Fetal Macrocrania: Diagnosis, Delivery and Outcomes: Original Article
Fetal Macrocrania: Diagnosis, Delivery and Outcomes: Original Article
Fetal Macrocrania: Diagnosis, Delivery and Outcomes: Original Article
Fetal macrocrania: diagnosis, delivery and outcomes
MR Laye1, BC Moore2, MA Kosek3, LK Bufkin4, JC Morrison4 and JA Bofill4
Regional Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Spartanburg Regional Medical Center, Spartanburg, SC, USA; 2Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, The University of Tennessee College of Medicine Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN, USA; 3Division of Neonatology,
Department of Pediatrics, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, USA and 4Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, USA
The introduction of computed tomography (CT) permitted outpacing the other biometric parameters by greater than or
noninvasive evaluation of these cases, allowing those with lesser equal to 4 weeks size.
degrees of head enlargement to be included.3 Cranial ultrasound (2) Fetal head size greater than would likely be successfully
has since been shown to correlate well with CT, with no significant delivered vaginally as evidenced by a biparietal diameter of
abnormality missed using this modality. This, coupled with the greater than or equal to 11 cm (given that a completely dilated
desire to avoid ionizing radiation in children, led to cranial cervix is usually 10 cm).
ultrasonography being advocated as a first line method of imaging
the head in pediatrics.4 CT or magnetic resonance imaging is now
used in cases that are unclear, finer discrimination is needed, or Results
for imaging the external subarachnoid spaces.6 A total of 26 885 ultrasound studies were reviewed and 23 fetuses
Given the frequency of ultrasonography during pregnancy and diagnosed with macrocrania were identified. None were lost to
that evaluation of the head and intracranial contents is a part of each follow-up and all deliveries were at our institution. The
targeted sonogram, many of the same diagnoses made in children demographics of this cohort are summarized in Table 1. Fifteen
with macrocrania should be made in the fetus. The paucity of patients (65%) underwent genetic amniocentesis; none were
information in the obstetric literature regarding the prenatal diagnosis aneuploid but one had a duplication on chromosome 7. All the 23
of macrocrania, the associated obstetric management and outcomes is fetuses were liveborn. Continuous variables regarding infant birth
striking. Accordingly, we created this retrospective case series at our data are summarized in Table 2. Fifteen infants (65%) were male.
tertiary referral center so that we could better counsel patients and
referring physicians when a fetus with an abnormally large head is Table 1 Demographic variables of patients diagnosed with macrocrania
encountered on ultrasound. Our main interests included Demographic variable Median result (range)
demographics of patients whose fetuses were diagnosed with
macrocrania, obstetric management and delivery considerations in Maternal age 23 years (15–36)
Gravidity 2 (1–7)
these pregnancies and outcomes including duration of stay in the
Parity 1 (0–4)
neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), need for surgery shortly after
Gestational age at diagnosis 31.1 weeks (18.3–38.1)
delivery and ultimate survival. Gestational age at delivery 36.9 weeks (30.7–39.9)
Journal of Perinatology
Fetal macrocrania
MR Laye et al
Twenty-one deliveries were by Cesarean (91%), with thirteen of confirmed after delivery by appropriate imaging, consultation and
these by classical uterine incision (62%). Of the infants, 5 (22%) autopsy where appropriate. A patient-by-patient summary of
died shortly after birth, 16 (70%) were stabilized in the NICU with ultrasound findings, diagnoses (before and after delivery),
subsequent discharge and 2 (8%) were transferred to another outcomes and length of NICU stay can be seen in Table 4.
center and subsequently died. Median length of stay in the NICU
was 21 days (range 3–101). Eighteen babies (78%) required
ventriculoperitoneal shunting; the median day of life for this Discussion
procedure was day 2 (range 1–20). This case series documents our experience with fetal
The underlying causes of the macrocrania encountered on macrocrania, and to our knowledge is the first to specifically
prenatal sonography are listed in Table 3. All diagnoses were describe the diagnosis prenatally. Therefore, our data may be
Table 4 Summary of ultrasound findings, diagnoses, outcomes, and NICU length of stay (LOS) for each patient. The diagnoses in parentheses were made after delivery
and were not documented antepartum
Journal of Perinatology
Fetal macrocrania
MR Laye et al
useful in counseling patients and detailing physicians on what to with the VATER anomalad and the infant with hydranencephaly
expect once the diagnosis is made. However, our data must be died shortly after birth but all cases with isolated aqueductal
viewed in light of what has been reported in infants after birth. stenosis survived. Long-term outcomes for survivors will also
Our median gestational age at diagnosis (31.1 weeks) is vary based upon the underlying diagnoses and are a potential
somewhat later than expected. However, in our study the most further course of investigation. The pediatric literature reflects that
frequent cause of macrocrania was stenosis/atresia of the aqueduct infants do well if the macrocrania is due to external hydrocephalus
of Sylvius. This leads to progressive ventriculomegaly and although or mild ventriculomegaly.2,4,6,7 However, when moderate to
the diagnosis of ventriculomegaly can be made earlier in gestation, severe ventriculomegaly is noted, especially when associated with
the diagnosis of macrocrania is only possible after weeks or months cerebral atrophy, outcomes are poor. Bosnjak et al. reported
when the ventriculomegaly has become severe enough to cause only 2 of 20 patients with cerebral atrophy were neurologically
marked expansion of the fetal head. normal at presentation and in most cases the initial abnormal
The median gestational age at delivery (36.9 weeks) is more a finding persisted at follow-up.6 Babcock et al. reported that
reflection of the management of these patients than the natural 19% of term infants and 25% of preterm infants with
history of infants with macrocrania. Management of prenatal macrocrania were neurologically or developmentally abnormal
patients with suspected fetal macrocrania at the University of on follow-up that ranged from 1 month to 5 years.4 The diagnosis
Mississippi includes observation with monthly scans to follow the of macrocrania has also been linked to epilepsy and autistic
size of the head and amniocentesis at 37 weeks followed by delivery disorders.8
if lung maturity is documented. This strategy allows for patients In summary, the diagnosis of macrocrania is possible
from our fairly rural state to deliver at a tertiary institution. Indeed, prenatally. Fetal macrocrania is usually a result of
70% of infants (16/23) in this series underwent amniocentesis for ventriculomegaly due to an obstructive process to cerebrospinal
fetal lung maturity, whereas the other 30% had preterm labor or an fluid flow. Suspicion for macrocrania necessitates a targeted
indicated preterm delivery before undergoing the amniocentesis as sonographic evaluation by personnel experienced in prenatal
planned. diagnosis to evaluate for the underlying pathology leading to the
The underlying diagnoses leading to fetal macrocrania in this macrocrania. This allows extensive counseling of parents,
series were similar to that recorded in pediatric populations. Donat arrangements for delivery at a tertiary care center with availability
reported in 1981 that hydrocephalus from ventriculomegaly is the of neurosurgery, and evaluation for mode of delivery. Abdominal
leading cause of macrocrania in children,3 and the current case delivery is usually required, often necessitating a classical uterine
series echoes this finding. Babcock et al. reported in 1988 that in incision.
infants with macrocrania, 5 of 11 (45.5%) infants with
significantly abnormal findings on cranial sonography had
aqueductal stenosis.4 This is very similar to the 43.5% incidence of Acknowledgments
aqueductal stenosis reported in this series. No financial support was obtained for this study.
We noted a majority of male fetuses diagnosed with
macrocrania. Our 65% male predominance is very close that
previously reported in children. Medina reported 59 of 88 (67%) References
children diagnosed with macrocrania were male,2 whereas Donat
1 Dorland, WA, Newman. Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 29th edn, WB
reported 53 of 72 (73.6%) children were male.3 This might be
Saunders Company: Philadelphia, PA, 2000, pp 1043–1044, 1073.
explained by the high number of diagnoses of aqueductal stenosis, 2 Medina LS, Frawley K, Zurakowski D, Buttros D, DeGrauw AJ, Crone KR. Children with
which is known to have an X-linked form. macrocrania: clinical and imaging predictors of disorders requiring surgery. AJNR Am J
Ventriculoperitoneal shunting was required in this series in 78% Neuroradiol 2001; 22(3): 564–570.
of infants. However, this is much higher than expected, based on 3 Donat JF. Evaluation of macrocrania using computed tomography. Am J Dis Child 1981;
pediatric literature. Medina et al. reported in 2001 that only 18% of 135(12): 1118–1121.
4 Babcock DS, Han BK, Dine MS. Sonographic findings in infants with macrocrania. AJR
children with macrocrania required surgical treatment.2 This Am J Roentgenol 1988; 150(6): 1359–1365.
marked difference is likely due to worse ventriculomegaly in those 5 Park SW, Cho KH, Shin YS, Kim SH, Ahn YH, Cho KG et al. Helmetlike skull deformity
infants diagnosed prenatally. Further, some of the infants shunted with a large arachnoid cyst. Surg Neurol 2006; 65(1): 95–98.
in this series did not survive and therefore may not have been 6 Bosnjak V, Besenski N, Marusić-Della Marina B, Kogler A. Cranial ultrasonography
included in pediatric investigations. in the evaluation of macrocrania in infancy. Dev Med Child Neurol 1989; 31(1):
There were no intrauterine fetal demises. However, our overall
7 Parmeggiani A, Posar A, Giovanardi-Rossi P, Andermann F, Zifkin B. Autism,
survival rate with prenatally diagnosed macrocrania was only 70%. macrocrania and epilepsy: how are they linked? Brain Dev 2002; 24(5): 296–299.
This reflects the diagnoses made underlying the macrocrania and 8 Hamza M, Bodensteiner JB, Noorani PA, Barnes PD. Benign extracerebral fluid
will vary from case to case. For example, all three of the infants collections: a cause of macrocrania in infancy. Pediatr Neurol 1987; 3(4): 218–221.
Journal of Perinatology