DL MX 94 Aiims
DL MX 94 Aiims
DL MX 94 Aiims
Original article
2010, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 55-60
Abstract: Dorsolumbar trauma is the most common cause of paraparesis or paraplegia. Optimal
goals of the management include establishment of a painless, balanced and stable spinal column with
vertebral fusion. We reviewed various types of fractures of dorsolumbar spine, their management
and outcome in a prospective study of 94 cases of dorsolumbar trauma managed surgically at our
centre (Jan 2008 – May 2009). All patients underwent complete neurological examination, CT and MR
imaging of the spine. Most common mode of injury was fall from height (66%). Majority of the
patients belonged to Frankel grade A (66 %). Eighteen patients (19 %) were operated using anterior
approach and rest by posterior approach. There was no deterioration in neurological status in any
of the patients while 26 patients had improvement. Three cases died out of which one was attributed
to associated head injury. We conclude that fall from height is the most common cause of dorsolumbar
fracture with majority affected belonging to young population and had significant deficits, thus
causing significant burden on the society. Surgical management is safe and helps in early mobilization
and rehabilitation, thus facilitating possible neurological recovery.
Keywords: dorsolumbar, fracture, paraplegia, transpedicular, rehabilitation
accidents accounted for 26 out of which almost all were patients developed sepsis with multiorgan dysfunction
due to either because of running over by the vehicle or syndrome. Three patients died in perioperative period,
due to high speed acceleration deceleration injury .One two of them had severe chest infection with sepsis &
patient had fracture due to gunshot injury. other one had associated head injury. Four patients had
construct failure with screw pullout and had to be
Clinical Profile: Majority of our patient (67%) belonged
operated again.
to Frankel grade A, i.e., complete motor and sensory
loss below the injury. Only 20 % of the patients had Early Outcome: Immediate outcome was measured using
some useful motor sensory function. Sixty five patients Frankel grading on post operative day 7. Mean Frankel
(68%) had bowel bladder involvement. Majority of the grading on post operative day 7 was 2.2 ± 1.6 compared
patients (90%) had some neurological deficit. Twenty to pre operative mean of 1.93 ± 1.4. None of the patient
nine patients (32%) had associated systemic injuries (16 had neurological detioration. Overall 23 patients had
out of 35 in high velocity injury compared to 13 out of improvement with 12 of them had significant motor
59 low velocity injury) with 13 patients having associated improvement. Out of 75 patients belonged to Frankel
head injury. Twenty two patients had multiple level A- C, 14 patients improved compared to 9 out of 9 in
vertebral fractures, (34% and 8 % in high and low velocity Frankel grade D. But there was no statistical significance
group respectively). for Frankel grade in predicting the improvement of the
patient (Table 2). The surprising findings were 3 patients
Radiology: Most common vertebra involved was L1
of Frankel grade A also showed improvement in their
vertebral body (36 patients). Common type of fractures
neurological status.
were compression and burst fractures both accounting
for 26 each (Table 1). There were 7 cases of Fourteen out of 32 (43 %) patients who were operated
spondyloptosis. On MR imaging 28 patients (29.8%) within 7 days of injury showed improvement compared
showed complete cord transection. Another 43 (45%) to 9 out of 62 who were operated after 7 days of injury
showed cord signal changes with 23 (24.3%) showing (Table 3 ). This figures show that early surgery is beneficial
normal cord. in neurological recovery of these patients. But the P
value was not statistically significant (p = 0.16).Our study
Surgical Management: Mean duration from injury to
also showed that there was no correlation of outcome
surgery was 11 ± 5.6 days. Majority of them (76) were
with with the surgical approach (anterior or posterior )
approached posteriorly .Eighteen patients were operated
preoperative methyl prednisolone, other systemic injury
through anterolateral approach. Seven patients were
or hypotension (Tables 4 & 5).
operated through minimally invasive percutaneous screw
and rod placement. Short segment fixation was done in Final Outcome: Final outcome was measured at 3 months
61 patients where as in 33 patients long segment fixation follow up or at last follow up visit. Mean follow up was
was done. Synthetic graft was used in 42 patients and 2.3 ± 1.2 with range of 1 to 6 months. Out of 94 patients
autologous bone graft was used in remaining 45 patients 34 patients had a follow up of 3 months. Out of 34
for fusion. Both anterior and posterior column fusion patients, 21 (61.6%) showed some improvement,
was done in 20 patients.
Table 2: Correlation of prognosis with
Post operative Complications: Most common Frankel grade on admission
complication was chest infection (14%). Wound Frankel Grade Improved Same P value
infection was present in 5 patients (6 %). One patient A (n = 63) 3 (4.7%) 60 0.126
had unilateral vision loss due to prone position. Three
B/C(n=12) 11(91.6%) 1
Table 1 D (n = 9) 9 (100%) 0
E (n = 10) 0 10
Compression 26 (27.6%)
Flexion distraction 17 (18.1%) Table 3: Correlation with timing of surgery
Fracture dislocation 16 (17%) Duration before surgery <7 days (N=32) >7 days (N=62) P value
Burst 28 (29.8%) improvement 14 (43%) 9 (14.5%) 0.16
Spondyloptosis 7 (7.3%) Same 18 53
Table 4: Comparison of anterior and posterior approach & outcome Table 8: Other factors in prognosis: final outcome
Improved Same P value
Anterior Posterior P value
Approach (n=18) Approach (n=76) Age <20 (n=5) 3 (60%) 2 (40%)
20-40 (n=19) 12 (63%) 7 (37%) 0.663
Improvement 5 (27.78 %) 18 (23.7 %) 0.672(NS) > 40 (n=10) 6 (60%) 4 (40%)
Same 13 58 MRI
Worse 0 0 Cord Change (n=27) 16 (59%) 1 1 (41%) 0.09
No change (n= 7) 5 (71.4%) 2 (29.61%)
Table 5: Other prognostic factors Single fracture (n=21) 1 7 (80.1%) 5 8 (19.86%) 0.74
Improved Same P value Multiple fracture (n=13) 4 (30.73%) 1 3 (69.26%)
Age < 20 (n=13) 3 (23.07%) 10 (77%) Mechanism of injury
20-40 (n=60) 14 (24.2%) 46 (75.7%) 0.763 Low velocity (n=23) 1 4 (60.86%) 9 (39.13%) 0.85
> 40 (n=21) 6 (28.5%) 15 (71%) High velocity (n=11) 7 (63.65%) 4 (36.31%)
MRI Systemic injury (n=10) 4 (40%) 6 (60%) 0.43
Cord Change (n=71) 6 (8.4%) 65 (91%) 0.089 Methyl prednisolone (n=7) 3 (42.85%) 4 (58.15%) 0.69
No change (n= 23) 17 (73.9%) 6 (26.1%)
Single fracture (n=77) 19 (24.6%) 58 (75.4%) 0.912
Multiple fracture (n=17) 4 (23.53%) 13 (76.5%) DISCUSSION
Mechanism of injury Dorsolumbar fractures account for the most common
Low velocity (n=59) 14 (23.72%) 45 (76.3%)
High velocity (n=35) 9 (25.71%) 26 (74.28%) 0.84 cause of traumatic paraplegia. Most of the affected belong
to the productive age group, thus having a major
Systemic injury (n=29) 6 (20.6%) 23 (79.3% 0.231
economic burden on the society. The aim of treatment
Hypotension (n=12) 3 (25%) 9 (75%) 0.169
is restoration of function of the patient by creating a
Methyl prednisolone(n=30) 7 (23.3%) 23(76.7%) 0.693 healing environment to allow a stable pain free spinal
16 (47.5 %) of them showing significant motor column, with the minimal risk to the patient7,8,9.
improvement. None of the patient had deterioration. The management of fractures in the thoracolumbar
The only factor which was significant in deciding the region is a controversial subject. Disadvantages of
outcome was pre operative Frankel score, with almost conservative treatment include deterioration in
all patients who had preoperative frankel of C, D or E neurological status in 17% of the patients, progressive
showing improvement (P Value.032). None of the other kyphotic deformity in 20%, persistent backache,
factors such as age, time of surgery, pre operative decubitus ulcer and deep venous thrombosis. Most of
hypotension, or other associated injury showed significant these complications can be avoided by early mobilization
association with final outcome. (See Tables 6, 7 & 8) and decreased hospital stay by early surgery 7,9,10. Patients
which we operated ,majority had severe neurological
Majority of the patients (27) were still voiding through deficits, with our pre op mean Frankel score being 1.93
urinary catheter. Bedsore was present in 6 (17.6%) ± 1.4. This is very low compared to all the studies
patients. conducted previously as shown in the table. This could
Table 6: Frankel grade and final outcome explain the lower percentage of neurological
Frenkel Grade Improved Same P value improvement compared to others in our study (See
Table 9). As shown with other studies pre operative
A (n=13) 5 (38.4%) 8 0.032
Frankel score was the single most important factor
B/C(n=10) 9 (90 %) 1 deciding the neurological outcome 5,6. Even though
D(n=7) 7(100%) 0 statistically insignificant, greater fraction of patients
E(n=4) 0 4 Table 9: Management of dorsolumbar spine trauma
in the literature
Table 7: Correlation with Timing of surgery: final outcome
Study (n) Mean Frankel Improved Worse
Duration before surgery < 7 days > 7 days P grade
(N= 11) (N=23) value Patrick w. Hitchon etal 8 63 3.7 ± 1.1 23 2
improvement 8 (72 %) 13 (56.5 %) 0.417 Mohammad F. Butt et al 11
50 2.2± 1.21 24 0
Same 3 10 Present study 2009 94 1.93 ± 1.4 23 0
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to young population and presenting with significant
deficits, thus causing significant burden on the society. 9. Rechtine GR II, Cahill D, Chrin AM. Treatment of
Surgical management is safe and helps in early thoracolumbar trauma: comparison of complications of
operative versus nonoperative treatment.
mobilization and rehabilitation, thus facilitating possible
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