. The effects they produce on insects include
Disruption of moulting
Displacement of mandibles and labrum
Adult fails to escape from pupal skin and dies
Ovicidal effect.
Chitin sysnthesis inhibitors have been registered for use in many countries and
used successfully against pests of soybean, cotton, apple, fruits, vegetables, forest
trees and mosquitoes and pests of stored grain
IGRS from Neem : Leaf and seed extracts of neem which contains azadirachtin as
the active ingredient, when applied topically causes growth inhibition, malformation,
mortality and reduced fecundity in insects.
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Antifeedants are chemicals that inhibit feeding in insects when applied on the foliage
(food) without impairing their appetite and gustatory receptors or driving (repelling)
them away from the food. They are also called gustatory repellents, feeding deterrents
and rejectants. Since do not feed on trated surface they die due to starvation.
Groups of antifeedants
Triazenes: AC 24055 has been the most widely used triazene which is a oduorless,
tasteless, non-toxic chemical which inhibit feeding in chewing insects like
caterpillars, cockroaches and beetles.
Organotins. They are compounds containing tin. Triphenyl tin acetate is an important
antifeedants in this group effective against cotton leaf worm, Colarado potato
beetle, caterpillars and grass hoppers
Botanicals: Antifeedants from non-host plants of the pest can be used for their
control The following antifeedants are produced from plants.
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Mode of action: Antifeedants inhibit the gustatory (taste) receptors of the mouth
region. Lacking the right gustatory stimulus the insect fails to recognize the trated leaf
as food. The insect slowly dies due to starvation.
Chemicals that cause insects to make oriented movements towards their source
are called insect attractants. They influence both gustatory (taste) and olfactory
(smell) receptors.
Types of Attractants:
1. Pheromones: Pheromones are chemicals secreted into the external environment
by an animal which elicit a specific reaction in a receiving individual of the
same species.
2. Food lures : Chemical present in plants that attract insect for feeding. They
stimulate olfactory receptors.
Insects Lure
Pests of cruciferae Isothiocyanates from seeds of cruciferae
Onion fly (Hylemya antiqua) Propylmercaptan from onions
Bark beetle Terpenes from barks
Housefly Sugar and molasses
Oriental fruitfly (Dacus dorsalis) Methyl eugenol
Melon fruitfly (Dacus cucurbitae) Cuelure
Mediterranean fruitfly Trimedlure
(Ceratitis capitata)
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3. Oviposition lures: These are chemicals that govern the selection of suitable
sites for oviposition by insects. For example extracts of corn attracts
Helicoverpa armigera for egg laying on any treated surface.
Advantage of using attractants is that they are specific to target insects and NE not
affected. But they cannot be relied as the sole method of control and can only be
included in IPM as a component.
Chemicals that induce avoiding (oriented) movements in insects away from
their source are called repellents. They prevent insect damage to plants or animals
by rendering them unattractive, unpalatable or offensive.
Types of repellents
1. Physical repellents : Produce repellence by physical means
a) Contact stimuli repellents: Substances like wax or oil when applied on leaf
surface changes physical texture of leaf which are disagreeable to insects
b) Auditory repellents: Amplified sound is helpful in repelling mosquitoes.
c) Barrier repellents: Tar bands on trees and mosquito nets are examples.
d) Visual repellents: Yellow light acts as visual repellents to some insects.
e) Feeding repellents: Antifeedants are feeding repellents. They inhibit feeding.
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2. Chemical repellents:
a) Repellents of Plant origin: Essentials oils of Citronella, Camphor and
cedarwood act as repellents. Commercial mosquito repellent ‘Odomos’ uses
citronella oil extracted from lemongrass, Andrpogon pardus as repellent.
Pyrethrum extracted form Chrysanthemum is a good repellent and has been used
against tsetse fly, Glossina morsitans.
Uses of repellents:
They can be applied on body to ward off insects
Used as fumigants in enclosed area.
Used as sprays on domestic animals
To drive away insects from their breeding place.
Controlling insects using chemicals that affect insect behaviour, growth or
reproduction, is called biorational control.
Insect Growth Regulator,
Chitin synthesis inhibitor,
JH analogues, Anti JH,
Moulting hormone,
Pheromones All these methods are included in
Allelochemics Biorational method of control
Attractant, Repellent,
Sterile male release
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They are called biorational agents in pest control, because of their selective nature
in killing only the target insects without affecting non target organisms.
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1. Dusting : Dusting is carried out in the morning hours and during very light air
stream. It can be done manually or by using dusters. Some times dust can be
applied in soil for the control of soil insects. Dusting is cheaper and suited for dry
land crop pest control.
3. Granular application : Highly toxic pesticides are handled safely in the form
of granules. Granules can be applied directly on the soil or in the plant parts.
The methods of application are
c) Side dressing : After the establishment of the plants, the granules are applied
a little away from the plant (10-15 cm) in a furrow.
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e) Ring application : Granules are applied in a ring form around the trees.
f) Root zone application : Granules are encapsulated and placed in the root
zone of the plant. (eg.) Carbofuran in rice.
4. Seed pelleting/seed dressing : The insecticide mixed with seed before sowing
(eg.) sorghum seeds are treated with chlorphyriphos 4 ml/kg in 20 ml of water
and shade dried to control shootfly. The carbofuran 50 SP is directly used as
dry seed dressing insecticide against sorghum shootfly.
5. Seedling root dip : It is followed to control early stage pests (eg.) in rice to
control sucking pests and stem borer in early transplanted crop, a shallow pit
lined with polythene sheet is prepared in the field. To this 0.5 kg urea in 2.5
litre of water and 100 ml chlorpyriphos in 2.5 litre of water prepared
separately are poured. The solution is made upto 50 ml with water and the
roots of seedlings in bundles are dipped for 20 min before transplanting.
6. Sett treatment : Treat the sugarcane setts in 0.05% malathion for 15 minutes
to protect them from scales. Treat the sugarcane setts in 0.05% Imidacloprid
70 WS
@ 175 g/ha or 7 g/l dipped for 16 minutes to protect them from termites.
7. Trunk/stem injection : This method is used for the control of coconut pests
like black headed caterpillar, mite etc. Drill a downward slanting hole of 1.25
cm diameter to a depth of 5 cm at a light of about 1.5 m above ground level
and inject 5 ml of monocrotophos 36 WSC into the stem and plug the hole
with cement (or) clay mixed with a fungicide. Pseudo stem injection of
banana, an injecting gun or hypodermic syringe is used for the control of
banana aphid, vector of bunchy top disease.
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8. Padding : Stem borers of mango, silk cotton and cashew can be controlled by
this method. Bark of infested tree (5 x 5 cm) is removed on three sides leaving
bottom as a flap. Small quantity of absorbant cotton is placed in the exposed
area and 5-10 ml of Monocrotophos 36 WSP is added using ink filler. Close
the flap and cover with clay mixed with fungicide.
9. Swabbing : Coffee white borer is controlled by swabbing the trunk and
branches with HCH (BHC) 1 per cent suspension.
10. Root feeding : Trunk injection in coconut results in wounding of trees and
root feeding is an alternate and safe chemical method to control black headed
caterpillar, eriophyid mite, red palm weevil. Monocrotophos 10 ml and equal
quantity of water are taken in a polythene bag and cut the end (slant cut at 45)
of a growing root tip (dull white root) is placed inside the insecticide solution
and the bag is tied with root. The insecticide absorbed by root, enter the plant
system and control the insect.
11. Soil drenching : Chemical is diluted with water and the solution is used to
drench the soil to control certain subterranean pests. (eg.) BHC 50 WP is
mixed with water @ 1 kg in 65 litres of water and drench the soil for the
control of cotton/stem weevil and brinjal ash weevil grubs.
12. Capsule placement : The systemic poison could be applied in capsules to get
toxic effect for a long period. (eg.) In banana to control bunchy top vector
(aphid) the insecticide is filled in gelatin capsules and placed in the crown
13. Baiting : The toxicant is mixed with a bait material so as to attract the insects
towards the toxicant.
a) Spodoptera : A bait prepared with 0.5 kg molasses, 0.5 kg carbaryl 50 WP
and 5 kg of rice bran with required water (3 litres) is made into small pellets
and dropped in the field in the evening hours.
b) Rats : Zinc phophide is mixed at 1:49 ratio with food like popped rice or
maize or cholam or coconut pieces (or) warfarin can be mixed at 1:19 ratio
with food. Ready to use cake formulation (Bromodiolone) is also available.
c) Coconut rhinoceros beetle : Castor rotten cake 5 kg is mixed with
14. Fumigation : Fumigants are available in solid and liquid forms. They can be
applied in the following way.
a) Soil : To control the nematode in soil, the liquid fumigants are injected by
using injecting gun.
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b) Storage : Liquid fumigants like Ethylene dibromide (EDB), Methyl bromide (MB),
carbon tetrachloride etc. and solid fumigant like Aluminium phosphide are
recommended in godowns to control stored product pest.
c) Trunk : Aluminium phosphide 7f to I tablet is inserted into the affected
portion of coconut tree and plugged with cement or mud for the control of red palm weevil
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c. Physical incompatibility
The physical form of the pesticides change, and one of them become unstable
or hazardous for application (agglomeration, phase separation, explosive reaction,
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ii. Avoid the draining the contaminated solution in ponds, well or on the
grass where cattle graze.
iii. Clean the spray equipment immediately after use.
iv. Decontaminate protective clothing and foot wear.
v. Wash the hands thoroughly with soap water, preferably have a bath.
vi. Dispose off the containers by putting into a pit.
vii. Sprayed field must be marked and unauthorized entry should be
First aid : In cane of suspected poisoning; call on the physician immediately. Before
calling on a doctor, first aid treatments can be done by any person.
Swallowed poison
i. During vomiting, head should be faced downwards.
ii. Stomach content should be removed within 4 h of poisoning.
iii. To give a soothing effect, give either egg mixed with water, gelatin, butter,
cream, milk, mashed potato.
iv. In case of nicotine poisoning, give coffee or strong tea.
Skin contamination
i. Contaminated clothes should be removed.
ii. Thoroughly wash with soap and water.
Inhaled poison
i. Person should be moved to a ventilated place after loosing the tight cloths.
ii. Avoid applying frequent pressure on the chest.
III. Antidotes and other medicine for treatment in pesticide poisoning
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1. Pesticide residues
The pesticide that remains in the environment after application causes
problems to humans and non-target organisms (Already dealt in theory - Read) e.g.
Residues of DDT, HCH in milk, vegetable above MRL.
2. Insecticide resistance
Insecticide resistance is the development of an ability to tolerate a dose of
insecticide, which would prove lethal (kill) to majority of the individuals of the same
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Pest Resurgence
Tremendous increase in pest population brought about by insecticides despite
good initial reduction in pest population at the time of treatment.
Insecticides lead to pest resurgence in two ways.
After initial decline, resistant population increase in large numbers
Killing of natural enemies of pest, cause pest increase
e.g. Quinalphos, phorate - Cause resurgence of BPH in rice
Carbofuran - Leaf folder in rice
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Hence while choosing an insecticide it should be safe (causing less harm) to these
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3. In forest areas there will be a shift in tree species and also pest species.
4. In agriculture lands since cropping pattern is changed new crops to suit the
climate is introduced and new pests are also introduced.
5. When water availability is less, crops will be raised as rainfed. It will be difficult
to take up control measures without water.
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- Preventive methods can be used, irrespective of the level of pest incidence. It can
be followed as a routine, even if the pest is at a low level.
- Curative methods have to be followed only when the pest attains economic
threshold level (ETL).
Integration of different components of IPM
There are two steps involved
i. Selection of appropriate method
ii. Integration of pest control method
Integration of tactics
- Integrating management tactics is not simply adding a number of these tactics to
form a program.
- Actual integration involves proper choice of compatible tactics and blending them
so that each complements the other.
e.g. (1) Host plant resistance can be easily blended with crop sanitation
(2) Insecticide control is compatible with other preventive methods
(3) It is difficult to blend natural enemy release with others like pesticides
- Integration of tactics, requires interdisciplinary approach.
- A knowledge of other subjects like, nematology, plant pathology, microbiology,
crop and farm management also required when we go upward in level of
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Curative measures pest
Mechanical and Physical methods reaches
Chemical control, IGR, etc. ETL
Inundative release of biocontrol agents
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v. Political constraint
- Vested interest associated with pesticide trade
- Pesticide subsidy by Government
These are the constraints for the implementation of IPM.
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v. Improved awareness
Awareness should be created at all levels on IPM i.e. Policy makers, farmers,
consumers and general public. NGOs (Non Governmental Organisation) should be made
aware of the advantages of IPM.
Ecofriendly IPM
- IPM which lays more importance on environmental safety. All methods except the
use of chemical insecticides are encouraged.
- ‘Organic farming’ is a new concept where no chemical pesticide or fertilizer is
used in agriculture.
- Ecofriendly IPM may be followed in organic farming
- Ecofriendly IPM uses methods like biological control, behavioural method,
physical, cultural and mechanical methods.
- Here more stress is given to environmentally sustainable pest management.
Many other similar techniques are followed by farmers. Research has to be done
to prove their usefulness in IPM.
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1. Wide hybridization: This technique involves transfer of genes from one species
to other by conventional breeding. The genes for resistance are transferred from a
different species. e.g. WBPH resistant gene has been transferred to Oryza sativa
from O.officinalis.
2. Somaclonal variability: The variation observed in tissue culture derived
progeny. e.g. Somaclonal variants of sorghum resistant to Spodoptera litura has
been evolved.
3. Transgenic plants: Transgenic plants are plants which possess one or more
additional genes. This is achieved by cloning additional genes into the plant
genome by genetic engineering techniques. The added genes impart resistance to
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d. Lectins genes
Lectins are proteins that bind to carbohydrates. When insect feed on lectins, it binds
to chitin in peritrophic membrane of midgut and prevents uptake of nutrients. e.g.
Transgenic tobacco containing pea lectin gene is resistant to H. virescens
e. Enzyme genes
Chitinase enzyme gene, and cholesterol oxidase gene have been cloned into plants
and these show insecticidal properties.
Engineering transgenic crops with more than one gene to get multi-
mechanistic resistance is called pyramiding of genes. e.g.
1. The CpTi gene and pea lectin gene were cloned to produce a tranagenic tobacco.
2. Transgenic potato which express lectin and bean chitinase have been produced.
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1. Ayyar, T.V.R. 1963. Hand Book of Economic Entomology for South India –
Govt. Press, Madras, 516 p.
3. David, B.V. and M.C. Muralirangan and M. Meera. 1992. Harmful and
Beneficial Insects – Popular Book Deport, Madras, 304 p.
4. Dhaliwal, G.S. and E.A. Heinrichs. 1998. Critical issues in pest management –
Commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi, 287 p.
5. Dhaliwal, G.S. and Ramesh Arora. 1998. Principles of Insect Pest Management
– Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 297 p.
7. Grout, R.A. 1963. The Hive and the Honey Bee – Dadant and Sons Inc,
Hamilton, Illinois, 556 p.
8. Metcalf, C.K. and W.P. Flint. 1970. Destructive and Useful Insects : Their
Habits and Control – Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co., New Delhi 1074p.
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