What Is An Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Plan?
What Is An Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Plan?
What Is An Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Plan?
An EPSCP is the final element in the erosion and sediment control planning process and a
necessary component of an Act 250 permit application. The EPSCP ensures that sediment
transport is addressed in one of the most crucial stages of the project: the planning stage. A good
erosion prevention and sediment control plan first minimizes the extent of disturbance by focusing
on erosion control (minimizing disturbed areas, seeding, mulching, matting) by controlling the
amount of soil that can run off and by stabilizing exposed soil. Sediment control measures (i.e.
stabilized construction entrances) then focus on any sediment that has escaped your erosion
control measures. Erosion prevention measures are far more effective than sediment control
measures (such as silt fence) and should be the primary focus of any EPSCP.
The location map shows the proximity of the site to any surface water bodies, roads, etc. and
should include a USGS map, as well as a map of greater detail.
The existing conditions site plan shows the grading and features as they exist. It should also
include a soils map for the existing conditions.
The grading plan and construction timetable shows the proposed finished contours and
addresses sequencing of the project, a key component of erosion control. The timetable does not
have to contain specific dates, but should show how each phase of the project relates to the
others. This plan also shows that you have taken steps to minimize the amount of exposed soil at
any time.
The erosion prevention and sediment control site plan and timetable should be prepared
using the grading plan as a base. The site plan depicts the location of all erosion and sediment
control measures and the timetable charts the sequencing of control measures. It may be
possible to combine the grading and erosion control plans.
The narrative should briefly describe the four plans; highlight erosion control measures and why
they will be effective, site characteristics, and erosion control done in the planning stages, such
as phasing the project.
For further information, please consult the Vermont Handbook for Soil Erosion and Sediment
Control on Construction Sites or call the Watershed Management Division at 802-828-1535.
Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Plan Checklist Page 2 of 4
5. Narrative
general description of project
Rev. 8/2002