Ict Exam
Ict Exam
Ict Exam
Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
No marks will be awarded for using brand names of software packages or hardware.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
IB12 06_0417_12/2RP
© UCLES 2012 [Turn over
1 Name the output devices A, B, C and D using the words from the list. For
A B Use
Laptops can be used even when not plugged into an electricity socket.
4 An examination is marked out of 100 and the mark is recorded as an integer. Tick whether
each of the following marks is an example of abnormal data or normal data.
Abnormal Normal
Blogs Wikis
Usually personal
6 Draw four lines on the diagram to match the use to its most appropriate storage medium. For
Name four instructions, other than PENDOWN and PENUP, which the turtle graphics
software could use in order to draw the shape. For each one explain the meaning of the
Instruction 1
Instruction 2
Instruction 3
Instruction 4
8 Complete each sentence below using one item from the list. For
A bar code reader A buzzer A dot matrix printer
A web camera
9 Tick three features of presentation software which would not be found in a hard copy word
processed document.
Serif fonts
10 Describe how the components of an expert system are used to help a doctor to diagnose For
an illness. Examiner's
11 A bank uses a chip and PIN system at its ATMs. A customer withdraws cash by inserting
their bank card. Write down the steps involved in the computer processing of the
3 [3]
(b) Describe how a microprocessor would use these devices to detect the presence of an
intruder and what action it would take.
13 Ahmed has asked Anna, a systems analyst, to create a new database system for his video For
rental business. He rents out films in DVD and blu-ray formats only. Here are some of the Examiner's
questions that customers ask:
Have you got the film ‘The King’s Speech’ in blu-ray format?
Have you any films which are shorter than 2 hours?
Have you any Harry Potter films released since 2005?
(a) Complete the design table below filling in the field names and data types using the
most appropriate data type to create a database which would answer these questions.
(b) Part of the design process is setting an appropriate field length for each field.
Explain why this is so important.
(c) Anna will provide two types of documentation when the system is implemented. For
Name each type of documentation and for each one give two items which would be Examiner's
Item 1
Item 2
Item 1
Item 2
Advantage 1
Advantage 2
Disadvantage 1
Disadvantage 2
15 A travel agent keeps a spreadsheet record of his customers’ holiday bookings to various For
destinations. Examiner's
(Commas are used as delimiters in the functions shown below.)
1 Destination Code Trips Days
2 Brazil BRA =COUNTIF($A$8:$A$18,B2) =SUMIF($A$8:$A$18,B2,$B$8:$B$18)
3 Cuba CUB =COUNTIF($A$8:$A$18,B3) =SUMIF($A$8:$A$18,B3,$B$8:$B$18)
4 Jamaica JAM =COUNTIF($A$8:$A$18,B4) =SUMIF($A$8:$A$18,B4,$B$8:$B$18)
5 India IND =COUNTIF($A$8:$A$18,B5) =SUMIF($A$8:$A$18,B5,$B$8:$B$18)
7 DCode Duration
8 BRA 10
9 BRA 14
10 CUB 7
11 JAM 10
12 JAM 14
13 IND 21
14 CUB 14
15 BRA 10
16 JAM 14
17 BRA 14
18 IND 10
(e) Describe, with examples, how you would use formulae to check that the total Duration
and total number of Days are the same.
(You may use cells B19, D6 and D7 to help you.)
(f) Explain why the $ symbol is used in some of the cells in the spreadsheet above.
16 Describe what a virus is and what effect it may have on the data on a hard disc. For
17 Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of students using the internet to carry out research.
Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
University of Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.
Make sure that your Centre number, candidate number and name are written at the top of this page and
are clearly visible on every printout, before it is sent to the printer. Printouts with handwritten information will
not be marked.
Steps are numbered on the left hand side of the page. On the right hand side of the page for each step, you
will find a box which you can tick () when you have completed it; this will help you track your progress
through the test.
At the end of the exam put this Question Paper and all your printouts into the Assessment Record Folder.
If you have produced rough copies of printouts, these should be neatly crossed through to indicate that they
are not the copy to be marked.
IB12 06_0417_22/4RP
© UCLES 2012 [Turn over
You work for Star of Tawara Approved Sales and are going to perform some tasks for this company.
1 Create an evidence document called June2012
You will use this to store evidence during the examination.
Make sure your name, Centre number and candidate number appear on every page of
this document when printed.
2 Open the webpage http://Hothouse-design.co.uk/2212tawara
Download and save the files in your work area.
The files you need to download are:
Show in your evidence document that you have saved the files in your work area. (This
may be achieved by taking screenshots.)
4 Place the following items on the master slide:
• Draw two thick (about 3 point) vertical lines down the slide on the right side
• Draw a thick (about 3 point) horizontal line across the width of the slide about 3 cm
from the bottom of the slide
• Find a picture of a car from clipart and place this between the vertical lines below
the horizontal line
• Enter your name, Centre number and candidate number in a 12 point serif font at
the top right of the master slide but not overlapping the lines
• Slide numbers should appear at the top left of each slide.
5 Make sure all master slide items appear on all slides and that no master slide or slide
contents overlap each other.
6 Import the file J12SALES.RTF and place the text as slides in a new presentation in
your presentation software.
(The text within the file should appear on 4 new slides as headings and bulleted lists.
NB if your presentation software cannot import the .rtf file, then open the file and copy
and paste the text into four new slides in your presentation software.)
7 Apply the layout title and subtitle to the first slide.
9 Create a vertical bar chart using the data in the file J12MICROSALES.CSV
This chart should compare sales in 2010 with sales in 2011 for each model.
10 Place this chart on slide 2.
You are now going to edit a document about the sale of cars.
15 Using a suitable software package, load the file J12REPORT.RTF
30 Open the file J12MODELS.CSV and insert the contents as a table after the last
31 Format the text in the table to
• match the font style and size of the body text
• make only the text in the top row underlined
• make only the text in the second row italic
• make only the text in the top two rows centre aligned.
32 Format the table to
• merge only the cells in the top row
• display all gridlines when printed
• fit within the column width
• align the text to the top of the cells.
33 Replace the text (Insert picture here) with the image J12IMG_3.JPG
Align the image with the left margin of the column. Re-size the image to fill the column
and maintain the aspect ratio.
34 Make sure the text wraps above and below the image.
It may look like this:
You are going to prepare some reports for the company. Make sure all currency values are in Euros
to two decimal places. The DateSold field must be in the format DD/MM/YYYY.
39 Using a suitable database package, import the file J12MOTORS.CSV
Assign the following data types to the fields.
VIN Text
Model Text
Power Text
EngineSize Text
Price Numeric / Currency
Colour Text
DiscountApplied Numeric / Integer
Location Text
DateSold Date
SalesPerson Text
Sold Boolean / Logical
Make sure that you use these field names. The VIN is the Vehicle Identification
Number, and each car will have a different VIN.
40 Save a screen shot showing the field names and data types used. Place a copy of this
screen shot in your evidence file.
41 Insert the following three records:
VIN Model Power EngineSize Price Colour Location Sold
377C15423018 MicroEco E N/A 13000 Red Rotterdam No
377C15423019 MicroEco E N/A 13000 Green Rotterdam No
377C15423020 MicroEco E N/A 13000 Gold Rotterdam No
42 Check your data entry for errors.
46 Produce a new report from all the data which:
• contains a new field called Discount which is calculated at run-time. This will be
Price multiplied by DiscountApplied divided by 100
• contains a new field called SalePrice which is calculated at run-time. This will be
Price minus the Discount
• has the Discount and SalePrice fields set as Currency with 2 decimal places
• shows only the records where Sold is Yes, sales were made in 2012 and the
SalesPerson is Villalobos
• shows only the fields SalesPerson, Model, Price, Discount, DateSold, SalePrice
and Sold
• is sorted into ascending order of Model
• has a page orientation of portrait
• calculates the total value of these sales and places this value below the SalePrice
• has the total value formatted as currency with 2 decimal places
• includes a label to the left of the calculated value Total value of sales
• includes the report title 2012 Sales record for Villalobos
• has your name, Centre number and candidate number on the right at the top of the
47 Save and print this report.
48 Add the following details for Ms Kaif Asif, the chief executive officer of the company, to
your address book.
Job title CEO email address [email protected]
Show evidence that you have created this contact (showing name, job title and email
address) by taking a screenshot and placing it in your evidence document.
49 Prepare an email message:
• to be sent to [email protected]
• copied to the CEO (from the contacts list)
• with the subject line Sales Presentation
The body text of the message should include:
• your name
• your Centre number
• your candidate number
• the text: Attached is the presentation for your approval.
50 Attach only the presentation you saved at step 14 to your email.
51 Take screenshot evidence of this email, showing clearly that the attachment is present
and place it in your evidence document.
52 Send the email.
54 Print your evidence document. Make sure that your name, Centre number and
candidate number appear on each page of this document when printed.
Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
University of Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.
Make sure that your Centre number, candidate number and name are written at the top of this page and
are clearly visible on every printout, before it is sent to the printer. Printouts with handwritten information will
not be marked.
Steps are numbered on the left hand side of the page. On the right hand side of the page for each step, you
will find a box which you can tick () when you have completed it; this will help you track your progress
through the test.
At the end of the exam put this Question Paper and all your printouts into the Assessment Record Folder.
If you have produced rough copies of printouts, these should be neatly crossed through to indicate that they
are not the copy to be marked.
IB12 06_0417_32/2RP
© UCLES 2012 [Turn over
1 Create a new word processed document. Save this with the file name MAY2012
You will use this to store evidence during the examination.
Place your name, Centre number and candidate number in the header of this
2 Create new folders called WEB32 and SS32 in your work area.
5 Download and save the following files into your WEB32 folder:
You work for a company called The Xtreme Adventure Holiday Company which has an office in
Switzerland. This office has 37 employees and a spreadsheet is used to record the hours worked
each week and to calculate their pay. All currency values are recorded in Euros with 2 decimal places.
8 In the centre of the footer add the text Last edited on followed by today’s date and
9 Merge cells A1 to G1 so they become a single cell.
Format the text in this cell so it is a black 24 point serif font. Format this cell so that it
has a grey striped background that will allow the text to be read.
10 Format cells B4 to B7 as currency.
11 Save the data model and print a copy of cells A3 to B18 only, showing the values. Make
sure that the contents of all cells in this range are fully visible and that the printout fits
on a single portrait page.
12 In cell D22 use a lookup function to show the Job Description. Use the Code column for
the lookup value and the Job codes table for the array. This function must include both
absolute and relative referencing and must not use a named range.
Replicate this function so that the job description is shown for each of the other
13 In cell F59 use a function to calculate the average number of hours worked by all
14 Use the cells A4 to B7 to create a named range called RATE
Show how you created this named range in your evidence document.
15 In cell G22 use a formula to calculate the pay for this employee. This will look up the
rate of pay from the named range RATE and multiply it by the number of hours worked.
Choose an appropriate format for this cell. This function must not include absolute cell
Replicate this formula so that the amount of pay is shown for each of the other
16 In cell G60, use a function to calculate the total weekly wage bill. Choose an
appropriate format for this cell.
17 Save the spreadsheet. Print the formulae and functions used in landscape orientation.
Make sure that the contents of all cells are fully visible and that the printout fits on a
single page wide.
18 Hide rows 3 to 18.
19 Print the spreadsheet showing the values. Make sure that the contents of all the
required cells are fully visible and that the printout fits on a single page wide.
20 Hide rows 59 and 60. Leave rows 3 to 18 hidden.
21 Extract only the employees with the word Ski in their job description who worked for 25
or more hours.
22 Print the extract showing the values. Make sure that the contents of all the required
cells are fully visible and that the printout fits on a single page.
You are going to create new web pages for the company.
23 Open the image J12BACKGD4.JPG from your WEB32 folder in a suitable application.
24 Resize the image so that it is 720 pixels wide and maintain its aspect ratio. Take a
screenshot to show how you resized the image. Place this in the evidence document
you created in step 1.
25 Save this image as J12BACKGD5.JPG in your WEB32 folder.
(This file will be used as the background image in a stylesheet.)
26 Reduce the image resolution, if necessary, to ensure that the stored image is no larger
than 100kb.
Save the image as J12BACKGD6.JPG in your WEB32 folder.
Place screenshot evidence of the file size of this image in your evidence document.
27 If necessary, resize your browser window so that the background image fits the window
without tiling.
28 Using a suitable software package, create a new webpage called XA.HTM
Attach the stylesheet J1232.CSS to this webpage. As you create the webpage make
sure that the styles within the stylesheet are not changed.
29 This webpage must open in any browser and will have three separate tables placed like
32 Replace the text Place anchor A here with an anchor called start
Make sure that this anchor is not visible in the browser.
33 Replace the text Candidate details with your name, Centre number and candidate
34 Create Table B with 4 rows and 2 columns as shown.
35 Set the width of this table to 75% of the width of the window.
41 Set the table width of the bottom table to 100% of the width of the window.
42 Replace the text Place anchor C here with an anchor called combine
Make sure that this anchor is not visible in the browser.
43 Create a hyperlink from the text Combination Holidays in Table A to the anchor that you
created in step 42.
44 In the text Return to the top of the page by clicking on this link. make only the words
clicking on this link a hyperlink to the anchor called start
45 Replace the text Date & Time here with the date and time.
46 Select the most appropriate image from your WEB32 folder and use this to replace the
words Cave swim in Table C.
47 Select the most appropriate image from your WEB32 folder and use this to replace the
words Scuba diving in Table C.
Create a hyperlink from this image to point to the file J12DIVE.HTM which should open
in a new window called _ocean
48 Select the most appropriate image from your WEB32 folder and use this to replace the
word Skiing in the Table C.
49 Select the most appropriate image from your WEB32 folder and use this to replace the
text ATV in Table C.
50 Select the most appropriate image from your WEB32 folder and use this to replace the
words Contact us in Table C.
Create a hyperlink from this image to send an email message to [email protected] with
a subject line Xtreme Holidays
51 Make sure that all of the images placed in steps 46 to 50 are 120 pixels wide. Maintain
the aspect ratio of each image.
52 Save the page as XA.HTM in your WEB32 folder.
Open this page in a web browser.
Print this page from your browser.
Print a copy of the HTML source.
53 Using a suitable software package, open the webpage J12DIVE.HTM so that it can be
Attach the stylesheet J1232.CSS to this webpage. As you create the webpage make
sure that the styles within the stylesheet are not changed.
54 Replace the text Candidate name, Centre number, candidate number with your name,
Centre number and candidate number.
55 Replace the text Heading here with the text Enjoy your dives with: and format this as
style h2.
56 Using the contents of the file J12FISH.TXT replace the text List text here with the text
Novice divers… also catered for.
Format this as follows:
Beginners start with: as style p
pool sessions as style li
safety tuition as style li
developing confined water skills as style li
first ocean dive as style li
guided tasks as style li
qualification as an Open Water diver. as style li
You will: as style p
enjoy the experience as style li
view an undersea world as style li
see exotic fish. as style li
Qualified divers also catered for. as style p
57 Format the first list as an ordered list.
59 Replace the text Image here with the image for scuba diving from your WEB32 folder.
Do not resize this image.
60 Save the page as J12DIVE.HTM in your WEB32 folder.
Open this page in a web browser.
Print this page from your browser.
Print a copy of the HTML source.
61 Save and print your evidence document.
On your printout highlight those portions of the code which show that:
• your name, Centre number and candidate number are present on all printouts
• the external style sheet is attached to both webpages
• the table widths of all three tables in XA.HTM have been set
• the anchors start and combine have been placed
• Combination Holidays is set as hyperlink to the anchor combine
• the hyperlink from the scuba diving image opens J12DIVE.HTM in a new window called _ocean
• the hyperlink from the contact us image sends an email message to [email protected] with a
subject line Xtreme Holidays
• hyperlink from the text ‘clicking on this link’ goes to the anchor start
• in the file J12Dive.htm you have set an ordered list
• in the file J12Dive.htm you have set an unordered list
Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
University of Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.
Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
No marks will be awarded for using brand names of software packages or hardware.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
IB12 11_0417_12/5RP
© UCLES 2012 [Turn over
1 Name the devices A, B, C and D using the words from the list. For
A B C D Use
bar code dot matrix printer flash memory card inkjet printer
True False
4 Draw five lines on the diagram to match the input device to its most appropriate use. For
True False
ROM is volatile.
ROM is used to store the data the user is currently working on.
6 Name three items of hardware, other than a PC, needed to conduct a video conference.
3 [3]
90 70
Start Finish
Complete the set of instructions to draw this shape by filling in the blank lines.
8 A geography teacher wants to build a weather station. She wants to use a computer to For
collect the results. Examiner's
(b) The geography teacher wants to create a model to demonstrate basic weather
forecasting to her students.
Describe three features of a spreadsheet which make it suitable for modelling
(d) Give two reasons, other than reducing timescale, why computer models are For
sometimes used rather than the real thing. Examiner's
9 Aftab owns a company which has a small number of computers. He wants to connect the
computers into a network. He does not wish to connect the computers to the internet but he
does want the workers to be able to communicate within the company.
(b) Name an item of software used to send messages between the computers.
(d) Give three reasons why Aftab may not want his workers to access the internet.
10 A company owns several stores which offer internet shopping to customers. For
(a) Give three advantages to the company of internet shopping.
11 The head teacher wants to replace the current printed school magazine with one slide show
available on a number of machines in a computer room at parents’ evenings.
Name three features available in a slideshow not available in a hard copy magazine. For
each one say how it could be used in the school’s slideshow.
Feature 1
Feature 2
Feature 3
12 Describe two methods of verification and explain why verification is needed. For
(a) Tick three input devices which could be used to enter data about an item when it is
Electronic scales
Sound sensor
Number pad
(b) Describe how the supermarket’s computer uses a check digit to check that data has
been entered correctly.
(c) The supermarket computer can automatically re-order items when the supermarket is
running low on stock.
Describe this process, using the example databases above when two more packets of
Kollege Corn Flakes pass through the checkout.
15 Paul is the headteacher of a school. He has employed Mary, a systems analyst, to create a
new database system to store records of his students.
Here are some of the questions that Paul might want to answer using the new database
(a) Complete the design table below, filling in the field names and most appropriate
validation rule which could be applied to each field.
(b) Name and describe three types of test data which are used when testing a system. For
(c) After the new system has been implemented it will be evaluated.
Tick three activities which Mary will need to carry out as part of the evaluation.
Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
University of Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the report on the
• Cambridge will not enter into discussions or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes.
Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2012 question papers for most IGCSE,
GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level
Page 2 Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version Syllabus Paper
IGCSE – May/June 2012 0417 12
True False
Abnormal Normal
Blog Wiki
Usually personal
(b) An optical character reader is used to input text to a computer ready for processing.
(c) A bar code reader is used to input numbers from products at a POS terminal.
(d) A web camera is used to input moving pictures from a fixed position into a
(e) A light pen is used for drawing applications where a graphics tablet
might be too big [5]
Serif fonts
10 Six from:
Symptoms are entered using the user interface
User interface displays questions...
...based on previous responses
User answers questions using user interface
inference engine compares symptoms
compares symptoms with those in the knowledge base
compares symptoms using rules base…
…matches of symptoms are found
User interface/screen displays possible diagnoses/illnesses/probabilities [6]
11 Six from:
The customer is asked to type in their PIN
The (ATM) checks to see if the card is valid
The customer is asked which language/currency they require
The bank account details are read from the chip
Customer is asked if they want a receipt
The typed PIN number is compared with that stored in the chip
If they are the same the transaction proceeds
If they are not the same the customer is asked to re-enter PIN
If three failed attempts transaction rejected and card withheld
The customer is asked which service is required
The customer selects required service (cash)
The customer is asked how much money they want to withdraw
The customer’s account is checked to see if it has sufficient funds
The amount is checked against the card limit
If there are sufficient funds (and the amount is within the card limit) the transaction is authorised/if
not transaction is rejected
The amount is deducted from the customer account
The bank notes are issued
The card is returned (by the computer)
If required receipt is printed. [6]
13 (a)
Field name Data type
Title Text
If it’s too short not all data within the field will be entered
If it’s too short abbreviations would be needed making the field contents difficult to interpret
Two from:
How to load software/ run software/install software
How to save a file
How to search
How to sort
How to print
How to add records
How to delete/edit records
Input format or example
Output format or example
Hardware requirements
Software requirements
Sample runs/test runs
Limitations of the system
Troubleshooting guide/contact details/help line/FAQs
Error messages/handling
Tutorials [2]
Two from:
Program listing
Name of program language
List of variables
File structure
Purpose of the system/program
Purpose of the program
Input format or example (only if not mentioned in user documentation)
Output format or example (only if not mentioned in user documentation)
Hardware requirements (only if not mentioned in user documentation)
Software requirements (only if not mentioned in user documentation)
Sample runs/test runs (only if not mentioned in user documentation)
Limitations of the system (only if not mentioned in user documentation)
Known bugs
Validation routines [2]
(b) 2 [1]
(d) 31 [1]
Two from:
When formulae are replicated.
...some cell references must remain unchanged
This makes sure they will stay consistent when replicated [2]
16 Three from:
A piece of program code
Which replicates itself
Fills up hard disc making it unusable
Deletes data/changes data (from hard disc)
Makes software/operating system unusable [3]
17 Six from:
Internet is not regulated
Danger of accessing inappropriate websites.
Can take long time to find required information
Have to have internet connectivity/computer/phone line/modem
Internet tends to be up to date
Internet has vast amounts of information/wide range of information
Faster to search only if referring to use of search engine
Can access biased/inaccurate/unreliable websites
Lack of expertise can lead to inefficient searching
Easy to plagiarise information [6]
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the report on the
• Cambridge will not enter into discussions or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes.
Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2012 question papers for most IGCSE,
GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level
Page 2 Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version Syllabus Paper
IGCSE – May/June 2012 0417 22
Slide master
Three thick lines drawn 1 mark
Clipart car found and placed 1 mark
Name and details top right 1 mark
Slide numbers top left 1 mark
No overlap 1 mark
Page A4 Portrait
Star of Tawara Approved
1 mark
centre number right aligned 1 mark
Sales was able to get the franchise to sell Here is the range of Micro cars we sell.”
the Micro range. This car is so well
placed to match the market desires that The complete Micro Range
we continue to expand our sales Code Model Description
EG0016934 MicroB Entry model
The Lola Motor Corporation introduced ID0137637 Micro Family car
this range of small cars to meet the SA1219259 MicroSE Hybrid
aspirations of families who have so far economy
not become car owners and did not PK5204785 MicroZed Diesel power
expect to be able to afford their own car. AE0366581 MicroEco Electric
They are so well built and power
environmentally friendly that they are
really popular with our new customers.
File found and placed correctly 1 mark
We started with one showroom in the Text matches body text 1 mark
Top row only merged cells 1 mark
town where I had my second hand car Top row underlined 1 mark
sales. We soon found that we had plans Top two rows only centred 1 mark
to expand into other countries and have Second row italic 1 mark
All borders to print, text aligned top of cells 1 mark
just opened our latest sales base in
Madrid. We now have sales outlets in
five major cities across Europe.
© University of Cambridge International Examinations 2012
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IGCSE – May/June 2012 0417 22
2012 Sales record for Villalobos Name, centre number and candidate number
Evidence document
Contact details
List of six downloaded saved files 1 mark
Fields as given with automatic types
Database structure Sold as Boolean, date as dd/mm/yyyy (see report 2) 1 mark
Price field Numeric or Currency 1 mark
DiscountApplied stored as numeric /integer 1 mark
To: [email protected] 1 mark
CC: CEO (Kaif Asif) 1 mark
Subject: Sales Presentation 1 mark
Message text 1 mark
Presentation file only attached 1 mark
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the report on the
• Cambridge will not enter into discussions or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes.
Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2012 question papers for most IGCSE,
GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level
Page 2 Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version Syllabus Paper
IGCSE – May/June 2012 0417 32
1 The Xtreme Adventure Holiday Company
3 Pay rates
4 A 7.5 Job Lookup used 1 mark Pay Lookup used 1 mark
5 B 8 description Correct lookup reference 1 mark Correct relative lookup reference 1 mark
6 C 9.2 Lookup - relative reference 1 mark Correct named range 1 mark
Correct absolute range 1 mark Correct return column 1 mark
7 D 10.75
Correct return column 1 mark Multiplied by F22 1 mark
9 Job codes
10 A Administration/Office
11 B Snowboard Instructor
12 H Host/Hostess
13 S Ski Instructor
14 SA Senior Administrator
15 TA Transport assistant
16 TB Trainee Snowboard Instructor
17 TM Transport Manager
18 TS Trainee Ski Instructor
20 Employees
21 Job code Name Pay code Job description Contract hours Hours worked Pay
22 TA Arne Bircher A =VLOOKUP(A22,$A$10:$B$18,2) 10 10 =VLOOKUP(C22,RATE,2)*F22
23 TS Jon Haby A =VLOOKUP(A23,$A$10:$B$18,2) 25 25 =VLOOKUP(C23,RATE,2)*F23
24 TM Thomas Tobler C =VLOOKUP(A24,$A$10:$B$18,2) 25 25 =VLOOKUP(C24,RATE,2)*F24
25 B Tim Frueh B =VLOOKUP(A25,$A$10:$B$18,2) 25 15 =VLOOKUP(C25,RATE,2)*F25
26 TA Dekke Heitz A =VLOOKUP(A26,$A$10:$B$18,2) 12 12 =VLOOKUP(C26,RATE,2)*F26
27 B Simone Aebi B =VLOOKUP(A27,$A$10:$B$18,2) 25 25 =VLOOKUP(C27,RATE,2)*F27
28 A Luca Rim B =VLOOKUP(A28,$A$10:$B$18,2) 12 12 =VLOOKUP(C28,RATE,2)*F28
29 B Lara Forrer B =VLOOKUP(A29,$A$10:$B$18,2) 25 25 =VLOOKUP(C29,RATE,2)*F29
30 B John Zwinky B =VLOOKUP(A30,$A$10:$B$18,2) 12 12 =VLOOKUP(C30,RATE,2)*F30
31 SA Romina Von Gunten D =VLOOKUP(A31,$A$10:$B$18,2) 40 40 =VLOOKUP(C31,RATE,2)*F31
© University of Cambridge International Examinations 2012
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IGCSE – May/June 2012 0417 32
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.
Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2012 series for most IGCSE,
GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level components and some Ordinary Level
Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
IGCSE – October/November 2012 0417 12
ROM is used to store the data the user is currently working on [1]
6 Three from:
Projector/large screen
Webcam/video camera
Router/modem [3]
Descriptions of:
Rainfall [3]
Descriptions of:
Mathematical models
Scientific models
Civil engineering models
Financial models
Flight/pilot simulation/training
Large scale chemical experiments
Design of fairground rides
Traffic control
Building fire simulation [3]
They may waste time playing games/going on social network sites/updating their blog/ online
They could access undesirable sites
They could download viruses/malware
Could make the company susceptible to hackers [3]
Spoken introduction by head/voiceover the presentation/background music/school
choir/band/orchestra/sound effects when changing/opening a slide
Text effects/cartoon representing school activities
Introduction by head/school play/choir/band/orchestra/sports activities
Move to another slide
Slide transitions
To keep the viewer’s attention [6]
Two from:
13 (a)
Optical character reader
Sound sensor
14 Three from:
15 (a)
Field name Validation rule [1]
Normal data – data within a given range/appropriate for that data type
Abnormal data – data outside the range/of the wrong data type
Extreme data – data on the boundaries of the range
Live data – data that has been used in the previous/existing system [3]
Interview users about the current system
16 Six from:
17 Four from: