Itl 608 - Showcase Reflection
Itl 608 - Showcase Reflection
Itl 608 - Showcase Reflection
Candidate Name: Yvette Picon Course: ITL 608 Instructor: Kelly Baptiste Date: 6/29/19
Affective: Beliefs and Values Behavioral: Teaching Practices Cognition: Knowledge Gained
Throughout this assignment, I For students who have disabilities I have learned that students of all types deserve
learned to value all the components in any form, it is crucial to give teachers who will design quality learning experiences
of a lesson plan that meet the needs them all the tools possible to help for them. We must incorporate all of the knowledge
of the students. By knowing the them thrive. Many of them will we know about our students into we arrange our
needs of the students with special need graphic organizers with big lesson plans. IEP’s are a tool we have to see what
needs, we can accommodate the and clear visuals that can help them type of accommodations we need to give to those
curriculum according to their understand and make connections students in needs.
needs. on what they have to learn. I will
have word walls for those that have
a language barrier. I will also use
videos for introductory lessons that
will help those students that have
auditory learning styles.
#2 TPE and Element(s) : Activity, Assignment, Attach URL/PDF
TPE 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning
Experiences for All Students Signature Lesson Plan 608---design--process.html
7. Plan instruction that promotes a range of
communication strategies and activity modes
between teacher and student and among students
that encourage student participation in learning.
Affective: Beliefs and Values Behavioral: Teaching Cognition: Knowledge Gained
In order to lead my students to I will be incorporating I learned a lot in this assignment. I was able to think
success, I need to be aware of the technology, hands-on activities, of many different students and their challenges. I
short attention span that they and collaborative sessions had to come up with ideas on how to meet all of
have. My lessons have to be where my students will grow their needs at the same time. I was able to learn that
engaging and collaborative so and thrive effectively. In the there are many tools available for teachers. It all
that they can leave my classroom Signature Lesson Plan, I takes hard work, dedication, and love for the
with enriched lessons. incorporated many strategies students to make it happen.
to keep students engaged and
collaborative with one another.