Surfer' Software: Dr. J.C.P.H. Gamage
Surfer' Software: Dr. J.C.P.H. Gamage
Surfer' Software: Dr. J.C.P.H. Gamage
Dr. J.C.P.H. Gamage
NAME : H.H.N.D.Haggalla
INDEX : 140197U
DATE OF SUB : 16 / 10 /2017
This is a versatile software that is capable of creating contour maps, 3Dmaps, 3D surfaces and also
performing earthwork volume calculations. The most common application of Surfer is to create a
grid-based map from an XYZ data file. The Grid | Data command uses an XYZ data file to produce a
grid file. The grid file is then used by most of the Map menu commands to produce maps such as
contour maps, surface maps, wireframe maps, shaded relief maps etc. Post maps and base maps do
not use grid files.
An XYZ data file is a file containing at least three columns of data values. The first two columns are
the X and Y coordinates for the data points. The third column is the Z value assigned to the XY
point. Although it is not required, entering the X coordinate in Column A, the Y coordinate in Col-
umn B, and the Z value in Column C is a good idea. Surfer looks for these coordinates in these col-
umns by default. We can either create a new data file or use the data available in an existing file. By
opening the existing data file through Surfer we can import the data into respected columns. Other-
wise we can just open a new worksheet and enter the data into columns respectively. In our session
we used an existing data file to plot the maps.
Grid files are required to produce a grid-based map. Grid-based maps include contour maps, image
maps, shaded relief maps, 1-grid vector maps, 2-grid vector maps, wireframes, and surfaces. Grid
files are created using the Grid | Data command. In our session we only created 4 types of maps and
for we selected the triangulation with linear interpolation as the gridding method to create the grid-
ding report. An extract of the gridding report of our session is as follows.
Gridding Report
Thu Oct 26 13:51:08 2017
Elasped time for gridding: 0.02 seconds
Data Source
Source Data File Name: C:\Users\vinidu\Desktop\kumas.txt
X Column: C
Y Column: B
Z Column: D
Data Counts
Active Data: 289
Univariate Statistics
Minimum: 1935.149 1810.615 98.233
25%-tile: 2012.875 1888.979 102.055
Median: 2088.889 1925.7 107.364
75%-tile: 2111.873 1957.622 109.997
Maximum: 2140.233 2004.987 114.374
Inter-Variable Covariance
X: 2822.898128346 -298.79350233381 216.63964977529
Y: 2236.4332990734 -98.427257346212
Z: 20.940392238575
Inter-Parameter Correlations
A: 1.000 -0.119 -0.734
B: 1.000 0.761
C: 1.000
Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F
Regression: 2 5551.9439413352 2775.9719706676 1588.4
Residual: 286 499.82941561146 1.7476552993408
Total: 288 6051.7733569467
Lambda: 0.0072499057374782
Clark and Evans: 0.57440928840475
Skellam: 233.44536532746
Exclusion Filtering
Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use
Duplicate Filtering
Duplicate Points to Keep: First
X Duplicate Tolerance: 2.4E-005
Y Duplicate Tolerance: 2.3E-005
Breakline Filtering
Breakline Filtering: Not In Use
Gridding Rules
Gridding Method: Triangulation with Linear Interpolation
Anisotropy Ratio: 1
Anisotropy Angle: 0
Output Grid
Grid File Name: C:\Users\vinidu\Desktop\kumas.grd
Grid Size: 95 rows x 100 columns
Total Nodes: 9500
Filled Nodes: 6159
Blanked Nodes: 3341
Grid Geometry
X Minimum: 1935.149
X Maximum: 2140.233001
X Spacing: 2.0715555656566
Y Minimum: 1810.615
Y Maximum: 2004.987
Y Spacing: 2.0677872340426
Grid Statistics
Z Minimum: 98.316151748846
Z 25%-tile: 101.70994117241
Z Median: 105.44682183136
Z 75%-tile: 109.8086076683
Z Maximum: 114.32430969117
Z Midrange: 106.32023072001
Z Range: 16.008157942325
Z Interquartile Range: 8.0986664958827
Z Median Abs. Deviation: 4.0299155102599
Z Mean: 105.71900919742
Z Trim Mean (10%): 105.68771771257
Z Standard Deviation: 4.4961364756787
Z Variance: 20.215243207929
Wireframes are three-dimensional representations of a grid file. Wireframes are block diagrams gen-
erated by drawing lines representing the grid X and Y lines (the grid columns and rows). At each in-
tersection of a column and row (i.e. at each grid node), the height of the surface is proportional to the
grid Z value at that point. The number of columns and rows in the grid file determines the number of
X and Y lines drawn on the wireframe.
The Map | Surface command can be used to create a three-dimensional shaded rendering from a grid
file. The height of the surface corresponds to the Z value of the associated grid node. Denser grids
show greater detail on the surface. Color can be used to show Z values on surfaces. The colors are
blended to form a smooth gradation. Once the color is selected, the lighting can be adjusted, chang-
ing the appearance of the map. Surfaces can be overlaid with bitmaps, vector files, and other surfac-
es. You can overlay other map types, with the exception of wireframes, on a surface.
Shaded relief maps are raster maps based on grid files. These maps use colors to indicate the local
orientation of the surface relative to a user-defined light source direction. Surfer determines the ori-
entation of each grid cell and calculates reflectance of a point light source on the grid surface. The
light source can be thought of as the sun shining on a topographic surface. Portions of the surface
that face away from the light source reflects less light toward the viewer, and thus appear darker. The
colors on a shaded relief map are based on the reflectance from the grid surface. Reflectance values
range from zero to one. A reflectance value of zero means that no light is reflected toward the view-
er. A reflectance value of one means that all incident light is reflected toward the viewer. Because
colors are assigned to entire grid cells, sparse grids (grids with relatively few rows and columns) are
poor candidates for shaded relief maps. Shaded relief maps based on grids with too few cells look
blocky or fuzzy. We can assign colors to represent the various reflectance values. Colors between the
assigned values are automatically blended to make a smooth gradation. Blanked regions on shaded
relief maps are shown as a separate color. Any color scheme chosen for a shaded relief map may be
used with any other shaded relief map, even if the associated grid files result in significantly different
orientations of the surface relative to the light source. Color schemes can be saved in Color Spectrum
files [.CLR].
By using the Grid | Grid volume command we can calculate most appropriate elevation level to per-
form the cut and fill operations effectively. In our session we carefully examined the contour map
and chose the mid-level of the contour levels and performed the grid volume calculation by changing
that mid value until the cut volume was almost equal to fill volume. An extract of the grid report of
our calculation for the most suitable elevation level is as follows.
Grid Volume Computations
Thu Oct 26 14:28:33 2017
Upper Surface
Grid File Name: C:\Users\vinidu\Desktop\kumas.grd
Grid Size: 95 rows x 100 columns
X Minimum: 1935.149
X Maximum: 2140.233001
X Spacing: 2.0715555656566
Y Minimum: 1810.615
Y Maximum: 2004.987
Y Spacing: 2.0677872340426
Z Minimum: 98.316151748846
Z Maximum: 114.32430969117
Lower Surface
Level Surface defined by Z = 105.719
Z Scale Factor: 1
Planar Areas
Surface Areas