Islamic Code of Ethics
Islamic Code of Ethics
Islamic Code of Ethics
Ethics is a branch of philosophy. It is related to human nature. It reflects our behaviour.It plays an
important role in building up our nature and behavior. As a society is made by people and their behavior
and ethics plays an important role in organizing our behaviors so it is an important part of a society.It
reflects a society’s notions about the rightness or wrongness of an act and the distinctions between
virtue and vice. : Ethics is often thought of as a set of principles or a code of moral conduct.
A Code of Ethics is a set of standards, rules, guidelines, and values that govern and guide ethical
business behavior in a company, profession, or organization of it's employees, interactions among the
employees, and interactions between the employees and the general public.
Journalism ethics and standards include principles of ethics and of good practice to address the specific
challenges faced by professional journalists. Historically and currently these principles are most widely
known to journalists as their professional "code of ethics" or the "canons of journalism." The basic codes
and canons commonly appear in statements drafted by professional journalism associations and
individual print broadcast, and online news organizations.
Minimize harm
Avoid misrepresentation
Respect anonymity
We must elaborate the basis of Islamic moral system as it plays an important role in realization of
Islamic worldview within which a Muslim journalist has to operate and which is inherently different from
the secular or western worldview.
Implies unity, coherence, and harmony between all parts of the universe .
Concept drives in comiting to one God and thus enforces the following of one united code of conduct as
guided by Allah in form of guidelines provided by traditions and life of Prophet (P.B.U.H).
A journalist who uses his/her faculty of observation , reason consciousness , reflection , insight ,
understanding and wisdom must realize that these are the (amanah) trust of god and must not be used
to injure a human soul for sake of self-promotion or for selling the news .
These myths may include power , progress , science , development , mordernization , democracy ,
achievement and success .
The principle of Tawhid rejects racism , dualism , tribalism , and familial superiority .
The principle implies the duty of every indivual and group especially institutions of social or public
communication such as press, radio , television and cinema to prepare individuals and society as a whole
to accept Islamic principles and act upon them .
Throughout Islamic history many institutions as well as channels of mass communications have used this
concept of social responsibility to mobilize public opinion and persuade individuals to work for collective
good of society in general and for their own individual pursuit of of good in this world and here after .
Ikhlaq- Ethics
In Quran the terms have been used again and again to define what differentiate ethics from morality
and why they are to be followed for a better life ahead.
According to Quran ethical actions are those conducts which are characterized as amal-saleh in Quran .
These good actions are Salehat .
Muslim practioners are dependant upon foreign news agencies for credible news . There is an urgent
need to establish an Islamic Institute of Mass media Research and Training . Such an institute could
perform many important tasks besides just training journalists :
2) Preparation of an exhaustive bibliography on the existing literature on the Muslim world media
3) Preparation of books introducing the basic concepts in mass communication history , methodology
and process with a critical examination of the contemporary approaches
4) Preparation of monographs on specific issues and problems faced by Muslim media and Muslim
5) Establishment of a media monitoring group in order to keep up with Western media’s Distortion of
6) Organize regional and international seminars and conferences in which both Muslim and non-Muslim
media practioners can exchange their thoughts and experiences in order to appreciate the importance
of n Islamic code of ethics for journalists.