UoP Financial Rules PDF
UoP Financial Rules PDF
UoP Financial Rules PDF
1.1.2 Commencement and application: These Rules shall come into force at once and and
shall be applicable to provisions in the Recurring and Developmental Budgets.
1.1.3 These Rules shall be followed by the authorities of the University in the discharge of the
financial functions entrusted to the University under the Act as amended from time to
1.1.4 These Rules supersede all previous Rules and orders on the subject and shall henceforth
apply to all financial transactions, decisions, payments, income, expenditure, record,
purchase, sale and disposal of stock and non-stock items of the University. However,
notwithstanding the repeal of the previous Rules, anything done or any action taken or
any proceedings commenced under any of the provisions of the previous Rules, orders,
and practices shall continue in force and be deemed to have been done, taken or
commenced under the corresponding provision(s) of these Rules.
1.1.5 Where there is no provision for any item in these Rules, the Federal Government's Rules
will be applicable.
1.1.6 In case of real hardship, the Vice-Chancellor may relax these Rules for reasons to be
recorded for the information of the Finance and Planning Committee/ Syndicate.
1.2.1 In these Rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, following
terms shall have the meaning given below: Authority: Authority means the authority of the University as specified in the
Ordinance/Act/ Statutes. Budget: Budget means the financial estimates of the University for the financial year
duly recommended by the Finance & Planning Committee and the Syndicate and passed
by the Senate. Convener: Convener means a senior member of the University Purchase Committee
appointed by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Treasurer for a fixed
period or for a specific purchase.
2 Dean: Dean means the Dean of a Faculty of the University. Deputy Treasurer: Deputy Treasurer means the Deputy Treasurer of the University. Head: Head means the Head of a constituent Teaching Department, Director of
Institute, Director of Centre, Principal of a constituent college, Principal of a constituent
school and Head of Administrative Section in the University, as the case may be. Non-Stock Items: Items of specific nature not stocked in the main store and
procured as and when required by department/section. These would normally includes all
fixed assets items, library books, laboratory chemicals glassware, equipment and
workshop tools and materials, computers and their accessories. Project Committee: Project Committee means the Project Committee appointed
for a project by competent authority of the University Secretary Purchase Committee: Secretary means the Secretary of the University
Purchase Committee and in charge of the Store Purchase Section of the University. Stock Items: Stock Items means, items, which are purchased in bulk and usually
consist of general stationery, office stationery, office supplies, items of sanitary,
hardware, timber, electrical goods and appliances and other miscellaneous material
required for the maintenance and up-keep of structures, moveable and immovable assets.
It includes all consumable items also. Treasury Wing: Treasury wing means the Treasury wing of the University under
the administrative control of the Treasurer, consisting of Accounts Section, Budget
Section, Store Section, Pension and Funds Section, Internal Audit Section and other
appropriate section(s) which may be added to it by the competent authority.
The university shall have a fund to which shall be credited its income from fees,
donations, trusts, bequests, endowments, contributions, grant and all other sources. Banks
account/ accounts for the University fund may be opened and operated by the Treasurer with any
scheduled bank/banks.
2.1.1 Recurring grants of the Federal Govt. released through the University Grants
Commission or Provincial Govt.
2.1.2 Development Grants release through the University Grants Commission by the Federal
Govt. for the developmental schemes of the University or Funds released by the
Provincial Government for the development projects.
2.1.3 Special grants released by the Federal or Provincial Government for a specific purpose or
covering a range of specific/special items.
2.1.4 Other grants of the Provincial or Federal Government and other Organizations/bodies
released for purposes such as scholarships, awards, prizes, study tour and travel, students
welfare, provision of amenities, holding tournaments seminars debates, sports festivals
and other activities of students and staff.
2.2.1 Admission fee, Registration fees, Tuition and Examination fee, Self Finance fee, Late
fee, Fines, Equivalence fee, Provisional Certificate fee, Detail Marks Certificates fee,
Degree fee, Migration fee, Correction in name fee, Proficiency fee and Sports fee and the
Affiliation fee etc.
2.2.2 Hostel Income: Hostel admission fee, hostel rent, service charges, electricity charges
from students and all other user charges.
2.2.4 Income from staff and students for hiring university vehicles, rents, telephone and
electricity charges and any other user charges..
2.2.5 Donations, gifts, bequests, honors, awards, prizes, and medals to the University
2.2.6 Miscellaneous income means all income not covered under the aforementioned sources,
which may be accounted for under the miscellaneous. head.
a) The Financial Organization in these Rules has been structured around the existing
administrative set-up of the University. The Treasurer, under the supervision of the
Vice Chancellor, administers and manage the Treasury Wing of the University and is
also responsible for the procurement and issue of stationery, office supplies and all
kinds of stores including sanitary, hardware, electrical, gas material, wood/timber,
laboratory and office equipment, furniture for hostel and all administrative sections
and teaching departments of the University.
b) The Treasury Wing will consist of five functional sections, viz; Accounts, Budget,
Pension & Fund, Stores and Internal Audit. Each section is supervised by a
Superintendent who reports to the concerned Assistant Treasurer.
c) The Deputy Treasurer will coordinates activities of the Accounts, Budget and
Internal Audit Sections while the other two Assistant treasurers coordinate activities
of their respective sections.
d) The financial transactions will be coordinated and routed to the Treasurer by their
respective heads for authorization or obtaining approval of competent authority. Each
of these sections has further been divided into sub-sections to ensure a smooth and
efficient working and to exercise sound control at the lower level of the functionaries.
The Syndicate as defined in the University of Peshawar Act 1974 shall be the executive
body of the University and shall, subject to the provisions of the Act and the Statutes,
exercise general supervision over the affairs and management of the property of the
University. Without prejudice to the generality of the aforementioned power, the
Syndicate shall have the powers:
i. to hold, control, and administer the property and funds of the university;
ii. to govern and regulate, with due regard to the advice of the Finance and Planning
Committee in this behalf, the finances, accounts, and investments of the
University and for the purpose to appoints such agents as it may think fit;
iii. to consider the annual report, the annual and revised budget estimates and to
advise the Senate thereon and to re-appropriate funds from one major head of
expenditure to another;
iv. to transfer and accept transfer of moveable and immoveable property on behalf of
the University;
v. to enter into, vary, carry out and cancel contracts on behalf of the University;
vi. to cause proper books of account to be kept for all sums of money, received and
expended by the University and for the assets and liabilities of the University;
vii. to invest any money belonging to the University including any unapplied income
of the Trust Act 1882 (Act II of 1882), or in the purchase of immovable property
or in such other manners as it may determine with the like power of varying such
viii. to receive and manage any property transferred and grants, bequests, trust, gifts,
donations, endowments and other contributions made to the University;
ix. to administer any funds at the disposal of the University for specified purposes;
x. to hold, control, administer and funds on behalf of the University and after
giving due regard to the advice to the Finance and Planning Committee, invest
such funds in government securities or into short and long term investment.
xi. to use such other powers as are assigned to it under the University Act.
xii. to consider the Audit Report on the accounts of the University carried out by the
Inspection Team deputed by the Director General, Audit, NWFP in the light of
relevant clauses of the University Act, and settle and drop paras or give advice or
instructions thereon. The Syndicate may formulate and authorize a Committee for
this purpose duly represented by the Director General Audit or his nominee to
deal with the Audit Notes in the light of the provision of the University Act.
3.2.1 The Finance & Planning Committee will advise the Vice Chancellor on matters related to
the finances of the University. Its functions, as defined in the Ist statutes of the University
of Peshawar Act 1974, shall be:
i. to consider the Annual Statement of Accounts and the Annual Budget Estimates
and Revised Budget Estimates and advise the Syndicate thereon;
iii. to advise the Syndicate on all matters relating to planning, development, finances,
investment and accounts of the University;
iv. to perform such other functions as may be prescribed under these Rules.
3.3.1 The Vice-Chancellor being the principal executive and academic officer of the University
will have the power:
i. to sanction all expenditure provided for in the approved Budget and to re-
appropriate funds within same major heads of expenditure. He may, however
delegate his authority or part thereof to the Treasurer;
ii. to sanction by re-appropriation an amount not exceeding fifty thousand rupees for
an unforeseen item not provided for in the budget and report it to the Syndicate at
its next meeting;
iii. to exercise and perform such other powers and functions as may be prescribed by
the Syndicate in accordance with the Act;
iv. to authorize, in anticipation of the approval of the Syndicate, expenditure from the
University Fund when the budget for the year is under process and not yet
approved by the Syndicate;
3.4.0 Treasurer
3.4.1 Subject to supervision of the Vice Chancellor, the Treasurer shall manage the Finances of
University. He shall be responsible to ensure that the funds of the University are spent on
the purpose for which they are allocated or granted. For this purpose he may, with the
approval of the Vice-Chancellor, arrange such checks of stocks and stores, records and
books as may be necessary in the offices, sections, teaching departments, institutes,
centers, hostels, directorate of works, sports and wherever required in the University.
3.4.2 Powers to sanction expenditure within the budget limits vest in the Vice Chancellor and
other officers to whom the powers have so delegated. Power to make payment within the
sanction accorded by the competent authorities lies with the Treasurer, who is answerable
to the Vice Chancellor and Syndicate in respect of all payments made out of the
University’s fund.
3.4.3 He shall be responsible for providing regularly to the Vice-Chancellor, theSyndicate and
the Finance & Planning Committee with information on all financial matters and shall
bring to the notice of the Vice Chancellor any violation of the financial Rules or
decision(s) of the Syndicate.
3.4.4 The Treasurer, with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor, shall have the power to open
bank accounts with any commercial bank or banks for the management of University
funds. He shall have the powers to invest the funds of the University in investment
schemes and term deposits in any bank with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor. Such
investments shall be reported to the Finance and Planning Committee.
3.4.5 He shall sign all cheques drawn on behalf of the University and shall have the authority
to sanction the incurrence of the expenditure and allow payment within the authority
delegated to him under these Rules as per chapter-5 "delegation of financial power".
3.4.6 The Treasurer shall arrange the procurement, storage and issue of office stationery,
chemicals and glassware, items of hardware and sanitary goods, electrical and gas
materials and appliances, wood/timber and furniture, machinery and equipment,
computers and all other supplies of stock and non stock articles as per requirement.
3.4.7 He shall have the powers to sanction "General Provident Fund Advance" to all categories
of the employees in accordance with the G.P. Fund Rules of the University
3.4.8 He shall sign all contracts, except contracts pertaining to academic and service matters,
made on behalf of the University.
3.4.9 Subject to the control of the Vice Chancellor, he shall be responsible for framing the
Rules/ statutes on all financial matters, which by the Act are to be prescribed or
regulated, by statutes or regulations.
3.4.10 He shall conduct official correspondence of the University on all financial matters.
3.4.11 He shall sanction the refund of Examination fees, tuition fees, security deposits and other
dues of the students in accordance with the prescribed Rules.
3.4.12 He shall have the power to sanction and allow payment of dues and utility bills payable to
Government departments and attached organizations such as telephone bills, taxes,
electricity and gas charges.
3.4.13 He shall perform such other duties and exercise such financial powers as may be assigned
and delegated to him from time to time by the Syndicate or the Vice Chancellor in
addition to those delegated under these Rules.
3.5.1. The Registrar shall have the powers to approve and sanction benevolent grants out of the
Benevolent fund in accordance with the Benevolent Fund Rules to person(s) who are
eligible for it and serving in the University in a pay scale upto BPS 16..
3.5.2. The Registrar shall sanction and sign the Traveling Allowance and Daily Allowance
(T.A/D.A) bills of administrative officers required to travel on University duty including
member invitees to the meetings of the Syndicate, Senate and the Academic Council.
3.5.3. The Registrar shall sanction and sign the monthly pay bills of staff working in the
administrative sections and teachers working in the departments. He shall sign the arrear
bills on account of salaries and other remuneration payable to staff on account of teaching
assignments in any department.
3.5.4. The Registrar shall, unless otherwise required sign Agreement Bonds and Contracts made
on behalf of the University regarding establishment/service matters only.
3.6.0 DEAN
3.6.1 The Dean shall have full powers to sanction expenditure out of contingency fund
allocated and placed at his disposal in the approved University Budget.
3.6.2 He shall countersign the TA/DA claims of the heads of teaching departments in his
faculty deputed on academic matters of the University.
3.6.3 The Dean may, under intimation to the Treasurer open official bank accounts for his
Faculty and operate them in his official capacity as Dean. He shall be responsible for
maintaining upto-date record and proper book keeping for all receipts and payments from
the Faculty’s accounts.
3.6.4 The Dean shall coordinate and forward to Treasurer the programmes of study tours, field
trips and excursions of students of the teaching departments of his faculty for seeking
approval of the Vice Chancellor.
3.7.0 HEAD
3.7.1 The Head shall have full powers to sanction expenditure out of contingency fund
allocated to his/her department/unit in the approved University Budget and placed at
his/her disposal.
3.7.2 The Head may, under intimation to the Treasurer, open official bank accounts for his
department/unit and operate them in his official capacity as Head of the unit. . He shall be
responsible for maintaining upto-date record and proper book keeping for all receipts and
payments from the department/center/college/school,/institute/units' accounts.
3.7.3 The Head shall sign the pay bills of employees working in BPS-1 to BPS-15 in his
department/ unit.
3.7.4 The Head shall arrange for the physical verification of the furniture and equipment of
his/her department/unit and laboratories every year and submit a report to the Treasurer.
3.7.5 The Head may write off any loss of property, if the amount involved on a single item
does not exceed Rs.500/- subject to a maximum of Rs.6000/- in a financial year on the
condition of proper enquiry into the loss of property. The maximum limit of write off
may be increased by the Syndicate from time to time..
4.1.1 The University’s annual budget is a detailed planning of activities involving financial
aspects, which enables the University to exercise an effective control over the actual
expenditure, which is measured against the budgeted targets and thus provides a useful
guidance in planning the future financial activities of the University.
4.1.2 The Budget section of the Treasury Wing shall carry out the compilation of the budget in
March every year. The budget section will approach all departments to submit the
estimates of their recurring and capital expenditure for the ensuing year by 31st
December every year. The budget section shall provide the specified forms in which the
information shall be required from each department and shall assist the departments in
the compilation of figures.
4.1.3 On the basis of information furnished by the departments/offices, the budget section shall
compile a first draft of the budget. The Treasurer shall scrutinize the draft and after
discussing various aspects of the budget with the Vice Chancellor and the Departmental
heads, shall incorporate necessary changes. After incorporating the changes, a second
draft of the budget shall be prepared and presented to the Finance & Planning Committee
for scrutiny and its recommendation to the Syndicate. The recommended budget with the
revised estimates shall be placed before the Syndicate on or before 30th June for
4.1.4 The Revised Budget shall be based on the actual expenditure of 9 months from Ist July to
31st March of the year and probable figures from Ist April to 30th June. The revised
estimates shall form part of the budget format and shall be placed before the Finance &
Planning Committee and the Syndicate along with the proposed budget for the ensuing
4.1.5 Before any payment is made, it shall be ensured that provision exists in budget under the
particular head of expenditure. Prescribed income and expenditure ledger shall be
maintained showing budget targets under various heads of income and expenditure
against which the actual receipts and disbursements shall be recorded. Deviation from the
budgeted figures shall be highlighted so that the correct action could be taken in time.
4.1.6 The following budget format shall be adopted for the recurring budget of the University
for the relevant heads of the income and expenditure.
S.No Item Actual for Estimate of Revised Budget
previous the current estimates Estimates
year year for the for the
current year financial
4.2.0 Income
1 Govt Grant-in-Aid
2 University's Own
a) Admission fee
b) Tuition fee
c) Registration fee
d) Examination fee
e) Sale of Prospectus
& Syllabus
f) Security of House
Rent &
Requisitioning for
g) Lab. Testing fee
h) Canteen & shops
i) Profit and interest
j) Equivalence &
k) Telephone Income
l) Sports Affiliation
m) Transport Income
n) Hostel Admn.fee
o) Hostel Rent
Fee for
S.No Item Actual for Estimate of Revised Budget
previous the current estimates Estimates
year year for the for the
current year financial
i) Verification
ii) Rechecking fee
iii) Fee of degree,
certificate etc.
p) Hostel Service
q) Hostel Electric
r) Misc.Income
4.3.0 Head of
000 Establishment
010 Basic Salary
011 Basic pay of
011 Personal pay of
011 Technical pay of
012 Basic pay of staff
012 Personal pay of
other staff
020 Regular allowances
021 Senior post
022 House Rent
S.No Item Actual for Estimate of Revised Budget
previous the current estimates Estimates
year year for the for the
current year financial
023 Conveyance
024 Sumpturary/Entertai
nmen Allowance
025 Dearness
026 Local compensatory
027 Washing & Dress
029 Other regular
1. Entertainment
2. Medical
3. Extra Duty
4. Group insurance
5. Charges all. to
6. Design allowance
7. Technical
8. Adhoc Relief
9. Any other
030 Other Allowances
031 Overtime allowance
S.No Item Actual for Estimate of Revised Budget
previous the current estimates Estimates
year year for the for the
current year financial
032 Night duty
033 Honoraria
034 Medical charges
035 Rest &
036 Outfit Allowance
037 Contingent paid
038 Leave salary &
039 Group Insurance
040 Other allowance to
be specified
Details of other
100 Purchase of durable
110 Transport
120 Machinery and
130 Furniture and
140 Livestock
190 Other purchase of
sport materials
220 Pre-investment
project Analysis
S.No Item Actual for Estimate of Revised Budget
previous the current estimates Estimates
year year for the for the
current year financial
210 Feasibility Studies
220 Survey camp of
230 Exploratory
Operations (Project)
300 Construction works
310 Road, highways &
311 National highways
312 Other Highway
313 Bridges of National
314 Other Bridges
320 Irrigation works
321 Main Canal
322 Feeder Canal
323 Tertiary & other
subsidiary links
329 Other
330 Embankment and
Drainage works
331 Main Embankment
332 Misc. Embankment
33 Drainage
340 Building and
S.No Item Actual for Estimate of Revised Budget
previous the current estimates Estimates
year year for the for the
current year financial
341 Office Buildings
342 Residential
343 Other Buildings
344 Structures
349 Others
400 Repair &
Maintenance of
Durable Goods &
410 Transport
420 Machinery &
430 Furniture & Fixture
440 Building &
441 Office Building
442 Residential
443 Other
444 Structures
449 Others
450 Irrigation
451 Main Canal
452 Feeder Canal
453 Tertiary & Other
Subsidiary links
S.No Item Actual for Estimate of Revised Budget
previous the current estimates Estimates
year year for the for the
current year financial
454 Others
459 Embankment &
461 Main Embankment
462 Misc.Embankment
463 Drainage
469 Others
470 Road Highways &
471 National Highways
472 Other
473 Bridges of National
479 Other Bridges
500 Commodities &
510 Transportation
511 Traveling
Allowance to
512 Transportation of
Octori & Cooly
513 P.O.L.
charges(Aero plane
Helicopters, Staff
S.No Item Actual for Estimate of Revised Budget
previous the current estimates Estimates
year year for the for the
current year financial
Buses Trucks &
Motor Cycles etc.)
514 Conveyance
519 Other(Study Tours)
520 Communications
521 Postage &
522 Telephone & Trunk
523 Telex, Tele-printer
& Fax services
524 Courier & Pilot
529 Others
530 Utilities
531 Gas
532 Water
533 Electricity
534 Hot & Col Weather
539 Others
540 Office Stationery
550 Printing
551 Conduct of
560 Newspapers,
Periodicals &
S.No Item Actual for Estimate of Revised Budget
previous the current estimates Estimates
year year for the for the
current year financial
670 Uniforms &
580 Rent, Royalties
Rates & Taxes
581 Rent for office
582 Rent for Residential
583 Rent for other
584 Rent other than on
585 Royalties
S.No Item Actual for Estimate of Revised Budget
previous the current estimates Estimates
year year for the for the
current year financial
596 Payment to other
Govt Deptt.for
services rendered
597 Cost of
Trading food
(Wheat Rice &
Sugar, seed
597 Cost of State
Trading Medical
597 Cost of State
Trading Coal
597 Cost of
Trading others
598 Cost of others
Stores (Chemical &
600 Transfer payment
610 Interest
611 Permanent debt
612 Permanent debt
613 Floating debt
614 Unfunded debt
615 Other obligations
e.g depreciation &
other reserve funds
S.No Item Actual for Estimate of Revised Budget
previous the current estimates Estimates
year year for the for the
current year financial
deposit of income
tax under section
18-A etc.
616 Other payment (e.g
Management of
Loan, Interest on
Commercial Banks
Loan on food a/ctc)
620 Subsides
630 Write-off
640 Grants
641 Provinces
642 Local Bodies
643 Financial
644 Non-Financial
es to Schools
649 Other (Insurance of
Labs & Vehicles)
650 Scholarships &
Other Awards
651 Merti Scholarships
652 Scholarships &
Stipends on
consideration other
than merit
653 Remuneration to
S.No Item Actual for Estimate of Revised Budget
previous the current estimates Estimates
year year for the for the
current year financial
part-time teachers
654 Cash Awards for
Meritorious service
655 Other Awards
659 Other (Amenities)
660 Suprannuation
661 Suprannuation
Retiring &
662 Commuted Values
of Pensions
663 Gratuaty Values of
664 Other Pension (e.g
Pension granted to
the family of
National Heroes)
665 Gratuities (e.g
gratuities where
pension is not
669 Other payment of
Pensions (other
670 Entertainment &
680 Teachers Assistants
to other countries.
681 Expenditures on
S.No Item Actual for Estimate of Revised Budget
previous the current estimates Estimates
year year for the for the
current year financial
foreign trainees in
Pakistan and Vice-
682 Contribution to
690 Other transfer
691 Contribution/Transf
er of fund
699 Others
700 Investments
710 Financial
720 Non-Financial
730 Contribution to
790 Others
800 Loan and Pre-
810 Loan to Provinces
820 Loan to Financial
840 Loan to Non-
S.No Item Actual for Estimate of Revised Budget
previous the current estimates Estimates
year year for the for the
current year financial
850 Loan to University
860 Re-payment of
Loan (domestic)
870 Payment of Loan
890 Others
900 Misc: Expenditures
910 Contribution &
920 Delegations Abroad
930 Loss on Exchanges
940 Secret Service
950 Security Force
The officers of the University mentioned below shall exercise the following financial
S. No Head of Expenditure Name of Authority Extent of delegation
5.22.1 Gas, Electricity, Water & Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
others Treasurer Full Powers
5.22.2 Office Stationery Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
Treasurer Rs.15,000.00
Dy. Treasurer Rs.1,000.00
5.22.3 Printing Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
Treasurer Rs.15,000.00
Dy. Treasurer Rs. 3,000.00
5.22.4 Newspapers and Book etc Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
Treasurer Rs.20,000.00
Dy. Treasurer Rs. 1,000.00
5.22.5 Litigation Charges Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
5.22.6 Fairs Exhibitions etc Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
5.22.7 Publicity and Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
Advertisement Treasurer Rs.25,000.00
5.22.8 Chemicals & Glassware Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
Head Full Powers within the
limit of
provision placed at his
5.22.9 Subsidies Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
5.22.10 Unforeseen Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
Treasurer Rs.10,000.00
5.22.11 Insurance of labs/Vehicles Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
Treasurer Delegated Powers
5.22.12 Amenities (Students) Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
Treasurer Rs.25,000.00
5.22.13 Entertainment & Gifts Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
Treasurer Rs.5,000.00
5.22.14 Contribution to other Syndicate Full Powers
institutions Vice-Chancellor Rs.20,000.00
5.22.15 Re-appropriation Syndicate Full Powers
Vice-Chancellor Rs.50,000.00
5.22.16 Advance for specific items Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
Treasurer Rs.15,000.00
5.22.17 Approval of Recoupment Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
of advances Treasurer Rs.15,000.00
5.22.18 Refund of fees & students Treasurer Full Powers
security etc
Refund of Exam fee Controller exam Delegated powers
5.22.19 Other Refunds Treasurer Full Powers
S. No Head of Expenditure Name of Authority Extent of delegation
5.22.20 Labour Charges (daily Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
wages/Work charge Estt) Treasurer Full Powers
5.22.21 G.P.Fund advance Treasurer BPS-17 & above Full
Dy. Treasurer BPS 1- 16 Full Powers
5.22.22 Final payment of G.P. Treasurer Full Powers for BPS-17
Fund and above.
Dy. Treasurer BPS 1 to 16 Full Powers
5.22.23 Medial (Reimbursement) Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
charge Treasurer Rs.5,000.00
Dy. Treasurer Rs. 1,000.00 in each case
5.22.24 Write-off/waive-off Syndicate Full Powers
unserviceable Vice-Chancellor Rs.20,000.00
articles/Losses Treasurer Rs.500.00
Head Rs.500.00 subject to a
maximum of Rs.6000.00
in a financial year.
5.22.25 Approval for Syndicate Full Powers
auction/sale/disposal of Vice-Chancellor Rs. One Million
5.22.26 Acceptance of tenders of Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
works and supplies Treasurer Rs.25,000.00
Director Works Rs.25,000.00
5.22.27 Appointment of work Vice-Chancellor Full Powers
charge staff
6.1.1 All moneys received will be deposited in a prescribed bank and recorded in the cash book
daily. If due to unavoidable circumstances the money cannot be deposited on the day it is
received, the matter will be brought to the notice of the Treasurer, who may take
necessary precautions for the safe custody of the cash.
6.1.2 For all moneys received other than through bank challans and money orders, a printed
receipt shall be prepared by the cashier and countersigned by the section In charge. In
case any receipt is cancelled, it will be defaced with rubber stamps and will be kept
properly folded in the receipt book.
6.1.3 All money received by the University Account shall be analyzed date-wise on the
classification sheet and recorded in Main Cashbook.
6.1.4 Posting to the income ledger will be made from the Main Cash book. Monthly totals of
receipts after the cash has been analyzed head-wise, shall be posted to the Income ledger.
6.1.5 The Accounts section shall maintain its own Bank Ledger for all the transactions of daily
deposits in and withdrawal of cheques from the bank. Posting to the Bank ledger will be
made from the main cashbook and totalled on monthly basis.
6.1.6 When the figures are posted to Cash Book, the classification sheets will be returned to the
Cashier for filing and record.
6.1.7 Deposits of cheques, bank drafts and cash will be made through pay in slip after issuing
proper printed receipt duly numbered under the custody of the Cashier. A brief
description regarding the nature of receipt will also be noted on the counterfoil.
6.1.8 The Cashier will ensure that the Bank statements along with the copy of the counterfoils
are received daily.
6.1.9 Accounts of interest/profit credited by the bank will be properly checked and differences
in rates or amounts shall be pursued with the bank till their settlement.
6.2.1 All cheques issued shall be entered on the credit side of the Cash book giving full
particulars of the payment in serial order.
6.2.2 Postings from Cash Book to the Expenditure Ledger will be made in the light of audited
payment orders and vouchers which will be totaled on monthly basis.
6.2.3 No over-writing and erasures will be allowed in the Cash Book. In case of any
corrections, the incorrect entry will be corrected with proper initials of the Superintendent
Accounts or the Assistant Treasurer as the case may be..
6.2.4 Under no circumstances blank cheque shall be signed by any of the signatories.
6.2.5 On receipt of a fresh cheque book from the bank, the numbers of cheques contained
therein will be counted before its acknowledgement is signed and sent to the Bank.
6.2.6 The counterfoils of the used cheque books will be preserved and kept in safe custody.
6.2.7 Copies of letters containing standing instructions will be filed properly and kept under the
custody of the Treasurer or any other authorized officer.
6.2.8 The Bank's advices of direct debit/credit will be obtained and adjusted in the Cash Book
and relevant ledgers.
6.3.1 The Bank Balances at the end of each month will be reconciled with the Bank Ledger and
a reconciliation statement will be prepared by the Accounts Section. Uncashed cheques,
if any, which remain outstanding for long will be brought to the notice of the Treasurer.
6.3.2 A certificate will be obtained from the Bank certifying the balances in each account at the
close of the financial year.
The following books shall be maintained in the Treasury Wing for record and proper
accounting treatment of transactions.
Bank Ledger Private Ledger
T.A/D.A. Register
Cash Book
Expenditure Ledger
Contractors Ledgers
Bank Ledger
7.1.1 The Registrar's office will intimate to the Treasurer all appointments, promotions.
resignations and terminations of the staff. For every employee a file will be maintained to
depict any change in his status and pay scale.
7.1.2 The Establishment Section/ Departments will prepare the pay bills from the
Establishment Check Register (ECR) of all employees working in different
administrative sections and all teachers working in teaching departments of the
University. These bills will be sent to the Treasury Wing on or before the 20th of each
month for processing and payment on pay day.
7.1.3 The Accounts Section of the Treasury Wing shall scrutinize these bills and will ensure
i. All changes made in pay bills have been duly supported by the order of the
competent authority: and
ii. A general voucher has been prepared adjusting various deductions from the
7.1.4 Appropriate deductions for leave without pay and absence, leave on full pay, level on half
pay if any shall be made on the advice of the Establishment Section, which receives such
information direct from the concerned department and will be responsible for maintaining
employee's personal files.
7.1.5 The pay bills summary and the general vouchers shall be pre-audited by the University
auditors before sending them to the Treasury Wing for preparation of cheques. The
Accounts Section will prepare cheques/ bank transfer vouchers for all officers & teachers
working in BPS 17 and above while the remaining staff members may be paid in cash.
The Cashier shall obtain the signature of the payee in the space provided in the pay bills.
The salary will not be disbursed to a person other than the concerned employee, unless he
authorizes his representative in writing and the written request is duly approved by the
The Provision for the contingent requirements of the Teaching Department and
administrative Section shall be reflected in the Recurring Budget. The requirement of
Department/Offices shall be worked out by their respective head and communicated to
the Treasurer. The Treasurer, after scrutiny and consultation with the Vice chancellor,
will include them in the proposed budget. The contingency fund will be released in
quarterly installment to the chairman/officers as authorized by the Vice Chancellor. The
subsequent installments will be released when proper account of the previous
installments has been submitted to the Treasurer and the competent authority has
accorded approval to the expenditure incurred against the relevant head of contingencies.
The expenditure in the ledger will be booked only when the accounts submitted are
approved by the competent authority. The Chairman of the Department shall ensure the
proper modes of expenditure within the frame work of the Financial powers delegated to
him for the contingencies fund released by the Treasurer.
When a requisition for a general advance is made for certain specific expenses, the
Treasurer with the approval of the competent authority may allow the advance to the
requisitioner. It is important that the advance holder should render the statement of
expenses within one month of incurring the expenditure duly supported by cash memos
and evidence that all codal formalities wherever applicable have been duly observed. An
advance may not be drawn unless it is immediately required.
9.1.0 RESEARCH FUNDS: The Research funds will be allocated and regulated as
The Treasurer with the approval of the Vice Chancellor shall release and advance funds
to the Controller of Examinations for payment to examiners. In order to maintain
complete secrecy of the examiners, no one of the Treasury Wing shall be involved in the
process of payments to examiners and all personnel involved in Secrecy. The Controller
of Examinations shall have full powers to sanction and pay the claims of the paper setters
and script checkers. The Controller of Examinations shall have the power to open and
operate a Bank Account for the Secrecy Fund released by the Treasury Wing and shall be
required to maintain a proper cash book and other relevant items of book keeping. After
at least one year of the payment the record of the Secrecy fund shall be audited by a
person(s) to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor. After audit, they will give a certificate
to the effect that the record has been maintained in proper order and the payment made
was correct and a fit charge on the Secrecy fund. The certificate of the audit shall be
forwarded to Treasurer who shall submit it to the Vice Chancellor for seeking his
approval to book the expenditure and adjust the account against the advance released by
the Treasurer in favour of the Controller of Examinations. In case the Audit finds some
discrepancy/shortcoming in the Secrecy Fund, a report to this effect shall be submitted
directly to the Vice Chancellor who may take necessary corrective action thereon.
11.1.1 Subject to any special rule or order of the Syndicate/Vice Chancellor applying to any
particular department, an authority of the University, which is competent to incur
expenditure may sanction the purchase of stores required for use in the
University/Department /Section/Hostels in accordance with the provision contained in
these Rules. Such purchases are also subject to the usual restriction regarding the
necessary appropriation and to any monetary limits and other conditions prescribed
generally or in regard to specific articles or classes of articles. Powers delegated to the
University's Purchase Committee, heads of teaching departments/workshops, Dean,
Register, Treasurer, Controller of Examinations, Director Works ,and other responsible
officials are clearly laid down and all purchases in the University should be regulated in
strict conformity with these Rules.
11.1.2 Purchase must be made in the most economical manner in accordance with the
requirements of the University. Stores should not be purchased in small quantities, but at
the same time care should be taken not to purchase supplies much in advance of actual
requirements, if such purchase is likely to prove unprofitable to the University.
11.1.3 Purchase order should not be split up to avoid the necessity for obtaining the sanction of
higher authority required with reference to the total amount of the orders. For this
purpose the Treasurer, being the In-charge of the store purchase section shall coordinate
the requirements of various departments and sections and accordingly put up the case as
recommended by the Purchase Committee to the Vice Chancellor for approval and to the
Purchase Committee for further action.
11.1.4 The Treasurer being the ex-officio In-charge of the store purchase section and member of
the Purchase Committee will primarily be responsible for the procurement of all items as
per provision in the budget including consumable stores, office equipment, furniture,
fixed assets, chemicals and glass wares, computers, items of sanitary, hardware, electrical
goods, appliances, timber and other stock and non stock supplies for the University.
11.1.5 In case of stock items the Store Section will raise the "PURCHASE REQUISITION"
whereas, for non-stock items to be purchased for the University a request for sanction of
expenditure will be prepared by the requisitioning department. The Treasurer after its
checking and scrutiny by the Budget and Accounts Section will prepare a complete case
showing the Budgetary code, head of expenditure, provision and balance under the code
and will submit the case to the competent authority for obtaining proper approval.
11.1.6 After approval of the competent authority is obtained, the Treasurer will advise the
concerned section to commence the formalities required for the purchase in question.
11.1.7 The Treasurer shall prepare and maintain lists of approved firms, contractors and other
suppliers, and keep the Vice-Chancellor informed whenever a new agency is enlisted.
The firms enlisted must be of good standing and actually doing business and physically
existing in the market with definite business premises and not by label only.
11.1.8 Purchase upto Rs.5,000/- may be made form the local market without inviting quotations
on the usual certificate by the officer authorized by the Treasurer to purchase the
item/items that the value paid is at the lowest market rate for the material question.
11.1.9 Any purchase between Rs.5000.00 to Rs.25,000.00 may be made by the Purchase
Committee in the open market after a survey of the market. The Purchase Committee
shall ensure genuineness of the rate and quality of material.
11.1.10 Purchase above Rs.25,000.00 and upto Rs.75,000.00 shall ordinarily be made on the
basis of at least 3 quotations by the Treasurer/Secretary Purchase Committee from the
approved suppliers or those with a reputation in the market. When the quotations are
invited from several firms but there is a poor response and only one or two quotations are
received, the purchase may be made from the lowest one. When there is no response, the
purchase may be made from any firm by the Purchase Committee with prior permission
of the Treasurer. The Convener, Purchase Committee will certify that the purchase made
is at the minimum market rate.
11.1.11 If the amount exceeds Rs.75,000.00 the transaction will be advertised and sealed
tender/quotation obtained by open tender system.
11.1.13 Quotation should be preferred from sole distributors and direct manufacturers to ensure
quality at competitive rates.
11.1.14 In case of rates of fresh quotation are higher than rate of last purchase, efforts should be
made to place repeat orders.
11.2.1 The Competent authority shall at least 7 days before entering into contract give public
notice of tender. The Competent authority may accept any of the tenders so made which
appears to him the most advantageous, provided that:
a. If he rejects the lowest tender or all the tenders made in pursuance of the public
notice, the reasons for his doing so shall be recorded:
b. The competent authority may, in case of emergency or if otherwise deemed fit and
beneficial in the interest of the University, invite gallop (spot) tender or dispense with
conditions of inviting tenders and enter into contract with any person/firm for the
execution of any work or the provision of any supply with due regard to the quality of
work, supplies and speedy execution of the contract.
i. It is sealed.
ii. It is accompanied by earnest money/call deposit equal to two percent of the
amount of tender.
11.3.2 All sealed tenders/quotations shall be opened by the competent authority at the place and
time specified in the public notice, in the presence of the Convener and members of the
Committee and such suppliers/contractors as may be present. The Convener and members
of the Committee shall affix their signatures and date on every tender/quotation so
opened. The lowest tender/quotation shall be noted on the record.
11.3.3 A comparative statement of rates shall be prepared by the Secretary of the Committee,
and submitted to the competent authority along with recommendations of the Committee,
for seeking proper approval of rates and obtaining sanction of the amount involved. The
competent authority shall issue proper sanction giving description of the amount
involved, the rates approved and the head of expenditure.
11.3.1 A formal deed of agreement shall be executed between the University and the contractors
where the circumstances so demand.
All agreement by or on behalf of the University shall be signed by the Treasurer and
attested by two witnesses and shall bear the seal of the University and shall be executed
in such form as would bind him it were made on his own behalf and may in the like
manner and form be varied and discharged.
All agreements shall be written on a stamped paper of appropriate value and shall, where
necessary, be registered under the law in force for the registration of documents.
12.1.1 The University shall have a "University Purchase Committee" to be formed, by the
Vice Chancellor comprising the following:
12.2.1 The term of the Committee shall be one year. The Vice Chancellor, however, is
competent to dissolve it at any time during its term and constitute a new Committee for
the remaining term. The Vice Chancellor may also extend the term of an existing
Committee for any period.
12.2.2 Quorum for spot purchase shall be three members including the Convener. If the
purchase is meant for a particular department, one of the two members must be the
Chairman of the department concerned or his nominee. A nominee of the Treasurer shall
invariably accompany the Committee in all purchases as assistant to the Purchase
12.2.3 If due to any reason the convener is not in a position to accompany the Committee, the
Vice-Chancellor shall nominate any of the members to act as Convener for any spot
purchases in the market.
12.2.4 The Vice chancellor may authorize the Purchase Committee of the University to visit the
market and purchase any kind of stores for the University to the extent of any amount
allowed by the Vice Chancellor. Similarly the Treasurer may authorize the Purchase
Committee to purchase items of prescribed stores in the local market only upto
Rs.25,000.00 provided proper sanction from competent authority exists.
12.2.5 The Committee may when allowed by the competent authority visit the market and look
for required items in the market. Market means markets/shopping centers and stores
situated anywhere in Pakistan.
12.2.6 The Purchase Committee shall make a survey of the products in the market, study the
supply position, compare and assess the rates prevailing in the market, determine the
quality of products, their brand and manufacturing mark etc. The Committee, after
satisfying itself with the rates, quality and genuineness of the product, may place orders
with any firm.
12.2.7 If the Committee has been given an "ADVANCE" for such purchase, it shall have the
authority to make full payment on the spot to the suppliers against delivery of goods or
service by obtaining proper cash memos of the amount.
12.2.8 When goods are received in the University, normal procedure of stock taking and
issuance shall be adopted as prescribed under these Rules.
12.2.9 After completing the process of stocktaking, the Convener Purchase Committee shall
render proper accounts of expenditure, showing the details of items purchased, their rates,
total cost, the unspent balance and the stock entries. The unspent amount shall be
immediately refunded and the refund slip shall be attached and submitted with the rest of
the vouchers for adjustment.
12.2.10 The Account will be adjusted only when the Vice Chancellor or any other competent
authority approves it.
12.2.11 When the Account is approved by the competent authority a "Transfer Voucher" for
booking the actual expenditure shall be prepared and submitted to Audit. When the
voucher is passed by Audit, a transfer entry to this effect shall be recorded in the
cashbook and the expenditure will be posted to the expenditure ledger.
12.2.12 The Rules for calling quotations and adoption of open tender system may not be applied
to the spot-purchase made by the Purchase Committee of University in local and national
markets on the approval of the competent authority.
12.2.13 In order to avail themselves of the economies of bulk purchases the heads of the
departments, sections and hostels etc. shall submit their requirements at least 3 months in
advance to the Treasurer.
12.3.1 Each department of the University shall have a Departmental Purchase Committee to be
constituted by the Dean of the Faculty where applicable and in all other cases by the
Vice-Chancellor consisting of a Convener and three members, at least two from the
staff of the department.
12.3.2 The Departmental Purchase Committee shall arrange for the purchase of items out of
contingency fund of the department.
12.3.3 Purchase beyond Rs.10,000.00 may be made in the market by the Departmental
Purchase Committee, following the same course as is prescribed for the University
Purchase Committee.
13.1.1 On the receipt of stores, the Purchase Committee shall examine, count, measure or weigh,
as the case may be, when the delivery is taken. The Committee shall record a certificate
to the effect that the quantities are correct and their quality is good. the Store officer
receiving the items shall also be required to fill up a "Material Receiving Report" to
certify that he has actually received the materials and recorded them in the appropriate
Stock Registers.
13.1.2 In case the goods have been purchased on the request of a specific department, the store
officer will immediately inform the requisitioning department and despatch the goods
along with " Departmental Material Receiving Report" in triplicate. The requisitioning
department will return two copies to the Store section acknowledging the receipt of
goods. On receipt of "Material Receiving Reports" back from the requisitioning
department, the Store Officer shall attach one copy to the supplier's bill and preserve the
second copy for record purposes showing the issue of goods to the department concerned.
Necessary entries in the issue register shall also be recorded.
13.1.3 Each department shall maintain suitable registers to record receipt and issue of
consumable items. The receipt shall be recorded from the copy of Material Receiving
Report.(Departmental) alongwith the goods taken over from the Main Store. These
registers will be made available to audit for inspection as and when required.
13.1.4 For non-stock items each department shall maintain a departmental stock register in order
to exercise an effective control over the assets and to facilitate their physical verification
as and when required. Entries into the department Registers shall be made from the
copies of Material Receiving Report or Gift- Advice received from the Store Section. A
proper inventory of stock shall be maintained in all the departments showing the number
of assets received, the number of assets disposed off(by transfer, sale and loss etc) and
the balance of each kind of article.
13.1.5 For contingency items a separate register shall be maintained to record the receipts,
issues, and losses pertaining to contingency of the department.
13.1.6 If an asset is gifted to the University, the receiving department will prepare a "Gift
Receiving Advice" in triplicate and send one copy each to store section andTreasury
Wing for stock entries of gift in the relevant stock registers. the receiving department will
retain one copy of advice for its record and will enter the gift in the departmental stock
13.2.1 When the bills are submitted by the suppliers/ service providers for the supplies/services
made to the University, the Purchase Committee with the assistance of the Stores Section
(Superintendent Stores) shall forward the bills to the Treasury Wing. The bills must be
supported by the following documents:
13.2.2 The Treasurer shall arrange payment from the relevant head with the assistance of Budget
and Accounts Section on receipt of bills complete in all respect. If the amount is within
the limits of the original sanction already accorded by the Vice-Chancellor , or any other
competent authority, the Treasurer shall be competent to sign and pass payment order
without seeking a duplicate reference for sanction of the Vice chancellor/competent
13.2.3 When the amount of bill exceeds the original sanction due to certain genuine reasons to
be recorded on the bill by the Purchase Committee, a revised sanction will have to be
obtained from the Vice Chancellor/competent Authority.
13.2.4 Security, General Sale Tax and Income Tax at the rate prescribed by the Government
shall be deducted from the bill to ensure the performance of the contract. The vice
Chancellor may however waive off the condition of deduction of security in special and
unavoidable cases.
The following books shall be maintained in the Main Stores of the University.
3. Stock Register furniture
4. Stock Register Consumable
5. Stock Register Any other stock items
6. Stock Register Property
7. Issue Register Non stock item
8. Issue Register Stock items
9. Scrap Register
10.Disposal Register.
13.4.1 When materials are issued from stock for departmental use, the Store Officer shall see
that an indent on the prescribed form has been made by a properly authorized person and
examine it carefully with reference to the orders or instruction for the issue of stocks.
When materials are issued a written acknowledgement shall be obtained from the person
or his authorized agent to whom they are ordered to be delivered or dispatched.
13.4.2 A Physical verification of all stock shall be made at least once in every year and
certificate or verification of store with its result should be recorded thereon.
13.4.3 Verification must always be made in the presence of officer responsible for the custody
of the stores or of a responsible person dispatched by him.
13.4.4 All discrepancies, shortage and damage as well as unserviceable stores shall be reported
immediately to the Treasurer for taking up the matter with the competent authority to
write off the losses or order for fixing the responsibility. Full justification and reasons
shall be given while declaring a stock item unserviceable.
14.1.1 The University shall incur expenditure on the preservation of its building and structures
under the classified head of "University Building Residential Building Hostels and other
Structures & Minor Works". The University building includes academic blocks of
classrooms, laboratories, workshops, library, cafeteria, offices and sections. Residential
building consist of staff residence of all categories of employees and hostels are the
buildings meant for lodging and boarding of students and teachers.” Other structures"
include all roads and those buildings and infra structures which cannot be covered in the
three aforementioned classifications. They also include minor works for which separate
and individual estimates are made by the Directorate of works and approved by the Vice
Chancellor or the Treasurer as the case may be.
14.1.2 The Director of Works shall work out and prepare a detailed estimate of quantities of
items under all the classified heads of expenditure except minor works. The estimates so
prepared shall be submitted to the Treasurer who shall check the proposed estimate of
expenditure with the budget provision and process it for obtaining, in the first instance,
the concurrence and administrative approval of the Vice Chancellor. When the Vice
Chancellor accords approval, the Treasurer shall issue proper administrative approval,
which will be communicated to the Director of Works.
14.1.3 Consequent upon the issuance of administrative approval by the Treasurer, the Director
of Works shall call tenders for items and quantities approved by the Vice Chancellor.
14.1.4 Tenders must be invited in the most open and public manner possible or by advertisement
in the press after the estimate has been approved and the amount has been sanctioned by
the Vice Chancellor.
14.1.5 Tenders may be opened by the Director of works in the presence of the University Works
14.1.6 In case the lowest tender is not recommended for acceptance, reasons should be recorded
in writing. In selecting the tender to be accepted, the financial status of the individuals
and firms tendering should be taken into consideration in addition to all other relevant
14.1.7 The Vice Chancellor may appoint a "WORKS COMMITTEE" to scrutinize and check
the tenders received for works and make necessary recommendations thereon. Total
estimate shall be based on the tenders and rates recommended by the Director of
Work/Works Committee which will be forwarded to the Treasurer for obtaining specific
sanction of expenditure and approval of rates from the Vice Chancellor. When the rates
are approved and the amount involved is sanctioned, the Treasurer shall issue proper
"SANCTION OF EXPENDITURE". Depending upon the nature of work, the Vice-
Chancellor may appoint Project Committee for execution of a work departmentally.
14.1.8 After receiving the sanction of expenditure, the Director of Works shall issue "work
order" to the contractors and advise them to execute proper agreement with the
University on proper stamp papers.
14.1.9 The agreement with the approved contractors must be in writing and signed by the
Director of Works and the contractors, after the competent authority approves it. The
agreement should state the quantity and quality of the work to be done, the specifications
to be complied with, the time within which the work is to be completed, the conditions to
be observed, the security to be put in, and the terms upon which the payment is to be
made and penalties to be imposed. It should contain provisions necessary for
safeguarding the property entrusted to the contractors
14.1.10 The terms of a contract once entered into should not be varied without the prior consent
of the Vice-Chancellor or any other competent authority.
14.1.11 Security for due fulfillment of the contract shall invariably be taken. The security may
take the form of a cash deposit or call deposit at the prescribed rate generally adopted in
government contracts. The Vice Chancellor is however, empowered to permit or condone
deviations from the conditions of call deposit/security deposit in specific cases where
such deviations are unavoidable.
14.1.12 Addition and excess though necessary while a work is in progress which are not fairly
contingent on the proper execution of the work is sanctioned, must be covered by a
revised estimated accompanied by a full report of the circumstances which rendered it
14.1.13 When excess over a sanctioned estimate is foreseen and there is likely to be unavoidable
delay in preparation of a Revised Estimate, an immediate report of the circumstances
shall be submitted through the Treasurer to the Vice-Chancellor whose sanction will
ultimately be required. When a revised estimate is submitted it must be accompanied by
a statement comparing it with the original sanction of the Vice-Chancellor and by a
report showing the progress made up to date and the total of the sanction required
including the revised amount.
14.2.1 No payment to any contracting firm shall be allowed unless the work carried out is
measured and recorded in the Measurement Book(M.B). The Director of Works of the
University must record measurements in the Measurer Book on the spot and bills of the
contractors shall be prepared on the authority of such measurements.
14.2.2 The bill and the Measurement Book duly signed by the Director of works shall be
submitted to Treasurer for payment to the contractors. The Director of Works shall record
a certificate to the effect that all the measurements, quantities, rates and calculations have
been checked in detail, compared and found correct according to the approved rates and
that he thus holds himself responsible for all payments made on this basis by the
14.2.3 On receiving the bill, the Treasurer shall process it for payment by first presenting it for
pre-audit to the University Auditor. Security and income tax at the prescribed rates and
other deductions as the Director of Works may intimate, shall be retained from the bills.
All the running bills shall be processed for payment on the certificate of the Director of
Works but the final bill must accompany an Inspection Report of the Committee to be
appointed by the Vice Chancellor.
14.2.4 Generally, the bills may be paid by the Treasurer if they are within the limits of the
sanctioned amount and estimate approved by the Vice Chancellor and duplicate reference
to Vice-Chancellor for seeking individual sanctions for each running bill will not be
required . If the running bill exceeds the sanctioned amount and the approved estimate, it
will be necessary to seek the approval and sanction of the Vice-Chancellor before any
payment on final bills. Similarly, approval of the Vice-Chancellor is a must for any
payment on final bill.
14.2.5 The Treasury Wing shall maintain a proper contractor’s ledger and debits and credits on
this account must be recorded and preserved.
15.1.1 Development Works & Projects shall be a Major head of Account. A separate set of
Account books shall be maintained for Development Works and Projects and shall not be
mixed with the transactions of the Recurring Budget or any other fund/grant of the
15.1.2 The Vice Chancellor shall have full powers to accord Technical Sanction to "Estimates of
Works" prepared for development Projects and schemes of the University.
15.1.3 The Vice Chancellor may appoint Consultant, Architect and other relevant professionals
for consultation and providing technical opinion, advice and guidance on important
developmental works of the University and fix their fee and remuneration etc. Depending
upon the nature of work, the Vice-Chancellor may also appoint a Project Committee for
execution of developmental works, departmentally.
15.1.4 The procedure for calling tenders and payment of Contractors' bill shall be the same as
given in clause 14.1.0 and 14.2.0 of these Rules.
16.1.1 Prior sanction of the Vice Chancellor or a competent authority shall be obtained to write
off losses and deficiencies in Stores.
16.1.2 Stores, which are reported to be obsolete, surplus or unserviceable, may be disposed of
by sale or otherwise, as directed by the Vice Chancellor or any competent authority.
16.1.3 The Head may write off any loss of articles if the amount involved on a single items does
not exceed Rs. 500.00 subject to a maximum of Rs.6,000.00 in a financial year, with the
condition of proper enquiry into the loss of items.
16.1.4 Assets beyond economical repairs in the departments and hostels shall be transferred to
the main store for sale, auction/scrap. A fixed Assets Retirement Advice will be prepared
by the transferring department/hostel in triplicate and sent to the store along with the
article. The store section will acknowledge the receipt of the article on such advice and
will return one copy to the department/hostel concerned and dispatch the second copy to
the Treasurer. The transferring department will delete the item from its departmental
stock register. The main store shall maintain a register of condemned articles to be called
scrap register.
16.1.5 When an asset is to be sold/auctioned with prior approval of the Vice Chancellor, the
Survey/inspection Committee appointed by the Vice Chancellor shall be responsible for
the disposal through sale/auction. The Committee shall decide the mode of sale/auction.
The Committee shall prepare a statement of bidders with their rates and make necessary
recommendations to the Vice Chancellor.
16.1.6 Authority of approval rests with the Vice Chancellor for assets valuing upto one Million
Rupees. When the value of assets is more than one million rupees, final approval lies
with the Syndicate.
16.1.7 The Vice Chancellor, however, if satisfied with the procedure, codal requirements and
sale price, may in anticipation of approval of Syndicate allow the disposal of assets
beyond one million Rupees. A case of disposal shall, however, be prepared and placed
before the Syndicate in its next meeting for obtaining the final approval. When the asset
is disposed of it shall be deleted from the stock and recorded in detail in the Disposal
Register maintained in the main store. A disposal advice shall also be submitted to
Treasury Wing to delete the asset from the record.
17.1.1 The Accounts of the University shall be maintained in the manner prescribed in these
17.1.2 No expenditure shall be made from the fund of the University (excluding private
deposits) unless a bill for its payment has been pre audited by the University Auditors.
17.1.3 The Accounts of the University shall be audited once a year in conformity with these
statutes/Rules by Government Auditors appointed by the Director General, Audit, Govt.
of NWFP.
17.1.4 The observations of Government Auditors, together with such annotations as the
Treasurer may make shall be presented to the Syndicate. The Syndicate shall be the final
authority to settle the paras raised by the Auditors in the Audit Note, to drop them or
order further necessary action thereon. For this purpose the Syndicate may formulate and
delegate its powers to a Committee to be called" University Audit and Accounts
Committee" to deal with the Audit Report prepared by the Auditors appointed by the
Director General Audit, Govt. of NWFP..
17.1.5 The University may have an Internal Audit Cell with a proper section to work under the
17.1.6 The Internal Audit Cell be looked after by an officer designated as Incharge Internal
Audit Cell (IIAC) working under the Treasurer.
17.1.7 The Internal Audit Cell shall check the accounts maintained in the teaching departments,
hostels, offices, and other cost centers of the University and will report to the Treasurer
who may report onward to the Vice Chancellor. However, before making any
observation, the internal audit cell shall, discuss the matter with the concerned Head.
17.1.8 The Internal Check shall be carried out continuously on rotation basis and reports shall be
submitted periodically to the authorities.
17.1.9 The Internal Check shall scrutinize important cases referred to it and shall make
necessary recommendations to the Treasurer regarding the course of action to be
followed or taking up the matter with the Vice Chancellor or any other competent
authority. The Internal Audit Cell shall follow-up the queries raised and shall report
unsettled cases to the Treasurer for onward reporting to the competent authority or any
other appropriate course of action.
17.1.10 The Internal Audit Cell shall be charged with the responsibility of looking into the
Audit paras raised by the Inspection Team of the Director General Audit and shall
prepare annotation to the Audit Notes.
17.1.11 The Internal Audit Cell in consultation with the University Auditors shall scrutinize and
verify the Annual Statement of Accounts prepared by the Treasury Wing as per
approved specimen in these Rules.
17.1.12 The Internal Audit Cell shall follow the following guidelines for it working:
i. Whether certificate about pages of the Cash Book is recorded on the first page &
signed by the Assistant/Deputy Treasurer.
iv. Whether payment side has been checked with the paid vouchers,
v. Whether random check has been carried out of cash balance with the cashbook.
vi. Whether any balance, lying in cash as undisbursed for more than 3 months have
been refunded to the University fund.
vii. Whether payment of Conveyance/taxi charges are paid within the prescribed
viii. Whether all bills of stores (stock and non-stock) bear stock entry and other
i. Whether purchases are made according to financial powers, budget provision both
for consumable and non-consumable stores.
i. Whether separate stock register for consumable stores and Dead Stock maintained
and Physical verification of dead stock carried out.
ii. Whether proper record of consumable stores maintained and entries of stores
iii. Whether expenditure over and above the ceiling if any is recovered.
iv. Whether recovery of private telephone trunk call has been effected.
i. Whether the vehicles were purchased with the approval of competent authority and
according to the laid down procedure.
ii. Whether the staff Cars/Vehicles were used is accordance with the Rules.
v. Whether the entries were signed and purpose of journey indicated..
vi. Whether recovery of charge for private use was made and deposited in the
University fund.
iv. Whether service book- Services were verified annually through pay bills.
v. Whether list of persons, to be retired in the coming next two years were prepared.