± 3 kN/cm2
2.51. If a ; is the elastic limit stress, CT2 is
(a) resilience
5 kN/cm2
(b) proof resilience
(c) strain energy
¥ 2.52.
(d) modulus of resilience
The ratio b etw een the stress
Fig. 5.
produced by gradually applied and
(a) 6 k N /cm 2 compressive
suddenly applied load is
(b) 6 k N /cm 2 tensile
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 12 k N /cm 2 compressive
(c) 1 / 2 (d) none of these.
(d) 16 k N /cm 2 tensile.
2.53. Impact stress is produced due to
2.46. In above problem , the minimum
(a) suddenly applied load only
principle stress will be
(b) falling load only
(a) 4 k N /cm 2 compressive
(c) suddenly applied and falling
(b) 8 k N /cm 2 tensile
(c) 4 k N /cm 2 compressive
(d) gradually applied load.
(d) 8 k N /m m 2 tensile.
2.54. The ratio of shear modulus to the
2.47. The m axim u m sh ear stress in
modulus of elasticity for a Poisson's
problem 2.45 will be
ratio of 0.4 will be
{a) 1 k N /cm 2 (b) 2 k N /cm 2
(a) 5 / 7 (b) 7 / 5
(c) 5 k N /cm 2 (d ) 10 k N /cm 2.
(c) 5 / 1 4 (d) 1 4 /5 .
2.48. Limit of proportionality and elastic 2.55. An axial load P is applied on a
limit points practically coincide in circular section of diameter D. If the
case of same load is applied to a hollow
(a) lead and copper circular section with inner diameter
(b) steel and wrought iron D /2 , the ratio of stress in two cases
(c) steel and copper would be
(d) lead and steel. (fl) 4 / 3 (b) 1
2.49. Tenacity means (c) 3 / 4 (d) 1 /2 .
(a) tensile elastic stress 2.56. A square plate of thickness T is
(b) tensile yield stress subjected to a tensile stress cr. in one
(c) tensile working stress direction and compressive stress
(d) tensile ultimate stress. <j x - cr|/ in other direction. If E is the
2.50. In a tensile test, the order of the m od u lu s of e la sticity and v is
stages is Poisson's ratio, the change in the
(a) yield stress, breaking stress and plate thickness t, in the x-direction
ultimate stress is
(b) yield stress, ultimate stress and (fl) zero
breaking stress (b) a (1 - v) 2 t / E
2.64 □□ Civil Engineering (Objective Type)
Fig. 6.
<«> J l ^ l WL3
(«) 48 EL
2.69. The strain energy stored in a body, Wa h 2 3/2
of The deflection of beam "B’ with 2 . 88 . The polar modulus for a solid shaft
compared beam ‘A ’ of diameter (d) is
(a) one fourth (b) one-half
(c) double (d ) eight times. (a) 7t/4 d2 (0>
m 1 52. A pressure vessel is said to be thin
walled when the ratio of internal
diameter and wall thickness of the
(c) — d3
K ’ 32 wf /
Two beams ‘A ’ and ‘B' carrying a
vessel is
central point load W are shown in
(a) 5 (£>) 10
Fig. 11.
(c) 15 (d) more than 20.
I. S3. The C.G. of a solid cone of height h w W
lies on, its vertical axis at the height 4 $
<----------L-----------» ■v <--------- / --------- >
(r?) h / 8 (b) h / 4
(c) 2 /3 h (d) 5/8/7. (a) Beam A (b) Beam B
■ T / s C0 (a) 1 / 1 6 (b) 1 / 8
2.93. In the torsion equation — = rr- = — (c) 1 / 4 (d) 1 5 /1 6
ip I\ I
2.98. The strain energy stored in a hollow
the term Ip/R is called circular shaft of outer diameter (D)
(a) shear modulus and inner diameter (d) subjected to
(b) section modulus shear stress ( fj is
(c) polar modulus
(d) none of the above. f? f V 2 - d 2\
(«) 2G x volume of shaft
2.94. The torque transmitted by a hollow K D J
shaft of outer diam eter (D) and fs ' D2 + d2}
x volume of shaft
inner diameter (d) is (b) 2G
D fs f ° 2 " ^ 1
(c) x volume of shaft
(») T * / . D 4G I D J
D3 - d f:f ( D 2 + d2\
(d) x volume of shaft.
(b) D 4G { D J
2.99. The load required to produce a unit
D4 - d deflection in a spring is called
(0 Z ' A D (a) flexural rigidity
(b) torsional rigidity
1D 4 (c) spring stiffness
U) — x ,;
32 D (d) Young's modulus.
2.100. The closely coiled helical springs ‘A’
2.95. A sh aft rev o lv in g at N r.p .m .
and ‘B’ are equal in all respect but
transmits torque (T) is kg m. The
the number of turns of spring ‘A ’ is
power developed is
half that of spring ‘B\ The ratio of
ttNT 7 tN T
h.p. (b) h.p. deflection in spring ‘A ’ to spring ‘B’
(«) 75 4500 is
271 NT 2 ttNT (a) 1 / 8 (b) 1 / 4
(c) h.p. (d) h.p.
75 r ' 4500 (c) 1 / 2 (d) 2.
2.96. A shaft rev o lv in g at © r a d /s e c 2.101. Two closely-coiled helical springs
transm its torque (T) in Nm. The ‘A ’ and ‘B’ are equal in all respect
power developed is but the number of turns of spring
(n) watts (b) 2n Too watts ‘A ’ is double that of =>pring ‘B\ The
stiffness of spring ‘A ’ will b e .... that
27iTco 27iTco
(c) -watts(rf) watts. of spring ‘B’
75 v" / 4500 (a) one-sixteenth
2 .9 7 . Two shaft ‘A ’ and ‘B’ are made of
(b) one-eight
same material. The shaft ‘A ’ is solid (c) one-forth
and has diameter D. The shaft ‘B’ is (d) one-half.
hollow with outer diameter D and
2.102. A closely-coiled helical springs is cut
inner diameter D /2 . The strength of into two halves. The stiffness of the
hollow shaft in torsion that resulting spring will be
of solid shaft.
Strength o f Materials □ □ 2.69
2.114. According to Euler's column theory, 2.119. In Fig. 12, stress is proportional to
the crippling load of a column is strain, for the portion
given by P = 7t2E I / C / 2. In this (a) from O to A (b) from A to C
eq u ation , the valu e of C for a (c) from A to D(rf)from C to D.
column with both ends hinged, is 2.120. A tensile test in perform ed on a
(a) 1 / 4 (b) 1 / 2 round bar. After fracture it has been
(c) 1 (d) 2. found that the diam eter remains
2.115. A vertical column has two moment approximately same at fracture. The
of in ertia (i.e., Ixx and I ). The material under test was
column will tend to buckle in the (a) mild test (b) cast iron
direction of the (c) glass (d) copper.
(a) axis of load 2.121. If percentage reduction in area of a
(b) perpendicular to the axis of load certain specimen made of material
(c) maximum moment of inertia ‘A ’ under tensile test is 60% and the
(d) minimum moment of inertia. percentage reduction in area of a
2.116. The colum ns w hose slenderness specim en w ith sam e dimensions
ratio is less than 80, are known as made of material ‘B’ is 40%, then
(a) stress columns (a) the material A is more ductile
(b) long columns than material B
(c) weak columns (b) the m aterial B is more ductile
(d) medium columns. than material A
2.117. In a stress-strain diagram for mild (c) the ductility of material A and
steel as shown in Fig. 12, the point B is equal
‘A ’ represents (d) the m aterial A is brittle and
material B is ductile.
2.122. In a stress-strain diagram as shown
in Fig. 13, the curve A represents
Fig. 12.
(a) elastic limit
(b) upper yield point
(c) lower yield point
(d) breaking point. Fig. 13.
2.118. In Fig. 12, the point C represents (a) mild steel (b) soft brass
(a) elastic limit (c) glass (d) cold rolled steel
(b) upper yield limit 2.123. In Fig. 13 ...... represents glass.
(c) lower yield limit (a) curve A (b) curve B
(d) breaking point. (c) curve C (d) curve D.
Strength of Materials □ □ 2.71
>nal to 2.124. The angle of obliquity (J>, the normal (fl) tensile(b) compressive
stress ct)( and the tangential shear (c) zero (d) shear.
3C stress x0 are related to an oblique 2.132. A section of a beam is supposed to
3 D. plane of on element. The resultant be u n d er p u re b en d in g if it is
i on a stress o r is expressed by subjected
is been (fl) a constant B.M. and a constant
mains («) o,- c l + T o (b) CTr = >/ ? + x [
re. The (c) c r - o„ + xe(d) cr, = J a t + Tl (b) constant B.M. and zero S.F.
:.i2 5 . A complex stress is (c) constant S.F. and zero B.M.
(fl) shear stress (d) none of the above.
(b) normal stress 2.133. Two beams having equal areas of
ea of a cross-section, but one being circular
(c) com b in ation of n orm al and
laterial and other square in section when
shear stress
ind the subjected to B.M. are
(d) none of the above.
;a of a (fl) equally strong
2.126. The angle between a principal plane
nsions (b) sq u are sectio n is m ove
and the plane of maximum shear is
, then economical
(fl) 45° (b) 90°
luctile (c) both sectio n s are equally
(c) 135° (d) 180°.
2.127. The sum of n o rm al stress in a economical
ductile (d) circ u la r sectio n is m ove
compound stress system is
(a) constant economical.
A and 2.134. In a flitch ed -b eam of steel and
(b) variable linearly
(c) variable parabolically w ood , stre sse d at all com m on
le and surface will be
(d) none of the above.
2.128. Extremeties of a vertical diameter on (fl) CTs =
a Mohr's circle represents (b) C'10
T« > as
;sents (0 a . > a u
(a) Principal stress
(b) Maximum shear stresses (d) none of the above.
(c) Maximum normal stress 2.135. The diameter of the core (kemal) of
(id) None of the above. a circu lar section and eccen tric
2.129. If the principal stress in a stressed loading is
body are 100 N /m m 2 and - 50 N / , , d
mm2, the maximum shear will be <«> 4
(fl) 150 (b) 50
(c) 75 (d) 25. (c) (d)
2.130. If the major and m inor principal
2.136. For no tensile stress under bending
stresses in a stressed bod y are
and axial loading middle-third rule
100 N /m m 2 and 50 N /m m 2 the
applies to section
Mohr’s circle radius will be
d steel, (fl) circular (b) rectangular
(«) - 50 - (b) 25
iss. (c) elliptical (d) straight.
(c) 75 (d) - 25.
2.137. The shear force on a deflected beam
2.131. N et force acting across a cross-
is given by
section of bent-beam is
2.72 □□ Civil Engineering (Objective Type)
dy («) (T1 - T 2 )
(a) V = EI (b) v = e i 4 4
dx dx2 (b) (T i-T 2) x radius
(c) (T1 - T 2 ) x diameter
(c) V = E I 0 (d) V = E I - i .
dx4 (d) (Ti - T 2) 1 / 3 diameter.
2.138. M aximum deflection in a simply 2.144. Shear stress produced will be
supported beam with a U.D.L. iv (a) maximum at the centre
over the entire span is given by (b) minimum at the centre
zvlf 5 (c) maximum at the circumference
(fl) (&) (d) minimum at the circumference.
48EI 384 El
2.145. Angle of twist on a shaft under pure
w L3 h;L 3
(c) (d) torque is given by
3 El 8 El TL TL
2.139. Maximum deflection in a cantilever
beam with U.D.L. over the entire
(«) 1 G
<» uf
span is given by TxG TG
(c) (d) 1 r .
wL 5 ivL Ip x L
(«) (b)
48 El 348 El 2.146. Pow er tran sm itted by a shaft is
given by (watts)
wL3 zoL3
(c) (d) , 2 ttNT 2 ti NT
3 El 8 El ’ (fl) (b)
2.140. Slope is obtained by moment area 75 60
method by taking 2n NT 2 tt NT
(c) 746
v 7 4500 '
(a) first moment of the area
(b) second moment of the area 2.147. Strain-energy of a solid shaft under
(c) third moment of the area twist is given by
(d) none of the above. T T
2.141. Deflection for semi-elliptical leaf- (a) — -xvolume (b) ——xvolume
w 2G w 4G
spring is given by
x2 x2
3WL 3WL (c) ^ x v o l u m e (d) — .
Inbt2 E (*0 8nbt3 E 2.148. Flange coupling is vised to
6WL3 WL3 (a) join two shafts
(c) nbt2 E (d) (b) join two pipes
6nbt2 E '
where W = load. (c) transmit power from one shaft
2.142. Maximum stress in a semi-elliptical to another
leaf-spring is given by (d) join one solid shaft and one pipe.
5WL 7WL 2.149. A shaft subject to B.M., torque and
(“) ^2 nbt2
2 (b) 2 nbt axial thrust in named as
(a) lathe-shaft
(c) 2 nbt2 ^ 2 nbt2 '
(b) crank-shaft
2.143. In case of a belt drive torque is given (c) propeller-shaft
by (d) none of the above.
Strength o f Materials □ □ 2.73
2.150. Shear stress in a closed coiled spring 2.156. ,Strain energy in a flat spiral spring
under axial load is given by given by
(fl) nd3 (b) nd3 (fl) x volume
(c) (d) max
x volume
7iR"1 nd3 (b)
2.151. Deflection 8 in a closed coiled helical
spring under axial load is given by T2
l max
(c) 24 E x volume
16WD n 64 WD n
(fl) (b) x2m ax
Gd4 Gd4 (d) x volvune.
64 WD 3n 32 WD 3n
(c) (d) 2.157. In the Rankine-Gordon formula the
Gd4 v~' Gd4
value of Rankine’s constant ‘or’ for
where d = Dia. of spring wire
steel is
n - no. of turns of the spring
G = Modulus of rigidity 1 ... 1
(«) 5000 (b) 7500
D = Mean dia. of helical spring
2.152. Stiffness of a spring is determined 1 1
(c) (d)
from 1600 4500 ’
2.158. Shrinking of a jacket on a cylinder
(fl) W x 5 (*0 W is done to
(a) increase the hoop-stress
W (b) increase the radial stress
(c) — (rf) W x 81/2.
5 (c) decrease the hoop-stress
2.153. In a close-coiled spring subjected to (d) decrease the radial stress.
axial couple, the rotation of free end 2.159. Resilience is given by the relation
2 ML
3 ML
2E wfi
(c) (d)
El El
2.154. E q u ivalen t sp rin g co n stan t for 2.160. Resilience in a tw o dim ensional
springs in series is given by stress sy stem is given by (^ =
h + fc, Poisson's ratio)
<*> V (b) kx + k2
(a) + ct^ + 2|ict2ct2]
K ~^2 ^1^2
(C) kxk2 kx - k} ' (b) ~ [ CTi + cr2 - 2|kj2cj2]
2 .1 5 5 . Torque in a flat spiral-spring is given
T .5 ^
+ - 5<t> ^
25 <-------->
i 4-
Fig. 14.
(fl) A
Fig. 15.
(b) B
(c) C A is 30°, the cross-sectional area of
(d) all will have equal energy stored. each wire should be less than
2.185. Two shafts of the same material are (fl) 1 sq cm (b) 2 sq cm
subjected to the same torque. If the (c) 2.5 sq cm (d) 3.05 sq cm.
first shaft is of solid circular section 2.189. A short hollow cast iron cylinder
and the second shaft is of hollow with a wall thickness of 1 cm is to
section whose internal diameter is c a rry a co m p ressiv e load of 10
2 /3 of the outside diameter, the ratio tonnes. If the w ork stress in
of weights of hollow shaft to solid com pression is 800 k g /c m 2, the
shaft would be outside diam eter of the cylinder
(a) less than 0.5 should not be less than
(b) between 0.5 to 0.99 (fl) 0.5 cm (b) 1.0 cm
(c) 1 (c) 2.5 cm (d) 5 cm.
(id) 1 to 1.5. 2.190. Castellated beams are used for
2.186. The lo n g itu d in al strain for a (fl) light construction
specimen is 0.01 and it is found to (b) resisting bending moment onlv
u n d erg o 1 m m ch an ge in its (c) loads not passing through shear
thickness. The thickness of the centre
specimen will be (d) section subjected to alternate
(fl) 10 mm (b) 100 mm compressive and shear stres
(c) 400 mm (d) 1000 mm. 2.191. At a certain point in a structur
2.187. The ratio of central deflection in a member, the value of = 45
beam freely supported at both ends mm2, a }/ = 75 N /m m 2 and x = 45 N
to that when the beam is fixed at mm2. The principle stresses will
both ends and subjected to a central (fl) 120 N /m m 2 and 30 N /m m 2
load W in both the cases would be (b) 120 N /m m 2 and - 30 N /m m ;
(fl) 1 (b) 1 / 2 (c) 90 N /m m 2 and 60 N /m m 2
(c) 1 / 4 (d) 4. (d) 90 N /m m 2 and - 60 N /m m -.
2.188. A v e rtica l load P = 2100 kg is 2.192. Eccentrically loaded columns a
supported by two inclined steel generally subjected to
wires AC and BC as shown in Fig. (fl) axial compression and tensi
15. If the allowable working stress (b) b en d in g stress and axi
in tension is 700 k g /cm 2 and angle compression
Strength o f Materials □ □ 2.77
(c) sh ear stress and axial when temperature drops to 5°C, the
compression pipe will be under
(d ) bending stress, shear stress and (fl) hoop stress
axial compression. (b) compressive stress
2.193. For a material having E = 11000 t / (c) hoop and compressive stress
cm 2 and C = 430 t / cm 2, the (d) tensile stress.
Poisson's ratio will be 2.197. Shown in Fig. 72 given below is an
(fl) 4 3 /5 5 (b) 1 2 /4 3 element of an elastic body, which is
(c) 3 1 /4 3 (d) 1 2 /5 5 . subjected to pour shearing stresses
2.194. Stages in a tensile test are x . The ab solu te valu e of the
I. yield point magnitude of the principle stresses
II. elastic limit
III. Limit of proportionality
IV. Maximum load point
V. Breaking point
The correct order of these stages in
a tensile test on a ductile material is
(fl) I, II, III, IV, V
(b) V, IV, III, II, I
(c) III, II, I, IV, V
Fig. 17.
(■d) III, I, II, V, IV.
1 195. A 50 x 25 mm copper flat is brazed (fl) zero (b)
to another 50 x 50 mm steel flat as
show n in Fig. 16. W hen the (c) ' xy \ (d) ’ xy■
com b in ation is h eated through
2.198. Stress strain curve for the fibre glass
can be expected to be of the pattern
25 Copper shown in Fig. 18
50 Steel
Fig. 16.
(«) copper w ill be under tensile
strain and steel will be under
compressive strain
(b) steel will be under tensile strain
and co p p er w ill be und er
compressive strain
(c) steel will be under compressive
(d) both will be under compressive
1.196. An underground pipeline is laid in
spring at 35°C. If the pipeline is
unable to co n tract during w ater Fig. 18.
2.78 □□ Civil Engineering (Objective Type)