Muet 8004 Rubric and Marking Criteria For Essay Writing Asse

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Name: __________________________ Class: _________ Date: _____________


Introduction General statements/Background information. 1
(5 marks)  1 if general, 0.5 if too general or narrow, 0 if none.
Specific statement. 1
 1 if stated, 0.5 if unclear, 0 if none.
Stand 1
 1 if stated, 0.5 if unclear, 0 if none.
(In my opinion, I strongly agree/disagree/partially
agree, etc.).
Thesis statement. 2
2 if clearly stated, 1 if partially stated, 0 if none.
Topic sentence is provided for each point. 2 if 6
clearly stated with good use of cohesive devices), 1 if
partially stated with minor problem, 0 if none.
Supporting details (Use of SAERA technique – 10
statistics, anecdotes, examples, reasons and
 Excellent response; develops ideas effectively and
well-linked; presents ideas effectively; mature
Content Body treatment of the topic. Excellent use of
(30 marks) Paragraphs engagement markers, idioms etc. (9-10).
(20 marks)  Good response; reasonable development of ideas
and well-linked ideas; reasonable viewpoints and
reasonable mature treatment of topic. Good
use of engagement markers, idioms etc. (7-8).
 Satisfactory response and development of ideas;
info. Linked; satisfactory viewpoints and
satisfactory mature treatment of topic.
Satisfactory use of engagement markers, idioms
etc. (6).
 Modest response, development of ideas and info.
link; very modest presentation of viewpoints.
Modest use of engagement markers (4-5).
 Limited response; hardly develops ideas; poorly
linked; hardly any attempt to present viewpoints
and mature treatment of topic (3).
 Very limited response; mere mention of stimuli;
no attempt to present viewpoints; shallow and
immature treatment of topic (0-2).
Concluding sentences. 4
3-4 if all are clearly stated, 1-2 if partially stated, 0 if
Use of summary/restatement of 3
Conclusion ideas/suggestions/recommendations and
(5 marks) predictions/quotations/proverbs/idioms.
3 if clearly stated, 1-2 if partially stated, 0 if none.
Reaffirmation of stand. 2 if clearly stated, 1 if 2
partially stated, 0 if none.
- Example: In my opinion, I still
agree/disagree/partially agree that…
- I would like to reaffirm that ….
 Very confident control of language; accurate 30
language, hardly any spelling errors; very
clear meaning; effective and wide variety of
sentence structure; very appropriate and
varied vocabulary; very effective-linked
Language ideas; clear unity and coherent paragraphs
and (27-30).
Organisation  Reasonable confident control of language;
(30 marks) largely accurate language with minor errors;
generally accurate spelling; very clear
meaning; some variety of sentence
structures; appropriate and varied
vocabulary; effectively linked ideas; unity
and coherent paragraphs (23-26).
 Satisfactory control of language; fairly
accurate language with some minor errors;
few spelling errors; satisfactory meaning;
some variety of sentences but tendency to
use simple sentences; reasonably
appropriate and varied vocabulary;
satisfactory linked ideas; some evidence of
planning and unity and reasonably coherent
 Modest control of language; some accurate
language but more serious mistakes; some
spelling errors; meaning occasionally
unclear; limited variety of sentences,
generally simple; modestly appropriate but
simple vocabulary; quite satisfactory link of
ideas; paragraphs lack unity and have some
coherence (15-18).
 Poor control of language; largely inaccurate
language with more spelling errors; blurred
meaning; hardly any sentence variety; hardly
any appropriate vocabulary; hardly any
attempts to link ideas; no planning or unity
or coherence (11-14).

Very poor control of language; language grossly

inaccurate; blurred meaning with serious
spelling errors; unclear and incomprehensible
meaning; no sentence variety; inappropriate
vocabulary and no variety; no linking of ideas;
haphazard paragraph or non-existent; no
coherence (0-10).
Total 60%
Band: 1 (0-20), 2 (21-28), 3 (29-36), 4 (37-44), 5 (45-52) & 6 (53-60) 1 2 3 4 5 6

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