Research 1

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Effects of ICT Equipment Deficiency in the Academic

Performance of Grade 11 ICT Students in Cainta Senior High

Chapter I
This chapter articulates the two perspectives namely the Background of the
study and Theoretical Framework. It goes on to give the Statement of the
Problem, Scope and Delimitation, Significance of the study, and Review of the
Related literature.

Background of the Study

According to Pernia (2008) defines that ICT as technologies used to
communicate in order to create, manage and distribute information. She adds
that a broad definition of ICT’s includes the computers, the internet, telephone,
television, radio and audio-visual equipment. She further explains that ICT is any
device and application used to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and
communicate information and knowledge. The use of computers in Education is
not a new phenomenon, in the 1970’s it’s promoters claimed that it would
transform and save education (Lockard & Abrams,1994). The late 1980’s saw a
growing shift towards computer integration which emphasized the curriculum
and not the tool. It’s proponents felt that students would learn new skills as they
needed them in order to make the computer work for them.

And now, we are in an innovative world of computer technology. then and

now this technology become helpful to people in solving problems and make life
easier especially when you are in school. ICT tools and equipments can make it
possible for the economy to grow by the spurring education amongst those who
are still in schools and colleges; and reaching the young children and youth
beyond these traditional and educational institutions. According to the perception
of some students, they preferred to study ICT because they want to learn a lot of
things using computers. They reason out if there’s no programmer what will this
world be? But the question is how can we program the world when your school is
lack of ICT equipment? In our school there is limited access to resource for those
who want to learn. Due to limitations of space, time, money, insufficient
knowledge, and lack of infrastructure it is still difficult to access many untapped
sources and tools that are ICT enabled. Therefore, it is important to know if how it
will effect the academic performance of ICT Students in Cainta Senior Highschool.

Theoretical Framework
This research was based on the theory of Cognitive Flexibility (Spiro, et al 1992)

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

ICT Equipment Student’s Learning

 Availability- Internet, computers,  Academic Performance

projectors, computer labs, TV’s,  Application of skills and
Video conferencing
 Accessibility in- library, computer
lab.  Performance of task using
 User ability- Ms. Word, spread computers
sheet, presentation, online  Access to information
instruction, video conferencing,  Work place preparation
internet projector.

Extraneous Variables

 Teaching method
 Students attitude
 Availability of other learning tools e.g.
Fig.1 Conceptual framework showing relationship between ICT and Learning

Source Adapted from Spiro et al.,1992

The presence and use of the ICT resources by the students and lectures provides a
anvenue of interaction. These interactions provide feedback which acts as a
reinforcer towards the learning process.

Statement of The Problem

1.How does ICT equipment affects the academic performance of ICT students in
Cainta Senior Highschool?

2. Do you think that these equipment help the students in terms of:

2.1 Logical Reasoning

2.2 Problem solving and;
2.3 Language Skills
3. What are the possible effects of being equipment deficient to the overall
academic performance of ICT Students in CSHS?

Significance of The Study

ICT Students of Cainta Senior Highschool

This research paper would help the students of Cainta Senior Highschool who
taking up Information Communication Technology, because they are the one who
complaint those equipment deficiency. This research will be the voice of ICT
Students in our government to focus on the lack of equipment in our school and
to use a proper computer laboratory without competing, to be able to study
properly and become a computer programming someday.

School The study will benefit of importance to Cainta Senior Highschool lectures
and other lecture of higher institution of learning on the use of ICT to aid learning.
Future Researchers
Future researchers will benefit the study because this research can serve as
their source of information during research. This study will give them reliable data
that they want to tackle about. It can help their difficulties in doing a research and
will serve a guide along the way.

Teachers would benefit the study because their contribution to the world of ICT,
will serve as guide to helps students to communicate and to share their ideas
which is related to this topic.

Scope and Delimitation

The study on the effects of Equipment Deficiency in the academic performance
of ICT Students was carried out in Cainta Senior Highschool, Parola St. Cainta
Rizal. The study specifically sought to determine the effects of availability,
accessibility, and user ability of ICT resources on students learning in Cainta
Senior Highschool.
Review of related Literature
Language is a human system of the communication that uses arbitrary signals,
such as voice sounds, gestures or written symbols, human beings can
communicate with each other. We are able to exchange knowledge, beliefs,
opinions, wishes, threats, commands, thanks, promises, declarations or feelings-
only our imagination sets limits. We can laugh to express amusement, happiness,
or dis respect we can smile to express amusement, pleasure approval, or bitter
feelings we can shriek to express surprise or disapproval, and so on, but our
system of communication before anything else is language. According to While
Pengabean (1981), language is a system of express and report what happens on
the nervous system. Other opinion for Wayne Weiten (2007) who argues that
language consists of symbols that convey meaning plus rules for combining those
symbols, that can be used to generate an infinite variety of messages.
The opinions above are similar to what was expressed by Tarin (1989) he
gives two definitions of language. First language is a system that systematically,
perhaps also for generative systems. Second is a set of symbols as you like it or
arbitrary symbols, While Fred C.C. (2005) argues that is language is behavior
which utilizes body parts: the vocal apparatus and the auditory system for oral
language; the brachial apparatus and the visual system for sign language … such
body parts are controlled by none other than the brain for their functions.
Another key are of the teaching of ICT is data handling, which is also
relevant to many other areas of the curriculum. An early study was made of 13 to
14 years old students on two parallel logical reasoning tasks related to data base
searches (Bezanilla and Ogborn, 1992) student were given tasks design to assess
their understanding of binary logical sentences. Common errors such as confusion
of AND and OR were identified. The misunderstanding identified through the use
of questionnaires. The actual test questions were found to be hard to understand
to dissimilar to the ICT based tasks; this, therefore, may have been one of the
reasons for the lack of improvement. All of these are options with considerable
demand, the researchers say.

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