5400 Errors
5400 Errors
5400 Errors
1 NormalStop The normal itinerary is terminated. No No need to correct
Note: CADI does not record the
Conventiona normal parking event.
l parking
2 ExceptionM The special case of a microprocessor. a. No a. Call the hotline to report this issue and
C The system jumps to a special case confirm that all error messages described by
program and automatically stops the CADI are applicable.
Special case run. This special case will be
of specifically recorded in the CDAI 's
microproces special case log. Special case logs
sor can be viewed using the dedicated
CADI menu.
b. EMC issues b. Check the EMC source in the building .
SB is manually
7 SH_Fault SH , SH1 auxiliary contactors RH and a. The safety a. Check the safety loop
RH1 do not pick up when the car loop is
moves disconnected
b. Wrong b. If this error occurs when the car is
parameter approaching the target floor, it is likely that
value there is a problem with the early opening of
the door, reducing the parameter value.
c. The cable is c. Check the wiring of the auxiliary contactor
broken. of SH and SH1 ( RH, RH1 )
8 SB_Fault When the car moves or there is an The safety Check the safety circuit;
error on the brake module, the SB circuit is
contact opens. disconnected; Check the wiring and working status of the
SB/SB1 contacts
SB/SB1 contact
is not working
9 KB_Fault The brake contact KB / KB1 is not Broken brake Check the brake,
properly switched. To prevent only contact;
one KB contact, check the contactor Check the adjustment of the brake contact.
on the board for jumpers. Brake
mechanical Check the brake,
Remark: When the gearless drive is problem;
used, check whether the brake Observe the state in which the brake is
contact is working normally, whether KB/KB1 open,
the brake power supply is normal; feedback type
when the brake is open, whether the error
SB operates first, and then whether Both sides of the brake should be opened
the brake pressure drop changes ( symmetrically.
SGRB or brake module). Whether the
voltage drop change is independent of Check the parameter settings for the brake
the state of KB and KB1 . KB is the type.
most likely component to go wrong.
Make sure the contacts are installed
and clean. Empirically, the best
method is to maintain a 1 mm gap
between the contact and the actuator
when the brake is closed .
10 FC_Fault The inverter is stopped in an Drive internal Check the detailed description of the events
emergency. problems. controlled by the motor.
Variodyn E :
wrong direction
of manual
stroke at the
edge of the
hoistway at the
top of the
control cabinet
13 OverSpeed The car speed exceeds the actual Wrong Check motor and stroke control parameters
allowable speed (normally allowed parameter
range is 6.25% ) value Check position encoder
Wrong load
14 UnderSpeed The car speed is lower than the actual Wrong Check motor and stroke control parameters
allowable speed (normally allowed parameter
range is 6.25% ) value Check position encoder
The speed
value exceeds
the capability
range of the
inverter, and
the inverter
cannot keep up
with the stroke
15 NoTargetLo The car enters the lower KSE area Wrong KSE Check KSE parameters and magnets
w and no target is set in the trip control signal
If this happens, please inform Ebikon
16 NoTargetUp The car entered the higher KSE area Wrong KSE Check KSE parameters and magnets
and no target was set in the trip signal
control If this happens, please inform Ebikon
17 OverSpeedK When the car enters a high or low Wrong KSE Check the KSE parameters and magnet
SE KSE position ( KSE-U/KSE-D ), an input position. Re-learning.
overspeed is found.
Variodyn E: Check the KSE distance.
Check drive
18 NoLowerKS There is a difference between the Wrong KSE Check the KSE parameters and the position
E lower KSE switch position of the parameter or of the magnets in the hoistway. Self-learning
hoistway and its position save value magnet error after the magnet has been moved.
when self-learning.
Check the position encoder.
Note: This event occurs if
the car moves manually but no
position value is uploaded to the trip
control. In this case, the next time
the car moves, it is an incorrect
position value.
19 NoUpperKSE There is a difference between the Wrong KSE Check the KSE parameters and the position
higher KSE switch position of the parameter or of the magnets in the hoistway. Self-learning
hoistway and its position save value magnet error after the magnet has been moved.
when self-learning. Note: This event
occurs if the car moves manually but Check the position encoder.
no position value is uploaded to the
trip control. In this case, the next time
the car moves, it is an incorrect
position value.
20 PositionLost The error occurred: Mechanical Check the magnet position and re-learn.
error in the
- The position of the magnet when the hoistway Check the horizontal distance between the
car passes through one floor and the information. magnet and the light curtain. Make sure that
position value stored during self- the car does not have a large net distance
learning differ by more than 15 cm . The position when leveling the floor.
encoder is not
- When the car passes through a floor, working Check the mechanical slip of the position
no magnets stored on the floor during properly. encoder.
self-learning are found.
The light Check that the encoder is working smoothly.
- The magnet stored on the floor at the curtain is
time of self-learning was not found disordered.
Check the encoder rope and its tension, and
when the car approached the target two wheels. The groove of the wheel should
floor. be clean.
- The car is in the flat position and no Check the power supply to the light curtain.
magnets have been found on this
floor. Check the grounding of the car top and the
machine room to the control cabinet.
twent HigherPrio A higher priority event was no No
y one discovered.
36 NoStartOk Except for the contactor timeout, the no Check if the START-UP parameter is set
frequency converter times out, and the correctly: the parameter time_start_up is
total timeout, the preparation of the much larger than the parameter
inspection stroke does not exceed one fc_delay+sh_delay
total allowable time.
37 CarAtLevel A command to receive a new floor no No
when the car is stopped. Note: This
event will occur periodically if the
internal trip control call is activated.
38 TargetLost The command for the target floor is Wrong Check the parameter shaft_para
outside the range of the trip control, so parameter
no commands are accepted. Max_floor
Wrong selector
translation table Check selector translation table
Remarks: The car loses the door Check the undisturbed light curtain function:
drive, PHS also reports IN_FIN , or there is dirt, there is a hole in the board, it is
the car is leveling, PHS reports not sealed, the light curtain measures it, the
OUT_FIN , or the two PHS signals are rope between the boards, the parallel
too close, and the PHS signal is distance between the board and the light
jumping. curtain.
Remarks: This error does not trigger Check the grounding of the car top and the
an emergency stop. Only when the equipment room.
car is parked, the error is detected
when the trip is recorded. So the
itinerary is always recorded in
65 PHNR_D_Fa Higher light curtains are not working no Check the PHNR_D connection of the light
ult properly. curtain to the PCB
Remark: The car loses the door drive, Check the undisturbed light curtain function:
PHNR_D also reports IN_FIN , or the there is dirt, there is a hole in the board, it is
car is leveling, PHNR_D reports not sealed, the light curtain measures it, the
OUT_FIN , or the two PHNR_D rope between the boards, the parallel
signals are too close, PHNR_D signal distance between the board and the light
is jumping. curtain.
Remarks: This error does not trigger Check the grounding of the car top and the
an emergency stop. Only when the equipment room.
car is parked, the error is detected
when the trip is recorded. So the
itinerary is always recorded in
66 NoGetAnswe The controller did not reflect the no Check the controller connection,
r VCOM GET requirements.
Check the controller.
67 KUET_Fault Monitoring of the door transition Wrong wiring Check the connection between RUET and
signals from relays RUET and RUET1 on the car RUET1 and the feedback signal to the car
indicates that they are not working panel.
properly. RUET and RUET1 do not act The
at the same time, or RUET and environment is Check the wiring of the door drive direction
RUET1 operate outside the door. too dirty device
Note: Both signals are transmitted via Electrically Check the light curtain magnet for dirt
bus communication from the car. The relevant
error does not trigger the emergency
Check the grounding of the car and the
stop action, only when the car stops, There is a power supply and door transition of the car
the trip is detected when the trip is problem with panel
recorded, so the travel phase is
always recorded in STANDSTILL
communication Check the bus connection from the control
to the car. panel to the car
Note: The motor control plate has a View event records for motor control
temperature sensor on the power
electronics and the brake resistor. If
the temperature limit exceeds one of
the sensors during the trip, the trip
control stops the car on the next floor
for 20 minutes before the motor
control cancels the trip . The elevator
will not move until the overheating is
81 TripV_Tacho The distance encoder failed during the There is a Check the position encoder and its
trip. The stroke control uses the speed problem with connection to the PCB and PCB hardware
encoder feedback to continue to the the signal from
nearest floor. the position
Note: The speed encoder is provided
by the motor control. This information
is used by the stroke control to
calculate the car position and speed,
and the speed encoder is used to
continue the current stroke. The car is
taken to the nearest floor and normal
parking accuracy is not guaranteed.
The car will be parked as close as
possible to the floor to facilitate
passengers leaving the car.
82 NoSupply12 Emergency power is not connected to no Check the 12V connection
V the trip control plate.
Check emergency power supply module
Note: The stroke control plate has a
total of only 24 volts. If the reset is
performed, 12 volts is not connected,
and synchronous operation will occur.
83 NoSupply24 There is no 24V connection to the trip 24V power Check fuse 24V power supply
V control plate. supply is
missing or Check the 24V power connection
Remark: This event occurs whenever damaged
the main switch JH does not operate Check 24V power supply
and the stroke control remains running Missing WD
below 12V . The travel control device on the
Install the appropriate device
operates in a very low-level mode, brake
only to know the car position.
There is a
problem with
the power grid
84 DMS_Spoile DMS is not working properly There is a Check the connection of the tension gauge
d problem with to the weighing box
the connection
of the tension Replace the tension gauge device
gauge to the
weighing box
DMS device
has a problem
85 LM_ComErr Communication damage to the LMS Wrong baud Check the LMS device and the bus
box rate connection to the control cabinet
Remarks: TX4 : Use the CADI menu TX4 only : Check the baud rate adjustment
EVENT LOGS under the stroke on the PCB
control to enter the sub-menu VCOM
ERR CTRS to view the bus
connection of the elevator.
86 RUET_Fault Feedback from relay RUET is not no Check relay RUET and feedback connection
closed during new trip preparation to the panel
87 RTSC_Fault The feedback information of the relay no Check relay RTSC and feedback connection
RTSC is not obtained during the trip to PCB
88 TachoFault The position value received from the Position Check the position encoder to control
position encoder has jumped off, or no encoder connection
encoder pulse is detected during the connection
trip. error Check position encoder
89 Trip The duration of the trip exceeds the no Check the parameters Time Stop Precision
TimeExp maximum time limit
90 StopOverFau In the United States and Canada, the no No
lt JBF has a relay that skips the stop
button in the control room when the
car is called back. The stroke control
, when the relay is found to be
engaged, but the car is not in fire
91 SMPB_Fault The relay SMPB is not working no Check the auxiliary relay on the relay and
properly. stroke control .
92 IVXVF_HW_F The I/O port of the stroke control Minor issues no
ault monitors the abnormal state of the I/O (callback error
port. (The relay is not controlled, or or Remove possible ground loops on all
the input status is wrong.) For details, troubleshooting communication panels
refer to error code 135. panel issue)
Check wiring
Ground or EMC
Check the function of the I/O port
Safety circuit
Remove jumper
93 AccessSwitc Only NA : The inlet relay is closed and Wrong Check parameter values UPPER ACCESS
h the selected stroke cannot be parameter FLOOR and LOWEST FLOOR
Well Check the wiring and connections on the
Note: The ACCESS - Key , manual information communication board
stroke ACCESS In a particular floor, ACCESS
travel within strict range: parameters
lower hoistway LOWEST the FLOOR .
It is only possible to drive on these
94 DoorLockFa The safety circuit indicates that the car Door contact Check the wiring and door contacts of the
ult door or hoistway is closed when the door panel
door status is displayed ( ISKT4 or Safety loop
ISKT5 is closed) Check the jumper of the safety loop
95 ETSL_Overs ETSL device finds overspeed when Wrong Check parameter values A2 (acceleration)
peed decelerating at the top or bottom of parameter and A6 (deceleration)
the hoistway value
Check the operation of the drive system
Remarks: The ETSL status signal Other drive
checks for the occurrence of this system errors
event, and a special contact on the
ETSL opens the safety loop.
96 ETSL_VaneE A dangerous operating environment Misalignment Check arrangement
rror was discovered when the ETSL unit between fan
scanned the fan. stripes and Check the tension of the metal stripe
Remarks: Remarks: The ETSL status Cover the gap that blocks the IR light
signal checks for the occurrence of Distorted or
this event, and a special contact on distorted metal
Check for missing blocks
the ETSL opens the safety loop. stripes in the
Cleaning the PHVKSE lens
There is no
missing block
behind the fan
or part of it is
does not pick
up after the trip
is ready
100 RFE_Fault Relay RFE feedback error RFE pull-in, not Check RFE functions and wiring
let go within 5
Note: An error occurs only when the Check all connections and contactors in the
relay RFE is used on the first turn of RFE is not let RFE loop
the car. go
The RFE is monitored when the trip is Wrong
ready , and the RFE is released when parameter Check the stroke control - elevator
the RKS and RSK1 are pulled in. System Type parameter System Type ( TX4 only )
101 RTRT_Faul no no No
102 RKUET_Faul Hardware error found when the door Door transition Check the operation of RKUET
t is ready for the transition failure
Remarks: Feedback is monitored
during normal trips. RKUET is
released at the beginning of the trip
and is closed when approaching the
destination floor.
103 HighSpeedSt For SSDC drive only : When the car no No
op runs over 0.75m/s , the brake
thermistor will be heated due to the
energy of the movement. The car will
be stopped for a short period of time,
after too many emergency stops in a
short time, in order to prevent
overheating of the resistance
104 CDOOR Send a message when the car door no No
Bypass bypass switch JGB is closed
105 SDOOR Send a message when the hall door no No
Bypass bypass switch JGB is closed
106 PHASE Loss The safety loop is disconnected at no No
SKD1 , indicating that the 110V power
supply of the safety loop is lost, or the
power supply monitoring error
107 Pit Oil The oil level in the tank is low, check Oil spill Check and make up
Switch where the oil goes.
108 Over Oil temperature sensor reading 55 no No
Temperature degrees Celsius
109 KSE Failure The KSEU and KSED switch inputs do no No
not match the other inputs or car
110 Motor An error occurred when the motor no no
Overload overloaded the rope was started , or
the relay was incorrect when the
software was started . Laval's current
system, or it may have ETS
overspeed open SKD6 cause
111 No Floor Deceleration magnet sequence error no No
112 Pressure The pressure switch is turned on more no No
Switch than 1 wonderful, indicating that the
car is hung by something, or there is
something on the rail that obstructs
the car.
113 Thermistor Occurs when the software finds that Sensor Replace sensor
Failure the thermal sensor is measuring damageOil
incorrectly level is too low Come on
114 Anti Stall The car did not reach the floor no No
115 Duty Cycle No no No
116 KLU Fault KLU floor switch does not work no No
117 KLD Fault KLD floor switch does not work no No
118 NodeAlive Regain communication on the CPB no No
board after the error Hyd_Node_Dead
119 Node Dead Carrier car lost communication no No
120 Door Lock When the car is running, the car door no No
Fault or hall door lock is disengaged
121 Switch Fault Input signal state is confusing no No
122 KSE Fail 2 The software thinks the car is on the no No
top floor, but the KSE and ETS
magnetic switches are not on the top
floor and the car is running
123 EV Error Electronic cutting control error no No
124 EV Electronic cutting control reported a no No
Shutdown serious error
125 EV Event Electronic cutting control error no No
126 Wrong Installed hardware does not meet PCT no No
hardware requirements
127 MoSis_Error MoSis structural error Hardware Check hardware
structure error
Wrong fit
128 LOWER_KS When the car passes the low KSE PHS is not Check the PHS signal. If the PHS is not
E_LOWER_S during synchronous operation , the connected well connected, this error will occur.
YNCH position is checked and the travel is
canceled if the measured value is Wrong Check the KSE signal
lower than the given parameter values hoistway
shaft_para , kse_distance . information Check if PHS photoelectric is working
properly and is in the right position
129 EQ_Midpoint This error occurs when the seismic The elevator Park the car in the position of the
_Fault function requires EQ midpoint , and has a collision counterweight and set the midpoint with
the EQ midpoint is not set or has a switch ( parallel CADI or SMLCD
problem. The earthquake function is anti-rail switch),
not available or the parameter but the
P_STR_COLLISION_SWITCH is not midpoint is not
set. The EQ midpoint position is set, the control
considered normal between the top only
and bottom layers. EQ midpoint automatically
should theoretically be set when the operates when
car and counterweight are in the same the midpoint is
position. set and
130 PCT_Drive_P A PCT driver parameter does not PCT Download the correct parameters or change
ara match the hardware at the time or downloaded the the parameter values with CADI or SMLCD
does not comply with the Deploment wrong to make it correct
Rule parameter or
became an
131 MoSis_KNE_ A MoSis and KNE change relay status no No
Fault information sent
132 MoSis_ETSL A MoSis and ETSL change relay no No
_Fault status information sent
133 MoSis_UE Ndef no No
134 NTSD_Trigg In Singapore, when NTSD generate The elevator Check the ntsd parameter, which should be
ered this error (when triggered ETSL model moves too fast between 0.8m/s2 and 1.4m/s2
is not MoSis_ETSL_NTSD ), in 1000 to the hoistway
the two trigger strokes within NTSD ,
be alert, in 1000 three times in the
trigger stroke NTSD , will be given
more than 3 times, the system Will be
stopped forever, the total error count
is always recorded before resetting,
the error does not depend on time, but
depends on the number of elevator
135 DREC_DRH_ The input control of the trip control Operational No
button finds an abnormal state, checks the problem
detailed description of the additional
information, and finds the cause of the
136 Reserve_Err Ndef no No
137 Reserve_Err Ndef no No
138 Reserve_Err Ndef no No
139 Reserve_E Ndef no No
140 Reserve_Err Ndef no No
141 Safety T1 The safety circuit is disconnected Safety loop is Check the power supply of the safety circuit
before the first step, and there is a not powered
problem with the power supply. Prevent adjustment voltage: reset safety
Remarks: The secondary error is RKPH problem loop safety circuit short circuit
recorded after the main power is
disconnected, and other safety loop Wrong input on Check the phase of the relay RKPH
input links will not generate
the safety loop
incorrect communication information.
panel Check the connection between the panel
and the safety circuit and replace the panel if
142 Safety T2 The safety loop is disconnected Safety loop Check the communication part of the safety
between the first and second links. contactor loop
Note: The downward safety loop input disconnected
link 3 does not generate Check the wiring to the contactor and
incorrect communication information . Safety loop between
Refer to the contactor wiring diagram contactor wiring
to see the cause of the error. error Check the connection between the panel
and the safety circuit and replace the panel if
Error input on necessary
the safety loop
input panel
143 Safety T2A The safety circuit is disconnected Safety loop Check the communication part of the safety
between ISKT2A and ISKT1 . Note: contactor loop
The downward safety circuit input link disconnected
ISKT3 will not generate incorrect Check the wiring to the contactor and
communication information. Refer to Safety loop between
the contactor's wiring table to see the contactor wiring
cause of the error. error Check the connection between the panel
and the safety circuit and replace the panel if
Error input on necessary
the safety loop
input panel
144 Safety T2B The safety circuit is disconnected Safety loop Check the communication part of the safety
between ISKT2B and ISKT2A . Note: contactor loop
The downward safety circuit input link disconnected
ISKT3 will not generate incorrect Check the wiring to the contactor and
communication information. Refer to Safety loop between
the contactor's wiring table to see the contactor wiring
cause of the error. error Check the connection between the panel
and the safety circuit and replace the panel if
Error input on necessary
the safety loop
input panel
145 Safety T3 The safety circuit is disconnected Safety loop Check the communication part of the safety
between ISKT2 and ISKT3 . Note: The contactor loop
downward safety circuit input link disconnected
ISKT4 will not generate incorrect Check the wiring to the contactor and
communication information. Refer to Safety loop between
the contactor's wiring table to see the contactor wiring
cause of the error. error Check the connection between the panel
and the safety circuit and replace the panel if
Error input on necessary
the safety loop
input panel
146 Safety T3A The safety circuit is disconnected Safety loop Check the communication part of the safety
between ISKT3A and ISKT2 . Note: contactor loop
The downward safety circuit input link disconnected
ISKT3B will not generate incorrect Check the wiring to the contactor and
communication information. Refer to Safety loop between
the contactor's wiring table to see the contactor wiring
cause of the error. error Check the connection between the panel
and the safety circuit and replace the panel if
Error input on necessary
the safety loop
input panel
147 Safety T3B The safety circuit is disconnected Safety loop Check the communication part of the safety
between ISKT3B and ISKT3A . Note: contactor loop
The downward safety circuit input link disconnected
ISKT4 will not generate incorrect Check the wiring to the contactor and
communication information. Refer to Safety loop between
the contactor's wiring table to see the contactor wiring
cause of the error. error Check the connection between the panel
and the safety circuit and replace the panel if
Error input on necessary
the safety loop
input panel
148 Safety T4 The safety circuit is disconnected Hall door Inspection hall door contact switch
between the ISKT4 and ISKT3 links. contact KTS is
The relevant door contact KTS bad Check the wiring to the door door contacts
monitoring, remarks: The downward and between
safety circuit input link ISKT5 will not Wiring of the
generate incorrect communication door contact of Check the connection between the panel
information, refer to the contactor's the safety and the safety circuit and replace the panel if
wiring table to see the cause of the circuit is necessary
error, if the error Still, increase the incorrect
drive parameter
DOOR_CONTACT_DELAY to 50 , 70 Error input on
or 100
the safety loop
input panel
149 Safety T5 The safety circuit is disconnected Car door Check car door contact switch
between ISKT5 and ISKT4 . For the contact KTC is
car door contact KTC monitoring, bad Check the car door contact wiring
remarks: Refer to the contactor's
wiring table to see the cause of the There is a Check door transition loop
error. If the pre-opening door on the problem with
floor does not work properly, this error the safety
will replace SafetyRTS . If the error is circuit car door Check the connection between the panel
still there, increase the drive and the safety circuit and replace the panel if
contact wiring
parameter DOOR_CONTACT_DELAY necessary
to 50 , 70 or 100
Door transition
Error input on
the safety loop
input panel
150...199 Variodyn E
151 LearnTrip Self-learning no no
152 CorrTrip Start of a correction trip no no
153 SynchTrip Start a synchronized trip no no
154 KS_MagnetPo The wrong position of the no Check KS magnetic switch
s KS magnetic switch in the
hoistway was found during
155 KSE_MagnetPThe wrong position of the no Check and adjust the KSE magnetic
os KSE magnetic switch in the switch
hoistway was found during
156 LearnMesPro Self-learning result error no no
157 DeltaS_2BP KS_Interrupt distance error Possible cause of The action to perform
- second brake contact error
Check inverter drive parameters
parameter setting
( inverter )
158 SF_Fault SF relay error Safety loop Check safety loop
Check SF 's auxiliary relay and SF1
159 NoBpReaction The inverter does not no Check the inverter PG0 wiring
function on the brake
contact Check the inverter ER113 module
160 SK ErrorStart The safety chain prevents no Check the safety chain
the elevator from starting
the journey
161 CarNotAtLeve Incorrect parking location Inverter parameter Check the inverter parameters
l on the target floor setting is not
162 CarOutOfFloo The car did not reach the The inverter Check the inverter PG0 wiring
r target floor caused the trip to
163 TargetFailure Target exceeds allowable Loss of location Perform self-learning
Wrong direction Perform self-learning
164 FC_ShortBrakVF20 / 30 at the time after Inaccurate Check the inverter parameter settings
e the brake to stop too early parameter setting
165 FC_StopSpeed VF20/30 speeding during Inverter fault Check the inverter wiring
mechanical brake action
166 SW_BlockPer A fatal soft machine error RAM data Solve problems and reset the system
m occurs, the parameter value corruption
is out of range, and illegal Double reset PG0
data appears at runtime ROM data
corruption Contact Ebikon to replace the software
PCT structure
172 InvDrivePara The parameters in the Inverter PG0 Check the inverter PG0 RS232
m inverter do not match the communication connection
values in the control failed
software. Double reset on PG0 , reset on the
Inverter PG0 inverter, wait 5 minutes
communication is
210 Lift Guardian The doorkeeper found the Car lighting Check lights, lighting connections,
wrong DT-O button, or the damage wiring, relays and car control outputs
car illumination was not lit
during the trip. DT - O input Car lighting sensor is damaged
signal does not
work Check button, wiring, IO bus cable and
IO panel
211 COM_Busrec During the hourly check, Bus has error Check the elevator group control bus, all
onf VCOM found that many connections and terminal functions
communication buses were There is too much
reconfigured. The number of information being Check the communication of all
these buses is much larger sent at the same subsystems connected to the bus
than the number of lines that time
send and receive information Find the source of information, test the
in the same hour, and data is Another communication subsystem to adjust, and
lost. subsystem is not replace if necessary
working properly
Errors can come from wrong operations
Bus address error or other subsystems, locate the wrong
subsystem, and separate the bus for each
Other possibilities subsystem until the problem disappears
Simple installation:
BarGraph-RED-LED-7 [ON]
302 TRC_PAR_A V70 door controller software Parameter not Check the correctness of the parameter
CCESS defined or wrong definition description
Stroke curve converter and
generator entry parameters Enter parameter Reset gate controller
failed error
Error response: stop the door Flash memory occurs, replace the gated PCB board and
immediately damage reinstall the door
Simple installation:
BarGraph-RED-LED-7 [ON]
303 TRC_POS_E V70 door controller software
The relevant location
information is not available,
error response: wait until the
door is opened, stop all the
door actions
Simple installation:
BarGraph-RED-LED-7 [ON]
401 SubsysStart SUBSYS_START , a new Hardware error, If this error occurs frequently for no
subsystem appears on the hardware reset apparent reason, check the line connection
bus, or the line connected and subsystem communication to correct
to the subsystem is the operation or replace it.
interrupted, or the
subsystem is reinitialized
402 SubsysDead The connection to the Or the connection If this error occurs frequently for no
subsystem is blocked is faulty or the apparent reason, check the line connection
subsystem is shut and subsystem communication to correct
down the operation or replace it.
403 PowerUp CUP reinitialization on the Power on after Scan error log to see the reason for the
main control board internal problems reset
600...699 Lift
600 Attempt to Start This error is only One or more of the following Check communication error
not allowed detected when the first errors were found: 626 , 627 , description
run, usually when one or 629 , 630
more fatal errors occur or
when parking or
importing phases
601 Attempt to This error occurs when Fatal error Check for fatal error
restart not any trip starts, indicating records
allowed that a fatal error has been
detected and recorded
602 OvertemperatureOver-temperature check Inverter heat receiver over Check transformer
finds that the power temperature
supply transistor is over- Check the wiring of the
temperature. When Wrong wiring of input signal input signal KTHVF
the car stops, it will lock. KTHVF
If the car is moving, the Check brake circuit breaker
trip will be completed. It Variodyn35 , 45 , 70 , 100/BR and brake resistor
seems that the : Brake breaker fault, brake
continuous action is resistor
more than 30 , and an
emergency stop will
603 SW warning Found a software error The parameter is completely Check parameter
and stored it in the recordwrong
Contact Ebikon , dept&D-
Wrong logic program, run time DR
604 DL overvolt trigg Overcurrent of DC Variodyn35 , 45 , 70 , 100/BR : Check the plate TBR ,
connection is found to Brake breaker fault, brake brake circuit breaker
exceed 730V , every resistor module
10ms check at software
start and stroke The screw of the brake circuit Check the screws of the
breaker is not fixed. brake circuit breaker
2. VF 35 , 45 , 70100/BR
: May be triggered by
current loop or capacitor
pulse formation test
VF35 , 45 , 70 , 100BR :
ring function test found
difference in external
tolerance between IST
and REF
700...739 MC PVEC
700 Memory Wrong storage channel RAM corruption on PVEC Replace PVEC printing plate
PIOVEC on the PLD has not Replace the PIOVEC plate
been set or set up the PLD
701 SW Warning The software finds an no no
exception action that
exists in software and
hardware. These events
only exist in the warning
record, no error occurs,
and additional
information can be
decoded by the R&D
702 CommunicationAn error occurred in Additional information 1 - 3 : Check if all shielded wires
Failure continuous EMC problem or are properly grounded
communication from communication cable is broken
motor control to stroke Check the connection
control Additional information 4 - 8 : between motor control and
/14/15 : Soft machine problem stroke control
Report R&D-DR
703 Overcurrent There are two Brake is not open or only opens Check the brake
Motor possibilities:
Wrong parameter Check parameter
1, the motor current
exceeds the maximum Error calculation of the drive Check drive calculation
value at constant speed system
Check the balance of the
2, motor torque changes Elevator balance error elevator
Replacement pulley
704 Encoder The feedback signal of Encoder cable is incorrectly Check the cable connection
Failure the motor encoder is lost, connected or plugged in of the encoder and the
the missing signal occurs corresponding plate and
on the relevant board and The motor encoder is not check the plug
is read by the software. installed
Check the encoder
Encoder or cable damage installation
Additional information 5 :
Thyristor is not open
740...799 Magnetek
740 Overspeed Magnetic switch error 97 , Speed command is too high Check mode value
mode too high or car speed adjustment
too high Car does not follow mode
requirements Check position loop
Check parameter
motor_ovld_tout has not
Check parameter
motor_ovld_level has not
748 Motor field Magnetic switch error 401 Winding or wiring short circuit Check motor current
Power supply error Replace the
area regulator panel
749 Contactor fault Magnetic switch error 402 , Output relay is not closed Check coil wiring
output relay is not closed
when it should be closed Detection loop error Check the connection of
the auxiliary relay to TB1 - 7
750 1 minute full Magnetic switch error 403 , no Check the type of parameter
field the control system requires system that forms the
the motor to start at full controller
speed , but does not start
within one minute
751 Open armature Magnetic switch error 404 , no Check DC fuse
circuit the armature current of the
motor is disconnected Check output relay
Check brush
752 Safety circuit Magnetic switch error 405 , no Check jumper
safety circuit relay ( RH ,
RH1 , RSK , RSK1 ) is Check that all relays are
connected to TB3 - 6 , does working properly
not open or close normally,
when you short-circuit relay
to make automatic
adjustment error
753 PAC fault Magnetic switch error 406 , no Check if the acceleration and
the speed involved or the driving force are reasonable
actual speed of the motor
changes too fast Check if the upper
acceleration limit is much
larger than the normal
Check the noise of the speed
754 DCU CEMF Magnetic switch error 407 , no Check that the voltage from
fault motor armature voltage the independent transformer
error meets the parameter
Check SCRs
768 Shorted Magnetic switch 911 , one no Replace SCR
doubler SCR short circuit
769 Open SCR Magnetic switch error 912 no Replace SCR
770 Bad parameter Magnetic switch error 915 , no Check: Norminal_AC,
one or more mounting
parameters are out of range Rated_armature_voltage
771 Forcing fault Magnetic switch 916 no Inform field engineer
772 AV feedback Magnetic switch error 917 no Check that the thermostat is
reversed turning correctly. If yes,
reverse the armature voltage
feedback wiring ( TB5 - 1 ,
TB5 - 2 )
773 Parameter too Magnetic switch error 918 Monitoring parameter Adjustment parameter
high current_limit is set too high
774 Parameter out Magnetic switch error 919 The elevator parameter Adjustment parameter
of range Norminal_AC is set too high or
too low
775 Parameter out Magnetic switch error 921 Motor parameter Adjustment parameter
of range Rated_armature_voltage is too
high or too low
776 Briddge fault Magnetic switch error 921 no Check relay J14
900...999 PIOG
901 Config Err PIOG plate did not PIOG plate ID switch is not set Check ID switch
receive all configuration correctly
data, or data was Check group bus connection
corrupted Configuration data not received
Check if data is downloaded
to the controller
902 PIO Error One component no Check related components
connected to the elevator
control gives an error Check component wiring
910 COM_Busreco Same error 98 Same error 98 Same error 98
951 IO_ConfigErr Not all required I/Os are Destroy ROM data Contact EBI
952 EEP_BurnPro EEPROM - Page Burning no Contact EBI for replacement
bl Failure
953 Deployment_R Software discovery Wrong hardware installation or Remove inappropriate
ule_Failure misconfiguration of bad connection hardware
systems based on
configuration rules Check PCT parameter
PCT parameter error PCT_GP_BUS_SYSTEM
1000...1199 CPU
1000 Bus Error The CPU tries to read and write a EMC problem Save the error, contact the
non-existent memory address, and hotline
the -BERR signal is declared to the PCB defect
CPU. Check EMC source
1200...1249 LON
1201 PowerUpReset Occurs when SIOG or SIOL is Main Check wiring loose
powered up connection
Power supply
problem in the
error, reset
SIO power
supply is
1202 Exception68332 An error occurred while SIO EMC problem Save the error record,
responded to MC68332
SIO printing Close the AS1 control
plate is cabinet door
Check EMC source
failure Check if 24V power and
strong power are separated
Software error
SIO printing
board by
1250...1299 BIO2
1250 BIO2_ISR_Initialisation_Error In BIO2 occurs when the driver HardwareReplacement hardware
installation or installation error
1251 BIO2_ISR_Buffering_Error When the buffer information no no
from or through BIO2 occurs
1252 BIO2_ISR_Queueing_Error Occurs when queued input or no no
output BIO2 drive information
1253 BIO2_ISR_Communication_ErrorWhen BIO2 and EBBIO no no
occurred while communicating
1254 BIO2_ISR_Busmaster_Error Errors that occur on BIO2 no no
1255 BIO2_spare no no no
1260 BIO2 Queue Failure An error occurred in BIO2 no no
queue processing, an
information queued is not
1261 BIO2 Requestor Failure In BIO2 occurs when a request no no
error occurs, BIO2 - BUS
request table is full
1262 BIO2 Dispatcher Failure An error occurred while BIO2 no no
was assigned. An error
occurred when assigning a
received BIO2 message.
1264 BIO2 Node Alive Again Information that occurs when no no
the last node loss on the BIO2
bus is found to be reactivated
1265 BIO2 No_Address_Left The BIO2 manager cannot no no
handle more nodes. If the bus is
removed by the node, the
system must be restarted. When
the node upper limit learning is
exceeded, the BIO2 BUS driver
has no address left.
1267 BIO2 Mutiple Node on address Two or more nodes are no Relearn these nodes
perceived by the same node
1400...1499 inverter
1401 SW_Event Software problem no no
1402 SW_Warning Software problem no Contact EBI
1403 SW Error Software problem no Contact EBI
1404 VarOutOfRange Parameter value is out of range RAM data corruption PG0 double reset
Check installation
1438 NoIncrement No encoder pulse during the Encoder installation Check encoder and
trip error wiring
1439 InvldMovement Car movement is faulty Start the next trip Check encoder
before the end of the
previous trip
1440 OverSpeed Car speeding Unreasonable Check the BARMAG
parameter setting parameter value
1441 OverSpeedKSE Speeding at the bottom of the Unreasonable Check the BARMAG
shaft parameter setting parameter value
Perform self-learning if
1445 PosLost_KS KS check shows wrong no Reset, synchronous
position travel
Perform self-learning if
1446 PosLost_KSE KSE check shows wrong no Reset, synchronous
position travel
Perform self-learning if
1447 FloorPrec There are 8 parking Inappropriate fair and clear
inaccuracies in 10 trips , 4 adjustment of the
warnings, no record: the last elevator system
10 trips precise parking
1448 RSK_Fault RSK status does not match the Safety loop Check safety loop
input disconnect
Check the auxiliary
relays of RSK and
1449 RSK1_Fault RSK1 status does not match Safety loop Check safety loop
the input disconnect
Check the auxiliary
relays of RSK and
1450 TIF_WriteErr Error writing the entry to the TIF device failure Replace TIF
TIF register
1451 TIF_ReadErr Error reading the entry to the TIF device failure Replace TIF
TIF register
1452 NoStartOK The driver prepares the signal no Reset PG0
ready at the start of the control
1453 SK ErrorStart Safety chain prevents elevator no Check the safety chain
from starting journey
1454 SK ErrorRun Safety chain prevents travel Contactor KS or KTC Check door contactor
1455 Synch Trip Start syncing no no
1456 Learn Trip Start self-learning no no
1457 CorrTrip Start correcting the trip no no
1458 Inv_VF20_PCT The parameter of the VF20/30 Incorrect parameter Adjust the appropriate
parameter group is incorrect. value in PCT parameters with CADI
PCT structure error
Replace PCT
(Download PCT )
1459 Inv_BMG_Param There is a parameter value in PG0 - BARMAG Check the RS232
the inverter that does not communication is not connection of PG0 -
match the value in the control good BARMAG
PG0 - BARMAG Double reset on PG0 ,
communication was reset on BARMAG ,
interrupted wait 5 minutes
1460 LastBlockTime Provide lock time after a long no no
lockout period
1461 LearnFailed Self-learning is not successful The impact of a Check for errors in
previous error front of the system
1462 LearnMesProbl Self-learning result error no no
1463 TEL_Send Information cannot be sent no Contact EBI
1464 NoBpReaction BARMAG does not respond no Check the wiring of
on the brake contact PG0 - BARMAG
VF20 , 30 failure
VF20 control
panel failure
Encoder damage
Correction instructions
are not reset
Wiring error
Inverter damage
Mechanical damage to
the elevator system
Mechanical damage to
the elevator
Parameter exceeds
normal value
Ventilation port is
Wrong direction of
1470 Safety110V Found that the safety chain no Check the safety chain
was disconnected from T1
1471 SafetySPT Found that the safety chain no Check the safety chain
was disconnected from T2
1472 SafetyKNE Found that the safety chain no Check the safety chain
was disconnected from T3
1473 SafetyRTS Found that the safety chain no Check the safety chain
was disconnected from T4
1474 SafetyEnd Found that the safety chain no Check the safety chain
was disconnected from T5
1475 SW_BlockPerm Fatal software error no Solve problems and
reset the system
1476 DataDestoryed Illegal data while the elevator no Double reset PG0
is running
1477 VF_StartError VF20 , 30 blocks the itinerary Incorrect parameter Check and adjust
settings BARMAG parameters
with CADI or SMLCD
1478 VF_ShortBreak VF20 , 30 stops too early after Incorrect parameter Check and adjust
the first brake settings BARMAG parameters
with CADI or SMLCD
1479 VF_StopSpeed VF20 , 30 speeding when
mechanical brake actio