Masonry Mortar Design

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Supreme - MBL (JV)

Masonry Mortar: : CM 1:2

I Test Data of Materials


1.1 Type of Cement OPC 43 Grade ACC Brand

1.2 Specific Gravity of Cement 3.12 Site lab data

Specific Gravity of Fine

1.3 2.566 Site lab data

Water Absorption of Coarse


1.5 Water absorption of fine aggregate

1.42% Site lab data

1.6 Free (Surface) moisture content

1.7 Fine aggregate(Sand) Nil

1.8 Sieve Analysis

1.8.1 Chart Enclosed

II Mix Proportion( Design)

Trial Mix No I
2.1 Cement, fine aggregate and Water Content

2.1.1 Bulk density of Cement 1440 Kg/cum

2.1.2 Bulk Density of Fine aggregate 1530 Kf /cum

2.1.3 water cement raio 0.30 Lit/Cum

2.2 Fine Aggregate and cement content( by volumetric method)

Cement mortar proportion 1:2

Cement mortar proportion by Percent33.3:66.7

According to above weight of cement and fineaggregate is

Cement 1440 x 25/100 479.52 Kg /cum

Sand 1530 x75/100 1020.51 Kg /cum

Water 360 x 0.3/100 143.856 Kg /cum

Trial Mix No 1 *

Free moisture Water Absorption Qty per

Correction correction Corrected 0.003Cum
Slno Material Values in for Trial
Kg / cum % of free % of water Adjustment
Adjustment Kg/cum Batch
moisture absorption in Kg Kg
1 Water 143.856 14.491 158.347 0.475

2 Cement 479.52 479.52 1.439

3 Sand 1020.510 - - 1.42% 14.4912 1006.019 3.018

Mix Proportion Tm no 1

Details W/C Cement FA

Qty per m3 0.30 479.52 1020.51
Mix proportion 0.30 1.33 2.83

Mix Proportion Caluclation of Different W/C ratio *

Water cement Ratio

Ingradients 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55

Water 172.633 182.117 206.093 230.069 254.045 278.021

Cement 479.520 479.520 479.520 479.520 479.520 479.520

Sand 991.733 991.733 991.733 991.733 991.733 1006.019

* This caluction made from as per above mentioned table Trial mix no 1
Trial mix 1 satisfies the required workability, 7,14 & 28 days compressive strength and the mix shows
homogeneous & cohessive appearance. Therefore the design mix proportions as stipulated below

Ingredients Qty per M3

Water, kg 143.856

Cement, kg 479.52

Fine aggregate, kg 1020.510

CA , 20 mm, kg #REF!

CA , 12.5 mm, kg #REF!

Dosage of admixture , Kg #REF!

8 Remarks

1)The selected design mix should be recalucalted for allowences of current free moisture content and
water absorption of aggregate during execution @ site .

2) Dosage of admixture can be adjusted to the required workability without changing the W/C ratio.
Supreme - MBL (JV)

Masonry Mortar: : CM 1:2

I Test Data of Materials


1.1 Type of Cement OPC 43 Grade ACC Brand

1.2 Specific Gravity of Cement 3.12 Site lab data

Specific Gravity of Fine

1.3 2.566 Site lab data

Water Absorption of Coarse


1.5 Water absorption of fine

1.42% Site lab data
aggregate (SSD)

1.6 Free (Surface) moisture content

1.7 Fine aggregate(Sand) Nil

1.8 Sieve Analysis

1.8.1 Chart Enclosed

II Mix Proportion( Design)

Trial Mix No I
2.1 Cement, fine aggregate and Water Content

2.1.1 Bulk density of Cement 1440 Kg/cum

2.1.2 Bulk Density of Fine aggregate 1530 Kf /cum

2.1.3 water cement raio 0.30 Lit/Cum

2.2 Fine Aggregate and cement content( by volumetric method)

Cement mortar proportion 1:2

Cement mortar proportion by Percent33.3:66.7

According to above weight of cement and fineaggregate is

Cement 1440 x 25/100 479.52 Kg /cum

Sand 1530 x75/100 1020.51 Kg /cum

Water 360 x 0.3/100 143.856 Kg /cum

Trial Mix No 1

Free moisture Water Absorption Qty per

Correction correction Corrected 0.003Cum
Slno Material Values in for Trial
Kg / cum % of free % of water Adjustment
Adjustment Kg/cum Batch
moisture absorption in Kg Kg
1 Water 143.856 14.491 158.347 0.475

2 Cement 479.52 479.52 1.439

3 Sand 1020.510 - - 1.42% 14.4912 1006.019 3.018

Mix Proportion Tm no 1 *

Details W/C Cement FA

Qty per m3 0.30 479.52 1020.51
Mix proportion 0.30 1.33 2.83

Mix Proportion caluclation of Different W/C ratio:

Water cement Ratio

In grade 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55

Water 124.295 142.295 160.295 178.295 196.295 214.295

Cement 360.000 360.000 360.000 360.000 360.000 360.000

Sand 1131.206 1131.206 1131.206 1131.206 1131.206 1147.500

* This caluction made from as per above mentioned table Trial mix no 1
Trial mix 1 satisfies the required workability, 7,14 & 28 days compressive strength and the mix
shows homogeneous & cohessive appearance. Therefore the design mix proportions as stipulated
below would be the FINAL JOB MIX FORMULA.

Ingredients Qty per M3

Water, kg 143.856

Cement, kg 479.52

Fine aggregate, kg 1020.510

CA , 20 mm, kg #REF!

CA , 12.5 mm, kg #REF!

Dosage of admixture , Kg #REF!

8 Remarks

1)The selected design mix should be recalucalted for allowences of current free moisture content
and water absorption of aggregate during execution @ site .

2) Dosage of admixture can be adjusted to the required workability without changing the W/C ratio.
Supreme - MBL (JV)

Masonry Mortar: : CM 1:3

I Test Data of Materials


2.1 Type of Cement OPC 43 Grade ACC Brand

Specific Gravity of
2.2 3.12 Site lab data

Specific Gravity of Fine

2.4 2.566 Site lab data

Water Absorption of
Coarse Aggregate

2.6 Water absorption of fine

1.42% Site lab data
aggregate (SSD)

2.7 Free (Surface) moisture content

2.8 Fine aggregate(Sand) Nil

2.9 Sieve Analysis

2.9.1 Chart Enclosed

II Mix Proportion( Design)

Trial Mix No I
3.1 Cement, fine aggregate and Water Content

3.1.1 Bulk density ofCement 1440 Kg/cum

Bulk Density of Fine 1530 Kf /cum
3.1.3 water cement raio 0.30 Lit/Cum

3.2 Fine Aggregate and cement content( by volumetric method)

Cement mortar proportion 1:3

Cement mortar proportion by Percent 25:75

According to above weight of cement and fineaggregate is

Ceme1440 x 25/100 360 Kg /cum

Sand 1530 x75/100 1147.5 Kg /cum

Water360 x 0.3/100 108 Kg /cum

Trial Mix No 1

Qty per
Free Water Corrected 0.003Cum
Material moisture Absorption Values in for Trial
Kg / cum
Slno Correction correction Kg/cum Batch

% of free % of water Adjustment

moisture absorption in Kg

1 Water 108 16.295 124.295 0.373

2 Cement 360 360 1.080

5 Sand 1147.500 - - 1.42% 16.2945 1131.206 3.394

Mix Proportion Tm no 1

Details W/C Cement FA

Qty per m3 0.30 360.00 1147.50
Mix proportion 0.30 1.00 3.19

Free moisture Water Absorption Qty per

Water Correction correction Corrected 0.003Cum
T.M Quantity
cement Material % of free Adjustmen % of water Adjustme Values for Trial
No Kg / cum
Ratio moisture t absorption nt in Kg in Kg/cum Batch
Water 108.000 16.295 124.295 0.373

1 0.30 Cement 360 360.000 1.080

Sand 1147.500 - - 1.42% 16.295 1131.206 3.394

Water 126 16.295 142.295 0.427

2 0.35 Cement 360 360.000 1.080

Sand 1147.500 - - 1.42% 16.295 1131.206 3.394

Water 144 16.295 160.295 0.481

3 0.40 Cement 360 360.000 1.080

Sand 1147.500 - - 1.42% 16.295 1131.206 3.394

Water 162 16.295 178.295 0.535

4 0.45 Cement 360 360.000 1.080

Sand 1147.500 - - 1.42% 16.295 1131.206 3.394

Water 180 16.295 196.295 0.589

5 0.50 Cement 360 360.000 1.080

Sand 1147.500 - - 1.42% 16.295 1131.206 3.394

Water 198 16.295 214.295 0.643

0.55 Cement 360 360.000 1.080

Sand 1147.500 - - 1.42% 16.295 1147.500 3.443

Water cement Ratio

0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55
Water 108 126 144 162 180 198
Cement 360 360 360 360 360 360
Sand 1147.500 1147.500 1147.500 1147.500 1147.500 1147.500
12 of 40


Concrete mix Design
Date : 14.07.07

Grade of Concrete :M15

Mix Design as per IS: 10262 and MoRTH Specification.

1. Design stipulations Remarks

1.1 Characteristics comp. Strength fck,required in the field at 28 days 15 N/mm2 Table 1700-1 of MoRTH
1.2 Max size of aggregate to be used (Angular) 20 mm
1.3 Desired degree of workability 25 mm (0.8 CF) Table 1700-4 of MoRTH
1.4 Degree of quality control Good Table 40, SP:23-1982
1.5 Type of exposure Normal MoRTH table 1700-3 (A)
1.6 Max. W/C 0.5 MoRTH table 1700-3 (A)
1.7 Minimum Cement content 250 Kg/ c.m MoRTH table 1700-3 (A)
2. Test Data for Materials

2.1 Type of Cement OPC 43 ACC Brand

2.2 Specific Gravity of Cement 3.12 From ACC cement

2.3 Specific Gravity of CA

2.3.1 20 mm Down 2.65 Site Lab Data
2.3.2 12.5 mm Down 2.66 Site Lab Data
2.4 Specific Gravity of FA (sand) 2.68 Site Lab Data

2.5 Water absorption of CA

2.5.1Water absorption of 20 mm 0.13% Site Lab Data
2.5.2 Water Absorption of 12.5 mm 0.38% Site Lab Data
2.6 Water Absorption of FA (sand) 1.50% Site Lab Data

2.7 Free(Surface) Moisture

2.7.1 Coarse Aggregate Nil Site Lab Data
2.7.2 fine aggregate ( Sand) 0.00% Site Lab Data

Contractor's Material Engineer Consultant' s Material Engineer

13 of 40
Concrete mix Design
Date : 14.07.07

2.7 sieve analysis

2.7.1 20 mm
Chart enclosed
2.7.2 12.5 mm
2.7.3 All in aggregate

3. Target Mean strength 25 N/mm2 As per MoRTH table 1700-5

4. Selection of water cement ratio

W/C As per Most table 1700-3 (A) 0.5 For Normal Exposure

5. Selection of water and sand conctent

5.1 As per IS:10262 for 20mm MSA & Sand Confirming to Zone II Water
Water Content per M3 of concrete =186 Kg and sand content = 35%. But fo 145 Kg/m3
workability of 25mm, with admixture 7ml/Kg of cement, water content suggested as
5.2 Sand content 42%

6. Adjustment of Values in Water Content and sand % for other

Condition Asper Table 6 of IS: 10262-1982
6.1 For sand Confirming to grading Zone II
Adjustment to water content 0 No correction for Zone II sand
Adjustment to sand conctent 0 No correction for Zone II sand

6.2 For decrease in water cement ratio of ( 0.6- 0.45) = 0.15 No correction Max W/C is 0.5 as per MoRTH
Adjustment to water content No correction Max W/C is 0.5 as per MoRTH
Adjustment to sand conctent (Each 0.05 decrease -1% ) No correction Max W/C is 0.5 as per MoRTH
6.3 For increase in compaction factor of (0.9-0.8)= 0.1 No correction As per MoRTH compaction factor is 0.8
Adjustment to water content (Each 0.1 increase,+3 % ) No correction As per MoRTH compaction factor is 0.8
Adjustment to sand conctent No correction As per MoRTH compaction factor is 0.8
Hence required water content is 145 Kg/m3
Required sand conctent is 42%

7. Cement content 290.00 Kg/m3 Water/ (W/C)

8. Determination of Coarse and Fine aggregate. The proportion of CA and FA will be determined by absolute volume method

Contractor's Material Engineer Consultant' s Material Engineer

14 of 40
Concrete mix Design
Date : 14.07.07

9. Estimation of air ,For 20 mm MSA 2% Table 3 of IS:10262-1982

From the sive analysis of CA and FA to meet All -in Agg as per IS:383

% of sand as per 5.2 42.0%

%of of 20 mm as per ALL-in -Agg 44.0%
%of of 12.5 mm as per ALL-in -Agg 14.0%
The formula to calculate FA and CA as per IS 10262 is as below

V=[W+C/SC+ 1/p{fa/Sc}]1/1000
V=[W+C/SC+ 1/p{Ca/Sc}]1/1000
V =Absolute Volume of fresh concrete=Gross Vol -Air 0.98 m3
W =Mass of water 145 Kg/m3
C = Mass of cement 290.00 Kg/m3
Sc=Sp.gravity of Cement 3.15
p = Ratio of FA to Total Aggregate 0.42
fa,Ca = Total Mass of FA and CA
Sfa = Sp. Gravity of FA 2.68
Sca = Sp. Gravity of CA

Volume of total Aggregate 742.94

Wt. of sand fa 836.25 Kg/M3
Wt. of 20 mm 866.26 Kg/M3
Wt.of 12.5 mm 276.67 Kg/M3

10. Mix Proportion designed as above

Details W/C Cement FA CA Admixture in Gms

Qty per m3 0.50 290.00 836.25 1142.93 2030.00
Mix proportion 0.50 1.00 2.88 3.94 7.00

Contractor's Material Engineer Consultant' s Material Engineer

15 of 40
Concrete mix Design
Date : 14.07.07

Concrete ingradients per 9.57 Kg of cement

Admixture 0.70% Total weigth of the cement 0.033 m3

Water Corrected Mix

Free correction
items weights moisture factor
Cement in kgs 9.57 9.57
20 mm in kgs 28.59 0.13% 0.037 28.55
12.5mm in kg 9.13 0.38% 0.035 9.10
Sand in in kg 27.60 1.50% 0.414 27.18

Water in lit 4.79 0.486 5.27

Conplast SP 430 SB4 Kg 0.07 0.07

Ingradients of concrete per 1 cum after correctiom

Admixture 0.70% Total weigth of the cement .

Free Water correction Corrected Mix

Moisture absorpti factor
Cement in kgs 290.00 290.00
20 mm in kgs 866.26 0.13% 1.126 865.14
12.5mm in kg 276.67 0.38% 1.051 275.62
Sand in in kg 836.25 1.50% 12.544 823.71

Water in lit 145.00 14.721 159.72

Conplast SP 430 SB4 Kg 2.03 2.03

11.Trial Mix Proportion

Contractor's Material Engineer Consultant' s Material Engineer

16 of 40
Concrete mix Design
Date : 14.07.07
Trial mix no W/C Cement Kg Water, kgSand kg 20 mm, kg 12.5 kg Admixture
M15 0.5 290.00 159.72 823.71 865.14 275.62 2.24lit
Note : Admixture used Conplast SP 430 SB4 from Fosroc Chemicals (India) Ltd

12. Trial mix Test Results


slump after
Trial mix no Slump mm 15 Minuts
TM - 1 38mm 18mm
TM - 1 48mm 25mm
TM - 1

Contractor's Material Engineer Consultant' s Material Engineer

17 of 40
Concrete mix Design
Date : 14.07.07

As seen from the mix proportion of M15 ,Trial Mix 1 satisfies the required Workability and 7 & 14 Day's compressive
Strength reache target mean strenth .There fore the design mix proportions as stipulated below would be the FINAL JOB MIX FORMULA

Ingredients Qty per M3

Water, kg 159.72
Cement, kg 290.00
Fine aggregate, kg 823.71
CA , 20 mm, kg 865.14
CA , 12.5 mm, kg 275.62
Dosage of admixture , kg 2.03


The selected design mix should be recalculated for allowences of current free moisture content and water absorption of aggragates

Contractor's Material Engineer Consultant' s Material Engineer

Coarse Aggregate Chart

Sampling % age of passing on IS sieve

Material no
40mm 20mm 4.75mm pan

20mm 100 89.62 0.31 0

12.5mm 100 100 40.96 0

% age of feed 100% 100% 100% 0

20mm 60% 45% 80% 0

12.5mm 40% 55% 20% 0

100 95.33 8.44 0
Specification 100 95 - 100 0 - 10 0

All - In - Aggregate chart

% age of passing on IS sieve

Material no
600 150
40mm 20mm 4.75mm Pan
Micron Micron
20 & 12.5mm 100 95.33 8.44 0.31 0.31 0
Sand 100 100 94.7 47.66 1.4 0
% age of feed 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0
20mm &
58% 58% 58% 58% 58%
12.5mm 0
Sand 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 0
100.00 97.29 44.67 20.20 0.77
Gradation 0
Specification 100 95 - 100 30 - 50 15 - 35 0-6 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 26.67 29.87 24 18.93 18.13 13.33

7 41.13 49.06 24 26.13 25.33 18.13

14 47.2 49.6 28.8 32.53 25.24 23.95

Compression Strength of Masonry Mortar Cm 1:3

mpresiion Strength N/mm2


Compresiion Strength N/mm

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Age in Day's

0 38
38mm 18mm 0 48
48mm 25mm 0 50
50mm 25mm

No of Days vs Compressive Strength (N/mm2) TM

Achived TM No 1 Design Value Achieved TM No 2

Compressive Strength (N/mm2)

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Compressive Streng
0 4 8 12 16 20 24

No of Days




0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Mortar Cm 1:3

W/c ratio :0.3

W/C ratio:0.35
W/C ratio:0.4
W/C ratio :0.45
W/C ratio :0.50
W/C ratio :0.55
W/c ratio :0.3
W/C ratio:0.35
W/C ratio:0.4
W/C ratio :0.45
W/C ratio :0.50
W/C ratio :0.55

10 12

(N/mm2) TM no I & Tm No 2(M15)

ed TM No 2

20 24 28
20 24 28

w/c ratio :0.3

w/c ratio :
w/c ratio :
w/c ratio :
w/c ratio :0.5

25 30
Masonry Martar
OPC 43 Grade coramandala Cement Vedavathi River Sand( 1:3 )

Water Cement
0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55

Wt of Cement 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008

Wt of Sand 3211 3211 3211 3211 3211 3211

Wt of Water 396 450 504 558 612 660

IV Compression Strength of Masonry Mortar 1:3 Test Results

Water Cement 3 days

Sl no 7 days N/mm2 14days N/mm2 28days N/mm2
Ratio N/mm2

1 0.30 7.46 8.00 9.86 12.08

2 0.35 12.53 15.20 16.00 19.20

3 0.40 13.06 17.33 19.73 23.36

5 0.45 13.87 21.33 23.73 27.20

6 0.50 13.86 20.80 23.20 26.93

7 0.55 13.33 18.40 22.40 26.93

Compression Strength of Masonry Cm 1:3

Compression Strenght N/mm2


w/c Ratio : 0.30
25 w/c Ratio : 0.40
20 w/c Ratio : 0.45
w/c Ratio : 0.50
15 w/c Ratio : 0.55


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age in Day's
III 28 Days Density of Maosnry Mortar 1:3

Water Cement Density

Ratio Gm/cc

0.30 2.208
0.35 2.262
0.40 2.292
0.45 2.312
0.50 2.294
0.55 2.276

CM 1:3 Density (28 Days) GM/CC


Density Gm/cc



0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60
Water Cement Ratio
V 28 Days Compression Strength of Masonry Mortar 1:3 Test Results

28 Days
Water Cement Ratio compression
0.30 12.08

0.35 19.20

0.40 23.36

0.45 27.20

0.50 26.93

0.55 26.93

28 Days Compression Strength

28 Compression Strength

28 Days Compression
15 Strength
0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6
Water Cement Ratio

Remarks: (1) It is abserved that , the 28 Days Compression strength is maximum @ …. 0.45 Water cement ratio

(2) 28 Days Density is Maximum @ ……………………………………………… 0.45 Water cement ratio.

Therefore the FINAL JIO MIX FORMULA for Masonry Mortar 1:2 is 0.45 Water cement ratio.
0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 7.46 12.53 13.06 13.87 13.86 13.33
7 8.00 15.20 17.33 21.33 20.80 18.40
14 9.86 16.00 19.73 23.73 23.20 22.40
28 12.08 19.20 23.36 27.20 26.93 26.93

0.30 2.208
0.35 2.262
0.40 2.292
0.45 2.312
0.50 2.294
0.55 2.276
0.3 12.08

0.35 19.18

0.4 23.36
0.45 27.2
0.5 27.12
0.55 26.85
IV Compression Strength of Masonry Mortar 1:2 Test Results

Water Cement
Sl no 3 days N/mm2 7 days N/mm2 14days N/mm2 28days N/mm2

1 0.30 13.33 18.13 23.95 27.73

2 0.35 18.13 25.33 25.24 34.40

3 0.40 26.67 34.13 44.80 52.27

4 0.45 29.87 38.93 45.60 56.80

5 0.50 22.67 24.00 34.13 48.00

6 0.55 18.93 26.13 32.53 44.00

C o m p r e s s io n S tr e n g h t N /m m 2

Compression Strength of MasonryMortar 1:2



W/c Ratio 0.3
W/c Ratio 0.35
W/c Ratio 0.4
20 W/c Ratio 0.45
W/c Ratio 0.5
10 W/c Ratio 0.55

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age in Day's
III 28 Days Density of Maosnry Mortar 1:2

Water Cement
Density Gm/cc
0.30 2.389
0.35 2.384
0.40 2.323
0.45 2.293
0.50 2.267
0.55 2.184

CM 1:2 Density (28 Days) GM/CC

Density Gm/cc

2.3 28 Days
2.25 Density
0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6
Water Cement Ratio
V 28 Days Compression Strength of Masonry Mortar 1:2 Test Results

28 Days
Water Cement

0.30 27.73

0.35 34.40

0.40 52.27

0.45 56.80

0.50 48.00

0.55 44.00

Masonry Mortar 1:2, 28 Days Compression Strength

Compression Strength

30 28 Days Compression
0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6
Water Cement Ratio

Remarks: (1) It is abserved that , the 28 Days Compression strength is maximum @ ……. 0.45 Water cement ratio

(2) 28 Days Density is Maximum @ ………………………………………………… 0.45 Water cement ratio.

Therefore the FINAL JIO MIX FORMULA for Masonry Mortar 1:2 is 0.45 Water cement ratio.
Density Gm/cc
Cement Ratio
0.30 2.389
0.35 2.384
0.40 2.323
0.45 2.293
0.50 2.267
0.55 2.184

CM 1:2 Density (28 Days) GM/CC




0.25 2.25 4.25 6.25 8.25 10.25 12.25
Water Cement Ratio
28 48 44.1 34.4

3 26.67 29.87 22.5 18.93 18.13 13.33

0.3 3.5 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 13.33 18.13 26.67 29.87 22.67 18.93

7 18.13 25.33 34.13 38.93 24 26.13

14 23.95 25.24 44.8 45.6 34.13 32.53

28 27.73 34.4 52.27 56.8 48 44.1

tio 0.3
tio 0.35
tio 0.4
tio 0.45
tio 0.5
tio 0.55

0.3 2.389
0.35 2.384
0.4 2.323
0.45 2.293
0.5 2.267
0.55 2.184


V Final Job Mix Formula:


0.3 27.73

0.35 34.4

0.4 52.27

0.45 56.8

0.5 48

0.55 44

ment ratio

nt ratio.

nt ratio.



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