BALIC Annual Report

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Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.

No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014


CEO’s Message 2

Directors’ Report 3

Management Report 10

Auditors’ Report 13

Revenue Account: Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account) 16

Profit & Loss Account: Shareholders’ Account (Non Technical Account) 21

Balance Sheet 22

Schedule 1-15 24

Annexure to Revenue Account 41

Notes to Financial Statements 46

Cash Flow Statement 143

Balance Sheet Abstract & Company’s General Business Profile 144

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

CEO’s Message

Dear Stakeholders, 3. A significant improvement was the claim settlement ratio which
The financial year 13-14 witnessed increased to 97.45%.
significant changes in economic
4. Launch of around 9 individual and 10 group products.
environment with lower GDP
growth, firming up of interest rates, 5. Inclusion of quality parameters like persistency, early claims ratio
volatility in foreign exchange rate and complaints for sales intermediaries.
and lack of political will to drive
the reforms agenda and general 6. Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance is a financially solid insurer and is
unravelling of India’s economic reflected by the highest CARE rating of AAA(In) for the claim paying
story. It is in this background the ability. This is reflection of the high solvency, currently 733%, the
private life insurance degrew in company is maintaining.
the year by 4%. The private life insurance industry has been facing
7. We have launched a tablet based Android App branded as WAVE
challenging and uphill tasks over the past few years.While the recent
for our intermediaries which has made accepting and issuing policies
regulatory changes is considered as a partial cause for the industry’s
as well as payment of renewal premiums instantly and hassle-free.
negative growth, the regulatory changes in fact improved customer
value significantly that will help life insurance industry in the long I thank our customers and intermediaries for reposing faith in
run. The industry was required to undertake by way of filing, re-filing our company. I thank the employees for all the efforts undertaken
and re-launching of several flagship products that impacted the towards achieving the financial results. I am sure that we will be able
product portfolio as the industry had to be contended with a lesser to improve our results further in the coming fiscal.
products suite than what was available earlier.
Warm Regards,
While we could take comfort of the fact that Bajaj Allianz could
achieve the targets set internally, we have a long and difficult path to Anuj Agarwal
tread in order to recover the market dominant position the company
had enjoyed a few years ago.The outlook for the life insurance
sector remains good given the favourable demographic factors, low
insurance density and high savings rate. Going forward, with a stable
government at the centre, it is expected that they will take suitable
measures to boost the economy and lift the sentiments. The life
insurance industry will hopefully see a good year once the awareness
on the new guidelines and customer-friendly insurance products is
spread among customers.

We have taken the regulatory changes as an opportunity to completely

revamp the entire product portfolio and improve customer value.
We have taken several steps to ensure necessary training to all our
intermediaries and sales force.The impact of the new products and
the acceptability level among the customer and intermediaries will
be known in the coming fiscal.

Some of the highlights of the last fiscal were –

1. In spite of the challenges posed by the recent changes, we could

retain our 4th position among the private life insurers in terms of
New Business premium.

2. Bajaj Allianz has been a profitable life insurer for several years
now and continues to be the same.

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Directors’ Report
Directors’ Report for the financial year ended 31st March 2014. 2. Summary of operations for the year:

Your Directors have pleasure in presenting their Thirteenth annual Business Performance:

report & audited financial statements for the year 2013-14.

In a very difficult year, your Company maintained its fourth position

1. The Life Insurance industry amongst private life insurers on the basis of new business premium.
It wrote new business of Rs. 2,592 crores during financial year 2013-
Over the past two to three years, real GDP growth in India has 14 compared to Rs.2,988 crores in the previous year, registering a
slowed significantly with a drop in financial savings, which has de-growth of 13.25%. The gross premium written, which includes
affected inflows into the life insurance sector. The year 2013-14 was renewal premiums in addition to new business premiums, for the
no exception. Apart from this, 2013-14 was also the year in which financial year 2013-14 was Rs. 5,843 crores, as compared to Rs. 6,892
the revamped product guidelines of the Insurance Regulatory and crores in the previous year, registering a 15.2% de growth. Within
Development Authority (IRDA) for traditional and unit-linked policies the private sector, your Company’s market share of new business
were made effective. The group products had to be withdrawn and premium was 8.8% for 2013-14, as compared to 9.7% in the year
re-launched with effect from 1st August 2013 and the individual 2012-13.
products from 1st January, 2014. Almost all the flagship products of
all insurers had to be revamped, filed for approval and re-launched. Unit linked premiums contributed 17.8% of your Company’s new

Clearly, these events had a major impact on the performance of the business premiums in 2013-14, compared to 18.9% in the previous

industry. year. Traditional individual premiums constituted 36.6% of overall

new business premiums in financial year 2013-14 as compared to
For the year 2013-14, the life insurance industry had a new business 36.0% in financial year 2012-13.
growth of 11.8 % as against a decline of 6.3% in the year 2012-13
(decline of 4% excluding LIC). However, the private sector witnessed Despite most of the old unit-linked policies having completed their

a decline of 4% during FY 2013-14 (PY: decline of 4%). As the full mandatory three year lock-in, surrenders for the year at Rs.7,250

impact of the new products was felt from 1st January 2014, the last crores were 15% lower than the previous year figure of Rs.8,505

quarter (which is traditionally the strongest quarter for life insurers) crores.

witnessed a decline of 11% for the private sector as compared to

Your Company earned a profit in the Policyholders’ account, of Rs. 649
the same quarter of the previous year. During the year, the market
crores during 2013-14, as compared to a profit of Rs. 862 crores in the
share of private players reduced from 28.7% to 24.7% of the total new
previous year. After the distribution of current year’s surplus of Rs.
639 crores (Previous Year Rs. 832 crores), transfer of Rs. Nil (Previous

The new business growth in 2014-15 will largely depend on how Year Rs.85 crores) from the Funds for Future Appropriation and the

the new products, launched recently or to be launched in the next investment income from shareholders’ funds, the shareholders’

few months, will be received by the market. As companies are in profit after tax was Rs. 1,025 crores (Previous Year Rs. 1,286 crores).

the process of making significant investments in re-training their Your Company has accumulated profits included under Reserves and

distribution channels, growth in the industry is expected to be muted Surplus, of Rs. 4,660 crores as at 31st March 2014.

during FY 2014-15.

During 2013-14, IRDA announced regulations on licensing banks

The total funds under management as on 31st March 2014 were Rs.
as insurance brokers, web aggregators and new broker regulations
38,780 crores which included shareholder investments of Rs. 5,811
which expected to open up new vistas for insurance distribution. The
crores, traditional policyholder investments of Rs. 11,536 crores and
IRDA also announced a drive for increasing insurance awareness and
unit-linked investments of Rs. 21,433 crores. The total investments
literacy with a view to increasing penetration of insurance. These
under management of your Company showed a marginal increase
initiatives are expected to spread the reach of insurance to the grass
of 2.1% in the year. Your Company witnessed a decline in the unit
root level and benefit the industry in the medium term.
linked portfolios, on account of surrenders, maturities and a lower

With most new product regulations and high surrenders behind, proportion of new unit linked business inflows. Decline in the assets of

there is hope that the industry will start to see signs of a secular revival the unit linked funds of 12.7% was compensated by a commensurate

by the second half of FY 2014-15. Much will, of course, depend on increase in the traditional policyholders and shareholder funds.

the growth rate of the economy, the interest rates and the financial
Your Company adopted a relatively conservative investment
savings rate.
philosophy focusing on proper asset allocation and investments
in stocks with strong balance sheets and high levels of corporate
governance. The non-unit linked portfolios were managed within the

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

framework of regulatory asset allocation requirements. contact programme covering advance renewal intimation, grace
period notification, and lapsed policy revival facilities, among others.
During the second half of the year, the equity markets saw a strong
Renewal notices are sent in English, Hindi and 12 other languages
revival which resulted in the benchmark indices crossing previous all-
as per customer’s preference. A special revival campaign was also
time highs. Your Company has utilized the opportunity provided by
conducted during the year to increase persistency.
these rising markets to increase equity allocation in the traditional
portfolio to maximize returns. Your Company’s diversified equity Recognition & Awards :
funds have delivered healthy returns and have outperformed the
Your Company received the SKOCH Renaissance Award 2013 in
S&P CNX Nifty 50 index during the year.
the Platinum Category at the Corporate Leadership and Corporate
Debt markets were volatile throughout the year as interest rates Citizenship Awards, for its contribution towards financial inclusion
remained stubbornly high. Expectations of lower interest rates were through your Company products Sarve Shakti Suraksha and Group
belied as the current and fiscal deficits continued at high levels. Term Life, for the fourth consecutive year. In addition to this, your
Company also won the Best Insurance Company in private sector at
Products :
the IPE Banking Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) 2013.

As the new product regulations took effect, your Company’s product

3.1 Capital and Net Worth :
portfolio underwent significant changes. New Group products were
launched from 1st August 2013 while individual products were The total funds infused by the shareholders in the Company remains
launched on 1st January 2014. Rs. 1,211 crores. There was no fresh infusion of capital during the
year 2013-14. The net worth of your Company as at 31stMarch, 2014
As on 31st March 2014, your Company had 10 group plans and 8
was Rs. 5,871 crores as against Rs. 4,844 crores at 31stMarch 2013.
individual plans in its product basket. A total of 42 products and riders
Your Company had no accumulated losses as at 31stMarch 2014.
were filed during last financial year of which approval on 23 products
and riders is awaited. Your Company maintained high levels of solvency throughout the
year, which should provide policyholders with great comfort when
Customer Service:
dealing with your Company. The solvency ratio as at 31stMarch 2014

During the year, your Company has taken initiatives to further stands at 733.5% which is well in excess of the required solvency

strengthen its relationship with its customers. Your Company margin of 150%.

initiated a New Business Verification process by which customers

3.2 IRDA Registration :
are called by a central team to confirm their understanding of key
product features. Your Company’s robust complaint management IRDA has renewed the Certificate of Registration of the Company to
system which delves into the root-cause of complaints and actions carry on life insurance business for the year 2014-15.
taken has resulted in a reduction of operational complaints by over
4 Particulars regarding conservation of energy and technology
45%. By improving the level of automation in processes of grievance
handling and policy servicing, your Company has been able to
improve turnaround times as compared to the last financial year. The particulars in the Companies (Disclosure of Particulars in
the report of the Board of Directors) Rules, 1988, pertaining to
Your Company’s 13th month persistency has improved by 2.3%
conservation of energy does not apply to life insurance industry and
over last year’s performance indicating improvement in customer
hence are not applicable to your Company.
retention. Your Company has taken additional steps to introduce
convenient options for renewal premium payments and registering Information Technology :
servicing requests for its customers in tie-up with banks, Service-
on-Wheels at select locations and payment through Interactive Your Company seeks to employ relevant technology, with increased
Voice Recorders. The “Wave Application” on mobile platforms for focus on mobility solutions, to improve productivity and efficiency
renewals and new business collection was launched towards the end while improving the overall customer experience. Platforms are
of the year. This is expected to equip intermediaries with convenient designed to handle high customer and transaction volumes.
technology at their fingertips as well as to improve customer
convenience while buying policies and paying renewal premiums.

Your Company engages with customers in different ways during

different stages of the life cycle of a policy through a customer

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

5 Foreign exchange earnings and expenditure: 10 Auditors :

Earnings in foreign currency NIL Your Company appointed M/s. S R Batliboi & Co. LLP, Chartered
Expenditure in foreign currency Rs. 2,609 lakhs Accountants and M/s Kirtane & Pandit, Chartered Accountants, as
joint statutory auditors of the Company in the last annual general
6 Particulars of employees: meeting. They hold office up to the conclusion of the thirteenth
annual general meeting of the Company. In accordance with the
As required by the provisions of sub-section 2A of Section 217 of IRDA Guidelines, it is now proposed to appoint M/s. S R Batliboi & Co.
the Companies Act, 1956 read with the Companies (Particulars of LLP, Chartered Accountants, and M/s. Kirtane and Pandit, Chartered
Employees) Rules, 1975 as amended, the names and other particulars Accountants, as joint statutory auditors of your Company to hold
of the employees are set out in the Annexure A to the Directors’ office from the conclusion of the ensuing Annual General Meeting
Report. This report and accounts are being sent to shareholders till the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting and to fix their
excluding the said information. Any shareholder interested in remuneration.
obtaining such information may write to the Company secretary at
the registered office of the Company for a copy thereof. The shareholders are requested to appoint the auditors for the
period from the conclusion of the ensuing annual general meeting
7 Directors: till the conclusion of the next annual general meeting and to fix their
With effect from 1st September 2013, Anuj Agarwal was appointed
as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer replacing Varghese 11 Appreciation:
Philip. Heinz Dollberg ceased to be a Director of the Company with
effect from 10th October, 2013. The Board of Directors wishes The Board is grateful to the IRDA and other regulatory authorities for
to record its appreciation for the services rendered by Philip and their continued support.
Dollberg. Your Company’s performance during the year would not have been
possible without the commitment and hard work of the employees.
Kamesh Goyal was appointed to the Board on 12th July 2013 and Your Directors take this opportunity to thank the promoters, Bajaj
George Sartorel was appointed as Alternate Director to Kamesh Finserv Limited and Allianz SE for providing strategic direction to and
Goyal with effect from 1st April, 2014. guidance in the working of the Company.

Sanjiv Bajaj and Niraj Bajaj, Directors, retire by rotation at the ensuing On behalf of the Board of Directors, we thank your Company’s
Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offer themselves for re- employees, policyholders, intermediaries and reinsurers for reposing
appointment. their unstinted faith in your Company and we are confident of
continuing to deliver value to all our stakeholders.
8 Directors’ responsibility statement:

In accordance with the requirements of sub-section 2AA of Section For and on behalf of Board of Directors of
217 of the Companies Act, 1956, the Board of Directors wish to
confirm the following: Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited

(i) that in preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable

accounting standards have been followed along with proper
Sanjiv Bajaj
explanation relating to material departures;

(ii) that such accounting policies have been selected and applied
consistently, and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable
and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of
the Company as on 31stMarch 2014 and of the profit of the Company
Place : Pune
for that period;
Date : 10th May 2014
(iii) that proper and sufficient care has been taken for the
maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the
provisions of the Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and
for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;

(iv) that the annual accounts have been prepared on a going concern

9 Corporate Governance:

A report on compliance with the Corporate Governance Guidelines

for insurance companies issued by IRDA is contained in Annexure B
along with a certificate from the Company secretary & compliance

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Annexure B to the Directors’ Report

Corporate Governance
9. Mr. Suraj Mehta, Independent Director, who has honors in Econom-
The Corporate Governance Guidelines dated 5th August 2009 (the ics, also serves as Non-Executive Independent Director of BPL Limited.
Guidelines) for the insurance companies issued by Insurance Regula- Mr. Mehta has held key management positions in India and abroad
tory and Development Authority (IRDA) outlines the framework of cor- with ANZ Grindlays Bank till the year 1994. He was the Chief Execu-
porate governance policies and practices followed at the Company. tive Officer of Dresdner Bank AG in India and was the Geographic Head
for the group’s four businesses which included Investment, Banking;
Board of Directors Securities Broking and Software Development. He has also worked as
the Chief Executive Officer of NABIL Bank Limited, the private sector
T he Board of Directors consists of 11 Directors, which includes 4 In- bank in Nepal.
dependent Directors. The CEO of the Company, as the Managing Di-
rector, is executive member of the Board of Directors. The Chairman 10. Mr. Manu Tandon, Independent Director, is a Commerce gradu-
of the Company and all other Directors are Non-executive Directors ate and Chartered Accountant, England & Wales. He retired in 2008
and none of the Independent Directors are close relatives of any other as Managing Director Elantas Beck India Ltd Pune, subsidiary of Altana
Director. The list of Directors as on 31st March 2014 and other major AG, Germany. He was Director, Finance & Corporate Affairs, BASF India
offices held by them is mentioned elsewhere in this Annual Report. Ltd, Mumbai from 1983 till 1996. He was the Chairman of Pune Zonal
Council, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and also the Chairman
1. Mr. Sanjiv Bajaj, Chairman, is a mechanical engineer, has done of CII National Council for Chemicals Fertilizers & Petrochemicals.
M Sc from University of Warwick, UK and MBA from Harvard Business
School, USA. He is currently the Managing Director of Bajaj Finserv Lim- 11. Mr. Anuj Agarwal has a Bachelors degree in Electronics & Com-
ited. munications. He has also done Masters of Management Studies in Fi-
nance from University of Bombay. He was associated with Bajaj Allianz
2. Mr. Rahul Bajaj, Director, is a Honors graduate in Econom ics and Life Insurance Company Limited from Inception of the Company till the
Law and MBA from Harvard Business School. He is considered as one year 2004 and held the position of Vice President – Finance in 2004. He
of the most successful business leaders of India and heads the Bajaj has held senior positions as Chief Financial Officer, SBI Life Insurance
Group of Companies. Company Limited from 2007 till 2009 and Chief Financial Officer/Chief
Risk Officer with the Allianz Group in Egypt and Indonesia.
3. Mr. Manuel Bauer, Director, has done Mechanical Engineering from
Technical Engineering College in Viennav. He is a Board member of Meetings of the Board of Directors
Management of Allianz SE, Munich since 2011.
During the year 2013-14, the Board of Directors met four times on
4. Mr. Sanjay Asher is an Independent Director. He is a Commerce and 10th May 2013, 12th July 2013, 11th October 2013 and 11th January
Law Graduate from Mumbai University and a fellow member of the In- 2014. Following table sets out the details of attendance of Directors at
stitute of Chartered accountants of India. Mr. Sanjay Asher is a Partner the Board meetings.
of M/s. Crawford Bayley & Co. and was an invitee to the Department
Meetings Sitting Fees
of Disinvestment’s Committee for standardizing the transaction docu- Name of Director Category of Directorship
attended (Amt in Rs.)
ments in relation to privatization of the public sector enterprises.
Mr. Sanjiv Bajaj Chairman 4/4 NIL

5. Mr. Niraj Bajaj, Director, has done his B. Com. from Sydenham Col- Mr. Manuel Bauer Director 3/4 NIL
lege of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai and Masters in Business Mr. Sanjay Asher Independent Director 3/4 60,000/-
Administration from Harvard Business School, USA. He has been Co- Mr. Niraj Bajaj Director 4/4 NIL
Chairman of Mukand Ltd since July 14, 2007 and serves as its Managing
Mr. Rahul Bajaj Director 4/4 NIL
Director. Mr. Niraj Bajaj is one of the Promoters of the Bajaj Group.
Mr. Heinz Dollberg* Director 1/1 NIL
6. Mr. Kamesh Goyal, Head of Group Planning and Controlling, Alli- Mr. Kamesh Goyal Director 3/4 NIL
anz SE. He is a science and law graduate and has also done MBA from Mr. Ranjit Gupta Director 4/4 NIL
Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University. Earlier, he has been
Mr. S H Khan Independent Director 4/4 80,000/-
a CEO of Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Limited and Bajaj
Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited. Mr. Suraj Mehta Independent Director 3/4 60,000/-
Mr. Manu Tandon Independent Director 4/4 80,000/-
7. Mr. Ranjit Gupta, Director, who is currently working as President – Mr. Anuj Agarwal** Managing Director 2/2 NIL
Insurance, at Bajaj Finserv Limited, has Masters Degree in Mechanical
Mr. V Philip*** Managing Director 2/2 NIL
& Electrical Engineering from the Indian Railway Institute of Mechani-
cal & Electrical Engineers. *Mr. Heinz Dollberg was appointed as an Alternate Director to
Mr. Manuel Bauer w.e.f. 12th July 2013. Mr. Heinz Dollberg vacated
8. Mr. S H Khan, Independent Director, has Masters Degree in Com-
his office as an Alternate Director on 10th October 2013.
merce and is the former Chairman and Managing Director of IDBI and
by virtue of his long association with IDBI, possesses deep knowledge
** - Mr. Anuj Agarwal has been appointed as a Managing Director in
of Indian Industry and Finance. During his tenure as Chairman of IDBI,
he was responsible for promotion of capital market institutions such place of Mr. V Philip w.e.f. 1st September 2013.
as the National Stock Exchange, National Securities Depository and the
rating Company CARE. He is also on the Board of Bajaj Finserv Limited *** - Mr. V Philip ceased to be a Managing Director of the Company
as an Independent Director. w.e.f. 31th August 2013.

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Committees of the Board of Directors:

Investment Committee meetings.
Constitution & Composition
The Investment Committee met four times during the year on 9th
Audit Committee, Investment Committee, Risk Management May 2013, 11th July 2013, 8th October 2013 and 10th January 2014.
Committee, Policyholders’ Protection Committee and With Profit Following table sets out the particulars of attendance of members of
Committee, which are mandatorily required under the Guidelines, the Investment Committee at various meetings:
have been constituted in accordance with the requirements set out
therein. Name of Member Meetings Attended
Mr. Manuel Bauer 1/4
Audit Committee
Mr. Sanjiv Bajaj 3/4
The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors oversees the periodic Mr. Ranjit Gupta 4/4
financial reporting before submission to the Board and disclosure Mr. Kamesh Goyal# 1/1
processes, functioning of the Internal Audit Department and reviews Mr. Rajesh Viswanathan 4/4
its plans and reports on a quarterly basis. The Audit Committee is Mr. Sampath Reddy 4/4

directly responsible for the recommendation of the appointment, Mr. Saisrinivas Dhulipala 4/4

remuneration, performance and oversight of the work of the Internal, Mr. Anuj Agarwal* 2/2

Statutory and Concurrent Auditors. The senior management personnel Mr. V. Philip** 2/2

are invited to the meetings of the Audit Committee, along with the
# Mr. Kamesh Goyal participated as an alternate member to
Head of Internal Audit, who presents his report to the Committee at
Mr. Manuel Bauer.
every meeting thereof.
* - Mr. Anuj Agarwal has been appointed as a Managing Director
Mr. S H Khan, an Independent Director, is the Chairman of the Audit
in place of Mr. V Philip w.e.f. 1st September 2013.
Committee, with Mr. Sanjay Asher, Independent Director, Mr. Sanjiv
Bajaj, Mr. Manuel Bauer, Mr. Kamesh Goyal and Mr. Ranjit Gupta being ** - Mr. V Philip ceased to be a Managing Director of the Company
other members thereof. All the members of the Audit Committee are w.e.f. 31th August 2013.
Non-executive Directors.

The Audit Committee met four times during the year on 10th May
2013, 12th July 2013, 11th October 2013 and 11th January 2014.
Following table sets out the particulars of attendance of members of
the Committee at various meetings:

Sitting Fees
Name of Member Meetings attended
(Amt in Rs.)
Mr. S H Khan 4/4 80,000/-
Mr. Sanjay Asher 3/4 60,000/-
Mr. Sanjiv Bajaj 4/4 -
Mr. Ranjit Gupta 4/4 -
Mr. Manuel Bauer 3/4 -
Mr. Kamesh Goyal 3/4 -

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee establishes the Investment Policy and

operational framework for the investment operations of the Company.
It periodically reviews the Investment policy based on the investment
performance and the evaluation of dynamic market conditions and
places it before the Board of Directors for approval.

Mr. Manuel Bauer is the Chairman of the Investment Committee, with

Mr. Sanjiv Bajaj, Mr. Ranjit Gupta and Mr. Anuj Agarwal*, MD & CEO
being the other Director members thereof. Mr. Rajesh Viswanathan,
Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Sampath Reddy the Chief Investment Officer
and Mr. Saisrinivas Dhulipala, Appointed Actuary, are also members of
the Investment Committee. The Chief Risk Officer is also invited to the

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Risk Management Committee for identification and solution tool. Typically a Risk Management Cycle
entails Operations & Monitoring risks (Risk Identification, Assessment &
The Risk Management Committee oversees the functioning of
Control, Treatment & Management Action Plan, followed by Monitoring
the overall risk management framework of the Company and
& Reviewing) and Controls & Compliance (Standard Operating
implementation of the risk management strategy. It assists the
Procedures, Internal and External Audit and Quarterly Risk Review)
Board in effective operation of the risk management system by
performing analyses and quality reviews and reports details on the Mr. Manuel Bauer is the Chairman of the Risk Management Committee,
risk exposures and the actions taken to manage the exposures. with Mr. Sanjiv Bajaj, Mr. Ranjit Gupta, Mr. V Philip** (till 31st August
2013) and Mr. Anuj Agarwal, MD & CEO (from 1st September 2013),
Risk Management Framework of the Company:
being the other members thereof.

The Company perceives risk management as a means of value

The Risk Management Committee has also been vested with
optimization. The Company also recognizes the importance of
responsibilities to formulate, implement, monitor and periodically
internal controls and risk management in sustaining the business
revise the Asset Liability Management strategies of the Company. The
continuity and endeavors to make risk management and control
Chief Investment Officer, the Chief Financial Officer and the Appointed
an essential component of the business culture. This is achieved
Actuary are permanent invitees to all meetings of the Risk Management
through better understanding of the balance between risk and
return in the implementation and achievement of entity objectives.
The overall risks are divided into several categories, which are The Risk Management Committee met four times during the year on
further subdivided into major sub-categories. While the risk 9th May 2013, 11th July 2013, 8th October 2013 and 10th January 2014.
categories remain clearly distinct from each other, at the time Following table sets out the particulars and attendance of members of
of assessment their interdependencies are taken in to account. the Risk Management Committee at various meetings:
Covering major categories of assessable risks, independent of the
Name of Director Meetings Attended
assessment methodology, and quantifiability, the risk management
Mr. Manuel Bauer 1/4
framework encompasses practices relating to identification,
Mr. Sanjiv Bajaj 3/4
assessment, monitoring and mitigation of these risks.
Mr. Ranjit Gupta 4/4

a) Risk Management Policy: We are committed to manage risks in line with Mr. Kamesh Goyal# 1/1

the Company’s stated risk appetite through a systematic framework Mr. Anuj Agarwal* 2/2
Mr. V. Philip** 2/2
which identifies, evaluates, mitigates and monitors risks that potentially
have a material impact on the value of the organization or potentially # Mr. Kamesh Goyal participated as an alternate member to Mr. Manuel
hinder the organization in achieving its stated business objectives and Bauer.
goals. * - Mr. Anuj Agarwal has been appointed as a Managing Director in
place of Mr. V Philip w.e.f.1st September 2013.
b) Risk Management Overview Structure: A proactive risk management
** - Mr. V Philip ceased to be a Managing Director of the Company w.e.f.
structure is core to the Company’s overall strategic management.
31th August 2013.
The supervisory level Risk Committee, convened by the Chief Risk
Policyholders Protection Committee
Officer (CRO), comprises of various Heads of Departments / functions,
As required by the IRDA Guidelines, the Company has formed a
which have been identified as the owners of respective risks. They
Policyholders’ Protection Committee of the Board of Directors, with
are responsible for the implementation of risk management activities
responsibility to put in place proper procedures and effective mechanism
including risk mitigation plan within their respective vertical /
to address complaints and grievances of policyholders including mis-
departments or projects. This supervisory level committee establishes
selling by intermediaries and to ensure compliance with the statutory
centralized risk monitoring and management. Through this structured
requirements. The Policyholders’ Protection Committee reviews the
process, the risk management team undertakes to provide reasonable
Grievance Redressal Mechanism and the status of complaints at periodic
assurance to top management on the state of risks and controls. The
risk owners are responsible to review the Top Risk Assessment (TRA)
during the Risk Committee Meeting. The CRO is ultimately responsible Mr. Sanjiv Bajaj is the Chairman of the Policyholders’ Protection
for fostering the enterprise-wide risk management function including Committee, with Mr. Manuel Bauer, Mr. Ranjit Gupta, Mr. V Philip (till 31st
provision of the TRA to the Risk Committee and the Risk Management August, 2013) ** and Mr. Anuj Agarwal, MD & CEO (from 1st September
Committee. 2013), being the other members thereof.

c) Risk Management Procedures: To ensure an effective integrated risk The Policyholders’ Protection Committee met four times during the year
management process, the Risk Management Cycle is used as the base on 9th May 2013, 11th July 2013, 8th October 2013 and 10th January

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

2014. Following table sets out the particulars of attendance of members

of the Policyholders’ Protection Committee at various meetings:

Name of Director Meetings Attended

Mr. Sanjiv Bajaj 3/4
Mr. Manuel Bauer 1/4
Mr. Ranjit Gupta 4/4
Mr. Kamesh Goyal# 1/1
Mr. Anuj Agarwal* 2/2
Mr. V. Philip** 2/2

# Mr. Kamesh Goyal participated as an alternate member to Mr. Manuel

* - Mr. Anuj Agarwal has been appointed as a Managing Director in
place of Mr. V Philip w.e.f.1st September 2013.
** - Mr. V Philip ceased to be a Managing Director of the Company w.e.f.
31th August 2013.
With Profit Committee
As required by the IRDA (Non-linked Insurance Products) Regulations,
2013, the Company has formed a With Profit Committee of the Board of
Directors, with responsibility to ensure that the asset share is maintained
at policy level and that only the portion of expenses representing the
relevant business should be allocated and interest credits to such asset
shares should represent the underlying assets of these funds.
Mr. Manu Tandon, Independent Director, is the Chairman of the With
Profit Committee, with Mr. Anuj Agarwal, MD & CEO, Mr. Saisrinivas
Dhulipala, Appointed Actuary and Mr. M Diwan, Independent Actuary
being the other members thereof.
Certification for compliance of the Corporate Governance Guidelines
I, Sameer Bakshi, Company Secretary and Head – Legal & Compliance
hereby certify that the Company has complied with the Corporate
Governance Guidelines for Insurance Companies as amended from time
to time and nothing has been concealed or suppressed.

Place : Pune
Date : 10th May 2014

Sameer Bakshi
Company Secretary and
Head – Legal & Compliance

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Management Report
With respect to the operations of Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Com- 8. The Company recognizes the risks associated with the life insur-
pany Limited (‘the Company’) for the financial year 1 April 2013 to 31 ance business and manages the risks by adopting prudent policies
March 2014 and results thereof, the Management of the Company to counter the key risks of the Company – namely underwriting and
confirms and declares that: investment risks.
1. The registration certificate granted by Insurance Regulatory and The Company has established robust underwriting procedures to
Development Authority (IRDA) is valid and the same has been re- mitigate underwriting risks. Additionally the Company has entered
newed for the year 2014 – 2015. into reinsurance arrangements wherein it reinsures risk in excess of
2. All dues payable to the statutory authorities have been duly paid its retention limits to mitigate its risk exposure.
except those under dispute or disclosed under contingent liabilities The investment risk is managed by laying down appropriate guide-
in the notes to the accounts forming part of financial statements. lines in the Investment Policy. The Investment Policy is formulated by
3. There has been no transfer of shares during the year and the share- the Investment Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.
holding pattern is in accordance with the statutory and regulatory re- The Investment Policy is reviewed for alignment with the Company’s
quirement. latest business plan and other developments during the year.

4. The Management has not directly or indirectly invested outside In- 9. The Company does not have operations in any other country.
dia, the funds of the holders of policies issued in India. 10. Average claim settlement time from the date of receipt of com-
5. The required solvency margins have been maintained as required plete requirement from the claimant to dispatch of claim payment
by the IRDA regulations. for the current year and previous five financial years are given below:

Period Average claim settlement time (in days)

6. We certify that the values of all the assets have been reviewed on
2013-14 7
the date of Balance Sheet and in the Management’s belief, the assets
2012-13 7
set forth under each of the headings in the Balance Sheet are shown
2011-12 9
in the aggregate at amounts not exceeding their realizable or market
2010-11 11
value under their related headings - “Loans”, “Investments”, “Out-
2009-10 7
standing Premiums”, “Income accrued on investments”, “Amounts
2008-09 7
due from other entities carrying on insurance business (including
amounts due from reinsurers)”, “Cash” and the several items speci- Ageing of claims registered and not settled as at 31st March 2014 is
fied under “Advances” and “Other Accounts. given below:

As required by IRDA (Preparation of Financial Statements and Audi-

For Traditional Business
tor’s Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations 2002 For Tradi-
Rs. In lakhs
tional Portfolio all debt securities, including government securities, Current Year Previous Year
are considered as ‘held to maturity’ and accordingly measured at Period No. of No. of
historical cost, subject to amortization of premium or accretion of Amount Amount
Claims Claims
discount in the Revenue account or the Profit and Loss account over Less than 30 Days 1001 2,552 1396 2,180
the period of maturity/ holding. At March 31, 2014 the market value
of these investments is lower by Rs 3,906,001 thousand. The low- 30 days to 6 months 365 1,574 544 1,944
6 months to 1 year 198 465 139 306
er market value is attributable to the rise in yields during the year.
1 year to 5 years 318 773 315 710
These investments are managed with a long term focus and with an
5 years and above 28 120 25 120
objective of Asset Liability management.
Total for the Period 1,910 5,485 2,419 5,260
7.We certify that, no part of the life insurance fund has been directly
or indirectly applied in contravention of the Insurance Act, 1938 (4 of
1938) relating to the application and investment of the life insurance

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

For Linked Business: We certify that the unit linked investments and discontinued
fund investments have been valued on the basis as stated below:

Rs. In lakhs
Equities have been valued at market values, which have been
Current Year Previous Year
ascertained on the basis of the last quoted closing price on
Period No. of
Amount No. of Claims Amount the NSE. In case the equity shares are not listed on the NSE,
Less than 30 Days 179 352 478 850 then they are valued on the last quoted closing price on BSE.
30 days to 6 months 311 395 390 796 Government securities are valued at prices obtained from Credit
6 months to 1 year 306 481 250 427 Rating Information Services of India Ltd. (CRISIL). Corporate
1 year to 5 years 890 1,981 668 1,412 bonds and debentures are valued on the basis of CRISIL Bond
5 years and above 66 97 25 32 Valuer. Investments in Loans are valued at cost. Treasury bills,
Total for the Period 1,752 3,306 1,811 3,517 Certificate of Deposits and Commercial Papers are valued at

cost plus accretion. Mutual fund units have been valued at the
11. We certify that the values of investments (other than unit last available Net Asset Value declared by the respective mutual
linked investments and discontinued fund investments), as shown fund.
in the Balance Sheet have been valued as per accounting policies
prescribed by IRDA. Equities have been valued at market values, 12. The Company has invested (other than unit linked funds)
which have been ascertained on the basis of the last quoted closing mainly in approved Government securities and AAA and AA+
price on the NSE. In case the equity shares are not listed on the rated bonds. The primary aim while investing is to generate
NSE, then they are valued on the last quoted closing price on BSE. adequate return while minimizing risk. The emphasis is also on
Unlisted shares are stated at historical cost subject to provision for the liquidity of investments to ensure that the Company meets
diminution, if any, in the value of such investment. For fixed income all outgoings related to claims and other operations. While most
securities, market valuation is based on procedure issued by Fixed of the investments are in Fixed Income Securities in the form of
Income and Money Market and Derivative Dealers Association of Government of India securities or Corporate Bonds with strong
India (FIMMDA). The investments in the Mutual Funds are valued at credit rating, a small portion is also invested in Equity Shares.
the Net Asset Values (NAV) of these Mutual Funds as on the Balance Based on the past track record, the Management is confident of
Sheet date. Investments in Unlisted Equity, Security Receipts, Venture the quality and performance of the investments.
Capital Fund and Loans are valued at cost.

13. The following are the payments made to individuals, firms, companies and organizations in which the Directors of the Company are

Name of the Director/ Entity in which Director is Interested as Amount of Payment during the FY 2013-14
Shareholder interested (Rs.In Lakh)

Mr. Rahul Bajaj Chairman & Member

Bajaj Finance Ltd. 12,279
Mr. Sanjiv Bajaj Director

Mr. Rahul Bajaj Director

Mr. Sanjiv Bajaj Chairman
Mr. Niraj Bajaj Director
Mr.Kamesh Goyal Director
Bajaj Allianz General
Mr. Ranjit Gupta Insurance Company Ltd. Director
Mr. Sanjay Asher Director
Mr. S.H. Khan Director
Mr. Manu Tandon Director
Mr. Suraj Mehta Director
Mr. Manuel Bauer Director

Mr. Rahul Bajaj Member

Hind Musafir Agency Limited
Mr. Niraj Bajaj Member

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

14. The Management of Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited certifies that:

a) The financial statements of Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited have been prepared in accordance with the applicable accounting
standards and principles and policies with no material departures;

b) The Management has adopted accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable
and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of the affairs of the Company at the end of the financial year and of the operating
profit as per Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account) and of the profit as per Shareholders’ Account (Non Technical Account) of the
Company for the year;

c) The Management has taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the
applicable provisions of the Insurance Act, 1938 (4 of 1938) and Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956), for safeguarding the assets of the
Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;

d) The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis;

e) The Company has an internal audit system commensurate with the size of the Company and nature of the business.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited

Sanjiv Bajaj Manuel Bauer Rahul Bajaj

Chairman Director Director

Kamesh Goyal Ranjit Gupta S. H. Khan

Director Director Director

Suraj Mehta Manu Tandon Anuj Agarwal

Director Director Managing Director &
Chief Executive Officer

Rajesh Viswanathan Saisrinivas Dhulipala Sameer Bakshi

Chief Financial Officer Appointed Actuary Company Secretary and
Head – Legal
& Compliance

Place: Pune
Date: 10th May 2014

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Independent Auditors’ Report

To the Members of Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Insurance
Act, the IRDA Act, the IRDA Financial Statements Regulations
Report on the Financial Statements and the Companies Act, 1956 to the extent applicable read
with General Circular 8/2014 dated 4 April 2014 issued by the
1. We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Bajaj Ministry of Corporate Affairs and in the manner so required,
Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited (the “Company”) which and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting
comprise the Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2014, the related principles generally accepted in India, as applicable to Insurance
Revenue Account (also called the “Policyholders’ Account” Companies:
or the “Technical Account”), the Profit and Loss Account
(also called the “Shareholders’ Account” or “Non-Technical (a) in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the
Account”) and the Receipts and Payments Account for the year Company as at March 31, 2014;
then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies
and other explanatory information. (b) in the case of Revenue Account, of the net surplus for the year
ended on that date;
Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements
(c) in the case of Profit and Loss Account, of the profit for the year
2. The Management is responsible for the preparation of these ended on that date; and
financial statements that give a true and fair view of the Balance
Sheet, the related Revenue Account, the Profit and Loss Account (d) in the case of the Receipts and Payments Account, of the
and the Receipts and Payments Account of the Company in receipts and payments for the year ended on that date.
accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in
India, including the provisions of The Insurance Act, 1938 (the Other Matter
“Insurance Act”), the Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority Act, 1999 (the “IRDA Act”), the Insurance Regulatory The actuarial valuation of liabilities for life policies in force
and Development Authority (Preparation of Financial Statements is the responsibility of the Company’s Appointed Actuary
and Auditor’s Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations, (the “Appointed Actuary”). The actuarial valuation of these
2002 (the “IRDA Financial Statements Regulations”), orders/ liabilities for life policies in force and for policies in respect of
directions issued by the Insurance Regulatory and Development which premium has been discontinued but liability exists as
Authority (the “IRDA”) in this regard , read with the Accounting at March 31, 2014 has been duly certified by the Appointed
Standards notified under the Companies Act, 1956, read with Actuary and in his opinion, the assumptions for such valuation
General Circular 8/2014 dated 4 April 2014 issued by the Ministry are in accordance with the guidelines and norms issued by
of Corporate Affairs to the extent applicable. This responsibility the Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (“IRDA”
includes the design, implementation and maintenance of / “Authority”) and the Institute of Actuaries of India in
internal control relevant to the preparation and presentation of concurrence with the Authority. We have relied upon Appointed
the financial statements that give a true and fair view and are Actuary’s certificate in this regard for forming our opinion on
free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. the valuation of liabilities for life policies in force and for policies
in respect of which premium has been discontinued but liability
Auditors’ Responsibility exists on financial statements of the Company.

3. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements
statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in
accordance with the Standards on Auditing issued by the 7. As required by the IRDA Financial Statements Regulations, we
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those Standards have issued a separate certificate dated 10 May 2014 certifying
require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and the matters specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of Schedule C to the
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether IRDA Financial Statements Regulations.
the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
8. As required by the IRDA Financial Statements Regulations, read
4. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit with section 227(3) of the Companies Act, 1956, we report that:
evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s (a) We have obtained all the information and explanations, which
judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the
misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud purposes of the audit and have found them to be satisfactory;
or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers
internal control relevant to the Company’s preparation and fair (b) In our opinion and to the best of our information and according
presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit to the explanations given to us, proper books of account as
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not required by law have been maintained by the Company, so far
for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness as appears from our examination of those books;
of the Company’s internal control. An audit also includes
(c) As the Company’s financial accounting system is centralized,
evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used
no returns for the purposes of our audit are prepared at the
and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by
branches of the Company;
management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of
the financial statements. (d) The Balance Sheet, the Revenue Account, the Profit and Loss
Account and the Receipts and Payments Account referred to in
5. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient
this report are in agreement with the books of account;
and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
(e) The Balance sheet, the Revenue Account, the Profit and Loss
Account and the Receipts and Payments Account dealt with
6. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according by this report comply with the Accounting Standards notified
to the explanations given to us, the financial statements are under the Companies Act, 1956, read with General Circular
8/2014 dated 4 April 2014 issued by the Ministry of Corporate

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Affairs to the extent they are not inconsistent with the accounting principles prescribed in the Regulations and orders / directions issued
by IRDA in this regard:

(f) In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, investments have been valued in
accordance with the provisions of the Insurance Act, the Regulations and / or orders / directions issued by IRDA in this regard;

(g) The accounting policies selected by the Company are appropriate and are in compliance with the applicable Accounting Standards
notified under the Companies Act, 1956, read with General Circular 8/2014 dated 4 April 2014 issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs
and with the accounting principles as prescribed in the IRDA Financial Statements Regulations and orders / directions issued by IRDA in
this regard; and

(h) On the basis of written representations received from the Directors of the Company, as on March 31, 2014 and taken on record by the
Board of Directors, none of the Directors is disqualified as on March 31, 2014 from being appointed as a Director in terms of clause (g) of
sub-section (1) of Section 274 of the Companies Act, 1956.

For S. R. Batliboi & Co. LLP For Kirtane & Pandit

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
ICAI Firm Registration No. 301003E ICAI Firm Registration No. 105215W

per Shrawan Jalan Suhas Deshpande

Partner Partner
Membership No. 102102 Membership Number. 031787

Place: Pune Place: Pune

Dated: 10th May 2014 Dated: 10th May 2014

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Annexure to the Independent Auditors’ Report

Independent Auditors’ Certificate

In accordance with the information and explanations given to us and to the best of our knowledge and belief and based on our examination of the
books of account and other records maintained by Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited (‘the Company’) for the year ended March 31,
2014, we certify that:
1. We have reviewed the Management Report attached to the financial statements for the year ended March 31,2014, and on the basis of our
review, there is no apparent mistake or material inconsistencies with the financial statements;
2. Based on management representations and compliance certificates submitted to the Board of Directors by the officers of the Company charged
with compliance and the same being noted by the Board, we certify that the Company has complied with the terms and conditions of registration
stipulated by Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA);
3. We have verified the cash balances, to the extent considered necessary, and securities relating to the Company’s loans and investments as at
March 31, 2014, by actual inspection or on the basis of certificates / confirmations received from the Custodian and/ or Depository Participants
appointed by the Company, as the case may be. As at March 31, 2014, the Company does not have reversions and life interests;
4. The Company is not a trustee of any trust; and
5. No part of the assets of the Policyholders’ Funds has been directly or indirectly applied in contravention to the provisions of the Insurance Act,
1938, relating to the application and investments of the Policyholders’ Funds.
We conducted our examination in accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit Reports and Certificates for Special Purposes issued by the Insti-
tute of Chartered Accountants of India (the ‘ICAI’)

This certificate is issued to comply with paragraphs 3 and 4 of Schedule C of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Preparation
of Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations 2002, (the “Regulations”) read with Regulation 3 of the IRDA
Financial Statements Regulations and is not intended to be used or distributed for any other purpose.

As per our report of even date attached As per our report of even date attached

For S. R. Batliboi & Co. LLP For Kirtane & Pandit

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
ICAI Firm Registration No. 301003E ICAI Firm Registration No. 105215W

per Shrawan Jalan Suhas Deshpande

Partner Partner
Membership No. 102102 Membership Number. 031787

Place: Pune Place: Pune

Dated: 10th May 2014 Dated: 10th May 2014

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Revenue Account for the year ended 31st March 2014

Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account)
Particulars Schedule Current Year Participating
Individual Assurance Individual Pension
(a) Premium 1 58,431,389 25,939,813 44,697
(b) Reinsurance ceded (Refer Schedule 16 Note 16) (678,155) (113,932) (607)
(c) Reinsurance accepted - - -
SUB-TOTAL 57,753,234 25,825,881 44,090
(a) Interest, Dividend & Rent - Gross 15,234,276 4,837,317 55,091
(b) Profit on sale / redemption of investments 32,443,446 249,018 1,052
(c) (Loss on sale / redemption of investments) (13,796,986) (19,182) (456)
(d) Transfer/Gain on revaluation/ change in fair value 13,995,642 - -
(e) Other investment income 1,265,391 - -
49,141,769 5,067,153 55,687
OTHER INCOME 300,631 195,256 204
Contribution from the Shareholders' account 69,386 - -
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 15)
SUB-TOTAL 49,511,786 5,262,409 55,891
TOTAL (A) 107,265,020 31,088,290 99,981
COMMISSION (Refer Schedule 2 Note 1) 2 1,482,537 2,009,525 (1,193)
Provision for doubtful debts - - -
Bad Debts written off - - -
Provision for Fringe Benefit Tax - - -

Provision for Income Tax 1,469,224 52,360 -

Provisions (other than taxation)
(a) For diminution in the value of investments (net) - - -
(b) Others - - -
TOTAL (B) 17,680,644 7,967,347 5,229
BENEFIT PAID (Net) 4 84,772,465 3,756,811 78,849
Interim Bonuses Paid 47,358 45,970 1,388
Change in valuation of liability in respect of life policies in force

(Refer Schedule 16 Note 1(e) and Note 8)

(a) Gross 29,399,199 18,921,798 (4,109)
(b) Fund Reserve [Refer Schedule 16 Note 1(e) ] (32,089,737) - -
(c) Reserve for Discontinuance fund [Refer Schedule 16 Note 26] 965,133 - -
(d) Amount ceded in Re-insurance - - -
(e) Amount accepted in Re-insurance - - -

TOTAL (C) 83,094,418 22,724,579 76,128

SURPLUS/ (DEFICIT ) (D) = (A) - (B) - (C) 6,489,958 396,364 18,624

Balance of previous year 1,740,593 1,683,050 57,543

Transfer (to)/from reserve for lapsed unit linked policies unlikely to be revived - - -
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 1(e) and Note 8)
Transfer to Shareholders' account (6,391,014) (314,446) (1,598)
Balance being funds for future appropriations 1,839,537 1,764,968 74,569
Interim Bonuses Paid (a) 47,358 45,970 1,388

Allocation of Bonus to policyholders (b) 2,844,397 2,830,018 14,379

Surplus shown in the Revenue Account (c) 6,489,958 396,364 18,624

Total Surplus [ (a)+ (b)+ (c) ] 9,381,713 3,272,352 34,391

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

(Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Non Participating Linked

Individual Assurance Individual Health Individual Annuity Group Assurance Individual Assurance Individual Pension Group

2,120,874 280,432 232,404 15,644,973 10,750,511 681,310 2,736,375

(29,274) (107,192) - (275,427) (142,827) (673) (8,223)
- - - - - - -
2,091,600 173,240 232,404 15,369,546 10,607,684 680,637 2,728,152

743,188 12,974 77,489 2,675,772 5,908,784 410,686 512,975

5,415 108 132 61,139 29,422,166 1,987,283 717,133
(5,626) (522) (33) (20,160) (12,374,448) (878,986) (497,573)
- - - - 12,856,789 575,106 563,747
- - - - 1,093,009 65,786 106,596
742,977 12,560 77,588 2,716,751 36,906,300 2,159,875 1,402,878
7,983 581 284 35,191 44,840 1,890 14,402
- - 65,260 - - - 4,126

750,960 13,141 143,132 2,751,942 36,951,140 2,161,765 1,421,406

2,842,560 186,381 375,536 18,121,488 47,558,824 2,842,402 4,149,558
62,511 6,728 (1,761) 148,909 (740,959) (17,242) 16,019
451,977 23,736 32,983 1,171,499 6,431,884 360,020 344,900
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
80,647 15,022 - 48,709 1,272,486 - -

- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
595,135 45,486 31,222 1,369,117 6,963,411 342,778 360,919
1,408,005 114,993 71,137 6,049,550 66,093,434 5,726,728 1,472,958
- - - - - - -

388,801 (26,824) 273,177 10,452,795 (581,491) (12,854) (12,094)

- - - - (31,036,110) (3,381,402) 2,327,775
- - - - 965,133 - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -

1,796,806 88,169 344,314 16,502,345 35,440,966 2,332,472 3,788,639

450,619 52,726 - 250,026 5,154,447 167,152 -
- - - - - - -

- - - - - - -

(450,619) (52,726) - (250,026) (5,154,447) (167,152) -

- - - - - - -

- - - - - - -

- - - - - - -

450,619 52,726 - 250,026 5,154,447 167,152 -

450,619 52,726 - 250,026 5,154,447 167,152 -

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Revenue Account for the year ended 31st March 2014

Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account)
Particulars Schedule Previous Year Participating
Individual Individual
Assurance Pension


(a) Premium 1 68,926,995 24,750,783 54,248
(b) Reinsurance ceded (Refer Schedule 16 Note 16) (576,420) (86,161) (623)
(c) Reinsurance accepted - - -
SUB-TOTAL 68,350,575 24,664,622 53,625
(a) Interest, Dividend & Rent - Gross 13,532,135 3,399,800 49,473
(b) Profit on sale / redemption of investments 37,448,854 89,743 587
(c) (Loss on sale / redemption of investments) (13,717,856) (64,285) (387)
(d) Transfer/Gain on revaluation/ change in fair value (8,970,965) - -
(e) Other investment income 1,965,639 - -
30,257,807 3,425,258 49,673
Other Income 169,758 94,734 487
Contribution from the Shareholders' account 23,503 - -
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 15)
SUB-TOTAL 30,451,068 3,519,992 50,160
TOTAL (A) 98,801,643 28,184,614 103,785
COMMISSION (Refer Schedule 2 Note 1) 2 2,804,198 2,856,323 946
Provision for doubtful debts - - -
Bad Debts written off - - -
Provision for Income Tax 1,692,829 92,273 -
Provisions (other than taxation)
(a) For diminution in the value of investments (net) - - -
(b) Others - - -
TOTAL (B) 20,500,037 9,256,980 5,402
BENEFIT PAID (Net) 4 93,037,652 2,394,507 30,369
Interim Bonuses Paid 31,726 31,103 623
Change in valuation of liability in respect of life policies in force
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 1(e) and Note 8)
(a) Gross 31,146,622 15,911,838 67,149
(b) Fund Reserve [Refer Schedule 16 Note 1(e) ] (54,872,516) - -
(c) Reserve for Discontinuance fund [Refer Schedule 16 Note 26] 333,456 - -
(c) Amount ceded in Re-insurance - - -
(d) Amount accepted in Re-insurance - - -
TOTAL (C) 69,676,940 18,337,448 98,141
SURPLUS/ (DEFICIT ) (D) = (A) - (B) - (C) 8,624,666 590,186 242
Balance of previous year 1,442,796 1,383,949 58,847
Transfer (to)/from reserve for lapsed unit linked policies unlikely to be revived 847,970 - -
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 1(e) and Note 8)
Transfer to Shareholders' account (9,174,839) (291,085) (1,546)
Balance being funds for future appropriations 1,740,593 1,683,050 57,543
Interim Bonuses Paid (a) 31,726 31,103 623
Allocation of Bonus to policyholders (b) 2,633,681 2,619,767 13,914
Surplus shown in the Revenue Account (c) 8,624,666 590,186 242
Total Surplus [ (a)+ (b)+ (c) ] 11,290,073 3,241,056 14,779

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

(Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Non Participating Linked

Individual Assurance Individual Health Individual Group Assurance Individual Assurance Individual Pension Group

2,997,137 352,646 235,842 16,382,775 20,506,620 1,718,361 1,928,583

(23,937) (100,631) - (221,378) (140,166) (701) (2,823)
- - - - - - -
2,973,200 252,015 235,842 16,161,397 20,366,454 1,717,660 1,925,760

589,557 14,152 53,313 1,571,681 6,905,610 542,570 405,979

6,811 239 2,479 59,503 35,260,062 1,668,137 361,293
(2,833) (318) (179) (15,047) (12,622,264) (817,168) (195,375)
- - - - (9,245,375) 99,093 175,317
- - - - 1,768,061 96,577 101,001
593,535 14,073 55,613 1,616,137 22,066,094 1,589,209 848,215
3,086 385 40 4,248 13,674 1,520 51,584
3,289 - 20,214 - - - -

599,910 14,458 75,867 1,620,385 22,079,768 1,590,729 899,799

3,573,110 266,473 311,709 17,781,782 42,446,222 3,308,389 2,825,559
81,755 40,285 836 174,830 (345,406) (25,336) 19,965
331,550 33,129 19,641 1,153,777 7,444,815 429,729 277,529
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- 9,143 - 93,854 1,486,928 - 10,631

- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
413,305 82,557 20,477 1,422,461 8,586,337 404,393 308,125
584,374 117,702 39,010 3,275,727 79,517,899 6,336,111 741,953
- - - - - - -

2,575,431 7,729 252,222 12,483,198 (52,470) (109,409) 10,934

- - - - (52,924,833) (3,644,227) 1,696,544
- - - - 333,456 - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
3,159,805 125,431 291,232 15,758,925 26,874,052 2,582,475 2,449,431
- 58,485 - 600,396 6,985,833 321,521 68,003
- - - - - - -

- - - - 847,970 - -

- (58,485) - (600,396) (7,833,803) (321,521) (68,003)

- - - - - - -

- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- 58,485 - 600,396 6,985,833 321,521 68,003
- 58,485 - 600,396 6,985,833 321,521 68,003

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Notes to Financial Statements 16

As required by Section 40-B of the Insurance Act, 1938, we certify that all expenses of Management in respect of Life Insurance
business transacted in India by the Company have been fully debited to the Policyholders’ Revenue Account as expenses.

The accompanying notes and schedules form an integral part of the financial statements.

As per our report of even date attached

For S. R. Batliboi & Co. LLP For Kirtane & Pandit For Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited

Sanjiv Bajaj Manuel Bauer Rahul Bajaj

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
ICAI Firm Registration ICAI Firm Registration Chairman Director Director
No. 301003E No. 105215W
Kamesh Goyal Ranjit Gupta S. H. Khan
Director Director Director
per Shrawan Jalan Suhas Deshpande
Partner Partner Suraj Mehta Manu Tandon Anuj Agarwal
Membership No. 102102 Membership No.
Director Director Managing Director &
Chief Executive Officer

Rajesh Viswanathan Saisrinivas Dhulipala Sameer Bakshi

Chief Financial Officer Appointed Actuary Company Secretary and
Head – Legal
& Compliance

Place : Pune Place : Pune

Date : 10th May 2014 Date : 10th May 2014

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Form A- PL
Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2014
Shareholders’ Account (Non Technical Account) (Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Current Year Previous Year Previous Year

Amounts transferred from the Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account) 6,391,014 9,174,839


(a) Interest, Dividends & Rent - Gross 5,049,767 4,134,675
(b) Profit on sale / redemption of investments 458,787 250,538
(c) (Loss on sale / redemption of investments) (132,526) (70,186)
(d) Transfer/Gain on revaluation / change in fair value - -
OTHER INCOME 25,922 17,507
TOTAL(A) 11,792,964 13,507,373
Expenses other than those directly related to the insurance business 101,644 48,197
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 11)

Provisions (Other than Taxation) - -
Contribution to the Policyholders' Fund
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 15)
Non Participating

Individual Assurance - 3,289

Individual Annuity 65,260 20,214

Group 4,126 69,386 - 23,503
TOTAL(B) 171,030 71,700
PROFIT / (LOSS) before Tax 11,621,934 13,435,673
Provision for Taxation including Wealth Tax 1,376,022 579,309

PROFIT / (LOSS) after Tax 10,245,912 12,856,364

Balance at the beginning of the year 36,355,795 23,499,431


Earning Per Share (Basic and Diluted) (Refer Schedule 16 Note 18) 67.98 85.31

Notes to Financial Statements 16

The accompanying notes and schedules form an integral part of the financial statements. As per our report of even date attached.

For S. R. Batliboi & Co. LLP For Kirtane & Pandit For Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Sanjiv Bajaj Manuel Bauer Rahul Bajaj
ICAI Firm Registration ICAI Firm Registration Chairman Director Director
No. 301003E No. 105215W

Kamesh Goyal Ranjit Gupta S. H. Khan
Director Director Director
per Shrawan Jalan Suhas Deshpande
Partner Partner
Membership No. 102102 Membership No. Suraj Mehta Manu Tandon Anuj Agarwal
031787 Director Director Managing Director &
Chief Executive Officer

Rajesh Viswanathan Saisrinivas Dhulipala Sameer Bakshi

Chief Financial Officer Appointed Actuary Company Secretary and
Head – Legal
Place : Pune Place : Pune & Compliance
Date : 10th May 2014 Date : 10th May 2014

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Form A- BS
Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs. ‘000)
Particulars Schedule Current Year Current Year Previous Year Previous Year
Share Capital 5 1,507,090 1,507,090
Reserves and Surplus 6 57,201,257 46,955,345
Credit/(Debit) Fair Value Change Account - (21,744)
SUB TOTAL 58,708,347 48,440,691
Credit/(Debit) Fair Value Change Account 677,123 51,684
Policy Liabilities (Refer Schedule 16 Note 8)
Individual Assurance 67,378,074 48,456,276
Individual Pension 543,743 547,852
Non Participating
Individual Assurance 8,389,565 8,000,764
Individual Health 163,690 190,514
Individual Annuity 1,037,406 764,229
Group Assurance 36,005,758 25,552,963
Individual Assurance 3,547,808 4,129,299
Individual Pension 6,494 19,348
Group 11,924 117,084,462 24,018 87,685,263
Insurance Reserves - -
Provision For Linked Liabilities
Linked Liabilities 185,013,230 231,098,609
Fair value change 27,862,778 212,876,008 13,867,136 244,965,745
Provision For Discontinuance Fund (Refer Schedule 16 Note 26) 1,454,973 489,840
SUB TOTAL 332,092,566 333,192,532
Individual Assurance 1,764,968 1,683,050
Individual Pension 74,569 1,839,537 57,543 1,740,593
TOTAL 392,640,450 383,373,816

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Form A- BS
Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs. ‘000)
Particulars Schedule Current Year Current Year Previous Year Previous Year
Shareholders' 8 58,104,832 46,878,100
Policyholders' 8A
Individual Assurance 67,503,916 48,893,876
Individual Pension 598,409 577,181
Non Participating
Individual Assurance 8,191,447 8,059,151
Individual Health 163,629 199,644
Individual Annuity 983,532 727,840
Group Assurance 34,382,788 25,196,213
Individual Assurance 3,518,293 3,993,903
Individual Pension 8,139 22,001
Group 12,026 115,362,179 24,717 87,694,526
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 24)
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 26)
LOANS 9 462,399 241,483
Gross Block 5,247,500 5,108,870
Less : Accumulated Depreciation 2,692,653 2,595,298
Net Block 10 2,554,847 2,513,572
Capital work in progress - 4,663
2,554,847 2,518,235
Cash and bank balances 11 7,320,635 7,147,509
Advances and other Assets 12 11,009,879 9,293,404
Sub-Total(A) 18,330,514 16,440,913
Current liabilities 13 13,277,258 13,916,619
Provisions 14 3,228,044 1,938,407
Sub-Total(B) 16,505,302 15,855,026
NET CURRENT ASSETS (C) = (A-B) 1,825,212 585,887
(To the extent not written off or adjusted )
(Shareholders' account )
Total 392,640,450 383,373,816

Notes to Financial Statements 16

The accompanying notes and schedules form an integral part of the financial statements. As per our report of even date attached.
For S. R. Batliboi & Co. LLP For Kirtane & Pandit For Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Sanjiv Bajaj Manuel Bauer Rahul Bajaj
ICAI Firm Registration ICAI Firm Registration Chairman Director Director
No. 301003E No. 105215W
Kamesh Goyal Ranjit Gupta S. H. Khan
Director Director Director

per Shrawan Jalan Suhas Deshpande Suraj Mehta Manu Tandon Anuj Agarwal
Partner Partner Director Director Managing Director &
Membership No. 102102 Membership No. Chief Executive Officer
Rajesh Viswanathan Saisrinivas Dhulipala Sameer Bakshi
Chief Financial Officer Appointed Actuary Company Secretary and
Head – Legal & Compliance
Place : Pune Place : Pune
Date : 10th May 2014 Date : 10th May 2014
Schedules forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March 2014

Schedule - 1 : Premium (Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Participating Non Participating Linked

Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Group Individual Individual Group

Assurance Pension Assurance Health Annuity Assurance Assurance Pension

First Year Premium 15,985,239 8,741,808 - 439,621 61,856 - 5,332,201 578,205 (977) 832,525
Renewal Premium 32,511,083 17,198,005 44,697 1,670,234 218,576 51 3,837,508 8,485,058 655,624 401,330
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Single Premium 9,935,067 - - 11,019 - 232,353 6,475,264 1,687,248 26,663 1,502,520

Total Premium 58,431,389 25,939,813 44,697 2,120,874 280,432 232,404 15,644,973 10,750,511 681,310 2,736,375
Premium Income from Business written:
In India 58,431,389 25,939,813 44,697 2,120,874 280,432 232,404 15,644,973 10,750,511 681,310 2,736,375
Outside India - - - - - - - - - -
Total Premium 58,431,389 25,939,813 44,697 2,120,874 280,432 232,404 15,644,973 10,750,511 681,310 2,736,375

(Amount in Rs. ‘000)

IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Particulars Previous Year Participating Non Participating Linked

Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Group Individual Individual Group
Assurance Pension Assurance Health Annuity Assurance Assurance Pension
First Year Premium 19,720,430 10,253,676 195 105,672 157,628 - 7,151,194 1,429,310 (19,969) 642,724
Renewal Premium 39,047,983 14,497,107 54,053 2,883,858 195,018 - 2,924,931 16,047,753 1,710,864 734,399
Single Premium 10,158,582 - - 7,607 - 235,842 6,306,650 3,029,557 27,466 551,460
Total Premium 68,926,995 24,750,783 54,248 2,997,137 352,646 235,842 16,382,775 20,506,620 1,718,361 1,928,583
Premium Income from Business written:
In India 68,926,995 24,750,783 54,248 2,997,137 352,646 235,842 16,382,775 20,506,620 1,718,361 1,928,583
Outside India - - - - - - - - - -
Total Premium 68,926,995 24,750,783 54,248 2,997,137 352,646 235,842 16,382,775 20,506,620 1,718,361 1,928,583
Annual Report 2013-2014
Schedule - 2 : Commission
(Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Participating Non Participating Linked

Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Group Individual Individual Group

Assurance Pension Assurance Health Annuity Assurance Assurance Pension

Commission Paid
Direct - First year premium 1,754,061 1,594,169 - 61,346 17,409 - 54,834 27,202 (179) (720)
- Renewal Premium (332,106) 433,866 (1,193) 5,921 5,986 (2,108) 25,662 (784,741) (17,295) 1,796
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

-Single Premium 116,876 - - 207 - 347 72,102 29,045 232 14,943


Add: Commission on Reinsurance Accepted - - - - - - - - - -

Less: Commission on Reinsurance Ceded (56,294) (18,510) - (4,963) (16,667) - (3,689) (12,465) - -
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 16)
Net Commission 1,482,537 2,009,525 (1,193) 62,511 6,728 (1,761) 148,909 (740,959) (17,242) 16,019
Breakup of commission expenses ( Gross) incurred to procure business is furnished below
Agents 807,874 1,516,185 (1,299) 51,429 23,271 419 (12,823) (748,912) (17,612) (2,784)
Brokers 35,618 27,536 - 1,055 50 10 3,950 2,813 16 188
Corporate Agency 695,339 484,314 106 14,990 74 (2,190) 161,471 17,605 354 18,615
Total 1,538,831 2,028,035 (1,193) 67,474 23,395 (1,761) 152,598 (728,494) (17,242) 16,019
Note : 1. Renewal commission is net of Reversal of old unclaimed commission Rs. 1,370,866

(Amount in Rs. ‘000)
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Particulars Previous Year Participating Non Participating Linked

Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Group Individual Individual Group

Assurance Pension Assurance Health Annuity Assurance Assurance Pension

Commission Paid
Direct - First year premium 25,13,710 22,73,778 13 27,640 43,702 - 78,436 89,762 (136) 515
- Renewal Premium 2,32,220 6,05,416 986 62,651 9,159 - 12,092 (4,42,872) (25,235) 10,023
-Single Premium 1,49,768 - - 164 - 836 87,062 52,033 246 9,427
Add: Commission on Reinsurance Accepted - - - - - - - - - -
Less: Commission on Reinsurance Ceded (91,500) (22,871) (53) (8,700) (12,576) - (2,760) (44,329) (211) -
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 16)
Net Commission 28,04,198 28,56,323 946 81,755 40,285 836 1,74,830 (3,45,406) (25,336) 19,965
Breakup of commission expenses ( Gross) incurred to procure business is furnished below
Agents 17,00,610 19,10,686 866 63,119 52,468 823 (7,270) (2,93,500) (26,401) (181)
Brokers 44,460 33,783 - 1,658 100 6 3,816 4,749 31 317
Corporate Agency 11,50,628 9,34,725 133 25,678 293 7 1,81,044 (12,326) 1,245 19,829
Total 28,95,698 28,79,194 999 90,455 52,861 836 1,77,590 (3,01,077) (25,125) 19,965
Note : 1. Renewal commission is net of Reversal of old unclaimed commission Rs. 904,007

Annual Report 2013-2014
Schedule - 3 : Operating Expenses Related To Insurance Business

(Refer Schedule 16 Note 10) (Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Participating Non Participating Linked

Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Group Individual Individual Group

Assurance Pension Assurance Health Annuity Assurance Assurance Pension

Employees' remuneration, welfare benefits and 6,258,975 2,757,853 3,004 204,667 10,294 15,431 529,087 2,452,027 152,307 134,305
other manpower costs
Travel, conveyance and vehicle running expenses 199,165 87,756 96 6,513 328 491 16,836 78,025 4,846 4,274
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Training expenses 374,842 165,165 180 12,257 617 924 31,686 146,849 9,121 8,043

Rents, rates and taxes

- Service tax borne by Unit linked policy holders' 1,241,844 - - - - - - 1,166,709 33,279 41,856
- Service Tax unutilized credits provision/write 43,950 19,366 21 1,437 72 108 3,715 17,218 1,070 943
- Service Tax Expenses 23,380 (6,584) (7) (489) (25) (37) 37,061 (5,854) (364) (321)
- Rents, rates and taxes 431,716 190,225 207 14,117 710 1,064 36,494 169,130 10,505 9,264
Repairs 118,145 52,058 57 3,863 194 291 9,987 46,285 2,875 2,535
Printing and stationery 68,218 30,058 33 2,231 112 168 5,767 26,725 1,660 1,464
Communication expenses 294,715 129,858 141 9,637 485 727 24,913 115,458 7,172 6,324
Legal and professional charges 103,835 45,751 50 3,396 171 256 8,778 40,678 2,527 2,228
Medical fees 31,023 10,616 - 14,508 1,732 - 2,266 1,851 2 48
Auditors' fees, expenses,etc. - - - - - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

(a) as auditor 6,550 2,886 3 214 11 16 554 2,566 159 141

(b) as adviser or in any other capacity, in respect of - - - - - - - - -
(i) Taxation Matters - - - - - - - - - -
(ii) Insurance Matters - - - - - - - - - -
(iii) Management Services; and - - - - - - - - - -
(c) in any other capacity 75 34 - 2 - - 6 29 2 2
(d) out of pocket expenses 430 190 - 14 1 1 36 169 10 9
Advertisement and publicity 643,138 283,382 309 21,030 1,058 1,586 54,366 251,957 15,650 13,800
Interest and bank charges 98,001 43,181 47 3,205 161 242 8,284 38,393 2,385 2,103
Others a) Information technology expenses 607,969 267,886 292 19,880 1,000 1,499 51,393 238,179 14,794 13,046
b) Insurance, water and electricity 236,149 104,053 113 7,722 388 582 19,962 92,515 5,747 5,067
c) Policy stamps 176,169 77,624 85 5,761 290 434 14,892 69,016 4,287 3,780
d) Security and housekeeping 367,130 161,766 176 12,005 604 905 31,034 143,828 8,934 7,878
e) Marketing expenses and Business 3,127,594 1,378,094 1,501 102,271 5,144 7,711 264,383 1,225,272 76,107 67,111
development expenses
f) Miscellaneous expenses 59,876 9,072 10 673 34 51 1,741 30,241 1,689 16,365
Depreciation 215,994 95,172 104 7,063 355 533 18,258 84,618 5,256 4,635
(Refer Schedule 10)
Total 14,728,883 5,905,462 6,422 451,977 23,736 32,983 1,171,499 6,431,884 360,020 344,900
Annual Report 2013-2014
Schedule - 3 : Operating Expenses Related To Insurance Business
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 10) (Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Previous Year Participating Non Participating Linked

Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Group Individual Individual Group
Assurance Pension Assurance Health Annuity Assurance Assurance Pension

Employees' remuneration, welfare benefits and 6,922,141 3,073,506 1,605 161,503 16,138 9,567 561,413 2,807,304 184,476 106,629
other manpower costs
Travel, conveyance and vehicle running expenses 206,517 91,663 81 4,818 481 285 16,749 83,755 5,504 3,181
Training expenses 452,619 200,896 177 10,560 1,055 626 36,709 183,562 12,062 6,972
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Rents, rates and taxes


- Service tax borne by Unit linked policy holders' 1,746,817 - - - - - - 1,655,626 49,543 41,648
- Service Tax unutilized credits provision/write back 4,490 1,993 2 105 10 6 364 1,821 120 69
- Service Tax Expenses 89,434 39,135 34 2,057 206 122 8,414 35,758 2,350 1,358
- Rents, rates and taxes 431,888 191,694 169 10,077 1,007 597 35,028 175,153 11,510 6,653
Repairs 124,182 55,118 49 2,897 290 172 10,072 50,362 3,309 1,913
Printing and stationery 91,837 40,762 36 2,143 214 127 7,448 37,245 2,447 1,415
Communication expenses 437,007 193,966 171 10,196 1,019 604 35,443 177,230 11,646 6,732
Legal and professional charges 100,312 44,524 39 2,340 234 139 8,136 40,682 2,673 1,545
Medical fees 44,701 19,841 17 1,043 104 62 3,625 18,129 1,191 689
Auditors' fees, expenses,etc.
(a) as auditor 6,550 2,907 3 153 15 9 531 2,656 175 101
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

(b) as adviser or in any other capacity, in respect of

(i) Taxation Matters - - - - - - - - - -
(ii) Insurance Matters - - - - - - - - - -
(iii) Management Services; and - - - - - - - - - -
(c) in any other capacity 1,401 621 1 33 3 2 114 568 37 22
(d) out of pocket expenses 354 158 - 8 1 - 29 144 9 5
Advertisement and publicity 661,314 293,526 258 15,429 1,542 914 53,635 268,199 17,624 10,187
Interest and bank charges 112,717 50,029 44 2,630 263 156 9,142 45,713 3,004 1,736
Others a) Information technology expenses 562,547 249,688 220 13,125 1,311 777 45,625 228,144 14,992 8,665
b) Insurance, water and electricity 257,756 114,406 101 6,014 601 356 20,905 104,534 6,869 3,970
c) Policy stamps 129,746 57,588 51 3,027 302 179 10,523 52,619 3,458 1,999
d) Security and housekeeping 344,287 152,812 135 8,033 803 476 27,923 139,627 9,175 5,303
e) Marketing expenses and Business 2,952,015 1,310,229 1,154 68,876 6,882 4,081 239,414 1,197,237 78,672 45,470
development expenses
f) Miscellaneous expenses 103,364 26,113 23 1,373 137 81 4,772 49,926 3,046 17,893
Depreciation 219,014 97,209 86 5,110 511 303 17,763 88,821 5,837 3,374
(Refer Schedule 10)
Total 16,003,010 6,308,384 4,456 331,550 33,129 19,641 1,153,777 7,444,815 429,729 277,529

Annual Report 2013-2014
Schedule - 4 : Benefits paid (net) (Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Participating Non Participating Linked

Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Group Individual Individual Group

Assurance Pension Assurance Health Annuity Assurance Assurance Pension

Insurance Claims
(a) Claims by Death 6,485,610 1,213,625 4,333 282,335 473 23,097 2,918,422 1,918,940 59,046 65,339
(b) Claims by Maturity 6,114,058 2,075,418 35,634 3,857 - - 2,055,402 1,465,149 478,184 414
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

(c) Annuities/Pensions payment 99,932 - - - - 48,028 51,898 6 - -


(d) UL Withdrawals/Surrenders & Other 72,502,112 564,489 38,922 1,156,548 223,647 12 1,158,751 62,756,192 5,190,196 1,413,355
Benefits *
(Amount ceded in reinsurance):
(a) Claims by Death (313,157) (89,798) - (34,735) - - (134,923) (46,853) (698) (6,150)
(b) Claims by Maturity - - - - - - - - - -
(c) Annuities/Pensions payment - - - - - - - - - -
(d) UL Withdrawals/Surrenders & Other (116,090) (6,923) (40) - (109,127) - - - - -
Amount accepted in reinsurance
(a) Claims by Death - - - - - - - - - -
(b) Claims by Maturity - - - - - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

(c) Annuities/Pensions payment - - - - - - - - - -

(d) UL Withdrawals/Surrenders & Other - - - - - - - - - -
Total 84,772,465 3,756,811 78,849 1,408,005 114,993 71,137 6,049,550 66,093,434 5,726,728 1,472,958
Benefits paid to claimants:
In India 84,772,465 3,756,811 78,849 1,408,005 114,993 71,137 6,049,550 66,093,434 5,726,728 1,472,958
Outside India - - - - - - - - - -
Total 84,772,465 3,756,811 78,849 1,408,005 114,993 71,137 6,049,550 66,093,434 5,726,728 1,472,958
* Total Surrenders are net of surrender charges of Rs. 3,260,667
Annual Report 2013-2014
Schedule - 4 : Benefits paid (net) (Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Previous Year Participating Non Participating Linked

Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Group Individual Individual Group

Assurance Pension Assurance Health Annuity Assurance Assurance Pension

Insurance Claims
(a) Claims by Death 57,00,515 8,83,655 2,755 2,16,274 6,922 14,648 20,18,669 24,00,863 97,368 59,361
(b) Claims by Maturity 25,99,263 12,08,496 16,417 2,475 - - 2,65,770 6,50,382 4,55,493 230
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

(c) Annuities/Pensions payment 34,790 - - - - 24,292 10,498 - - -

(d) UL Withdrawals/Surrenders & 8,50,52,609 3,16,275 11,197 3,79,812 2,18,098 70 11,04,900 7,65,52,231 57,85,726 6,84,300
Other Benefits (*)
(Amount ceded in reinsurance):
(a) Claims by Death (2,33,529) (6,465) - (12,963) - - (1,24,110) (85,577) (2,476) (1,938)
(b) Claims by Maturity - - - - - - - - - -
(c) Annuities/Pensions payment - - - - - - - - - -
(d) UL Withdrawals/Surrenders & (1,15,996) (7,454) - (1,224) (1,07,318) - - - - -
Other Benefits
Amount accepted in reinsurance
(a) Claims by Death - - - - - - - - - -
(b) Claims by Maturity - - - - - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

(c) Annuities/Pensions payment, - - - - - - - - - -

(d) UL Withdrawals/Surrenders & - - - - - - - - - -
Other Benefits
Total 9,30,37,652 23,94,507 30,369 5,84,374 1,17,702 39,010 32,75,727 7,95,17,899 63,36,111 7,41,953
Benefits paid to claimants:
In India 9,30,37,652 23,94,507 30,369 5,84,374 1,17,702 39,010 32,75,727 7,95,17,899 63,36,111 7,41,953
Outside India - - - - - - - - - -
Total 9,30,37,652 23,94,507 30,369 5,84,374 1,17,702 39,010 32,75,727 7,95,17,899 63,36,111 7,41,953
* Surrenders are net of surrender charges of Rs. 4,431,399

Annual Report 2013-2014
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Schedule - 5:
Share Capital
(Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

Authorized Capital

200,000,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- Each 2,000,000 2,000,000

Issued , Subscribed, Called and Paid up Capital 1,507,090 1,507,090
Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- Each
150,709,000 (Previous Year 150,709,000) Equity Shares of Rs.10/- Each
Less : Preliminary Expenses - -
(to the extent not written off)
Total 1,507,090 1,507,090

Schedule - 5A:
Pattern of Shareholding (As Certified by Management)

Shareholder Current Year Previous Year

Number of Shares % of Holding Number of Shares % of Holding

Bajaj Finserv Limited 111,524,660 74 111,524,660 74
Allianz SE 39,184,340 26 39,184,340 26
TOTAL 150,709,000 100 150,709,000 100

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Schedule - 6:
Reserves and Surplus
(Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

Capital Reserve - -

Capital Redemption Reserve - -

Share Premium 10,599,550 10,599,550

Revaluation Reseve - -
General Reserve - -
Catastrophe Reserve - -
Other Reserve - -
Balance of Profit & Loss Account 46,601,707 36,355,795
Total 57,201,257 46,955,345

Schedule - 7:
Borrowings (Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Previous

(Amount in Rs.Year

Debentures/Bonds - -
Banks - -
Financial Institutions - -
Others - -
Total - -

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Schedule - 8:
Investments - Shareholders’ (Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year


Government securities and Government guaranteed bonds including Treasury Bills (Refer Note 1 below) 27,644,360 20,259,554

Other Approved Securities

(a) Shares
(aa) Equity - 317,086
(bb) Preference - -
(b) Mutual Funds - -
(c) Derivative Instruments - -
(d) Debentures / Bonds 7,144,088 7,751,850
(e) Other Securities
(aa) Fixed Deposit with banks 2,137,500 4,009,100
(f) Subsidiaries - -
(g) Investment Properties - Real Estate - -
Investments in Infrastructure & Social Sector Bonds 18,090,989 12,406,237
Other Investments
(aa) Equity 12,500 57,472
(bb) Bonds 242,424 221,743
Government securities and Government guaranteed bonds including Treasury Bills 11,309 7,006
Other Approved Securities
(a) Shares
(aa) Equity - -
(bb) Preference -
(b) Mutual Funds - -
(c) Derivative Instrument - -
(d) Debentures / Bonds 771,027 366,108
(e) Other Securities
(aa) Fixed Deposit with banks 1,539,600 1,457,900
(bb) Collateralized Borrowing And Lending Obligation (CBLO) 9,996 19,993
(f) Subsidiaries - -
(g) Investment Properties - Real Estate - -
Investments in Infrastructure & Social Sector Bonds 186,904 4,051
Other Investments
(aa) Equity - -
(bb) Bonds 314,135 -
Total 58,104,832 46,878,100
In India 58,104,832 46,878,100
Outside India - -
Total 58,104,832 46,878,100

Notes :
1. Includes Rs. 156,544 (Previous Year Rs. 156,709) deposited with Deutsche Bank AG, pursuant to Sec-tion 7 of the Insurance Act 1938 (Refer Schedule 16 Note 6)
2. Market Value of the above total investments of Rs. 58,104,832 (Previous Year Rs. 46,878,100)
is Rs. 56,895,398 (Previous Year Rs. 47,516,516)
3. Historical cost of investment valued on fair value basis is Nil (Previous Year Rs. 396,302)

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Schedule - 8A:
Investments - Policyholders’ (Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Participating Non Participating Linked

Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Group Individual Individual Group

Assurance Pension Assurance Health Annuity Assurance Assurance Pension


Government securities and 68,604,772 48,238,664 392,577 5,232,465 - 651,936 14,071,858 17,272 - -
Government guaranteed bonds
including Treasury Bills

Other Approved Securities

(a) Shares

(aa) Equity 4,946,724 2,626,840 - 315,184 - - 1,764,705 239,995 - -

(bb) Preference - - - - - - - - - -

(b) Mutual funds - - - - - - - - - -

(c) Derivative Instruments - - - - - - - - - -

(d) Debentures / Bonds 8,413,174 2,399,313 40,000 703,053 - 20,000 4,498,224 752,584 - -

(e) Other Securities

(aa) Fixed Deposits with 7,461,100 4,765,100 89,700 589,100 - 89,700 1,857,500 70,000 - -

(f) Subsidiaries - - - - - - - - - -

(g) Investment Properties - Real - - - - - - - - - -


Investments in Infrastructure & 18,557,978 5,885,255 76,132 804,497 50,000 179,350 10,076,932 1,485,812 - -
Social Sector Bonds

Other investments

(aa) Equity 829,784 461,411 - 230,224 - - - 138,149 - -

(bb) Bonds 1,050,613 800,703 - 249,910 - - - - - -

(cc) Venture Capital Fund 120,000 120,000 - - - - - - - -


Government securities and 1,041,681 694,228 - - - - 347,453 - - -

Government guaranteed bonds
including Treasury Bills

Other Approved Securities

(a) Shares

(aa) Equity - - - - - - - - - -

(bb) Preference - - - - - - - - - -

(b) Mutual Funds 500,630 500,630 - - - - - - - -

(c) Derivative Instruments - - - - - - - - - -

(d) Debentures / Bonds 2,505,857 961,790 - 67,014 113,629 42,546 886,144 414,569 8,139 12,026

(e) Other Securities

(aa) Fixed Deposits with 1,000,000 - - - - - 750,000 250,000 - -


(bb) Collateralized 49,982 49,982 - - - - - - - -

Borrowing And
Lending Obligation

(f) Subsidiaries - - - - - - - - - -

(g) Investment Properties - Real - - - - - - - - - -


Investments in Infrastructure & 279,884 - - - - - 129,972 149,912 - -

Social Sector Bonds

Other investments

(aa) Equity - - - - - - - - - -

(bb) Bonds - - - - - - - - - -

Total 115,362,179 67,503,916 598,409 8,191,447 163,629 983,532 34,382,788 3,518,293 8,139 12,026

In India 115,362,179 67,503,916 598,409 8,191,447 163,629 983,532 34,382,788 3,518,293 8,139 12,026

Outside India - - - - - - - - - -

Total 115,362,179 67,503,916 598,409 8,191,447 163,629 983,532 34,382,788 3,518,293 8,139 12,026

1. Market Value of the above total investments of Rs. 115,362,179 is Rs. 112,665,612.

2. Historical cost of investment valued on fair value basis is Rs. 5,600,015.

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Schedule - 8A:
Investments - Policyholders’ (Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Previous Year Participating Non Participating Linked

Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Group Individual Individual Group
Assurance Pension Assurance Health Annuity Assurance Assurance Pension


Government securities and 48,896,830 32,405,158 378,277 4,926,517 7,201 513,364 10,649,039 17,274 - -
Government guaranteed bonds
including Treasury Bills
Other Approved Securities
(a) Shares
(aa) Equity 1,200,488 1,200,488 - - - - - - - -
(bb) Preference - - - - - - - - - -
(b) Mutual funds - - - - - - - - - -
(c) Derivative Instruments - - - - - - - - - -
(d) Debentures / Bonds 8,446,277 3,082,973 10,000 1,047,123 - 645 3,551,852 753,684 - -
(e) Other Securities
(aa) Fixed Deposits with 8,179,100 4,933,100 89,700 589,100 - 89,700 2,407,500 70,000 - -
(f) Subsidiaries - - - - - - - - - -
(g) Investment Properties - Real - - - - - - - - - -
Investments in Infrastructure & 14,895,403 5,132,155 99,204 1,145,550 50,000 114,019 7,724,194 630,281 - -
Social Sector Bonds
Other investments
(aa) Equity 225,270 225,270 - - - - - - - -
(bb) Bonds 1,460,740 1,109,879 - 350,861 - - - - - -
Government securities and 249,872 - - - - - - 249,872 - -
Government guaranteed bonds
including Treasury Bills
Other Approved Securities - - - - - - - - - -
(a) Shares
(aa) Equity - - - - - - - - - -
(bb) Preference - - - - - - - - - -
(b) Mutual Funds - - - - - - - - - -
(c) Derivative Instruments - - - - - - - - - -
(d) Debentures / Bonds 2,325,637 705,113 - - 142,443 - 199,114 1,232,249 22,001 24,717
(e) Other Securities
(aa) Fixed Deposits with 999,900 - - - - - 249,900 750,000 - -
(bb) Collateralized Borrowing - - - - - - - - - -
And Lending
Obligation (CBLO)
(f) Subsidiaries - - - - - - - - - -
(g) Investment Properties - Real - - - - - - - - - -
Investments in Infrastructure & 815,009 99,740 - - - 10,112 414,614 290,543 - -
Social Sector Bonds
Other investments
(aa) Equity - - - - - - - - - -
(bb) Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Total 87,694,526 48,893,876 577,181 8,059,151 199,644 727,840 25,196,213 3,993,903 22,001 24,717
In India 87,694,526 48,893,876 577,181 8,059,151 199,644 727,840 25,196,213 3,993,903 22,001 24,717
Outside India - - - - - - - - - -
Total 87,694,526 48,893,876 577,181 8,059,151 199,644 727,840 25,196,213 3,993,903 22,001 24,717
1. Market Value of the above total investments of Rs. 87,694,526 is Rs. 89,172,595
2. Historical cost of investment valued on fair value basis is Rs. 1,374,075

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Schedule - 8B:
Assets Held to Cover Linked Liabilities
(Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year


Government securities and Government guaranteed bonds including Treasury Bills 12,463,615 14,036,718
Other Approved Securities
(a) Shares
(aa) Equity 155,567,185 179,624,140
(bb) Preference - -
(b) Mutual Funds - -
(c) Derivative Instruments - -
(d) Debentures / Bonds 3,123,725 4,584,080
(e) Other Securities
(aa) Fixed Deposit with Banks 4,130,000 4,132,700
(f) Subsidiaries - -
(g) Investment Properties - Real Estate - -
Investments in Infrastructure and Social Sector 8,349,789 8,670,850
Other Investments 13,243,099 13,925,577
Government securities and Government guaranteed bonds including Treasury Bills 1,064,310 586,963
Other Approved Securities
(a) Shares
(aa) Equity - -
(bb) Preference - -
(b) Mutual Funds - -
(c) Derivative Instrument - -
(d) Debentures / Bonds 8,234,421 10,364,504
(e) Other Securities
(aa) Fixed Deposit with Banks 922,000 3,081,800
(bb) Collatereralised Borrowing and Lending Obligation 1,049,684 519,836
(cc) Repurchase Agreement (Repo) - -
(f) Subsidiaries - -
(g) Investment Properties - Real Estate - -
Investments in Infrastructure and Social Sector Bonds 529,507 1,656,661
Other Investments - 754,795
Net Current Assets 4,198,673 3,027,121
Total 212,876,008 244,965,745
In India 212,876,008 244,965,745
Outside India - -
Total 212,876,008 244,965,745

(Refer Schedule 16 Note 24)

Historical Cost of above investments is Rs 185,013,230 ( Previous Year Rs. 231,098,609)

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Schedule - 9:
(Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

(a) On mortgage of property
(aa) In India - -
(bb) Outside India - -
(b) On Shares, Bonds, Goverment Securities etc. - -
(c) Loan against policies 462,399 241,483
Total 462,399 241,483
(a) Central and State Government - -
(b) Bank and Financial Institutions - -
(c) Subsidiaries - -
(d) Companies - -
(e) Loan against policies 462,399 241,483
Total 462,399 241,483
(a) Loans classified as standard :
(aa) In India 462,399 241,483
(bb) Outside India - -
Total 462,399 241,483
(a) Short-Term 32,004 16,239
(b) Long-Term 430,395 225,244
Total 462,399 241,483

Schedule - 10 :Fixed Assets (Amount in Rs. ‘000)


Opening Additions Deductions Closing Upto last Year For the Year On Sales/ To date Current Year Previous Year

Intangible -Computer Software 103,956 13,744 - 117,700 90,662 14,426 - 105,088 12,612 13,294
Leasehold Improvements 578,143 22,005 30,839 569,309 548,030 22,479 30,519 539,990 29,319 30,113
Buildings (Refer note 2 below) 2,241,099 31,841 - 2,272,940 124,251 46,825 - 171,076 2,101,864 2,116,848
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Electrical Fittings 28,402 38 43 28,397 6,095 1,819 42 7,872 20,525 22,307


Furniture & Fittings 230,472 50,534 13,240 267,766 90,474 18,301 8,475 100,300 167,466 139,998
Information Technology Equipment 1,531,864 109,734 60,793 1,580,805 1,451,305 73,989 60,539 1,464,755 116,050 80,559
Air Conditioner 171,885 18,764 11,561 179,088 95,817 16,106 8,282 103,641 75,447 76,068
Vehicles 19,093 3,220 6,558 15,755 8,326 3,811 3,702 8,435 7,320 10,767
Office Equipment 203,956 19,782 7,998 215,740 180,338 18,238 7,080 191,496 24,244 23,618
Total 5,108,870 269,662 131,032 5,247,500 2,595,298 215,994 118,639 2,692,653 2,554,847 2,513,572
Previous Year 4,653,778 537,867 82,775 5,108,870 2,442,224 219,014 65,940 2,595,298 2,513,572
Note :
1. Refer Note no 1 (h) of Schedule 16.
2. Share of gross block of buildings includes share of undivided portion of land at an estimated cost of Rs. 19,039 (Previous year 19,039).
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Annual Report 2013-2014
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Schedule - 11:
Cash and Bank Balances
(Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

1. Cash (including cheques, drafts and stamps)* 1,549,305 2,300,933

2. Bank Balances
(a) Deposit Accounts
(aa) Short-term (due within 12 months of the date of Balance Sheet ) 100,000 100,271
(bb) Others - -
(b) Current Accounts 5,671,330 4,746,305
(c) Others - -
3. Money at Call and Short Notice
(a) With Banks - -
(b) With Other Institutions - -
4 .Others - -
Total 7,320,635 7,147,509
Balances with non-scheduled banks included in 2 and 3 above
Cash and Bank Balances
1. In India 7,320,635 7,147,509
2. Outside India - -
Total 7,320,635 7,147,509
(*) includes credit card collections

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Schedule - 12:
Advances and Other Assets
(Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

Reserve deposits with ceding companies - -
Application money for investments - -
Prepayments 260,340 135,053
Advances to Directors/Officers - -
Advance Tax paid and taxes deducted at source - -
Others :
Advances to Suppliers 179,365 773,893
Other Advances 755 1,499
Total (A) 440,460 910,445
Income accrued on investments 68,83,988 51,41,309
Outstanding Premiums 27,21,610 28,18,082
Agents' Balances - -
Foreign Agencies Balance - -
Due from other entities carrying on insurance business (Including amount due from Reinsurers) 75,095 59,586
Due from subsidiaries/holding company - -
Deposit with Reserve Bank of India [pursuant to section 7 of Insurance Act,1938] - -
Deposits 236,549 257,011
Others :
Unsettled Investment contracts receivable 488,930 -
Others 163,247 106,971
Total (B) 10,569,419 8,382,959
Total (A+B) 11,009,879 9,293,404

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Schedule - 13:
Current Liabilities
(Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

Agents' Balances 692,019 2,112,326

Balances due to other insurance companies 66,568 92,157
Deposits held on reinsurance ceded - -
Premium received in advance 321,057 345,731
Premium & Other Deposits 1,065,810 703,596
Sundry Creditors (*) 2,840,118 3,455,713
Due to Subsidaries/holding company - -
Claims Outstanding 879,122 877,643
Annuities Due - -
Due to Officers/Directors of the Company - -
Unclaimed Amount-Policyholders [Refer Schedule 16 Note 9 (b)] 5,440,951 4,230,191
Others :
Payable - unsettled investment contracts 1,971,613 2,099,262
Total 13,277,258 13,916,619
(*) Note:-The Company has process of identification of suppliers registered under the “The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (‘MSMED’) Act, 2006 by obtaining confirmations
from suppliers. Based on the intimation received by Company, Rs. 2,178 (Previous Year – Nil) is payable to MSMED suppliers. No interest is payable to such suppliers.

Schedule - 14:
(Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Current Year Previous Year Previous Year

For Taxation (Less Payments and Taxes deducted at Source)

Wealth Tax 100 120
Income Tax 2,772,453 1,533,926
Fringe Benefit Tax - 2,772,553 - 1,534,046

For Proposed dividends - -

For dividend distribution tax - -

For Leave Encashment 241,771 268,608
For Long Term Incentive Plan 200,481 135,753
For Gratuity 13,239 455,491 - 404,361
Total 3,228,044 1,938,407

Schedule - 15:
Miscellaneous Expenditure (To the extent not written-off or adjusted)
(Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

Discount allowed on issue of shares/debentures - -

Others - -
Total - -

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Annexure to Revenue Account-Break Up of Unit Linked Business (UL) for the year ended 31st March 2014
Form A- PL
Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account)
(Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Schedule Linked Life Linked Pension Linked Group Current Year

Non-Unit Unit Total Non-Unit Unit (5) Total Non-Unit Unit Total
(1) (2) (3) = (4) (6) = (7) (8) (9) = (10) = (3)
(1) + (2) (4) + (5) (7) + + (6) + (9)
(A) Premium 1,317,733 9,432,778 10,750,511 12,960 668,350 681,310 98,202 2,638,173 2,736,375 14,168,196
(B) Reinsurance ceded (142,827) - (142,827) (673) - (673) (8,223) - (8,223) (151,723)
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 16)
SUB-TOTAL 1,174,906 9,432,778 10,607,684 12,287 668,350 680,637 89,979 2,638,173 2,728,152 14,016,473


(a) Interest, dividend & rent 398,635 5,510,149 5,908,784 1,069 409,617 410,686 2,014 510,961 512,975 6,832,445
- gross
(b) Profit on sale/redemption of 2,550 29,419,616 29,422,166 - 1,987,283 1,987,283 19 717,114 717,133 32,126,582
(c) Loss on sale/redemption of (7,328) (12,367,120) (12,374,448) (7) (878,979) (878,986) (38) (497,535) (497,573) (13,751,007)
(d) Unrealised gain/(loss) - 12,856,789 12,856,789 - 575,106 575,106 - 563,747 563,747 13,995,642
(e) Other investment income - 1,093,009 1,093,009 - 65,786 65,786 - 106,596 106,596 1,265,391
393,857 36,512,443 36,906,300 1,062 2,158,813 2,159,875 1,995 1,400,883 1,402,878 40,469,053
(a) Linked income UL1 9,077,968 (9,077,968) - 244,406 (244,406) - 240,036 (240,036) - -
(b) Contribution from - - - - - - 4,126 - 4,126 4,126
Shareholders' account
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 15)
(c) Others 44,840 - 44,840 1,890 - 1,890 14,402 - 14,402 61,132
Total (A) 10,691,571 36,867,253 47,558,824 259,645 2,582,757 2,842,402 350,538 3,799,020 4,149,558 54,550,784
COMMISSION (740,959) - (740,959) (17,242) - (17,242) 16,019 - 16,019 (742,182)

OPERATING EXPENSES 5,265,175 1,166,709 6,431,884 326,741 33,279 360,020 303,044 41,856 344,900 7,136,804
Provision for Fringe Benefit Tax - - - - - - - - - -
Provision for Income Tax 1,272,486 - 1,272,486 - - - - - - 1,272,486
TOTAL (B) 5,796,702 1,166,709 6,963,411 309,499 33,279 342,778 319,063 41,856 360,919 7,667,108
BENEFITS PAID (NET) UL2 (643,220) 66,736,654 66,093,434 (204,152) 5,930,880 5,726,728 43,569 1,429,389 1,472,958 73,293,120

Interim Bonus Paid - - - - - - - - - -

Change In Valuation of Liability (581,491) - (581,491) (12,854) - (12,854) (12,094) - (12,094) (606,439)
In Respect Of Life Policies
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 1(e)
and note 8 and note 26)
Change In Valuation Liability 965,133 (31,036,110) (30,070,977) - (3,381,402) (3,381,402) - 2,327,775 2,327,775 (31,124,604)
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 1(e)
and note 8)
TOTAL (C) (259,578) 35,700,544 35,440,966 (217,006) 2,549,478 2,332,472 31,475 3,757,164 3,788,639 41,562,077
Surplus / (Deficit) (D) = 5,154,447 - 5,154,447 167,152 - 167,152 - - - 5,321,599
Balance of previous year (E) - - - - - - - - - -
Reserve for lapsed unit linked - - - - - - - - - -
policies unlikely to be revived (F)

Transfer to Shareholders' a/c (5,154,447) - (5,154,447) (167,152) - (167,152) - - - (5,321,599)

Balance being funds for future - - - - - - - - - -
appropriations (D) - (E) - (F)

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Annexure to Revenue Account-Break Up of Unit Linked Business (UL) for the year ended 31st March 2014
Form A- PL
Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account)
(Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Schedule Linked Life Linked Pension Linked Group Previous


Non-Unit Unit (2) Total Non-Unit (4) Unit (5) Total Non-Unit Unit (8) Total
(1) (3) = (6) = (7) (9) = (10) = (3)
(1) + (2) (4) + (5) (7) + (8) + (6) + (9)

(A) Premium 889,959 19,616,661 20,506,620 21,344 1,697,017 1,718,361 94,920 1,833,663 1,928,583 24,153,564
(B) Reinsurance ceded (140,166) - (140,166) (701) - (701) (2,823) - (2,823) (143,690)
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 16)
SUB-TOTAL 749,793 19,616,661 20,366,454 20,643 1,697,017 1,717,660 92,097 1,833,663 1,925,760 24,009,874
(a) Interest, dividend & rent 344,350 6,561,260 6,905,610 8,101 534,469 542,570 1,531 404,448 405,979 7,854,159
- gross
(b) Profit on sale/redemption of 6,784 35,253,278 35,260,062 760 1,667,377 1,668,137 174 361,119 361,293 37,289,492
(c) Loss on sale/redemption of (34,790) (12,587,474) (12,622,264) (1,052) (816,116) (817,168) (124) (195,251) (195,375) (13,634,807)
(d) Unrealised gain/(loss) - (9,245,375) (9,245,375) - 99,093 99,093 - 175,317 175,317 (8,970,965)
(e) Other investment income - 1,768,061 1,768,061 - 96,577 96,577 - 101,001 101,001 1,965,639
316,344 21,749,750 22,066,094 7,809 1,581,400 1,589,209 1,581 846,634 848,215 24,503,518
(a) Linked income UL1 12,616,409 (12,616,409) - 341,175 (341,175) - 227,334 (227,334) - -
(b) Contribution from - - - - - - - - - -
Shareholders' account
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 15)
(c) Others 13,674 - 13,674 1,520 - 1,520 51,584 - 51,584 66,778
Total (A) 13,696,220 28,750,002 42,446,222 371,147 2,937,242 3,308,389 372,596 2,452,963 2,825,559 48,580,170
COMMISSION (345,406) - (345,406) (25,336) - (25,336) 19,965 - 19,965 (350,777)
OPERATING EXPENSES 5,789,187 1,655,628 7,444,815 380,186 49,543 429,729 235,882 41,647 277,529 8,152,073
Provision for Income Tax 1,486,928 - 1,486,928 - - - 10,631 - 10,631 1,497,559
TOTAL (B) 6,930,709 1,655,628 8,586,337 354,850 49,543 404,393 266,478 41,647 308,125 9,298,855
BENEFITS PAID (NET) UL2 (501,308) 80,019,207 79,517,899 (195,815) 6,531,926 6,336,111 27,181 714,772 741,953 86,595,963

Interim Bonus Paid - - - - - - - - - -

Change In Valuation of Liability (52,470) - (52,470) (109,409) - (109,409) 10,934 - 10,934 (150,945)
In Respect Of Life Policies
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 1(e)
and note 8 and note 26)
Change In Valuation Liability 333,456 (52,924,833) (52,591,377) - (3,644,227) (3,644,227) - 1,696,544 1,696,544 (54,539,060)
(Refer Schedule 16 Note 1(e)
and note 8)
TOTAL (C) (220,322) 27,094,374 26,874,052 (305,224) 2,887,699 2,582,475 38,115 2,411,316 2,449,431 31,905,958
Surplus / (Deficit) (D) = 6,985,833 - 6,985,833 321,521 - 321,521 68,003 - 68,003 7,375,357
Balance of previous year (E) - - - - - - - - - -
Reserve for lapsed unit linked 847,970 - 847,970 - - - - - - 847,970
policies unlikely to be revived (F)

Transfer to Shareholders' a/c (7,833,803) - (7,833,803) (321,521) - (321,521) (68,003) - (68,003) (8,223,327)
Balance being funds for future - - - - - - - - - -
appropriations (D) - (E) - (F)

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Annexure to Revenue Account-Break Up of Unit Linked Business (UL) for the year ended 31st March 2014
Form A- BS

Schedule - UL1: Linked Income (recovered from linked funds) (net of service tax)
(Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Life Linked Unit Pension Linked Unit Linked Group Unit Current Year
(1) (2) (3) (4)= (1)+(2)+(3)
Fund Administration charge 135,278 - - 135,278
Fund Management charge 2,789,529 156,687 125,311 3,071,527
Policy Administration charge 3,617,714 75,350 17,708 3,710,772
Surrender charge - - - -
Switching charge 1,027 58 - 1,085
Mortality charge 2,234,932 11,475 96,162 2,342,569
Rider Premium charge 299,488 836 855 301,179
Partial withdrawal charge - - - -
Miscellaneous charge - - - -
TOTAL (UL-1) 9,077,968 244,406 240,036 9,562,410

Annexure to Revenue Account-Break Up of Unit Linked Business (UL) for the year ended 31st March 2014
Form A- BS

Schedule - UL1: Linked Income (recovered from linked funds) (net of service tax) (Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Life Linked Unit Pension Linked Unit Linked Group Unit Previous Year
(1) (2) (3) (4)= (1)+(2)+(3)
Fund Administration charge 162,596 - - 162,596
Fund Management charge 3,605,824 213,659 106,255 3,925,738
Policy Administration charge 5,764,167 112,953 18,912 5,896,032
Surrender charge - - - -
Switching charge 841 87 - 928
Mortality charge 2,698,509 13,545 101,343 2,813,397
Rider Premium charge 384,472 931 824 386,227
Partial withdrawal charge - - - -
Miscellaneous charge - - - -
TOTAL (UL-1) 12,616,409 341,175 227,334 13,184,918

Annexure to Revenue Account-Break Up of Unit Linked Business (UL) for the year ended 31st March 2014

Schedule - UL2: BENEFITS PAID (net) (Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Sl. No. Particulars Linked Life Linked Pension Linked Group Current Year

Non-Unit Unit Total Non-Unit Unit Total Non-Unit Unit Total

(1) (2) (3)=(1) + (2) (4) (5) (6)=(4) + (5) (7) (8) (9) = (7) + (8) (10) = (3)+ (6) + (9)

1 Insurance Claims
(a) Claims by Death 1,382,236 536,704 1,918,940 8,999 50,047 59,046 52,319 13,020 65,339 2,043,325
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

(b) Claims by Maturity - 1,465,149 1,465,149 2,710 475,474 478,184 - 414 414 1,943,747

(c) Annuities / Pension payment 6 - 6 - - - - - - 6

(d) Other benefits
- Surrender(*) (1,978,609) 64,734,801 62,756,192 (215,163) 5,405,359 5,190,196 (2,600) 1,415,955 1,413,355 69,359,743
- Survival - - - - - - - - - -
Sub Total (A) (596,367) 66,736,654 66,140,287 (203,454) 5,930,880 5,727,426 49,719 1,429,389 1,479,108 73,346,821
2 Amount ceded in reinsurance
(a) Claims by Death (46,853) - (46,853) (698) - (698) (6,150) - (6,150) (53,701)
(b) Claims by Maturity - - - - - - - - - -
(c) Annuities / Pension payment - - - - - - - - - -
(d) Other benefits
- Surrender - - - - - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

- Survival - - - - - - - - - -
Sub Total (B) (46,853) - (46,853) (698) - (698) (6,150) - (6,150) (53,701)
TOTAL (A) - (B) (643,220) 66,736,654 66,093,434 (204,152) 5,930,880 5,726,728 43,569 1,429,389 1,472,958 73,293,120
Benefits paid to claimants:
In India (643,220) 66,736,654 66,093,434 (204,152) 5,930,880 5,726,728 43,569 1,429,389 1,472,958 73,293,120
Outside India - - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL (UL2) (643,220) 66,736,654 66,093,434 (204,152) 5,930,880 5,726,728 43,569 1,429,389 1,472,958 73,293,120
* UL Surrenders are net of surrender charges of Rs. 2,938,310
Annual Report 2013-2014
Annexure to Revenue Account-Break Up of Unit Linked Business (UL) for the year ended 31st March 2014
Schedule - UL2: BENEFITS PAID (net) (Amount in Rs. ‘000)

Sl. No. Particulars Linked Life Linked Pension Linked Group Previous Year

Non-Unit Unit Total Non-Unit Unit Total Non-Unit Unit Total (10) = (3)+ (6) + (9)
(1) (2) (3)=(1) + (2) (4) (5) (6)=(4) + (5) (7) (8) (9) = (7) + (8)

1 Insurance Claims
(a) Claims by Death 17,41,334 6,59,529 24,00,863 16,972 80,396 97,368 46,546 12,815 59,361 25,57,592
(b) Claims by Maturity 28,282 6,22,100 6,50,382 - 4,55,493 4,55,493 78 152 230 11,06,105
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

(c) Annuities / Pension payment - - - - - - - - - -

(d) Other benefits
- Surrender (*) (21,85,347) 7,87,37,578 7,65,52,231 (2,10,311) 59,96,037 57,85,726 (17,505) 7,01,805 6,84,300 8,30,22,257
- Survival - - - - - - - - -- -
Sub Total (A) (4,15,731) 8,00,19,207 7,96,03,476 (1,93,339) 65,31,926 63,38,587 29,119 7,14,772 7,43,891 8,66,85,954
2 Amount ceded in reinsurance
(a) Claims by Death (85,577) - (85,577) (2,476) - (2,476) (1,938) - (1,938) (89,991)
(b) Claims by Maturity - - - - - - - - - -
(c) Annuities / Pension payment - - - - - - - - - -
(d) Other benefits
- Surrender - - - - - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

- Survival - - - - - - - - - -
Sub Total (B) (85,577) - (85,577) (2,476) - (2,476) (1,938) - (1,938) (89,991)
TOTAL (A) - (B) (5,01,308) 8,00,19,207 7,95,17,899 (1,95,815) 65,31,926 63,36,111 27,181 7,14,772 7,41,953 8,65,95,963
Benefits paid to claimants:
In India (5,01,308) 8,00,19,207 7,95,17,899 (1,95,815) 65,31,926 63,36,111 27,181 7,14,772 7,41,953 8,65,95,963
Outside India - - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL (UL2) (5,01,308) 8,00,19,207 7,95,17,899 (1,95,815) 65,31,926 63,36,111 27,181 7,14,772 7,41,953 8,65,95,963
* Surrenders are net of surrender charges of Rs. 4,431,399

Annual Report 2013-2014
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Schedule - 16 : Notes to financial statements

Background Premium Income

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited (“the Company”) Premium is recognised as income when due. For linked business,
was incorporated on 12th March 2001 as a Company under the premium is recognised when the associated units are allotted.
Companies Act, 1956. The Company obtained a license from the
Premium on lapsed policies is recognized as income when such
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (“IRDA”) for
policies are reinstated.
carrying on the business of life insurance on 3rd August 2001.
The registration certificate granted by IRDA is valid and the same In case of linked business, top up premiums paid by policyholders
has been renewed for the year 2014-2015. The Company has a are unitized and considered as single premium. This premium is
wide range of products in traditional and unit-linked insurance recognised when associated units are allotted.
Commission received on reinsurance ceded is recognized as
1. Significant Accounting Policies followed by the Company income in the period in which reinsurance premium is ceded.

Basis of Preparation Income earned on investments

The accompanying financial statements have been prepared Interest income is recognised on an accrual basis.
and presented under the historical cost convention, on the
accrual basis of accounting, in compliance with the Accounting Dividend income is recognised when the right to receive
Standards (‘AS’) prescribed in the Companies Act, 1956 and dividend is established.
Rules there under, to the extent applicable, and in accordance
Premium or discount on acquisition, as the case may be, in
with the provisions of the Insurance Act, 1938, the Insurance
respect of debt securities, pertaining to non-linked investments
Regulatory and Development Authority (Preparation of Financial
is amortized over the period of maturity/holding and offset
Statements and Auditor’s Report of Insurance Companies)
against interest income.
Regulations, 2002 (‘the Regulations’), Insurance Regulatory
and Development Authority Act, 1999, various circulars issued The realized gains or loss on equity shares and mutual fund
by IRDA and the practices prevailing in the insurance industry in units for other than linked business is the difference between
India. The accounting policies have been consistently applied by the net sale consideration and the weighted average cost in the
the Company. books of the Company.

Use of Estimates Profit/loss on sale/redemption of such securities other than

linked investments is recognized on trade/redemption date
The preparation of financial statements in conformity
and includes effects of accumulated fair value changes, as
with generally accepted accounting principles requires
applicable and previously recognised, for specific investments
management to make estimates and assumptions that
sold/redeemed during the year. Cost of security is determined
affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue and
on weighted average cost basis.
expenses and disclosure of contingent liabilities as on the
date of financial statements. The estimates and assumptions The realized gains or losses on the debt securities for other
used in the accompanying financial statements are based than linked business is the difference between the net sale
upon management’s evaluation of the relevant facts and consideration and the amortized cost computed on weighted
circumstances as of the date of the financial statements. average basis as on the date of sale.
Actual results could differ from those estimates. Any revision to
accounting estimates is recognized prospectively in the current The realized gain or loss on securities held for linked business
and future periods. is the difference between the net sale consideration and the
weighted average cost as on the date of sale.
a) Revenue Recognition
Fund Management Charges, Policy/Fund Administration
Revenues are recognised as under. However recognition is Charges and Cost of Insurance are accounted for on accrual
postponed where ultimate collectability lacks reasonable basis in accordance with terms and conditions described in the
certainty. issued policies.

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

b) Reinsurance premium valuation carried out by the Appointed Actuary.

Reinsurance premium ceded is accounted in accordance with Actuarial policies and assumptions are given in Note 8 below.
the treaty with reinsurers.
f) Investments
c) Benefits Paid (Including Claims)
Investments are made in accordance with the Insurance Act,
Death and surrender claims are accounted for on receipt 1938, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
of intimation. Maturity claims are accounted when due for (Investment) Regulations, 2000, as amended and circulars /
payment. Reinsurance recoveries are accounted for in the same notifications issued by IRDA from time to time.
period as the related claims and netted off against the claim
Investments are recorded on trade date at cost, which includes
expense incurred.
brokerage, fees and related taxes, if any and excludes pre-
Repudiated claims disputed before judicial authorities are acquisition interest, if any.
provided for based on the best judgment of the management
i) Classification
considering the facts and evidence in respect of each such claim.

Investments maturing within twelve months from the Balance

Withdrawals under unit linked policies are accounted in
Sheet date and investments made with the specific intention to
respective schemes when the associated units are cancelled.
dispose off within twelve months from Balance Sheet date are
Surrender charges recovered are netted off against the claim classified as short-term investments. Investments other than
expense incurred. short term are classified as long-term investments.

d) Acquisition Costs Investments are specifically procured and held for policyholders
and shareholders independently and the income relating to
Acquisition costs such as commission, policy issue expenses
these investments is recognized in the Revenue Account and
etc. are costs that vary with and are primarily relatable to the
Profit and Loss Account respectively.
acquisition of new and renewal insurance contracts. Such costs
are expensed in the year in which they are incurred. Additional ii) Valuation – Shareholders’ investments and non-linked
first year commission is accounted for on an accrual basis, after policyholders’ investments
considering estimated lapsations. Claw back in future, if any, for
All debt securities are considered as ‘held to maturity’ and
the first year commission paid, is accounted for in the year in
accordingly stated at historical cost adjusted for amortization
which it is recovered.
of premium or accretion of discount over the period held to
e) Liability for life policies maturity / sale. Investment in unlisted equity, venture capital
fund, security receipts and loans are valued at cost.
(i) The Company provides for liabilities in respect of all “in
force” policies and “lapsed policies” that are likely to be revived Listed equity shares and mutual fund units are stated at fair
in future, based on actuarial valuation done by the Appointed value, in accordance with IRDA Investment (Amendment)
Actuary as per gross premium method in accordance with Regulations 2001. Listed equity shares are valued at fair value,
accepted actuarial practices, requirements of IRDA and the being the last quoted closing price on the NSE. In case the equity
Institute of Actuaries of India. shares are not listed on the NSE, then they are valued on the last
quoted closing price on BSE. Fair value for mutual fund units is
(ii) Accordingly, liabilities in respect of unit linked policies
the per unit net asset value on the Balance Sheet date declared
which have lapsed and are not likely to be revived, are shown as a
by respective Mutual Fund. Unrealized gains/losses on changes
separate item under the head “funds for future appropriations”,
in fair values of listed equity shares and mutual funds are taken
until expiry of the revival period. This is as per IRDA Circular No.
to the Fair Value Change Account and carried forward in the
041/IRDA/ACTL/MAR-2006 dated 29th March 2006.
Balance Sheet.

(iii) Linked liabilities comprise unit liability representing

iii) Valuation – linked business
the fund value of policies and non-unit liability for meeting
insurance claims and expenses etc. This is based on an actuarial Listed equity shares are valued at fair value, being the last
quoted closing price on the NSE. In case the equity shares are

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

not listed on the NSE, then they are valued on the last quoted h) Fixed Assets and Depreciation
closing price on BSE.
Fixed assets are stated at cost of acquisition less accumulated
Government securities are valued at prices obtained from Credit depreciation. Cost of acquisition includes incidental expenses
Rating Information Services of India Ltd. (CRISIL). relating to acquisition and installation. In respect of liabilities
incurred in acquisition of fixed assets in foreign exchange, the
Corporate bonds and debentures are valued on the basis of
net gain or loss arising on conversion/settlement is charged to
CRISIL Bond Valuer. Treasury bills, Certificate of Deposits and
Revenue Account.
Commercial Papers are valued at cost plus accretion using the
Straight Line method. Loans are valued at cost. Intangible assets comprising software are stated at cost less
Mutual fund units have been valued at the last available per
unit Net Asset Value declared by the respective mutual fund. Depreciation / amortisation is provided on Straight Line Method
Venture Capital Funds are valued at NAV. (SLM) with reference to the management’s assessment of the
estimated useful life of the assets or the rates specified by the
iv) Valuation – Discontinued Fund
Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956, whichever is higher.

Listed equity shares are valued at fair value, being the last
Depreciation / amortisation is provided at the following rates:
quoted closing price on the NSE. In case the equity shares are
Asset Class Rate of Depreciation Rate of Depreciation as
not listed on the NSE, then they are valued on the last quoted / amortization (SLM) per Sch. XIV (SLM)

closing price on BSE. Intangibles - 33.33% p.a. 16.21% p.a.

Computer Software

Government securities are valued at prices obtained from Credit Leasehold Over the balance Over the balance period
Improvements period of Lease of Lease
Rating Information Services of India Ltd. (CRISIL).
Buildings 2.00% p.a. 1.63% p.a.
Electrical Fittings 6.33% p.a. 4.75% p.a.
Corporate bonds and debentures are valued on the basis of
Furniture & Fittings 6.33% p.a. 6.33% p.a.
CRISIL Bond Valuer.Treasury bills, Certificate of Deposits and
Information 33.33% p.a. 16.21% p.a.
Commercial Papers are valued at cost plus accretion using the Technology
Straight Line method. Equipment
Air Conditioner 10.00% p.a. 4.75% p.a.
Mutual fund units have been valued at the last available per unit Vehicles 20.00% p.a. 7.07% p.a.
Net Asset Value declared by the respective mutual fund. Office Equipment 25.00% p.a. 4.75% p.a.

v) Transfer of investments The Company provides pro rata depreciation from the month
in which the asset is acquired / first put to use and upto the
month in which the asset is sold/discarded.
Transfer of investments from Shareholders’ Fund to the
Policyholders’ Fund is at book value or market price; whichever Assets costing individually less than Rs 5,000 are charged off
is lower. as revenue expenses. Assets costing individually Rs 5,000
and above, upto Rs 20,000, are fully depreciated in the year of
Transfer of debt securities is at lower of amortised cost or market
price. Impairment of Assets

Inter fund transfer of Treasury Bills, Certificate of Deposits and The Company assesses at each Balance Sheet date whether
Commercial Papers between unit linked funds is done at cost there is any indication that an asset may be impaired. If
plus accretion. Inter fund transfer of loans is done at cost. All any such indication exists, the Company estimates the
recoverable amount of the asset. An impairment loss is
other transfer of investments between unit linked funds is done recognized if such recoverable amount of the asset is less
at prevailing price. than its carrying amount. After impairment, depreciation is
provided on the revised carrying amount of the assets over its
remaining useful life.
g) Loans

Loans are stated at historical cost, net of provision for

impairment,if any.

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

deferred tax assets to the extent that it has become reasonably

i) Accounting for leases certain or virtually certain, as the case may be that sufficient
future taxable income will be available against which such
Operating leases deferred tax assets can be realised.

Leases where the lessor effectively retains substantially all m) Provisions and Contingent liabilities
the risks and benefits of ownership over the leased term
are classified as operating leases. Operating lease rentals The Company creates a provision when there is present
are recognized as an expense in the profit and loss account/ obligation as a result of a past event that probably requires
revenue account on a straight-line basis over the lease term. an outflow of resources and a reliable estimate can be made
of the amount of the obligation. A disclosure for a contingent
j) Employee Benefits liability is made when there is a possible obligation or a present
obligation that may, but probably will not, require an outflow
of resources. When there is a possible obligation or a present
The Company makes contributions to the defined contribution obligation in respect of which the likelihood of outflow of
schemes such as Statutory Provident Fund, Employee Labour resources is remote, no provision or disclosure is made.
Welfare Fund, Employees’ State Insurance Corporation and
Employee Deposit Link Insurance Scheme at the prescribed n) Service Tax
rates. Contributions are charged to the Revenue Account of
the year when the contributions to the funds are due.
Service Tax liability on premium and charges is setoff against
available service tax credits from service tax payments made
The Company makes a contribution to the Bajaj Auto for Insurance Auxiliary and other eligible services. Unutilised
Employee Superannuation Scheme, a defined contribution credits, if any, are carried forward under “Advances and other
scheme, for its eligible employees at fixed rates. Assets” for adjustments / setoff in subsequent periods, after
creating a provision based on estimated realization of the
The Company’s liability towards Gratuity, Leave Encashment unutilised credit. Such provisions are subsequently reversed
and Long Term Incentive Plan being defined benefit plans only on reasonable certainty that the credits will be utilized in
is accounted for on the basis of independent actuarial future periods.
valuations carried out at the year end and actuarial gains /
losses related there to are charged to the Revenue Account. o) Earnings per share
The actuarial method used for measuring the aforesaid
liabilities is ‘Projected Unit Credit Method’. Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net profit
or loss for the year attributed to equity shareholders by the
weighted number of equity shares outstanding during the
k) Transactions in Foreign Currency year.

Transactions in foreign currency on account of revenue For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, the
expenditure are accounted for at the rate prevailing at net profit or loss for the year attributable to equity shareholders
the date of the transactions. Current assets and liabilities and the equity weighted number of shares outstanding during
are translated at the year-end closing rates. The resulting the year are adjusted for effects of all dilutive equity shares.
exchange gain or loss, if any, is reflected in the profit and loss
account / revenue account. p) Segment Reporting

l) Taxation The Company’s reportable segments are business segments

which have been identified in accordance with the regulations.
Income Tax expense comprises current tax (i.e. amount of The operating expenses, investments and other income
tax for the period determined in accordance with the Income- attributable to the business segments are allocated as
Tax law) and deferred tax charge or credit (reflecting the tax mentioned in Note 10. Segment revenues and results have
effects of timing differences between the accounting income been disclosed in the Financial Statements itself. Segment
and taxable income for the period). assets and liabilities have been identified to the extent possible
in the following table. There are no reportable geographical
Deferred tax is measured based on the tax rates and the tax segments since the Company provides services to customers in
laws enacted or substantively enacted at the Balance Sheet the Indian market only and does not distinguish any reportable
date. Deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent regions within India.
that there is reasonable certainty that sufficient future
taxable income will be available against which such deferred
tax assets can be realised. In situations where the Company
has unabsorbed depreciation or carry forward tax losses,
deferred tax assets are recognised only if there is virtual
certainty supported by convincing evidence that they can be
realised against future taxable profits.

At each Balance Sheet date the Company re-assesses

unrecognised deferred tax assets. It recognises unrecognised

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Statutory disclosures as required by the Regulations

2. (i) Contingent Liabilities

Particulars As at 31 March 2014 As at 31 March 2013

Partly-paid up investments Nil Nil

Underwriting commitments outstanding Nil Nil
Claims, other than those under policies, not acknowledged as debts 1,070 36,846
Guarantees given by or on behalf of the Company Nil Nil
Statutory demands/liabilities in dispute, not provided for 74,227 12,833
Reinsurance obligations to the extent not provided for in accounts Nil Nil
Claims, under policies, not acknowledged as debts 195,730 189,795

(ii) Penalties: Details of penal actions taken by various Government Authorities as required vide Circular No.005/IRDA/F&A/CIR/MAY-09 dated May
7, 2009 are given below.*

Authority Non-Compliance/ Violation Penalty Awarded Penalty Paid Penalty Waived/ Reduced
1 Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Refer Note @ 310,00 (500) 310,00 (500) Nil (Nil)

2 Service Tax Authorities Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil)
3 Income Tax Authorities Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil)
4 Any other Tax Authorities Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil)
5 Enforcement Directorate/ Adjudicating Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil)
Authority/ Tribunal or any Authority under FEMA
6 Registrar of Companies/ NCLT/CLB/ Department Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil)
of Corporate Affairs or any Authority under
Companies Act, 1956
7 Penalty awarded by any Court/ Tribunal for any Nil (Non compliance of Contract Nil (12) Nil (12) Nil (Nil)
matter including claim settlement but excluding Labour (Regulation and Abolition)
compensation Act, 1972, by the Contractor)
8 Securities and Exchange Board of India # Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil)
9 Competition Commission of India Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil)
10 Any other Central/State/Local Government / Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil)

Statutory Authority

@penalty towards non-compliance of certain provisions of Insurance Act 1938 and regulations/ guidelines issued by IRDA
* Amounts in brackets represent previous year figures.
# Post listing.

3. There are no assets required to be deposited by the Company under any local law or otherwise encumbered in or outside India except investments
to be held under Section 7 of the Insurance Act, 1938 as discussed under Note 6. There are no assets subject to restructuring.

4. The commitments made and outstanding for investment is Rs. 1,035,181 thousand (Previous Year Rs. 202,176 thousand) (net of amount already
paid). The commitments made and outstanding for fixed assets amount to Rs. 35,512 thousand (Previous Year Rs. 40,795 thousand) (net of

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

5. Value of unsettled contracts relating to investments as at 31st Assumptions as to the future bonus rates are set to be
March 2014 for : (Rs.’000) consistent with the interest rate assumptions. Provision has
been made for bonus distribution in respect of business in
Particulars force at the valuation date on a basis considered appropriate
Linked Business Non-linked Business
by the appointed actuary having taken into account the
31 March 31 March 31 March 31 March reasonable expectations of policyholders.
2014 2013 2014 2013
Purchases where The non-linked non-par business written under Invest Plus
deliveries are 2,855,583 1,109,773 1,971,613 2,099,262 and Invest Plus Premier has been reserved using an interest
pending rate of 8.25% and the Guaranteed Investment Return (GIR)
Sales where consistent with the interest rate assumption.
4,493,140 1,632,466 488,930 Nil
receipts are due
Linked business has been reserved using the unit price of
6. Investments as required to be maintained under Section 7 of the the respective unit funds plus a non unit reserve to allow for
Insurance Act, 1938 are as follows the cost of insurance and any expenses and commissions in
excess of future charges.

Mortality assumptions are based on the published IALM
Particulars 31 March 2014 31 March 2013
(2006-2008) Ultimate Mortality Table with adjustment
8.32% Govt. of India to reflect expected experience and with an allowance for
Securities 2032* 156,544 156,709 adverse deviation.
(Face Value Rs.150,000)
Assumptions for morbidity and for the incidence of accidental
* This investment is in the custody of Deutsche Bank India Branch death are based on terms available from reinsurers and the
in the Constituent Subsidiary General Ledger (‘CSGL’) account. The standard morbidity rate table CIBT 93 (Critical Illness Base
investments are performing investments. Table for year 93).
7. Managerial remuneration The reserve is sufficient to allow for any adverse lapse
experience. Further it has been ensured that for each policy
The details of the managerial remuneration included in employee
the reserve is sufficient to pay the minimum guaranteed
remuneration and welfare benefits are as follows:
(Rs.’000) surrender value.

Particulars 31 March 2014* 31 March 2013 Commission has been allowed for at the Company’s table
rates with an allowance for service tax. Maintenance
Salary 26,030 16,010
expenses have been allowed for in accordance with pricing
Perquisites 2,792 2,347 assumptions, which have been duly validated by the actual
experience of the Company during the last one year. An
Total 28,822 18,357 additional reserve has been included to allow for the possible
adverse deviations in experience in excess of offsetting
The managerial remuneration is in accordance with the approval adjustments in bonus rates and to allow for the contingency
accorded by a resolution of the Board of Directors and IRDA as required of closure to new business as is required by guidance
under Section 34A of the Insurance Act, 1938. notes(APS1) issued by the Institute of Actuaries of India.
Expenses towards gratuity, leave encashment and Long Term Incentive The reserve for the Group Term Business has been calculated
Plan are determined actuarially on an overall Company basis annually having regard to the unearned gross premium and expenses
and accordingly have not been considered in above information. already incurred. The group non-linked non-par savings
business has been valued having regard to the accrued
* Mr. V. Philip (till 31st August 2013) and Mr. Anuj Agarwal (w.e.f. 1st account value of the members of the group schemes.
September 2013)
Provision has been made for the possible revival of the
8. Actuarial Valuation lapsed policies, which have lapsed before the valuation date,
having regard to the experience of the Company. As per IRDA
Liabilities for life insurance policies are determined by the Appointed circular No: 041/IRDA/ACTL/MAR-2006 dated 29th March
Actuary in accordance with the IRDA regulations and relevant guidance 2006, a reserve for lapsed unit linked policies not likely to be
notes issued by the Institute of Actuaries of India. revived is held as a separate item under the head “Funds for
Future Appropriations” which is applicable for the products
Non-linked business is reserved using the prospective gross premium
launched before 1st September 2010.
method of valuation. The non-linked business is predominantly
participating and the reserves are established having regard to the As per the IRDA (Treatment of Discontinued Linked
assumptions as to future experience, including the interest rate that Insurance Policies) Regulations, 2010, a segregated fund
will be earned on premiums not yet received, together with associated called “Discontinued Policy Fund” is maintained for the
bonus rates. Regular premium participating business has been reserved discontinued policies of the products which are launched
using an interest rate of 7.50% per annum, which is same as last year on or after 1st September 2010. The fund value as at the
assumption. date of discontinuance after deducting the discontinuance
charges as applicable by said regulations is credited to the
Single premium participating business has been reserved using an
discontinued fund.
interest rate of 6.25% per annum, which is the same as used in valuation
as at 31st March 2013. The discount rate is determined after having Provision has been made for the Incurred But Not Reported
regard to the yield likely to be obtained on relevant matching assets. death claims (IBNR) based on the Company’s past experience
of delay in reporting the event of deaths.

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Where minimum surrender value is guaranteed, the minimum reserve under those policies has been set as the guaranteed surrender
value. In all other cases the minimum reserve has been set to zero.

The Appointed Actuary is satisfied that the nature and extent of reinsurance arrangements require no additional reserve to be set aside. All
reserves have been calculated using gross exposure and gross office premiums.

9. Claims

(a) Claims settled, undisputed and remaining unpaid for a period of more than six months at year-end amount to Rs. 666,930 thousand
(Previous Year: Rs 504,404 thousand).

(b) Disclosure of unclaimed amounts of Policyholders as required vide Circular No. IRDA/ F & I/CIR/CMP/174/11/2010 dated November 4,
2010 is as follows:

Particulars Claims settled but not paid to the Sum due to the insured / Cheques issued but Current Year
policyholders/ insured due to any policyholders on maturity or not encashed by the Total
reasons except under litigation from otherwise policyholder/ insured*
the insured / policyholder^
0 - 30 Days 745,169 796,842 199,535 1,741,546
01 - 06 Months 74,982 612,876 292,493 980,351

07 - 12 Months 17,898 136,631 777,900 932,429

13 - 18 Months 21,148 215,438 285,711 522,297
19 - 24 Months 10,055 63,750 603,541 677,346
25 - 30 Months 6,144 103,645 97,773 207,562
31 - 36 Months 5,239 21,947 62,042 89,228
Beyond 36 Months 19,081 45,954 225,157 290,192
TOTAL AMOUNT 899,716 1,997,083 2,544,152 5,440,951


Particulars Claims settled but not paid to the Sum due to the insured / Cheques issued but Previous Year
policyholders/ insured due to any policyholders on maturity not encashed by the Total
reasons except under litigation from the or otherwise policyholder/ insured*
insured / policyholder^
0 - 30 Days 1,138,672 238,869 514,170 1,891,711
01 - 06 Months 169,902 295,178 230,698 695,778
07 - 12 Months 67,677 111,567 735,592 914,836
13 - 18 Months 23,421 184,915 109,234 317,570
19 - 24 Months 10,612 39,019 66,812 116,443
25 - 30 Months 13,533 26,261 53,831 93,625
31 - 36 Months 9,198 2,250 34,210 45,658
Beyond 36 Months 5,969 9,982 138,619 154,570

TOTAL AMOUNT 1,438,984 908,041 1,883,166 4,230,191

* represents cheques, exceeding the validity period, issued to policyholders.

^ Includes all title open cases (Individual & Group).

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

10. Allocation of expenses c) Net (Assets) /Liabilities recognized in the Balance Sheet as on
March 31, 2014:
Operating expenses relating to insurance business are allocated to specific

business segments as under:
(a) Expenses, which are directly identifiable, are allocated on an actual basis.
Particulars – Gratuity 31 March 2014 31 March
(b) Other operating expenses, which are not directly identifiable are 2013
apportioned based on a combination of:
Present value of Defined Benefit
• New Business Regular Premium; 216,535 225,340
• New Business Single Premium;
• Renewal Premium; and Less: Fair value of Plan Assets Present
203,296 234,568
• Paid up policies Premium value of unfunded obligation
Net Liability / (Asset) recognized in the
11. Expenses attributable to shareholders are charged to the Shareholders’ Balance sheet
13,239 (9,228)

12. Accounting Standard AS15 (Revised) Employee Benefits d) Total expenses recognized in the Revenue Account:

i. Defined Contribution Plans (Rs.’000)
The Company has recognized following amounts in the Revenue Account Particulars – Gratuity 31 March 31 March
for the year – 2014 2013
Current Service Cost 49,464 43,306
Sr.No. Particulars 31 March 2014 31 March 2013
Interest Cost 21,014 18,724
Contribution to Employees
1. 160,140 180,586 Expected return on Plan Assets (18,306) (16,081)
Provident Fund
Contribution to Superannuation Actuarial Losses / (Gains) (28,322) 11,695
2. 1,583 1,406
Fund Past service costs 0 0
Contribution to Labour Welfare Effect of curtailment / settlement Nil Nil
3. 3,066 3,940
Fund, EDLI
Adjustments for earlier years Nil Nil
4. Contribution to ESIC 22,455 25,142
Recognized in the Revenue Account 23,850 57,644

ii. Defined Benefit Plans – as per Actuarial Valuation on March The above have been included under the line item “Employees’
31, 2014 remuneration, welfare benefits and other manpower costs” in Schedule 3.

a) Reconciliation of opening and closing balances of the present e) Major categories of plan assets as a percentage of total plan
value of the Defined Benefit Obligation (DBO)
(Rs.’000) (Rs.’000)
Particulars – Gratuity 31 March 31 March 2013 Particulars – Gratuity 31 March 31 March
2014 2014 2013
Present value of Defined Benefit
225,340 185,060
(Rs.’000) Insurer Managed Funds (100%) 203,296 234,568
Obligation at the beginning of the year
Interest cost 21,014 18,724 f) Actuarial Assumptions:
Current service cost 49,464 43,306 Particulars – Gratuity 31 March 31 March 2013
Actuarial Losses / ( Gains) (38,998) 14,087
Discount Rate 8.90% 7.95%
Past Service Cost 0 0
Expected rate of return on Plan Assets 7.50% 7.50%
Benefits paid (40,285) (35,837)
Salary Escalation rate - Management Staff 6.00% 6.00%
Present value of Defined Benefit 216,535 225,340
Obligation at the close of the year Particulars – Compensated Absence 31 March 31 March 2013
Discount Rate 8.90% 7.95%
b) A reconciliation of the opening and closing balances of the
fair value of plan assets: Salary Escalation rate-Management Staff 6.00% 6.00%
g) Future salary increases considered in actuarial valuation take into account
in flation, seniority, promotion and other relevant factors, such as supply
Particulars – Gratuity 31 March 2014 31 March 2013 and demand in the employment market.

Fair value of Plan Assets at the beginning h) Expected rate of return on plan assets is on the basis of average long term
234,568 208,781
of the year rate of return expected on investments of the fund during the estimated
Add : Expected return on Plan Assets 18,306 16,081 term of obligation.

Add / (Less) : Actuarial Gains / (Losses) (10,676) 2,392

Add : Contributions 1,383 43,151
Less: Benefits Paid (40,285) (35,837)
Fair value of Plan Assets at the close of
203,296 234,568
the year
Actual Return on Plan Assets 7,630 18,473

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

13. Percentage of business sector-wise :

Particulars Current Year Previous Year Particulars 31 March 31 March 2013

Number of Percentage of Number of Percentage
Policies policies Policies of policies Profit/(Loss) after tax (Rs.‘000) 10,245,912 12,856,364
Rural 135,750 29.85% 207,353 28.38% Basic earnings before extra-ordinary 10,245,912 12,856,364
items [A] (Rs.‘000)
Urban 318,970 70.15% 523,201 71.62%
Basic earnings after extra-ordinary 10,245,912 12,856,364
items [B] (Rs. ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year Weighted average no. of equity 150,709,000 150,709,000
shares (par value of Rs 10 each) [C]
Basic earnings per equity share 67.98 85.31
No. of Lives No of Policies No. of Lives No of Policies
[A/C] (Rs)
Insured Insured
Basic earnings per equity share 67.98 85.31
Social 4,216,098 57 143,147 57
excluding extraordinary items [B/C]
14. Percentage of risk retained and risk reinsured:
(Rs.’000) As there were no dilutive equity shares issued, or potential equity
Particulars Current Year Previous Year shares, no reconciliation between the denominator used for
Sum at risk Percentage Sum at risk Percentage computation of basic and diluted earnings per share is necessary.
retained 1,760,289,148 80.22% 2,055,792,153 82.23% 19. Operating lease commitments
434,132,978 19.78% 444,157,155 17.77% The Company has entered into agreements in the nature of
Lease/ Leave and License Agreements with different lessors /

15. The shareholders of the Company, in their Extra Ordinary General licensors for the purpose of establishment of office premises.
Meeting held on 7th May 2010 have authorized the Board of Directors of These are generally in the nature of operating leases/ leave and
the Company to decide on the transfer of amounts from the Shareholders’ licenses and disclosure required as per Accounting Standard 19
Account to the Policyholders’ Account to make good the deficit, if any, with regard to the same is as under:
in the Policyholders’ Funds in respect of any financial year, which shall
be subject to the approval of the shareholders of the Company at the (Rs.’000)

ensuing Annual General Meeting of the respective years. Particulars 31 March 2014 31 March 2013

Not later than one year 303,879 345,183

16. Reinsurance is in place on lives where cover is in excess of the
Later than one year not later than
655,664 646,474
Company’s retention limit and this has been reflected in the Accounts. five years
Later than five years 125,464 122,405
17. As per Accounting Standard 18 prescribed in the Companies Act 1956
and Rules thereunder, disclosures of transactions with the related parties i) There are no transactions in the nature of sub leases.
have been set out in a separate statement annexed to this schedule as ii) Payments recognized in the Revenue account for the year
Appendix I. The related parties, in respect of which the disclosures have ended 31st March 2014, are Rs. 384,273 thousand (Previous
been made, have been identified on the basis of information available Year Rs. 397,465 thousand).
with the Company and taken on record by the Board of Directors. iii)The period of agreement is generally for three years and
renewable thereafter at the option of the lessee.

18. In accordance with Accounting Standard (AS 20) – on Earnings
Per Share (EPS), the following table reconciles the numerator and 20. Additional disclosure on expenses :
denominator used to calculate basic/diluted earnings per share. The additional disclosure on expenses pursuant to IRDA
notification dated March 28, 2008 has been detailed herein

Particulars 31 March 2014 31 March 2013

Marketing expenses and

Business development 3,127,594 2,952,015
Outsourcing expenses 1,711,639 1,873,429

21. Segment Reporting (Amount in Rs.’ 000)

Particulars Current Participating Policyholders' Non - Participating Policyholders' Unit Linked Policyholders'
Shareholder's Unallocated
Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Group Individual Individual
Assurance Pension Assurance Health Annuity Assurance Assurance Pension

Credit/(Debit) Fair Value Change Account 677,123 487,858 - 25,075 - - 148,076 16,114 - - - -
Policy Liabilities 117,084,462 67,378,074 543,743 8,389,565 163,690 1,037,406 36,005,758 3,547,808 6,494 11,924 - -
Provision for linked liabilities 212,876,008 - - - - - 189,628,837 11,236,112 12,011,059 - -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.


Provision for Discontinuance Fund 1,454,973 - - - - - - 1,454,973 - - - -

Funds for Future Appropriations 1,839,537 1,764,968 74,569 - - - - - - - - -
Loans 462,399 399,911 - 57,608 - - 4,880 - - - - -
Investments 173,467,011 67,503,916 598,409 8,191,447 163,629 983,532 34,382,788 3,518,293 8,139 12,026 58,104,832 -
Assets Held to Cover Linked Liabilities 212,876,008 - - - - - - 189,628,837 11,236,112 12,011,059 - -
Assets Held to Cover Discontinuance Fund 1,454,973 - - - - - - 1,454,973 - - - -
Fixed Assets # 2,554,847 - - - - - - - - - - 2,554,847
Cash and bank balances 7,320,635 - - - - - 671,308 - - - - 6,649,327
Advances & Other Assets
Outstanding Premium 2,721,610 2,388,000 3,223 58,245 13,875 - 258,267 - - - - -
Due from Other Entities carrying on Insurance 75,095 19,217 - 10,404 25,197 - 16,138 (1,495) (16) 5,650 - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Income accrued on investments 6,883,988 2,501,790 43,713 361,336 257 54,164 1,299,577 138,428 - - 2,484,723 -
Unsettled Investment contract receivable 488,930 369,103 - - - - 68,304 - - - 51,523 -
Other Assets 840,256 - - - - - - - - - - 840,256
Current Liabilities
Agents Balance 692,019 613,520 - 20,412 7,077 - 46,164 - - 4,846 - -
Balance due to other Insurance Companies 66,568 3,797 311 (9,139) - - 33,693 37,605 301 - - -
Sundry Creditors 2,840,118 120,228 60 2,242 892 - 2,023 - - - - 2,714,673
Claims Outstanding 879,122 247,628 3,454 89,205 32,433 - 174,255 326,949 2,180 3,018 - -
Premium received in advance 321,057 277,156 5 5,533 651 22 29,148 6,126 342 2,074 - -
Premium & Other Deposits 1,065,810 112,666 296 13,810 3,866 644 136 181,107 8,882 574,276 - 170,127
Unclaimed Amount-Policyholders 5,440,951 236,639 24,369 14,468 974 14,528 559,348 1,484,518 539,347 22,608 - 2,544,152
Payable Unsettled Investment Contracts 1,971,613 1,450,336 - - - - 430,580 41,851 - - 48,846 -
Provisions 3,228,044 - - - - - - - - - - 3,228,044
Policy Liabilities and Funds for Future Appropriations are covered by Investments and Interest accrued on Investments. In case of Non Participating Group Variable Insurance Product, Policy Liabilities are covered by Investments, Interest accrued on Investments and Identified
Cash/Bank balances.
# Fixed assets are not identifiable to any particular business segment. Depreciation has been allocated based on the assumption that the use of assets are proportional to the basis referred to in Note 10(b) of Schedule 16.

Annual Report 2013-2014
21. Segment Reporting

(Amount in Rs.’ 000)

Particulars Previous Participating Policyholders' Non - Participating Policyholders' Unit Linked Policyholders'
Shareholder's Unallocated
Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Group Individual Individual
Assurance Pension Assurance Health Annuity Assurance Assurance Pension

Credit/(Debit) Fair Value Change Account 51,684 51,684 - - - - - - - - - -

Policy Liabilities 87,685,263 48,456,276 547,852 8,000,764 190,514 764,229 25,552,963 4,129,299 19,348 24,018 - -
Provision for linked liabilities 244,965,745 - - - - - - 220,664,947 14,617,514 9,683,284 - -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Provision for Discontinuance Fund 489,840 - - - - - - 489,840 - - - -

Funds for Future Appropriations 1,740,593 1,683,050 57,543 - - - - - - - - -
Loans 241,483 241,483 - - - - - - - - - -
Investments 134,572,626 48,893,876 577,181 8,059,151 199,644 727,840 25,196,213 3,993,903 22,001 24,717 46,878,100 -
Assets Held to Cover Linked Liabilities 244,965,745 - - - - - - 220,664,947 14,617,514 9,683,284 - -
Assets Held to Cover Discontinuance Fund 489,840 - - - - - - 489,840 - - - -
Fixed Assets # 2,518,235 - - - - - - - - - - 2,518,235

Cash and bank balances 7,147,509 - - - - - - - - - - 7,147,509

Advances & Other Assets

Outstanding Premium 2,818,082 2,446,058 4,103 106,610 15,813 - 245,498 - - - - -

Due from Other Entities carrying on Insurance business 59,586 16,420 - 6,898 9,590 - 14,397 12,281 - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Income accrued on investments 5,141,309 1,681,529 31,193 302,307 369 37,468 888,198 154,891 - - 2,045,354 -
Unsettled Investment contract receivable - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other Assets 1,274,427 - - - - - - - - - - 1,274,427
Current Liabilities

Agents Balance 2,112,326 1,881,390 - 47,656 38,561 610 129,546 - - 14,563 - -

Balance due to other Insurance Companies 92,157 27,126 249 6,474 (15,243) - 38,317 37,046 (2,135) 323 - -
Sundry Creditors 3,455,713 126,907 77 3,599 976 - 3,319 - - - - 3,320,835
Claims Outstanding 877,643 260,980 530 77,463 39,022 - 129,485 363,651 5,774 738 - -
Premium received in advance 345,731 260,837 267 12,607 1,959 183 29,296 35,800 1,869 2,913 - -
Premium & Other Deposits 703,596 - - - - - - - - - - 703,596
Unclaimed Amount-Policyholders 4,230,191 5,517 7,697 14,972 3,018 392 18,728 1,815,764 472,779 5,354 - 1,885,970
Payable Unsettled Investment Contracts 2,099,262 607,326 - - - - - - - - 1,491,936 -
Provisions 1,938,407 - - - - - - - - - - 1,938,407
Policy Liabilities and Funds for Future Appropriations are covered by Investments and Interest accrued on Investments.
# Fixed assets are not identifiable to any particular business segment. Depreciation has been allocated based on the assumption that the use of assets are proportional to the basis referred to in Note 10(b) of Schedule 16.
Annual Report 2013-2014
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

22. Summary of Financial Statements

(Amount in Rs.’ 000)

Sr. No. Particulars 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10

Policyholders' Account
1 Gross premium income 58,431,389 68,926,995 74,837,954 96,099,487 114,197,137
2 Net premium income # 57,753,234 68,350,575 74,336,163 95,751,789 113,913,657
3 Income from investments (Net) @ 49,141,769 30,257,807 (394,473) 39,123,659 99,302,163
4 Other Income 370,017 193,261 116,403 403,589 976,028
5 Total income 107,265,020 98,801,643 74,058,093 135,279,037 214,191,848
6 Commissions (Net) 1,482,537 2,804,198 3,882,730 6,164,741 9,625,696
7 Brokerage - - - - -
8 Operating Expenses related to insurance business 14,728,883 16,003,010 14,062,756 16,065,847 17,716,252
9 Provisions for tax 1,469,224 1,692,829 1,856,244 1,923,860 653,127
10 Total Expenses 17,680,644 20,500,037 19,801,730 24,154,448 27,995,075
11 Payment to policy holders* 84,819,823 93,069,378 54,958,452 49,866,241 26,312,344
12 Increase in actuarial liability** (1,725,405) (23,392,438) (10,755,094) 52,848,822 155,788,353
13 Surplus/ Deficit from operations 6,489,958 8,624,666 10,053,005 8,409,526 4,096,076

Shareholders’ Account

14 Total income under Shareholders’ Account ## 5,401,950 4,332,534 2,909,129 1,823,827 1,084,376
15 Profit/ (loss) before tax 11,621,934 13,435,673 13,495,779 10,816,647 5,569,943
16 Provisions for tax 1,376,022 579,309 383,757 246,257 147,075
17 Profit/ (loss) after tax 10,245,912 12,856,364 13,112,019 10,570,390 5,422,868
18 Profit/ loss carried to Balance Sheet 46,601,707 36,355,795 23,499,431 10,387,412 (182,978)
19 Miscellaneous
(A) Policyholders’ account:
Total funds (including unit linked funds) 333,932,103 334,933,125 358,879,899 370,254,945 318,342,558
Total investments (including unit linked investments) 329,693,160 333,150,111 358,324,025 369,778,944 318,768,481
Yield on investments (%) (excluding unit linked 9.06% 8.81% 8.42% 8.28% 8.35%
(B) Shareholders’ account:
Total funds (net of debit balance in Profit & Loss A/C) 58,708,347 48,440,691 35,606,071 22,494,057 11,923,662
Total investments 58,104,832 46,878,100 36,005,554 23,520,820 15,453,830
Yield on investments (%) 9.46% 9.29% 8.95% 8.27% 8.43%
20 Yield on total investments (excluding unit linked 9.21% 9.00% 8.63% 8.27% 8.37%
21 Paid up equity capital 1,507,090 1,507,090 1,507,090 1,507,090 1,507,090
22 Net worth 58,708,347 48,440,691 35,606,071 22,494,057 11,923,662
23 Total Assets (net of debit balance in Profit & Loss A/C) 392,640,450 383,373,816 394,485,970 392,749,002 330,266,220
24 Earning per share (Rs.) 67.98 85.31 87.00 70.14 35.98
25 Book value per share (Rs.) 389.55 321.42 236.26 149.25 79.12

# Net of reinsurance
@ Net of losses
* Inclusive of interim bonuses, if any
** Includes fund reserve since 2003-04
## Excludes amount transferred from the Policyholders' Account (Technical Account)

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

23. Ratios: (Expressed in number of times)

Sr. No. Particulars 2013-14 2012-13

1 "New business premium income growth (segment-wise)
(New business premium for current year divided by new business premium for previous year)
Participating 0.85 0.89
Non Participating 0.90 1.93
Unil Linked 0.82 0.67
2 Net retention ratio
0.988 0.992
(Net premium divided by gross premium)
3 Ratio of expenses of management (**) 0.26 0.25
(Expenses of management including commission divided by the total gross direct premium with Single Premium)
4 Ratio of expenses of management (**) 0.31 0.29
(Expenses of management including commission expenses divided by the total gross direct premium without Single
5 Commission ratio 0.03 0.04
(Gross Commission paid to Gross premium)
6 Ratio of policy holders’ liabilities to shareholders’ funds 5.69 6.91
7 Growth rate of share holders’ funds 1.21 1.36
8 Ratio of surplus to policy holders’ liability (*) 0.02 0.03
9 Change in net worth 1.21 1.36
10 Profit after tax/ Total income 1.90 2.97
11 (Total Real Estate + Loans) / Cash & invested assets 0.007 0.006
12 Total investments / (Capital + Surplus) 6.61 7.84
13 Total affiliated investments/ (Capital + Surplus) 0.00 0.00
* Surplus including Contribution from Shareholders' account
** Excluding Service tax borne by Unit linked policy holders'

24. The Revenue Account and Balance Sheet for unit linked business has been annexed to this schedule as Appendix II. Disclosure for ULIP
Business as per Unit Linked Disclosure Norms issued vide Circular No. 054/IRDA/F&A/FEB-07 dated February 20, 2007, has been annexed to
this schedule as Appendix III.

25. Disclosures for Controlled Fund as required vide Circular No. IRDA/F&I/CIR/F&A/045/03/2010 dated March 17, 2010, has been annexed to
this schedule as Appendix IV.

26. Discontinued policy fund:

i. In pursuance to IRDA’s notification dated July 01,2010 and circular IRDA/LIFE/CIR/MISC/235/10/2011 dated October 13, 2011, the following
details are disclosed with respect to the policies discontinued :

Particulars (Current Year) On account of On account of Particulars (Previous Year) On account of On account of
Non - payment of Others Non - payment of Others
Premium amount (Rs. ‘000) Premium amount (Rs. ‘000)
within the grace within the grace
period (Rs. ‘000) period (Rs. ‘000)
Opening balance as on April 01, 2013 489,840 - Opening balance as on April 01, 2012 156,384 -

Add : Amount transferred to funds for 965,133 - Add : Amount transferred to funds for 333,456
discontinued policies* discontinued policies*

Less : Amount refunded to - - Less : Amount refunded to - -

policyholders policyholders

Closing balance as on March 31, 2014 1,454,973 - Closing balance as on March 31, 2013 489,840 -

ii. Number of policies discontinued during the financial year 2013-2014*# : 13,962 (Previous Year :11,548)

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

iii. Percentage of discontinued to total policies (product wise) iv. Number and percentage of the policies revived during the
financial year 2013-2014*# : financial year 2013-2014*# :
Percentage of Percentage of Number of policies revived (previous
discontinued to discontinued to % of policies revived (previous year)
Product name year)
total policies (FY total policies (FY
2013-14) 2012-13)
1,414 (784) 1.50% (0.90%)
Bajaj Allianz Max Advantage
14.18% 10.58%
Insurance Plan
Bajaj Allianz Assured Protection iv. Charges imposed on account of discontinued policies during the
15.91% 15.08%
Insurance Plan financial year 2013-2014*#: Rs. 18,368 thousand (Previous Year
Bajaj Allianz iGain III Insurance Rs.14,146 thousand).
7.85% 9.28%
Bajaj Allianz Smart Insurance
Plan III
13.93% 5.61% * Net of revival
Bajaj Allianz Money Secure
Insurance Plan
14.69% 20.29% # excluding policies discontinued and revived during current

27. Company has complied with IRDA (Investment) (5th Amendment) Regulation 2013 regarding applicable NAV for applications received
on last business day of Financial year.

28. Previous year figures have been regrouped where possible and wherever necessary to make them comparable with those of the current
year. Summary of amounts of the previous year which have been regrouped is as follows:

Particulars Reported in Reported in Difference From Schedule No. To Schedule No.

Previous Year current Year
Unclaimed 4,227,559 4,230,191 2,632 13(Premium & Other deposits) 13(Unclaimed amount of
amount of policyholder)
Premium & Other 706,228 703,596 (2,632) 13(Premium & Other deposits) 13(Unclaimed amount of
deposit policyholder)
Balance due to 99,323 92,157 (7,166) 13(Balance due to other insurance 13(sundry Creditors)
other insurance companies)

Sundry creditors 3,448,547 3,455,713 7,166 13(Balance due to other insurance 13(sundry Creditors)

These re-groupings do not affect previously reported Surplus as per Revenue Account and Profit as per Profit and Loss Account.

For S. R. Batliboi & Co. LLP For Kirtane & Pandit For Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited.

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Sanjiv Bajaj Manuel Bauer

ICAI Firm Registration ICAI Firm Registration Chairman Director
No. 301003E No. 105215W
Rahul Bajaj Kamesh Goyal
Shrawan Jalan Suhas Deshpande Director Director
Partner Partner
Membership No. 102102 Membership No. 031787 Ranjit Gupta S. H. Khan
Director Director

Suraj Mehta Manu Tandon

Director Director

Anuj Agarwal RajeshViswanathan

Managing Director & Chief Financial Officer
Chief Executive Officer

Saisrinivas Dhulipala Sameer Bakshi

Appointed Actuary Company Secretary and
Head – Legal & Compliance
Place : Pune Place : Pune
Date : 10th May 2014 Date : 10th May 2014

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Schedules forming part of financial statements for the year ended 31st March 2014
Related Party Disclosures
Appendix I Refer Schedule 16 Note 17 (Amount in Rs.’000)

Sr. Related Party Relationship Current Year Previous Year

Total value of Nature of Transaction Balance Total value of Nature of Transaction Balance
Transactions Outstanding Transactions Outstanding
during the as at 31st during the as at 31 st
year Payment/ March 2014 year March 2013
(Receipts) Receivable/ Receivable/
(Payable) (Payable)
Reimbursement Reimbursement
1 Bajaj Finserv Ltd. - received of Revenue - (815) received of Revenue -
expenditure expenditure
Insurance premium Insurance premium
(2,248) (82) (2,075) (94)
2 Bajaj Auto Ltd. Group Company received received
- Insurance claims paid - 1,806 Insurance claims paid -

Insurance premium Insurance premium

(1,979,859) (66,670) (1,386,196) (74,456)
received received

38,055 Insurance claims paid - 62,972 Insurance claims paid -

Paid towards the Paid towards the
139,667 - 378,503 -
Bajaj Finance Ltd. Revenue expenditure Revenue expenditure
3 (Earlier Known as Bajaj Group Company
Auto Finance Ltd.) 1,000,000 - 772,926 Investments Purchased -
Interest received on Interest received on
(40,977) - (12,580) -
Investments Held Investments Purchased
Advance paid towards Advance paid towards
- - 8,141 8,141
Revenue Expenditure Revenue Expenditure
Paid Towards Paid Towards Insurance
50,187 (10,005) 33,193 (7,894)
Insurance Commission Commissions
Insurance premium Insurance Premium
(39,766) (216) (6,226) (345)
received Received
Insurance Premium Insurance Premium
11,616 11 80,346 129
Paid Paid
Reimbursement Reimbursement
received of Revenue received of Revenue
(106,425) 73,605 (56,834) -
and Capital and Capital
Bajaj Allianz General expenditure expenditure
4 Insurance Co. Ltd. Group Company
Paid towards the Paid towards the
33,089 Revenue and Capital - 47,989 Revenue and Capital (837)
expenditure expenditure
(26,251) Investments Sold - - Investments Sold -
Insurance Claim Insurance Claim
(85) - (83,103) -
Received Received

750 Insurance Claims Paid - 1,953 Insurance Claims Paid -

(2,441) Rental Income - (2,441) Rental Income -

Insurance premium Insurance premium
(1,994) (54) (1,252) (13)
received received
Bajaj Allianz Financial Paid towards Revenue (2,982) Paid towards Revenue
5 Group Company 1,016,307 859,650 (470)
Distributors Ltd. Expenditure Expenditure
- Insurance claims paid - 1,050 Insurance claims paid -
Paid Towards Paid Towards Insurance
1,270 (578) - -
Insurance Commission Commission
Paid Towards Paid Towards Insurance
191 - 1,895 -
Insurance Commission Commision
6 Bajaj Financial Solutions Ltd. Group Company
Paid towards Revenue Paid towards Revenue
- - 1,174 (140)
Expenditure Expenditure
Reimbursement made
- made of Revenue - 793 62
of Revenue Expenditure
7 Allianz SE Shareholder
Reimbursement Reimbursement
(107) received of Revenue - (104) received Of Revenue -
Expenditure Expenditure

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

(Amount in Rs.’000)

Sr. Related Party Relationship Current Year Previous Year

Total value of Nature of Transaction Balance Total value of Nature of Transaction Balance
Transactions Outstanding Transactions Outstanding
during the as at 31st during the as at 31 st
year Payment/ March 2014 year Payment/ March 2013
(Receipts) Receivable/ (Receipts) Receivable/
(Payable) (Payable)
Reimbursement Reimbursement
Allianz Insurance (84) received of Revenue 23 (532) received of Revenue 1,933
8 Management Asia Pacific Group Company Expenditure Expenditure
Pte. Ltd. Paid towards the Paid towards the
290 - - -
Revenue expenditure Revenue expenditure
Allianz Managed Operations Paid towards the Opus Paid towards the Opus
9 Group Company 35,118 (27,292) 21,618 (18,788)
& Services SE revenue Expenditure revenue Expenditure
236,936 Reinsurance Premium (119,010) 213,273 Reinsurance Premium (109,041)
Reinsurance Reinsurance
(22,716) 11,291 (17,449) 9,315
Allianz SE Reinsurance Commission Commission
10 Group Company
Branch Asia Pacific. Reinsurance profit Reinsurance profit
(7,091) - (44,731) -
Commission Commission
(155,668) Reinsurance Claims 76,438 (103,257) Reinsurance Claims 33,739
Enterprise Commission on Travel Commission on Travel
(185) (72) (493) (201)
where key Expenses Expenses
mgmt personnel
11 Hind Musafir Agency Ltd.
is having Charges for Domestic Charges for Domestic
significant 1,012 - 647 -
Services Services

Allianz Life Insurance Reimbursement made
12 Group Company 37 made of Revenue (37) - -
Malaysia Berhad of Revenue Expenditure

Asuransi Allianz Utama Reimbursement made
13 Group Company 788 made of Revenue - - -
Indonesia of Revenue Expenditure
Paid towards IDS Remuneration for IDS
14 IDS GmbH Group Company 3,657 (3,955) 3,195 (663)
services Services
Allianz Investment
Data Provision
15 Management Singapore Group Company 31,850 (7,166) 31,850 Data Provision Charges (7,166)
16 V.Philip Management 20,235 Remuneration - 18,357 Remuneration -
17 Anuj Agarwal Management 8,587 Remuneration - - Remuneration -
Insurance premium Insurance premium
(1,210) - (41,052) (4)
18 Bajaj Electricals Ltd. Group Company received received
264 Insurance Claims Paid - - Insurance Claims Paid -
19 Sanjay Asher Director 120 Director Sitting Fees - 100 Director Sitting Fees -
20 Manu Tandon Director 80 Director Sitting Fees - 80 Director Sitting Fees -
21 Suraj Mehta Director 60 Director Sitting Fees - 80 Director Sitting Fees -
22 S H Khan Director 160 Director Sitting Fees - 140 Director Sitting Fees -

Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-RA (UL)

Fund Revenue Account for the year ended 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs.’ 000)

Particulars Schedule Acc Mid Acc Mid Acc Mid Cap Accelerated Asset Allocation Asset Allocation Asset Allocation Assured Blue Chip Bond Bond
Cap Fund Cap Fund II Pension Fund Fund Fund Fund II Pension Fund Return Fund Equity Fund Fund Pension
Interest Income 1,618 1,408 571 2,451 803,851 - 70,217 36,929 842 722,289 155,742
Dividend Income 120,130 72,506 24,594 240 313,887 - 25,881 - 32,209 - -
Miscellaneous Income 31,340 23,735 6,879 392 112,109 - 9,331 4,467 13,953 87,922 10,992
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Profit/(Loss) excluding inter scheme (62,269) 4,957 3,492 934 1,247,827 - 105,083 (416) 64,186 (174,474) (19,743)

Profit/(Loss) on inter fund transfer/sale of investment (172) 58,679 77 13 230,954 - 24,635 - (3,327) (17) (5,061)
Unrealised Gain/(Loss) 1,020,381 541,678 190,687 2,643 1,662,603 - 112,979 (13,954) 314,248 (97,524) (30,321)
Total Income (A) 1,111,028 702,963 226,300 6,673 4,371,231 - 348,126 27,026 422,111 538,196 111,609
Fund Administration Expenses - - - - - - - - - - -
Fund Management Expenses 86,691 40,633 13,094 532 322,551 - 27,614 5,780 26,614 86,266 17,811
Other charges F -5 172,538 112,147 9,520 264 1,059,655 12 23,110 27,242 52,466 302,511 7,926
Total Expenses (B) 259,229 152,780 22,614 796 1,382,206 12 50,724 33,022 79,080 388,777 25,737
Net Income/(Loss) for the Year (A-B) 851,799 550,183 203,686 5,877 2,989,025 (12) 297,402 (5,996) 343,031 149,419 85,872
Add: Revenue Account at the beginning of the year 2,158,828 (394,500) 136,796 29,842 89,430 - 545,008 (1,262) 8,648 945,179 521,247
Fund Revenue Account at the end of the year 3,010,627 155,683 340,482 35,719 3,078,455 (12) 842,410 (7,258) 351,679 1,094,598 607,119
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-BS (UL)

Fund Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs.’ 000)
Particulars Schedule Acc Mid Acc Mid Acc Mid Cap Accelerated Asset Allocation Asset Allocation Asset Allocation Assured Blue Chip (Amount
Bond Fund in Rs.’ 000)
Cap Fund Cap Fund II Pension Fund Fund Fund Fund II Pension Fund Return Fund Equity Fund Pension
Policy Holder's Funds:
Policy Holders Contribution F -1 2,097,113 3,270,749 642,162 18,321 20,774,965 1,062 1,054,073 555,965 2,029,422 8,007,423 808,197
Revenue Account 3,010,627 155,683 340,482 35,719 3,078,455 (12) 842,410 (7,258) 351,679 1,094,598 607,119
Total 5,107,740 3,426,432 982,644 54,040 23,853,420 1,050 1,896,483 548,707 2,381,101 9,102,021 1,415,316
Investments F -2 4,979,717 3,538,584 976,661 51,827 23,293,753 - 1,873,363 495,733 2,354,479 8,816,820 1,421,574
Current Assets F -3 307,197 160,439 30,587 3,854 900,876 1,050 31,990 53,057 26,985 577,678 37,041
Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions F -4 179,174 272,591 24,604 1,641 341,209 - 8,870 83 363 292,477 43,299
Net Current Assets 128,023 (112,152) 5,983 2,213 559,667 1,050 23,120 52,974 26,622 285,201 (6,258)
Total 5,107,740 3,426,432 982,644 54,040 23,853,420 1,050 1,896,483 548,707 2,381,101 9,102,021 1,415,316
(a) Net Assets as per Balance Sheet (Rs. in thousands) 5,107,740 3,426,432 982,644 54,040 23,853,420 1,050 1,896,483 548,707 2,381,101 9,102,021 1,415,316
(b) Number of Units Outstanding (in thousands) 210,732 251,188 37,855 1,653 1,410,989 105 119,401 44,558 203,028 481,529 72,725
Net Asset Value per unit (a)/(b) (Rs.) 24.2381 13.6409 25.9583 32.6859 16.9055 10.0000 15.8834 12.3146 11.7280 18.9023 19.4613
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-RA (UL)
Fund Revenue Account for the year ended 31st March 2014
(Amount in Rs.’ 000)
Particulars Schedule Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Shield - II Cash Fund Cash Plus Fund Cash Plus Debt Fund Debt Plus
Guarantee Fund Guarantee Guarantee Fund Shield - I Pension Fund
- 2012 Fund - 2014 - 2017 Fund
Interest Income - 122 1,001 38,662 3,812 16,093 25,901 814 55,222 77,704
Dividend Income - 11 123 1,792 - - - - - -
Miscellaneous Income - 22 21 7,418 19,944 36,942 53,659 2,581 2,040 3,769
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Profit/(Loss) excluding inter scheme - 25 74 (2,529) 161,637 355 547 40 (7,330) (14,445)

Profit/(Loss) on inter fund transfer/sale of investment - 233 85 7,718 14,259 - - - (1,082) (891)
Unrealised Gain/(Loss) - (185) 1,067 4,609 (211,343) - - - (10,959) (10,456)
Total Income (A) - 228 2,371 57,670 (11,691) 53,390 80,107 3,435 37,891 55,681
Fund Administration Expenses - - - - - 7,266 - - 8,174 -
Fund Management Expenses - 30 263 16,916 14,462 5,813 6,084 255 6,539 6,559
Other charges F -5 - 113 785 2,091 1,788 13,322 9,195 212 10,923 13,494
Total Expenses (B) - 143 1,048 19,007 16,250 26,401 15,279 467 25,636 20,053
Net Income/(Loss) for the Year (A-B) - 85 1,323 38,663 (27,941) 26,989 64,828 2,968 12,255 35,628
Add: Revenue Account at the beginning of the year 14,534 1,381 11,209 318,719 242,505 333,563 730,701 49,039 435,311 670,547
Fund Revenue Account at the end of the year 14,534 1,466 12,532 357,382 214,564 360,552 795,529 52,007 447,566 706,175
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-BS (UL)

Fund Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs.’ 000)

Particulars Schedule Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Shield - II Cash Fund Cash Plus Fund Cash Plus Debt Fund Debt Plus
Guarantee Fund Guarantee Guarantee Fund Shield - I Pension Fund
- 2012 Fund - 2014 - 2017 Fund
Policy Holder's Funds:
Policy Holders Contribution F -1 (14,534) (909) 6,546 (351,145) (205,672) 216,932 85,558 (15,681) 169,789 193,460
Revenue Account 14,534 1,466 12,532 357,382 214,564 360,552 795,529 52,007 447,566 706,175
Total - 557 19,078 6,237 8,892 577,484 881,087 36,326 617,355 899,635
Investments F -2 - 900 18,919 78,466 87,874 504,351 800,946 31,702 593,353 854,118
Current Assets F -3 - - 231 10 - 73,285 80,215 4,818 24,171 46,108
Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions F -4 - 343 72 72,239 78,982 152 74 194 169 591
Net Current Assets - (343) 159 (72,229) (78,982) 73,133 80,141 4,624 24,002 45,517
Total - 557 19,078 6,237 8,892 577,484 881,087 36,326 617,355 899,635
(a) Net Assets as per Balance Sheet (Rs. in thousands) - 557 19,078 6,237 8,892 577,484 881,087 36,326 617,355 899,635
(b) Number of Units Outstanding (in thousands) - 35 1,130 393 605 31,289 41,169 1,681 35,248 43,942
Net Asset Value per unit (a)/(b) (Rs.) - 15.9334 16.8823 15.8541 14.6902 18.4565 21.4018 21.6157 17.5146 20.4735

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-RA (UL)
Fund Revenue Account for the year ended 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs.’ 000)

Particulars Schedule Debt Plus Pension Equity Fund Equity Gain Equity Equity Growth Equity Growth Equity Index Equity Index Equity Equity Index
Fund Fund Growth Fund Fund II Pension Fund Fund Fund - II Index Pension
Pension Fund - II
Interest Income 5,199 119 1,550 46,793 1,679 629 72 10,908 13 153
Dividend Income - 35,201 73,313 790,281 89,970 36,344 17,834 881,988 1,281 71,882
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Miscellaneous Income 905 3,916 14,398 214,802 29,888 9,065 2,059 82,280 168 6,661
Profit/(Loss) excluding inter scheme (1,221) 111,638 504,794 4,536,660 261,101 117,600 52,382 3,748,842 3,508 163,137
Profit/(Loss) on inter fund transfer/sale of investment (18) 288,614 26,852 890,001 245,785 145,666 136,623 2,191,750 9,361 505,457
Unrealised Gain/(Loss) (226) (13,641) 459,646 4,004,254 656,087 158,963 3,080 3,169,721 1,514 80,772
Total Income (A) 4,639 425,847 1,080,553 10,482,791 1,284,510 468,267 212,050 10,085,489 15,845 828,062
Fund Administration Expenses - 27,707 55,244 - - - - - - -
Fund Management Expenses 506 22,165 66,292 833,894 75,580 29,217 11,165 685,786 816 55,494
Other charges F -5 472 37,801 78,145 1,736,275 170,270 21,036 23,193 2,526,770 683 51,788
Total Expenses (B) 978 87,673 199,681 2,570,169 245,850 50,253 34,358 3,212,556 1,499 107,282
Net Income/(Loss) for the Year (A-B) 3,661 338,174 880,872 7,912,622 1,038,660 418,014 177,692 6,872,933 14,346 720,780
Add: Revenue Account at the beginning of the year 71,773 2,533,825 4,233,243 15,142,185 428,226 1,640,451 1,146,967 350,450 115,526 1,183,737
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Fund Revenue Account at the end of the year 75,434 2,871,999 5,114,115 23,054,807 1,466,886 2,058,465 1,324,659 7,223,383 129,872 1,904,517

Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-BS (UL)

Fund Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs.’ 000)

Particulars Schedule Debt Plus Pension Equity Fund Equity Gain Equity Equity Growth Equity Growth Equity Index Equity Index Equity Equity Index
Fund Fund Growth Fund Fund II Pension Fund Fund Fund - II Index Pension
Pension Fund - II
Policy Holder's Funds:
Policy Holders Contribution F -1 (6,521) (704,226) (684,112) 22,424,649 4,335,286 (138,668) (249,532) 42,545,677 (46,267) 1,955,032
Revenue Account 75,434 2,871,999 5,114,115 23,054,807 1,466,886 2,058,465 1,324,659 7,223,383 129,872 1,904,517
Total 68,913 2,167,773 4,430,003 45,479,456 5,802,172 1,919,797 1,075,127 49,769,060 83,605 3,859,549
Investments F -2 68,006 2,171,267 4,399,173 45,805,462 5,732,831 1,908,475 1,074,866 48,817,869 83,933 3,879,846
Current Assets F -3 1,153 1,403 92,946 612,078 99,776 28,219 2,279 1,161,134 78 2,526
Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions F -4 246 4,897 62,116 938,084 30,435 16,897 2,018 209,943 406 22,823
Net Current Assets 907 (3,494) 30,830 (326,006) 69,341 11,322 261 951,191 (328) (20,297)
Total 68,913 2,167,773 4,430,003 45,479,456 5,802,172 1,919,797 1,075,127 49,769,060 83,605 3,859,549
(a) Net Assets as per Balance Sheet (Rs. in thousands) 68,913 2,167,773 4,430,003 45,479,456 5,802,172 1,919,797 1,075,127 49,769,060 83,605 3,859,549
(b) Number of Units Outstanding (in thousands) 3,226 71,914 99,007 2,046,600 343,519 76,711 26,007 2,310,270 2,285 179,653
Net Asset Value per unit (a)/(b) (Rs.) 21.3610 30.1438 44.7445 22.2220 16.8904 25.0265 41.3399 21.5425 36.5967 21.4833
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-RA (UL)
Fund Revenue Account for the year ended 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs.’ 000)

Particulars Schedule Equity Equity Equity Equity Plus Equity Plus Group Asset Group Group Group Group Group Group Group
Midcap Midcap Midcap Plus Fund Pension Allocation Asset Balance Blue Chip Debt Debt II Equity Equity Index
Fund Pension Fund Fund Fund Fund Gain Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund
Interest Income 651 51 449 2,035 288 82,450 - - 37 164,730 7,219 142 149
Dividend Income 17,967 1,172 27,850 147,122 5,231 29,637 - - 1,005 - - 2,557 30,693
Miscellaneous Income 4,343 322 6,668 31,007 2,078 18,486 - - 470 12,360 1,772 1,474 4,363
Profit/(Loss) excluding inter scheme (1,756) (3,821) (11,526) 937,087 15,541 98,940 - - 1,326 (66,813) 2,592 5,816 47,449
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Profit/(Loss) on inter fund transfer/sale of investment (18,896) 893 (25,725) 273,159 22,435 1,656 - - 196 (1,701) - 6,131 35,663

Unrealised Gain/(Loss) 119,330 12,280 207,248 (127,206) 25,096 208,583 - - 10,786 5,818 1,713 20,920 256,582
Total Income (A) 121,639 10,897 204,964 1,263,204 70,669 439,752 - - 13,820 114,394 13,296 37,040 374,899
Fund Administration Expenses 7,715 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fund Management Expenses 9,258 740 14,307 87,710 5,335 32,922 - - 926 20,343 1,009 2,497 29,388
Other charges F -5 11,981 339 14,640 95,595 2,457 65,807 - 1 878 24,755 610 2,114 56,304
Total Expenses (B) 28,954 1,079 28,947 183,305 7,792 98,729 - 1 1,804 45,098 1,619 4,611 85,692
Net Income/(Loss) for the Year (A-B) 92,685 9,818 176,017 1,079,899 62,877 341,023 - (1) 12,016 69,296 11,677 32,429 289,207
Add: Revenue Account at the beginning of the year 841,197 137,024 1,963,742 7,408,286 742,592 56,922 - - 4,153 397,016 - 13,256 (128,489)
Fund Revenue Account at the end of the year 933,882 146,842 2,139,759 8,488,185 805,469 397,945 - (1) 16,169 466,312 11,677 45,685 160,718
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-BS (UL)

Fund Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs.’ 000)

Particulars Schedule Equity Equity Equity Equity Plus Equity Plus Group Asset Group Group Group Group Group Group Group
Midcap Fund Midcap Midcap Plus Fund Pension Allocation Asset Balance Blue Chip Debt Fund Debt II Equity Equity Index
Pension Fund Fund Fund Fund Gain Fund Fund Fund Fund
Policy Holder's Funds:
Policy Holders Contribution F -1 (302,540) (97,418) (1,143,971) (2,687,861) (450,561) 2,488,033 - 5,873 82,407 1,862,355 595,722 197,674 1,799,136
Revenue Account 933,882 146,842 2,139,759 8,488,185 805,469 397,945 - (1) 16,169 466,312 11,677 45,685 160,718
Total 631,342 49,424 995,788 5,800,324 354,908 2,885,978 - 5,872 98,576 2,328,667 607,399 243,359 1,959,854
Investments F -2 650,246 49,986 840,093 5,759,500 356,437 2,706,706 - 200 90,146 2,188,294 510,809 229,373 1,960,560
Current Assets F -3 283,093 - 385,545 82,164 4,134 179,702 - 5,672 8,445 140,648 96,656 15,642 3,571
Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions F -4 301,997 562 229,850 41,340 5,663 430 - - 15 275 66 1,656 4,277
Net Current Assets (18,904) (562) 155,695 40,824 (1,529) 179,272 - 5,672 8,430 140,373 96,590 13,986 (706)
Total 631,342 49,424 995,788 5,800,324 354,908 2,885,978 - 5,872 98,576 2,328,667 607,399 243,359 1,959,854
(a) Net Assets as per Balance Sheet (Rs. in thousands) 631,342 49,424 995,788 5,800,324 354,908 2,885,978 - 5,872 98,576 2,328,667 607,399 243,359 1,959,854
(b) Number of Units Outstanding (in thousands) 19,446 1,011 23,116 116,746 6,856 189,524 - 587 7,759 137,672 58,642 18,531 153,461
Net Asset Value per unit (a)/(b) (Rs.) 32.4660 48.9020 43.0778 49.6833 51.7640 15.2275 10.0000 10.0012 12.7049 16.9146 10.3578 13.1325 12.7710

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-RA (UL)

Fund Revenue Account for the year ended 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs.’ 000)

Particulars Schedule Group Growth Group Group Liquid Group Group Short Group Short Group Short Growth Plus Growth Growth Guaranteed Life Long
Fund II Liquid Fund Fund II Return Shield Term Debt Term Debt Term Debt Fund I Plus Fund II Plus Fund III Bond Fund Gain Fund
Fund Fund Fund II Fund III
Interest Income 16,616 4,358 - 8,801 2,247 486 23 14,821 19 35 188,187 18,346
Dividend Income - - - 477 - - - - 257 889 - -
Miscellaneous Income 4,099 32,364 - 108 67 31 19 408 141 378 8,630 853
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Profit/(Loss) excluding inter scheme 529 354 - 2,555 - 1 - - - (85) 5 (5,130)


Profit/(Loss) on inter fund transfer/sale of investment - - - 581 (635) 352 - (614) 565 6,338 - (28)
Unrealised Gain/(Loss) (1,497) - - (1,664) (131) (312) 5 (2,497) 12,013 5,728 (60,950) (6,672)
Total Income (A) 19,747 37,076 - 10,858 1,548 558 47 12,118 12,995 13,283 135,872 7,369
Fund Administration Expenses - - - - - - - - - - - 2,851
Fund Management Expenses 2,307 2,814 - 1,420 245 62 5 2,342 825 744 21,608 2,281
Other charges F -5 476 5,567 - 989 456 36 23 4,342 1,886 1,336 39,029 1,038
Total Expenses (B) 2,783 8,381 - 2,409 701 98 28 6,684 2,711 2,080 60,637 6,170
Net Income/(Loss) for the Year (A-B) 16,964 28,695 - 8,449 847 460 19 5,434 10,284 11,203 75,235 1,199
Add: Revenue Account at the beginning of the year 25,042 84,480 - 10,017 103,605 1,667 - 31,719 (9,796) 6,015 153,455 74,756
Fund Revenue Account at the end of the year 42,006 113,175 - 18,466 104,452 2,127 19 37,153 488 17,218 228,690 75,955
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-BS (UL)

Fund Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs.’ 000)

Particulars Schedule Group Growth Group Group Liquid Group Group Short Group Short Group Short Growth Plus Growth Growth Guaranteed Life Long
Fund II Liquid Fund Fund II Return Shield Term Debt Term Debt Term Debt Fund I Plus Fund II Plus Fund III Bond Fund Gain Fund
Fund Fund Fund II Fund III
Policy Holder's Funds:
Policy Holders Contribution F -1 197,731 458,968 1,618 99,945 (91,121) 3,662 3,126 109,733 60,586 45,006 1,969,051 147,634
Revenue Account 42,006 113,175 - 18,466 104,452 2,127 19 37,153 488 17,218 228,690 75,955
Total 239,737 572,143 1,618 118,411 13,331 5,789 3,145 146,886 61,074 62,224 2,197,741 223,589
Investments F -2 210,063 485,248 - 104,145 12,808 5,690 3,073 128,499 61,240 63,004 2,005,615 214,126
Current Assets F -3 29,894 86,940 1,618 14,284 524 100 72 18,994 39 - 192,848 56,327
Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions F -4 220 45 - 18 1 1 - 607 205 780 722 46,864
Net Current Assets 29,674 86,895 1,618 14,266 523 99 72 18,387 (166) (780) 192,126 9,463
Total 239,737 572,143 1,618 118,411 13,331 5,789 3,145 146,886 61,074 62,224 2,197,741 223,589
(a) Net Assets as per Balance Sheet (Rs. in thousands) 239,737 572,143 1,618 118,411 13,331 5,789 3,145 146,886 61,074 62,224 2,197,741 223,589
(b) Number of Units Outstanding (in thousands) 19,261 35,089 162 9,622 922 487 311 11,227 5,297 4,169 184,383 14,732
Net Asset Value per unit (a)/(b) (Rs.) 12.4470 16.3054 9.9998 12.3064 14.4571 11.8908 10.1241 13.0838 11.5304 14.9246 11.9195 15.1769
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-RA (UL)
Fund Revenue Account for the year ended 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs.’ 000)

Particulars Schedule Liquid Fund Liquid Max Gain Max Gain Premier Bond Premier Debt Premier Equity Premier Premier Premier Equity
Pension Fund Fund I Fund II Fund Fund Fund Equity Gain Equity Index Fund
Fund Growth
Interest Income 93,877 6,773 125,972 6,663 19,576 4,890 23 195 225 51
Dividend Income - - 115,883 16,353 - - 2,833 4,560 14,273 10,083
Miscellaneous Income 148,895 16,804 46,918 24,249 1,432 451 259 1,546 4,808 1,012
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Profit/(Loss) excluding inter scheme 2,065 238 273,432 8,257 (1,666) (312) 6,958 12,839 43,367 23,737
Profit/(Loss) on inter fund transfer/sale of investment - - 28,100 (3,064) (291) (100) 31,573 21,572 67,120 98,035
Unrealised Gain/(Loss) - - 984,420 188,537 (3,769) (845) (7,242) 16,877 42,396 (17,136)
Total Income (A) 244,837 23,815 1,574,725 240,995 15,282 4,084 34,404 57,589 172,189 115,782
Fund Administration Expenses - - 22,738 3,583 - - - - - -
Fund Management Expenses 24,940 2,419 113,686 17,917 6,559 1,366 3,982 6,806 24,757 17,036
Other charges F -5 119,924 1,286 258,127 50,540 3,610 1,231 3,638 5,931 18,543 13,689
Total Expenses (B) 144,864 3,705 394,551 72,040 10,169 2,597 7,620 12,737 43,300 30,725
Net Income/(Loss) for the Year (A-B) 99,973 20,110 1,180,174 168,955 5,113 1,487 26,784 44,852 128,889 85,057
Add: Revenue Account at the beginning of the year (38,116) 60,527 (459,979) (39,347) 103,099 56,600 202,717 436,870 579,604 169,078
Fund Revenue Account at the end of the year 61,857 80,637 720,195 129,608 108,212 58,087 229,501 481,722 708,493 254,135
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-BS (UL)

Fund Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs.’ 000)

Particulars Schedule Liquid Fund Liquid Max Gain Max Gain Premier Bond Premier Debt Premier Equity Premier Premier Premier Equity
Pension Fund Fund I Fund II Fund Fund Fund Equity Gain Equity Index Fund
Fund Growth
Policy Holder's Funds:
Policy Holders Contribution F -1 2,727,868 254,864 8,248,397 1,499,464 101,127 (2,958) (69,129) (198,639) 118,677 299,436
Revenue Account 61,857 80,637 720,195 129,608 108,212 58,087 229,501 481,722 708,493 254,135
Total 2,789,725 335,501 8,968,592 1,629,072 209,339 55,129 160,372 283,083 827,170 553,571
Investments F -2 2,671,480 311,885 8,543,427 1,516,019 201,823 52,696 161,372 284,472 830,544 555,620
Current Assets F -3 118,570 23,837 428,076 113,349 8,442 2,800 104 3,314 9,682 362
Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions F -4 325 221 2,911 296 926 367 1,104 4,703 13,056 2,411
Net Current Assets 118,245 23,616 425,165 113,053 7,516 2,433 (1,000) (1,389) (3,374) (2,049)
Total 2,789,725 335,501 8,968,592 1,629,072 209,339 55,129 160,372 283,083 827,170 553,571
(a) Net Assets as per Balance Sheet (Rs. in thousands) 2,789,725 335,501 8,968,592 1,629,072 209,339 55,129 160,372 283,083 827,170 553,571
(b) Number of Units Outstanding (in thousands) 146,956 17,565 657,636 129,624 12,752 3,092 7,194 10,161 38,623 28,556
Net Asset Value per unit (a)/(b) (Rs.) 18.9834 19.1004 13.6376 12.5676 16.4166 17.8277 22.2942 27.8609 21.4163 19.3858

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-RA (UL)

Fund Revenue Account for the year ended 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs.’ 000)

Particulars Schedule Pure Equity Pure Stock Pure Stock Secure Fund Shield Plus Shield Plus Shield Plus Shield Plus Stable Fund Total
Fund Fund Pension Fund Fund I Fund II Fund III Fund IV
Interest Income - - - 105,472 169,760 54,329 87,776 13,272 40,875 3,324,233
Dividend Income 7,629 54,075 2,782 5,519 6,458 2,414 4,176 355 4,777 3,106,494
Miscellaneous Income 2,708 21,482 - 22,111 24,302 8,105 9,454 276 8,480 1,265,391
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Profit/(Loss) excluding inter scheme 58,992 513,550 16,679 45,148 23,901 17,050 25,328 3,107 45,271 12,947,397

Profit/(Loss) on inter fund transfer/sale of investment 23,197 89,718 4,326 (3,756) 10,369 (690) 3,380 (48) (3,023) 5,432,982
Unrealised Gain/(Loss) 8,993 80,064 23,362 23,911 (31,625) (8,721) (18,566) (2,900) 36,390 13,995,642
Total Income (A) 101,519 758,889 47,149 198,405 203,165 72,487 111,548 14,062 132,770 40,072,139
Fund Administration Expenses - - - - - - - - - 135,278
Fund Management Expenses 6,987 45,216 3,386 21,006 32,221 10,363 16,303 2,232 9,835 3,071,527
Other charges F -5 29,440 175,354 2,087 5,549 61,494 18,840 26,747 3,186 1,827 7,597,449
Total Expenses (B) 36,427 220,570 5,473 26,555 93,715 29,203 43,050 5,418 11,662 10,804,254
Net Income/(Loss) for the Year (A-B) 65,092 538,319 41,676 171,850 109,450 43,284 68,498 8,644 121,108 29,267,885
Add: Revenue Account at the beginning of the year 287,258 318,132 36,087 379,002 403,365 103,032 132,274 17,214 538,267 48,895,451
Fund Revenue Account at the end of the year 352,350 856,451 77,763 550,852 512,815 146,316 200,772 25,858 659,375 78,163,336
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-BS (UL)

Fund Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs.’ 000)

Particulars Schedule Pure Equity Pure Stock Pure Stock Secure Fund Shield Plus Shield Plus Shield Plus Shield Plus Stable Fund Total
Fund Fund Pension Fund Fund I Fund II Fund III Fund IV
Policy Holder's Funds:
Policy Holders Contribution F -1 93,657 2,391,944 155,883 1,442,867 1,608,419 538,048 1,008,997 143,812 220,036 134,712,672
Revenue Account 352,350 856,451 77,763 550,852 512,815 146,316 200,772 25,858 659,375 78,163,336
Total 446,007 3,248,395 233,646 1,993,719 2,121,234 684,364 1,209,769 169,670 879,411 212,876,008
Investments F -2 428,220 3,159,265 197,765 1,911,018 1,859,481 592,008 1,057,602 149,111 842,798 208,677,335
Current Assets F -3 18,204 91,873 35,920 349,516 268,909 92,959 154,105 20,587 130,272 7,838,977
Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions F -4 417 2,743 39 266,815 7,156 603 1,938 28 93,659 3,640,304
Net Current Assets 17,787 89,130 35,881 82,701 261,753 92,356 152,167 20,559 36,613 4,198,673
Total 446,007 3,248,395 233,646 1,993,719 2,121,234 684,364 1,209,769 169,670 879,411 212,876,008
(a) Net Assets as per Balance Sheet (Rs. in housands) 446,007 3,248,395 233,646 1,993,719 2,121,234 684,364 1,209,769 169,670 879,411
(b) Number of Units Outstanding (in thousands) 14,790 112,996 10,439 85,775 159,963 51,452 93,371 13,531 35,396
Net Asset Value per unit (a)/(b) (Rs.) 30.1556 28.7478 22.3813 23.2436 13.2607 13.3011 12.9566 12.5392 24.8447
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Accelerated Asset Allocation Asset Allocation Asset Allocation Assured Return Blue Chip Bond Fund Bond
Fund Fund II Pension Fund Fund Fund Fund II Pension Fund Fund Equity Fund Pension Fund
Opening Balance 3,534,264 3,508,378 946,810 (368) 29,595,168 - 2,031,882 415,278 1,984,719 8,122,831 1,612,544
Add : Addition during the year 274,535 487,782 207,346 23,182 1,500,012 1,085 159,618 258,898 364,260 3,460,323 533,568
Less : Deduction during the year 1,711,686 725,411 511,994 4,493 10,320,215 23 1,137,427 118,211 319,557 3,575,731 1,337,915
Closing Balance 2,097,113 3,270,749 642,162 18,321 20,774,965 1,062 1,054,073 555,965 2,029,422 8,007,423 808,197
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Particulars Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Shield - II Cash Fund Cash Plus Fund Cash Plus Debt Fund Debt Plus Debt Plus
Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Shield - I Pension Fund Fund Pension Fund
Fund- 2012 Fund- 2014 Fund- 2017
Opening Balance (14,534) 1,358 12,124 482,190 289,535 290,774 142,317 (16,622) 262,953 336,345 2,632
Add : Addition during the year - - - 28 - 152,761 122,353 13,518 110,991 234,777 11,518
Less : Deduction during the year - 2,267 5,578 833,363 495,207 226,603 179,112 12,577 204,155 377,662 20,671
Closing Balance (14,534) (909) 6,546 (351,145) (205,672) 216,932 85,558 (15,681) 169,789 193,460 (6,521)

Particulars Equity Fund Equity Gain Equity Growth Equity Equity Growth Equity Index Fund Equity Index Equity Index Equity Index Equity Equity
Fund Fund Growth Pension Fund Fund - II Pension Fund Pension Midcap Midcap
Fund II Fund - II Fund Pension Fund
Opening Balance (183,339) 485,901 38,187,609 5,480,984 911,289 57,206 61,869,470 (28,418) 3,996,809 (153,507) (79,553)
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Add : Addition during the year 54,319 119,999 1,533,791 862,898 183,135 46,431 3,112,667 4,647 421,668 18,730 3,863
Less : Deduction during the year 575,206 1,290,012 17,296,751 2,008,596 1,233,092 353,169 22,436,460 22,496 2,463,445 167,763 21,728
Closing Balance (704,226) (684,112) 22,424,649 4,335,286 (138,668) (249,532) 42,545,677 (46,267) 1,955,032 (302,540) (97,418)

Particulars Equity Midcap Equity Plus Equity Plus Group Asset Group Asset Group Balanced Group Blue Chip Group Debt Group Debt Group Group Equity
Plus Fund Fund Pension Fund Allocation Allocation Fund II Gain Fund Fund Fund Fund II Equity Fund Index Fund
Opening Balance (906,177) (996,111) (365,165) 2,528,594 - - 56,290 1,250,389 - 155,316 2,096,104
Add : Addition during the year 47,673 201,201 13,278 408,354 - 5,873 27,297 1,026,693 595,781 46,340 196,809
Less : Deduction during the year 285,467 1,892,951 98,674 448,915 - - 1,180 414,727 59 3,982 493,777
Closing Balance (1,143,971) (2,687,861) (450,561) 2,488,033 - 5,873 82,407 1,862,355 595,722 197,674 1,799,136

Particulars Group Growth Group Liquid Group Liquid Group Return Group Short Term Group Short Term Group Short Term Growth Plus Growth Plus Growth Plus Guaranteed
Fund II Fund Fund II Shield Fund Debt Fund Debt Fund II Debt Fund III Fund I Fund II Fund III Bond Fund
Opening Balance 196,907 273,767 - 100,480 (72,827) 23,920 - 190,406 71,877 47,323 1,974,347
Add : Addition during the year 824 271,810 1,618 - 1,371 45 3,267 - - 2,765 -
Less : Deduction during the year - 86,609 - 535 19,665 20,303 141 80,673 11,291 5,082 5,296
Closing Balance 197,731 458,968 1,618 99,945 (91,121) 3,662 3,126 109,733 60,586 45,006 1,969,051

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Life Long Gain Liquid Fund Liquid Pension Max Gain Max Gain Fund II Premier Bond Premier Debt Premier Premier Premier Premier
Fund Fund Fund I Fund Fund Equity Fund Equity Gain Equity Equity
Fund Growth Fund Index Fund
Opening Balance 159,340 2,622,976 127,921 10,258,948 1,355,640 162,448 8,058 (2,575) (96,080) 455,772 552,452
Add : Addition during the year 31,634 1,444,279 447,393 1,104,940 527,857 55,581 18,979 6,206 4,688 19,157 15,124
Less : Deduction during the year 43,340 1,339,387 320,450 3,115,491 384,033 116,902 29,995 72,760 107,247 356,252 268,140
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Closing Balance 147,634 2,727,868 254,864 8,248,397 1,499,464 101,127 (2,958) (69,129) (198,639) 118,677 299,436

Particulars Pure Equity Pure Stock Pure Stock Secure Fund Shield Plus Fund I Shield Plus Shield Plus Shield Plus Stable Fund Total
Fund Fund Pension Fund Fund II Fund III Fund IV
Opening Balance 220,566 3,308,900 237,577 1,272,080 2,443,204 759,545 1,080,332 144,868 287,852 196,070,293
Add : Addition during the year 19,397 257,301 40,399 277,620 2,312 - 739 598 37,795 21,441,701
Less : Deduction during the year 146,306 1,174,257 122,093 106,833 837,097 221,497 72,074 1,654 105,611 82,799,322
Closing Balance 93,657 2,391,944 155,883 1,442,867 1,608,419 538,048 1,008,997 143,812 220,036 134,712,672
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000 )

Particulars Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Accelerated Fund Asset Allocation Asset Allocation Asset Allocation Assured Blue Chip Bond Fund
Fund Fund II Pension Fund Fund Fund II Pension Fund Return Fund Equity Fund
Government Bonds - - - 14,521 1,535,614 - 144,395 147,097 - 4,459,506
Corporate Bonds - - - 2,057 229,239 - 12,995 32,231 - 2,056,291
Infrastructure Bonds - - - 3,958 1,915,457 - 164,133 164,770 - 1,564,497
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Equity 3,871,689 2,710,124 729,480 11,444 16,411,832 - 1,213,793 - 2,241,949 -

Money Market 21,195 91,515 46,286 5,529 256,047 - 179,194 36,489 51,685 207,215
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Bank Fixed Deposits 1,500 - - 9,600 888,090 - 21,650 95,800 - 26,350
Equity Linked Debenture - - - - 72,413 - - - - -
Total 3,894,384 2,801,639 775,766 47,109 21,308,692 - 1,736,160 476,387 2,293,634 8,313,859

Corporate Bonds - - - - 232,182 - - 19,346 - 502,961

Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Equity 1,085,333 736,945 200,895 4,718 1,752,879 - 137,203 - 60,845 -
Money Market - - - - - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Venture Cap Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Total 1,085,333 736,945 200,895 4,718 1,985,061 - 137,203 19,346 60,845 502,961
Grand Total 4,979,717 3,538,584 976,661 51,827 23,293,753 - 1,873,363 495,733 2,354,479 8,816,820
% of Approved to Total 78.20% 79.17% 79.43% 90.90% 91.48% 0.00% 92.68% 96.10% 97.42% 94.30%
% of Other Investments to Total 21.80% 20.83% 20.57% 9.10% 8.52% 0.00% 7.32% 3.90% 2.58% 5.70%

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Bond Pension Capital Capital Capital Guarantee Capital Shield - I Capital Shield - II Cash Fund Cash Plus Fund Cash Plus Debt Fund
Fund Guarantee Fund- Guarantee Fund- Fund- 2017 Pension Fund
2012 2014
Government Bonds 583,983 - - 7,433 - - - - - 299,345
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Corporate Bonds 338,590 - - - - - - - - 114,480


Infrastructure Bonds 261,688 - - 2,262 - - - - - 148,359

Equity - - - 8,954 - - - - - -
Money Market 217,270 - 900 100 78,466 87,874 449,351 711,346 31,702 21,147
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Bank Fixed Deposits - - - - - - 55,000 89,600 - -
Equity Linked Debenture - - - - - - - - -

Total 1,401,531 - 900 18,749 78,466 87,874 504,351 800,946 31,702 583,331


Corporate Bonds 20,043 - - - - - - - - 10,022

Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Equity - - - 170 - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Money Market - - - - - - - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Venture Cap Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Total 20,043 - - 170 - - - - - 10,022
Grand Total 1,421,574 - 900 18,919 78,466 87,874 504,351 800,946 31,702 593,353
% of Approved to Total 98.59% 0.00% 100.00% 99.10% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 98.31%
% of Other Investments to Total 1.41% 0.00% 0.00% 0.90% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.69%
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Debt Plus Debt Plus Equity Fund Equity Gain Fund Equity Growth Equity Growth Equity Growth Equity Index Equity Index Equity Index
Fund Pension Fund Fund Fund II Pension Fund Fund Fund - II Pension Fund
Government Bonds 425,933 45,009 - - - - - - - -
Corporate Bonds 186,096 4,979 - - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds 205,765 4,975 - - - - - - - -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Equity - - 2,101,471 3,822,020 39,106,617 5,014,833 1,624,919 1,038,995 47,239,285 80,260


Money Market 26,302 13,043 10,921 9,512 2,743,504 275,996 134,843 6,398 187,782 1,500
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Bank Fixed Deposits - - - - 98,850 - - - - -
Equity Linked Debenture - - - - - - - - - -
Total 844,096 68,006 2,112,392 3,831,532 41,948,971 5,290,829 1,759,762 1,045,393 47,427,067 81,760

Corporate Bonds 10,022 - - - - - - - - -

Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Equity - - 58,875 567,641 3,856,491 442,002 148,713 29,473 1,390,802 2,173
Money Market - - - - - - - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Venture Cap Fund - - - - - - - - - -

Total 10,022 - 58,875 567,641 3,856,491 442,002 148,713 29,473 1,390,802 2,173
Grand Total 854,118 68,006 2,171,267 4,399,173 45,805,462 5,732,831 1,908,475 1,074,866 48,817,869 83,933
% of Approved to Total 98.83% 100.00% 97.29% 87.10% 91.58% 92.29% 92.21% 97.26% 97.15% 97.41%
% of Other Investments to Total 1.17% 0.00% 2.71% 12.90% 8.42% 7.71% 7.79% 2.74% 2.85% 2.59%

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Equity Index Equity Midcap Equity Midcap Equity Midcap Equity Plus Fund Equity Plus Pension Group Asset Group Asset Group Group Blue
Pension Fund Pension Fund Plus Fund Fund Allocation Fund Allocation Balanced Gain Chip Fund
Fund - II Fund II Fund
Government Bonds - - - - - - 265,338 - - -
Corporate Bonds - - - - - - 4,874 - - -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - 271,009 - - -


Equity 3,753,579 471,074 39,283 690,458 5,044,903 342,400 1,685,221 - - 74,213

Money Market 16,695 97,110 2,499 7,998 269,783 2,599 91,359 - 200 12,272
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Bank Fixed Deposits - - - - - - 197,100 - - -
Equity Linked Debenture - - - - - - - - - -
Total 3,770,274 568,184 41,782 698,456 5,314,686 344,999 2,514,901 - 200 86,485

Corporate Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Equity 109,572 82,062 8,204 141,637 444,814 11,438 191,805 - - 3,661
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Money Market - - - - - - - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Venture Cap Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Total 109,572 82,062 8,204 141,637 444,814 11,438 191,805 - - 3,661
Grand Total 3,879,846 650,246 49,986 840,093 5,759,500 356,437 2,706,706 - 200 90,146
% of Approved to Total 97.18% 87.38% 83.59% 83.14% 92.28% 96.79% 92.91% 0.00% 100.00% 95.94%
% of Other Investments to Total 2.82% 12.62% 16.41% 16.86% 7.72% 3.21% 7.09% 0.00% 0.00% 4.06%
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Group Debt Group Debt Fund II Group Equity Group Equity Group Growth Fund II Group Liquid Fund Group Liquid Group Return Group Short Term Group Short
Fund Fund Index Fund Fund II Shield Fund Debt Fund Term Debt
Fund II
Government Bonds 1,125,880 256,588 - - - - - 14,824 8,229 5,390
Corporate Bonds 503,610 56,947 - - 11,724 - - 6,906 - -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Infrastructure Bonds 317,558 5,492 - - 75,761 - - 45,155 - -


Equity - - 211,507 1,904,102 - - - 11,219 - -

Money Market 241,246 124,282 10,749 3,698 12,595 485,248 - 200 3,579 300
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Bank Fixed Deposits - 67,500 - - 90,300 - - 25,600 1,000 -
Equity Linked Debenture - - - - - - - - - -
Total 2,188,294 510,809 222,256 1,907,800 190,380 485,248 - 103,904 12,808 5,690

Corporate Bonds - - - - 19,683 - - - - -

Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Equity - - 7,117 52,760 - - - 241 - -
Money Market - - - - - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Venture Cap Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Total - - 7,117 52,760 19,683 - - 241 - -
Grand Total 2,188,294 510,809 229,373 1,960,560 210,063 485,248 - 104,145 12,808 5,690
% of Approved to Total 100.00% 100.00% 96.90% 97.31% 90.63% 100.00% 0.00% 99.77% 100.00% 100.00%
% of Other Investments to Total 0.00% 0.00% 3.10% 2.69% 9.37% 0.00% 0.00% 0.23% 0.00% 0.00%

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000)

Group Short Growth Plus Growth Plus Guaranteed Bond Life Long Gain Fund Liquid Fund Liquid Pension Max Gain Fund I Max Gain
Growth Plus
Particulars Term Debt Fund II Fund III Fund Fund Fund II
Fund I
Fund III
Government Bonds 1,505 - - - 413,653 146,682 - - 100,582 -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Corporate Bonds - 12,603 - - 145,838 22,732 - - 444,468 -


Infrastructure Bonds - 66,546 - - 735,610 33,648 - - 405,090 -

Equity - - 58,901 45,182 - - - - 6,741,624 1,157,777
Money Market 1,568 1,000 700 8,433 48,486 10,724 1,926,780 301,885 34,791 148,379
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Bank Fixed Deposits - 48,350 - - 612,395 340 744,700 10,000 667,870 184,000
Equity Linked Debenture - - - - - - - - - -
Total 3,073 128,499 59,601 53,615 1,955,982 214,126 2,671,480 311,885 8,394,425 1,490,156

Corporate Bonds - - - - 49,633 - - - - -

Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Equity - - 1,639 9,389 - - - - 149,002 25,863
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Money Market - - - - - - - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Venture Cap Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Total - - 1,639 9,389 49,633 - - - 149,002 25,863
Grand Total 3,073 128,499 61,240 63,004 2,005,615 214,126 2,671,480 311,885 8,543,427 1,516,019
% of Approved to Total 100.00% 100.00% 97.32% 85.10% 97.53% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 98.26% 98.29%
% of Other Investments to Total 0.00% 0.00% 2.68% 14.90% 2.47% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.74% 1.71%
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Premier Premier Debt Premier Equity Premier Equity Premier Equity Premier Equity Pure Equity Fund Pure Stock Fund Pure Stock Secure Fund
Bond Fund Fund Fund Gain Fund Growth Fund Index Fund Pension Fund
Government Bonds 108,709 28,034 - - - - - - - 864,946
Corporate Bonds 64,691 14,043 - - - - - - - 107,752
Infrastructure Bonds 19,624 5,969 - - - - - - - 251,729
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Equity - - 154,117 274,026 800,345 539,206 396,421 2,960,706 184,936 255,710


Money Market 2,099 250 2,599 1,300 3,499 1,500 20,330 109,720 - 304,657
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Bank Fixed Deposits 6,700 4,400 - - - - - - - 32,000
Equity Linked Debenture - - - - - - - - - -
Total 201,823 52,696 156,716 275,326 803,844 540,706 416,751 3,070,426 184,936 1,816,794

Corporate Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Equity - - 4,656 9,146 26,700 14,914 11,469 88,839 12,829 94,224
Money Market - - - - - - - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Venture Cap Fund - - - - - - - - - -

Total - - 4,656 9,146 26,700 14,914 11,469 88,839 12,829 94,224
Grand Total 201,823 52,696 161,372 284,472 830,544 555,620 428,220 3,159,265 197,765 1,911,018
% of Approved to Total 100.00% 100.00% 97.11% 96.78% 96.79% 97.32% 97.32% 97.19% 93.51% 95.07%
% of Other Investments to Total 0.00% 0.00% 2.89% 3.22% 3.21% 2.68% 2.68% 2.81% 6.49% 4.93%

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Shield Plus Shield Plus Fund II Shield Plus Shield Plus Stable Fund Total
Fund I Fund III Fund IV
Government Bonds 66,032 65,225 74,574 11,234 328,947 11,549,208
Corporate Bonds - 42,295 48,839 13,752 15,297 4,493,329
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Infrastructure Bonds 800,318 202,986 539,454 67,169 113,576 8,392,558


Equity 161,988 66,057 104,370 7,103 203,092 155,567,185

Money Market 300 200 400 400 92,019 10,307,543
Mutual Fund - - - - - -
Bank Fixed Deposits 618,600 152,005 254,500 48,200 - 5,052,000
Equity Linked Debenture - - - - - 72,413
Total 1,647,238 528,768 1,022,137 147,858 752,931 195,434,236

Corporate Bonds 198,056 60,974 24,816 - - 1,147,738

Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - -
Equity 14,187 2,266 10,649 1,253 89,867 12,095,361
Money Market - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Mutual Fund - - - - - -
Venture Cap Fund - - - - - -
Total 212,243 63,240 35,465 1,253 89,867 13,243,099
Grand Total 1,859,481 592,008 1,057,602 149,111 842,798 208,677,335
% of Approved to Total 88.59% 89.32% 96.65% 99.16% 89.34% 93.65%
% of Other Investments to Total 11.41% 10.68% 3.35% 0.84% 10.66% 6.35%
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000)
Particulars Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Pension Accelerated Asset Allocation Asset Allocation Fund II Asset Assured Blue Chip Bond Fund
Fund Fund II Fund Fund Fund Allocation Return Fund Equity Fund
Pension Fund
Accured Interest 527 - - 3,419 412,987 - 16,254 38,863 - 254,545
Bank Balance - 1,945 - 87 49,024 - - 9,286 5,797 32,789
Dividend Receivable 1,074 495 140 - 15,084 - 893 - 1,547 -
Margin Receivable 26,759 26,759 - - - - - - - -
Receivables for Sale of Investments 278,837 123,111 30,447 - 423,781 - 14,843 - - 282,118
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

TDS Receivable - - - - - - - - - -

Unit Collection Account - 8,129 - 348 - 1,050 - 4,908 19,641 8,226

Application Money - - - - - - - - - -
Total 307,197 160,439 30,587 3,854 900,876 1,050 31,990 53,057 26,985 577,678

Particulars Bond Pension Capital Capital Guarantee Capital Capital Shield - I Capital Shield - II Cash Fund Cash Plus Cash Plus Debt Fund
Fund Guarantee Fund- 2014 Guarantee Fund Pension Fund
Fund- 2012 Fund- 2017
Accured Interest 37,041 - - 224 - - 831 3,786 - 15,820
Bank Balance - - - - - - 1,365 457 - 469
Dividend Receivable - - - 7 10 - - - - -
Margin Receivable - - - - - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Receivables for Sale of Investments - - - - - - 39,472 60,680 4,818 -

TDS Receivable - - - - - - - - - -
Unit Collection Account - - - - - - 31,617 15,292 - 7,882
Application Money - - - - - - - - - -
Total 37,041 - - 231 10 - 73,285 80,215 4,818 24,171

Particulars Debt Plus Debt Plus Equity Fund Equity Gain Equity Growth Fund Equity Growth Fund II Equity Growth Equity Index Equity Index Equity Index
Fund Pension Fund Pension Fund Fund Fund - II Pension Fund
Accured Interest 28,350 1,052 - - 24,908 - - - - -
Bank Balance - - - - - 16,124 - - - -
Dividend Receivable - - 1,403 2,571 5,896 741 252 694 33,697 54
Margin Receivable - - - 6,906 4,286 - - - - -
Receivables for Sale of Investments - - - 83,469 576,988 80,756 27,967 - 1,127,437 -
TDS Receivable - - - - - - - - - -
Unit Collection Account 17,758 101 - - - 2,155 - 1,585 - 24
Application Money - - - - - - - - - -
Total 46,108 1,153 1,403 92,946 612,078 99,776 28,219 2,279 1,161,134 78

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Equity Index Equity Equity Midcap Equity Midcap Equity Plus Fund Equity Plus Pension Fund Group Asset Group Asset Group Group Blue
Pension Fund Midcap Fund Pension Fund Plus Fund Allocation Fund Allocation Balanced Gain Chip Fund
- II Fund II Fund
Accured Interest - - - - - - 78,001 - - -
Bank Balance - - - - - - 5,891 - 5,672 137
Dividend Receivable 2,526 422 - 655 746 170 1,243 - - 54
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Margin Receivable - 68,591 - 51,546 - 727 - - - -

Receivables for Sale of Investments - 214,080 - 332,390 81,418 3,237 18,316 - - -
TDS Receivable - - - - - - - - - -
Unit Collection Account - - - 954 - - 76,251 - - 8,254
Application Money - - - - - - - - - -
Total 2,526 283,093 - 385,545 82,164 4,134 179,702 - 5,672 8,445

Particulars Group Debt Group Debt Group Equity Fund Group Equity Group Growth Group Liquid Fund Group Liquid Group Return Group Short Group Short
Fund Fund II Index Fund Fund II Fund II Shield Fund Term Debt Term Debt
Fund Fund II
Accured Interest 51,140 23,652 - - 29,826 - - 10,917 477 38
Bank Balance 4,913 21,424 349 2,296 68 11,350 1,516 62 46 62
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Dividend Receivable - - 103 1,275 - - - 33 - -

Margin Receivable - - 402 - - - - - - -
Receivables for Sale of Investments - - 2,014 - - 29,368 - 3,272 - -
TDS Receivable - - - - - - - - - -
Unit Collection Account 84,595 51,580 12,774 - - 46,222 102 - 1 -
Application Money - - - - - - - - - -
Total 140,648 96,656 15,642 3,571 29,894 86,940 1,618 14,284 524 100

Particulars Group Short Growth Plus Growth Plus Fund II Growth Plus Guaranteed Bond Life Long Gain Fund Liquid Fund Liquid Max Gain Max Gain
Term Debt Fund I Fund III Fund Pension Fund Fund I Fund II
Fund III
Accured Interest 30 18,536 - - 192,848 2,906 10,993 3 272,886 60,973
Bank Balance 42 458 - - - 4,963 9,712 10,832 150,528 35,854
Dividend Receivable - - 39 - - - - - 4,662 806
Margin Receivable - - - - - - - - - -
Receivables for Sale of Investments - - - - - 47,885 93,502 13,002 - -
TDS Receivable - - - - - - - - - -
Unit Collection Account - - - - - 573 4,363 - - 15,716
Application Money - - - - - - - - - -
Total 72 18,994 39 - 192,848 56,327 118,570 23,837 428,076 113,349
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Premier Bond Premier Premier Equity Fund Premier Equity Premier Equity Premier Equity Index Pure Equity Pure Stock Pure Stock Secure Fund
Fund Debt Fund Gain Fund Growth Fund Fund Fund Fund Pension Fund
Accured Interest 8,442 2,800 - - - - - - - 40,142
Bank Balance - - - - - - 2,606 85 28,980 26,780
Dividend Receivable - - 104 136 399 362 552 4,276 36 -
Margin Receivable - - - 590 1,744 - - - - -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Receivables for Sale of Investments - - - 2,588 7,539 - 15,046 87,512 6,745 195,363
TDS Receivable - - - - - - - - - -
Unit Collection Account - - - - - - - - 159 87,231
Application Money - - - - - - - - - -
Total 8,442 2,800 104 3,314 9,682 362 18,204 91,873 35,920 349,516

Particulars Shield Plus Shield Plus Shield Plus Fund III Shield Plus Stable Fund Total
Fund I Fund II Fund IV
Accured Interest 233,985 61,001 116,144 19,707 8,060 2,082,114
Bank Balance 15,318 2,328 - 171 2,469 462,255
Dividend Receivable 16 278 381 7 - 83,839
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Margin Receivable - - - - - 188,310

Receivables for Sale of Investments 19,590 29,352 37,580 702 97,915 4,493,140
TDS Receivable - - - - - -
Unit Collection Account - - - - 21,828 529,319
Application Money - - - - - -
Total 268,909 92,959 154,105 20,587 130,272 7,838,977

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Pension Accelerated Asset Allocation Asset Allocation Fund II Asset Assured Blue Chip Bond Fund
Fund Fund II Fund Fund Fund Allocation Return Fund Equity Fund
Pension Fund
Payable for purchase of Investments 162,027 272,029 8,521 1,633 268,258 - - - - 291,416
Other Current Liabilities 9,627 562 13,140 8 3,673 - 7,472 83 363 1,061
Unit Payable A/c 7,520 - 2,943 - 69,278 - 1,398 - - -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Total 179,174 272,591 24,604 1,641 341,209 - 8,870 83 363 292,477


Particulars Bond Capital Capital Guarantee Capital Capital Shield - I Capital Shield - II Cash Fund Cash Plus Cash Plus Debt Fund
Pension Guarantee Fund- 2014 Guarantee Fund- Fund Pension Fund
Fund Fund- 2012 2017
Payable for purchase of Investments - - - - - - - - - -
Other Current Liabilities 4,763 - 343 72 72,239 78,982 152 74 124 169
Unit Payable A/c 38,536 - - - - - - - 70 -
Total 43,299 - 343 72 72,239 78,982 152 74 194 169

Particulars Debt Plus Debt Plus Equity Fund Equity Gain Equity Growth Fund Equity Growth Fund II Equity Growth Equity Index Equity Index Equity Index
Fund Pension Fund Fund Pension Fund Fund Fund - II Pension Fund
Payable for purchase of Investments - - - 53,145 779,213 29,477 10,209 - - -
Other Current Liabilities 591 246 3,145 5,190 81,973 958 6,459 2,018 98,580 406
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Unit Payable A/c - - 1,752 3,781 76,898 - 229 - 111,363 -

Total 591 246 4,897 62,116 938,084 30,435 16,897 2,018 209,943 406

Particulars Equity Index Equity Equity Midcap Equity Midcap Equity Plus Fund Equity Plus Pension Fund Group Asset Group Asset Group Group Blue
Pension Midcap Fund Pension Fund Plus Fund Allocation Fund Allocation Balanced Gain Chip Fund
Fund - II Fund II Fund
Payable for purchase of Investments - 300,077 - 229,048 29,721 2,927 - - - -
Other Current Liabilities 17,487 901 276 802 6,617 2,711 430 - - 15
Unit Payable A/c 5,336 1,019 286 - 5,002 25 - - - -
Total 22,823 301,997 562 229,850 41,340 5,663 430 - - 15
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Group Debt Group Debt Group Equity Fund Group Equity Group Growth Group Liquid Fund Group Liquid Group Return Group Short Group Short
Fund Fund II Index Fund Fund II Fund II Shield Fund Term Debt Term Debt
Fund Fund II
Payable for purchase of Investments - - 1,618 - - - - - - -
Other Current Liabilities 275 66 38 362 29 45 - 18 1 1
Unit Payable A/c - - - 3,915 191 - - - - -
Total 275 66 1,656 4,277 220 45 - 18 1 1
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Particulars Group Short Growth Plus Growth Plus Fund II Growth Plus Guaranteed Bond Life Long Gain Fund Liquid Fund Liquid Max Gain Max Gain
Term Debt Fund I Fund III Fund Pension Fund Fund I Fund II
Fund III
Payable for purchase of Investments - - - - - 46,802 - - - -
Other Current Liabilities - 25 37 780 667 62 325 38 1,647 296
Unit Payable A/c - 582 168 - 55 - - 183 1,264 -
Total - 607 205 780 722 46,864 325 221 2,911 296

Particulars Premier Premier Premier Equity Fund Premier Equity Premier Equity Premier Equity Index Pure Equity Pure Stock Pure Stock Secure Fund
Bond Fund Debt Fund Gain Fund Growth Fund Fund Fund Fund Pension Fund
Payable for purchase of Investments - - - 2,375 7,018 - - - - 266,536
Other Current Liabilities 460 158 426 1,452 3,969 1,384 82 538 39 279
Unit Payable A/c 466 209 678 876 2,069 1,027 335 2,205 - -
Total 926 367 1,104 4,703 13,056 2,411 417 2,743 39 266,815
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Particulars Shield Plus Shield Plus Shield Plus Fund III Shield Plus Stable Fund Total
Fund I Fund II Fund IV
Payable for purchase of Investments - - - - 93,533 2,855,583
Other Current Liabilities 354 114 679 28 126 436,512
Unit Payable A/c 6,802 489 1,259 - - 348,209
Total 7,156 603 1,938 28 93,659 3,640,304

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Pension Accelerated Fund Asset Allocation Asset Allocation Fund II Asset Assured Blue Chip Bond Fund
Fund Fund II Fund Fund Allocation Return Fund Equity Fund
Pension Fund
Policy Administration Charge 76,843 63,174 5,810 50 566,065 1 13,555 - 24,065 125,430
Surrender Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Switching Charge 29 - 4 - 3 - - - - 122
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Mortality Charge 57,407 29,384 947 127 296,621 7 3,096 20,259 17,172 112,363
Rider Premium Charge 9,052 922 98 - 40,281 - 161 569 533 12,456
Partial Withdrawal Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Provisions - Expenses - - - - - - - - - -
Service Tax Expenses 29,207 18,667 2,661 87 156,685 4 6,298 6,414 10,696 52,140
Miscellaneous Charge - - - - - - - - - -

Total 172,538 112,147 9,520 264 1,059,655 12 23,110 27,242 52,466 302,511

IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Particulars Bond Pension Capital Capital Guarantee Capital Guarantee Capital Shield - I Capital Shield - II Cash Fund Cash Plus Cash Plus Debt Fund
Fund Guarantee Fund- 2014 Fund- 2017 Fund Pension Fund
Fund- 2012
Policy Administration Charge 4,166 - 45 379 - - - 1,981 114 1
Surrender Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Switching Charge 17 - - - - - 111 56 - 32
Mortality Charge 633 - 52 293 - - 7,509 4,779 37 6,749
Rider Premium Charge 31 - - - - - 2,851 577 7 1,333
Partial Withdrawal Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Provisions - Expenses - - - - - - - - - -
Service Tax Expenses 3,079 - 16 113 2,091 1,788 2,851 1,802 54 2,808
Miscellaneous Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Total 7,926 - 113 785 2,091 1,788 13,322 9,195 212 10,923
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Debt Plus Debt Plus Equity Fund Equity Gain Fund Equity Growth Equity Growth Fund II Equity Growth Equity Index Equity Index Equity Index
Fund Pension Fund Pension Fund Fund Fund - II Pension Fund
Policy Administration Charge 3,317 228 3 - 797,342 98,101 13,284 7,518 1,322,282 326
Surrender Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Switching Charge 138 2 12 39 52 - 9 36 125 -
Mortality Charge 6,881 97 22,604 47,463 567,036 41,086 1,433 10,051 739,889 128
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Rider Premium Charge 945 28 5,586 8,768 83,908 1,064 61 1,636 104,743 53
Partial Withdrawal Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Provisions - Expenses - - - - - - - - - -
Service Tax Expenses 2,213 117 9,596 21,875 287,937 30,019 6,249 3,952 359,731 176
Miscellaneous Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Total 13,494 472 37,801 78,145 1,736,275 170,270 21,036 23,193 2,526,770 683

Particulars Equity Index Equity Equity Midcap Equity Midcap Plus Equity Plus Fund Equity Plus Pension Fund Group Asset Group Asset Group Group Blue
Pension Midcap Fund Pension Fund Fund Allocation Fund Allocation Balanced Gain Chip Fund
Fund - II Fund II Fund
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Policy Administration Charge 34,531 - 161 3,534 23,222 1,118 7,549 - - -

Surrender Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Switching Charge 7 17 4 70 38 2 - - - -
Mortality Charge 4,462 7,026 45 6,344 44,172 340 43,835 - 1 361
Rider Premium Charge 242 1,772 8 1,457 7,749 119 314 - - -
Partial Withdrawal Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Provisions - Expenses - - - - - - - - - -
Service Tax Expenses 12,546 3,166 121 3,235 20,414 878 14,109 - - 517
Miscellaneous Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Total 51,788 11,981 339 14,640 95,595 2,457 65,807 - 1 878

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Group Debt Group Debt Group Equity Fund Group Equity Group Growth Group Liquid Fund Group Liquid Group Return Group Short Group Short
Fund Fund II Index Fund Fund II Fund II Shield Fund Term Debt Term Debt
Fund Fund II
Policy Administration Charge 1,106 - - 8,736 37 304 - - 34 -
Surrender Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Switching Charge - - - - - - - - - -

Mortality Charge 14,064 405 1,054 37,464 133 2,898 - 724 344 24
Rider Premium Charge 5 - - 530 - 6 - - - -
Partial Withdrawal Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Provisions - Expenses - - - - - - - - - -
Service Tax Expenses 9,580 205 1,060 9,574 306 2,359 - 265 78 12
Miscellaneous Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Total 24,755 610 2,114 56,304 476 5,567 - 989 456 36

Particulars Group Short Growth Plus Growth Plus Fund II Growth Plus Guaranteed Bond Life Long Gain Fund Liquid Fund Liquid Max Gain Max Gain
Term Debt Fund I Fund III Fund Pension Fund Fund I Fund II
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Fund III
Policy Administration Charge - 3,047 1,313 923 31,739 - 56,473 722 185,096 14,435
Surrender Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Switching Charge - - - - - - 125 12 - -
Mortality Charge 20 566 275 181 686 344 37,759 101 28,857 26,450
Rider Premium Charge - - - 5 - - 7,515 10 761 -
Partial Withdrawal Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Provisions - Expenses - - - - - - - - - -
Service Tax Expenses 3 729 298 227 6,604 694 18,052 441 43,413 9,655
Miscellaneous Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Total 23 4,342 1,886 1,336 39,029 1,038 119,924 1,286 258,127 50,540
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2014 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Premier Bond Premier Premier Equity Fund Premier Equity Premier Equity Premier Equity Index Pure Equity Pure Stock Pure Stock Secure Fund
Fund Debt Fund Gain Fund Growth Fund Fund Fund Fund Pension Fund
Policy Administration Charge 1,363 622 1,759 3,019 7,645 5,524 16,082 99,268 1,242 507
Surrender Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Switching Charge 6 3 1 1 2 2 1 7 - -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Mortality Charge 1,124 321 1,042 1,512 6,142 4,803 8,515 46,878 165 2,624

Rider Premium Charge - - - - - - 817 4,046 20 -

Partial Withdrawal Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Provisions - Expenses - - - - - - - - - -
Service Tax Expenses 1,117 285 836 1,399 4,754 3,360 4,025 25,155 660 2,418
Miscellaneous Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Total 3,610 1,231 3,638 5,931 18,543 13,689 29,440 175,354 2,087 5,549

Particulars Shield Plus Shield Plus Shield Plus Fund III Shield Plus Fund IV Stable Fund Total
Fund I Fund II
Policy Administration Charge 42,042 13,716 17,742 2,037 44 3,710,772
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Surrender Charge - - - - - -
Switching Charge - - - - - 1,085
Mortality Charge 9,217 1,946 4,211 530 501 2,342,569
Rider Premium Charge - - 114 26 - 301,179
Partial Withdrawal Charge - - - - - -
Provisions - Expenses - - - - - -
Service Tax Expenses 10,235 3,178 4,680 593 1,282 1,241,844
Miscellaneous Charge - - - - - -
Total 61,494 18,840 26,747 3,186 1,827 7,597,449

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | FORM A-RA(UL)


Particulars Schedule Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Accelerated Asset Allocation Asset Assured Blue Chip Bond Fund Bond
Fund Fund II Pension Fund Fund Fund Allocation Return Fund Equity Fund Pension
Pension Fund Fund
Interest Income 4,383 696 231 1,157 1,306,902 117,369 21,417 57 653,504 188,867
Dividend Income 110,510 38,169 16,144 212 290,575 23,940 - 20,709 - -
Miscellaneous Income 69,490 32,090 13,373 244 272,793 19,520 3,108 14,189 93,813 12,233
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Profit/(Loss) excluding inter scheme 213,648 20,486 13,312 1,157 180,732 5,542 156 76,515 144,246 36,798

Profit/(Loss) on inter fund transfer/sale of investment 132,478 133,042 45,878 742 728,626 46,395 - 108,382 9,389 7,486
Unrealised Gain/(Loss) (399,723) (231,387) (81,313) (848) (51,831) 32,758 5,859 (76,038) 72,307 21,878
Total Income (A) 130,786 (6,904) 7,625 2,664 2,727,797 245,524 30,540 143,814 973,259 267,262
Fund Administration Expenses - - - - - - - - - -
Fund Management Expenses 129,718 39,998 16,589 320 454,242 37,947 3,489 21,914 79,139 21,607
Other charges F -5 259,939 126,096 12,933 211 1,865,599 33,999 22,009 50,702 318,863 10,886
Total Expenses (B) 389,657 166,094 29,522 531 2,319,841 71,946 25,498 72,616 398,002 32,493
Net Income/(Loss) for the Year (A-B) (258,871) (172,998) (21,897) 2,133 407,956 173,578 5,042 71,198 575,257 234,769
Add: Revenue Account at the beginning of the year 2,417,698 (221,502) 158,694 27,710 (318,526) 371,432 (6,305) (62,548) 369,920 286,477
Fund Revenue Account at the end of the year 2,158,827 (394,500) 136,797 29,843 89,430 545,010 (1,263) 8,650 945,177 521,246
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | FORM A- BS(UL)

FUND BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st MARCH 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Schedule Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Accelerated Asset Allocation Asset Assured Blue Chip Bond Fund Bond
Fund Fund II Pension Fund Fund Fund Allocation Return Fund Equity Fund Pension
Pension Fund Fund
Policy Holder's Funds:
Policy Holders Contribution F -1 3,534,263 3,508,378 946,810 (367) 29,595,167 2,031,882 415,277 1,984,717 8,122,831 1,612,544
Revenue Account 2,158,827 (394,500) 136,797 29,843 89,430 545,010 (1,263) 8,650 945,177 521,246
Total 5,693,090 3,113,878 1,083,607 29,476 29,684,597 2,576,892 414,014 1,993,367 9,068,008 2,133,790
Investments F -2 5,607,910 3,071,648 1,083,205 28,430 29,157,293 2,551,692 368,116 1,929,417 8,443,240 2,053,995
Current Assets F -3 94,050 42,741 856 1,246 906,143 42,461 45,958 88,122 625,804 82,332
Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions F -4 8,870 511 454 200 378,839 17,261 60 24,172 1,036 2,537
Net Current Assets 85,180 42,230 402 1,046 527,304 25,200 45,898 63,950 624,768 79,795
Total 5,693,090 3,113,878 1,083,607 29,476 29,684,597 2,576,892 414,014 1,993,367 9,068,008 2,133,790
(a) Net Assets as per Balance Sheet (Rs. in thousands) 5,693,090 3,113,878 1,083,607 29,476 29,684,597 2,576,892 414,014 1,993,367 9,068,008 2,133,790
(b) Number of Units Outstanding (in thousands) 289,937 281,301 52,169 1,037 2,061,921 189,058 35,069 203,267 503,707 115,500
Net Asset Value per unit (a)/(b) (Rs.) 19.6356 11.0696 20.7712 28.4363 14.3966 13.6302 11.8058 9.8066 18.0026 18.4744
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | FORM A-RA(UL)

Particulars Schedule Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Shield - II Cash Fund Cash Plus Fund Cash Plus Debt Fund Debt Plus
Guarantee Fund Guarantee Guarantee Fund Shield - I Pension Fund
- 2012 Fund - 2014 - 2017 Fund
Interest Income 261 290 1,453 69,772 9,968 14,422 17,157 856 61,448 84,643
Dividend Income - 12 121 1,491 - - - - - -
Miscellaneous Income 395 1 7 749 95 50,719 63,384 2,699 3,474 4,420
Profit/(Loss) excluding inter scheme (166) (37) (288) 7,502 92 2,180 2,309 111 13,009 17,731
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Profit/(Loss) on inter fund transfer/sale of investment 8 134 1,719 (744) 43,714 44 - 2 1,004 1,201

Unrealised Gain/(Loss) 160 (71) (439) 4,597 13,276 - - - 8,670 9,272

Total Income (A) 658 329 2,573 83,367 67,145 67,365 82,850 3,668 87,605 117,267
Fund Administration Expenses - - - - - 8,647 - - 9,266 -
Fund Management Expenses 97 50 334 24,219 18,908 6,917 6,004 262 7,413 7,036
Other charges F -5 236 162 969 2,992 2,336 14,249 10,076 267 11,875 13,757
Total Expenses (B) 333 212 1,303 27,211 21,244 29,813 16,080 529 28,554 20,793
Net Income/(Loss) for the Year (A-B) 325 117 1,270 56,156 45,901 37,552 66,770 3,139 59,051 96,474
Add: Revenue Account at the beginning of the year 14,209 1,264 9,941 262,563 196,605 296,009 663,933 45,900 376,258 574,077
Fund Revenue Account at the end of the year 14,534 1,381 11,211 318,719 242,506 333,561 730,703 49,039 435,309 670,551
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | FORM A-BS (UL)

FUND BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st MARCH 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Schedule Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Shield - II Cash Fund Cash Plus Fund Cash Plus Debt Fund Debt Plus
Guarantee Fund Guarantee Guarantee Fund Shield - I Pension Fund
- 2012 Fund - 2014 - 2017 Fund
Policy Holder's Funds:
Policy Holders Contribution F -1 (14,534) 1,359 12,119 482,190 289,535 290,771 142,318 (16,621) 262,953 336,342
Revenue Account 14,534 1,381 11,211 318,719 242,506 333,561 730,703 49,039 435,309 670,551
Total - 2,740 23,330 800,909 532,041 624,332 873,021 32,418 698,262 1,006,893
Investments F -2 - 2,432 22,825 733,472 498,044 606,654 849,285 29,842 672,466 960,928
Current Assets F -3 - 309 514 68,967 34,401 17,849 23,811 2,579 26,061 46,051
Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions F -4 - 1 9 1,530 404 171 75 3 265 86
Net Current Assets - 308 505 67,437 33,997 17,678 23,736 2,576 25,796 45,965
Total - 2,740 23,330 800,909 532,041 624,332 873,021 32,418 698,262 1,006,893
(a) Net Assets as per Balance Sheet (Rs. in thousands) - 2,740 23,330 800,909 532,041 624,332 873,021 32,418 698,262 1,006,893
(b) Number of Units Outstanding (in thousands) - 186 1,528 55,250 34,535 36,161 44,381 1,635 41,194 51,851
Net Asset Value per unit (a)/(b) (Rs.) - 14.7340 15.2691 14.4960 15.4059 17.2655 19.6711 19.8257 16.9507 19.4191

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-RA (UL)

Particulars Schedule Debt Plus Pension Equity Fund Equity Gain Equity Equity Growth Equity Growth Equity Index Equity Index Equity Equity Index
Fund Fund Growth Fund Fund II Pension Fund Fund Fund - II Index Pension
Pension Fund - II
Interest Income 6,262 70 9,045 111,133 4,454 3,078 - 5,232 - 12
Dividend Income - 43,822 97,306 1,107,371 83,846 53,618 22,965 1,220,613 1,520 104,651
Miscellaneous Income 935 3,516 5,767 404,291 46,790 21,147 1,231 51,780 115 6,790
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Profit/(Loss) excluding inter scheme 2,705 (49,119) 453,511 2,296,092 67,477 57,924 (29,899) 5,727,096 (1,599) 31,327

Profit/(Loss) on inter fund transfer/sale of investment 191 340,692 (21,487) 5,952,267 339,927 273,746 159,790 4,076,850 7,151 270,452
Unrealised Gain/(Loss) (335) (73,119) (102,103) (3,857,101) (25,476) (95,417) (14,181) (4,570,358) 1,620 225,736
Total Income (A) 9,758 265,862 442,039 6,014,053 517,018 314,096 139,906 6,511,213 8,807 638,968
Fund Administration Expenses - 33,589 69,853 - - - - - - -
Fund Management Expenses 585 26,872 83,823 1,121,888 73,705 43,340 13,979 926,965 940 78,863
Other charges F -5 598 43,855 92,478 2,413,023 199,273 32,152 25,539 3,705,048 841 77,633
Total Expenses (B) 1,183 104,316 246,154 3,534,911 272,978 75,492 39,518 4,632,013 1,781 156,496
Net Income/(Loss) for the Year (A-B) 8,575 161,546 195,885 2,479,142 244,040 238,604 100,388 1,879,200 7,026 482,472
Add: Revenue Account at the beginning of the year 63,196 2,372,279 4,037,361 12,663,044 184,187 1,401,849 1,046,580 (1,528,748) 108,500 701,265
Fund Revenue Account at the end of the year 71,771 2,533,825 4,233,246 15,142,186 428,227 1,640,453 1,146,968 350,452 115,526 1,183,737
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-BS (UL)

FUND BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st MARCH 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Schedule Debt Plus Pension Equity Fund Equity Gain Equity Equity Growth Equity Growth Equity Index Equity Index Equity Equity Index
Fund Fund Growth Fund Fund II Pension Fund Fund Fund - II Index Pension
Pension Fund - II
Policy Holder's Funds:
Policy Holders Contribution F -1 2,633 (183,340) 485,899 38,187,606 5,480,983 911,289 57,206 61,869,470 (28,418) 3,996,811
Revenue Account 71,771 2,533,825 4,233,246 15,142,186 428,227 1,640,453 1,146,968 350,452 115,526 1,183,737
Total 74,404 2,350,485 4,719,145 53,329,792 5,909,210 2,551,742 1,204,174 62,219,922 87,108 5,180,548
Investments F -2 72,560 2,346,858 4,713,183 53,546,668 5,840,859 2,578,650 1,201,861 62,192,467 87,084 5,199,559
Current Assets F -3 1,850 11,443 45,951 624,129 69,324 1,874 6,598 581,737 504 3,215
Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions F -4 6 7,816 39,989 841,005 973 28,782 4,285 554,282 480 22,226
Net Current Assets 1,844 3,627 5,962 (216,876) 68,351 (26,908) 2,313 27,455 24 (19,011)
Total 74,404 2,350,485 4,719,145 53,329,792 5,909,210 2,551,742 1,204,174 62,219,922 87,108 5,180,548
(a) Net Assets as per Balance Sheet (Rs. in thousands) 74,404 2,350,485 4,719,145 53,329,792 5,909,210 2,551,742 1,204,174 62,219,922 87,108 5,180,548
(b) Number of Units Outstanding (in thousands) 3,686 92,091 130,582 2,940,958 432,362 125,677 34,808 3,427,525 2,852 286,984
Net Asset Value per unit (a)/(b) (Rs.) 20.1886 25.5236 36.1392 18.1335 13.6673 20.3039 34.5945 18.1530 30.5389 18.0517
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-RA (UL)

Particulars Schedule Equity Midcap Fund Equity Midcap Equity Midcap Equity Plus Equity Plus Group Asset Group Blue Group Debt Group Group
Pension Fund Plus Fund Fund Pension Fund Allocation Chip Fund Fund Equity Equity Index
Fund Fund Fund
Interest Income 2,212 36 260 4,510 128 78,599 - 91,100 - 691
Dividend Income 12,162 994 19,110 125,678 6,999 17,352 648 - 2,339 29,174
Miscellaneous Income 6,054 582 13,050 25,905 2,917 34,630 467 6,059 1,452 2,195
Profit/(Loss) excluding inter scheme 16,048 1,811 31,807 466,997 8,072 6,917 1,311 26,709 1,669 (15,681)
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Profit/(Loss) on inter fund transfer/sale of investment 33,281 2,166 51,145 7,294 34,337 36,153 5,398 916 8,915 (599)

Unrealised Gain/(Loss) (57,375) (5,409) (100,874) 65,695 (12,639) 10,404 (3,145) 2,817 458 156,343
Total Income (A) 12,382 180 14,498 696,079 39,814 184,055 4,679 127,601 14,833 172,123
Fund Administration Expenses 11,003 - - - - - - - - -
Fund Management Expenses 13,203 1,078 20,029 114,420 6,388 29,338 727 11,174 2,040 28,231
Other charges F -5 14,472 462 17,223 114,317 3,095 70,179 639 19,822 1,682 65,570
Total Expenses (B) 38,678 1,540 37,252 228,737 9,483 99,517 1,366 30,996 3,722 93,801
Net Income/(Loss) for the Year (A-B) (26,296) (1,360) (22,754) 467,342 30,331 84,538 3,313 96,605 11,111 78,322
Add: Revenue Account at the beginning of the year 867,493 138,384 1,986,493 6,940,945 712,260 (27,617) 841 300,410 2,143 (206,811)
Fund Revenue Account at the end of the year 841,197 137,024 1,963,739 7,408,287 742,591 56,921 4,154 397,015 13,254 (128,489)
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-BS (UL)

FUND BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st MARCH 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Schedule Equity Midcap Fund Equity Midcap Equity Midcap Equity Plus Equity Plus Group Asset Group Blue Group Debt Group Group
Pension Fund Plus Fund Fund Pension Fund Allocation Chip Fund Fund Equity Equity Index
Fund Fund Fund
Policy Holder's Funds:
Policy Holders Contribution F -1 (153,506) (79,552) (906,176) (996,112) (365,166) 2,528,596 56,289 1,250,388 155,315 2,096,106
Revenue Account 841,197 137,024 1,963,739 7,408,287 742,591 56,921 4,154 397,015 13,254 (128,489)
Total 687,691 57,472 1,057,563 6,412,175 377,425 2,585,517 60,443 1,647,403 168,569 1,967,617
Investments F -2 681,808 56,379 1,053,454 6,411,567 381,228 2,467,516 59,849 1,343,909 166,697 1,951,115
Current Assets F -3 6,116 2,192 4,304 10,771 881 118,395 1,931 303,665 1,900 22,810
Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions F -4 233 1,099 195 10,163 4,684 394 1,337 171 28 6,308
Net Current Assets 5,883 1,093 4,109 608 (3,803) 118,001 594 303,494 1,872 16,502
Total 687,691 57,472 1,057,563 6,412,175 377,425 2,585,517 60,443 1,647,403 168,569 1,967,617
(a) Net Assets as per Balance Sheet (Rs. in thousands) 687,691 57,472 1,057,563 6,412,175 377,425 2,585,517 60,443 1,647,403 168,569 1,967,617
(b) Number of Units Outstanding (in thousands) 25,072 1,453 29,946 157,666 8,719 197,196 5,670 102,200 15,204 183,297
Net Asset Value per unit (a)/(b) (Rs.) 27.4291 39.5461 35.3158 40.6693 43.2864 13.1114 10.6599 16.1195 11.0872 10.7346

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-RA (UL)


Particulars Schedule Group Growth Fund II Group Liquid Group Return Group Short Group Short Growth Plus Growth Plus Growth Plus Guaranteed Life Long
Fund Shield Fund Term Debt Term Debt Fund II Fund I Fund II Fund III Bond Fund Gain Fund
Interest Income 16,224 5,265 8,806 4,373 969 19,658 - 176 177,460 16,298
Dividend Income - - 146 - - - - 810 - -
Miscellaneous Income 2,499 26,890 237 675 1,004 1,087 358 264 7,977 2,613
Profit/(Loss) excluding inter scheme 331 1,234 677 (23) 49 144 78 661 3,159 383
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Profit/(Loss) on inter fund transfer/sale of investment - - 274 (1,023) - 205 - 3,410 1,002 43
Unrealised Gain/(Loss) 1,717 - (151) 2,457 288 5,106 6,386 (370) 43,707 5,989
Total Income (A) 20,771 33,389 9,989 6,459 2,310 26,200 6,822 4,951 233,305 25,326
Fund Administration Expenses - - - - - - - - - 2,851
Fund Management Expenses 2,079 2,401 1,363 502 217 3,212 838 696 20,562 2,281
Other charges F -5 604 4,071 1,044 500 246 6,135 2,050 1,353 56,222 1,190
Total Expenses (B) 2,683 6,472 2,407 1,002 463 9,347 2,888 2,049 76,784 6,322
Net Income/(Loss) for the Year (A-B) 18,088 26,917 7,582 5,457 1,847 16,853 3,934 2,902 156,521 19,004
Add: Revenue Account at the beginning of the year 6,955 57,562 2,435 98,148 (178) 14,867 (13,730) 3,113 (3,063) 55,754
Fund Revenue Account at the end of the year 25,043 84,479 10,017 103,605 1,669 31,720 (9,796) 6,015 153,458 74,758
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-BS (UL)

FUND BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st MARCH 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Schedule Group Growth Fund II Group Liquid Group Return Group Short Group Short Growth Plus Growth Plus Growth Plus Guaranteed Life Long
Fund Shield Fund Term Debt Term Debt Fund II Fund I Fund II Fund III Bond Fund Gain Fund
Policy Holder's Funds:
Policy Holders Contribution F -1 196,906 273,767 100,480 (72,826) 23,918 190,406 71,877 47,322 1,974,348 159,338
Revenue Account 25,043 84,479 10,017 103,605 1,669 31,720 (9,796) 6,015 153,458 74,758
Total 221,949 358,246 110,497 30,779 25,587 222,126 62,081 53,337 2,127,806 234,096
Investments F -2 202,484 347,961 101,079 28,488 24,539 208,422 62,101 53,217 2,008,322 225,506
Current Assets F -3 19,630 10,316 9,448 2,333 1,051 15,361 6 148 120,265 8,655
Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions F -4 165 31 30 42 3 1,657 26 28 781 65
Net Current Assets 19,465 10,285 9,418 2,291 1,048 13,704 (20) 120 119,484 8,590
Total 221,949 358,246 110,497 30,779 25,587 222,126 62,081 53,337 2,127,806 234,096
(a) Net Assets as per Balance Sheet (Rs. in thousands) 221,949 358,246 110,497 30,779 25,587 222,126 62,081 53,337 2,127,806 234,096
(b) Number of Units Outstanding (in thousands) 19,206 23,896 9,736 2,238 2,245 17,904 6,549 4,445 187,971 15,539
Net Asset Value per unit (a)/(b) (Rs.) 11.5561 14.9921 11.3489 13.7542 11.3972 12.4062 9.4802 12.0000 11.3198 15.0648
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-RA (UL)

Particulars Schedule Liquid Fund Liquid Max Gain Max Gain Premier Bond Premier Debt Premier Equity Premier Premier Premier Equity
Pension Fund Fund I Fund II Fund Fund Fund Equity Gain Equity Index Fund
Fund Growth
Interest Income 73,799 6,486 38,248 891 26,451 6,677 - - 192 27
Dividend Income - - 94,952 10,363 - - 3,980 6,961 21,915 15,331
Miscellaneous Income 174,260 16,240 296,820 32,507 1,405 713 190 3,082 9,343 796
Profit/(Loss) excluding inter scheme 7,336 580 88,600 8,218 5,766 2,231 (5,114) 7,985 22,657 (23,523)
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Profit/(Loss) on inter fund transfer/sale of investment 108 9 (397) - (294) (107) 33,373 35,487 105,356 112,194
Unrealised Gain/(Loss) - - 233,438 26,448 4,330 764 (7,781) (13,252) (32,514) (10,298)
Total Income (A) 255,503 23,315 751,661 78,427 37,658 10,278 24,648 40,263 126,949 94,527
Fund Administration Expenses - - 24,736 2,651 - - - - - -
Fund Management Expenses 25,139 2,283 123,676 13,254 8,709 1,865 5,384 9,317 35,760 25,131
Other charges F -5 149,113 1,470 435,560 53,532 4,690 1,550 4,916 7,776 26,236 19,674
Total Expenses (B) 174,252 3,753 583,972 69,437 13,399 3,415 10,300 17,093 61,996 44,805
Net Income/(Loss) for the Year (A-B) 81,251 19,562 167,689 8,990 24,259 6,863 14,348 23,170 64,953 49,722
Add: Revenue Account at the beginning of the year (119,368) 40,962 (627,666) (48,338) 78,841 49,736 188,371 413,701 514,651 119,356
Fund Revenue Account at the end of the year (38,117) 60,524 (459,977) (39,348) 103,100 56,599 202,719 436,871 579,604 169,078
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-BS (UL)

FUND BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st MARCH 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Schedule Liquid Fund Liquid Max Gain Max Gain Premier Bond Premier Debt Premier Equity Premier Premier Premier Equity
Pension Fund Fund I Fund II Fund Fund Fund Equity Gain Equity Index Fund
Fund Growth
Policy Holder's Funds:
Policy Holders Contribution F -1 2,622,977 127,925 10,258,947 1,355,641 162,448 8,058 (2,576) (96,080) 455,772 552,451
Revenue Account (38,117) 60,524 (459,977) (39,348) 103,100 56,599 202,719 436,871 579,604 169,078
Total 2,584,860 188,449 9,798,970 1,316,293 265,548 64,657 200,143 340,791 1,035,376 721,529
Investments F -2 2,463,594 179,969 9,668,456 1,273,891 259,699 63,265 200,349 341,833 1,037,184 722,543
Current Assets F -3 122,206 12,786 198,167 42,640 8,451 1,649 836 245 747 3,025
Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions F -4 940 4,306 67,653 238 2,602 257 1,042 1,287 2,555 4,039
Net Current Assets 121,266 8,480 130,514 42,402 5,849 1,392 (206) (1,042) (1,808) (1,014)
Total 2,584,860 188,449 9,798,970 1,316,293 265,548 64,657 200,143 340,791 1,035,376 721,529
(a) Net Assets as per Balance Sheet (Rs. in thousands) 2,584,860 188,449 9,798,970 1,316,293 265,548 64,657 200,143 340,791 1,035,376 721,529
(b) Number of Units Outstanding (in thousands) 147,867 10,713 838,900 121,423 16,720 3,785 10,634 14,452 56,922 43,523
Net Asset Value per unit (a)/(b) (Rs.) 17.4810 17.5899 11.6807 10.8406 15.8822 17.0821 18.8206 23.5809 18.1892 16.5782

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-RA (UL)


Particulars Schedule Pure Equity Pure Stock Pure Stock Secure Fund Shield Plus Shield Plus Shield Plus Shield Plus Stable Fund Total
Fund Fund Pension Fund Fund I Fund II Fund III Fund IV
Interest Income - - - 99,681 216,589 57,832 89,395 12,584 39,266 3,789,022
Dividend Income 10,516 71,649 3,277 4,290 6,253 1,715 2,566 225 4,157 3,711,157
Miscellaneous Income 4,928 26,019 29 15,752 25,127 9,568 3,775 123 8,898 1,965,648
Profit/(Loss) excluding inter scheme 45,751 286,843 7,209 36,844 21,726 10,502 10,466 2,245 25,014 10,404,239
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Profit/(Loss) on inter fund transfer/sale of investment 24,630 91,963 (344) 16,493 3,681 384 1,671 104 12,389 13,278,696
Unrealised Gain/(Loss) (40,396) (132,534) 12,215 5,216 24,241 8,552 10,634 2,415 (241) (8,970,966)
Total Income (A) 45,429 343,940 22,386 178,276 297,617 88,553 118,507 17,696 89,483 24,177,796
Fund Administration Expenses - - - - - - - - - 162,596
Fund Management Expenses 9,429 55,772 3,778 18,521 40,867 11,370 16,082 2,118 9,341 3,925,738
Other charges F -5 35,145 231,931 2,781 5,458 79,857 21,193 27,950 3,222 1,875 10,843,401
Total Expenses (B) 44,574 287,703 6,559 23,979 120,724 32,563 44,032 5,340 11,216 14,931,735
Net Income/(Loss) for the Year (A-B) 855 56,237 15,827 154,297 176,893 55,990 74,475 12,356 78,267 9,246,061
Add: Revenue Account at the beginning of the year 286,404 261,894 20,259 224,706 226,472 47,040 57,797 4,858 459,999 39,649,401
Fund Revenue Account at the end of the year 287,259 318,131 36,086 379,003 403,365 103,030 132,272 17,214 538,266 48,895,462
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 | Form A-BS (UL)

FUND BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st MARCH 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Schedule Pure Equity Pure Stock Pure Stock Secure Fund Shield Plus Shield Plus Shield Plus Shield Plus Stable Fund Total
Fund Fund Pension Fund Fund I Fund II Fund III Fund IV
Policy Holder's Funds:
Policy Holders Contribution F -1 220,566 3,308,900 237,578 1,272,082 2,443,204 759,545 1,080,333 144,868 287,853 196,070,283
Revenue Account 287,259 318,131 36,086 379,003 403,365 103,030 132,272 17,214 538,266 48,895,462
Total 507,825 3,627,031 273,664 1,651,085 2,846,569 862,575 1,212,605 162,082 826,119 244,965,745
Investments F -2 509,425 3,608,927 236,309 1,579,561 2,636,677 788,664 1,118,993 150,060 812,941 241,938,624
Current Assets F -3 273 18,705 37,916 71,762 225,410 74,299 94,963 12,083 13,885 5,097,106
Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions F -4 1,873 601 561 238 15,518 388 1,351 61 707 2,069,985
Net Current Assets (1,600) 18,104 37,355 71,524 209,892 73,911 93,612 12,022 13,178 3,027,121
Total 507,825 3,627,031 273,664 1,651,085 2,846,569 862,575 1,212,605 162,082 826,119 244,965,745
(a) Net Assets as per Balance Sheet (Rs. in housands) 507,825 3,627,031 273,664 1,651,085 2,846,569 862,575 1,212,605 162,082 826,119 244,965,745
(b) Number of Units Outstanding (in thousands) 20,622 156,092 14,560 78,455 229,968 70,415 101,174 13,860 38,584
Net Asset Value per unit (a)/(b) (Rs.) 24.6256 23.2364 18.7953 21.0449 12.3781 12.2499 11.9854 11.6941 21.4106
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Accelerated Asset Allocation Fund Asset Allocation Assured Return Blue Chip Equity Bond Fund Bond Pension
Fund Fund II Pension Fund Fund Pension Fund Fund Fund Fund
Opening Balance 5,882,935 2,740,207 1,037,088 (3,414) 39,863,190 2,798,172 221,891 1,627,121 7,781,840 1,790,934
Add : Addition during the year 475,675 1,007,572 242,683 7,625 3,465,922 381,291 274,152 541,546 4,366,904 1,084,379
Less : Deduction during the year 2,824,347 239,401 332,961 4,578 13,733,945 1,147,581 80,766 183,950 4,025,913 1,262,769
Closing Balance 3,534,263 3,508,378 946,810 (367) 29,595,167 2,031,882 415,277 1,984,717 8,122,831 1,612,544
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Particulars Capital Capital Guarantee Capital Guarantee Capital Shield Capital Shield - II Cash Fund Cash Plus Fund Cash Plus Debt Fund Debt Plus Fund
Guarantee Fund - 2014 Fund - 2017 -I Pension Fund
Fund - 2012
Opening Balance 6,960 3,160 19,448 691,442 417,449 455,524 217,049 (294) 396,417 461,189
Add : Addition during the year - - - - - 117,902 159,148 7,047 107,022 330,919
Less : Deduction during the year 21,494 1,801 7,329 209,252 127,914 282,655 233,879 23,374 240,486 455,766
Closing Balance (14,534) 1,359 12,119 482,190 289,535 290,771 142,318 (16,621) 262,953 336,342

Particulars Debt Plus Equity Fund Equity Gain Fund Equity Growth Equity Growth Fund II Equity Growth Equity Index Fund Equity Index Equity Index Equity Index
Pension Fund Fund Pension Fund Fund - II Pension Fund Pension Fund - II
Opening Balance 25,697 560,281 2,242,424 59,989,476 4,588,083 2,253,423 498,762 81,745,744 (7,243) 6,144,346
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Add : Addition during the year 24,130 84,867 172,811 2,660,226 1,532,262 338,602 72,370 6,447,761 9,400 1,036,052
Less : Deduction during the year 47,194 828,488 1,929,336 24,462,096 639,362 1,680,736 513,926 26,324,035 30,575 3,183,587
Closing Balance 2,633 (183,340) 485,899 38,187,606 5,480,983 911,289 57,206 61,869,470 (28,418) 3,996,811

Particulars Equity Midcap Equity Midcap Equity Midcap Equity Plus Equity Plus Pension Group Asset Group Blue Chip Group Debt Group Equity Group Equity
Fund Pension Fund Plus Fund Fund Fund Allocation Fund Fund Fund Fund Index Fund
Opening Balance 109,661 (51,841) (534,785) 1,637,210 (231,698) 2,198,554 46,499 676,236 134,148 1,952,009
Add : Addition during the year 30,876 8,339 60,987 254,120 28,200 538,555 10,299 846,473 28,195 371,699
Less : Deduction during the year 294,043 36,050 432,378 2,887,442 161,668 208,513 509 272,321 7,028 227,602
Closing Balance (153,506) (79,552) (906,176) (996,112) (365,166) 2,528,596 56,289 1,250,388 155,315 2,096,106

Particulars Group Growth Group Liquid Fund Group Return Group Short Group Short Term Growth Plus Fund I Growth Plus Growth Plus Guaranteed Life Long Gain
Fund II Shield Fund Term Debt Debt Fund II Fund II Fund III Bond Fund Fund
Opening Balance 185,376 268,058 102,722 (13,718) 24,068 215,599 71,980 46,602 1,919,190 166,571
Add : Addition during the year 11,529 35,607 - 139,554 2,396 63 - 2,238 97,886 36,655
Less : Deduction during the year (1) 29,898 2,242 198,662 2,546 25,256 103 1,518 42,728 43,888

Closing Balance 196,906 273,767 100,480 (72,826) 23,918 190,406 71,877 47,322 1,974,348 159,338
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Liquid Fund Liquid Pension Max Gain Fund I Max Gain Premier Bond Fund Premier Debt Fund Premier Equity Premier Equity Premier Premier Equity
Fund Fund II Fund Gain Fund Equity Growth Index Fund
Opening Balance 2,765,414 215,353 9,477,130 967,822 272,807 53,172 81,381 71,169 997,223 932,076
Add : Addition during the year 839,513 140,123 2,172,158 542,956 74,695 21,054 6,760 12,335 20,713 32,450
Less : Deduction during the year 981,950 227,551 1,390,341 155,137 185,054 66,168 90,717 179,584 562,164 412,075
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Closing Balance 2,622,977 127,925 10,258,947 1,355,641 162,448 8,058 (2,576) (96,080) 455,772 552,451

Particulars Pure Equity Pure Stock Fund Pure Stock Secure Fund Shield Plus Fund I Shield Plus Fund II Shield Plus Shield Plus Stable Fund Total
Fund Pension Fund Fund III Fund IV
Opening Balance 435,488 4,112,851 238,625 1,221,208 2,721,275 764,626 1,094,898 145,903 248,697 260,188,860
Add : Addition during the year 21,321 494,445 56,478 201,331 113 - 48 522 78,386 32,167,340
Less : Deduction during the year 236,243 1,298,396 57,525 150,457 278,184 5,081 14,613 1,557 39,230 96,285,917
Closing Balance 220,566 3,308,900 237,578 1,272,082 2,443,204 759,545 1,080,333 144,868 287,853 196,070,283
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Accelerated Fund Asset Allocation Asset Allocation Assured Return Blue Chip Bond Fund Bond Pension
Fund Fund II Pension Fund Fund Pension Fund Fund Equity Fund Fund
Government Bonds - - - 9,620 3,376,923 505,061 83,156 - 4,508,727 1,311,019
Corporate Bonds - - - 2,065 1,386,506 109,913 33,444 - 1,278,662 357,738
Infrastructure Bonds - - - 3,007 3,045,184 198,514 136,200 - 1,151,578 240,307
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Equity 4,338,832 2,286,498 792,756 8,583 16,727,704 1,397,585 - 1,642,098 - -


Money Market 410,650 293,387 113,082 2,766 1,116,318 164,990 16,351 193,509 148,309 9,641
Bank Fixed Deposits 1,500 900 - - 834,160 87,500 80,600 700 875,090 114,950
Equity Linked Debenture - - - - 649,711 - - - - -
Total 4,750,982 2,580,785 905,838 26,041 27,136,506 2,463,563 349,751 1,836,307 7,962,366 2,033,655

Corporate Bonds - - - - 1,202,085 - 18,365 - 480,874 20,340

Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Equity 856,928 490,863 177,367 2,389 781,278 88,129 - 93,110 - -
Money Market - - - - - - - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Venture Cap Fund - - - - 37,424 - - - - -

Total 856,928 490,863 177,367 2,389 2,020,787 88,129 18,365 93,110 480,874 20,340
Grand Total 5,607,910 3,071,648 1,083,205 28,430 29,157,293 2,551,692 368,116 1,929,417 8,443,240 2,053,995
% of Approved to Total 84.72% 84.02% 83.63% 91.60% 93.07% 96.55% 95.01% 95.17% 94.30% 99.01%
% of Other than Approved to Total 15.28% 15.98% 16.37% 8.40% 6.93% 3.45% 4.99% 4.83% 5.70% 0.99%

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Capital Capital Capital Capital Shield - I Capital Shield - II Cash Fund Cash Plus Fund Cash Plus Debt Fund Debt Plus Fund
Guarantee Guarantee Fund Guarantee Fund Pension Fund
Fund - 2012 - 2014 - 2017
Government Bonds - 1,120 9,348 - - - - - 426,296 617,411
Corporate Bonds - - - 135,948 - - - - 130,425 150,552
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Infrastructure Bonds - - 5,356 374,560 - - - - 102,780 135,930

Equity - 797 7,794 70,717 - - - - - -
Money Market - 92 96 5,997 4,700 418,304 592,685 19,642 2,795 19,365
Bank Fixed Deposits - 400 - 98,105 - 188,350 256,600 10,200 - 27,500
Equity Linked Debenture - - - - 493,344 - - - - -
Total - 2,409 22,594 685,327 498,044 606,654 849,285 29,842 662,296 950,758

Corporate Bonds - - - 38,948 - - - - 10,170 10,170

Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Equity - 23 231 9,197 - - - - - -
Money Market - - - - - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Venture Cap Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Total - 23 231 48,145 - - - - 10,170 10,170
Grand Total - 2,432 22,825 733,472 498,044 606,654 849,285 29,842 672,466 960,928
% of Approved to Total 100.00% 99.06% 98.99% 93.44% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 98.49% 98.94%
% of Other than Approved to Total 0.00% 0.94% 1.01% 6.56% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.51% 1.06%
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Debt Plus Equity Fund Equity Gain Fund Equity Growth Equity Growth Equity Growth Equity Index Equity Index Equity Index Equity Index
Pension Fund Fund Fund II Pension Fund Fund Fund - II Pension Fund Pension Fund - II
Government Bonds 55,119 - - - - - - - - -
Corporate Bonds 5,844 - - - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Equity - 2,230,670 3,824,059 47,203,887 4,898,724 2,236,547 1,141,534 59,466,278 81,653 4,954,901

Money Market 11,597 47,968 77,527 1,905,686 475,995 135,217 25,493 704,792 2,898 91,292
Bank Fixed Deposits - - 8,920 474,850 12,250 - - 12,950 - -
Equity Linked Debenture - - - - - - - - - -
Total 72,560 2,278,638 3,910,506 49,584,423 5,386,969 2,371,764 1,167,027 60,184,020 84,551 5,046,193

Corporate Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Equity - 68,220 802,677 3,962,245 453,890 206,886 34,834 2,008,447 2,533 153,366
Money Market - - - - - - - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Venture Cap Fund - - - - - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Total - 68,220 802,677 3,962,245 453,890 206,886 34,834 2,008,447 2,533 153,366
Grand Total 72,560 2,346,858 4,713,183 53,546,668 5,840,859 2,578,650 1,201,861 62,192,467 87,084 5,199,559
% of Approved to Total 100.00% 97.09% 82.97% 92.60% 92.23% 91.98% 97.10% 96.77% 97.09% 97.05%
% of Other than Approved to Total 0.00% 2.91% 17.03% 7.40% 7.77% 8.02% 2.90% 3.23% 2.91% 2.95%

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Equity Equity Midcap Equity Midcap Equity Plus Equity Plus Pension Group Asset Group Blue Chip Group Debt Group Equity Group Equity
Midcap Fund Pension Fund Plus Fund Fund Fund Allocation Fund Fund Fund Fund Index Fund
Government Bonds - - - - - 204,848 - 741,975 - -
Corporate Bonds - - - - - 24,488 - 163,692 - -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - 466,808 - 219,645 - -


Equity 506,962 41,774 801,211 5,556,102 325,930 1,310,668 49,020 - 136,699 1,841,534
Money Market 51,379 5,301 73,058 139,181 24,235 80,482 8,625 176,797 17,331 52,463
Bank Fixed Deposits 10,750 300 - - 900 297,200 - 41,800 - -
Equity Linked Debenture - - - - - - - - - -
Total 569,091 47,375 874,269 5,695,283 351,065 2,384,494 57,645 1,343,909 154,030 1,893,997

Corporate Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Equity 112,717 9,004 179,185 716,284 30,163 83,022 2,204 - 12,667 57,118
Money Market - - - - - - - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Venture Cap Fund - - - - - - - - - -

Total 112,717 9,004 179,185 716,284 30,163 83,022 2,204 - 12,667 57,118
Grand Total 681,808 56,379 1,053,454 6,411,567 381,228 2,467,516 59,849 1,343,909 166,697 1,951,115
% of Approved to Total 83.47% 84.03% 82.99% 88.83% 92.09% 96.64% 96.32% 100.00% 92.40% 97.07%
% of Other than Approved to Total 16.53% 15.97% 17.01% 11.17% 7.91% 3.36% 3.68% 0.00% 7.60% 2.93%
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Group Group Liquid Fund Group Return Group Short Group Short Term Growth Plus Fund I Growth Plus Growth Plus Guaranteed Bond Life Long
Growth Shield Fund Term Debt Debt Fund II Fund II Fund III Fund Gain Fund
Fund II Fund
Government Bonds - - - 8,529 18,077 - - - 434,612 146,532
Corporate Bonds - - 8,214 2,012 - 20,120 - - 151,916 17,896
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Infrastructure Bonds 77,632 - 48,178 10,946 1,017 126,548 - - 765,607 45,324

Equity - - 11,134 - - - - 44,578 - -
Money Market 16,267 280,626 50 301 4,945 10,554 3,499 4,510 18,562 13,254
Bank Fixed Deposits 90,300 67,335 31,350 6,700 500 51,200 - - 589,800 2,500
Equity Linked Debenture - - - - - - 58,602 - - -
Total 184,199 347,961 98,926 28,488 24,539 208,422 62,101 49,088 1,960,497 225,506

Corporate Bonds 18,285 - - - - - - - 47,825 -

Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Equity - - 2,153 - - - - 4,129 - -
Money Market - - - - - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Venture Cap Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Total 18,285 - 2,153 - - - - 4,129 47,825 -
Grand Total 202,484 347,961 101,079 28,488 24,539 208,422 62,101 53,217 2,008,322 225,506
% of Approved to Total 90.97% 100.00% 97.87% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 92.24% 97.62% 100.00%
% of Other than Approved to Total 9.03% 0.00% 2.13% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 7.76% 2.38% 0.00%

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Liquid Fund Liquid Pension Max Gain Fund I Max Gain Fund II Premier Bond Premier Debt Fund Premier Equity Premier Equity Premier Equity Premier Equity
Fund Fund Fund Gain Fund Growth Fund Index Fund
Government Bonds - - - - 188,997 44,347 - - - -
Corporate Bonds - - 9,047 - 55,412 14,576 - - - -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Infrastructure Bonds - - 140,308 - 15,090 1,017 - - - -


Equity - - 8,150,505 900,088 - - 190,647 291,888 891,434 690,546

Money Market 1,498,944 124,919 608,917 306,721 200 3,325 3,895 22,942 63,297 11,111
Bank Fixed Deposits 964,650 55,050 423,190 40,500 - - - - - -
Equity Linked Debenture - - - - - - - - - -
Total 2,463,594 179,969 9,331,967 1,247,309 259,699 63,265 194,542 314,830 954,731 701,657

Corporate Bonds - - 79,017 - - - - - - -

Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Equity - - 257,472 26,582 - - 5,807 27,003 82,453 20,886
Money Market - - - - - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Venture Cap Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Total - - 336,489 26,582 - - 5,807 27,003 82,453 20,886
Grand Total 2,463,594 179,969 9,668,456 1,273,891 259,699 63,265 200,349 341,833 1,037,184 722,543
% of Approved to Total 100.00% 100.00% 96.52% 97.91% 100.00% 100.00% 97.10% 92.10% 92.05% 97.11%
% of Other than Approved to Total 0.00% 0.00% 3.48% 2.09% 0.00% 0.00% 2.90% 7.90% 7.95% 2.89%
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Pure Equity Pure Stock Fund Pure Stock Secure Fund Shield Plus Fund I Shield Plus Fund II Shield Plus Shield Plus Stable Fund Total
Fund Pension Fund Fund III Fund IV
Government Bonds - - - 829,865 99,584 7,135 7,135 9,174 392,109 14,036,719
Corporate Bonds - - - 180,132 55,740 61,208 60,823 14,295 52,722 4,483,390
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Infrastructure Bonds - - - 114,704 1,043,947 291,416 570,926 81,422 63,275 9,477,226


Equity 429,472 3,030,114 219,410 187,212 312,338 79,747 136,330 9,365 167,814 179,624,139
Money Market 43,495 321,652 - 147,410 1,100 9,095 12,494 100 48,440 11,220,621
Bank Fixed Deposits - - - 23,000 861,900 249,950 287,000 33,100 - 7,214,500
Equity Linked Debenture - - - - - - - - - 1,201,657
Total 472,967 3,351,766 219,410 1,482,323 2,374,609 698,551 1,074,708 147,456 724,360 227,258,252

Corporate Bonds - - - 49,767 225,832 74,836 23,913 - 41,112 2,341,541

Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Equity 36,458 257,161 16,899 47,471 36,236 15,277 20,372 2,604 47,469 12,301,407
Money Market - - - - - - - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Venture Cap Fund - - - - - - - - - 37,424

Total 36,458 257,161 16,899 97,238 262,068 90,113 44,285 2,604 88,581 14,680,372
Grand Total 509,425 3,608,927 236,309 1,579,561 2,636,677 788,664 1,118,993 150,060 812,941 241,938,624
% of Approved to Total 92.84% 92.87% 92.85% 93.84% 90.06% 88.57% 96.04% 98.26% 89.10% 93.93%
% of Other than Approved to Total 7.16% 7.13% 7.15% 6.16% 9.94% 11.43% 3.96% 1.74% 10.90% 6.07%

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Pension Accelerated Asset Allocation Asset Allocation Pension Assured Blue Chip Bond Fund Bond Pension
Fund Fund II Fund Fund Fund Fund Return Fund Equity Fund Fund
Accured Interest 347 449 - 555 444,249 41,303 21,752 349 417,778 82,332
Bank Balance 2,290 16,692 - 682 - - 7,428 11,108 8,305 -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Dividend Receivable - - - 9 13,880 1,158 - 883 - -


Margin Receivable - - - - 4,282 - - - - -

Receivables for Sale of Investments 91,413 324 - - 443,732 - - 43,641 - -
Unit Collection Account - 25,276 856 - - - 16,778 32,141 199,721 -
Total 94,050 42,741 856 1,246 906,143 42,461 45,958 88,122 625,804 82,332

Particulars Capital Capital Capital Guarantee Capital Shield - I Capital Shield - II Cash Fund Cash Plus Fund Cash Plus Debt Fund Debt Plus
Guarantee Guarantee Fund - 2017 Pension Fund Fund
Fund - 2012 Fund - 2014
Accured Interest - 247 356 68,912 34,180 9,304 17,917 2,493 21,745 38,969
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Bank Balance - 62 153 - 221 193 928 71 - 966

Dividend Receivable - - 5 55 - - - - - -
Margin Receivable - - - - - - - - - -
Receivables for Sale of Investments - - - - - - - - - -
Unit Collection Account - - - - - 8,352 4,966 15 4,316 6,116
Total - 309 514 68,967 34,401 17,849 23,811 2,579 26,061 46,051

Particulars Debt Plus Equity Fund Equity Gain Fund Equity Growth Equity Growth Equity Growth Pension Equity Index Equity Index Equity Index Equity Index
Pension Fund Fund Fund II Fund Fund Fund - II Pension Fund Pension Fund
- II
Accured Interest 1,735 - 4,449 75,994 3,050 - - 5,893 - -
Bank Balance 41 426 1,460 - 15,381 - - - - -
Dividend Receivable - 1,416 1,000 42,361 4,111 1,874 724 35,773 52 3,215
Margin Receivable - - 6,061 35,704 - - - 18,712 - -
Receivables for Sale of Investments - 8,385 32,981 470,070 - - 4,290 521,359 311 -
Unit Collection Account 74 1,216 - - 46,782 - 1,584 - 141 -
Total 1,850 11,443 45,951 624,129 69,324 1,874 6,598 581,737 504 3,215
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Equity Midcap Equity Equity Midcap Plus Equity Plus Equity Plus Pension Group Asset Allocation Group Blue Group Debt Group Equity Group Equity
Fund Midcap Fund Fund Fund Fund Chip Fund Fund Fund Index Fund
Accured Interest 5,362 161 - - 460 87,868 - 43,930 - -
Bank Balance 646 - 750 1,729 - 8,196 246 5,393 504 10,975
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Dividend Receivable - - - 2,709 273 1,008 27 - 115 1,154


Margin Receivable - - - 2,016 - - - - - -

Receivables for Sale of Investments - - 2,732 - - - 1,423 - - 6,949
Unit Collection Account 108 2,031 822 4,317 148 21,323 235 254,342 1,281 3,732
Total 6,116 2,192 4,304 10,771 881 118,395 1,931 303,665 1,900 22,810

Particulars Group Growth Group Group Return Shield Group Short Group Short Term Growth Plus Fund I Growth Plus Growth Plus Guaranteed Life Long Gain
Fund II Liquid Fund Fund Term Debt Fund Debt Fund II Fund II Fund III Bond Fund Fund
Accured Interest 19,572 8,768 9,379 2,333 263 14,949 - - 115,747 6,643
Bank Balance 58 677 61 - 64 412 6 111 4,518 1,689
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Dividend Receivable - - 8 - - - - 37 - -
Margin Receivable - - - - - - - - - -
Receivables for Sale of Investments - - - - - - - - - -
Unit Collection Account - 871 - - 724 - - - - 323
Total 19,630 10,316 9,448 2,333 1,051 15,361 6 148 120,265 8,655

Particulars Liquid Fund Liquid Max Gain Fund I Max Gain Premier Bond Fund Premier Debt Fund Premier Equity Premier Premier Premier
Pension Fund II Fund Equity Gain Equity Equity Index
Fund Fund Growth Fund Fund
Accured Interest 106,432 12,786 96,878 9,197 8,451 1,649 - - - -
Bank Balance - - 96,270 18,017 - - - - - -
Dividend Receivable - - 5,019 565 - - 121 245 747 440
Margin Receivable - - - - - - - - - -
Receivables for Sale of Investments - - - - - - 715 - - 2,585
Unit Collection Account 15,774 - - 14,861 - - - - - -
Total 122,206 12,786 198,167 42,640 8,451 1,649 836 245 747 3,025

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Pure Equity Pure Stock Pure stock Pension Secure Fund Shield Plus Fund I Shield Plus Fund II Shield Plus Shield Plus Stable Fund Total
Fund Fund Fund Fund III Fund IV
Accured Interest - - - 33,863 223,106 68,002 94,874 12,007 13,635 2,290,673
Bank Balance - 7,877 36,360 79 2,087 6,237 - 68 73 269,510
Dividend Receivable 273 1,927 - 195 217 60 89 8 177 121,930
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Margin Receivable - - - - - - - - - 66,775

Receivables for Sale of Investments - - 1,556 - - - - - - 1,632,466
Unit Collection Account - 8,901 - 37,625 - - - - - 715,752
Total 273 18,705 37,916 71,762 225,410 74,299 94,963 12,083 13,885 5,097,106
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Pension Accelerated Asset Allocation Asset Allocation Pension Assured Return Blue Chip Bond Fund Bond Pension
Fund Fund II Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Equity Fund Fund
Payable for purchase of Investments - - - - 52,396 - - 23,871 - -
Other Current Liabilities: 1,228 511 454 4 27,342 14,718 60 301 1,036 253
Unit Payable A/c 7,642 - - 196 299,101 2,543 - - - 2,284
Total 8,870 511 454 200 378,839 17,261 60 24,172 1,036 2,537
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Particulars Capital Capital Capital Guarantee Capital Shield - I Capital Shield - II Cash Fund Cash Plus Fund Cash Plus Debt Fund Debt Plus Fund
Guarantee Guarantee Fund - 2017 Pension Fund
Fund - 2012 Fund - 2014
Payable for purchase of Investments - - - - - - - - - -
Other Current Liabilities: - - 4 499 212 171 75 3 265 86
Unit Payable A/c - 1 5 1,031 192 - - - - -
Total - 1 9 1,530 404 171 75 3 265 86

Particulars Debt Plus Equity Fund Equity Gain Fund Equity Growth Equity Growth Equity Growth Pension Equity Index Equity Index Equity Index Equity Index
Pension Fund Fund II Fund Fund Fund - II Pension Fund Pension Fund
Fund - II
Payable for purchase of Investments - 7,165 38,290 690,578 - - 3,653 274,474 281 -
Other Current Liabilities: 6 651 1,598 41,213 973 27,985 632 55,011 199 14,278
Unit Payable A/c - - 101 109,214 - 797 - 224,797 - 7,948
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Total 6 7,816 39,989 841,005 973 28,782 4,285 554,282 480 22,226

Particulars Equity Equity Equity Midcap Plus Equity Plus Fund Equity Plus Pension Group Asset Allocation Group Blue Group Debt Group Equity Group Equity
Midcap Midcap Fund Fund Fund Chip Fund Fund Fund Index Fund
Fund Pension Fund
Payable for purchase of Investments - - - 8,980 - - 1,327 - - 5,947
Other Current Liabilities: 233 1,099 195 1,183 4,684 394 10 171 28 361
Unit Payable A/c - - - - - - - - - -
Total 233 1,099 195 10,163 4,684 394 1,337 171 28 6,308

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Group Group Liquid Group Return Shield Group Short Group Short Term Growth Plus Fund I Growth Plus Growth Plus Guaranteed Life Long Gain
Growth Fund Fund Term Debt Fund Debt Fund II Fund II Fund III Bond Fund Fund
Fund II
Payable for purchase of Investments - - - - - - - - - -
Other Current Liabilities: 27 31 17 30 3 37 10 9 262 65
Unit Payable A/c 138 - 13 12 - 1,620 16 19 519 -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Total 165 31 30 42 3 1,657 26 28 781 65


Particulars Liquid Fund Liquid Max Gain Fund I Max Gain Premier Bond Fund Premier Debt Fund Premier Equity Premier Premier Premier Equity
Pension Fund Fund II Fund Equity Gain Equity Growth Index Fund
Fund Fund
Payable for purchase of Investments - - - - - - 609 - - 2,201
Other Current Liabilities: 940 1,223 1,809 238 2,216 223 394 1,197 1,524 712
Unit Payable A/c - 3,083 65,844 - 386 34 39 90 1,031 1,126
Total 940 4,306 67,653 238 2,602 257 1,042 1,287 2,555 4,039

Particulars Pure Equity Pure Stock Pure Stock Pension Secure Fund Shield Plus Fund I Shield Plus Fund II Shield Plus Shield Plus Stable Fund Total
Fund Fund Fund Fund III Fund IV
Payable for purchase of Investments - - - - - - - - - 1,109,772
Other Current Liabilities: 1,634 601 46 238 477 143 379 27 122 212,760
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Unit Payable A/c 239 - 515 - 15,041 245 972 34 585 747,453
Total 1,873 601 561 238 15,518 388 1,351 61 707 2,069,985
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Pension Accelerated Fund Asset Allocation Asset Allocation Pension Assured Blue Chip Bond Fund Bond Pension
Fund Fund II Fund Fund Fund Return Fund Equity Fund Fund
Policy Administration Charge 131,902 74,786 7,971 25 1,192,321 20,187 - 23,580 155,974 5,768
Surrender Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Switching Charge 33 - 2 - 5 1 - - 167 31
Mortality Charge 71,796 27,377 1,058 127 352,757 3,915 14,737 14,777 89,806 674
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Rider Premium Charge 12,189 881 83 - 52,044 198 487 498 15,060 34
Partial Withdrawal Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Miscellaneous Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Service Tax Expenses 44,019 23,052 3,819 59 268,472 9,698 6,785 11,847 57,856 4,379
Total 259,939 126,096 12,933 211 1,865,599 33,999 22,009 50,702 318,863 10,886

Particulars Capital Capital Capital Guarantee Capital Shield - I Capital Shield - II Cash Fund Cash Plus Fund Cash Plus Debt Fund Debt Plus
Guarantee Guarantee Fund - 2017 Pension Fund Fund
Fund - 2012 Fund - 2014
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Policy Administration Charge 86 62 478 - - - 2,212 141 1 3,723

Surrender Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Switching Charge - - - - - 19 38 1 33 57
Mortality Charge 113 77 350 - - 8,647 5,256 44 7,361 6,402
Rider Premium Charge - - - - - 2,315 571 8 1,342 919
Partial Withdrawal Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Miscellaneous Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Service Tax Expenses 37 23 141 2,992 2,336 3,268 1,999 73 3,138 2,656
Total 236 162 969 2,992 2,336 14,249 10,076 267 11,875 13,757

Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Debt Plus Equity Fund Equity Gain Fund Equity Growth Equity Growth Equity Growth Pension Equity Index Equity Index Equity Index Equity Index
Pension Fund Fund Fund II Fund Fund Fund - II Pension Fund Pension Fund
- II
Policy Administration Charge 280 3 - 1,205,440 124,116 21,141 8,534 2,109,810 412 52,811
Surrender Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Switching Charge 1 12 37 39 - 5 32 163 - 28
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Mortality Charge 116 26,465 56,267 697,808 37,772 1,743 10,594 927,882 154 5,226
Rider Premium Charge 30 5,920 9,147 111,521 1,003 75 1,719 140,471 58 285
Partial Withdrawal Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Miscellaneous Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Service Tax Expenses 171 11,455 27,027 398,215 36,382 9,188 4,660 526,722 217 19,283
Total 598 43,855 92,478 2,413,023 199,273 32,152 25,539 3,705,048 841 77,633

Particulars Equity Midcap Equity Equity Midcap Plus Equity Plus Fund Equity Plus Group Asset Allocation Group Blue Group Debt Group Equity Group Equity
Fund Midcap Fund Pension Fund Fund Chip Fund Fund Fund Index Fund
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Policy Administration Charge - 215 4,375 29,833 1,473 8,189 - 793 - 9,861
Surrender Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Switching Charge 6 - 62 50 8 - - - - -
Mortality Charge 8,370 50 7,086 50,712 396 46,409 301 11,727 896 43,049
Rider Premium Charge 1,847 10 1,507 8,122 125 258 - 4 - 560
Partial Withdrawal Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Miscellaneous Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Service Tax Expenses 4,249 187 4,193 25,600 1,093 15,323 338 7,298 786 12,100
Total 14,472 462 17,223 114,317 3,095 70,179 639 19,822 1,682 65,570
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix II Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Schedules to Fund Revenue Account as at 31st March 2013 (Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Group Growth Group Group Return Shield Group Short Term Group Short Term Growth Plus Fund I Growth Plus Growth Plus Guaranteed Life Long Gain
Fund II Liquid Fund Fund Debt Fund Debt Fund II Fund II Fund III Bond Fund Fund
Policy Administration Charge 4 290 - 44 1 4,413 1,440 935 32,044 -
Surrender Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Switching Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Mortality Charge 286 2,785 777 330 163 705 293 189 15,653 449
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Rider Premium Charge - 5 - - - - - 6 - 26


Partial Withdrawal Charge - - - - - - - - - -

Miscellaneous Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Service Tax Expenses 314 991 267 126 82 1,017 317 223 8,525 715
Total 604 4,071 1,044 500 246 6,135 2,050 1,353 56,222 1,190

Particulars Liquid Fund Liquid Max Gain Fund I Max Gain Fund II Premier Bond Premier Debt Fund Premier Equity Premier Premier Premier
Pension Fund Fund Equity Gain Equity Equity Index
Fund Fund Growth Fund Fund
Policy Administration Charge 80,965 864 284,026 15,949 1,843 815 2,368 4,083 11,097 8,121
Surrender Charge - - - - - - - - - -
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Switching Charge 57 3 - - 10 4 1 3 3 9
Mortality Charge 37,174 85 81,074 27,922 1,367 356 1,418 1,812 8,340 6,657
Rider Premium Charge 9,557 7 947 - - - - - - -
Partial Withdrawal Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Miscellaneous Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Service Tax Expenses 21,360 511 69,513 9,661 1,470 375 1,129 1,878 6,796 4,887
Total 149,113 1,470 435,560 53,532 4,690 1,550 4,916 7,776 26,236 19,674

Particulars Pure Equity Pure Stock Pure stock Pension Secure Fund Shield Plus Fund I Shield Plus Fund II Shield Plus Shield Plus Stable Fund Total
Fund Fund Fund Fund III Fund IV
Policy Administration Charge 20,127 135,975 1,673 (56) 56,019 15,598 18,744 2,070 77 5,896,032
Surrender Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Switching Charge 1 7 - - - - - - - 928
Mortality Charge 9,172 56,965 166 2,814 10,697 2,054 4,319 543 535 2,813,397
Rider Premium Charge 830 5,394 21 - - - 117 26 - 386,227
Partial Withdrawal Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Miscellaneous Charge - - - - - - - - - -
Service Tax Expenses 5,015 33,590 921 2,700 13,141 3,541 4,770 583 1,263 1,746,817
Total 35,145 231,931 2,781 5,458 79,857 21,193 27,950 3,222 1,875 10,843,401

Annual Report 2013-2014
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Schedules forming part of financial statements for year ended 31st March 2014
Appendix III refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Disclosure for Unit Linked Business as per Unit Linked Disclosure Norms:
I. Performance of Fund: Refer Enclosure “A”

II. Investment Management

i) Activities outsourced: Nil.

ii) Fess paid for various activities charged to Policyholders’ account: Refer Enclosure “B”.

iii) Basis of Payment of Fees: Refer Enclosure “B”.

III. Related party transactions

i) During the year details of payments and receipts made to/from related parties - Refer Enclosure “C”.

ii) Company wise details of investments held in the promoter group - Refer Enclosure “D”.

IV. Industry wise Disclosure of Investment Refer Enclosure “E”.

V. Unclaimed redemption of Units: Nil

VI. Highest, Lowest and Closing NAV at the end of the year: Refer Enclosure “F”.

VII. Expenses Charged to Fund (percentage basis):

i) Annualized expense ratio to average daily assets of the Fund: Refer Enclosure “G”

VIII. Ratio of Gross income to average daily net assets: Refer Enclosure “H”

IX. Provision for doubtful debts on assets of the respective Fund. - Nil

X. Disclosure of appreciation and/or depreciation in value of investments: Refer Enclosure “I”

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure A : Performance of Fund (Absolute Growth %)
Fund Names Date of Current 2012-13 2011-12 Since Fund Names Date of Current 2012-13 2011-12 Since
Inception Year (%) (%) Inception Inception Year (%) (%) Inception
2013-14 (%) 2013- (%)
(%) 14 (%)
Acc Mid Cap Fund 24-Jul-06 23.44 (2.45) (5.07) 142.38 Group Balanced
30-Aug-13 0.01 - - 0.01
Gain Fund
Acc Mid Cap Fund II 06-Jan-10 23.23 (1.21) (4.23) 36.41
Group Blue Chip
Acc Mid Cap 18-Apr-11 19.18 7.63 (0.95) 27.05
24-Jul-06 24.97 (2.03) (3.54) 159.58 Fund
Pension Fund
Group Debt Fund 26-Mar-08 4.93 11.07 8.44 69.15
Accelerated Fund 18-Nov-04 14.94 9.48 3.86 226.86
Group Debt Fund II 30-Aug-13 3.58 - - 3.58
Asset Allocation
28-Sep-07 17.43 5.76 1.64 69.06
Fund Group Equity Fund 18-Apr-11 18.45 8.76 1.94 31.33
Asset Allocation Group Equity Index
29-Mar-14 - - - - 22-Feb-10 18.97 7.77 (9.75) 27.71
Fund II Fund
Asset Allocation Group Growth
28-Jan-08 16.53 6.44 2.09 58.83 11-May-11 7.71 9.32 5.71 24.47
Pension Fund Fund II
Assured Return Group Liquid Fund 03-Nov-08 8.76 9.37 9.14 63.05
27-Jan-11 4.31 10.27 5.13 23.15
Group Liquid Fund II 30-Aug-13 (0.00) - - (0.00)
Blue Chip Equity
26-Oct-10 19.59 7.09 (3.39) 17.28 Group Return Shield
Fund 21-Jun-11 8.44 8.12 4.97 23.06
Bond Fund 10-Jul-06 5.00 11.27 7.68 89.02
Group Short Term
Bond Pension Fund 24-Jul-06 5.34 11.29 8.15 94.61 28-Feb-09 5.11 10.54 6.34 44.57
Debt Fund
Capital Guarantee Group Short Term
11-Jan-07 - 5.02 (3.53) 37.67 18-Apr-11 4.33 8.97 4.59 18.91
Fund- 2012* Debt Fund II
Capital Guarantee Group Short Term
11-Jan-07 8.14 6.80 1.20 59.33 30-Aug-13 1.24 - - 1.24
Fund- 2014 Debt Fund III
Capital Guarantee Growth Plus Fund I 14-Jan-10 5.46 9.99 5.98 30.84
11-Jan-07 10.57 8.44 (1.85) 68.82
Fund- 2017
Growth Plus Fund II 10-May-10 21.63 10.17 (2.60) 15.30
Capital Shield - I 24-Nov-08 9.37 6.54 5.34 58.54
Growth Plus Fund III 26-Oct-10 24.37 8.58 2.83 49.25
Capital Shield - II 24-Nov-08 (4.65) 8.17 (3.44) 46.90
Guaranteed Bond
Cash Fund 15-Jan-04 6.90 7.48 7.30 84.57 05-Dec-11 5.30 10.81 2.16 19.20
Cash Plus Fund 23-Jul-04 8.80 9.28 9.08 114.02 Life Long Gain Fund 23-Jul-04 0.74 8.99 4.60 51.77
Cash Plus Pension Liquid Fund 10-Jul-06 8.59 8.98 8.78 89.83
18-Nov-04 9.03 9.44 9.18 116.16
Liquid Pension Fund 24-Jul-06 8.59 9.02 8.85 91.00
Debt Fund 15-Jan-04 3.33 9.71 6.43 75.15
Max Gain Fund I 17-Dec-09 16.75 5.86 (2.26) 36.38
Debt Plus Fund 23-Jul-04 5.43 11.45 8.05 104.74
Max Gain Fund II 14-Sep-10 15.93 6.94 (3.51) 25.68
Debt Plus Pension
18-Nov-04 5.81 11.41 9.18 113.61 Premier Bond Fund 21-Jul-06 3.36 9.04 5.73 64.17
Equity Fund 15-Jan-04 18.10 7.17 (9.83) 201.44 Premier Debt Fund 17-Dec-05 4.36 10.10 6.40 78.28

Equity Gain Fund 23-Jul-04 23.81 4.41 (3.96) 347.45 Premier Equity Fund 17-Dec-05 18.46 7.48 (9.73) 122.94

Equity Growth Fund 24-Jul-06 22.55 7.45 (0.34) 122.22 Premier Equity Gain
17-Dec-05 18.15 7.19 2.06 178.61
Equity Growth
06-Jan-10 23.58 8.09 2.37 68.90 Premier Equity
Fund II 24-Jul-06 17.74 6.37 1.59 114.16
Growth Fund
Equity Growth
24-Jul-06 23.26 8.03 2.36 150.27 Premier Equity
Pension Fund 24-Jul-06 16.94 6.68 (10.26) 93.86
Index Fund
Equity Index Fund 23-Jul-04 19.50 8.71 (8.74) 313.40
Pure Equity Fund 17-Dec-05 22.46 4.87 (0.04) 201.56
Equity Index
24-Jul-06 18.67 6.79 (9.26) 115.43 Pure Stock Fund 21-Jul-06 23.72 6.42 (0.51) 187.48
Fund - II
Equity Index Pure Stock Pension
18-Nov-04 19.84 8.58 (8.89) 265.97 17-Apr-08 19.08 6.17 (2.08) 123.81
Pension Fund Fund

Equity Index Secure Fund 15-Oct-04 10.45 10.71 5.61 132.44

24-Jul-06 19.01 8.30 (9.18) 114.83
Pension Fund - II Shield Plus Fund I 13-Jan-10 7.13 8.66 5.72 32.61
Equity Midcap Fund 09-Mar-05 18.36 (3.76) (4.48) 224.66 Shield Plus Fund II 10-May-10 8.58 9.46 5.80 33.01
Equity Midcap Shield Plus Fund III 11-Aug-10 8.10 8.86 6.46 29.57
09-Mar-05 23.66 (2.46) (3.25) 389.02
Pension Fund
Shield Plus Fund IV 20-Apr-11 7.23 10.29 6.03 25.39
Equity Midcap Plus
09-Mar-05 21.98 (2.30) (3.77) 330.78 Stable Fund 15-Sep-04 16.04 10.80 4.28 148.45
Equity Plus Fund 23-Jul-04 22.16 7.19 (0.56) 396.83 * Fund Closed on 28th Dec 2012

Equity Plus Pension

18-Nov-04 19.58 8.02 2.61 417.64
Group Asset
26-Feb-10 16.14 6.84 (0.49) 52.28
Allocation Fund
Group Asset 113
30-Aug-13 - - - -
Allocation Fund II
Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure B: Fees Charged to Policyholders’ Account
(Amount in Rs '000)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

Fund Fund Service Tax Policy Switching Mortality Rider Fund Fund Service Policy Switching Mortality Rider
Management Administration Administration Charge Charge Premium Management Administration Tax Administration Charge Charge Premium
Expenses Expenses Charge Charge Expenses Expenses Charge Charge
Acc Mid Cap Fund 86,691 - 29,207 76,843 29 57,407 9,052 129,718 - 44,019 131,902 33 71,796 12,189
Acc Mid Cap Fund II 40,633 - 18,667 63,174 - 29,384 922 39,998 - 23,052 74,786 - 27,377 881
Acc Mid Cap Pension Fund 13,094 - 2,661 5,810 4 947 98 16,589 - 3,819 7,971 2 1,058 83
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Accelerated Fund 532 - 87 50 - 127 - 320 - 59 25 - 127 -


Asset Allocation Fund 322,551 - 156,685 566,065 3 296,621 40,281 454,242 - 268,472 1,192,321 5 352,757 52,044
Asset Allocation Fund II - - 4 1 - 7 - - - - - - - -
Asset Allocation Pension Fund 27,614 - 6,298 13,555 - 3,096 161 37,947 - 9,698 20,187 1 3,915 198
Assured Return Fund 5,780 - 6,414 - - 20,259 569 3,489 - 6,785 - - 14,737 487
Blue Chip Equity Fund 26,614 - 10,696 24,065 - 17,172 533 21,914 - 11,847 23,580 - 14,777 498
Bond Fund 86,266 - 52,140 125,430 122 112,363 12,456 79,139 - 57,856 155,974 167 89,806 15,060
Bond Pension Fund 17,811 - 3,079 4,166 17 633 31 21,607 - 4,379 5,768 31 674 34
Capital Guarantee Fund- 2012* - - - - - - - 97 - 37 86 - 113 -
Capital Guarantee Fund- 2014 30 - 16 45 - 52 - 50 - 23 62 - 77 -
Capital Guarantee Fund- 2017 263 - 113 379 - 293 - 334 - 141 478 - 350 -
Capital Shield - I 16,916 - 2,091 - - - - 24,219 - 2,992 - - - -
Capital Shield - II 14,462 - 1,788 - - - - 18,908 - 2,336 - - - -
Cash Fund 5,813 7,266 2,851 - 111 7,509 2,851 6,917 8,647 3,268 - 19 8,647 2,315
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Cash Plus Fund 6,084 - 1,802 1,981 56 4,779 577 6,004 - 1,999 2,212 38 5,256 571
Cash Plus Pension Fund 255 - 54 114 - 37 7 262 - 73 141 1 44 8
Debt Fund 6,539 8,174 2,808 1 32 6,749 1,333 7,413 9,266 3,138 1 33 7,361 1,342
Debt Plus Fund 6,559 - 2,213 3,317 138 6,881 945 7,036 - 2,656 3,723 57 6,402 919
Debt Plus Pension Fund 506 - 117 228 2 97 28 585 - 171 280 1 116 30
Equity Fund 22,165 27,707 9,596 3 12 22,604 5,586 26,872 33,589 11,455 3 12 26,465 5,920
Equity Gain Fund 66,292 55,244 21,875 - 39 47,463 8,768 83,823 69,853 27,027 - 37 56,267 9,147
Equity Growth Fund 833,894 - 287,937 797,342 52 567,036 83,908 1,121,888 - 398,215 1,205,440 39 697,808 111,521
Equity Growth Fund II 75,580 - 30,019 98,101 - 41,086 1,064 73,705 - 36,382 124,116 - 37,772 1,003
Equity Growth Pension Fund 29,217 - 6,249 13,284 9 1,433 61 43,340 - 9,188 21,141 5 1,743 75
Equity Index Fund 11,165 - 3,952 7,518 36 10,051 1,636 13,979 - 4,660 8,534 32 10,594 1,719
Equity Index Fund - II 685,786 - 359,731 1,322,282 125 739,889 104,743 926,965 - 526,722 2,109,810 163 927,882 140,471
Equity Index Pension Fund 816 - 176 326 - 128 53 940 - 217 412 - 154 58
Equity Index Pension Fund - II 55,494 - 12,546 34,531 7 4,462 242 78,863 - 19,283 52,811 28 5,226 285
Equity Midcap Fund 9,258 7,715 3,166 - 17 7,026 1,772 13,203 11,003 4,249 - 6 8,370 1,847
Equity Midcap Pension Fund 740 - 121 161 4 45 8 1,078 - 187 215 - 50 10
Equity Midcap Plus Fund 14,307 - 3,235 3,534 70 6,344 1,457 20,029 - 4,193 4,375 62 7,086 1,507
Equity Plus Fund 87,710 - 20,414 23,222 38 44,172 7,749 114,420 - 25,600 29,833 50 50,712 8,122
Equity Plus Pension Fund 5,335 - 878 1,118 2 340 119 6,388 - 1,093 1,473 8 396 125
Group Asset Allocation Fund 32,922 - 14,109 7,549 - 43,835 314 29,338 - 15,323 8,189 - 46,409 258
Group Asset Allocation Fund II - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Group Balanced Gain Fund - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - -
Group Blue Chip Fund 926 - 517 - - 361 - 727 - 338 - - 301 -
Annual Report 2013-2014
Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Enclosure B: Fees Charged to Policyholders’ Account (Amount in Rs '000)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Fund Fund Service Tax Policy Switching Mortality Rider Fund Fund Service Policy Switching Mortality Rider
Management Administration Administration Charge Charge Premium Management Administration Tax Administration Charge Charge Premium
Expenses Expenses Charge Charge Expenses Expenses Charge Charge
Group Debt Fund 20,343 - 9,580 1,106 - 14,064 5 11,174 - 7,298 793 - 11,727 4
Group Debt Fund II 1,009 - 205 - - 405 - - - - - - - -
Group Equity Fund 2,497 - 1,060 - - 1,054 - 2,040 - 786 - - 896 -
Group Equity Index Fund 29,388 - 9,574 8,736 - 37,464 530 28,231 - 12,100 9,861 - 43,049 560
Group Growth Fund II 2,307 - 306 37 - 133 - 2,079 - 314 4 - 286 -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Group Liquid Fund 2,814 - 2,359 304 - 2,898 6 2,401 - 991 290 - 2,785 5

Group Liquid Fund II - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Group Return Shield Fund 1,420 - 265 - - 724 - 1,363 - 267 - - 777 -
Group Short Term Debt Fund 245 - 78 34 - 344 - 502 - 126 44 - 330 -
Group Short Term Debt Fund II 62 - 12 - - 24 - 217 - 82 1 - 163 -
Group Short Term Debt Fund III 5 - 3 - - 20 - - - - - - - -
Growth Plus Fund I 2,342 - 729 3,047 - 566 - 3,212 - 1,017 4,413 - 705 -
Growth Plus Fund II 825 - 298 1,313 - 275 - 838 - 317 1,440 - 293 -
Growth Plus Fund III 744 - 227 923 - 181 5 696 - 223 935 - 189 6
Guaranteed Bond Fund 21,608 - 6,604 31,739 - 686 - 20,562 - 8,525 32,044 - 15,653 -
Life Long Gain Fund 2,281 2,851 694 - - 344 - 2,281 2,851 715 - - 449 26
Liquid Fund 24,940 - 18,052 56,473 125 37,759 7,515 25,139 - 21,360 80,965 57 37,174 9,557
Liquid Pension Fund 2,419 - 441 722 12 101 10 2,283 - 511 864 3 85 7
Max Gain Fund I 113,686 22,738 43,413 185,096 - 28,857 761 123,676 24,736 69,513 284,026 - 81,074 947
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Max Gain Fund II 17,917 3,583 9,655 14,435 - 26,450 - 13,254 2,651 9,661 15,949 - 27,922 -
Premier Bond Fund 6,559 - 1,117 1,363 6 1,124 - 8,709 - 1,470 1,843 10 1,367 -
Premier Debt Fund 1,366 - 285 622 3 321 - 1,865 - 375 815 4 356 -
Premier Equity Fund 3,982 - 836 1,759 1 1,042 - 5,384 - 1,129 2,368 1 1,418 -
Premier Equity Gain Fund 6,806 - 1,399 3,019 1 1,512 - 9,317 - 1,878 4,083 3 1,812 -
Premier Equity Growth Fund 24,757 - 4,754 7,645 2 6,142 - 35,760 - 6,796 11,097 3 8,340 -
Premier Equity Index Fund 17,036 - 3,360 5,524 2 4,803 - 25,131 - 4,887 8,121 9 6,657 -
Pure Equity Fund 6,987 - 4,025 16,082 1 8,515 817 9,429 - 5,015 20,127 1 9,172 830
Pure Stock Fund 45,216 - 25,155 99,268 7 46,878 4,046 55,772 - 33,590 135,975 7 56,965 5,394
Pure Stock Pension Fund 3,386 - 660 1,242 - 165 20 3,778 - 921 1,673 - 166 21
Secure Fund 21,006 - 2,418 507 - 2,624 - 18,521 - 2,700 (56) - 2,814 -
Shield Plus Fund I 32,221 - 10,235 42,042 - 9,217 - 40,867 - 13,141 56,019 - 10,697 -
Shield Plus Fund II 10,363 - 3,178 13,716 - 1,946 - 11,370 - 3,541 15,598 - 2,054 -
Shield Plus Fund III 16,303 - 4,680 17,742 - 4,211 114 16,082 - 4,770 18,744 - 4,319 117
Shield Plus Fund IV 2,232 - 593 2,037 - 530 26 2,118 - 583 2,070 - 543 26
Stable Fund 9,835 - 1,282 44 - 501 - 9,341 - 1,263 77 - 535 -

Total 3,071,527 135,278 1,241,844 3,710,772 1,085 2,342,569 301,179 3,925,738 162,596 1,746,817 5,896,032 928 2,813,397 386,227

Basis of Payment of Fees Basis of Payment of Fees

Fund Management Expenses % of NAV Switching Charge Expense per switch
Fund Administration Expenses % of NAV Mortality Charge As per mortality table
Service Tax As per the applicable rates of Service Tax Rider Premium Charge As per rider charges in the policy documents

Annual Report 2013-2014

Policy Administration Charge Charges applicable p.a.

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure C: Details of payments & receipts made to/from related parties
Related Party: Bajaj Finance Limited (Amt in Rs. '000)

Current Year Previous Year

Portfolio Name
Investment Purchase Interest Investment Purchase Interest

Acc Mid Cap Fund - - - -

Acc Mid Cap Fund II - - - -
Acc Mid Cap Pension Fund - - - -
Accelerated Fund - - - -
Asset Allocation Fund 45,000.00 11.40 40,000.00 3,320.00
Asset Allocation Fund II - - - -
Asset Allocation Pension Fund - - - -
Assured Return Fund - - - -
Blue Chip Equity Fund - - - -
Bond Fund 70,000.00 5.07 60,000.00 4,980.00
Bond Pension Fund 70,000.00 17.74 - -
Capital Guarantee Fund- 2012 - - - -
Capital Guarantee Fund- 2014 - - - -
Capital Guarantee Fund- 2017 - - - -
Capital Shield - I - - - -
Capital Shield - II - - - -
Cash Fund - - 45,487.65 -
Cash Plus Fund - - 54,585.18 -
Cash Plus Pension Fund - - - -
Debt Fund - - - -
Debt Plus Fund - - - -
Debt Plus Pension Fund 5,000.00 1.27 - -
Equity Fund - - - -
Equity Gain Fund - - - -
Equity Growth Fund - - - -
Equity Growth Fund II - - - -
Equity Growth Pension Fund - - - -
Equity Index Fund - - - -
Equity Index Fund - II - - - -
Equity Index Pension Fund - - - -
Equity Index Pension Fund - II - - - -
Equity Midcap Fund - - - -
Equity Midcap Pension Fund - - - -
Equity Midcap Plus Fund - - - -
Equity Plus Fund - - - -
Equity Plus Pension Fund - - - -
Group Asset Allocation Fund - - - -
Group Asset Allocation Fund II - - - -
Group Balanced Gain Fund - - - -
Group Blue Chip Fund - - - -
Group Debt Fund 100,000.00 25.34 - -
Group Debt Fund II - - - -
Group Equity Fund - - - -
Group Equity Index Fund - - - -
Group Growth Fund II - - - -
Group Liquid Fund - - 20,924.32 -
Group Liquid Fund II - - - -
Group Return Shield Fund - - - -
Group Short Term Debt Fund - - - -
Group Short Term Debt Fund II - - - -
Group Short Term Debt Fund III - - - -
Growth Plus Fund I - - - -
Growth Plus Fund II - - - -
Growth Plus Fund III - - - -
Guaranteed Bond Fund - - - -

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure C: Details of payments & receipts made to/from related parties
(Amt in Rs. '000)
Current Year Previous Year
Portfolio Name
Investment Purchase Interest Investment Purchase Interest

Life Long Gain Fund - - - -

Liquid Fund - - 135,553.20 -
Liquid Pension Fund - - 16,375.55 -
Max Gain Fund I - - - -
Max Gain Fund II - - - -
Premier Bond Fund 10,000.00 2.53 - -
Premier Debt Fund - - - -
Premier Equity Fund - - - -
Premier Equity Gain Fund - - - -
Premier Equity Growth Fund - - - -
Premier Equity Index Fund - - - -
Pure Equity Fund - - - -
Pure Stock Fund - - - -
Pure Stock Pension Fund - - - -
Secure Fund - - - -
Shield Plus Fund I - - - -
Shield Plus Fund II - - - -
Shield Plus Fund III - - - -
Shield Plus Fund IV - - - -
Stable Fund - - - -
Grand Total 300,000.00 63.36 372,925.90 8,300.00

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure D: Company wise details of investments held in the promoter group
Company Name % of total Unit Linked % of total Unit Linked
AUM (Current Year) AUM (Previous Year)
Bajaj Finance Ltd. 0.19% 0.04%

Portfolio Name % of Fund AUM % of Fund AUM Portfolio Name % of Fund AUM % of Fund AUM
(Current Year) (Previous Year) (Current Year) (Previous Year)
Acc Mid Cap Fund - - Growth Plus Fund III - -
Acc Mid Cap Fund II - - Guaranteed Bond Fund - -
Acc Mid Cap Pension Fund - - Life Long Gain Fund - -
Accelerated Fund - - Liquid Fund - -
Asset Allocation Fund - 0.14% Liquid Pension Fund - -
Asset Allocation Fund II - - Max Gain Fund I 0.51% -
Asset Allocation Pension Fund 0.47% - Max Gain Fund II - -
Assured Return Fund - - Premier Bond Fund 4.22% -
Blue Chip Equity Fund - - Premier Debt Fund - -
Bond Fund 2.09% 0.70% Premier Equity Fund - -
Bond Pension Fund 4.51% - Premier Equity Gain Fund - -
Capital Guarantee Fund- 2012 - - Premier Equity Growth Fund - -
Capital Guarantee Fund- 2014 - - Premier Equity Index Fund - -
Capital Guarantee Fund- 2017 - - Pure Equity Fund - -
Capital Shield - I - - Pure Stock Fund - -
Capital Shield - II - - Pure Stock Pension Fund - -
Cash Fund - - Secure Fund - -
Cash Plus Fund - - Shield Plus Fund I - -
Cash Plus Pension Fund - - Shield Plus Fund II - -
Debt Fund - - Shield Plus Fund III - -
Debt Plus Fund - - Shield Plus Fund IV - -
Debt Plus Pension Fund 4.27% - Stable Fund - -
Equity Fund - -
Equity Gain Fund - -
Equity Growth Fund - -
Equity Growth Fund II - -
Equity Growth Pension Fund - -
Equity Index Fund - -
Equity Index Fund - II - -
Equity Index Pension Fund - -
Equity Index Pension Fund - II - -
Equity Midcap Fund - -
Equity Midcap Pension Fund - -
Equity Midcap Plus Fund - -
Equity Plus Fund - -
Equity Plus Pension Fund - -
Group Asset Allocation Fund - -
Group Asset Allocation Fund II - -
Group Balanced Gain Fund - -
Group Blue Chip Fund - -
Group Debt Fund 3.84% -
Group Debt Fund II 0.16% -
Group Equity Fund - -
Group Equity Index Fund - -
Group Growth Fund II - -
Group Liquid Fund - -
Group Liquid Fund II - -
Group Return Shield Fund - -
Group Short Term Debt Fund - -
Group Short Term Debt Fund II - -
Group Short Term Debt Fund III - -
Growth Plus Fund I - -
Growth Plus Fund II - -

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
Enclosure E: Summary of Industry Wise Disclosure of Investments
Industry Current Year Previous Year
Amt in Rs. '000 Exposure (%) Amt in Rs. '000 Exposure (%)
Financial and Insurance activities - Fixed 1,22,42,684 5.87 1,59,04,441 6.57
Deposit and Certificate of Deposit
Computer programming, consultancy and 2,27,43,755 10.90 2,36,78,232 9.79
related activities
Financial and Insurance activities - Other than 4,49,47,013 21.53 5,15,97,732 21.33
Fixed Deposit and Certificate of Deposit
Others 12,87,43,883 61.70 15,07,58,219 62.31
Total 20,86,77,335 100.00 24,19,38,624 100.00
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Note : - 1. Industry Exposure does not include cash element

2. Industry classification is regrouped and/or rearranged wherever necessary
Fundwise Industrywise Disclosure of Investments
Portfolio Name Current Year Previous Year
Computer programming, Financial and Others Computer programming, Financial and Insurance Others
consultancy Insurance activities consultancy and activities
and related activities
related activities
Amt in Exposure Amt in Rs. Exposure (%) Amt in Exposure Amt in Exposure Amt in Rs. Exposure Amt in Exposure (%)
Rs. '000 (%) '000 Rs. '000 (%) Rs. '000 (%) '000 (%) Rs. '000
Acc Mid Cap Fund 2,92,371 1.29 10,15,284 1.78 36,72,061 2.85 2,46,111 1.04 11,41,193 1.69 42,20,608 2.80
Acc Mid Cap Fund II 2,03,977 0.90 8,64,535 1.51 24,70,071 1.92 1,27,768 0.54 7,34,851 1.09 22,09,030 1.47
Acc Mid Cap Pension Fund 61,797 0.27 1,97,639 0.35 7,17,225 0.56 46,301 0.20 2,41,803 0.36 7,95,099 0.53
Accelerated Fund 4,596 0.02 22,038 0.04 25,192 0.02 - - 6,388 0.01 22,040 0.01
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Asset Allocation Fund 23,37,010 10.28 68,51,704 11.98 1,41,05,038 10.96 20,41,025 8.62 66,96,058 9.92 2,04,20,213 13.55
Asset Allocation Fund II - - - - - - - - - - - -
Asset Allocation Pension Fund 2,00,527 0.88 6,29,383 1.10 10,43,455 0.81 1,75,526 0.74 6,18,650 0.92 17,57,514 1.17
Assured Return Fund - - 1,28,031 0.22 3,67,702 0.29 - - 1,26,996 0.19 2,41,121 0.16
Blue Chip Equity Fund 2,75,926 1.21 5,79,715 1.01 14,98,838 1.16 1,68,275 0.71 5,31,636 0.79 12,29,506 0.82
Bond Fund - - 14,62,519 2.56 73,54,299 5.71 - - 20,84,104 3.09 63,59,138 4.22
Bond Pension Fund - - 3,94,149 0.69 10,27,424 0.80 - - 4,25,937 0.63 16,28,060 1.08
Capital Guarantee Fund- 2012* - - - - - - - - - - - -
Capital Guarantee Fund- 2014 - - - - 900 0.00 104 0.00 715 0.00 1,612 0.00
Capital Guarantee Fund- 2017 1,348 0.01 2,454 0.00 15,118 0.01 1,070 0.00 2,273 0.00 19,485 0.01
Capital Shield - I - - 289 0.00 78,177 0.06 4,461 0.02 1,69,477 0.25 5,59,534 0.37
Capital Shield - II - - - - 87,874 0.07 - - 4,93,344 0.73 4,699 0.00
Cash Fund - - 3,82,089 0.67 1,22,274 0.09 - - 5,11,221 0.76 95,434 0.06
Cash Plus Fund - - 6,03,984 1.06 1,96,981 0.15 - - 7,15,112 1.06 1,34,170 0.09
Cash Plus Pension Fund - - 17,760 0.03 13,944 0.01 - - 25,240 0.04 4,601 0.00
Debt Fund - - 1,03,910 0.18 4,89,443 0.38 - - 1,22,740 0.18 5,49,728 0.36
Debt Plus Fund - - 1,61,025 0.28 6,93,094 0.54 - - 1,97,416 0.29 7,63,511 0.51
Debt Plus Pension Fund - - 5,249 0.01 62,757 0.05 - - 17,442 0.03 55,119 0.04
Equity Fund 2,95,595 1.30 5,23,602 0.92 13,52,070 1.05 3,21,098 1.36 7,08,059 1.05 13,17,702 0.87
Equity Gain Fund 5,36,660 2.36 10,77,866 1.88 27,84,647 2.16 5,47,553 2.31 11,18,659 1.66 30,46,969 2.02

Equity Growth Fund 59,27,411 26.06 1,32,04,378 23.09 2,66,73,672 20.72 61,33,478 25.90 1,38,22,311 20.48 3,35,90,880 22.28
Annual Report 2013-2014
Fundwise Industrywise Disclosure of Investments

Portfolio Name Current Year Previous Year
Computer programming, Financial and Others Computer programming, Financial and Insurance Others
consultancy Insurance activities consultancy and activities
and related activities
related activities
Amt in Exposure Amt in Rs. Exposure (%) Amt in Exposure Amt in Exposure Amt in Rs. Exposure Amt in Exposure (%)
Rs. '000 (%) '000 Rs. '000 (%) Rs. '000 (%) '000 (%) Rs. '000
Equity Growth Fund II 6,76,051 2.97 16,08,596 2.81 34,48,184 2.68 6,28,651 2.65 15,50,010 2.30 36,62,197 2.43
Equity Growth Pension Fund 2,27,172 1.00 4,46,712 0.78 12,34,592 0.96 2,86,181 1.21 6,62,390 0.98 16,30,077 1.08
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Equity Index Fund 1,46,146 0.64 2,58,878 0.45 6,69,843 0.52 1,64,247 0.69 3,48,378 0.52 6,89,234 0.46
Equity Index Fund - II 72,72,137 31.97 1,20,80,121 21.12 2,94,65,610 22.89 83,54,037 35.28 1,87,30,966 27.75 3,51,07,463 23.29
Equity Index Pension Fund 11,288 0.05 20,009 0.03 52,635 0.04 11,853 0.05 25,128 0.04 50,103 0.03
Equity Index Pension Fund - II 5,31,452 2.34 9,40,139 1.64 24,08,256 1.87 7,26,599 3.07 16,33,869 2.42 28,39,089 1.88
Equity Midcap Fund 77,126 0.34 1,42,399 0.25 4,30,721 0.33 29,507 0.12 1,56,981 0.23 4,95,319 0.33
Equity Midcap Pension Fund 4,723 0.02 11,436 0.02 33,827 0.03 2,420 0.01 13,531 0.02 40,428 0.03
Equity Midcap Plus Fund 1,03,531 0.46 1,73,622 0.30 5,62,940 0.44 46,777 0.20 2,22,221 0.33 7,84,458 0.52
Equity Plus Fund 6,80,284 2.99 15,00,837 2.62 35,78,378 2.78 9,30,258 3.93 13,26,226 1.96 41,55,083 2.76
Equity Plus Pension Fund 42,505 0.19 85,397 0.15 2,28,536 0.18 41,754 0.18 1,01,827 0.15 2,37,649 0.16
Group Asset Allocation Fund 2,81,438 1.24 8,01,989 1.40 16,23,281 1.26 1,65,893 0.70 6,65,869 0.99 16,35,754 1.09
Group Asset Allocation Fund II - - - - - - - - - - - -
Group Balanced Gain Fund - - - - 200 - - - - - - -
Group Blue Chip Fund 9,414 0.04 18,634 0.03 62,100 0.05 5,210 0.02 18,265 0.03 36,374 0.02
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Group Debt Fund - - 4,43,238 0.78 17,45,057 1.36 - - 3,31,975 0.49 10,11,935 0.67
Group Debt Fund II - - 1,15,536 0.20 3,95,275 0.31 - - - - - -
Group Equity Fund 26,360 0.12 54,931 0.10 1,48,084 0.12 17,562 0.07 45,737 0.07 1,03,401 0.07
Group Equity Index Fund 2,68,796 1.18 4,75,554 0.83 12,16,210 0.94 2,65,575 1.12 6,11,085 0.91 10,74,455 0.71
Group Growth Fund II - - 1,02,024 0.18 1,08,041 0.08 - - 97,868 0.14 1,04,615 0.07
Group Liquid Fund - - 3,21,301 0.56 1,63,957 0.13 - - 2,90,912 0.43 57,050 0.04
Group Liquid Fund II - - - - - - - - - - - -
Group Return Shield Fund 1,814 0.01 34,704 0.06 67,627 0.05 419 0.00 42,723 0.06 57,936 0.04
Group Short Term Debt Fund - - 1,000 - 11,808 0.01 - - 8,712 0.01 19,775 0.01
Group Short Term Debt Fund II - - - - 5,690 - - - 2,933 0.00 21,607 0.01
Group Short Term Debt Fund III - - - - 3,072 - - - - - - -
Growth Plus Fund I - - 60,953 0.11 67,546 0.05 - - 80,774 0.12 1,27,648 0.08
Growth Plus Fund II 8,093 0.04 14,305 0.03 38,842 0.03 - - 58,602 0.09 3,499 0.00
Growth Plus Fund III 5,405 0.02 17,535 0.03 40,064 0.03 5,720 0.02 15,528 0.02 31,969 0.02
Guaranteed Bond Fund - - 7,58,233 1.33 12,47,381 0.97 - - 7,60,076 1.13 12,48,243 0.83
Life Long Gain Fund - - 22,821 0.04 1,91,304 0.15 - - 33,349 0.05 1,92,157 0.13
Liquid Fund - - 23,07,261 4.03 3,64,173 0.28 - - 21,73,565 3.22 2,90,028 0.19
Annual Report 2013-2014
Fundwise Industrywise Disclosure of Investments

Portfolio Name Current Year Previous Year

Computer programming, Financial and Others Computer programming, Financial and Insurance Others
consultancy Insurance activities consultancy and activities
and related activities
related activities
Amt in Exposure Amt in Rs. Exposure (%) Amt in Exposure Amt in Exposure Amt in Rs. Exposure Amt in Exposure (%)
Rs. '000 (%) '000 Rs. '000 (%) Rs. '000 (%) '000 (%) Rs. '000
Liquid Pension Fund - - 1,96,709 0.34 1,15,180 0.09 - - 1,42,747 0.21 37,221 0.02
Max Gain Fund I 11,31,771 4.98 28,36,577 4.96 45,75,078 3.55 12,38,346 5.23 32,62,208 4.83 51,67,900 3.43
Max Gain Fund II 1,91,647 0.84 5,83,365 1.02 7,41,007 0.58 1,34,362 0.57 5,84,737 0.87 5,54,791 0.37
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Premier Bond Fund - - 55,218 0.10 1,46,606 0.11 - - 44,930 0.07 2,14,767 0.14
Premier Debt Fund - - 16,408 0.03 36,288 0.03 - - 17,802 0.03 45,464 0.03
Premier Equity Fund 21,674 0.10 38,352 0.07 1,01,346 0.08 27,452 0.12 58,300 0.09 1,14,596 0.08
Premier Equity Gain Fund 33,996 0.15 68,391 0.12 1,82,085 0.14 37,381 0.16 90,899 0.13 2,13,553 0.14
Premier Equity Growth Fund 99,230 0.44 1,99,881 0.35 5,31,432 0.41 1,14,099 0.48 2,79,221 0.41 6,43,865 0.43
Premier Equity Index Fund 76,200 0.34 1,34,804 0.24 3,44,616 0.27 99,598 0.42 2,17,585 0.32 4,05,360 0.27
Pure Equity Fund 61,213 0.27 - - 3,67,008 0.29 57,713 0.24 192 0.00 4,51,518 0.30
Pure Stock Fund 4,54,558 2.00 - - 27,04,706 2.10 4,07,078 1.72 - - 32,01,849 2.12
Pure Stock Pension Fund 35,969 0.16 - - 1,61,796 0.13 38,611 0.16 - - 1,97,699 0.13
Secure Fund 59,423 0.26 5,28,336 0.92 13,23,260 1.03 - - 3,65,391 0.54 12,14,168 0.81
Shield Plus Fund I 24,294 0.11 6,37,693 1.12 11,97,492 0.93 17,415 0.07 10,07,469 1.49 16,11,794 1.07
Shield Plus Fund II 7,367 0.03 2,17,163 0.38 3,67,477 0.29 3,602 0.02 3,33,372 0.49 4,51,693 0.30
Shield Plus Fund III 8,000 0.04 3,28,173 0.57 7,21,428 0.56 6,791 0.03 3,86,139 0.57 7,26,064 0.48
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Shield Plus Fund IV 536 - 63,091 0.11 85,483 0.07 349 0.00 50,162 0.07 99,550 0.07
Stable Fund 26,923 0.12 2,39,767 0.42 5,76,108 0.45 - - 1,39,893 0.21 6,73,050 0.45
Total 2,27,43,755 100.00 5,71,89,697 100.00 12,87,43,883 100.00 2,36,78,232 100.00 6,75,02,173 100.00 15,07,58,219 100.00
* Fund Closed on 28th Dec 2012

Annual Report 2013-2014
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Financial and Insurance activities - Exposure Details - Scrip Wise
Instrument Current Year Previous Year
Amt in Rs. `000 (%) Amt in Rs. `000 (%)

0% Bajaj Finance Ltd. (MD 24/09/2014) 115,502 0.20 106,099 0.16

10% Corporation Bank FD (MD 13/03/2015) 200,000 0.35 - 0.00
10% Export & Import Bank of India (Quaterly Comp) FD (MD
- 0.00 250,000 0.37
10.10% HDB Financial Services Ltd (MD 12/06/2017) 50,908 0.09 52,152 0.08
10.25% Saraswat Co-Operative Bank Ltd FD (MD 28/04/2013) - 0.00 100,000 0.15
10.25% Saraswat Co-Operative Bank Ltd FD (MD 29/04/2013) - 0.00 50,000 0.07
10.25% Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd (MD 01/06/2015) - 0.00 1,641 0.00
10.25% Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd (MD 01/06/2015) 980 0.00 - 0.00
10.25% Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd (MD 19/04/2016) - 0.00 153,237 0.23
10.25% Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd (MD 19/04/2016) 150,953 0.26 - 0.00
10.25% Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd (MD 27/01/2015) 200,647 0.35 354,827 0.53
10.50% Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd (MD 01/06/2015) - 0.00 22,368 0.03
10.50% Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd (MD 01/06/2015)
13,341 0.02 - 0.00
Option -III
10.80% Export & Import Bank Ltd NCD (MD 22/07/2013) - 0.00 37,194 0.06
10.81% Bank of India FD (MD 15/02/2014) - 0.00 250,000 0.37
11.10% IDBI Bank Ltd (MD 26/09/2013) - 0.00 50,386 0.07
11.35% Shriram Transport Finance Co Ltd (MD 11/07/2016) (P/C
25,050 0.04 25,583 0.04
11.50% ICICI Bank Ltd (MD 05/01/2019) 43,267 0.08 45,078 0.07
11.60% Shriram Transport Finance Co. Ltd. (MD 11/07/2016) (P/C
3,057 0.01 50,146 0.07
7.45% State Bank of India LT (MD 05/05/2015) - 0.00 19,478 0.03
7.90% Corporation Bank LT (MD 24/03/2016) 11,724 0.02 11,771 0.02
8.25% State Bank of Hyderabad FD (MD 14/10/2013) - 0.00 150,000 0.22
8.75% State Bank of India FD (MD 16/03/2020) 9,500 0.02 9,500 0.01
8.75% State Bank of India FD( MD 17/03/2020) 9,500 0.02 9,500 0.01
8.75% State Bank of India FD(MD 18/03/2020) 9,500 0.02 9,500 0.01
8.75% State Bank of India FD(MD 19/03/2020) 9,500 0.02 9,500 0.01
8.75% State Bank of India FD(MD 20/03/2020) 9,500 0.02 9,500 0.01
8.8% ST BK INDIA(MD 05/06/21)RSET050616 (Call 06/06/2016) 9,748 0.02 9,999 0.01
8.80 TATA Sons Limited (MD 21/09/2015) - 0.00 49,919 0.07
8.80 TATA Sons Limited (MD 21/09/2015) 49,554 0.09 - 0.00
8.80% State Bank of Hyderabad (MD 29/04/2016) - 0.00 99,967 0.15
8.95% HDFC Bank Ltd (MD 31/10/2022) (Call 31/10/2017) - 0.00 502,562 0.74
8.97% Tata Sons Ltd. (MD 15/07/2020) 15,512 0.03 100,599 0.15
8.99% Tata Sons Ltd. (MD 07/06/2020) 242,745 0.42 - 0.00
9% IL&FS (MD 09/07/2014) 49,894 0.09 50,031 0.07
9.00% Allahabad UP Gramin Bank FD (MD 29/04/2013) - 0.00 200,000 0.30
9.00% Bank of India Perpetual Call 09 Dec 2019 - 0.00 100,829 0.15
9.00% Canara Bank FD (MD 09/03/2020) 80,000 0.14 80,000 0.12
9.00% Canara Bank FD (MD 19/06/2020) 20,000 0.03 20,000 0.03
9.00% Canara Bank FD (MD 21/12/2020) 100,000 0.17 100,000 0.15
9.00% Punjab National Bank Perpetual Call 27 Nov 2019 - 0.00 82,570 0.12
9.00% Union Bank of India FD (MD 11/06/2014) (PD 10/06/2013) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.00% Union Bank of India FD (MD 12/06/2014) (PD 10/06/2013) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.00% Union Bank of India FD (MD 13/06/2014) (PD 10/06/2013) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.00% Union Bank of India FD (MD 15/05/2014) 100,000 0.17 - 0.00
9.00% Union Bank of India FD (MD 16/06/2014) (PD 10/06/2013) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.00% Union Bank of India FD (MD 17/06/2014) (PD 10/06/2013) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.00% Union Bank of India FD (MD 18/06/2014) (PD 10/06/2013) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.00% Union Bank of India FD (MD 19/06/2014) (PD 10/06/2013) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.05% EXIM NCD (MD 22/02/2022) 96,906 0.17 100,881 0.15

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Financial and Insurance activities - Exposure Details - Scrip Wise
Instrument Current Year Previous Year
Amt in Rs. `000 (%) Amt in Rs. `000 (%)

9.10% HDFC Bank (MD 05/09/2016) 99,418 0.17 100,821 0.15

9.10% State Bank of Hydrabad FD (19/06/2020) 60,000 0.10 60,000 0.09
9.10% State Bank of Hydrabad FD (MD 01/03/2019) 65,000 0.11 65,000 0.10
9.10% State Bank of Hydrabad FD (MD 09/03/2020) 270,000 0.47 270,000 0.40
9.10% State Bank of Hydrabad FD (MD 22/12/2020) 105,000 0.18 105,000 0.16
9.10% Tata Sons Limited (MD 06/09/2020) 12,673 0.02 13,141 0.02
9.15% Canara Bank FD (MD 02/11/2020) 50,000 0.09 50,000 0.07
9.15% Canara Bank FD (MD 19/03/2020) 200,000 0.35 200,000 0.30
9.15% Canara Bank FD (MD 29/06/2020) 50,000 0.09 50,000 0.07
9.15% EXIM (MD 25/02/2021) 48,835 0.09 152,017 0.23
9.15% EXIM Bank Ltd (MD 18/03/2021) 48,839 0.09 101,371 0.15
9.15% EXIM NCD (MD 05/09/2022) - 0.00 50,728 0.08
9.15% ICICI Bank FD ( MD 05/01/2021) 130,000 0.23 130,000 0.19
9.15% ICICI Bank FD (MD 09/03/2020) 250,000 0.44 250,000 0.37
9.15% ICICI Bank FD (MD 18/03/2019) 60,000 0.10 60,000 0.09
9.15% ICICI Bank FD (MD 22/06/2020) 60,000 0.10 60,000 0.09
9.18% Tata Sons Ltd (MD 23/11/2020) 41,082 0.07 93,305 0.14
9.25% Bajaj Finance Limited (MD 03/05/2018) 245,354 0.43 - 0.00
9.25% Corporation Bank FD (MD 09/03/2014) - 0.00 332,500 0.49
9.25% EXIM NCD (MD 12/07/2022) 48,932 0.09 51,035 0.08
9.25% IDBI OMNI BONDS Series XVIII (MD26/03/2014) - 0.00 24,018 0.04
9.25% Indian Overseas Bank FD (MD 12/09/2016) 50,000 0.09 50,000 0.07
9.25% OBC FD (MD 12/08/2014) 900 0.00 900 0.00
9.25% Oriental Bank Of Commerce FD (MD 03/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.25% Oriental Bank of Commerce FD (MD 05/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.25% Oriental Bank of Commerce FD (MD 06/12/2021) - 0.00 9,900 0.01
9.25% Oriental Bank of Commerce FD (MD 06/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.25% Oriental Bank of Commerce FD (MD 07/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.25% Oriental Bank of Commerce FD (MD 08/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.25% Oriental Bank of Commerce FD (MD 11/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.25% Oriental Bank of Commerce FD (MD 12/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.25% Oriental Bank of Commerce FD (MD 14/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.25% Oriental Bank of Commerce FD (MD 15/12/2021) - 0.00 9,900 0.01
9.25% Oriental Bank of Commerce FD (MD 15/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.25% Oriental Bank of Commerce FD (MD 30/12/2021) - 0.00 9,900 0.01
9.25% Oriental Bank of Commerce FD (MD 30/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.25% Oriental Bank Of Commerce FD (MD 31/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.25% Punjab National Bank FD (MD 12/09/2016) 50,000 0.09 50,000 0.07
9.25% Saraswat Bank FD (MD 05/03/2015) (Quarterly Payout) 150,000 0.26 - 0.00
9.25% State Bank of Hyderabad FD (MD 14/09/2016) 50,000 0.09 50,000 0.07
9.25% State Bank of India FD (MD 17/08/2021) 9,000 0.02 9,000 0.01
9.25% State Bank of India FD (MD 18/08/2021) 4,000 0.01 4,000 0.01
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (02/02/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (03/02/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 01/02/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 01/12/2021) - 0.00 9,900 0.01
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 01/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 02/12/2021) - 0.00 9,900 0.01
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 02/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 03/12/2021) - 0.00 9,900 0.01
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 03/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 06/12/2021) - 0.00 9,900 0.01
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 06/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 07/12/2021) - 0.00 9,900 0.01
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 07/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 30/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Financial and Insurance activities - Exposure Details - Scrip Wise
Instrument Current Year Previous Year
Amt in Rs. `000 (%) Amt in Rs. `000 (%)

9.30% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 31/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur FD (MD 27/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur FD (MD 28/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur FD (MD 29/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner and JaipurFD (MD 13/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner and JaipurFD (MD 14/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner and JaipurFD (MD 15/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner and JaipurFD (MD 16/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner and JaipurFD (MD 17/12/2021) - 0.00 9,900 0.01
9.30% State Bank of Bikaner and JaipurFD (MD 17/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.31% Syndicate Bank FD (MD 14/12/2015) 350,000 0.61 350,000 0.52
9.33% NABARD NCD (MD 12/06/2017) - 0.00 152,548 0.23
9.35% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 08/04/2022) 19,800 0.03 19,800 0.03
9.38% EXIM Bank Ltd. (MD 29/09/2021) 45,379 0.08 102,680 0.15
9.40% State Bank of Hyderabad FD (MD 05/01/2016) 500,000 0.87 500,000 0.74
9.45% State Bank of India LT (MD 16/03/2026) (Call 16/03/2026) - 0.00 51,589 0.08
9.50% Canara Bank FD (MD 01/03/2019) 70,000 0.12 70,000 0.10
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 01/02/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 02/02/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 04/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 05/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 07/04/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 08/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 08/04/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 09/04/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 10/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 11/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 12/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 13/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 14/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 16/12/2021) - 0.00 9,900 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 16/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 17/12/2021) - 0.00 9,900 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 17/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 20/12/2021) - 0.00 9,900 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 20/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 21/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 22/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank FD (MD 30/12/2021) 7,500 0.01 7,500 0.01
9.50% IDBI Bank Ltd FD (MD 11/08/2014) 900 0.00 900 0.00
9.50% IDBI FD (MD 27/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% Shriram Transport Finance Co Ltd (MD 01/06/2017) (P/C
24,977 0.04 25,173 0.04
9.50% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 05/09/2016) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 06/09/2016) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 07/09/2016) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 08/09/2016) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 09/08/2014) 900 0.00 900 0.00
9.50% State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 09/09/2016) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.50% State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur FD (MD 01/07/2020) 70,000 0.12 70,000 0.10
9.50% State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur FD (MD 01/12/2020) 40,000 0.07 40,000 0.06
9.50% State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur FD (MD 02/11/2020) 70,000 0.12 70,000 0.10
9.50% State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur FD (MD 03/02/2020) 270,000 0.47 270,000 0.40
9.50% State Bank of Hyderabad FD (MD 14/01/2016) 250,000 0.44 250,000 0.37
9.50% State Bank of India (Quarterly Comp) FD (MD 10/12/2013 - 0.00 250,000 0.37
9.60% Canara Bank FD (MD 20/03/2015) 200,000 0.35 - 0.00

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Financial and Insurance activities - Exposure Details - Scrip Wise
Instrument Current Year Previous Year
Amt in Rs. `000 (%) Amt in Rs. `000 (%)

9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 02/02/2022) 69,300 0.12 69,300 0.10
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 06/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 07/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 08/12/2021) - 0.00 9,900 0.01
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 08/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 11/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 12/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 12/09/2016) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 13/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 13/09/2016) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 14/01/2022) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 15/12/2021) - 0.00 9,900 0.01
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 15/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 16/12/2021) - 0.00 9,900 0.01
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 16/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 17/12/2021) - 0.00 9,900 0.01
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 17/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 20/12/2021) - 0.00 9,900 0.01
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 20/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 21/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.60% State Bank of Travancore FD (MD 22/12/2021) 9,900 0.02 9,900 0.01
9.62% L&T Finance Ltd (MD 17/09/2014) (Option II) 110,174 0.19 111,174 0.16
9.62% L&T Finance Ltd 2014 (MD 29/09/2014) 50,073 0.09 50,480 0.07
9.66% Indian Overseas Bank FD (MD 11/03/2014) - 0.00 110,000 0.16
9.67% Tata Sons Ltd (MD 13/09/2022) 115,196 0.20 146,560 0.22
9.68% Tata Sons Ltd (MD 14/08/2017) - 0.00 51,477 0.08
9.68% Tata Sons Ltd (MD 14/08/2017) 50,353 0.09 - 0.00
9.75 % State Bank Of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 16/07/2021) 19,800 0.03 19,800 0.03
9.75% Bank of India FD (MD 23/03/2015) 200,000 0.35 - 0.00
9.75% IL&FS Ltd (MD 11/08/2018) 150,877 0.26 155,686 0.23
9.75% State Bank Of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 15/06/2021) - 0.00 9,900 0.01
9.75% State Bank Of Bikaner & Jaipur FD (MD 15/06/2021) 9,900 0.02 - 0.00
9.76% Canara Bank FD (MD 17/03/2014) - 0.00 210,000 0.31
9.80% Bajaj Finance Limited (MD 17/10/2016) 50,058 0.09 - 0.00
9.80% HDFC Bank FD (MD 03/08/2013) - 0.00 30,000 0.04
9.80% HDFC Bank FD (MD 04/08/2013) - 0.00 35,000 0.05
9.80% HDFC Bank FD (MD 05/08/2013) - 0.00 15,000 0.02
9.80% HDFC Bank FD (MD 21/07/2013) - 0.00 49,900 0.07
9.80% HDFC Bank FD (MD 23/07/2013) - 0.00 49,900 0.07
9.80% HDFC Bank FD (MD 27/07/2013) - 0.00 49,900 0.07
9.80% HDFC Bank FD (MD 28/07/2013) - 0.00 49,900 0.07
9.80% HDFC Bank FD (MD 29/07/2013) - 0.00 49,900 0.07
9.80% HDFC Bank FD (MD 30/07/2013) - 0.00 49,900 0.07
9.80% HDFC Bank FD (MD 31/07/2013) Series 1 - 0.00 26,900 0.04
9.80% HDFC Bank FD (MD 31/07/2013) Series 2 - 0.00 23,000 0.03
9.87% Tata Sons Ltd NCD (MD 16/04/2017) - 0.00 258,604 0.38
9.87% Tata Sons Ltd NCD (MD 16/04/2017) 404,813 0.71 - 0.00
9.87% Tata Sons Ltd NCD (MD 17/07/2017) 253,044 0.44 258,936 0.38
9.90% Canara Bank FD (MD 06/12/2013) - 0.00 500,000 0.74
9.90% Tata Sons Ltd (MD 18/03/2016) 30,254 0.05 30,810 0.05
9.90% Tata Sons Ltd NCD (MD 20/03/2019) 253,654 0.44 - 0.00
9.96% State bank of Hydrabad FD (MD 29/01/2014) - 0.00 250,000 0.37
9.98%ICICIBL(Maturity-Perpetual)(CallandStepup13/09/16)10.98% 50,255 0.09 51,133 0.08
Allahabad Bank - 0.00 104,912 0.16
Allahabad Bank CD (MD 04/03/2014) - 0.00 460,907 0.68
Allahabad Bank CD (MD 31/05/2013) - 0.00 492,638 0.73
Andhra Bank CD (MD 04/04/2013) - 0.00 249,698 0.37

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Financial and Insurance activities - Exposure Details - Scrip Wise
Instrument Current Year Previous Year
Amt in Rs. `000 (%) Amt in Rs. `000 (%)

Andhra Bank CD (MD 16/01/2014) - 0.00 206,009 0.31

Andhra Bank CD (MD 20/12/2013) - 0.00 235,621 0.35
Andhra Bank Ltd - 0.00 842,343 1.25
Axis Bank CD (MD 24/02/2015) 137,944 0.24 - 0.00
Axis Bank Limited 843,506 1.47 2,720,414 4.03
BANK OF BARODA 1,186,962 2.08 464,946 0.69
Bank of Baroda CD (MD 02/05/2014) 495,794 0.87 - 0.00
Bank of Baroda CD (MD 06/12/2013) - 0.00 926,535 1.37
Bank of Baroda CD (MD 17/12/2013) - 0.00 235,698 0.35
Bank of Baroda CD (MD 30/01/2015) 383,966 0.67 - 0.00
Bank of India CD (MD 03/03/2015) 230,665 0.40 - 0.00
Bank of India CD (MD 06/03/2015) 230,483 0.40 - 0.00
Barclays Investments & Loans (India) Ltd DS 174 ILD (MD 14/08/2015) 72,413 0.13 58,602 0.09
CANARA BANK 664,769 1.16 - 0.00
Canara Bank CD (MD 01/12/2014) 216,967 0.38 - 0.00
Canara Bank CD (MD 02/05/2014) 495,794 0.87 - 0.00
Canara Bank CD (MD 19/01/2015) 158,373 0.28 - 0.00
Citicorp Finance (India) Limited ELD Series 295 (MD 16/09/2013) - 0.00 436,600 0.65
Coal India Ltd. 135,332 0.24 1,053,950 1.56
CORPORATION BANK - 0.00 459,563 0.68
Corporation Bank CD (MD 02/12/2014) 235,734 0.41 - 0.00
Corporation Bank CD (MD 05/12/2013) - 0.00 236,374 0.35
DCB Bank Limited 315,655 0.55 - 0.00
Deutsche Invest India Pvt Ltd Sr GE-59 ILD (MD 08/04/2014) - 0.00 149,490 0.22
Deutsche Invest India Pvt Ltd Sr GE-60 ILD (MD 08/04/2014) - 0.00 100,158 0.15
Deutsche Invest India Pvt. Ltd. ILD SR GE 44 (MD 12/03/2014) - 0.00 274,084 0.41
Deutsche Invest India Pvt. Ltd. ILD SR GE 47 (MD 12/03/2014) - 0.00 182,723 0.27
Development Credit Bank Limited - 0.00 78,905 0.12
Federal Bank Limited 127,526 0.22 926,705 1.37
HDB Financial Services CP (MD 08/12/2014) 93,838 0.16 - 0.00
HDFC BANK 10,513,797 18.38 10,872,211 16.11
HDFC Bank CD (MD 09/05/2014) 495,971 0.87 - 0.00
ICICI Bank CD (MD 07/01/2015) 466,357 0.82 - 0.00
ICICI Bank CD (MD 24/09/2013) - 0.00 240,241 0.36
ICICI Bank CD (MD 30/01/2014) - 0.00 214,503 0.32
ICICI BANK LTD 10,959,426 19.16 13,227,675 19.60
ICICI Emerging India Fund - 0.00 37,424 0.06
IDBI BANK CD (MD 04/04/2014) 499,586 0.87 - 0.00
IDBI Bank CD (MD 10/01/2014) - 0.00 234,405 0.35
IDBI Bank CD (MD 14/03/2014) - 0.00 460,057 0.68
IDBI Bank CD (MD 24/02/2014) - 0.00 230,451 0.34
IDBI Bank CD (MD 27/01/2015) 372,002 0.65 - 0.00
IDBI BANK CD (MD 30/10/2014) 474,322 0.83 - 0.00
IIFL HOLDINGS LIMITED 55,735 0.10 - 0.00
India Infoline Limited - 0.00 44,032 0.07
Indian Bank CD (MD 03/06/2013) - 0.00 246,099 0.36
Indian Bank CD (MD 04/09/2014) 433,701 0.76 - 0.00
Indian Bank CD (MD 10/06/2013) - 0.00 245,887 0.36
Indian Overseas Bank CD (MD 29/04/2014) 496,198 0.87 - 0.00
Indusind Bank Ltd. 472,590 0.83 753,738 1.12
ING VYSYA BANK LIMITED 1,082,976 1.89 1,938,026 2.87
Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd - 0.00 293,572 0.43
Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited 794,242 1.39 1,167,676 1.73
Kotak Mahindra Prime Ltd CP (MD 03/10/2014) 142,743 0.25 - 0.00
Kotak Mahindra Prime Ltd CP (MD 23/12/2014) 140,122 0.25 - 0.00

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Financial and Insurance activities - Exposure Details - Scrip Wise
Instrument Current Year Previous Year
Amt in Rs. `000 (%) Amt in Rs. `000 (%)

L&T Finance Ltd CP (MD 08/12/2014) 140,744 0.25 - 0.00

MAGMA FINCORP LIMITED 3,611 0.01 - 0.00
OBC CD (MD 22/09/2014) 479,884 0.84 - 0.00
Oriental Bank of Commerce CD (MD 01/12/2014) 235,810 0.41 - 0.00
Oriental Bank of Commerce CD (MD 16/12/2013) - 0.00 235,638 0.35
Oriental Bank of Commerce CD (MD 19/12/2013) - 0.00 469,786 0.70
PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK 336,247 0.59 463,700 0.69
Punjab National Bank CD (MD 03/09/2013) - 0.00 482,603 0.71
Punjab National Bank CD (MD 17/09/2013) - 0.00 240,546 0.36
Repco Home Finance Ltd. - 0.00 189,406 0.28
SKS Microfinance Ltd - 0.00 132,395 0.20
STATE BANK OF INDIA 1,861,042 3.25 2,246,575 3.33
State Bank of Patiala CD (MD 03/12/2013) - 0.00 473,016 0.70
State Bank of Patiala CD (MD 04/04/2013) - 0.00 459,444 0.68
State Bank of Patiala CD (MD 04/09/2014) 240,900 0.42 - 0.00
State Bank of Patiala CD (MD 29/12/2014) 23,424 0.04 - 0.00
State Bank of Travancore CD (MD 25/09/2013) - 0.00 240,092 0.36
State Bank of Travancore CD (MD 31/10/2013) - 0.00 477,073 0.71
SUNDARAM BNP PARIBAS HOME FINANCE LTD. CP (MD 08/07/2013) - 0.00 97,552 0.14
Syndicate Bank CD (MD 09/09//2014) 95,921 0.17 - 0.00
Syndicate Bank CD (MD 16/12//2013) - 0.00 235,551 0.35
Syndicate Bank Ltd. - 0.00 62,781 0.09
The South Indian Bank Limited 44,500 0.08 - 0.00
Union Bank of India CD (MD 08/07/2013) - 0.00 244,248 0.36
Union Bank of India CD (MD 10/12/2013) - 0.00 216,822 0.32
Union Bank of India Ltd. 946,283 1.65 90,895 0.13
VIJAYA BANK CD (MD 17/02/2015) 267,444 0.47 - 0.00
Vijaya Bank CD (MD 23/12/2014) 23,445 0.04 - 0.00
YES BANK LIMITED 4,065,256 7.11 1,689,696 2.50
Grand Total 57,189,697 100.00 67,502,173 100.00

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure F: Highest, Lowest and Closing NAV For the year 2013-14
Fund Names– Current Year Previous Year
Closing NAV Lowest NAV Highest NAV Closing NAV Lowest NAV Highest NAV
31-March-2014 (Rs.) (Rs.) 30-March-2013 (Rs.) (Rs.)
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Acc Mid Cap Fund 24.2381 16.7310 24.2381 19.6356 18.6886 23.4999
Acc Mid Cap Fund II 13.6409 9.5131 13.6409 11.0696 10.4454 13.2125
Acc Mid Cap Pension Fund 25.9583 17.9515 25.9583 20.7712 19.7461 24.8850
Accelerated Fund 32.6859 28.3240 32.6859 28.4363 25.6035 29.6229
Asset Allocation Fund 16.9055 13.7862 16.9055 14.3966 13.1683 15.1339
Asset Allocation Fund II 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 NA NA NA
Asset Allocation Pension Fund 15.8834 13.0295 15.8834 13.6302 12.4153 14.2934
Assured Return Fund 12.3146 11.4626 12.3146 11.8058 10.6720 11.8058
Blue Chip Equity Fund 11.7280 9.3654 11.7280 9.8066 8.3862 10.6235
Bond Fund 18.9023 17.3264 18.9023 18.0026 16.1781 18.0336
Bond Pension Fund 19.4613 17.7770 19.4613 18.4744 16.6078 18.5109
Capital Guarantee Fund- 2012* NA NA NA NA 13.1162 13.7739
Capital Guarantee Fund- 2014 15.9334 14.5425 15.9334 14.7340 13.6581 14.8841
Capital Guarantee Fund- 2017 16.8823 14.7107 16.8823 15.2691 13.8608 15.5055
Capital Shield - I 15.8541 14.5085 15.8541 14.4960 13.6010 14.5447
Capital Shield - II 14.6902 14.1399 16.3506 15.4059 13.7883 16.0825
Cash Fund 18.4565 17.2685 18.4565 17.2655 16.0734 17.2655
Cash Plus Fund 21.4018 19.6755 21.4018 19.6711 18.0136 19.6711
Cash Plus Pension Fund 21.6157 19.8303 21.6157 19.8257 18.1295 19.8257
Debt Fund 17.5146 16.1850 17.8697 16.9507 15.4323 16.9925
Debt Plus Fund 20.4735 18.6598 20.4735 19.4191 17.4362 19.4634
Debt Plus Pension Fund 21.3610 19.5713 21.3754 20.1886 18.1337 20.2804
Equity Fund 30.1438 24.0147 30.1438 25.5236 21.8045 27.3035
Equity Gain Fund 44.7445 33.9320 44.7445 36.1392 31.6671 40.0551
Equity Growth Fund 22.2220 17.0728 22.2220 18.1335 15.7587 19.3140
Equity Growth Fund II 16.8904 12.8332 16.8904 13.6673 11.8529 14.6678
Equity Growth Pension Fund 25.0265 19.0931 25.0265 20.3039 17.5604 21.8233
Equity Index Fund 41.3399 32.7450 41.3399 34.5945 29.1951 36.9079
Equity Index Fund - II 21.5425 17.1207 21.5425 18.1530 15.5526 19.5454
Equity Index Pension Fund 36.5967 28.9710 36.5967 30.5389 25.8066 32.6065
Equity Index Pension Fund - II 21.4833 17.0137 21.4833 18.0517 15.2862 19.2767
Equity Midcap Fund 32.4660 23.5320 32.4660 27.4291 26.4267 33.0956
Equity Midcap Pension Fund 48.9020 34.1274 48.9020 39.5461 37.6673 47.6129
Equity Midcap Plus Fund 43.0778 30.5537 43.0778 35.3158 33.5995 42.4216
Equity Plus Fund 49.6833 37.2136 49.6833 40.6693 35.1605 44.2290
Equity Plus Pension Fund 51.7640 40.6938 51.7640 43.2864 37.3892 46.4753
Group Asset Allocation Fund 15.2275 12.5486 15.2275 13.1114 11.9000 13.6242
Group Asset Allocation Fund II 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 NA NA NA
Group Balanced Gain Fund 10.0012 9.9993 10.0013 NA NA NA
Group Blue Chip Fund 12.7049 10.1761 12.7049 10.6599 9.1281 11.5587
Group Debt Fund 16.9146 15.5335 16.9698 16.1195 14.5207 16.1592
Group Debt Fund II 10.3578 9.8046 10.3578 NA NA NA
Group Equity Fund 13.1325 10.3853 13.1325 11.0872 9.5788 11.8853
Group Equity Index Fund 12.7710 10.1404 12.7710 10.7346 9.1151 11.4481
Group Growth Fund II 12.4470 11.5586 12.4470 11.5561 10.5716 11.5561
Group Liquid Fund 16.3054 14.9955 16.3054 14.9921 13.7173 14.9921
Group Liquid Fund II 9.9998 9.9998 10.0000 NA NA NA
Group Return Shield Fund 12.3064 11.1456 12.3064 11.3489 10.4933 11.4790
Group Short Term Debt Fund 14.4571 13.4442 14.4653 13.7542 12.4441 13.7542
Group Short Term Debt Fund II 11.8908 11.0370 11.8943 11.3972 10.4656 11.3972
Group Short Term Debt Fund III 10.1241 9.9809 10.1336 NA NA NA
Growth Plus Fund I 13.0838 12.2077 13.0838 12.4062 11.2690 12.4062
Growth Plus Fund II 11.5304 9.3424 11.5304 9.4802 8.5033 10.4775
Growth Plus Fund III 14.9246 11.2647 14.9246 12.0000 10.3479 12.8723

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure F: Highest, Lowest and Closing NAV For the year 2013-14
Fund Names– Current Year Previous Year
Closing NAV Lowest NAV Highest NAV Closing NAV Lowest NAV Highest NAV
31-March-2014 (Rs.) (Rs.) 30-March-2013 (Rs.) (Rs.)
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Guaranteed Bond Fund 11.9195 11.0663 11.9195 11.3198 10.2034 11.3198
Life Long Gain Fund 15.1769 14.2183 15.7281 15.0648 13.7556 15.0820
Liquid Fund 18.9834 17.4848 18.9834 17.4810 16.0522 17.4810
Liquid Pension Fund 19.1004 17.5939 19.1004 17.5899 16.1467 17.5899
Max Gain Fund I 13.6376 11.2741 13.6376 11.6807 10.5405 12.3402
Max Gain Fund II 12.5676 10.3996 12.5676 10.8406 9.6193 11.3458
Premier Bond Fund 16.4166 15.2711 16.7481 15.8822 14.5452 15.9578
Premier Debt Fund 17.8277 16.5355 18.0306 17.0821 15.5240 17.1650
Premier Equity Fund 22.2942 17.6771 22.2942 18.8206 16.0547 20.1173
Premier Equity Gain Fund 27.8609 22.0978 27.8609 23.5809 20.5069 25.3884
Premier Equity Growth Fund 21.4163 17.0237 21.4163 18.1892 15.9391 19.6050
Premier Equity Index Fund 19.3858 15.5352 19.3858 16.5782 14.2202 17.7452
Pure Equity Fund 30.1556 24.1498 30.1556 24.6256 22.1758 26.8560
Pure Stock Fund 28.7478 22.7938 28.7478 23.2364 20.6858 25.3675
Pure Stock Pension Fund 22.3813 18.4941 22.3813 18.7953 16.5296 20.0682
Secure Fund 23.2436 20.3251 23.2436 21.0449 19.0248 21.2974
Shield Plus Fund I 13.2607 12.1184 13.2607 12.3781 11.3923 12.4446
Shield Plus Fund II 13.3011 11.9514 13.3011 12.2499 11.1916 12.3110
Shield Plus Fund III 12.9566 11.6769 12.9566 11.9854 11.0106 12.0945
Shield Plus Fund IV 12.5392 11.4333 12.5392 11.6941 10.6025 11.7356
Stable Fund 24.8447 20.5634 24.8447 21.4106 19.2904 21.9587
* Fund Closed on 28th Dec 2012

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure G: Annualised Expense Ratio to Average Daily Assets of the Fund
Fund Names Current Year Previous Year Fund Names Current Year Previous Year

Expense Ratio (%) Expense Ratio (%) Expense Ratio (%) Expense Ratio (%)

Acc Mid Cap Fund 1.97 1.97 Group Asset Allocation Fund II - -

Acc Mid Cap Fund II 1.52 1.52 Group Balanced Gain Fund 1.35 -

Acc Mid Cap Pension Fund 1.52 1.52 Group Blue Chip Fund 1.52 1.52

Accelerated Fund 1.35 1.36 Group Debt Fund 1.12 1.14

Asset Allocation Fund 1.40 1.41 Group Debt Fund II 1.12 -

Asset Allocation Fund II - - Group Equity Fund 1.52 1.52

Asset Allocation Pension Fund 1.40 1.41 Group Equity Index Fund 1.69 1.69

Assured Return Fund 1.40 1.41 Group Growth Fund II 1.12 1.14

Blue Chip Equity Fund 1.40 1.41 Group Liquid Fund 0.79 0.81

Bond Fund 1.07 1.08 Group Liquid Fund II 0.79 -

Bond Pension Fund 1.07 1.08 Group Return Shield Fund 1.40 1.41

Capital Guarantee Fund- 2012* - 1.42 Group Short Term Debt Fund 1.01 1.04

Capital Guarantee Fund- 2014 1.40 1.41 Group Short Term Debt Fund II 1.01 1.03

Capital Guarantee Fund- 2017 1.40 1.41 Group Short Term Debt Fund III 1.01 -

Capital Shield - I 3.09 3.10 Growth Plus Fund I 1.52 1.52

Capital Shield - II 3.65 3.66 Growth Plus Fund II 1.52 1.52

Cash Fund 2.53 2.54 Growth Plus Fund III 1.52 1.52

Cash Plus Fund 0.79 0.81 Guaranteed Bond Fund 1.12 1.14

Cash Plus Pension Fund 0.79 0.81 Life Long Gain Fund 2.53 2.53

Debt Fund 2.53 2.54 Liquid Fund 1.07 1.08

Debt Plus Fund 0.79 0.81 Liquid Pension Fund 1.07 1.08

Debt Plus Pension Fund 0.79 0.81 Max Gain Fund I 1.69 1.69

Equity Fund 2.53 2.54 Max Gain Fund II 1.69 1.69

Equity Gain Fund 3.09 3.10 Premier Bond Fund 3.09 3.10

Equity Growth Fund 1.97 1.97 Premier Debt Fund 2.53 2.54

Equity Growth Fund II 1.52 1.52 Premier Equity Fund 2.53 2.54

Equity Growth Pension Fund 1.52 1.52 Premier Equity Gain Fund 2.53 2.54

Equity Index Fund 1.12 1.14 Premier Equity Growth Fund 3.09 3.10

Equity Index Fund - II 1.40 1.41 Premier Equity Index Fund 3.09 3.10

Equity Index Pension Fund 1.12 1.14 Pure Equity Fund 1.69 1.69

Equity Index Pension Fund - II 1.40 1.41 Pure Stock Fund 1.52 1.52

Equity Midcap Fund 3.09 3.10 Pure Stock Pension Fund 1.52 1.52

Equity Midcap Pension Fund 1.69 1.69 Secure Fund 1.35 1.36

Equity Midcap Plus Fund 1.69 1.69 Shield Plus Fund I 1.52 1.52

Equity Plus Fund 1.69 1.69 Shield Plus Fund II 1.52 1.52

Equity Plus Pension Fund 1.69 1.69 Shield Plus Fund III 1.52 1.52

Group Asset Allocation Fund 1.40 1.41 Shield Plus Fund IV 1.52 1.52

* Fund Closed on 28th Dec 2012 Stable Fund 1.35 1.36

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure H: Ratio of Gross Income to Average Daily Assets of the Fund
Fund Names Current Year Previous Year Fund Names Current Year Previous Year
Income Ratio (%) Income Ratio (%) Income Ratio (%) Income Ratio (%)

Acc Mid Cap Fund 22.43 1.77 Group Asset Allocation Fund II - -
Acc Mid Cap Fund II 23.36 -0.23 Group Balanced Gain Fund 0.02 -
Acc Mid Cap Pension Fund 23.33 0.62 Group Blue Chip Fund 20.14 8.71
Accelerated Fund 15.04 10.00 Group Debt Fund 5.62 11.44
Asset Allocation Fund 16.94 7.53 Group Debt Fund II 7.01 -
Asset Allocation Fund II - - Group Equity Fund 20.02 9.84
Asset Allocation Pension Fund 15.76 8.11 Group Equity Index Fund 19.14 9.17
Assured Return Fund 5.84 10.96 Group Growth Fund II 8.56 10.02
Blue Chip Equity Fund 19.83 8.22 Group Liquid Fund 9.22 9.76
Bond Fund 5.93 11.71 Group Liquid Fund II - -
Bond Pension Fund 5.95 11.78 Group Return Shield Fund 9.56 9.18
Capital Guarantee Fund- 2012* - 8.54 Group Short Term Debt Fund 5.68 11.62
Capital Guarantee Fund- 2014 9.45 8.30 Group Short Term Debt Fund II 8.11 9.61
Capital Guarantee Fund- 2017 11.27 9.65 Group Short Term Debt Fund III 1.58 -
Capital Shield - I 9.38 9.49 Growth Plus Fund I 6.99 11.04
Capital Shield - II (2.63) 11.57 Growth Plus Fund II 21.26 11.01
Cash Fund 9.18 9.77 Growth Plus Fund III 24.10 9.63
Cash Plus Fund 9.22 9.69 Guaranteed Bond Fund 6.29 11.37
Cash Plus Pension Fund 9.43 9.84 Life Long Gain Fund 3.23 11.13
Debt Fund 5.79 11.85 Liquid Fund 9.33 9.68
Debt Plus Fund 5.94 11.70 Liquid Pension Fund 9.35 9.73
Debt Plus Pension Fund 6.42 11.72 Max Gain Fund I 17.31 7.62
Equity Fund 19.21 9.92 Max Gain Fund II 16.81 7.41
Equity Gain Fund 24.45 7.93 Premier Bond Fund 6.41 11.93
Equity Growth Fund 22.00 9.41 Premier Debt Fund 6.73 12.44
Equity Growth Fund II 22.94 9.49 Premier Equity Fund 19.44 10.33
Equity Growth Pension Fund 21.64 9.81 Premier Equity Gain Fund 19.04 9.75
Equity Index Fund 18.99 10.04 Premier Equity Growth Fund 19.13 9.79
Equity Index Fund - II 18.38 8.81 Premier Equity Index Fund 18.69 10.38
Equity Index Pension Fund 19.41 9.39 Pure Equity Fund 21.79 7.25
Equity Index Pension Fund - II 18.65 10.16 Pure Stock Fund 22.66 8.35
Equity Midcap Fund 19.71 1.41 Pure Stock Pension Fund 18.80 8.02
Equity Midcap Pension Fund 22.10 0.25 Secure Fund 11.33 11.58
Equity Midcap Plus Fund 21.49 1.09 Shield Plus Fund I 8.51 9.86
Equity Plus Fund 21.60 9.15 Shield Plus Fund II 9.44 10.54
Equity Plus Pension Fund 19.87 9.38 Shield Plus Fund III 9.24 9.97
Group Asset Allocation Fund 16.70 7.86 Shield Plus Fund IV 8.50 11.31
Stable Fund 16.20 11.52

* Fund Closed on 28th Dec 2012

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure I: Fundwise and Classwise Appreciation/(Depreciation) in value of Investments for the year 2013-2014 (Amount in Rs ‘000)
Particulars Acc Mid Cap Acc Mid Cap Fund II Acc Mid Cap Accelerated Fund Asset Allocation Asset Allocation Fund II Asset Allocation Assured Return Fund Blue Chip Equity Fund
Fund Pension Fund Fund Pension Fund
Approved Investments
Government Bonds - - - (9) (22,248) - (7,322) (5,662) -
Corporate Bonds - 0 - (102) 4,006 - (600) (1,409) -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - 28 (43,421) - (6,030) (1,692) -
Equity 2,18,642 1,73,511 38,274 1,427 21,00,034 - 1,70,138 - 2,81,398
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Money Market - - - - - - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - - - - - -
Total(A) 2,18,642 1,73,511 38,274 1,344 20,38,372 - 1,56,185 (8,763) 2,81,398
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - - - (2,621) - - (1,098) -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - -
Equity 69,076 52,726 11,914 44 251,133 - 19,082 - (486)
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - -
Venture Capital Fund - - - - - - - - -
Total(B) 69,076 52,726 11,914 44 248,511 - 19,082 (1,098) (486)
Total(A+B) 287,718 226,238 50,188 1,388 2,286,883 - 175,267 (9,861) 280,911
Note :- The above appreciation/depreciation is the difference between market value and book cost as at 31st March 2014.
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure G : Fundwise and Classwise Appreciation/(Depreciation) in value of Investments for the year 2012-2013 (Amount in Rs ‘000)

Particulars Acc Mid Cap Fund Acc Mid Cap Fund II Acc Mid Cap Pension Accelerated Fund Asset Allocation Fund Asset Allocation Pension Assured Return Fund Blue Chip Equity Fund
Fund Fund
Approved Investments
Government Bonds - - - 82 55,309 6,246 515 -
Corporate Bonds - - - (48) 60,950 324 (78) -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - (42) 8,931 1,332 3,694 -
Equity (6,21,139) (2,58,000) (1,19,890) (785) 4,13,826 49,616 - (27,244)
Money Market - - - - - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - - - - -
Total(A) (6,21,139) (2,58,000) (1,19,890) (793) 5,39,016 57,518 4,131 (27,244)
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - - - (444) - (37) -
Infrastructure Bonds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Equity (1,11,523) (57,441) (20,608) (461) 85,708 4,772 - (6,092)
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Venture Capital - - - - - - - -
Total(B) (1,11,523) (57,441) (20,608) (461) 85,264 4,772 (37) (6,092)
Annual Report 2013-2014

Total(A+B) (7,32,662) (3,15,441) (1,40,498) (1,254) 6,24,280 62,290 4,094 (33,336)

Note :- The above appreciation/depreciation is the difference between market value and book cost as at 31st March 2013.
Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure I : Fundwise and Classwise Appreciation/(Depreciation) in value of Investments for the year 2013-2014 (Amount in Rs ‘000)

Particulars Bond Fund Bond Pension Fund Capital Guarantee Capital Guarantee Fund Capital Guarantee Capital Shield - I Capital Shield - II Cash Fund
Fund - 2012* - 2014 Fund - 2017
Approved Investments
Government Bonds (11,542) (2,202) - - (15) - - -
Corporate Bonds 10,128 2,683 - - (52) (0) - 0
Infrastructure Bonds (10,376) (4,099) - - (48) - - 0
Equity - - - - 3,741 - - -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Money Market - - - - - - - -

Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - - - - -
Total (A) (11,791) (3,618) - - 3,627 (0) - 0
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds (12,305) 233 - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - -
Equity - - - - (44) - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Venture Capital - - - - - - - -
Total (B) (12,305) 233 - - (44) - - -
Total (A+B) (24,096) (3,385) - - 3,583 (0) - 0
* Fund Closed on 28th Dec 2012
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure G : Fundwise and Classwise Appreciation/(Depreciation) in value of Investments for the year 2012-2013 (Amount in Rs ‘000)
Particulars Bond Fund Bond Pension Fund Capital Guarantee Capital Guarantee Fund Capital Guarantee Capital Shield - I Capital Shield - II Cash Fund
Fund - 2012 - 2014 Fund - 2017
Approved Investments
Government Bonds 13,275 7,614 - (42) 276 - - -
Corporate Bonds 31,847 12,139 - - - 4,694 2,11,344 -
Infrastructure Bonds 24,217 6,652 - - (12) (5,716) - -
Equity - - - 231 2,293 (2,464) - -
Money Market - - - - - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - - - - -
Total (A) 69,339 26,405 - 189 2,557 (3,486) 211,344 -
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds 4,089 530 - - - (67) - -
Infrastructure Bonds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Equity - - - (4) (42) (1,055) - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Venture Capital - - - - - - - -
Total (B) 4,089 530 - (4) (42) (1,122) - -

Annual Report 2013-2014

Total (A+B) 73,428 26,935 - 185 2,515 (4,608) 211,344 -

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24 (Amount in Rs ‘000)

Enclosure I : Fundwise and Classwise Appreciation/(Depreciation) in value of Investments for the year 2013-2014
Particulars Cash Plus Fund Cash Plus Pension Fund Debt Fund Debt Plus Fund Debt Plus Pension Equity Fund Equity Gain Fund Equity Growth Fund
Approved Investments
Government Bonds - - (1,790) (4,106) (527) - - -
Corporate Bonds (0) (0) (153) 2,478 (24) - (0) 0
Infrastructure Bonds 0 0 (1,481) (1,986) - - - 0
Equity - - - - - 8,14,925 600,092 6,064,805
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Money Market - - - - - - - -

Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - - - - -
Total (A) (0) (0) (3,425) (3,614) (551) 8,14,925 600,092 6,064,805
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - 116 116 - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - -
Equity - - - - - 13,061 (8,210) 463,208
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Venture Capital - - - - - - - -
Total (B) - - 116 116 - 13,061 (8,210) 463,208
Total (A+B) (0) (0) (3,308) (3,498) (551) 827,986 591,882 6,528,014

Note :- The above appreciation/depreciation is the difference between market value and book cost as at 31st March 2014.
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

(Amount in Rs ‘000)
Enclosure G : Fundwise and Classwise Appreciation/(Depreciation) in value of Investments for the year 2012-2013
Particulars Cash Plus Fund Cash Plus Pension Fund Debt Fund Debt Plus Fund Debt Plus Pension Equity Fund Equity Gain Fund Equity Growth Fund

Approved Investments
Government Bonds - - 2,020 (54) (446) - - -
Corporate Bonds - - 3,742 4,545 120 - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - 1,625 2,202 - - - -
Equity - - - - - 826,907 217,947 2,287,091
Money Market - - - - - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - - - - -
Total (A) - - 7,387 6,693 (326) 826,907 217,947 2,287,091
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - 265 265 - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Equity - - - - - 14,720 (85,710) 236,668
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Venture Capital - - - - - - - -
Total (B) - - 265 265 - 14,720 (85,710) 236,668
Annual Report 2013-2014

Total (A+B) - - 7,652 6,958 (326) 841,627 132,237 2,523,759

Note :- The above appreciation/depreciation is the difference between market value and book cost as at 31st March 2013.
Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure I : Fundwise and Classwise Appreciation/(Depreciation) in value of Investments for the year 2013-2014 (Amount in Rs ‘000)

Particulars Equity Growth Fund II Equity Growth Pension Equity Index Fund Equity Index Fund - II Equity Index Pension Equity Index Pension Fund - II Equity Midcap Fund Equity Midcap Pension
Fund Fund Fund
Approved Investments
Government Bonds - - - - - - - -
Corporate Bonds (0) - - 0 - - (0) -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - -
Equity 738,675 281,637 368,532 10,283,552 24,860 1,039,744 17,487 4,786
Money Market - - - - - - - -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -

Deposit with Banks - - - - - - - -

Total(A) 738,675 281,637 368,532 10,283,552 24,860 1,039,744 17,487 4,786
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - -
Equity 65,432 22,971 2,185 (3,239) 67 (9,164) 2,970 275
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Venture Capital - - - - - - - -
Total (B) 65,432 22,971 2,185 (3,239) 67 (9,164) 2,970 275
Total (A+B) 804,107 304,609 370,716 10,280,313 24,927 1,030,580 20,457 5,062

Note :- The above appreciation/depreciation is the difference between market value and book cost as at 31st March 2014.
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure G : Fundwise and Classwise Appreciation/(Depreciation) in value of Investments for the year 2012-2013 (Amount in Rs ‘000)
Particulars Equity Growth Fund II Equity Growth Pension Equity Index Fund Equity Index Fund - II Equity Index Pension Equity Index Pension Fund - II Equity Midcap Fund Equity Midcap Pension

Fund Fund Fund

Approved Investments
Government Bonds - - - - - - - -
Corporate Bonds - - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - -
Equity 141,442 142,138 365,269 7,282,615 23,365 968,196 (84,333) (6,136)
Money Market - - - - - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - - - - -
Total(A) 141,442 142,138 365,269 7,282,615 23,365 968,196 (84,333) (6,136)
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Equity 6,579 3,509 2,367 (172,023) 49 (18,388) (14,540) (1,082)
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Venture Capital - - - - - - - -
Total (B) 6,579 3,509 2,367 (172,023) 49 (18,388) (14,540) (1,082)

Total (A+B) 148,021 145,647 367,636 7,110,592 23,414 949,808 (98,873) (7,218)
Annual Report 2013-2014

Note :- The above appreciation/depreciation is the difference between market value and book cost as at 31st March 2013.
Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure I : Fundwise and Classwise Appreciation/(Depreciation) in value of Investments for the year 2013-2014 (Amount in Rs ‘000)
Particulars Equity Midcap Equity Plus Fund Equity Plus Group Asset Group Asset Allocation Group Balanced Gain Group Blue Chip Group Debt Fund Group Debt Fund II Group Equity Fund
Plus Fund Pension Fund Allocation Fund
Fund II Fund Fund
Approved Investments
Government Bonds - - - (2,649) - - - 8,002 1,200 -
Corporate Bonds - (0) - (449) - - - 2,572 485 (0)
Infrastructure Bonds - - - (1,642) - - - (644) 29 -
Equity 53,013 774,288 46,456 208,224 - - 8,603 - - 24,866
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Money Market - - - - - - - - - -

Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - - - - - - -
Total (A) 53,013 774,288 46,456 203,484 - - 8,603 9,930 1,713 24,866
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Equity 6,706 71,304 (950) 27,441 - - 8 - - (447)
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Venture Capital - - - - - - - - - -
Total (B) 6,706 71,304 (950) 27,441 - - 8 - - (447)
Total (A+B) 59,719 845,592 45,506 230,925 - - 8,611 9,930 1,713 24,419
Note :- The above appreciation/depreciation is the difference between market value and book cost as at 31st March 2014.
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure G : Fundwise and Classwise Appreciation/(Depreciation) in value of Investments for the year 2012-2013 (Amount in Rs ‘000)
Particulars Equity Midcap Equity Plus Fund Equity Plus Group Asset Group Blue Chip Group Debt Fund Group Equity Fund Group Equity Index Group Growth Group Liquid Fund

Plus Fund Pension Fund Allocation Fund Fund Fund Fund II

Approved Investments
Government Bonds - - - 4,730 - (3,949) - - - -
Corporate Bonds - - - 960 - 5,386 - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - 8,529 - 2,674 - - 2,402 -
Equity (126,516) 974,801 19,927 8,045 (1,901) - 3,282 64,762 - -
Money Market - - - - - - - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - - - - - - -
Total (A) (126,516) 974,801 19,927 22,264 (1,901) 4,111 3,282 64,762 2,402 -
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - - - - - - - 126 -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Equity (21,014) (2,003) 483 79 (274) - 216 (9,111) - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Venture Capital - - - - - - - - - -
Total (B) (21,014) (2,003) 483 79 (274) - 216 (9,111) 126 -
Total (A+B) (147,530) 972,798 20,410 22,343 (2,175) 4,111 3,498 55,651 2,528 -
Annual Report 2013-2014

Note :- The above appreciation/depreciation is the difference between market value and book cost as at 31st March 2013.
Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure I : Fundwise and Classwise Appreciation/(Depreciation) in value of Investments for the year 2013-2014 (Amount in Rs ‘000)
Particulars Group Equity Index Group Growth Fund II Group Liquid Fund Group Liquid Group Return Group Short Term Group Short Term Group Short Growth Plus Growth Plus
Fund Fund II Shield Fund Debt Fund Term Debt Fund I Fund II
Debt Fund II Fund III
Approved Investments
Government Bonds - - - - (420) (277) (24) 5 - -
Corporate Bonds - 380 - - (328) - - - (718) -
Infrastructure Bonds - 930 - - (12) - - - (2,116) -
Equity 314,244 - - - (392) - - - - 8,088
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Money Market - - - - - - - - - -

Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - - - - - - -
Total (A) 314,244 1,310 - - (1,152) (277) (24) 5 (2,834) 8,088
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - (280) - - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - - - -
Equity (2,012) - - - (19) - - - - (93)
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - - - -
Venture Capital - - - - - - - - - -
Total (B) (2,012) (280) - - (19) - - - - (93)
Total (A+B) 312,233 1,031 - - (1,171) (277) (24) 5 (2,834) 7,995
Note :- The above appreciation/depreciation is the difference between market value and book cost as at 31st March 2014.
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure G : Fundwise and Classwise Appreciation/(Depreciation) in value of Investments for the year 2012-2013 (Amount in Rs ‘000)

Particulars Group Return Shield Group Short Term Debt Group Short Term Growth Plus Fund I Growth Plus Fund II Growth Plus Fund III Guaranteed Bond Fund Life Long Gain Fund

Fund Fund Debt Fund II

Approved Investments
Government Bonds - 23 288 - - - 7,589 2,218
Corporate Bonds 298 (25) - 227 (4,018) - 3,684 357
Infrastructure Bonds 1,729 (145) - (564) - - 16,806 94
Equity (1,373) - - - - 1,580 - -
Money Market - - - - - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - - - - -
Total(A) 654 (147) 288 (337) (4,018) 1,580 28,079 2,669
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - - - - - (705) -
Infrastructure Bonds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Equity (162) - - - - 75 - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Venture Capital - - - - - - - -
Total (B) (162) - - - - 75 (705) -

Annual Report 2013-2014

Total (A+B) 492 (147) 288 (337) (4,018) 1,655 27,374 2,669

Note :- The above appreciation/depreciation is the difference between market value and book cost as at 31st March 2013.
Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure I : Fundwise and Classwise Appreciation/(Depreciation) in value of Investments for the year 2013-2014 (Amount in Rs ‘000)
Particulars Growth Plus Fund III Guaranteed Bond Fund Life Long Gain Fund Liquid Fund Liquid Pension Fund Max Gain Fund I Max Gain Fund II Premier Bond Fund
Approved Investments
Government Bonds - (13,370) (3,908) - - 121 - (2,141)
Corporate Bonds 0 (5,416) 138 (0) (0) 1,468 0 143
Infrastructure Bonds - (10,167) (233) 0 0 305 - (378)
Equity 6,763 - - - - 1,309,461 206,781 -
Money Market - - - - - - - -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - - - - -
Total (A) 6,763 (28,953) (4,002) (0) (0) 1,311,356 206,781 (2,376)
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - (4,622) - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - -
Equity 620 - - - - (7,205) (2,263) -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Venture Capital - - - - - - - -
Total (B) 620 (4,622) - - - (7,205) (2,263) -
Total (A+B) 7,383 (33,576) (4,002) (0) (0) 1,304,151 204,519 (2,376)

Note :- The above appreciation/depreciation is the difference between market value and book cost as at 31st March 2014.
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure G : Fundwise and Classwise Appreciation/(Depreciation) in value of Investments for the year 2012-2013 (Amount in Rs ‘000)

Particulars Liquid Fund Liquid Pension Fund Max Gain Fund I Max Gain Fund II Premier Bond Fund Premier Debt Fund Premier Equity Fund Premier Equity Gain

Approved Investments
Government Bonds - - - - (525) (136) - -
Corporate Bonds - - (81) - 1,905 430 - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - 105 - 12 50 - -
Equity - - 360,391 21,602 - - 59,656 19,660
Money Market - - - - - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - - - - -
Total(A) - - 360,415 21,602 1,392 344 59,656 19,660
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - (23) - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Equity - - (40,661) (5,620) - - 705 437
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Venture Capital - - - - - - - -
Total (B) - - (40,684) (5,620) - - 705 437
Annual Report 2013-2014

Total (A+B) - - 319,731 15,982 1,392 344 60,361 20,097

Note :- The above appreciation/depreciation is the difference between market value and book cost as at 31st March 2013.
Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure I : Fundwise and Classwise Appreciation/(Depreciation) in value of Investments for the year 2013-2014 (Amount in Rs ‘000)

Particulars Premier Debt Fund Premier Equity Fund Premier Equity Gain Premier Equity Growth Premier Equity Index Pure Equity Fund Pure Stock Fund Pure Stock Pension
Fund Fund Fund Fund
Approved Investments
Government Bonds (531) - - - - - - -
Corporate Bonds 3 - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds 27 - - - - - - -
Equity - 52,499 37,763 103,868 162,648 48,994 371,639 51,222
Money Market - - - - - - - -
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -

Deposit with Banks - - - - - - - -

Total (A) (501) 52,499 37,763 103,868 162,648 48,994 371,639 51,222
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - - - - - - -
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - - -
Equity - 620 (788) (2,299) (1,729) 1,027 6,043 (505)
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Venture Capital - - - - - - - -
Total (B) - 620 (788) (2,299) (1,729) 1,027 6,043 (505)
Total (A+B) (501) 53,119 36,975 101,568 160,919 50,021 377,682 50,717
Note :- The above appreciation/depreciation is the difference between market value and book cost as at 31st March 2014.
Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Enclosure G : Fundwise and Classwise Appreciation/(Depreciation) in value of Investments for the year 2012-2013 (Amount in Rs ‘000)
Particulars Premier Equity Premier Equity Index Fund Pure Equity Fund Pure Stock Fund Pure Stock Pension Secure Fund Shield Plus Fund I Shield Plus Fund II

Growth Fund Fund

Approved Investments
Government Bonds - - - - - 12,940 33 107
Corporate Bonds - - - - - 1,900 740 1,208
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - 1,217 2,977 (2,009)
Equity 57,757 180,709 33,827 239,368 32,224 (17,151) (16,431) (2,399)
Money Market - - - - - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - - - - -
Total(A) 57,757 180,709 33,827 239,368 32,224 (1,094) (12,681) (3,093)
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - - - - - (26) (5,305) (2,488)
Infrastructure Bonds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Equity 1,416 (2,654) 7,201 58,250 (4,870) (5,094) (1,965) (1,549)
Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Venture Capital - - - - - - - -
Total (B) 1,416 (2,654) 7,201 58,250 (4,870) (5,120) (7,270) (4,037)
Total (A+B) 59,173 178,055 41,028 297,618 27,354 (6,214) (19,951) (7,130)

Annual Report 2013-2014

Note :- The above appreciation/depreciation is the difference between market value and book cost as at 31st March 2013.
Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure I : Fundwise and Classwise Appreciation/(Depreciation) in value of Investments for the year 2013-2014
(Amount in Rs ‘000)
Particulars Secure Fund Shield Plus Fund I Shield Plus Fund II Shield Plus Fund III Shield Plus Fund IV Stable Fund Grand Total
Approved Investments
Government Bonds (11,001) (2,316) (41) 61 128 (5,557) (88,141)
Corporate Bonds (2,972) (1,431) (2,537) (2,802) (478) (855) 4,157
Infrastructure Bonds (6,784) (22,966) (6,247) (11,370) (649) (961) (131,984)
Equity 37,372 (8,020) (657) (1,166) 234 31,607 27,074,661
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Money Market - - - - - - -

Mutual Fund - - - - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - - - - -
Total (A) 16,614 (34,734) (9,482) (15,278) (765) 24,235 26,858,693
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds - (16,446) (6,298) (2,769) - - (45,974)
Infrastructure Bonds - - - - - - -
Equity 1,083 (397) (70) (30) (62) 1,076 1,050,060
Mutual Fund - - - - - - -
Venture Capital - - - - - - -
Total (B) 1,083 (16,844) (6,368) (2,799) (62) 1,076 1,004,085
Total (A+B) 17,697 (51,577) (15,850) (18,077) (827) 25,310 27,862,778
Note :- The above appreciation/depreciation is the difference between market value and book cost as at 31st March 2014.
IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001

Appendix III Refer Schedule 16 Note 24

Enclosure G : Fundwise and Classwise Appreciation/(Depreciation) in value of Investments for the year 2012-2013
(Amount in Rs ‘000)
Particulars Shield Plus Fund III Shield Plus Fund IV Stable Fund Grand Total
Approved Investments
Government Bonds 107 82 8,379 116,681
Corporate Bonds 888 200 (477) 343,161
Infrastructure Bonds 9,757 2,042 24 88,583
Equity (8,061) 240 (14,296) 13,490,648
Money Market - - - -
Mutual Fund - - - -
Deposit with Banks - - - -
Total(A) 2,691 2,564 (6,370) 14,039,073
Other Investments
Corporate Bonds (876) - (22) (4,718)
Infrastructure Bonds 0 0 0 -
Equity (1,326) (490) (4,688) (167,216)
Mutual Fund - - - -
Venture Capital - - - -
Total (B) (2,202) (490) (4,710) (171,934)
Total (A+B) 489 2,074 (11,080) 13,867,139
Annual Report 2013-2014

Note :- The above appreciation/depreciation is the difference between market value and book cost as at 31st March 2013.
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Appendix IV refer Schedule 16 Note 25

Controlled Fund Statement (Amount in Rs ‘000)

Sr. No. Particulars Current Year Previous Year

1 Computation of Controlled fund as per the Balance Sheet
Policyholders' Fund (Life Fund)
Individual Assurance 67,378,074 48,456,276
Individual Pension 543,743 547,852
Individual Assurance 8,389,565 8,000,764
Individual Health 163,690 190,514
Individual Annuity 1,037,406 764,229
Group Assurance 36,005,758 25,552,963
Individual Assurance 3,547,808 4,129,299
Individual Pension 6,494 19,348
Group 11,924 24,018
Discontinued Fund 1,454,973 489,840
Unit Linked 212,876,008 244,965,745
Funds for Future Appropriations 1,839,537 1,740,593
Fair Value Change Account 677,123 51,684
Total (A) 333,932,103 334,933,125
Shareholders’ Fund
Paid up Capital 1,507,090 1,507,090
Reserves & Surpluses 57,201,257 46,955,345
Fair Value Change - (21,744)
Total (B) 58,708,347 48,440,691
Misc. expenses not written off - -
Credit / (Debit) from P&L A/c. - -
Total (C ) - -
Total shareholders’ funds (B+C) 58,708,347 48,440,691
Controlled Fund (Total (A+B+C)) 392,640,450 383,373,816
2 Reconciliation of the Controlled Fund from Revenue and Profit & Loss Account
Opening Balance of Controlled Fund (A) 383,373,816 394,485,970
Add: Inflow
Premium Income 58,431,389 68,926,995
Less: Reinsurance ceded (678,155) (576,420)
Net Premium 57,753,234 68,350,575
Investment Income 49,141,769 30,257,815
Other Income 300,631 169,758
Funds transferred from Shareholders' Accounts 69,386 23,503
Total Income 107,265,020 98,801,651
Less: Outgo
(i) Benefits paid (Net) 84,772,465 93,037,652
(ii) Interim Bonus Paid 47,358 31,726
(iii) Change in Valuation of Liability (1,725,405) (23,392,438)
(iv) Commission 1,482,537 2,804,198
(v) Operating Expenses 14,728,883 16,003,010
(vi) Provision for Taxation 1,469,224 1,692,829
Total Outgo 100,775,062 90,176,977
Surplus of the Policyholders' Fund 6,489,958 8,624,666
Less: transferred to Shareholders' Account
From Current Year (6,391,014) (8,326,869)
From Previous Years - (847,970)
Net Flow in Policyholders' account 98,944 (550,173)

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Appendix IV refer Schedule 16 Note 25

Controlled Fund Statement (Amount in Rs ‘000)

Sr. No. Particulars Current Year Previous Year

Add: Net income in Shareholders' Fund 10,245,912 12,856,364
Net In Flow / Outflow (B) 10,344,856 12,306,191
Change in valuation Liabilities (C) (1,725,405) (23,392,438)
Change in Fair Value Change Account (D) 647,183 (25,907)
Increase in Paid up Capital (E) - -
Closing Balance of Controlled Fund (A+B+C+D+E) 392,640,450 383,373,816
As Per Balance Sheet 392,640,450 383,373,816
Difference, if any - -
3 Reconciliation with Shareholders' and Policyholders' Fund
3.1 Policyholders' Funds - Traditional-PAR and NON-PAR
Opening Balance of the Policyholders' Fund 85,304,875 53,713,673
Add: Surplus of the Revenue Account 1,168,359 1,249,309
Less: Surplus transfer to Shareholders' Account (1,069,415) (951,512)
Change in valuation Liabilities 30,005,638 31,297,568
Change in Fair Value Change Account 609,325 (4,163)
Total 116,018,782 85,304,875
As per Balance Sheet 116,018,782 85,304,875
Difference, if any - -
3.2 Policyholders' Funds - Linked
Opening Balance of the Policyholders' Fund 249,138,410 305,009,842
Add: Surplus of the Revenue Account 5,321,599 7,375,357
Less: Surplus transfer to Shareholders' Account (5,321,599) (8,223,327)
Change in valuation Liabilities (606,439) (150,946)
Change in Fund Reserve (32,089,737) (54,872,516)
Change in Fair Value Change Account 16,114 -
Total 216,458,348 249,138,410
As per Balance Sheet 216,458,348 249,138,410
Difference, if any - -
3.3 Policyholders' Funds - Discontinued Fund
Opening Balance of the Policyholders' Fund 489,840 156,384
Change in Fund Reserve 965,133 333,456
Closing Balance 1,454,973 489,840
As per Balance Sheet 1,454,973 489,840
Difference, if any - -
3.4 Shareholders' Funds
Opening Balance of Shareholders' Fund 48,440,691 35,606,071
Add: Net income of Shareholders' account (P&L) 10,245,912 12,856,364
Change in Fair Value Change Account 21,744 (21,744)
Closing Balance of the Shareholders'' fund 58,708,347 48,440,691
As per Balance Sheet 58,708,347 48,440,691
Difference, if any - -
Check of totals within the statement - -

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Cash Flow Statement for the Year ending 31st March 2014
(Amount in Rs ‘000)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

Cash Flow from Operating Activities
Cash receipts from customers
Premium and other receipts 59,170,487 68,040,961
Cash paid towards Operating Activities
Expenses (18,254,377) (19,513,770)
Benefits paid (84,036,831) (90,627,946)
Taxes Paid (1,606,739) (1,790,426)
Reinsurance (Net) (233,898) (53,613)
Advance & deposits 552,582 (541,704)
Loan Against Policies (220,916) (70,823)
(103,800,179) (112,598,282)
Cash flow before extraordinary item (44,629,692) (44,557,321)
Extraordinary Item - -
Net cash from Operating Activities ( A ) (44,629,692) (44,557,321)
Cash Flow from Investing Activities
Purchase of Fixed Assets (276,313) (473,099)
Purchase of Investment (1,783,754,583) (1,504,332,848)
(1,784,030,896) (1,504,805,947)
Interest and dividend Received 18,159,983 14,784,288
Sale of Investment 1,810,833,812 1,536,832,774
Sale of Fixed Assets 15,598 16,836
1,829,009,393 1,551,633,898
Net cash from investing activities ( B ) 44,978,497 46,827,951
Cash Flow from Financing activities
Proceeds from Issuance of Share Capital - -
Share Premium received on issuance of Share Capital - -
- -
Net cash from Financing Activities ( C ) - -
Net increase in Cash & Cash Equivalents (D = A + B + C ) 348,805 2,270,630
Cash & Cash equivalents at the beginning of the Year 7,216,210 4,945,580
Cash & Cash Equivalents at the end of the Period 7,565,015 7,216,210
Components of Cash & Cash equivalents
Cash and Bank Balances ( as per Sch 11) 7,320,635 7,147,509
Cash and Bank Balances ( Unit Linked business) 244,380 68,701
7,565,015 7,216,210

Notes to Financial Statements 16

The accompanying notes and schedules form an integral part of the financial statements.

As per our report of even date attached For Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited

For S. R. Batliboi & Co. LLP For Kirtane & Pandit Sanjiv Bajaj Manuel Bauer Rahul Bajaj
Chairman Director Director
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
ICAI Firm Registration ICAI Firm Registration
No. 301003E No. 105215W Kamesh Goyal Ranjit Gupta S. H. Khan
Director Director Director

Suraj Mehta Manu Tandon Anuj Agarwal

per Shrawan Jalan Suhas Deshpande
Partner Partner Director Director Managing Director &
Membership No. 102102 Membership No. Chief Executive Officer

Rajesh Viswanathan Saisrinivas Dhulipala Sameer Bakshi

Chief Financial Officer Appointed Actuary Company Secretary and
Head – Legal
Place : Pune Place : Pune & Compliance
Date : 10th May 2014 Date : 10th May 2014

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Balance Sheet Abstract and Company’s General Business Profile

I. Registration Details
Registration No. State Code
15959 25

Balance Sheet Date
31 03 2014
Date Month Year

II. Capital raised during the year ( Amount in Rs '000)

Public Issue Right Issue

- -

Bonus Issue Private Placement

- -

III. Position of mobilisation and deployment of funds ( Amount in Rs '000)

Total Liabilities Total Assets

392,640,450 392,640,450

IV Source of Funds ( Amount in Rs '000)

Paid up Capital Reserves and Surplus ( shareholders )

1,507,090 57,201,257

Secured Loans Unsecured Loans

Nil Nil

Policyholders Funds Others

333,932,103 Nil

V. Application of Funds ( Amount in Rs '000)

Net Fixed Assets Investments

2,554,847 387,797,992

Net Current Assets Miscellaneous Expenditure

1,825,212 Nil

Accumulated loss ( Shareholders) Others

Nil 462,399

VI. Performance of Company ( Amount in Rs '000)

Turnover Total Expenditure
- -

Profit / Loss before Tax Profit / Loss after Tax

11,621,934 10,245,912

Accumulated Profits

Earnings per share Dividend rate(%)

67.98 0

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. I IRDA Registration No.116 dated 3rd August, 2001 Annual Report 2013-2014

Balance Sheet Abstract and Company’s General Business Profile

VII. Generic Name of Principal Products/Services of Company

Item Code no (ITC Code) -

Product Description Life Insurance Business

The Company being a life insurance company the accounts of the Company are not required to be made in accordance with

Schedule VI. Further, the Insurance Act, 1938, requires the accounts of the Company to be split between Policyholders’ &
Shareholders’ Account. In view of this it is not possible to give all the information as required in Part III & Part IV of the Schedule.

For Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited

Sanjiv Bajaj Manuel Bauer Rahul Bajaj

Chairman Director Director

Kamesh Goyal Ranjit Gupta S. H. Khan
Director Director Director

Anuj Agarwal
Suraj Mehta Manu Tandon Managing Director and
Director Director Chief Executive Officer

Rajesh Viswanathan Saisrinivas Dhulipala Sameer Bakshi

Chief Financial Officer Appointed Actuary Company Secretary and
Head – Legal & Compliance

Place : Pune
Date : 10th May 2014


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