PAT Bar Questions
PAT Bar Questions
PAT Bar Questions
subsequently assigned to Philip her
BARRION interest in the partnership. When
CATALO Patricia and Priscilla learned of the
DELGADO assignment, they decided to dissolve
DELOS SANTOS the partnership before the expiration
of its term as they had an
PARTNERSHIP unproductive business relationship
Composition of Partnerships; with Philip in the past. On the other
Spouses; Corporations (1994) hand, unaware of the move of
1) Can a husband and wife form a Patricia and Priscilla but sensing their
limited partnership to engage in real negative reaction to his acquisition of
estate business, with the wife being a Pauline's interest, Philip simultaneously
limited partner? petitioned for the dissolution of the
2) Can two corporations organize a partnership.
general partnership under the Civil 1.Is the dissolution done by Patricia
Code of the Philippines? and Priscilla without the consent of
3) Can a corporation and an Pauline or Philip valid? Explain.
individual form a general partnership? 2.Does Philip have any right to
petition for the dissolution of the
partnership before the expiration of
Conveyance of a Partner’s Share its specified term? Explain.
Dissolution (1998)
Dielle, Karlo and Una are general Dissolution of Partnership;
partners in a merchandising firm. Termination (1993)
Having contributed equal amounts to A, B and C formed a partnership for
the capital, they also agree on equal the purpose of contracting with the
distribution of whatever net profit is Government in the construction of
realized per fiscal period. After two one of its bridges. On June 30, 1992,
years of operation, however, Una after completion of the project, the
conveys her whole interest in the bridge was turned over by the
partnership to Justine, without the partners to the Government. On
knowledge and consent of Dielle and August 30, 1992, D, a supplier of
Karlo. materials used in the project sued A
1. Is the partnership dissolved? for collection of the indebtedness to
2. What are the rights of Justine, if him. A moved to dismiss the
any, should she desire to participate complaint against him on the ground
in the management of the partnership that it was the ABC partnership that
and in the distribution of a net profit is liable for the debt. D replied that
of P360.000.00 which was realized ABC partnership was dissolved upon
after her purchase of Una's interest? completion of the project for which
purpose the partnership was formed.
Dissolution of Partnership (1995) Will you dismiss the complaint
Pauline, Patricia and Priscilla formed against A If you were the Judge?
a business partnership for the purpose
of engaging in neon advertising for a
Effect of Death of Partner (1997) agreement, Tomas withdrew from the
Stating briefly the thesis to support partnership and the partnership was
your answer to each of the following dissolved. However, the remaining
cases, will the death - of a partner partners, Rene and Jose, did not
terminate the partnership? terminate the business of “Manila
Lumber.” Instead of winding up the
Obligations of a Partner (1992) business of the partnership and
W, X, Y and Z organized a general liquidating its assets, Rene and Jose
partnership with W and X as continued the business in the name of
industrial partners and Y and Z as “Manila Lumber” apparently without
capitalist partners. Y contributed objection from Tomas. The withdrawal
P50,000.00 and Z contributed of Tomas from the partnership was not
P20,000.00 to the common fund. By a published in the newspapers. Could
unanimous vote of the partners, W Tomas be held liable for any obligations
and X were appointed managing or indebtedness Rene and Jose might
partners, without any specification of incur while doing business in the name
their respective powersand duties. A of “Manila Lumber” after his withdrawal
applied for the position of Secretary from the partnership? Explain.
and B applied for the position of
Accountant of the partnership. AGENCY
The hiring of A was decided upon Agency (2003)
by W and X, but was opposed by Y Jo-Ann asked her close friend, Aissa,
and Z. The hiring of B was decided to buy some groceries for her in the
upon by W and Z, but was opposed supermarket. Was there a nominate
by X and Y. Who of the applicants contract entered into between Jo-Ann
should be hired by the partnership? and Aissa? In the affirmative, what
Explain and give your reasons. was it? Explain. 5%